THE D ILV JOURNAU SALEM ORPOON THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. PAQE THREE. 1 i Juicy Morsel for Breakfast . 0! dinner you can enjoy from one of our wider arid deliciouB meats, steaks, Iamb r mutton chops, voal cutlets or pork, Oar meats are all cut from tho fattoat ind onmoatcattlo, and wo tan snpply Joar table with fresh, nutritions and ttolfltotne meats 3t bed rock pricpa. C, CROSS SALEM ORE Phon 291 LACER BELR Sgxzargt iLAUNDRY MARKS That are not found on llnon fresh from this laundry aro rust stains, Ink ulns, fruit stains, and especially 'Korchers" from overhented Irons. r tot's what wo particularly guard i&Mit. Fleckless, flawless, Immnc- Uto whlto as whlto can bo, or as ftrong of color as when you brought it if originally of a color pattern, your f ashablo apparrel Is returned clean, '! washed, well Ironed. Salem Steam Laundry, Colonel J, Olmstcad. Proprietor. Dorous d. uimstead, manager. Pnoneill. 230 Liberty Street. JflHEfClTH oj '',l,l, --liirl rustee $ Clolhj'ng end Men's Furnishing Goods, Prices reduced on every article in the store Choice. itock in the City Bargains for Every boo-, amfldolphTmstee 295 Commercial St. teUttfrU Promotion and preferment in business Ii tho rctult of ability to do. At: this sohool Is the wtpiaro lo obtain tho knowledge of bow todo. There U an Increasing demand for competent 'up. Futon i completing tho business and shorthand courses at the CAPITAL BUSINESS CO; UECB. JMitcuro employment. Usi aIavaii VAa rm tint Alia Lina aepHttment after flrt completing tbo bu.iuwH course. byt liuatuo nil took position a7J iu j l" K(uuaio. ii coeiv uui imiu uj tveuro &eud for catalogue CHICHESTER'S ENGIIBH OrlirTI Knd ; 1 lirnutnA. fr ClllCUlMTKifH li.VMI.ISU I ... rfiltM. kiIIm. ft.k nnirrlit 13 1U.H Ol (Jolll fe.LUlf UlU Mllkl i tiM nktxa 'laLcuoutlxr. Ueftu I'ai(rrnai " d IntU. Uub. littw ;., UrvfcLl kmi4.ta ,.1.W..'".r. 'rlntUr, TutlacalaU w Madlm Kr. 1'IULJU 1'E I Pe PlffiKu w o ttl. HAVILAND GOING! All Open Stock Selling: incmaes uur 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL DINNER SETS! JUST 118 Piece Set. Hand Painted; Regulaf Price $83 35, Now $66.68. 133 Piece Set, Decorated; Regular Price $44.45, Now $35.56. 100 Piece Set, Decorated; Regu lar Price $33.35. Now $26.68. 78 Piece Set, Decorated; Regular Price $22.35; . Now $17.88. Come Now and Get the Benefit of Our Phone 2411 Black ' Christmas Yule tog that welcomed Santa Claus In "yi olden llmo" with Its cheery blaze ana splutter was always tho host thai could bo found In tho forest. Ever plank, board and lath, every Joist beam, shingles and shakes In our yard aro mado from tho best timber grown and aro of Buperlor quality, well sea soncd and free from knots. Oui prices make our lino building lumboi nimost an Xmas gift. Qoodale Lumber Co. Near 8. P. Pas. Depot Phone 631. japHLi5 Iff it IK liv ar oT . i irfelSrX G".t S ECONOMICAL LUXURY. Is a good, wholesome, delicious bev erage, llko Salem beer. It's a luxury to taste not to tho pockotbook, for Its prico is extremely modornto, Its excellence considered. Tho enro as to quality of Ingredients, care in mak ing of this beer warrant a much high er prico than others per caao of a dozen bottlos; yet that's tho prico of our beer. CAPITAL CITY BREWERY AND ICc WORK8, Mr M. Beck, Proprietor Are not held by incompetents. vAltntf vr r lias nJna taA fum vit iHaH uwuic ouuckuou comparea vo wc ucuenv AN 1 , r c (.pnniUHT SS?' c SaiiT W. I. STALEY, Prlnoloal, Salem, Oregon. J. K. White, a 15-yoavmnn, escaped from tho Btato penitentiary late Wort nosday afternoon. Ho has beon act ing as assistant druggist at tho prison for some time. Whlto was received from Coos county lij 1899 on a 15-year sentence for burglary. GOING! GOING! at 10 Per Cent Below Regular Price. This new Patterns as Well FTretotYeesSprciliWr EASTERN OREGON KICK Bunchgrasser Who Rears and Bucks Because That Section Been Ignored Has Salem, Ore., Jan. 21. Ed. Journal. Has Eastern Oregon any rights, which Western Oregon Is bound to respect? This question Is pertinent; nnd I bellovo few people realize how much so. Eastern Oregon hns two-thirds of tho area of tho stato; It ha? nearly two-fifths of the popula tion, nnd It produces much moro thnn one-half of all Oregon's products. Todny It has has no citizen of Us broad acres holding any otllclnl posi tion either stato or federal, in Ore gon. True, it hns a congressman, but he wns nominated by Western Ore gon vote, largely Multnomah. Mult nomah county has with one-fourth of the population, and only n trifle of tho area of tho state, both senators, gov ernor, his secretary; U, S. marshal, U. S. prosecuting attcornoy, and, In fact tho wholo thing. Eastern Ore gon don't want much, but while tho taffy pulling goes on It would llko tho chnncc to lick the pan. Tho legisla ture nnd tho govornor, may woll look to Eastern Oregon, for any appoint ments In their power. DUNCHQRASS. STATE LAND AGENTS J. W. Morrow, of Eastern Oregon, to Succeed Geer Governor Chamberlain, late Mon day afternoon, appointed Hon. J. W. Morrow, of Heppner, Morrow county, stnto land agent ta succeed L. 11. Geer, tho proaent Incumbent of that olllce. Tho new land agent served his county as a member of tho statu senate during tho bchbIoub of 1897 nnd 1899 and will nnsumo chnrgq of tho land offlco on April 1, next. Until recently Mr. Morrow wns on gaged in tho hotel business at Hepp eor, but sold 'out lnst Julay. He Is onn of tho best posted mon on lands In Oregon. o-- Indorses Governor Governor Chamberlain's message to tho legislature is replete with sug gestion nnd big with admonition. Ho urges his point with tho art of the at torney, and supplements his argu ments with copious citations. Much that ho says is worthy of considera tion, and ho advocates some mattors of legislation which may well be put Into offect. Tho govornor concludes by snylng. "I promlso you my undi vided support in whatovor is for tho best lntorest of tho state." In so far as the now govornor fulfills this promlso, it is tho duty of ovory citi- zon to glvo him loyal assistance. Corvallis Gazotto. Tho Salem chartor bill should bo carofully gone ovor In commlttoo nnd made perfect, as thoro will no doubt bo attompts to Job It. An unpurchas- ablo export should go ovor it bofore it goos to final passage Thon It can only bo tamporod with on engrossment. Thoy say tho dovll takes no chances, and tho friends of areater Salem can not bo loss vigilant In tills matter than tho arch-enemy of mankind. as the Old. LOOK AT OUR PRICES! CLEARANCE SALE. Free D.-livery. REMARKABLE Of a New Catarrh Cure. A large and constantly Increasing majority of tho Amorlcnn people nro catarrh HufTorors. This is not entire ly the lesult of our changeable climate but because modern Investigation has clearly proven that many diseas es, known by other names, aro really catarrh. Formorly tho namo catarrh was nplled almost exclusively to the common nasal catarrh, but the throat, stomach, liver, bladder, kidneys and Intestines are Bubject to catarrhal diseases as well as the nasal pas sagos. In fact, wherever there is mucous membrane there Is feeding ground for catarrh. Tho usual romedles. Inhalers. snravB douches or powders, have been prac tically far as anything moro than temporary relief was concerned, because thoy simply dry up tho mu cus secretions, without having tho re motest effect upon tho blood and liver which are the real sources of catarrh al diseases. It has beon known for some years that the radical euro of catarrh could never come from locnl applications, but from an Internal remedy, acting on the blood and expelling the ca tarrhal poison from tho system. A new Internal preparation which has been on tho mnrket only a short time has met with remarkable success as a genuine, radical cure for catarrh. It may bo found In any drug storo Bold under tho nnme of Stuart's Ca- Harrh Tablets, largo plonaant tasting lozongcB. composed principally of an tiseptic Ingredients, Ulood root, Itod gum and similar catarrh specifics. Dr. AInslec In speaking of tho now cntarrh euro Bays: "I liavo tried tho now catarrh roniedy, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, upon thirty or forty pntlents wltli remarkably satisfactory results. Thoy clear tho hoad and throat moro offectually and lastingly than any douche or Inhaler that I hnvo ovor scon, nnd although thoy are what Is called a patient medicine nnd sold by druggists, I do not hosltnto to recom mend them as I know them to bc'froo from cocaiuo and opiates, and that oven a llttlo child may use them with entire snfoty." Any sufforor from nasal catarrh, throat or bronchial trouble, catarrh of tho stomach, liver or bladdor will find Stuart's Catarrh Tablets romarkably otfrctlvo pleasant and convonlont, and your druggist will tell you that thoy aro absolutely free from nny Injurious drug. 20-22-2-1 Political Hot Shot. (Albany Democrat.) A bill for an extra judge In tho third district calls to mind tho fact that a good many peoplo think wo havo too many Judges In the district nlroady. Hut th on offlcoB have to bo crontod for Uip politicians. Tho Domocrat who votes for Mr Geer for Unltod States sonator might as well bury all his political ambitions. It is tlmo Orogon Democrats quit bo Ing wlro-pullod Into settling the squab bles of tho Republicans of the state. Govornor Geer has always lammod It to tho Domocrata worse than nimost i any man in Oregon, being of tho ultra Republican callbro; and now for him to try to swing In on Democratic votes Is dooldodly humorous. Tho Eugene Register nominator Dinger Hormann for congressman Come, lot's havo a now deal. Klckod out of. tho land department, perhaps unjustly, lot's us not kick him Into congrasfl again, but try some ono elso. Thro is othor material lot. Judge Howltt rocolvod one vote for United Stntos sonator. The jirenent Republican legislature would do thu proper thing If thoy would give him 10 utes. He is the boat mqn on the list for the office, beetdee being a native Oregonlnn, chuck full of Oregon blood, and his Intoieetu are here ami not In Paris. Old Miner Disappears. The disappearance of an old miner named Wait In the mountains of Jose phine county last week is tho occasion of some concern to hie acquaintance. Walt has been living a solitary life In hU cabin and seldom appeared in town, and rarely had any intercourse or bueiiieMi with hia nearest neigh bors. One day last week a couple of tallers at his cabin found it without an occupant, the old man's rifle was gone, and it was thought he was out hunting. However, he did not return that night, and hae not since been een or heard of. A search has been institute, ami It i feared that he may have dropped dead while making his way tliroush the timber. Ashland Tulingg. Soma igas can't be provided tor in any utkv wajr, aad m a w omnty or t win m etmim. Children Gry for Fletcher's Castorla. STATE PRISON. POLITICS The Durbin-Downing Fact ional Fight To Control State Penitentiay Patronage Growing Warm The contest of tho suporintondency of tho ponitontlory is certainly grow ing warm, and even a stranger could not bo about the state hotiBO or hotel lobby any length of tlmo without mak ing this discovery. Tho Marlon coun ty candidates aro tho most active, The following from tho Portland Tel egram of Monday gives an interesting roview of tho enso as follews: The most serious official question now facing Governor Ohambcrlain is whether or not to burn his fingers with tho political flro which is now raging In tho Marlon county Democra cy ovor tho appointment of a super intendent of tho penitentiary. Thoro nro two candidates from this county in tho persons of Frank W. Durbln, ex-shorlff, and W. II. Downing, a son of Hon. George S. Downing, a former superintendent Each 1b backed up by a rival faction of tho -local Demo cracy, tho fight being somewhat bit ter and dotorminod. Mr. Durbln Is personally more wldo ly known throughout tho stato than his opponent, and will probably bring a strongor and more numerous out' sldo proasurc In his behalf. Ho hns the postlgo of two elections as sheriff and of being tho strongest forco in the olection of ono of his deputies to succeed him. Ho is a promlnont Elk nnd a largo contingent of that order Is taking a hand In his behalf. Mr. Downing on tho otlior hand, has boon a potont factor In Democrat ic politics for sovoral yoars, and Is n mombor of a strong, influential fam lly. Ho Is a practical farmor and n gentleman of good standing In nil his rotations. Ho was chairman of the Democratic county control commlttoo last spring, and mado a clean, suc cessful canvass. Ho Is a (pilot, stoady dotorminod man, with oxcollont qual ifications for nny executive work. Somo offortH nro said to havo boen made rccontly to settle tbo dlfAcultlor which aro known to oxlst nnd to ro- llovo Govornor Chamborlaln of tlif dlbagrecnblo altornntlvo which Is fac ing him. Mr. Downing wont to Air Durbln nnd proposed to submit their reapuctivo claims to tho Marlon conn tv Democratic organization and abide Its declslon-elther ono who may be chosen to receive unanimous support nnd the other to relinquish his claims Tho Information Is that this and sim ilar overturos on Uio part df Mr Downing and his friends hnvo boon rejected by Mr. Durbln nnd his nd heronUt, who proposo to fight It out. Tho critical clrcnmatancoti ot tlio situation for Governor Chamborlaln can be easily recognized and tho pro- diction Is freely mado that the logical nnnunminnna nf n nni-tlof nnu f lin opposition of the two factions will be thu selection of a superintendent from somo othor part of tho state.- Mr. Chamberlain Is too good unlured and (diplomats to put himself In a position to be cnislied b-twoii the two. Was Always Very Pale and Thin. Nervous Prostration Faint Spells. Dr. Miles' Nervine Saved My Life. There is great lunger m a run down ton ditien. Overwork, mental strain, (he cares and worms of Imuiiicm and the home, all have a deUlenous effect upun the nerves, which in their deviUluoii condition readily fall prey to the attacks of ducate. Aside from the danger there is no condition at tended by u many disagreeable symptoms; such as ls of appetite, indigestion ur nerv oh dyspepsia, headache, tired feeling and 1am oi ambition together with the agony of siecpieu nignis spent in tossing restlessly aoeut, omy v rise exnauiteu in the morning. Br. Mile.' Ni nervine is a true nerve tonic which, by strengthening the nerves, restores health and appetite ana brings sweet sleep, "for ix years I suffered almost constantly from a complication of troubles which culmi nated in complete nervous prostration. I had no appetite, I could not sleep, I suffered from indigestion and nervousness. As Is so often the case in nervous oroitralion I fre. qaently had weak, fainting spelh. Doctors J did not help- me. They said my blood was") very por, ana i Know my uce was always very pale. The very first bottle of Dr. Miles' Kervine I took gave me noticeable relief and I lelt suoager than I had in years. My neighbors in I'uyalUjp, Wash., where I then lived will testify to this. I also iud some ot 8 . Miles' Kesterative Tome aad Anli-I'alu ilk. I believe the Dr. Mile Rncdlc saved my IIic"-Mm. J C. IUneimct. t, Tne "nek- er, utaa. tleMlemediel saraetse skst Ut tm tor tree booic on feervesM and Heart Diseases. . Dr. MUesTlcdieal Co, Erlcbrt, lad. and Heart A u mess 4fitl4-H-H-W-H-i-W :jDalymplefsi a t Embroideries Scores of people ate flock- t ; : fng every day. Looking t '.', over tlie remnants we x ; are selling at greatly rc :; daced prices. Only a ': few days'feft, so yoti had f :; better nurrylfcefore they I : : are all picked over. . . . Rub Dry i The new bath towel, t I Something entirely new. t This is the bath towel i t they are making those -T t pretty waists ot 5oc each :j Dahymple'si: I'lin lH-fH-HH-4-if Another factor which may have In fluence In tho selection of n mnu from soma othor county Is the fact that thdre Is a man belonging to one of tho wings of Mr. Durbln's local support, who would llko to bo warden. Itoforenco Is mado to Mr. John II. Lewis, constnblo of this district, who Is a closo frlond of tho I Inline peoplo, and who wtw a farmer nt tho penlton tlary under tho Ponnoyor administra tion, when George S. Downing was suporlntendont, Tho wholo situation prosonts an Interesting study. 'Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by UBlng Mokl Tea. A ploasnnt horb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat, Blcap, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. nnd HO cts. Wrlto to W. H. HOOKER & CO., Buffalo. N. Y., for a froo snmplo. D. J. FIIY, Druggist. There's trouble In the stato houso, And thlngH nro getting queer With Fulton gottlng 28, ' And something loss for Geoiv And Wood, ho of Multnomah And th" lending DumocinL Is whooping for HomibllcniiH Initend of standing pat. I6 '"" '" Sciuuhmmki, And ho fioni Skookum Chuck, Art sizing up the loumbup, And are down upon tholr luck. For they'd like to kuuwi tho winner, And got on -the uppor tdo, So when the wagon coiiim Hloug Thoy'd get a chnueo to ride. iThe t ''' " ticking j lJ" " "-"inuent nnd w high, ,T,,0' ma ho "'""latin tho I AbllOllleil C.f the ly And, guessing of the winner Isn't any smt of uso Kor each legislative sinner Says he's "sound upon the gooio.' If you are troubled with Impure blood. Indlcntod by soros, pimples, hondarho. otc, we would rocommond Acker's Dtood Elixir, which wo soil under a potltlve gunrantoo. It will al ways euro Sorofulous or Syphilitic poisons nnd' all blood diseases. EO eta. and 91.00. D. J. FRY, Druggist. O i CoiiKieesman Williamson Is tho one member of tho legislature who refuses to dlecuse the senatorial outlook. He considers the matter too delicate for him to havo opinions ipon, as it In volve sevural of hie constituents. He no doubt line Ideas of his own, how ever, and tholr oxprveslon will come in the way he votoe sunif cure" Fon'TiLiis Itching Piles produco moisture and caus.o Itching, this form, as well as Dllnd, Uleodlng or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Ilosan-ho's Pile Rem edy, stops itching and blooding. Ab sorbs tumors. COo a jnr at druggists, or went by mall. Treatise free. Wrlto me about your case. Dr. llosauko, Philadelphia, Pa. Kor sale at Dr. Stone's drug stores. o Pendleton is to have an Importn tlon of lady barbers from Mlesotiri. They almost come within the scriptur al Idea: "They shavod others, them selvttti they could not shave." The Sure Way to prevent Pneumonia and Constjinp tlon Is to euro your cold when It first appaars. Acker's English Remedy will stop the cough In a night, and. drive the cold out of your system. A I ways a quick and sure cure for Asth ma, KronrhlUa, and all throat and J lung trouble. If It deea net satisfy -you tlie druggist will refund youi-r money. Write to us for frej sew pin . W. II. HOOKHR & CO.. ?, r. Y. D. J. FRY, Druggist. 45 i I