The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 23, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 19.
m H hi al sb a h
W HI H wM0 h iflv s" dti&fKi flK H i t
Gill Goes From Wood to Scott's
Neatly All Solons Take the Special
Train for Portland Over Sunday
Today's volo for senator resulted
lt follows Fulton, 29; Geer, 15;
Wood, 13. absent, 5; scattering, 10;
paired, 12. There was but a single
ihttgo In the balloting today. nop
tetnUUVL' QUI, of Multnomah, who
bit been voting foty Wood, today
rAned to H. L. Plttock, of Portland.
Tie detailed vote was as follews:
The House Vote.
Fulton Booth, Carnahan, Comott,
Edwards, Eddy, Edwards, Emmltt,
Gtalt, Glni) liiilui. Halo, Hansbrough,
Herann, 1 lines, Huntley, Kuykondnll,
UFollett Mar-tors, Mllos, Paulson,
5Mps, Purdy, Band, Riddle. Shelley,
Hi of Yamhill; Webster, Mr. Speak-
ttMr, President 29,
feer Burgess, Crolsan. Daly, Dan
wan Davey, Farrar, Hayden, Hob-
m Johnson, Johnstop, Judd, Kay,
Mey Simmons, Whealdon 1R.
ITood Bllyou, Blakley, Burleigh.
utrnll, Claypoal, Galloway, Kramer,
Wler Murnhy. Olwell. Bobbins.
'reek. Wade 13.
Paired Booth -(Fulton) and Woh
ml (Wood); Smith, of Multnomah
V C Oeorgo) and Smith of Umntll-
MWood): Mays (M. C. George) and
ferco (Wood); Hunt (George) and
sp of Lincoln (ITarmannJ:; Cnrter
Fiilton) and yowe (Geer); William-
ion (Fulton) and Stelwor (Geer) 12.
H, 1.. Plttoik Bailey, GUI, Holman,
McGinn, Myers 5.
George H, Williams Banks, Cobb,
Hudson -3.
A, L Mills Hunt. Orton, Mnlnrkey,
P I? Wolverton Hawkins.
C, II Carey Hodson.
M ( 0MSS,
CilUoitxjmlnenurncw line gold filled
frimts. They look like solid gold and at
half the trice.
iiBancroft Optical Co.f
259 Commercial Street.
Fye Specialist
mw aKaa
Bufus Mnllory Jones of Multno
mah. W. D. Fonton Nottingham.
Absent Fulton, Adams, Fisher,
Test, Humo 5.
Upon announcement by President
Brownoll nt 3 i. m. a special train
conveyed as many of tho legislature
nnd third houso to Portland as cared
to go.
Senate Friday Morning Session.
Called to order at 11:45 a. m. Pray
er by Rev. T. F. Royal, of Salem.
A number of mossagos from the
S. B. 119, by McGinn, for suspension
bridge nt Oregon City, advanced to
third rending and passed.
H. B. 58, FIshor To allow Portland
to build a flro boat; advanced to thitd
reading nnd passed.
Adjourned until 11:45 Mondny.
House Friday Mornlntj.
House opened with prayor by Rev.
T, H. Ford, of Eugene.
Third Reading, House Bills.
H. B. 152, by Both Amending char
ter of Rainier. Passed.
II. II. 144, by Blakoley Incorporat
ing Adams, Pnbsod.
. H. B. 13C, by Murphy Amending
atiarte'r of Elgin, Passed.
H. B. 77 by Comott Authorizing
county court of Linn county to estab
lish and maintain a frco ferry across
tho WUInmotto at Harrlsburg. Passed.
H. B. 158, by Fisher Providing for
a fire boat Jn city of Portland, and
levying a special tax for tho same.
H. II. 191. by Johnson, by roquostJ
Incorporating Alnmo, Grant county.
H. B. 78, by Whealdon Amondlng
charter of The Dallos. Paused.
II. B. 91, by Burgoss Creating the
county of Stockman, and fixing tho
salaries of tho offices thereof. Passed.
Ayes 45, nays 4, absent nnd not vot
ing 11.
Committee Reports.
Multnomah dologatlon H. B. 58, by
Fisher, providing for a flro boat In
Portland. Favorable with amond-
Special committee H. B. 78, by
Whealdon; authorizing Dalles City to
Issue additional water bonds. Favor
ably; report adopted.
Yamhill county delegation II. B,
43, by Galloway; Incorporating Willn
nilna. Favorably; adopted.
Columbia county delegation II. B.
10-, by Scott; providing for perma
nent location of county sent of Colum
bia county. Adopted. An effort to re
refer tho bill to the commlttco on
counties failed by a vote of 1G to 18.
Third Reading House Bills.
II. B. 7C, by Eddy Amondlng sec
tion 13, of chapter 11. of title 1. of
Bellinger & Coton's code, cxceptlhg Dobllh Offers FfVfi ThfllKnnrl
tho state from statute of limitations ini U'' ' V, l n0USana
Holland Boat Causes
ISome Scandol
In Spite of Oppositon
of Democrats
mnttcrs of litigation. Passed.
H. B. 8, by Pholps Amondlng code
relating to fences- in Eastern Orogon.
Second Reading Senate Bills.
S. B. No. 10, by Stelwor Regulat
ing carriage of sheep by express. Ju
diciary. S. B. 100, by Stelwor Incorporat
ing city of Alamo, Grant count'. Cities
and towns.
S. B. 43. by Pierce Incorporating
North Powder. Cities nnd towns.
S.'B. 28. by Hobson Amondlng
Stayton charter. Considered en
grossed and placed on calendar for
third reading,
S. B. 113, by Johnston Amondlng
chartor of Dtifur. Cities nnd towns.
S. B. IOC, by Rand Incorporating
town o,f Bourne. Chios and towns.
Third Reading Senate Bills.
S. B. 28. by Hobson Amending
Stayton chartor. Passed.
S. B. 100. by Stolwor Incorporating
Alnmo, Grant county. Passed.
On motion of Judd, house adjourned
to 11:30 a. m. Monday.
For a Yote
Quigg Held a Direct Cinch
Over Him
to Death
Now York, Jan. 23. TIiiqo girls
killed, five missing and eight serF
ously injured wns tho result of flrtu
panic In Crosby street thlH morning.
Tho flro stnrtod In tho Moshor foathor
establishment. Tho employes safely
gained tho stroot through tho eleva
tor. The smoko entered a clgnr fac
tory adjoining, wlmro 250 girls and 100
mon made a wild scramble for the
street. Tho men crushed the weakor
girls undor foot. Those killed worie
trnmplod to death. Tho flro was soon
under control.
All tho missing, according to first
reports, have beon accounted for. Tho
loss was about $75,000.
Woshlugton, Jan. 23. The house
committee on nnvafaffairs, Investigat
ing tho alleged bribery, met nt 10:30
in executive session, which lasted a
half hour, after which an open session
begun, the public being admitted.
Lesslor being first sworn, Bald ho was
elected last June, and was against tho
Holland boat appropriation. He was
approached by Dnblln, nnd asked If
ho was still against tho Holland boats.
When he replied yes, Doblln said
Quigg had told him there wore $5000
In It if he would tako tho othor side.
Ho told him ho wanted to hear no
nioro of such talk. Doblln then said:
"If you want to como back to con
gross you must not forgot that Quigg
has great Inlluonco. Ho saw TJuigg
later, but the latter mad no mention
of money.
The I.essler committee nont Doblln
a telegram, ordering him to nppoar
One Man's Absence Prevented
an Election
Military Guard Has Been Increased
Denvor. Jan. 23. The indications
nro this morning that if Teller would
bo given a fair deal by his secret op
ponents In the Democratic rankB ho
could bo elected sonntor by the Joint
assembly of tho Domocrnts. It was
apparent whou tho Domocrnts assem
bled at 10:30 that the sccrot opposi
tion to Toller wns continuing, as Rep
resentative Kelly, whoso abnonco yes
terday provonted nu election, wns
again ahsotit this morning. Tho
houso guards, undor Sherman Bell, n
former rough rider, wore Increased to
50 this morning.
- o-
She Wants
Full Value
Birmingham, Jan. 23. The Post
says today that the Japanese govern
ment will mako vigorous tests be
tween British, Amorlcan and Japanese
built locomotive), nnd then place ox
tenslvo orders with the most satisfac
tory make.
Is Touchy
Because He Fought
With the Dutch
End of a Brilliant Irishman's
England Afford
Murder Him?
London, Jan. 23. Col. Lynch was
found guilty of treason today, and was
Immediately sontoucod to donth. Tho
dolVmse closed Its enso this afternoon,
nftor hearing only four witnosBos, and
resting solely on tho fact that Lynch
took tho oath of allowance to tho
Boer cause. The court wan croWdod.
llh took his sonteneo cooly. Whou
asked If ho had anything to say, ho
replied: "Thank you, nothing," and
bowed politely to tho court. Tho lord
chief Justice grantod Mrs. Lynch per
mission to seo her husband. It Is al
most cVntnln the death soutunco will
bo reduced td 10 years' Imprisonment
by the King, ns its oxocutlou would
throw Ireland Into n ferment.
Berlin, Jan. 23. Public fooling Is
bocomlng Jingoistic. Tho govornmont,
while maintaining official slloneo, hns
made known thnt It does not like tho
apparent pro-Vonozuolnn' attitude of
America and would tako umbrago at
any demnnds by liny for explanation
of tho Snn Carlos bombnrdmout. To
day's piuhs Is almost unanimous
against America. Somo have chlp-on-shmildor
The Chief
Is Dead
f toy The Cash Plan For The New!
year. I
? Don'tifjo in debt for a single dollar, After you've tried J
j it a while you'll stay with the cash store.
Don't you think we can afford' to undersell "regular j
res" doing business inthe usual way of "buying on J
h not only advertises the cash plan but they stick to it. fi
f There is not one dollars worth of goods out of this store
? which knot paid for. S
! ? Do you know of any other store that can truthfully
' 2 say the same? .
J Our business is conducted on the most
IS possible plan.
I e ao not owe a cionar 10 anyone.
! stores
!S time and selling on eternity?"
ij We haven't any bait prices to quote you. You must
J see the goods to appreciate the values,
Out business for it 902 showed a big increase over
, any previous year ;
"i It look; nt thnnph customers aDDreciated our modern
l! business methods doesn't it.
J , We carry everything in the Ladies' and Men's fur'
i 'innings.
Sab's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. I
Corner of Commercial and Chcmeketa T
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor.
Corner of Commercial and Chcmeketa
Washington, Jan. 23. Sugar wins
ngatn, and it is evident thnt tho to
bacco intorosts nnd tho beot and cane
sugar Intorests of the Unltod States
havo comblnod to provont any reduc
tion of tho tarlfT on Phlllpplno sugar.
That Is tho roi)lt of tho compromise
on tho Phlllpplno bill today. A re
duction of no per cent of tho Dlngley
schedule will probably bo accepted by
tho houso. This Is llttlo bettor than
the pr6ont 75 per cont into, but yet
it Is onough to prevent any sorious at
tack upon tho sugar Intorests. As su
gar and tobacco are Uio principal pro
ducts of tho island, an absolute free
trade arrangement on olthor article
will out vory llttlo figure, although It ,
may torn! to build up somo of the In !
uusirips 01 ins isianu ami oncouruge
othor productions outside of tho two
staples, whose competition Is so much
feared by the beet-sugar Interest of
this country.
Pittsburg. Jifrt. 23. Threw men
were killed nnd four Injured by a pre
matura blast this morning In the Wa
bash tunnol which Is bolng run undor
the city, by tho earolowmeas of fcomo
one unknown, In turning on tho elc
trie firing blnst boforo the mun ot
outride of tho danger xone.
Berlin, Jan. 23. Germany today
gives her official reason for tho bom
bardment. In tho Itolchstng Von
Itlchthofon, minister of foreign nf
fairs, declared tho bombardment oc
curred to securo a respect for the
blockade. Ho snld that during this
blockade a stato of war reigns. Our
ships havo the right to confiscate Ven
ezuelan ships. We havo pressed Oik
tro; that when wa -offoreil In July to
submit tho nuestlou to The Hague tri
bunal he made a in I sake nnd scorned
His Money . j
Don't Help!
Cincinnati, Jan. 23. Chief of Polleo
Deltrlch died this morning of bron
chitis and pneumonia. He wns prob-.
ably the beet known police otfleor In
tho world. He perfected the Ilortll
linn systom of meaauremeut He was
born In Bnvarla In 18-10. and Joined
tho regular army when Hi, Immediate
ly after his arrival In America, nnd
wns at once sent to Washington Ter
ritory. He snw much Indian fighting,
ami continued In the service through
the elvll war. He was chief of Cincin
nati's police nt the time of his donth.
Palermo, paly, Jan. 23 Schwab's
ondltlon bcame alarming yesterday
nml It lu vn1i t rjat Ittnu1 lirtPtfi In (it nf flit
so that he could get medical attend I
san frrancisco. Jan. '3. students oi nnco,
tne uian university mrouu'iieu iu
walk out unlose 10 sophomoros sus
pended yostorday nro reinstated. The
troublo nroso during a theatrical pre
fcentatlon by tho University Dramatic
Chili in tho theater, when, at the end
of each not, the actors wero presented
wlih a wagon load of vegetables over
the footlights.
o , l
Lieutenant Hobson, who achieved
famu as an oaculntor, Is now located
on tho Sound. Could he not bo per
sundod to kiss the mouth of the Columbia?
BANANAS, 20 Cents a dozen
Three Dozen Oranges, 2 5c
1 154 State St.
Phone 2074 Main,
The Bank
Far off
nuiinir nhln Jnn. 22 A sane of
millions lnst nli?ht want throueh the
Soreerton bank, securing 6O0O. They
woro closely pursued, but took a fine
horse and buggy from a resident and
drova away. So far they have not
been apprehended.
In the pursuit th rouuers auw
doned the rig and took to a skiff, and
n-ant iiu-ii tin middle of the river
The sheriff's immhw oh shore couW t
no boat, and opened lire- uh "t
an u ib unttnm at the akiff. aad A
other rowed w ' w,im- """(
shore. It is believed tftat tney are "
murderers ho ewaped irom jnou
Waahlngton, Jan. 23-The rontin
uwl bombardment of Fort San Carlos
by th Gormans seems milto lnonv
probeiUiible to the officials of the ad
mlnietratlQit In Waihlngton. The bom
baidmont has created a decidedly un-
!fdorable Improeelon hero, and a feel
hit; f genuine regret, at a time when
nctlatlons looking to a settlement
of the difficulties between Venezuela
and her European claimants seemed
almost under way.
On Trial
Chleaoo. Jan. M.-WgkteeN oal
corporations recently indicted by the
pedal graBdr-. are charged with
cousplriRK to raise the price of coal.
-r- placed n trial this afternoon
(uhjju)tl0jfrAs H:ntfwA
!WWMJt ivWtfT'Jpy IVM-'wjiifV gMttgjaasHllMWi
I our ii
m 1 1
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Great Sale
Is Gt owing in Popularity i
Every Day