The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 21, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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DIAMONDS sold by the BARR STORE are practically
Insured against depreciation. We agree to buy back,
after one year, any diamond bought here, oaylnir for It
ninety percent, of the purchase price. Do you know of
any other saleable commodity In which such an offer could
be made? Do yon know of any store making big profits on
its diamonds that would like to buy them back on such con
ditions? We make this offer to show the good faith tnat
is back of Ban diamond selling. We claim that no other
store In Salem sells diamonds at so modesta profit margin.
This ninety per cent, repurchase offer would seem to be
good proof.
Bat t9$ Jewelry Stoe.
State and LlbertySts.. Salem,
Somo peoplo havo .to Bpcntl, but if
jou havo no tlmo, possibly you might
llko to have ono of our lino lG-Jowel
timekeepers, as tlioy do not require
ouch raonoy for Uio investment." Our
itock of flno watches for ladles and
gentlemen Is complete, and embraces
writhing In Elgin anu waunnm
witches. PrlcoB lowor tlinn over.
C,T, Pomeroy
2S3Com.8t, Watchmaker and Optician
When it's Pure .
It's Harmless
Alliterated, "forty-rod" whiskey If
rough to "knock out" tho strongest
(Kutltutlon. Tho good, honost, prop-
tlj distilled ryo or bourbon article,
irii as wo soil In bottles or bulK,
vi In moderation, don't hurt any
w-mthor bettor you whon oxhuust-
; or wlion tho appetlto falls.
1. P. ROGERS, figa-
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer. ,
Dancing, Banquets,
Patties, Glee
Pleasant Whist Party.
"On Tuesday ovonlng, at tholr home
uq Marlon street, Mr. and Mrs. Zadoc
J. IllgRa jjnvo a vary ploasant whist
party to a score of their young
friends The prizes woro won by Miss
Maud Hlrsch and Jos. O. Evans. Tho
hervlng ot delicious rotroshrajonta was
tollowed by music and a season of so-
rial converse, all contributing to an
evening of pleasant social recreation
Those Invited were: Miss Ella Rlno-
man, Miss Maud Hlrsch, Miss Eliza- (
ch Holvorson. Miss Oslclo Maunons,
Miss Mabel cartor, mibs uucia uocn- nR
n, Miss Agnes Gilbert, Miss Maud Tho ,,roai)BCUl aro oxceuont for tho
Vt&cKay. Miss Cora Tnlklngton, Ml3S()0St oratorlo 80Cety Jn the nist()ry Df
ume aiuiKoy anu airs, oiaru. ".,Saloin All whp sing should take an
wading, or San Francisco; Messrs.
Te4 Crawford, Chas. E. Blor, John W.
Cochran, Louis Hooker, Edwin Mc
Mahal, C Douglas Jessup, W. H.
Bwghardt, Jr., Al. Hopf, Joe G.
BvanB and Dr. H. H. OUngor.
Banquet to Legislators.
The Marlon County Modlcal Society
Tuesday evening gavo a banquet to
ll.ltl . . j.
-uuS imysiuans wuo aro memuors ThIa w, l)e toloWQi by tho study of
the leglBlaturo. Tho subject of the Gounod's "Redemption." Later "Kll
"eatkmota atato hoard of health hah w, ,)e ,tucllefl. Thesoare the
aa dlscusBed. Tho seuUmout among work8 Boia by the wniamotto
'no medical profession In attendanco yalloy Choral Union for tho May fos
as unanimously in favor of such a ..i wt,im, wm Ka i,i,, tM Bnri t
?!!,? CTtlDS 8Uch a board wlth
i" '-""" powers. Tno oanqueuehonls win from Sft,Bn,
tail n .m.,. - . -I
ucviueuiy nannv arrair. anu
inei to promote a bettor ncnualnt-
I' ameng tho members of Uio pro-
". and permitted the lntoroliango
Weas on lenlslatlon nendlne befora
, "tate legislature, and In which
' Physicians of the entire stale aro
Orators Will Lomoete.
Asiong the local contestants in the
"mette University oratorical con-
Which takes nlace on February
are R. B. Wilklns, Edgar F. Aver-
oaar Mereaso, Miss Nellie Clark,
V Wolably several oUiers.
" result of this contest daaldes
'Participant In tho stato-ripntesL
Bl6ftMnn. ' l. ......... 11
th Interrnllncnta rrnnHinI
7 Will llfi hul.l nf Unnmni.lli no.
r. to sel.-et tho judges.
-.7, ,, r ,B proaiueni or me
u- JWifU : 1 a mamhar nf thlrf
- i mt iwmrm
Willamette Ualveraity Oleol
Leaders in Low. Prices.
Clubs Etc,
Club expects to make-a tour of Kast
orn Orogon during tho April vacation.
Tholr glee club has 10 members, all
trained slngors, and they havo boon
most favorably notlcod wherever
hoard. Tho Itinerary of the club will
Includo the majority of placos along
tho lino of tho 0. R. & N. road In
Eastern Oregon.
The Oratorio Society.
Tho Salem Oratorio Snnlntv linM Itn
flrst relonrflal Tnosdav nvnnlntr in tt.n
Sun(ay Schfol room of tho First Prea
hytorian churchMrs. Seely conduct-
Interest In It and como out to the flrst
rehearsal tonight at 7:.30,
Salem will support one flrst class
musical soolety. The members as
sume no financial responsibility be
yond tho payment of dues, and for
music which Is ' furnished at actual
The flrst study Is the "Feast of
AdonlB." the copy costing 20 cents.
- - .-,
Eugorio and 'It Is oxpooted that a
"- -----
The Salem "44" Club.
The ball to be given tonight by the
Forty-four Club promises to be one of
the foremost society events of the sea
sou. On aocount of the large attend
anco during the session, unusually
petontious arrangements have been
innde for the accommodation and
Pleasure of the guests.
Card of Thanks.
We desire, through tho medium of
Tho Journal, to express our thanks
and deep graUtudo to all those who,
through their many kind aofs. showed
their sympathy during our reeent be
reavement, the death and burial of our
wife and mother. Mrs. Laura Grls-
wold. Geo. Oriswohl and daughters.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned wish to sincerely
thank the .nany friends and neighbors
so kindly assisted us during the,
xecont illness, death and burial of our
beloved daughter. Irma.
D. H. Loouey of Jefferson Is In the
C. A. Park has returned from Port
laud. Dr. O. W. Fulton Is hero from As
toria. Mis. Chas. Gray Is visiting Portland
Ex-Sonator C. I). Crosno, ot Toledo,
Is In tho city.
George W. Holcomb Is In tho city
from Portland.
J. N. Hart, district attorney, Is a
capital visitor.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Keeno aro In tho
city from Medford.
Iilshop and Mrs. H. L. Barkley aro
visiting In this city.
Coroner J. P. Flnley, of Portland, Is
hero for a few days.
Dr. W. T. Williamson Is spending a
few days In Portland.
Miss Blnncho Gulliver is export
stenographer in tho sonate.
J. H. Drlscoll, of Portland, Is look
ing on at the state house.
Hon. S. B. Eakln, ox-senator from
Lane, was In tho city yesterday.
John Hoefor, of Champoeg, was In
tho city today on legal business.
A. Noltner, formerly editor of tho
Portlnnd Dispatch, is In tho city.
Mrs. lima B. Hurd haB returned to
Portland, nftcr a short visit In this
Hon. S. II. Frlondly, of Eugene, Is
now here, Interested In tho senatorial
Miss Pearlo Dick, of Portland, Is a
guest at the home of her brothor, C.
L. Dick.
J. II. McClung, of Eugene, a retired
merchant and an ox-senator, was hero
A. II. Mattoon, of Looking Glass,
Douglass county, Is among tho ox-son-ators
Miss Mabel Wlthycombo, of Corvnl
lis, Is visiting In Snlcm, the guost .of
Miss Mnbol Jones.
Hon. Chns. Rakor, of Wnltervlllo,
Lane county, one of tho solid business
men of Oregon, Is in tho city.
Mrs. G. R. Thomni, of tho asylum
force, hns gone to Corvnllis to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. I Ion
line. Editors 'Soulo, of the Toledo Load
er, and Gebhardt, of tho St. Ilolan's
Mist, nro attending tho sosslons at tho
Mrs. H. E. Ankeny, of .TnckKonvlllo,
hns Joined hor husband, who Is In nt
tondanco at tho sosslons ot the stato
leglBlaturo In this city.
City Rocordor N. J. Judali will leave
tonight for San Francisco, to be ab
sent until February 2d. HIh office will
bo filled by Major It. II. Loabo.
II. J. Blggor, of this city, was yes
terday appolntod dork of Joint com
mittoos, tho position assigned to Miss
Bortha Fostnoi. iio roslgnod.
"Tho Gambler's Daughter." being
prosonted this week at Cordray's thoa
tor In Portland, will bo seen nt the
Grand Opera House next Wednesday
Joffoisou Myors Is In tho city, for'
tho Boselons. Mrs. Myors will Join
him horo In n few weeks. Mr. Myers
hns attonded 15 consecutive sessions
of tho Orogon legislature.
Council Wants Unsightly
Structures Removed
Section Is Officially' De
nounced as Public Meance
The Salem city council, at Its meet
ing laBt night, voted to take somo ag
grosslvo action at once to accomplish
tho removal of tho unlsghtly and di
lapidated buildings that now consti
tute what Is known as Salem's "China
town district. At a previous mooting
a .speolal committee was appointed to
Investigate the section complalnod of.
This committeo reported Its findings
last night, and, In adopting tho re
port the council has ordered that legal
steps be taken to cause the condem
nation of the district. The substance
of the report made by the committee
Is as follews:
In our inspection we took In the
general surroundings of Uio premises
and the condition of Uio buildings, and
more especially the numerous by-ways
and cubby-holes, water closets, ones,
and connected. The property es
naolally referred to herein Is lot S,
block 21, the east half of which Is
owned by J. J. and B. 0. Murphy, and
the west half by the estate of J. Ver
ani; lot G Is owned (south half) by
Mrs. A. J. Monree: nortii half by P. II.
D'Arcy, lot 7 is owned by B. M. La
Fore. ' We eas make lrtit little dtoUseUoR
in any of the properties named, hence
will describe all under one head. The
property, as a whole, is simply filthy;
One of Georgia's Useful Educators
Grateful Tor What Pc-ru-na is Doing-
For Suffering Humanity.
J?. A. CurtrJght, A. 11., Principal of tho
Georgia Xormal ond Industrial Insti
tute, and editor nud proprietor of tho
"Georgia Helping Hand" writes Uio
following glowing wards conoornlug
Porunu, and It eflleiiey in tlio oure ot
no h i : "I vraH Induced to try Peru
na by tho advice of a friend, and cer
tainly lu'lleve thut HUfforlu humanity
would 1 ' relieved If thry only gavo Po
ruun ti fulr trial. Would that I could
fruiiiQ wi.nls suffleleiit to oxnroia my
sratltud" for tho Iwwellts dorlved from!
its u"-F. A. CritTltUIIIT, Groonn
boro, (in.
Hon. W. N. RoiH-h, riilled Stato
yonutor from North DiikotH, in a lettor
wrltt'-n from Larlmorc, North Dakota,
sayJ :
" Persuaded by a friend, I havo mod
Poruu.-v iw a (onto, and am glad to testify
thst It harmtly helped mu in fitrougth,
vigor and appetite. .1 h.i o lyaon advised
by friends that It l reniarkiibly oflloa
oloutt m euro for tlu almost universal
coinplnintof catarrh." W. X. Iloaoli.
Soim'. r Itoaoh'HwIfe ruooininends Po
tunanlv. Slionayas "I oau ohcurfully
U(t-rrnntB nvo kept up to mako a fair
ly decont appearance, whllo the Interi
ors and tho spacon between the vari
ous buildings nro full of decomposed
and decomposing matter of nil sortH;
and such water closets as nro nttachod
to sowers nro but little better than
those which are opened nud unat
tached, ns they are of obsolete pat
terns and do not comply with sanitary
rules, and aro themselves In wretched
and lllthy condition.
The enforcement of the former or-
dr of this council, requiring that all
closets In thnt block, now open, to he
properly connected with sewer, would
not materially romedy the present
conditions, slnco we could not deter
mine whothor tho closets now appar
ently attachod In that block aro nt
tachi'd to sewors or cesspools, and we
discover thnt tho wnter from the sinks
throughout Uio buildings fall to adja
cent ooBspooIs, or, worse, to the open
ground bonoath them. We would,
therefore, recommend that the pre
vious order to force sewer eonnee
tloiiB on this proporty be reconsidered
and resoindod, and that the common
council tako Immediate, legal steps
looking to tho removal of tho present
tenantry of this block to some more
modern and hotter regulated premi
ses, at an oarly day, and that the
whole of thoso promises and buildings
be rondomned nnd the buildings he
torn down nnd dostroyod. This con
clusion Is based upon the fact that the
ontir sphoro known as "Chinatown,"
nndhereln doscrlbod, is a menace to
public health and beyond redemption,
and thould bo so dealt with. This
should be accomplished Itworo .the
coming summer.
The premises on lot No S need a
thorough cleaning; the water closets
are of the same fautly style as In oth
er parts of the block, except the one
serving the Junk shop on the alley.
all the rest should be condemned.
During the past year numerous com
plaints have been filed regarding the
filthy condition of the premises oh the
northwest oorner of Commercial and
Perry streets, (lot No. 6, block N
34, belonging to the Hlrsch estate).
and we havo made a careful inspection
of this property, and And It In very
much the same condition as the prop
arty in block 21. The only value these
buildings represent is the paint on
their fronts; the yards, the water
closets and the premises generally,
are in filthy shape, and should be con
demned as n, nubile nulsanee. and a
Menace to pubMe safety, and we do so
Wanted Immediately.
boy or porter, at Wllliamette
recommend your excellent romedy, Po
runs. Indeed, I know of no other rom
edy as good as yours. It is a grand lonlo,
and many of my friends havo used it for
catarrh with good results." Mrs. Vf, N.
The most common phases of summer
catarrh are catarrh of tho stomach and
bowols. Peruna is a specific for summor
Mr. Vm. Hebley, Duquesae, Pa.,
writes: "I am cured of catarrh of the
stomach of tHo years standing. I had
It so bad that I could not eat anything
but milk. I doctored with several doc
tors and they could glvo mo relief tor a
short ilnir nnlv. I unw Parunm tvtrnm
mended and thought I would trv It.
and I now think I am cured ot catarrh.
I have worked two months and did not
lose a day."Vm. Hebley.
Mr. Moses 1 Merrill, Columbus, Chor
okco Cq., Kamafl, Rural Route No. 3,
"I had been troubled with systemta
cutnrrh, which affectod tho lowor bowels
cppeelally. I was troubled with running
off of the bowels and troublcaomo catarrh
ot tho bronchial tubes which caused
spitting of thick HIU0U8. Since taking
Peruna my Improvement has been
wonderful. My bowels are regular as
clock-work. I can now eat like other
people and my rituals digest."-"
Moves P. Merrill.
Hon. AVilllri llrowor, Ropresontatire
In OoinjroaH from Alabama, writes the
following letter toDr. Ilartmau:
llmiKO of Representatives,
Washington, 1). C.
Tho Porunu Medloliio Co., Columbus, O.:
Uenllcmeu "I havo lined ono bottlo of
Peruna for luMitiule, and I tako pleasure
in recommending It to Ihoxo who need it
good r'inidy. As a tonlo It Is oxcollcnt.
In (ho short tlmo I havo used it It has
done mo a -grout iloal of good." Willi
If you do not derlvo prompt and satis
factory results from tho uso ot Peruna,
write at ouco tb Dr. Hurtman, giving a
full fitatomout of your enso and ho will
bo ploascd to glvq you his valuable ad
vlco gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, I'ronldont of
Tim Hartmau Sanitarium, Columbus,
For Sale.
A resldenco In East Salem that cost
$1000 to build, for $2000.
Branson & Ragan
Hnve Just recolved a new shipment
of Preforred Stock canned vegetables.
Guaranteed tho best on the market.
Phopo us your ordor.
Forty-Four Club Dance.
This popular social club gives an
other of Its parties In Tioga Hull Wed
nesday evening, January 21st. Mem
bers nro rcquosted to take notlco.
A Free Round Trip oKfaT8
Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes.
Buy a pair of Heart and Arrow Brand Shooa and got -a
guess In the LaProlle Shoe Company's Guessing Contest.
A Coupon wllh every pair. Bo sure to asK for it.
Albert Smith
t i
KSrn pendants
X,4sWT A.
i awtroncB.; ' i riUrs. vo
Till .. . . .
I I i I
fis0i qffM : i
For your kitchen will tualco you X
laugh at tho high prlcos of
wood. After you havo usod it a
short tlmo y&u will wondor why
you swoltorod over a hot wood
rango during tho hoatod term,
or was worrlod over starting a
ilro on a Winter's morning,
when a touch of a match malcos
a bright blazo, sonflnod to your
cooking utensils, and not heat
ing your houso for tho whole
day. Try cooking by gas.
' 4
Phono 683. 4 Chemeketa at.
um 'rri iiiiiiiMMigillt
Cash Market
In Btoiner'a Fish Market, Stato Strcot
Frosh moats of all kinds, hams, should
dors, bncon, lard, otc. Prompt Service
Phone, Main 1401.
Wiliest nurket price
and veal.
raid for poultry
Finest meats and poultry delivered at
lowest marktt price.
140 State Street
Phone 2853 Main.
Salem, Orceon.
2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
will sell any patent medicine.
bottle, box or package, or
any drug sold by the lb., for
2 cents Less
than ,inu rut rnin nrlrn, iii.
'vertised in this paper.
In cold aiuj stormy wtailirj that
' m $8irt9r atuj hjgh. gradg whls.
kr;''&lMFetoi imrlty ami flu a distil.
laUon majfs It bnflcial to thd(g'
Uon and to health generally. Ah .
lrvfMitaUr and cur for sold, rip
aBj CGMtfh R to UQurpasAy. ,
160 Suti Strut.