The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 23, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"'' r- 11- a
Ask your doctor about Ayef's Cherry
Pectoral for colds, coughs, croup, asthma,
bronchitis, consumption. He kno ws.LU
Ayr Co
Members Northwoet Afternoon N
paper League.
Daily One Year, 4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Montha, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Centa Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 11.00 In Avance.
Oovafnor (Jeer briefly rails atten
Uorlto1 Uio faol that the demand for
flat salaries for slate ofllclala was
found In every state platform, and ex
prases tho hope (hat the Jeglslatua
will not adjourn and leave thin piora
Mo tinfulfllleU i
Ho cnllo attention to the fact that
nil prosent state olHclulH wore olcctod
upon this pledogu, and henoo can urge
no objection to the passago of such n
Jaw at this mission to lake Immediate
Governor Chamberlain In his mes
sage r,onS Into the subject of flat sal
aries In a masterly manner Ocor
jflvoe the subject seventeen lines
-while Chamberlain devotes to It nearly
six pages and annihilates one awi
tnsfit aftsr another against the propo
rtion. Gesr Ignored the d Imposition of the
fe, while Chamberlain not only do
mantis flat salaries hue prorm the
iineoRftUtulionattty of state offlcor
taking any fees or pniutsUles what
ever. He shows (but the -demand for Hat
salaries grew out of the necessity for
greaesr economy, awl that the duty
of aeeeptfH the enactment of n lint
salary law devolves upon all state
Governor Chamberlain shows ureal
ability In banditti the conatltutlnnal
questions Inmlvml.
II proves that the salary clause of
the rousUUitton permits mi Increased
flat salary Ui be eimetod above tlmW
fixed In the constitution.
lie lias Uie eotymge to say that the
feo. mtftjNJBlU, salary and salaries
now received by state oulrluls is "en
tirely disproportionate to the serv
Ires rendered the State."
lie shows that the Huprenio rourt
of Oregttii held, In nn opinion by
JiiiIks Dandy, that It Is competent for IssjIslalMre (o Increase or decrenso
thtt salary of any olrlatul.
One after anotlier the snow men
roiwtructsd by shifty Mlllcwns who
wniiUd an excuse for mHlnUiMliig the
Krafts la our state government melt
umJer the Sery rays of his relintles
The Kiustltutlua being a limitation
nf power, the legislature tanuoi
Btvu l iIiiih lite oaiMUtmloNul sal
ary, but has discretion to aire more
This destroys the whole ratten
straw fuhrli' of (ha who are sllek
lew for lh present abuses on the
around that lite keaUmtur snaHtrt tlu
lit- qnuii-K rnHM a itst'lson by Jus-
llatt Wolvorton to the etfeet Uiat full
power all purposes of tarrying oh
111 government vetted In ln. legls
lAtMr U th rule
He piuve that the i-oaatltutlounl
caen nation devllsW to UmUI legisla
tive nation" In tils matter of flxiug
4aJ sauries, Its rle Intention W
lag to nlkiw an? sttronedlag Irejsln
ture In raise the minimum
It Should be remembered that the
strict eonst ruction of the eoaniUatenu
kas Ihh rvIM upon by those who
see to defeat the flat setary reform.
Tfcat iKHllotu grgumeut has caught
mwh DettuwrMC
Uirt here comes a stjalgat Iare4
Dewocmt who nmvea tftnt any rak
rtHWllMetkM Of the OOHStltattttM ht-
wlte a Hat salary law to bo enaotoU
mhiI thora ought to h mq mn Uetna
craur ipMWlUH te Uih rttonsu
plprtod UKn that Isuue and h sol
emnly declares as his convlrtlon that:
"It Is a moral duty Incumbent upon
you (the legislature) to enact a law
placing each and every of the otfleers
herein named upon salaries commen
surate with the services rendered, not
to be Increased or diminished during
their Inoumbency, and requiring all
fees to be 'paid Into the treasury as a
part of the general fund, such act to
take effect at once."
If the argument of Governor Cham
IwJaln Is conclusive, there Is not a
shadow of a doubt but that this legis
latuie ran frame a flat salar law and
put It Into effect at once.
The Journal contended that a ape
da! setelon was necossary to enact n
flat salary law which would bo In ef
fect when the now stnto officials on-
teiod upon tholr tonne, and that would
have rsnchcil the Htato printer too.
Rut there seems to bo nothing In tho
way of onaetliiK n flat salary law and
placing all foe In tho treasury at
thlH session. If the members nro ho
minded, that will apply to all stnto
ofllclalH except tho Printor.
According to tho legal ngumenU of
the new Governor, hacked up by the
constitution and supreme court de
cision, the State Printer Is one state
ofllolal who receives all bin pay open
and alwve hoard over the top of the
Governor Chamberlain has rendered
the state a great service In making
Oiejw matters clear to the peoplel
The flat salary fight has Just begun
and v.111 be won by the iMKiple. he
hired men of the state should be paid
a fixed sum In each case and then the
people can learn Just exactly how
much each one Is receiving.
Km- n number of sessions The
Journal as an Independent imper has
plead with the minority party to pre
sent an united front on reform meas
ures and against scandalous Job In
the legislature.
Two years ago our counsel was not
heeded and the only purpose of the
organised Democratic party seemed
to be to cast n (tarty vote for sererul
false-alarm statesman for United
States Retmtor
When the big Jons were Vog-roMwl
through they could not unite against
them because a number of the breth
run had a piece of the lHirk, and (In
ally a lot of the opposition helloed the
Republicans out of their dilemma by
electing Hark Unnna candidate to the
United States Senate.
It Is to be hoped the brethren have
learned by e. patience and will not be
caught napping again, tf they are
there will be a still greater decline In
tAftlr numbers than there was In the
past two years.
There Is mi excuse for the minority,
evbn small as It Is, not presenting nn
united front to grails and putting all
the responsibility for Jwd legislation
on the majority party where It be-tonus.
There Is an element of hottest ami
decent Republican whose stomachs
turn against things loo rank, and the
push and boodle elements of the ma
jority party then have to recruit from
the Democracy
unce iney get in men wuo were
elected on reform platform scattered
they get them to make black records
before they know It. and then on the
ensuing campaign when the majority
atw chained wtUi HeMmtMenfles. lbs
turn around and say the Democrats
were no belter.
If the eighteen Desnocrats In the
lefUutture would stand like a wall
of rock hr their own pruwhdus and
Meae of government they wouhj he-
corn of some real use to the pa)de.
Tho new Governor of Oregon was
Thorc'may fie- something to that, but
afl kndw that In tjfe old part of the
prison thoro Is not enough fresh air
to breathe with two men In the small
cells. ' '
During the coming term some pro
vision must be made to force raoro air
through tho corridors, as woll as a
better supply of drinking wataiy-Theae
lire simple propositions of humanity.
fur th credit and good Mn ot
the state, flogging should be aljoTlshed
and the prison should bo made so se
cure that It would not be necessary to
shoot men down who try to ,walk off
when there Is a chance. f
All chances should be tertoved,
The prison should bs mads j'ljpre se
cure, and the whipping post ahbuld be
abolished. It Is a dlsgraoo to the state
and degrades and demoralizer) t he
prison force as much as ft dda the
These humane refoims enn only be
made possible when a man', of sufll
clont Intelligence and moral and
Christian charaotor Is mado superin
tendent, who will say thoflo abuses
Hhall bo righted.
Tho govornor will, do well to not
tlo the hnnds of his appointor, by dic
tating the appolntmont of his subordi
nates from the class of low and loud
politicians, who Imagine any ono Is
good enough to handle prisoners.
With tho prison made more secure,
with bettor air nnd water, with a sys
torn of making appointments of subor
dinates that will glvo tho superintend
ent absolute contiol of IiIr foru.
there are poeslble groat Improvement
In this branch of the service.
It Is not surprising, that nearly the
entliO body of tho orgnnlxod lalwt
unions of Snlem. favor the passage of
the Greater Sul-ein charter. Therj
are six to seven hundred members of
the unions, and they are practically a
unit for the charter as It Is drawn.
The charter Is a very progressive,
fundamental law for our city. It Is as
sound as language can mnko It ngulnst
all kinds of grnfts and Jobs, against
tho revenues of the city, and yut It
permits expansion and improvement
It is a labor charter, In that It pro
tects tailoring men lu tholr rlglitfl to
fair wages and shorter hours, nnd
gives Uie jieople the Initiative and
Referendum, and all rights of public
ownership possible.
The primary rights ot the clflsens
a." to linT honest administration,
elean streets and goad nuwemr ami
light and water at the lowest Misstble
Why should not organised lalwr
fight for a progressive charter that
makes possible the blowings of mod
ern Invention to rich and poor alike
At present only the most favored
classes have city wnlor and light.
Municipal ownership of water and
light, as soon as Uie city la smiww
red by this Greater Salem cnartsr,
are possible. It Is possible to gut
light and watsr at much less than tho
present rates, and yet make tlieie
public serrics franchises produce
great revenues to the city.
Under the now charter a premium
will be placed on Improvements In the
suburbs. The cltisen who wishes to
fiade his lot, take down his fences,
park the street or build walks, ran
bo protected.
Grading lots, constructing sowers.
maklug street, building sidewalks
and Improving premises will give em
ployment U tabor, and with a greater
fe fund and steady emploment of
.laborers and mechanics wv will keep
our money employed at home and
bring more iwoule to Salem.
At present there Is a yearly enlist
ment of young urn and heads of fam
Hiss who go to 'other cities to sek
work. Soon their famllU fuew
mem. That builds up places
!ortlsnd and Seattle.
Salem can never strike tht uu
grade of rapid growth and develop
In their Ura gsMtral
lasssmbh- and u tfcan. u. yu -.
t t buBV-.h L I . 1. . .. . .. I '
. .... m. ... M argumeni r.oan trust and ws will mm1 them hack
Mtvubluau to ronslder as well lis',, 4 Xikm th9m
quotes from a messngs to Um ktsja. That U th. war opposition pnrUes
tur by fc.nrnur lM-d showing Umt'are built up and there I. ng
a so. entirely within the province nf ,.. .. u,e history of the stats when
..- ..,....,, u, ,mimm k mu, nateer a they will he nesded
ff.M .1 flllii tk.t.J ...,. .. l.L U.J lMak. uHtll .. -
"- 1 wm "vi ihmbi niva pnuej"1"" in we not only employ all the
wuarers ws have, but draw laborers
fwun all the surrounding country to
The dark horeo in th'o senatorial
flghtS Is getting lighter.
Fulton Is getting more out of Geer
than Geer Is getting out of Fulton.
Well, thank 'piovldendo, Windy
Uill Smith Isn't lu this legislature!
Governor Chamberlain hjfvor puts
off tomorrow what ho can do1" today
at least In appointing a land agent.
There Is one Bourne fiom which
lh traveler returns and does It pver
Snator Mulkey says, "let us appeal
to our consciences." a high court, but
one that can not enforce Its Judg
ments. e
The way people nre buying anil
fading The Journal they soem to en
Joy a paper that Is not wrapped up
and securely tlod with a string.
Curtis. Uie Astoria editor, who wns
a member In 1895, and who has at all
sessions holpod mnko and kill mo ft?
bills thnn Uio averngo member, Is a
clerk In tho senate.
The Journal gave the senator-makers
tho addroftsos of all tho mombers,
and Rome who had hitherto oscaped
will now no longor from th potent
midnight call be exempt.
Hon. K. D. Hunte Is expected to be
In his s.nt noxt week, and then the
war for the extermination of the flah
may proceed. His nets gather every
thing from sllMrsld'is to sonntorships
It is believed Uiat Senator Fulton
has had a seance with the great Ore
gon editorial mlnd-rocder at Portland
luce his return from Yewiup, and
found that some one had been there
before him.
rooster, the Hon. I). M. C. Gnult of
Washington county, who has oftr.i
rcasted us for our klcklkng piopcnsl-
ties. Is developing into somothing of
a kicker himself. In fact, he almost
icsil the van and seniK to he In
Itossesslon of the only well-assorted
collection of distinctively pofHillstlc
propensities In the lower house.
The kicking bunchgrassers nre
lamo In saying they have no federal
or state oftlces. Tuoy have the state
treasurer, who Is from Klamath coun
ty, and not a bad man, either. They
have Chamberlain's first appointed of
any moment Col. Morrow, of Morrow
county Fulton bad himself nominat
ed from lCastern Oregon, and If they
land him they will havo the best cuts
off the butcher block In the federal
offices. Kastern Orogon In doing pret
ty well
If you are troubled with Impure
blood. Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc., we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a positive guarantee It will al
ways cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. CO
cts. and $1.00. D. J. FRY, DrugglsL
Btiritba x IM MM Ym H3 Always BtVgM
"Ioen't It give you a terrible feel
ing when you run over a man?" they
asked him. "Yes. If he's a large man,"
replied the automobllist It gives me
a pretty louah Jolt HonMlnu Chi
cago Tribune
No. 38 Perry Slroot,
11 r 1 1 .1 -1
A rmit-le of winters a co I
dipped on a frown sidewalk
and fell flat on my back. On
uintt fx.imlncA I found that
I had sustained Jnttrnal inju
ries wnicnuio mc up iui uiv.t
than two months. After that
I noticed that I had paios In
lU, kirk and proifl which I
nver had before. I doctored
and doctored lor several
months but as tue pains in-
r,irA nttfAd of crowln?
better I decided that I was not having the
right treatment. Reading In the papers
Pt the wonderful cures performed by
Wine of Cardul I wrote to one of the
pirtla and received a very satisfactory
reply and I Immediately sent for some.
In a very short time I felt generally better
and after seven weeks faithful use I was
once more well and strong. I have never
had a sick hour since and I dally bless
your splendid medicine. -.-,
IVlVJllLi uww.
Crv f
tlltl fonU VC1MV-
--" '
t'K OP nARDUI fs ono inwU-
cmo that should always be Kepi
on hand in every homo for im
mctliato use when fomalo weak-
I ncss fint makes its appearance. Mias
IUowcy's painful ana uanperous acciueni
woula not havo resulted bo seriously
had sho taken Wino of Cardut promptly.
Wino of Cardui makes wo
men moro womanly bv cur-
Ing their weakness and mak
ing tnem stronger, w ino of
Cardui cured Miss Bowey.
Asa medicine for all women
in every trying period of
their lives can vou think of a
better medicine for yourself,
your sister, your uaugnter
or your mothor ? Oan you
think of a moro acccptablo
nroatmt to fflvo vour friend
than n bottlo of this modicino which
will bring her health and happiness?
You aro suffering ? Your duty is to
rid yourself of this pain. If your
daughter, mother, sister or friend is
sick ami in need of relief, your duty is
equally great to thorn. f Many women,
now well, owo thoirlivei to friends
who brought them Wine of Cardui.
Wino of (.'uidui ii adapted to wo
men at any uge in any walk of life.
For tho working woman it gives hor
strength for her tasks and better
treatment than a doctor for very small
cost. ,,
Your druggist will sell you a $1.00
bottlo of Wino of Cardui. Securo the
niediciuo today. Tnko it in tho privacy
of your homo. Relief will coiuo to you
as surely as you take it.
11 1 11 inrm i him in 1
A million suffering women
havo found relief in
Wino of Cardui.
A few more days we will continue our
The finishing touches ate bemg put on
out new location at No. 269 Liberty St,
And so long as we remain in out present
location all prices in effect dating out
great and successful Holiday sale will pre
A splendid opportunity to fit out a
'Tie House MsMm Co
3S8 Commercial St.
Store at Salem and Albany.
Next to P. 0
mm - . . k
America's BEST RS !!
jraper. J
Editorially Fearless. ;;
Consistently Republican Always. j
News from all parts of the world. Well written. !
? original stories. Answers to queries on all subjects. '
Articles on health, the Home, New Books, and on Work
2 About the Farm nnd Garden. i
The INTER OCEAN is a member of the Associated i
Press, and is also the only Western newspaper receiving
the entire telegraphic news service of the New York '
Sun and special cable of the New York World, besides '
dally reports from over 2 000 special correspondents ';
throughout the country. No ptn can tell more -fully ' '
Why it is the best on earth. II
5 2 --TWELVE-PAGE PAPERS--52 One Dollar a Year
Brimful of news from Everywhere and
a perfect feast of special nutter. . . .
hr and llvs.
Al sfsssnt uot orttr ossthlrd
riur pruptr Is la tfc city Uwlu.
Oulslds of that. riUsaaa asks lw
v.nunii m intir owa pr(l. Cows
)ui IM Mpsper Ih IU Jwamet. asd '
ttis aest kwyts vM JwSfsi ...issss sf
rvd t tx tv-itfM tkal
frssd tk s-Miutl-lwvs ex. itmi it UmtorZ (ZZm
tal P ts - A. m. wk"nUw U wto,
t ,.,. .... . " sad saalurr coMdl
.sT-rr, T . . "' uuwnwr ,,,,. h. t-Mlcil MM wisW kl.
Ht ail .uc.. ..,(.., ,utt ,ht. (
tjttl. i tin Ih- lull a i.-Ai.xuhl.. aal
,., .,,.,,, iUir. !.' luv. SialSMtSSItS SMk.
w bbb ss,aMS- sasi waasksr saw ma sums.. . --- -- .- twi
4 ia hkk ot ! HiKNisn. dsac city la Oroa
am' uou uh w:l a ftspotat
lhr. l,' ivo.
4 lU ctMt mvsc of e Stat,
la laky dsrVaaa.
Bfk out til ih.- cK
svs bis Iff.- kiui
propsnr MW. Th omets.
r sspusssi to all klads v.f 1uihs
is YMdsJIsaj. lTowsrs au.1 ssas.
aa4 evsa piUlafi ssoul grsv,.s ar
loiB IB tb StWSBCS O U polios IM
iuoo me cuiefto r nt hum.
piu-a with city wiur Md lftnEJt bf
osrtsl far ia Ut rSSt. unless pto
t3km u atstl as amrlsM in u.
Omtsr lnHsi rhftftsr
Tas spirit of tmprot-nui. an.l of
Wuilflns our cit U to u t m, rd
lM4 intfutiotl by tho aJop-uu ,( tb
'Otesi.H- smu ihartrr Tha- ,.,irit
MMss will make our o h it
Sfci W U law Us-timi r-l.
A chill thre yrt n age Uiel of
ilruukHM th Ahtt ly in Nh York
Cit) . TUc purvuu ssiU thev hful given
the cktkl wkuky to strvniitlieu lain
In thir ab-KC lw ioiutti a bottle of
whUky aud drank fnnu it. until Ue fell
ow in a ilruuken stupor, from Mhicli
ins jMiywciait cwum not urou linn.
Tfwl is wily one out iu sevrral c
of ImIijt drunkariU rcutl uoted. The
important fact is Uwl 4lcoholio kUniu
tnitts cralckly develop the alcoholic habit
iu children. Tliu fact u just as true
wheu the 4lcohol u duntiianl as a uiedi
das, a "MrMp4rilU" or other "coin
pound " So many medic! as eontein
Mkohol, to the miut extent that it is con
tiiiMsi iu beer or whisky, that parenu
should lie cautious what medicine. ihe
glvs their children
There u aloluley no alcokol, whisky
or iatuxik-ani m 41 form in Dr. Pierce's
QuUeu Modicil lusrovery, neither doee
u oontua opium or an other narcotic
It la a Mooo-making anil body-builduur
atadtcinc It doe not make nbly ieeh
but good, hnn dch and muscle. It
plesMMit to the Uate
tedklMlMu.uJ wireuWftv,niSrtkTJrti
jKiew .SorJcj but teatporary letttf Im
iccsi. .?-2a f?B'.
i-! J, auli; J7. TTT. "?9r?"
--y , " . - j asa
ea raui. iimiii
c uirM iia bf
wjo.i . WaaeaMare
aio. K V . mhW l
-.a -M '- t
Subscribe for the Journal (daily 3 months or weeklv
i yaar) and The Weekly Inter Ocean t year, both
pap2rsfor $.50.
(Jrumpp Is there such a thing as a "I am glad to note," said Uie friend,
pianists' union Ueglstet I never M,hat gambling la a vies that has no
heard of one. why? Grumpp I
thought if thero was oue I'd like to
call It to the attention of the young
woman next door aHd get her to Join.
Sbs works at her piano more than
sight hours per day. Philadelphia
temptation for you." 'None, whater
er," answered Sonator Sorgum "I w
unablo to And any oxcueo for a m"
risking his monoy whon there are to
many euro things lying around W
King for attontlon." Washington St
te?l2tV' rj" j .1 ".".- h.b
-7 -' " ' w wvl If in I follO
IMwnlt t
"JSbWsjb)s sM
a WlUf Uvisv
! D
Lrv.M.I . .
(WO 111 till l 4l l .. w..a. .W
.. " ' " " 1IC1 IUHe Wv
Vff V rt.r j 1 . Advir
N'i ' Mfvcut irsebsslatav
Slak Htadaehe absolutely and per
maaaaUr fired by using Mokl Tea.
A pkwssnt herh drink. Cures Constl
pattM sad IndlgssOoa. makes you
sat. sleep, work and haapy. Satisfae
ttoa riarsted or mousy back. 2(
ets. and &j ru, WrlU to W H
HOOKER ft CO.. Bujfalo. N. Y.. for a
ir-t mamv.9. u. j. fKY. Druggist
- -a , -.
Auui leading an exciting story)
"And when sbs bad said this the bad
fairy disappeared In a cloud of smoke
aud flam.- xe (eagerly)-I know
auntie-in an automobile' Judge.
For Infants and Children
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Bed Tlmo
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is better. My doctor say8
acts gently on the Svomache, liver aw
kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative.
Is mado of herbs, and is prepared u
easily as tea. It is" callod Lane's m
lolno. All druggists sell it at 25c and
50 cents. Lane's Family Medlclnw
moves the bowels each day, If J00
cannot get It, send for free sample.
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy.
N. Y.
The crowned beads of every nan n
The rleh men, poor men and mrt,
AH leln In paying tribute to
. IWItt's Uttle Barly RIr. .tM
II. Wlllamg. Ban Antonio. Tex. "'?,
Mttle Barly RUer Pills nre tbe bft "'
uHl In my family. I unheeltatiofir rjL
ommend tli.m ta everybody IW..T,
TetpW LlreV. Jaundlye. ma aria "d
.Hber IWer treneJes. P. O H :"",
Fresh eggs ana butter from our
stores at Aumsvllle and Mehami.
JSpeerBros. 'Phone 2491. "