The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 22, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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How Many Rings Make a Stock?
HERE'S a little problem in jewelry arithmetic : How a
many Flnjrcr Rlnsr3 would be necessary for a first f
class Jewelry store to carry In s'ock? Some jewelers would" k
say 300, some would say 500, a few mleht say 800. but $
the BARR STORE has actually In stock at the present mo- K
ment over 1200 RINGS for Ladles and Gentlemen Think )i
what an immense number this Is to choose froml Why, It's ft
as many as you'd find in biz stores in cities of two or three f
hundred thousand population- And yet there arc people
who judtre the BARR STORE by the amount of goods in the " X
. show windows rather than by the bigness of the stock that
"is within. If they would come in. we'll warrant they would
find food for astonishment- In our Judgment size of stock
counts more than elegance of fittings.
Bail's Jewelry Stoe
State and Liberty Sts.. Salem.
Somo pcoplo have to spend, but If
you have no tlmo, posBlbly you might
like to havo ono of our fine 15-Jewel
timekeepers, ns thoy do not require
much money for tho Invostmont. Our
stock of flno watches for ladles and
gcntloraen Is complete, and embraces
Ivcrythlng In Elgin and Waltham
witches. Prices lower than ever.
C,T, Pomeroy
253Com.8t., WatchmakerandOptlclan
When it's Pure
It's Harmless
Aultornted "forty-rod" whiskey If?
enough to 'knock out" Uio Btrongoat
constitution. Tho good, honest, prop
erly distilled ryo or bourbon article,
wen as wo soil In bottlos or bulk,
lined In moderation, don't hurt any
rathor better you when oxhnust
dor when tho appotlte falls.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Dancing, Banquets,
Patties, Glee
Successful Dancing Party.
Tho dancing party given la Tioga
hall Wednesday evonlftg by tho Forty
Four Club, was by far tho most suc
cessful that has been held this winter.
Thoro was a largo attondance from
out of the city, tho presonco of numor
qub loglslativo visitors adding to tho
succobs of the party. Many of tho
ladles woro beautifully gowned, and
tho affair will bo remembered as a
most happy social evont Stoclhum
raer's full orchostra played oven hot
ter than usual.
Thoso prosont wore:
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Morse. Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Gllhort, Mr. and Mrs. P. II.
Sroat, Mr. and Mrs. A. A Jeasup, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Moldon, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Ottonhelmor, Mr. and Mrs. Max
0. Duren, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McNary, Mr. and
Mn, z. J. Rlgg&, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Wckk, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. llrown, Sen
ator and Mrs Smith. Senator nnd
Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Reading; tho Mlssoa
Bllzabeth Holvorson, Ruth Gabrlolson,
Carrie Willis, Jones, Agnes Gilbert,
Maude McKay. Holon Calbroath,
Stutosman. Fay Roaonstoln, of Port
land; Maude Hlrsch, Osklo Matthews,
Ella Rlnentan, Ernestine Lovy. Mabel
Carter, Stelwer, of Jefferson; Lola Co
show, Flora Hallock, of Pendleton;
Uvaslay, of Minneapolis; Cauflold,
t George GUtner, Buren, Babcook, Stella
( Wurst, CsrrJe Hurst, Ohio; Messrs.
Fred Weatherford, of Albany; Roy
WarrJner. Win Crane. Capt. Chas. Mo
nald. j. p. jjoFall, Geo. T.
Mers. Jr., b. a Moars, Moll'frosh.
ronJand; Elraor P. Dodd, of Pendle
ton; Will Wright, of Unlqn; C. Doug
Jessup, John Cochran, Frantf Lov
" W. H. Burgbardt, Jr., Joa. Evans,
wk Douglas, Chaa. Fuller Ted
Crawford. Ed. McMahlll. Harry Al-
t. Dr H. n. Ollnger, L. E. Hookor,
Williamson, Ed. TUielsen, F. D.
"Hilelssn. Dr. W. D. McNary. B- C.
Woman's Club Reception.
The Salem Woman's Club has ar-
Lnsd a reception In houor of those
r Will be In th rltv unit wek. in
interest of several bills that are
present. to the legislature.
TOOPIltlnil I. ill hokulfl In . Pint
Hhod'gf r-h:i..h narlnn tl-1,w
"Alteon will lin uinul DmnilnMt
JK thosa expected to be Hera are
n C B. Wade, of Pandlolfln. nwl. !
" -. f ---- t
Leaders in Low Prices.
$r A "fc'r'SL4 'i---OtoV.
Orators, Wnist
Cfofes Etc. J
dent of tho State Federation of Wo
man's Clubs; Mrs. Graco Watt Ross,
Mrs. Abagall Scott Duulway, proal
dont of the Portland club; Mrs. Mabel
Williams Plowman, editor of tho Club
Journal; Mrs. Sarah Evans, and a
numbor of othors from Portland and
Eastorn Oregon. The measures com
inandlng lliolr attontlon are all re
form In their eharactor, relating" to
child labor and tho numbor of hours
work requlrod la various linos of om
B. P. O. E. Entertain.
The Salem lodge of Elks will on
tertaln tho visiting momborn of thnt
lodge now in tho city at tholr rogular
meeting tonight An elaborate bntv
quest has been prepared, and tho Sa
lorn Elks will prove their right to bo
classed nmong the best people on
Doctors Agree.
Invitations aro out announcing tho
mnrrlage of Dr. Graco Hartford Al
bright to Dr. Ixnils Elkln Wyokoff, to
take place on Tuesday, Fobruary 3,
1003. at 8 o'clock p. m., at the home
of the mothor of the bride-olect, Mrs.
Emily Frances- Hartford, at No. 385
Church street.
Will Wright, of Union, Is visiting in
this city.
Miss May Hemsnway, of Bugeno, Is
visiting in this city.
F. W. Settleniler has returned to
Woodburn after a visit to the legisla
ture. Mrs. F. E. DeParcq is visiting this
week with friends In Oregon City
and Portland.
Dr. W. B. Morse was called to
Woodburn Tuesday afternoon on a
professional visit,
Mrs. E. 0. Chapman has returned to
Clackamas county, after a visit In this
city with Mrs. A. M. Dalrymplo.
Miss Flora Llvosley, of Mllwaukoe,
Wisconsin,, has returned from a visit
In Portland, and Is the guest of rela
Uvea In this olty.
President P. It. Campbell, S. H.
Friendly. S. B. Eakin and W. O. Gil
strap arrived from, Salem this morn
ing. Eugene Register.
Mrs. J. M. Shelley was a passenger
to Salem this afternoon, to Join her
husband, a representative in tho
house. Eugene Guard.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulton, of Ab-
torla, havo returned home, after a
visit In this city. Dr. Fulton nnd Son
ator Fulton aro brothers.
Mrs. R. A. Booth has returned to
her homo at Eugene, after attending
tho legislature for a fow days, tho
guest of her husband, Senator Booth.
Hon. J. M. Poorma.n wns ah Inter
ested spectator at tho session of the
legislature Tuesday. He roturnod to
his honlo in Woodburn last evening.
Mr. Wagiior, who has boon la the
city for Beveral days, looking after
matters portalnlng to the forest re
serve, returned to his homo In Grnnt
county this morning.
C. P. Bnlch, of Dufur, Wasco coun
ty, who has beon associating for sev
eral days with tho Eastern Orogon del
egation, went homo this morning, ful
ly satisfied that Sonator Johnson could
take care of Wasco county's busluoss.
Captain W. J. Riley, of Portland, Is
In the city la attendance at the stato
legislature. Captain Rlloy was tho
captain of Battery B, that was organ
ized In tho Willamette valley during
the summer of 1898.
' o
Fulton Gains One More
(Continued from first page.)
urged action to sccuro a pormnnont
water Bupply and furnish lights for
tho penitentiary and asylum, and
a3ked for a Joint commlttco to Inves
tigate and recommend action.
Adjourned to 10 a. m. Thursday.
House Takes Recess.
Ou motion of Eddy, supported by 32
members, house voted that when ad
journment be taken it bo until 10 a. m.
Third Reading of House Bills.
H. B. 173, by Davoy Incorporating
Sublimity. Passed.
II. B. 1G7, by Hormnnn Amending
chnrtor of Bandon. Pnssod.
H. B. 11, by Both Incorporating
Clntsknnlo. Passed.
II. B. 160, by Hermann Amending
charter of Coqiillle. Passed.
II. B. IGo, by Phelps Incorporating
Lexington. Passed.
H. B. 152, by Both Amending chnr
tor of Rainier.
House Thursday Morning.
House wns oponod with prayer by
Rev. W. C. Kautnor, of tho First Con
gregational church, of Salem.
Hodson was given permission to
withdraw senate bill No. 00, rclntlng
to Portland library.
Under third rending of nmiHU bills
the following proceedings woro had:
H. B. 10, by Hahn To nrdvont nor.
sons from unlawfully using or wear
ing tho emblems of any Bocrot ordor
or society. Ro-roforrod to Judiciary
commlttoe. to supply enacting clnuse.
H. B. 77, by Cornell Authorizing
Linn county court to establish nnd
maintain freo ferry. Ito-roforrod to
Lane county dologatlon, with Instruc
tions to insert thorein enacting clnuse.
Third Reading Senate Bills.
S. B. 08, by Daly Amondlng Cor
vallls charter. Pussod.
Bllyou presented longthy putltlon
from Linn county, asking that killing
of doer bo prohibited botweon March
1st and Octobor 1st; nnd that game
laws bo so amonded. Reforred to
flshorlos and gnme.
Committee Reports.
Judiciary H. B. 42, favorablo, with
one amondmoat; H. B. 17. favorablo.
with amendments; II. II. 40, favorable,
with amendments;. II. B. (50, same re
port. CltloH and towns II. B. 13fi, favor
ablo; H. B. 114, snmo report; H. B.
1G2, snmo; II. B. 160, same; II. B. 100.
samo; H. II. 107. snme; H. II. 173.
Select oCmmlttecs.
Resolution S. J. R. No. 1, by Mill
key, rotating to election of state print
er. Concurred la.
Josephine county delegation H. II.
51. relation of salaries of officer of
Josephine county. fnvorable with
amendments. Adopted.
Columbia county delegation II. II.
11, Incorpoiatlng Clutakaale. Favor
ablo. Clorkskhlp ' committee Appointing
Miss A. M. Casey to succeed Mies
Smith from 18th district. Adopted.
Carnnhan was relieved from furth
er service on S. C. R. No. 4, relating
to Investigation of fish Industry.
Hahn was appointed by the speaker to
fill the vacancy.
Concurrent Resolutions.
S. C. It. 19, Hutchinson 1'or Joint
committee of five to Investigate and
report on Boys and Girls' and Boys'
Aid Society, of Portland. Referred.
II. O. R. 20. by Nottingham For
Joint committee of five to investigate
and report on state university at Bu
gene. Referred.
Portland Charter Bill.
Governor Chamberlain will not b
abl to sign th Portland CharUr act
today, but &xpcts to do this tomor
row. He refuses to sign the bill un
til h studies it thoroughly, as its pas
sage brings about a radical change In
munlolpal affairs In that olty.
As the measure was veted upon aad
adapted by the people 0t Portlaad, it
Is not likely to be vetoed, but sosae
changes tuay, bo recommended before
Its final passage.
No Appolntmont.
Governor Chamberlain hnH made no
further appointments today, although
It was reported he would.
rinlup Tint Dnrltm Comlilnntlonn
of llrlttlit Slnulm.
Tln now iliune color N very effective
when worn by the right woman, but
some of the vnrlclti'x of this color and
of preen, too. nru horrible when worn
by nil mirts and condition of people
This Is tho worst of n popular cnuo or
a new shade.
Colors are prnwlnp Htronpcr, nnd thin
we owe to eastern art ami (ho craw for
everything; Japanese.
Never attempt during color combina
tions lit ohoup materials. Bright shades
lu cheap materials aro Invarlnbly crude
nnd loso ull tho richness of light and
shade. Different tones of black blend
ed together are very olWctlvo. Panne
Is of course tho order of the day, uh
its glory can be toned down by somber
black chiffon, lightened apalu perhaps
by ii curious kind of gauze. The touches
of Jtt seen on m many smart black
gowns aid In relieving the soiiibuiiiesM.
At least ono black pown Is Indispen
sable to every woman, be she wealthy
or In modest circumstance.
The black talVeta blouse has a tucked
yoke ami umlersleoves nf black moiis
uollne do sole, nnd there are. In ndiU
How. touohoh of black ehiintllly luee.
, v w'HO iirooU tVuiii.
"'ILlwthorno describes an Ideal break
fust as 1'OiiHlntlnp of hot cakes, brook
(nut. roast potatoes, I'rehli dolled eggs
ami eolleo. The piece tie resistance of
this breakfast Is the brook I rout. Ill
jpltc of all the efforts of IWi eultur
I-4, the wild brook trout remnliis the
tliM-nt morsel the epk-iue can seek
Culthatisl trout taste too pcreeptllily
of liver to be a food greatly desired.
Thu wild trout that springs In IiIm nil
ue iiiouiitalii stream Is far superior to
any cultivated llsh. Cook It In the sliu
pkst iimiuier, dipping It in oil. salt and
pepper nuil broiling It over hot coals,
Rorvo It Hlniply with butter ami slices
of lomon. New York Trihuuu.
lli-nellla f Trnt i-IIhk.
Proper recreation jjiolongn life. This
fact Ih now better appreciated by luy
people than ever before. Of all the
for a in or recreation the best perhaps
Ik traveling. Tho benetlts to Ik de
rived from It cannot be c.vaxKcrtited.
A Journey, whether brit-f or long. Is
Huru to relieve the inlud of hushiM or
dvmMUo cures by directing It Into
'liiMMiutcr chanuclii. ThouMiudei can
twtlfy thut traveling haw Improved
tLmlr hoallh, lengthened their lives,
brlKhteued their mental faculties uiur
thuu nnythlug else. Rofctou t!lob.
( Tlio Oilier Our,
Two brothers In Paris were remark
nhly nlil.e. A geutlemuu meutliig ouu
nf thum ou the buulexnrd stop him,
M.vlug. "Pardon mo, but Is It to you or
(o your brothur th-j,t I 'bate the houor
of hpiwUlugV
"lr," was the reply, "you are speak
ing to my brothur." Westminster On
rU. IIU Ilnrd l.nolr.
Julius llrown Is nil unlucky dog.
Stnlth-IIow's that?
.Toikw-IIIh object In ma'rylutf wis
to gut out of a boarding Uoww.
Joaoa-.Vow his wife Is running one
to support the family.
in I'll) or m silo.
Not every farm or bs a bIIo or a
rora slirtiddlng nmelilne. They cost too
niui'h for the man who lias but two or
lime cows. Rut he can pick the ears
from bis corn stover and have the gruln
ground, and the cob. too, if he so
wishes, thou have the stover well
cured in the field, and when ho takes
R to tho bflrn have it cut Into pieces
not mom than a lis If Inch long and
shorter If possible. Then uiotelen !t
with warm water If such Is convenient
to the cow stables and cover It up to
team for twenty-four hours at least
before feeding. Put on each cow's ra
tlou as inueli and such grain bb her
condition culls for, and if she doos not
do as well as she would oh onsllage
be will do beWor than on dry corn
stover. If obllgsd to wot It with cold
water. It will be better for standing
forty-eight hours, to germinate a littlo
beat by fermentation. American Cui-Urator.
How nn abscess in the Fallo
pian Tubes of Mrs. Hollingcr
was removed without a surgical
operation. r
ul hatl an abscesa in my side in
Iho ftillopiun tnbo (tho lallopian
ttibe is a tonnectlon tt tho ovaries).
I Btiircivil untold misery nnd "Mis
so weak I could flcnrcoly got around.
Tho sharp burning pairu low down
in my siile were tumble. Jly pbyal-t-iuii
said there uh no help ror me
unlesH I would go to tho hospital
and be opciutou. on. I thought
lieforo that I would try Iiydln B.
Pinklmm's VeKlubl Cotmiound
which, fortunately, I did, audit has
made mo a stout, healthy woman.
Mv advice, to all women who suffor
with any kind of female troublo 13
to commence taking; Lydln, M.
rinlclmiuN Vegetable Compound
at once." Miw. In S. HorxiNaun,
Stilvidco, ( )h io.- fsooo fvitt if thit of
aboe tttttr iroi';y ftnvhnnt$ cannot btpnoduoed.
It would hoein by this state
ment that women would uvo
tlmo nnd much hIcIciicss If thoy
would jrrl Jydin K. Plnlcham's
Voeetublo Compound nt onco,
ami nlso write to Mx-h. lMnkhnm
at Lynn, Mass., for Hpeclol l
viee. It is frco and always holpn.
No other person can trlv such
helpful advice as Mvti. IMnkham
to women who are sick.
Had llnnil Sluile Htm .llimi-y.
When Lord Curxna was ul Oxford,
he wrote tin abominable hand. One
day ho penned two letters, ono of them
to a relative and one to a chum with
whom he always discussed tho fault
of then- tvL'specthu relations, and ac
cidentally put those letters Into the
wrong envelopes. Ho was about to
write a profound apology to his relu
tlvo whcii he received tho following
note from him: "Can't read a word of
your four pages, but guosw you want
homo money, you young rascal." In
closed was a Raul; of Uugluml note for
a good amount.
It iinuii M'niilinPMiinii'ti.
The hardunl worked wiiMherwomca lu
tho world are the Koreans. They have
to wash ahout n dozou dresses for
their husbands, and they havo plenty
to do. The washing is usually douo In
cold water ami often lu running
streams. The clothos arc pounded
with paddles until they shine like a
shirt front fresh from a laundry.
AVItlliiK- to llrlu.
"You liavo wounded me," he widlyt
said us ho rose from his knees
"woundod mo so deeply that I shall,
novor" I
"Wait," she said, picking a book off,
tho table. "Let mo see what 'First Aid
to tho Injuiod' .nays to do 'a 'ich u
case as your."
A Free Round Trip vVRht0DlTrAl.0Ru,s.
Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes.
Buy a pair of Heart and Arrow Brand Shoos and fist a
guaso in tho LaProllo Shoe Company's Guessing Contest.
A Coupon with ovory pair. Be sure to asK for it.
fSa Attendants.
ABLmm-zr-z jjk ',?
1 1 1 1 ii hi 1 1 1 in 1 1 nm-w
. .-rfssa
A For your kitchen will mnko you X
, . laugh nt tho high prices of J
; ; wood. After you havo usod It n ; ;
; short tlmo you will wondor why !
; ; rango during tho heated torm, ' '
; ; or was worried over starting a
. firo on a WIntor'a morning. ', '.
'. ', when a touch of a mntch makes ',
J a bright blazo, sonflnod to your
cooking utensils, and not heat- !
', ', lng your houso for tho wholo ',
day. Try cooking by gas. '
J Phone 563. 4 Chomoketa St '
nii imiii i mi 1 1 imn-
.... . .
Cash Market
In Hteiner'fl Fish Market, Stato Btroot
Fronh meats of nil kinda, linmB, should
dors, bacon, lard, etc. Prompt ScrvltC
Phone, Main 1401.
Irin.iiB I,
Illihest market price paid for poultry
ad veal.
Plnest meats and poultry delivered at
lowest market price.
M0 State Street
Phone 2853 Main.
Salem. Oregon.
2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
will sell any patent medicine,
bottle, box or package, or
any drug sold by the lb., for
2 cents Less
than any cut rate price ad
vertised in this paper.
In cold and stormy weather, that
Is the "ounce of prevention" needed,
Is our superior and high grade wbla
hey. Absolute purity and flno dlslJl
latlon makes It baneflelalto Ihe diges
tion and to health generally. A'a a
proventativo and oure for aolds, grip
and cough It is unsurpassed.