The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 24, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Her gray hair makes her lodk 20 years
older. And it's so thin, too. leaner an
about Ayer's Hair Vigor
3 0 AyerCa.,
Member NorthWBt Afternoon N,
paper League.
Oally Oi
Djdfo Th
foally by
One Year, VJ.ou in Movanso.
iree Montht, 81.00 in Aovance.
Oarrler, 60 Cent Per monin.
u..bii Ona Year. 11.00 in wancc.
Oregon has always been th- seat of
bitter factional political fight, and
tAe two taction of the Republican
jmrly are tmfay as fttl'ially balanced
MM when they Held th IJnyes-TIIrten
preslilwitjol contest In suspension
wJth Cronlit'i olectoisl vote. Thj
state legislature luui liwn deadlocked
.ivnml tlinwi over the senatorshln
anil (ha session of 1809
wa Mtlll state rhalrman, and was fed
.ial marshal at the nam time. In
,,.r violation of the law. He dictat
ed th- appointment of a new man for
postmaster, ex-State Senator V. A.
Bancroft, a eoriwratlon lobbyist, who
It Ih understood will lntrose no ob
jection to such appointment a
"Jack" MntUfews may. suggest It !
generally lHed that this offfrielre
ruiip on the part of the Mitchell fac
tum ha weakened Its rhancee of suc
cess In the convention of IDnl.
The Journal' fight for a straight,
unqualified Republican caucus I gain
InK ground. It is stated Mr. Fulton
and hi friend were In consultation
recently to secure that very Identical
A caucus that Is participated in by
. i ... . . . .. .1
was lnanc.nll Republicans, uitnoui any bik"j"
abortive by entire failure to organlzo agreement of any description, Is good
Tho state convention leading up to the onough to olect a presiding offlcor for
' . i....i.ii.iii. nr nni' nntii'rana nr inn
IIIIJ IBftmmUM ' .v..0.w --
olcctlon of laxt June reopened tue
factional bitterness and warfare uy
refusing lo renominate Governor Geer
while giving nil his aseociatee In the
Republican lot admlnlsliation n
second term. Geer had vetoed a char
tor for the city of Portland that was
to give the Mitchell faction complete
rontrol of the city government and his
retirement wan decreed In the most
autocratic manner. The first result
wn the election of a Democratic gov
ernor for fowr years.
Governor (leer and his friends not
wily struck Inn at the Mitchell fac
lion by helping elect Chamberlain
governor, but they sprung Oser as a
petition candidal for the Utd
gtntes senate. Hie Haws went on the
Australian klkH.HiideJ the Mays art
passed at th pmeedlng session by
the Mitchell fnrthw for the purpose
gf heading off the re-election of 8eu
ater Joseph Blmon, Junior Senator
from Oregon, whose term expire
next March. Tlie lleptihllcau state
convention had failed to nominate a
candidate for the .senate, and fleer's
name going on the ballot was a stir
prle to tlteiy. In sfdte of their co
vsrt opposition Geer i seel veil aliout
llftssn thousand majority over the
tfemnorutlo nnmrnoo and can honestly
claim to be the nmnlne by the peo
ple, although the voto was largely
moured bv trailing with the !)
oral for lounl ofllee a was mitiiral.
A mkiii aa th reult or the June
election In Oiegou bmauie known,
Clininbeilaln being the only ltnorat
eltwled governor In a western state,
the Republican state chairman, V. K.
Matthews, was appointed IT. g Mar
shhI for Oregon st ths lnhost of the
Mitchell faction. Ko one man was
so directly responsible for the disrup
tion of the Republican party, and yet
he whs promptly appointed to the fat
test office on the Itociac coast. He re
mained state rhalrmau and soon
rtMHlfwMeU pernlelons partHanshlp
III detNandlng the removal of faithful
nnd eoiM intent employes lu the Port
laml postoUkce Ills demands uere re
iesissl by I'uetiHueter CroAfinMM, to
wkoss fnetlflH Mntthswa had Wehwfel
ad waa Hssletant toatmster. and par
UcMNirlr all the buelnmi men of Port
land. Including nearly overy KepubU'
K of both flirUuna. Msmalsd Croa
Htnn's sosttlott. and dewwidml i re
liUo a totnasi'i Hut Matthew
United State.
The seventy-two Republican arc nil
In lionor bound equally, by tho custom
ary American practice and the uni
form practice of the Republican party
to go Into voluntary caucus anil nomi
nate a senatorial candidate.
.What excu can any Republican ten
der for not going Into such a caucu?
All the Marlon county members
agreed to go into a caucus. Do they
prefer to have a senator named on a
private, secret desl to naming one In
frank, open, fair and unpitrchasable
roaierenre of their peers?
Because others have done wiong In
the past 1 not a good excuse. Re
ran others have made mistakes In
the past, noed they repeat them? I
It not lime to return to the more hon
orable methods of the beat states?
These are some of the many teasoim
why caucus sentiment I growing. The
question Is squarely, shall the legis
lature or outside luHueuces name the
senator? A majority aum would
fore the lfglslattm lo roach an lion
ent choice.
FhsA J. ura.ju..v - i;K
A few more days w willcontinue our
.. . rf 4 1 4 .. 1
. . toccvrl he tinismnfi: toucnes are weiug put or
IssiicWffl JJcSqtfeiymCT uy ruB fft -.. . No 269 UtsertvSf
UUl lATT ww- w -
Introduced a bill
l.nA mlatf ((T1
. 1 . ,i . jkui aa if iiibu c oiiv
&. j ..i... t.-.. ti.h,,n urn imrmuicvti n "
ltIHYSIlliivu ni ui iiiB.u
cers uiMn a flat salary. The bill allow
To the governor, $8000.
To the secretary of staU;, $50".
I'O Ml MIKIB lieUBIIIOl, finnrn.
To th attorney-gsneral. 3W. ' ?'
To the'ohlef JuitlibflB10
To each two nssoclato Justices, ?W0.
t. i. I,.,... t- thn. n i.m i. to m offered soon nmlng a alar
thB.superinten.lent of putiul school, and there has bn pawed by Senator
Mulkey n contlfutIonal dmtndment placing the state printer upon n llat
"a Figures have been compiled showing the expen.e of pperatlng under
the exlHtlng Bystom of jiaymg minimum salaries named In the constitution,
plus fee and omolumenta tpr service upon the various boards that Have
been created by legislative enactment. These figures Indicate that tho sev
eral state offices have cest:
For governor, salarlos ' '
Annual appropriations, oocooutlve department "
Pnr atinorintondent of nubile schools, salaries 2500
Annual appropriations
For stato tronsurer, salarlos
Appropriation for clerks
For socrotnry of state, salarlos
And so long as we remain in otst preseoj
location all prices in etiect. dunng oui
great and successful Holiday sale will pre
A splendid opportunity to fit out
. t t I. IO
Foes.-ostimated per year from records ooi
Appropriation for clerical service 8.984
Fees turnod ovor to troasuror " t
For stnte printer. 1898-1899 "" ,5
For stntc printing, 19011902 72-aG0
In these Items appear many that must be allowed tindor tho lint salary
law, such as clerk hlro private secretary of the govornor and others. It Is
alleged, however, that n saving of $50,000 can be offected by the adoption of
salaries for all state official over present oxponso.
The above flguies are taken fiom The Journal of last spring, and vveio
published over and over, and became the main subject of controversy In
the campaign In which Mr. Furnish wn defeaUtl for governor, and Mr.
Chamberlain was elected.
The Journal employed n legal expert of this city to compile these
figures from the public recgrd and challenged Investigation of them. The
Republican managers tried to Ignore the presentation, and make th cam
paign without committing themselves even to their own platform, but Mr.
Chamberlain forced the fight and whipped Mr. Pulton In hi lame dofonse
of the present systuni or paying state official.
The matter will now bocome a straight, Kqiiaro, stancbutinnd-flght-lt-out.
and no one enn dodge the Issue, as the salary bill is ptosentod by n
staunch and vigorous young Republican, who believes In this roform as a
business pioposltlou.
This Republican legislature will have no excuse for adjourning without
enacting a llat salary law, anil requiring all foes to be put Into the treasury.
The How Fiirnishing C
308 Commercial St.
Store at Salem and Albany.
Nexi to P. 01
Theo M. Bard
Successor to liarr Potzel.
Hot Air, Hot Water and
Steam Heating a Specialty.
Good seasoned fir wood sawed and delivered
to any part of the city, at $4 per cord-
181-183 Commercial St. Phone 691 Ma
Yoismjrji Mothers
JUttd is Mtti-Ml need oi lirlp hIiiK- th
If you are troubled with Impure
blood. Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc.. we would recommend
Acker' Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a ooslttve Ktiaranteo. It will al
ways cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
tHusotis atut all uloou mseasafl. tu
ct. and 11.00. D.J. PHY, Druggist.
Independence will hold a mas
meeting to establish an Improvement
The 17 (leer wen In the legislature
IHropossi lo do tks "stsHdptttsr" act.
and bare a vole In the Anal chob-e of
a sens' or.
Any bill to Issue bonds, creates new
oBlee or glre swtgr some money can
be delivered from the legislature with
out a forceps.
Ry all mean, put dear old doty
Dosrh lu charge of the whole lloo.OOO
for the rtoulawd fair. He Is a dendld
type of noMtlcal genius to scatter the
hard earned money of the tatpayers.
Home of the senators who fought
hardest against McQInn's weolutlou
to give each senator a clerk, were nrnt
to avail themselves of the delightful
privilege of making a selection
l is MM
u twin
baby u Imiuk iiutmxI. Ita nmr'
the weHMH fH iikitlirrhiHHt and maWes
fwMrlptioii not oil trvnKthu
Jttwt Health
tke With Imw prsUKiU) pAinleM. IhiI
it iHSniM the uutiuiv mitiuiu
wMcn the ehlM l led It mouw
IM Men, eMouiufie the sptieale
and widdlv lextece ih mother U nv
kealth. l'hwt m ue alcohol lu
ttorlt rVrwiif
Hom," neither asiiejl,
eoeslue. hot any eUwr
I Ml.ll W 11 vnu kU"r thr
y ' ti.cht my oil. lvU
ii ' iMtt
Mi Kobril
4ua XuafutM
; , i
u t &M M
h..l t.aij tu
WUlh U 14 tlu
-u oil Wcvl
. Il . tl
! U 'Ulrll
lhi .t IN
4 Imi Kid
. M' I h
. mttcu.1l I
Ukf '..HI .
f i t I 1 14 u
lll 's
Am k(l .U
a. Wo Wr
hat Ant
.llli fill
..ii.l w
ika Iku u
alimg tH
IxrveMM. Vft
kU cvruudf
lO-xxnaMtij li
krmii v4
1W Htense'a
MeAtewt rX
W wit th
boweh in a
kesttky owt
i mil .1 l.y"37
IT 1 'I yV '71
" -vewmmweMMMMH
It is smM to he a solntn. fact that
nuder trust operation It Is almost lm
IhNialble lo get a good cigar to smoke,
and th only nrst class cigar made
today are yios mud y MmI factor
ies and tart concerns jsoi yet In the
trust These are the wonis af a uews
pninv man who hi been ft lifelong
BrwnwvUI TkaMgi; The advics of
CUt. Wgna. nemncrntk randntate
before tke legtsUtoee Rsr Unltejl
itntee seonutr. that the Democratic
member vole for Oeer. kna caused a
rum mot Ion among tke Demtvcratlc
press of the elate, tome strong Inn
gunge l being used In rondeiunntton
of Woml i alv Ire.
Two normal st-hools sreAlenty for
rjeo. TVsn msjge sj inctjtutlont of
highs' entMMkMi ns nttftr sestnup
letting se possible. It It not chnftty
to mnlntnla ralmges st the expensn of
he tsspnyer where the onlldren of
the VtHono ant wht other pestle
have to pnjr for. But thai Is too skne
itreposiau to nd lodgstsnt In ut
brain of nt ordlnnry UgtsUtor. nnjt II
is the ordinsrlee who run thn -
hi ue
Au old fhrmnr sent kl son to tn
dvm) to study UUn. Kni htsnfl
snUgfe.1 with t OMtrsj of th yejpnf
hopeful h- wv-aMwl ktnt (Mam Mhtmi
andL idMiii tm b) th M nt a sK
nn y, thu aa4rW him: iw,
JssA. htttt i a fee ami th k a
heap of manure and a cart- what do
you call them In Latin?" "I'orklbus,
(artlbiis et mauiirlliu," said Joseph.
"Well, now," wild the old man. "if you
don't tnko that forklbus and pitch
that mauurllius Into that cantvms. I'll
break your lasy
to work.
bncklbii " lie went
Dri tb y Tlw KW Yw line Always Bntgit
The legislature adjourned from Fii
day over to Monday, went to Portland
by a free special train and the heav
ens wept great tears.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manontly curod by uslnB Mokl Tea.
A pleasant horb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indigestion, malcos you
eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts. and SO cts. Wrlto to W. II.
IIOOKKft & CO., nuffalo. N. Y., for a
free sample. D. J. FRY, Druggist.
Manning7& Fcfgoson,'thc New
Hardware Men, have a very com
plete line of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen
Utensils, light and heavy Hardware,
Builders' Supplies and Carpenter
Tools, andjhave Just added a com
plete line of Wagons, Hacks, Car
riages, Buggies and Road Wagons,
John Deere Plows, Harrows and
Cultivators. If you are in need of
any of the things usually kept by a
first-class hardware and implement
house, call on us and we will con
vince you that we are prepared to
satisfy your wants.
Store Warehouse
Cor ?ltr 1 Cor St. South Willaiollf Hotel.
Salem, Oregon,
Miss Linn Wardell
The World's Greatest Palmist, AstroloA
ana uairyoyam.
Now located In Salem for a brief to me? Am I Iovod In return?
time, and can bo consulted on nil af I a rival In my lovo? Whom thj
fairs of life. She Is too well known marry? How many children rM
In this country to need much lntroduc-, have? Whoh will my doK
tlon, but for the benefit of the few ; troubles end? How can I malt
who may not have heard of her, she j life and homo happy? When trfl:
will ay that lie I a graduate of tho absent friend return? Why del:
occult colleges of India and France,
and has been, a professional medium
for the past 10 year, the past year
in I'ortlatfd, Oregon, where he gnvo
the very best of satisfaction to nil,
receive a lottor? Should I Invert
money? In what should I Invert!
my dlsonso curable? Shall I vrfi
lawsuit? Miss Wnrdel tells m
these things, and n great many a?
Burroughs & Fraser
Best Material, Best Workmen
and Promptness are our Motto,
"' ' ' f SO"!
h A. AUPPERLC, President.
A r, HOFER, Vice President
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier.
madlnf for over $000 people in that She settles lovers onarr. rulvl'
ClW. No wnttnr what your trouble tba aonarntiMl nntl show h0 w ';
i - -.-
ars, sns will guide you out of them com all difficult!
with success on jour ide. she will Zllw Wardall lias ji-tild
givs )ou the nsjue. date, fact and year's aneneement in PortianJ
jtocalltieg iu a toat ,m astonish , gon, and unless she pave wn
w most kepucj. u may Ds of ;hs could not have stavwt w"
vital tnteren to you to know the out
(Dreflon State JBanh
Jefferson, Oregon.
ashes loans, gjs,
TviMaeU a general hanking huslaess:
annja hill and rv dnpostls.
Use's In foreign and 0MQr4c chans.
QtUcntlnns m4 n favnraht tnmta.
Notjj-ie PubUs ttdsr nnr stem u sU ssajghMt
Bvritr wi esHBie atans sfSKinfd at low
rahw nf
come or your present distress. Ths
happinex of your future life may de
pend upon the right solution and
propsr advice. Miss Wardel makes
no mUtnkes. All her predictions .are
true, and may be relied upon. You
,ny wish to kn ow if it is advisable
lo nuke a change In business, in love
or marriage. Shall I succeed In my
sow undertaking? When shall I ob
tain ui) hopes, my wUhe? Shall I
ever become wealthy? Can I trust my
Wends Have I enemies? When
I ever be divorced? Dee another
naxs the love that rightfully belongs
length of thno. This fa t alone j
wall for her work, ana fU0 nw
tli.A.lfl a Inatlninninls f I uVX
th IkAut twmlA In tho fr'3u
T.Mcnn8 In nalmlfctii"- ,
and raediumistlo persoas
... . ku mIM. v
snort limn at roasoimu' -
a profejalon and' be tauepwd
lors arranged so that jou wu
no strangers.
Tarlore 1014 Coiut .tie.r v
Uberty and Commet.U! t,1,el
Steves' bakery.
rtmno. hAiirc 10 a ni '' '
.. . j-.. i vritb
an uay ijuuj
reach of all.