THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1903. PAGE SEVEN NEW BOOK ON STRAWBERRY CULTURE E. HOFER. The Stiawbeny Industry In The Pacific Northwest. Full Instructions nbout preparation J nitrated with photographB takon oIboII, growing of Planta planting tho.on wrf fl n(jar ,,.. cultivation, fertilization, picking , S'packtug tho crop, shipping' and ,b? . r Journal office 25 markets chapters, treated luuy in separate i ftft-HI I I IWWH 1 lit 1H-H THE STANDARD Sun Typewriters Thoy are constructed on th typo bars; direct stroke; alight, releases; perfect alignment; m offlco of tho Capital Journal AN UP-TO-DATE MACHINE. PRICEONLY $40. y. F. KETCHUM, Salem. Oreeon. Aeent Marion and Polk Counties. frHlllHHI Ml HI im-HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI K i-mHt Wood Good seasoned fir wood sawed and delivered to any part of the city, at 4 per cord- D. S. BBNTLBY IIM83 Commercial St Our Reduction Prices Reduced on every kw Fascinators were 50c now bundrv Bags were 50c now sundry Bags were 35c now x wool was 15c ball now wool Silk was 10c spool now Ladies' sVool Hose was 35c pair ladies' Wool Hose was 23c pair Misses Wool Hose was 40c pair 1 2n oer cent reduction on all gowns, Ghcmisc, Drawers. Skirts One Third reduction on millinery Greeobaum's Dry Goods Store Next Door to tho Poatofflco . HARRITT & Sell more Groceries and better Fresh Walnuts, Currants and Raisins AND EVERYTHING IN 3EA80N FOR INQ 8EA8ON. HSIKHHKKIHi-5-Iaf I Electric Lighting I 8AFEST CIEANE8T MOST CONVENIENT No Matches. No Odor. No Smoked Ceilings. A Good Strong, Clean, Im vicar uigni or................. ft He Power Clear Light of................. costs ONE CENT PER HOUR. Power at Low Rates per Horsepower. . 1 SALEM LIGHT.POWER and TRACTiON COMPANY, i aa4Miiass-fa-j-aM White Btonze Monuments Never chip, cracki tar nish, moss or corrode. The only kind that nev er needs cleaning. For the truth of the above see them in all the Sa lem cemeteries; some of them have been there for 17 years. If you want the yery best at r If the price of stone t-a wilt last ten times 1 r.?, call on or ad- FUs B.wArr,"aifssH BY -"" v v;uiv. mo umy wum uu this industry. HIM 11 illl llfKHHHW o plan of tho $100 machines. Strong rapid touch; carriage, platen and paper arginal stop, etc. Seo tho ono at tho J 4.00 Phono C91 Main. Sale Now On . article except spool cotton 39c 39c J 9c " 1 Oc - oc now 23c now i 5c now t 25c white goods, "Muslin Night and Infants Wear. 302 Commercial 8t LAWRENCE Groceries than ANYBODY HOUSEKEEPERS IN THE COM OLD P. O. GROCERY. Harper's Whiskey Is the best Get some Into your vest. GUs. 8chrelber keeps It, And you know the rest. FARMER'S HOME 153 State Street. Cash Saving Oiler! Two First-Class Weekly Papers for the Price of One, Weekly Journal and Weekly Ore gonlan, $2.00. Weokly Journal and Orange Judd Farmer, $1.35. Weekly Journal and Trl-Weekly N. V. World. $L75. Weekly Journal and Woodhurn Inde pendent, 11.50. Weekly Joun al and Gold Beach, Curry County, Recorder, $1,50. Weekly Journal and American Boy, 1.50. Weekly Jpurnal and Courier, Spray, Oregon, $1.50 Weekly Journal and Express-Ad vance, Lebanon, $1.60. Weekly Journal and Globe, Condon, Ore., $1.50. . Weekly Journal and Oregon Mist. SL Helens, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Town Talk, Ashland, $2,00. Weekly Journal and Herald, Lake view, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Men of To Morrow, $1.60, Parties desiring- can get the Dally Journal three monthB Instead of the Weekly one year in tho above combi nations. HOFER BJROTJJLERS Salem, Oregon. The White Houe Restaurant la growing in popularity each day, and you will be in tho swim if you take your meals there. Every thing up-to-date SAILOR'S IDEAS OF MYSTERIES Result of a Hoodoo Ship Aboard No Act Could Appease Wrath of Neptune The Tacomn, Jan. 21. A recent trip by tho steamer Tacoma from thlB city, was ono unusual occurrence und a strong side-light is thrown upon tho superstition of sailors by tho Btory of n passenger: "I have followed the water for many years, and, though on this trip a pas songer, I was intlmato with all aboard and during all the rough weather was tho one passenger allowed on dock, or below In the working part of the ship. I have sailed before the mast twenty years, and have groat faith myself in "hoodos" and "Jonahs." When tho Tacoma left sho had aboard a "Joh all" in very truth, and all hands and tho cook will bear mo out, as will the man himself, if you ask him. Con Norton is from Missouri. Ho is an expert electrician and secured the po sition of fourth assistant engineer. From tho moment ho stepped aboard to tho time we tied up to tho dock yesterday It was a. succession of mis haps. When He Went Aboard. He cam aboard an tho lines wore being cast off, tho 4th of October, and when ho looked at tho men at work heaving and pulling at tho linos, something mysterious took place which every man of tis felt, yot which will not boar analysis, At any into, at thut moment, for tho first tlmo in her history, tho ship bulnped Into tho dock, stnvlng In a forward plate. Con showed his hand when wo pnssed Point FInttory by nBklng how far It was to the noxt Hghthouso, nnd the question, which you can seo for your solf was sufllclont to incense Father Neptune nt any season of tho year, tho first serious Intimation of tho tempestuous voyago wo woro to have all tho way to China nnd back,. No ono answered tho question, for that would have been fatal, as you know; and, finding It unanswered,- ho began wondorlng aloud whero tho coaling stations woro placed, and how many mllcB It was to tho first ono. The hands skipped away In groat nlarm, and ns he entered tho onglnoor's messroom tho groat water filtor fell from Its fnstonlngs without warning, crashing to tho floor In bits, though fastened so securely that two mon could not ordinarily have torn It loose. Shaved Him at the Line. Sooing that thoy woro in for it. Uie crow put a bold face to tho matter and thought to avert Noptuno's wrath by tho usual rites and ceremonies. On crossing tho ISOth parallel Con-was shavod nnd supposedly put on good footing with tho wator deities, but tho very first thing ho asked on bolng in troduced to tho spirits which enmo nboard was "Whore's tho line I hoar so much about. I don't sea anything," and thoro ho wan gazing out, to sea for a gllmpso of tho lino on crossing which tho ship gains nnd loses a day, according to which wny It Is travel ing. To nvort dlsastor, aftor such a gross seafaring atrocity, one of tho onglnors hastily strotohod a hair across tho front of a toloscopo and gavo him the lnstrumont to look through. Ho saw the line magnified a thousand dlamotors, and wondarod how tho ship was ovor going to sail ovor It at all. Ho was from Missouri all right onough, and had to ho shown. Then Jt was the threatening olouds gathered nnd tho storm withhold no longer, and as you know the ship went Into Hongkong with all hqr up per works washed away. Only the stanchest of ships oould have stood up In tho storm, and only the super oxcelleut seamanship of Captain Dix on prevented hor going to the bottom. Jonah and all. Couldn't Throw Him Overboard. Of courao. If the laws had Iimh the same ns In the real Jonah's case. Con would have ben thrown overboard, and the storm would have abated In stantaneously. That not being pos sible, it became a case of slrik or swim together. When Cqn entered the din ing room, all the glassware in the swing-holders over the tables would come crashing down. If he met a potboy coming laden from the gajley, tho potboy would barely escape with his life, whllo tho dishes and pota in his arms would go skating overboard. If he opened a hateb to go on deck, the sea wpuld .focus lUelf and thous ands of gallons of water wopM rush down The opening, until he was for bidden to approach the opening again. Onoe he visited the galley. and the cook barely escaped with hJs life, only by a miracle escaped being M GHIL,DS LIFE FOOD Physicians speak of fat food as " life food " and say that all children ought to have it in abundance. They clinch the argument easily by calling attention to how naturally the well-fed infant thrives upon fat food the fat which is in milk. Physicians say, more im pressively still, that weak, thin, nervous children must have fat food, and recommend Scott's Emulsion. It prompt ly returns sickly, backward children to rosy health. It is the life of flesh-creating food and keeps the scale of child health venly balanced. Beinj prepared for easy di gestion Scott's Emulsion is readily accepted by the stom ach and quickly passed into the bhod. Once absorbed, -the system soon fqels the in fluence of the new force. .There commences at once the repairing of wasted tissues, the enrichment of the blood and the strengthening of the whole s htem. Any child who need.- more and better nour ishment than it seems to be getting from its ordinary food will be greatly benefitted if given Scott's Emulsion. We'll send you a Minplc free ujxm request. SCOTT & BOWNE, .109 Pearl St., New York. pitched neck and crop Into n tank of boiling wator. Whon ho entered tho engine room, tho oil caiw came crash ing about his oars, while the chief would turn pnlo with fear that some thing would glvo way nbout tho ma chinery. In which enso It would have beon nil off wth us Inn minute. Allowed Him to Return. Well, wo got to Hongkong and It took many weeks to repair, during which tlmo wo recovered our courage and woro satisfied to have him conio back with us. nrfiultiK that Fathor Noptuno had exponded his rngc and would now smile on us. Not so. No sooner woro wo on deep wntor once moro than tho Jonah wnntod to know If It was na far back ns It was coming over the Pacific, alleging that ho had heard somowhnro of a "Milky Way." or a groat clrclo that cuts ncrosg lots, so to speak. Then came the sound of thunder riven and for tho noxt 5 hours the chief onglneor and tho enp tain each stood at his post without re lief and wiUiout rest nnd only by such herculean offort saved tho Tacoma and those aboard. The dishes des troyed on tho voyago across had been replaced In Hongkong, but the stew ard will toll you that when wo arrlvod In Tacoma wo hadn't enough left whole to servo tho captain. Wo had to put up with It and tho only stipu lation mado was that the Jonah should keep out of the onglne room, for on that dopendod our llvos. Caused Her to Strike. The story of tho storm has beon told and need not bo ropontod. Whon It abated wo woro in sight of land and then camo anothor fntal break. Wo had passed Capo Flattery and were on our way safoly to Tacoma when Con Norton was, by mistake, allowed on deck. Ho looked off to tho shoro nnd (.wore a mighty oath ho would never again set a foot on board ship. Then ho asked If that red land over then was not Florida, as he had al ways noticed that Florida was the one red uto on all the maps. Hardly was the fatal question out when, Bang! we w-re aground hard and fast. We got off. as you all know by this time. but when we reached Victoria It coat the hoodoo a champagne supper fur everyone on hoard the shin mid we obtained a solemn promise from the crus' or an our irouuiee uim ue wouiu resign. He has done so. and all is well again aboard the good stanch ship Tacoma. INDIGESTION Is the cause of more discomfort than any other allmont If you eat the things that you you want, and that are good for you, you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your digeatidn perfect and prevent Dyspepsia and its attendant disagree able symptoms. You can safely eat anything, at any time. If you take one of these tablets afterward. Sold by al' druggists under a positive guaran tee. 25 eta. Money refunded If you are not satisfied. Send to us for a free sample. W. II. HOOKER & CO., Buffalo, N. T. CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements, five lines or lets, la this column Inserted three times for 25c. 5 Oca Week $l.SO month. All over five lints af tho same rate. WANTED. Wanted. An experienced cook at the Florence Sanatorium Immediately. Good wages. l-2D-3t Wanted. A young girl to assist In light housekeeping. Apply nt 33G Capital street l-17-3t 2000 head of 8tock Cattlo Wanted Cows and helfor calves, yearlings and 2-yoar-old heifers; flv bulla to tho hundred head, to raiso on sharca by rellablo and perfectly re sponsible lifelong cattlo mon. Fhio grass rango In wpstern part of Lane county; half increase for bIx years. Address A. J. Thompson, Gnrdiner, Oregon. 12-16-lm LOST AND FOUND. .ost. a purso containing some mon' ey nnd enrda of Mrs. C. F. Patton and Ida N. Funk. Lost between Methodist church and city hall. Finder leave at this offlco. l-17-3t Lou Ladles' gold watch, with ini tials "M. S" on case. Flndor pleaso roturn to No. 43G Stato street MG-3t FOR RENT. For Rent. Furnished rooms, with uso of baUi, phono and dlBtllled wator. 485 Court street, or phono black 2525. "ow Furnished Rooms For ront near stnto capltol. Apply at (538 Stato stret M9-3t For Rent. Hnusokeoninc rooms nnd other rooms, furnished. Call at 390 Court street 1-17-Ct For Rent Furnished rooms nt 321 Mill Btreet, residonco of A. Ollngor. Phone Black 248). M7-3t FOR SALE. Teams for Sale Two heavy toaniB, outut and nbout CO cords of wood In tho timber. Chenp for cash If taken soon. Inquiro of M. II. Utor or J. A. Colgan, South Salem. 1-14-lw Cows for Sale. A few cood full blooded Jerseys. Inquiro at David son's, Mornlngslde. 1-13-tf Snap Bargains 297 acres In Waldo Hills; -107 Bouthoast of QorvalB; 300 adjoining city of Woodhurn, for salo cheap, Inquiro of C. W. Corby, lawyer, 259 Commercial stroot, Sa eom, Orogon. 12-13-lm MISCELLANEOUS. Ten per cent Discount during January Call and seo now stock before buy ing. Tho Varloty Storo, 94 Court street, Annora M. Welch, Proprietor. Ony the O. K. Grubber and Stump Puller. Manufactured near Brooks, Or. Three stato premiums; host In tho stnto; one horso hns power of 99. Send ordors oarly and grub an acre a day. Jas. Finney, R. F. D, No. 8, Salem. Or. 11-C-tf You will always find tho choicest meats and grocorlos at tho lowest prlcos at Edward's & Luscher's, 40G and 410 Stato Btreet 'Phone orders given special attention, HOP BUYER8' DIRECTORY. B7o7scTiuc1TNa Main 1311. Offices In Bayno block, Stato street, Salem, SQUIRE FARRAR. Hop merchant and purchasing agont No. 210 Commercial streot, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. 'Phono 1051. T. A. LIVE8LEY & CO. Dealers In hops and hop supplies. 'Phono 1211, ofllco room 18 Oberholm bldg., Sa eom, Orogon. PRODUCE BUYER8. JAME8 M. KYLE & CO. Highest cash price for potatoes, onions and dried prunes. 175 Commercial streot, Salem, Oregon. LODGES. Protection Lodao No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, meots evory Saturday evening in tho Holman Hall, 'comer of State and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren welcome. J. G. Graham, M W ; J A. Sellwood Recorder. F0RE8TER8 OF AMERICA Court Sherwood Foresters No. 19. Meots Friday night In Turner block. Harry Wntson.C.n, ; A.L.Brown, Sec. Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. Castle Hall la Holman Block, corner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m.. A. K. Strang C. C. R. J. Fleming K. of R. and S. OSTEOPATHY. Dr, M. T. Schoettte Oraduato Ameri can School of Osteorathy, Kirks villa, Mo. Office In Tioga block, over the Spa. Office hours 8.30 to 11:30 and 1 to 4. Office phono No 2423 Red residence phone 2603 Rod Dr. H. H. Scovcll, Suggestive Thera peutles and Osteopathy. Nervous, functional and mental diseases, neu ralgla, headaobes, nervous prostra tion, dyspepsia, constipation, diar rhoea, rheumatism, asthma, etc. D'Aroy block. State street Phone Main 2855. TON80RIAL AND OATHS. Ryan's Shaving ParloravSeveu flxot claas barbers esc&ge& Finest b&tt rooms in elty. We use anUapU UfffHtr. J. Ryan, Prop, Evans' Barber jBhop. Onlyflrst-clawi hop on State street Every tolas now and up-to-date. Finest porcelain baths. Share, 15o; hair-out, 26e; baths, 2Cc. Two first-class boot blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor, -iju-m-ju Luum VETERINARY. - - - vw-v r -w -w m VVV V V w Dr. E. E. Jackson, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Ofllco, Rod Front Livery. Phono Main 851. Real onco Phono 201B Red. 1S-5-U Fresh eggii and butter from our stores at Aumsvllle and Bpeer Bros. 'Phone 2491. Mehama, at 11-11-tf -L 1 ' ' 'L-w -unM LI i iii 11, CX H. MACK noaEaBarm? nc'a? Succossor to Dr. J. M. Koene.'ln Whlto Cornor, Salem, Orogon. Parties aoBlring Buporior operations nt mod crate foe In any branch are In especial reauoat THE ELITE CAPE 208 Commercial Street OYSTERS Served In tho best of stylo and wit' tho moat 8uItablo accompaniments. a ECKBPXBN. Proprieto HUIE WING SANG CO. Chios ware, Jsttnese finey and tfrr joods. All kinds of silk and wool coeds. ftUko npflnellneofUdlei' white underwesr of all kinds, wals's. wraceers, skirts, gent's as4 ladles' furnlshlnjt joods. mattlnr. haudkereblefs forsaIeatost. 100 Court St. BLUB FRONT HHll8IHli Residence g IFOR SALEf H A rare bargain la tcsl- jjj dence property close In, at being a good hoiise, two lots and" barn, g sightly place and de- sirabfe location, apply at once, to M M f M 1 A. F. Hofeir, h-, i J Journal Olficee MBBKV 1M-mHlIlHB L.D.HENRYRnuS Good Banralns-FalrTrealment. List Your Property with me. 230 Commercial St. Two Jersey Bulls Bast full-blooded Jersoys bulls for sorvlco. Torms ensh. A. Rich, on D stroot, Englewood. East of railroad. 12-2C-lm SALEAl WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For wator Borvlco apply at offlce. Bills payable monthly In advance, Mako all complaints at the office. S0ULE BROS PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS PORTLAND OR. For Salem and vicinity leave orders at 0o Will's Muilc More. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Moots all mall and passengor trains. Baggage to all parta of tho elty. Prompt service. Tolophono No. 241. HECKMAN & HEDRIOIC Through personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago once a week, and betwoen Og den and Chicago throo times a week, via tho Sconlo line. Through Standard sleeping oars dally between Ogden and Chicago, vis tho Scento line. Through Standard sjoeping cars dally between Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Through Standard and toutist sleep ing cars dally between San Franolscp and Chicago, via Loa Angeles and El Paso. Through Standard sleeping cars and chair cart dally between St Paul and Chicago. Be ouro that your ticket reads via the Great Rock Island Route. The best and most reasonable din ing car service. lng oar service. For information T. J. CDARK, Trar. Paaa, Agent U B. OdRHAM, Oea. Agt, 2 A! ibr St, Portland, Or. liiiriViawrTiMiiTi