The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 23, 1903, Page PAGE THREE, Image 4

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$& ' K V 0y",aKT
A Juicy Morsel for
Of dinner you can enjoy from one of our
under end delicious iueat9 etoakB,lacib
or mutton chops, veal cutlets or pork.
Oar meatB are all cut from the fattest
md primostcattle, and wo con supply
tour table with fresh, nutrition ind
iboleioine uipots it bed rock prices.
Phon 201
That aro not found on linen fresh
an this laundry nro rust stains, Ink
'Uns, fruit status, nnd especially
"icorchers" from ovorhcatod Irons.
fiat's what wo particularly guard
igalnst. Fleckless, flawloss, Imninc-
date whlto as whlto can bo, or as
itrong of color as when you brought
" If originally of a color pnttorn, your
vasltublo appnrrol Is returned clean,
11 washed, well Ironed.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Colonel J. Olmstcad. Proprietor.
Dorous D, Olrostend, toananer.
Pliono411, 230 Liberty Street.
TP 4 r r s O a! a
Clothing and Men's Furnishing Goods,
Prices reduced on every article in the store
Iv-aiunt. jiui;jtv xix ixic
I Every boc .
295 Commercial St.
Some Points About Our Seeds
We buy only the best the market affords. We buy
only from reliable Seed Growers. W;e do not buy
dirty or foul seeds. If you are looking for reliable
seeds, remember we do not handle any other kind.
We have a complete stock of Grabs, Clover 'and
Vegetable Seeds of all kinds.
Feedrnen and Seedmen,
91 Court Street, Salem. Oregon,
All Open Stock Selling
Includes Our
118 Piece Set. Hand Painted; Regular Price S83 35, Now $66.68. 133 Piece Set,
Decorated; Regular Price 44.45, Now $35.56. fOO Piece Set, Decorated; Regu
lar Price $33 35. Now $26.68. 78 Piece Set, Decorated; Regular Price $22.35;
1NOW $1Y.BB.
Come Now and Get
- -jT-3H:Ajaa:A. oFja.A. s'ocoaeMES
Phone 2411 Black
Christmas Yule Log
that welcomed' Snnta .Glaus In "ye
olden tiino" with Its cheery blazo and
splutter was always the best thai
could be found In the forest. Ever
plank, board and lath, every Joist
beam, shingles and shakes in our yard
are made from tho best timber grown
and ore of superior quality, well sea
soned and free from knots. Out
prices moke our lino building lumber
almost an Xinas gift.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Near 8. P. Pao. Depot
Phone 651.
Is a good, wholesome, delicious bev
crage, Hko Salem boor. It's a luxury
to taste not to tho pocketbook, for
its price is extromely moderate, its
excellence consldorod. Tho caro as
to quality of ingredients, care In mak
ing of this beer warrant n much high
er price th nn othors per caso of a
dozen bottles; yet that's tho prico of
our beer.
WORKS, Mr M. De'ck, Proprietor.
v.xiy xjaxgcuxxa xvx
at 10 Per Cent Below Regular Price.
New Patterns as Well as the. Old.
the Benefit of Our
Fine Coffees a Specialty.
The Subject of Carol Norton's
Lecture in Salem Sunday
At the Grand Opera House Sunday,
February 1st, will bo given a lecture
by Cnrol Norton, of New York City,
who Is ono of 'the national lecturers
on Christian Science. Ilin subject
will bo "Christian Science Is Unlvor
Bnl Christianity," and tho public will
bo given In this lecture an exposition
of tho faith by ono in authority to
speak. His words will command re
spect for this reason, and also be
cause Mr. Norton is an cducntcd gen
tleman of refinement nnd experience.
Ho is a graduate of Harvard, and has
for Bomo years devoted his life to tho
Chiistlan Science work. The lecture
will be fres, and n large attendance Is
looked for. as this subject is attract
ing wider nttontlon than any other re
ligious denomination at tho present
time. Thousands of peoplo aro inter
ested to know Just what Christian Scl
ents do bclfevo and tgach, , and this
lecture Is given for the purposo of of
ficially giving this information. All
nra invited to attend. . 2t
Man Who Knows How Prison
is Conducted
Frank S. Ingram, tho convict who
was pnrdoned after being wounded
A grown person needs only
enough food to repair waste.
A child must not only be pro
vided for in the same way,
but must in addition be fur
nished with material upon
which to grow. Nature thus
imposes a double task.
A weak child has therefore
a poor chance, in life unless
at the very outset its nourish
ment is given special and
constant attention. Wasting
conditions follow a lack of
proper nourishment. And
with the wasting comes what?
Improper growth surely. A
child needs something more
than food more than good
food ; it needs tlie full value
of that food. Because of this
great need Scott's Emulsion
is of special value to grow
ing children. It reinforces a
child's ordinary food; it fur
nishes the true elements of
nourishment that the every
day food either lacks alto
gether or fails to properly
Children like Scott's Emul
sion; they take it readily.
The change for the better
begins almost at once; it takes
a child in long strides in the
direction of easy, healthy,
natural growth. Scott's Emul
sion lightens a child's burden
when growing.
We'll tend )ou i uttiple free upon rtqutit.
-409 Pearl St, New York.
during the escnpo of Tracy nnd Mer
rill, )s seen evory dny .at tho state
house, doing his host to gain support
for the claim he wishes to present
against the stnto for his Injury. Ho
doos not reach many or tho legisla
tors, but ho considers oven third
house members worthy of attention,
which they aro plentoously receiving
at his hands.
Mr. Ingrain probably knows more of
the Inside management of tho state
prison than any man In Oregon who
has secured an honorable discharge.
bourne has
At 'Least So Far as His
Whiskers are Concerned
Wm. H. Huntley, one of the chief
clerks of the sonate, hns Uie honor
of being pointed out to sight-seers as
Jonathan Bourne, at ono time consid
ered a posslblo senatorial candidate.
Every tlmo he appears In tho lobby
some one watches him pass by, nnd
remarks: "So that's Jonathan Bourne;
I didn't suppofio ho looked like that,"
It seems to bo considered a great
honor to ho taken for Jonathan
Bourne and should that gentleman be
made senator or make the senator, al
most any one would be willing to bo
inhon for him.
More Hops
At 27 Cents
On Tl;iudtiy afternoon Llllonthnl
llios., through their Salem agent, II.
J. Ottenhelinor, purchased tho P. Goo-
Ian lot of C8 bales, payjng therefore
27 cents. It Is reported that a num
ber of offers of '27 cents 'wero rofusod
at Woodbum yesterday. The Salum
market Is firm nt 21 Vj cents.
To Recover
A. O. Damon, miardlan of the per-
son and estate of A. H. Damon, an In -
sane person, hnB brought nn action
ngqlnHt J. H. Shanty, to recovor per
sonal proporty of tho nlloged vnluo
of $800. 1.. II. MeMahon, of this city,
is tho nttornoy for tho plaintiff.
Tho ruspldors will bo noudud to
hold the tenrs tho she of walnuts thnt
will booh How ovor tho senntorshlp.
Wood 1b tho Democratic nominee
Geer tho peoplo's nomlneo, nnd tho
regulnr Itopubllcnn nomlneo hns not
yet boon made.
Tho town of Soattle Is trying the
hopeless tnsk of making gamblers con
duct nn honest game. Might as woll
try that on the politicians In the legis
lature. Chamberlain deserves a vote of
thanks for tho thorough vindication
he glvos the demand for a Hat salary
law. Tho people wero light In de
manding thnt law. and tho politicians
will do woll to heed.
Tho Honrst yellow Journals In Chi
cago nro doing their utmost to Incite
a riot ovor tho coal famlno. It might
as woll have ono bloody riot. Just to
see how quickly the yellow would be
wiped out. Thoy would faro vory
much as copperhead papers up North
did before tho Rebellion.
The' Sure Way
to provont Pneumonia and Consump
i tlon Is to cure your cold when It first
lappoarB. Acker's English Remedy
will stop tho cough In a night, and
! drive tho cold out of your syBtom. Al
ways a quick and sure cure ror Asm
ma, Bronchitis, nnd nil throat and
lung troubles. If It does not satisfy
you the druggist will refund your
monoy. Wrlto to us for free sample.
W. II. HOOKER & CO., Duffalo, N.
Y. D. J. FRY, Druggist
Doctor Have you heard of Mr.
Blank's death? Friend No. Are you
mro he' dead? Doctor Positive. I
'treated him myself C'hhago Dally
U the cause of more discomfort than
any 'other aliment If you eat the
things that you you want, and that
are good for you, you are dlBtresHod.
Acker Dypepla TableU will make
your digestion perfect and prevent
Dyepepeia and IU attendant dleagrea.
able symptoms. You can safely eat
anything, at any time, if ypu take one
of these tablets afterward. Sold by
ar" druggists under a positive guaran.
tee. is ota. Money refundeoSlf you
are not satisfied. Send to us for a
free sample W. II HOOKER & CO.,
Buffalo, N. V
In a Restaurant.
A physician puts the queie1: Have
you novor noticed in nny large ro&tnu
innt nt lunch or dlnnor time Uto lnrge
number of hearty, vigorous old men at
tho tabloa; mon whoso ngoB run from
60 to SO years; many of they bald
and all porhnps gray, but none of
them fccblo or senile?
Perhaps tho spectacle is so common
as to nnvo escaped your observation
or comment, but nevertheless it Is nn
object losson which means something.
If you will notice what those hearty
old fellows nro eating you will observe
that tliey- aro not munching bran
crackers nor gingerly picking their
wny through a menu card of now
fnnglcd honlth foods; on the contrary
they seom to profor a Juicy roast of
beef, a properly turned loin of mutton,
nnd even the deadly boiled lobster Is
not altogether Ignored.
Tho point of all this is that n vigo
rous old age depends upon good di
gestion and plenty of wholesome food
and not upon dieting nnd an endeavor
to live upon bran crnckers.
Thoro is a certain class of food
cranks who seom to believe that ment
coffee and many other good things nro
rank poisons, and thoso cadaverous
sickly looking Individuals are a walk
ing condemnation of their own theo
ries, The matter in a nutshell la that If
Uie stomach secrotee tho natural di
gestive julcos in sufficient Quantity
any -wholesome food will be promptly
digested ; If the stomach does not do
so, and cortnln foods cause dlstross
ono or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets after each meal will remove nil
difficulty because thoy supply Just
Vhnt evory wenk stomach lacks, pep
sin, hydrochloric acid, dlstaso and
Stuart's Dyspepsia TableU do not
net upon tho bowels nnd In fact are
not strictly a medicine, as thoy net
almoBt ontlroly upon tho food eaton,
digesting It thoroughly nnd thus gives
a mnn needed rest and giving an nppe
tlto for tho next meal.
Of peoplo who travol nine out of ton
uso Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets
knowing thorn to be perfectly safe at
1 nny tlmo and also having found out
hy oxpurlonce that they nro a safe
gunrd iiKalnHt IndlguBtion In nny form,
nnd cntlng ns thoy have to, nt nil
hours and nil kimlH of food, the trnv
tiling public for ynra havo plnnod
tholr fnith to Stuart's Tahlots.
All druggists soil them nt CO coats
for full Mixed parkngos and nny drug
gist for Main to California, If his
opinion were asked, will say thnt
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahlots Is the
most popular nnd successful remedy
for nny stomach trouble. 10-21-23
Itching Piles prnduco moisture and
causo Itching, this form, as well as
mind, Illoedlng or Protruding PJIos
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pllo Itonv
cdy, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. EOc a Jar at drugglBts,
or sent by mall. Treatise froe. Write
mo about your case. Dr. Ilosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For Bnlo at Dr
Stone's drug stores,
Correct Address.
Heprosontnttve Sholley was Incor
rectly given In The Journal's direct
ory of legislators as residing nt 111
Fummer street, when ho Is at 31 1
Summer street.
Biology Has Proved That Dandruff Is
Caused by a Germ.
Scienco Is doing wonders these dnys
In medicine ns well as In mechanics.
Since Adam dolved. the human rncu
has beon troubled with dandruff, for
which no hair preparation lias hereto
fore proved a successful cure until
Kewbro's Herplcldo was put on the
market. It Is n sclontlflc preparation
that kills the norm that makes dan
druff or scurf, hy digging into the
scalp to get at the root of the hair,
where it saps the vitality; causing
Itching scalp, falling hair and finally
baldness. Without dandruff hair must
grow .luxuriantly. Herplclde at all
druggist. It Is Uie only destroyer of
For sale by Daniel J. Fry. Send 10
cents In stamps for sample to The
Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich.
Grand Labor Demonstration,
The combined labor unions of Salem
will give a mass meeting and enter
tainment next Tuesday night at 8 p.
m. in the Armory, Jn tho olty hall, in
honor of visiting labor leaders of Port
land, now In the olty. Good rauslo,
short addresses and spMialUeN. Ifv
oryboriy welcome.
O. A'. nonT.
1M 6t Committee.
n . ,
Itiorease ef Salaries,
la -Walngtoo county U county
offleers hare sualr an litfreage ef wwrfr
Ithat a bill to Increase Uieir salaries
has Lwn presented to the legislature.
HhHi iiiiiiniiiiiiinini
Embroideries .
Scores of people arc flock-
ing every day loofdng J
over f the remnants .we i
: arejselttng at greatly rc-
:; dtced prices. Only a i
! '. few days left, so you had
; better harry before they
; are aU'picfced over. . . .
Rub Dry
The new bath towel.
t Something entirely new. r
This is the bath towel I
they are making those
t pretty waists of. . . :
50c eacfio
Aliss Linn Wardell
The World's Greatest Pafniisr.
Astrologer and Clairvoyant..
Now locntcd In Sa
eom for a brief tlmo
nnd can ho consult
ed oil all affairs ot
lifo. Shu is too woll
known in thin coun
try to nood much in
troduction but for
tho hunolU of tho fow
who may not havo
heard of bur she will
say that sho Is a graduate of tho
occult colleges of India and Franco;
and hns boon n professloiml modlum '
for tho past 16 yenrs. tho past year
In Portland, Oregon, whoro sho gnvo
the vory host of Hatlsfactlon to all,
reading for over 80U0 peoplo In thnt
city. No matter whnt your trouble
are. she will guide ypu out of thern:
with success on your side; sho will
give you tho nnmes, datoH, facts nnd
localities In n way thnt will astonish
the most skeptical. It mny bo of
vltnl Interost to you to know tho out
come of your present distress. Tho
happiness of your futuro lifo mny do
pond upon the right solution nnd'
proper ndvlco. Miss Wardel makes
no mistakes. All her predictions are
true, and may bo relied upon. You
may wish to kn ow if it is advisablo
to mnko a rhiiugo In business, In lovo
or marrlago. Shall I succeed In my
now undertaking? When shall I ob
tain my hopes, my wishes? Shall I
ever become wealthy? Can I trust my
fdends7 Have I enemies? When
shall I murry? How often shall I
I.eiwons In palmistry, hypnotism
nnd msdlumistlo persons developed in
short time at reasonable rates. Leant
n profession nnd be Independent. Par-
lprtf arranged so that you will meat
no strnngors.
Pnrlnrs 101 V4 Court stroet, between
Liberty and Commercial streets, over
Steve' bakery.
Office hours. 0 a. mi to 9 p. in. nnd
all day Sunday. Feci within the
reach of all.
Miss Linn Wardell.
For the Refuge Home,
Mr. Houston, of Portland, will ad
dreas Uie young ladles of Salem, also
older ones. All cordially Invited to
be present, Saturday at 2:10 p. in..
at the hall of the W. C. T. U., corpei
of Commercial and Ferry street.
DurliiK a fwlilt'ii and lerrllile nttsrk of
croup our little Rlrl whn hiicoiiih-Ioiw from
trsnKulatlfm. mo-m A I.. HiwrTunl. xxit
mntr. diMftr. MUli, uiid a iIimw of One
MIhiUo fotixli Cur Man mliiiinlntprrd ami
riwMUd oft on. It roduead U wlluj;
and Inflammation, rut the uiurua and alierf
Ir lite child m mtliia: ally and upowlly
rWtirerau. It cur. Coiiielm, CoUU, f.a
UrJfU'. Bd all Throat and Lung truuult
Que Minute rough Cur lluuers In tlm
tuntat slid thmit and enable tlio lunga to
egntrlbufa pura, health kIvIiik otrgtu to
IKJ litSul. I' O. Han. Q Blate Htreat.
208 Commercial Streeti '
Sertod In the best of style and "wltto
the most suitable acoompanlments
E ECKSRLEN, P.'o..'.ic
JB !
nk w
I B?
I ' Sfevl