The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 21, 1903, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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n MM
1 13L1QS3UCW the bargains when those prices are re-
IAA WW Jf dtfced Saiemfs ffest Store is at your service. We
; : never consider anything so'd until the article has given the service it was intended
to Sve.Evfry sites slip bearing our name is a sight draft on us, if the goods
!! disappoint you.
We ite maklnir as
low crlccs as we can
to have thelauallty
all there.
extra quality, all
linen, claln center,
wide border 72
Inches. - $1.33
Same Quality fancy
center, - $1.35
Fine auallty. cat-
$ Y...J
tern 72 Inches. - - $1 09
70 Inches, food quality, a fine
tarwin, 67c; tetter quality. 72c
Newly Anivzd
line ever shown In Salem.
We are
Eyes Tested Free
Consult Us before Going Elsewhere, it costs you no mci e
(o have your glaw fitted correctly thm hy some inexpeii
enced in this particular hinincss. Wo have the best and
latest instruments for ieMititf your eyes and in case you need
glasses we will sell them to ou at a price lower than interior
ones are sold elsewhere. Our facilities and experience are
not equalled outside of the larger cities.
23 ywtrs prartlcnl o.xierleiH e.
S3 State Street. Next Door to Bush's Dank.
Lunch .
Flrst-olaa ItiMhes served at the now
Noblo lunch counter ntull hours, tin)
or night. Wo will make n bpmIoI
ty of sandwiches, saner krnut, and
Trlonefvrur.t, clam chowder, nnd
lu fngt nil (hat pes to uinke up u flrgt.
clam liituh. We desire to call ea
pcolal attention to the business mon'a
lunch that will he served dally from 11
, ra. uuUl 2 p. m.
Fresh Salted Almonds
Salted Peanuts.
fPlzwi tie diu
Edward Ellis.
144 State St.
Jan :i Vhat. 7)
Bldns, Oregon.
Wide for family use. ask your
grocer for. it. llran and
shorts always on hand
A. T. WALN Affent
- or 8-lc. -r'rreii inIKh ot, uart Jw-
sy. Apply to W. 11 JVtH. MUM,
MM4 Md atrvt. 1 4t
is the cause of more diseomfort than
auy ether aUweut. It you eat tho
things that )iu you want, and that
a to goad fer yu. yon are dttreetd.
Acker's Oysptpsls Tablets will make
your UljuMtiea perfect and prevent
DkfMsAAbxsiSieh msa.l it am .aB.luai .
. ,,"n:.'l-v "r"'.?
anything, at any Uwe. if ym ak ee h,',,, Ur monl
f these tablets afterward. $M Vy H st 11. Hut ley- T lt-rpt-iat.
aV drHM4s wader a peetMre g. trfte: ettls and towns
art njf ZJSVTSm F1 " B" ,,S- "" r '"""
fm ZX v? h. nooKMrTt co;r,,,- "
Wsffalo. N. r I H B S Keed In rfgard to steal
43jui Wiinre oorIer,.
r ni. .nufi fn vmi. The store that t
IS a money aaviug uium
Royal Worcester
are Corsets
For a for d.iys
only Ww'hIIIbpII
$1.25 value Rt
Look tli cm over
St. 1 If play
New Applique, Chiffon McdaUons. Dress Trimmings,
Stock Collars and Ties. All the new and latest Crea
tions. We can safely say that this is the daintiest
headquarters for the best products of eood makers.
Faithful Fire Laddies Treated
for Good Work
A happy event oecuired nt the ttro
d,parttuut room Inst h t-tiltiK. when
an elaborate spread In the way ot an
oyster vipiKr was partaken of by the
fire lwys Htitl police department. The
supiter wrh sent up by Uncle Hill An
derson, out or appreciation for what
the firemen did In saving hie business
block Inst week. It will be remem
bered Dint nt that Hr ih water was
used. Hnt, whll the flame were sue
reeafully subdued mi damage huh
iUm U) protKN't)-. ThU whs UH
wiNbly apprtvUtwl by Mr. Andwaon.
aa th bMlldlns hhiI a forge stock of
mihmIs mlirkt bavw bH aertoasly tUm
Ml by a Hooil of water To give thtt
Mrt- buys evhiewe of this apprwlatkiu
tkc oyatitr supper was WNt up piping
but. and all rmAy to Mrv. CkM 01 b
soh aud bis police rbrre, as wvll
JMds Judk wr rwlkd lto asutat.
and wkn tb troubW wh over some
rU t(wU were aiwwerwl to by tboM
gtlted In that direction, and Ute only
htamlstt lo ttM wboi attnlr was tht
abaM trf th gftrous boat. 9Wm
crtalHly bas a good set of rmHn,
nnd Utey appreciate good trwUinnit.
Fulton Gains and Geer Loses
it'ontlaiHri fMMN Nntt page.)
II U lis. Olw4r- To amend rode;
II. H 140. Materkey -To amend
rtnlf: revision of KiW.
H M 141. Hots) KMJn4S) wkry of
th i-onnty Jitg of CohtmWa county.
II H. lit, Hntkr To Ineorpomis
itartow; Olm-kginiss cotinty de4gs
Uon II
H lit. iiMkrtey To ansend
revlssM of nvw.
H. 144. IslBkoltrTe Uk-orporsts
ertiet awl town,
H. 1M. Wesmtnr To geMl HMosl Ju4s fur third judicial 4it
nsstesmint aad ttttntsnai jtrtct To speewl roMUHiUee
S. VIC. Unilr-T nwwIsI hsaohl Reading of Senate Bites.
listing of
labor and kestes-1
H H. lli
HHy T gunntntee
rtghis of mborers; mhor aM indnetry.
II H MS. Come -To antemd cudr
H U 116 Oetsw- lor better prwer-
" rtJlroad. sd rtessm,,
-. i ;;
oaiem s ;;
- w. f -. - - -- -
It Neve Rains
But It Pours
Buys a good
Thla week at Hoi.vkrson'h. You
might py $ l.EO (or a poorer.
uiK rlilca on railroad trains; railroad
mid transportation.
II. It. 10 f. Heed To amend cod;
II. It. 168. Mllyeii To amiiuil char
tor of Albouy; Linn county duloeja
tlon. II. II. 156, Phelps To incorporate
I.cvlnnton; cltloa nnd towns.
II. H. 157, Whenldon Snlo of Intox
icntlng lieveiaKea.
II. I). 1, Malnikey I.owIh nnd Olnrk
fair bill; rend third tlmo and passed.
House Wedpesday Morning.
Opened with prayer by Ilev. St.
Pierre, atuti chaplain.
Kddy whh relieved from snrvloo ns
a committee on enrolled lulls, and
Hudson, of Multnomah, wan named to
aupply the vacancy on the commit
tee. Speaker Harris announced tnvi.4
gating commltteeM as follewH:
Coinmlttoe to Invewtlgato sale of
school lands. etcHermann. Hale,
I. Follett.
To Investigate arfalra nnd accounU
of state lKHilteutlnry Davey, Huntt
lv. ICramnr
To examine book.k and accounts of l
Mtnte Intwne asylum Middle, Corn ft t,
To examine books and affairs of
state treasurer's office Ifdwarda,
Hodbon, Kmmltt.
To e.xatnlne books nnd affairs of sc
rutary of stuts Phelsp, Milt Not.
To e.xaniliu Rffalrs and aotounU of
the mform school, blind school and
deaf muto school Hanabrmigh, Pur
dy. Robbing.
To Mnrnlne Iwoks, nffalrs and no
counts of soldiers' horns and stats li
brary. Kmmltt. DAnnemnnn, Ranks.
To examine state printer's office
Orton, Jones. Hawkins.
On revision of laws Malarkey.
Jones, llllyeu.
II. II. 5. by Dnvey Providing an ad
dltkHiai term of Department No. 1,
dmilt court for the third Judicial dis
trict, was read third time and passed.
Under second rending and refereuue
of senate bills, the foDowIng proceed
ings were had:
S. . M. by gweek Kelatlng to
INtrtland library. Made special order
for 10 a. m. Tkursdny.
St. 11. 40. by Carter Amending Ash
mud enarUr. Considered engnma!
wm placed oh calendar (or Utird red
Isg. t. JJ. 4. by Wetarun Amending
rHurter of OurneUus. Cities nntl
8- , U by Daly Amending Cer
tain charter. Pasted to third read
ing. & B- M. by SmUh. of Umatllla-liu
forporwlng ,hy of Adams Cities anjl
t. sV Jl. by McQIhk incorporattmx
MttwMifeJe. CiUes and towns.
8. M. $4. by Crotonn- Relating to
w. ' ims)r-OeUnjt an
iirrecuciMs) scftool fund for IK.uglMS
IntreduetiM Biils,
H. E. IU, by Darer Ameuding
eode with referemre to rewrt prac.
H K. 1U. by nav- U. In. t..
bills of eXtviMHjsM JwlkHiu-y
H at ISO, by H'rmatiS Auu-nding
barter of fugullie titles and towme.
H B 1st by Kay Regnjialng bejtks
aud lusurau.' -esit and tax
ir B IsJ ,, Ka Kixiug claries
-' SV
of Marion county
ofllcors. Marlon
county delegation.
H. B. 163, by Kay Fixing salaries
of state ofllcors. Judiciary.
II. D. 104, b Edwards, by request
Amending code. Alcoholic traffic.
H. D. 165. by Edwards, tiy request
Amending code. Alcoholic traffic.
II. H. 16C. by Hawkins Incorporat
ing Falls City. Cities nnd towns.
II I). 167, by Hermnnn Amending
charter of Uandon. Cities and towns.
H. H. 1G8. by Hermann Relating to
Use of streams for irrigation and do
mestic purposes. IrrlgaUon.
H. 13. 169, by Huntley Amondlng
Oregon City charter. Clackamas
county delegation.
H D. 170. by I'urdy, by request
Amending code. Judiciary.
II n. 171. Nottingham Relating to
adulterated linseed oil. Food and
dairy products.
II. U. 172, by Phelps Relating to
riparian rights. Irrigation.
H. U. 173, by Davey Incorporating
Sublimity. Read twice nnd roferred
to committee on cities and towns.
Thb-d Reading of Houre Bills.
H. H. 76. by Eddy Amending Till
amook charter. Passed.
Senate Tuesday Afternon.
Called to order nt 2 p. m.
S. 11. S8, Wehrung Creating n
beard to loan schol funds; first read
ing. 1 S. H. SO. Smith of Umatilla Creat
ing a grain Inspector; first rending.
I S. II. 90, Maya To compel tret
irallromla to not allow employee to
work over 10 hours dally; first rend
Resolution Joint resolution to
amend the consUtutlon so ns to reg
ulale the salary of the state pi Inter.
This la a resolution introduced by
Mulkey In 1801; adopted. Adjourned
at 2:S6.
Senate Wednesday Morning.
Joint memorial No. 2, osklng con
gress to remove obstructions In the
Columbia river, was Inld on the table.
S. It. 01, Kuykondall To amend
code; first reading.
S. D. 02, Williamson To provont
the fraudulent wearing of badges and
embloms; first reading.
S. II. 93. Williamson For the relief
of Lake county; advanced to second
rending and ordored printed.
S. H. 04. Daly To prohibit pools
and trusts; first reading.
S. II. 06, Smith, of Umatilla In re
gard to rand brand for stock; flrat
S. 11. 86. Smith, of Umatilla To
nmund endo; flrat reading.
Senate Joint resolution of the last
session of tho legislature to amend
the constitution, so ns to hold genet al
elections In November, instead of
June; adopted 17 to 0, with four ab
Joint resolution of the 21st session
"I"01"1 ' ate tw'. 8
to allow cities nnd towns to Incorpor
ate without mi act of the legislature;
referred hack to committee with In
structlons to have It printed.
Joint resolution of the 21st session,
to amend constitution, so as to allow
state institutions to be located awny
from the capital; adopted, 21 to 4,
with 4 nbeeut.
Resolution No. 17. Myers-To ap
point a committee on salaries and
mileage; adopted, The president ap
pointed Myers. Daly and Stelwer.
S. II. 17, Stelwer To license ped
dlers: first reading.
S. Ii. 9S, Hand To amend code;
first reading.
S. B. 90. Sweek In regard to ob
structlng rlrers; first reading.
Second Reading of Bills.
S. H. it. Miller To fix salnrlos of
state oflirers; assessment and taxa
tion. S. II. Si, Croisaa For primary elec
tlens: elections.
S. R. 18, Sweek Relating to for
osts; jttdieiary.
S. n. s, Msraters-Liabilities of
enpkyers to employes; railroad
S. Jl. 44. Miller Ontralliatlon of
schoels: education.
S. Ii. U. McOlun Ktoploymcnt of
ehlW laber: judiciary.
S. II. 10. Stelwer For transports
tlon of sheep by express; third read
lug and passed
Indian War Veterans.
A couintttcv composed of Capt W.
H. 11. Myers. W. H. Sperry and J. S.
Cooper was appointed to consult with
the ways and means committee, and
a conference will be held tomorrow
night to discuss the appropriation.
Grand Cuwmandant Wood expresses
every c-ouildence in the allow am-e of
the claim taking the stand that no
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question um-os m the family
every day. Ut us ,ier t to-day. Try
adeekions and hcAhhtaldeskert. Pre
Mredicitwo nnnnte. Noboibngl no
UaV-tejrl add Ikuk water and set u
eel. lvors-.-UmoaOraagc.Raap.
berry and Strawlwi-ry. Get a pat.uT
atjourgrexcrst.. 'ay y ,.1
man would object tp a bill unfavorable
to tho repudiation of a debt against
the state.
Marion County
Jury List
, .
The Jury list for the w-m of court
convening on February Otn. mw,,,, nd 8eenlfl to bo gIven fu we
empanelled, and Is composed of the
following names: F. M. Hlco, a. .
Pn-h .tnlni Knlcht. E. A. M. Cone. U.
J. Carlton. Patrick .trillion. X. Stolssel.
f!. H. Chanman. James E. Smith, It. I .
Nye, E. C. Titus. J. F. Stalgor, C. L.
Shophord. W. W. Zinn, J. M. t.nw
rnnoe. Matt Small, J. E. Zelgler, Eu
gene Manning, Chris Krelght, R. P.
Hall, David Rack. Orr Royal, J. A.
Austin, Elmer Denny, D. W. Smith,
W. J. Hartley, Jos. Stupple, E. C.
Churchill, W. H. Cooper' 13en Robert
son, Wm. Loverldge.
Once when I was very sick
Anil doctor thouslit I'd Ult
And mothrr couldn't smllf at mo
iii. I. Inui tn crv.
Tlint was the time for promises;
Voti should have henrd them tell
The loin of uood thliiBH 1 could bays
If I'd Bet well.
Wut when the fevtr went away
And I hPRan to mend
And beKtl to t the Boodles
Thai CiranOinu llrown woulil send
They raid beef ten wan ltetter
And H'U'o my Krpn to Nell
Ami laughed uml Mhl. "Vou're mighty
81 nw you sot well." Oenturr.
a I'leri-p i-H'tfimt'itrt.
In Pari j,wo polluo ojlicers recently
got upon the track of u pickpocket.
They surprised him in the net nt tho
(iinnlbiiM Imifiin mid followed him lu
hot pursuit. He wns n thin, poorly
clad young fellow. In the Rue Roche-'
chonuut, however, he suddenly (llwip-'
llliut-ti-i, lit' nimin-tiij iiimiii-
.riitliftnif bu hml Klli)netl.ilo today by saying ho bollcvcd
!... t .1... I .!... u... .I.......
llllt. ttllt- til lilt.- liutint". lltr.t nvi ttiviii- t " ..-- ..v ..w v.w..r.(.,l7 uiu. v.w ....
eelvex to wnt I'll for his reappearance, ter wns nrmed. It Is a good thing no
The thief In the meantime bad entered )my nttemptod to lynch hlm, ns he
n Imthlng vHtnlillsliiiiPiil. nntl nfter n,,ini, n)nny fron,ls lt would ,mvo
refreMilngbnth entere. I the I bos to an-1 , WnU.loo; T,ma1 BnU, ,u,
other bather and ciilmly clothed him-"
eelf lu the Hinnrt suit he fonud there. ,llolt-''1 aoiixnlM had corroded his
.then passpcl proudly' and peacefully antlt-mortem statement, us it was nn
out before the very eyes of IiIh pur true, (lonznlos Bald something iiUtunt,
auer. The climax of humor camo Inaudible, about a mesBngo, and the
when the other linlher, urrny'ccl In tho .-..nson whv he wns shot. Tillman Is
ruga of the pickpocket, wjim grabbed by
the officers of tho law nt (ho door and,
dragged off lo the station bonne. Willi
rtnnio fllfllciiltr the situation was ex-
plulnwlj but tho pickpocket is stl.'l
We have about FIFTY
They are the finest lot we've leceived this Winter.
Prices: 5oc, 60c and 75c Per Busliel
Ia-f'fla UnnitafnA
Fresh Eggs,
124 STATE STREET Phone 511.
mn-a-KHO) i a i o-H8ima4e id i fr
Chicago S
The Bargains we are offering are certainly Trade Wlnnera tudnlnn from the
srewes xnai visit our store, Monday's
At 46. yd velvet corduroy, all shades
ThV latestor waists, beautiful goods,
regular price 75c. ; Monday's Sale
Price .J5c.
At 49c. Black TaKete Silk, fine Qual
ity, good weight regular nrice 7Se:
Monday's sale price 49c.
At 4c. Beet Preach flannel, all tho
laUt shades, beautiful cloth, hoavy
aud thick, every thread good, regular
price 75c; Monday's sale nrtco..4Co.
At 49. Imported Kn-lisli Covert cloth
dra goods, beautiful cloth for spring
suit regular price Sic yd; .Monday's
sale prw 4gc
MCEV0Y BROS., ffiirsalem. Or.
The. Pope
Is Dead
Paris, Jnn. 21. A report received
horo this afternoon says that tho Pope
Is dond. It gave no particulars, and
no date, but Is regarded as authentic
& profound arm
douce. Th ostlnugo feature of tho
case l thnt It seomB impossible to got
either confirmation or denial of tho re
port from those In authority nt Rome.
The Fair
Paris, Jan. 21. United States Con
sul Dowdy fays the Fairs' personal
property was npprnlsed and Inventor
led by men of unquestioned honor be
fore the seals wero placed on It by
him. He has nothing further to say
until ho rccolvos official notification
of the loss of tho Jewelry nnd furs
from the administrators.
They Want
1 More Wages
lndlnntipolls. Jan. 21. At tho min
ers' convention today tho working
wage schedules of tho Ohio and West
Yliglnlu high want a 2G per cont In
crease and tho Indiana, Illinois and
Pennsylvania mon a 15 per cent In
Tillman Talks,
olumblti, Jan. 21. Tillman brolto his
i &'1iiitl liu altril ftfinunlua ilin lnt
,.(a(,v ,() , ,,,, , nny smn f the
, . .. TTo .
'oro H,'H v1,,k,t c'xU for "' , "0. n0J
frl rosln, but changed hla mind
ns ho thought it would reflect upon
''Is honor.
BUSHELS of Elegant
I irdi 65 Cents and
LaiU. $(.25 per
Butter, 20c.
25 per pall
sHHs - H - Kiia)iigieioiaiH'
Prices Slaughtered,
At42c yd. Beat standard prints asd
nercnlaa. KOfl vnr1 n select fi"8"-
spring shados, regular price 75c; Mon
day's prlco c'
At 49c. yd. All pureLlmm satin Da
mask Tablo TJnen. Belfast sooa.
thlok and heavy, regular price 85c
Mondav'n Rtn nrinn "
At 5o. Union Huok Towels, fringea.
length 30 Inohos, 50 doz, to wl1
from, beat towbls made for 15", Moo
day's price
11.00 white Bed Spreads, sale price 7
76c. Tilte Hemmed Shets
15c Pillow Oases sale price
B4 f
m i