,,.. 3raLteKiaiiwy '- aM -asm -lfcj-TTrTMpjaBW-iw, JB rtta PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31,. 1903. FATHERS CONFER Salem's Chinatown Is Of- & . ficlally Condemned ' . V fayor's Message and Stand" ..ing Committees Named A lam grist of Important matters itAlMfiifC U municipal affairs at this. tfb beginning of a new year, engaged IDs attention of inanity council at It ,',,, anna re,)0rt. Among other Items Standing Committees Named. Mayor uisnop announceu suinaing commlttoos o Uic counclj for the en suing year an follews: Streets and public proporty Sims, Uurrowu and Pohle. Ways and means Cattlln, Stolr. ami W'alkw. Account and current oxppnsoa Hurrows, Walker and Hubbard. Fire and Water- Catlln, Hubbard and I'ohle. Ordinances HubtHiril. Stole nnd Hurrows. Health and ikjIIc Btota, larsen. and Catlln. Mcensei l.arnw. Walker and Stols. Printing lfnlibard. I. arson. Treaiurer's Report. City Treasurer John Molr submitted " lll milium I cjni hi iiinuiiA wtuvi ivwhio rSgutnr meeting on Tuesday evening. the rcport shows the payment during Dooks Are Correct. -The committed dh ways and means, reported that Hecorder Judah's nn nual report had been examined and found to bo In proper condition. Tlio commltteo found that licenses amount ing to S0.3fi had been collected during tho year nnd entered on license no count, but not carried to cash rogIs tor. At tho end of the year Ilecordnr Judah liad a bnlanco of $80,215 unno John Mauror . . i '. 1.50 Mrs. H. SI. Urown.,, .,..,, 2.26 Ed. Stark . .,.... A... 21.00 Allon Peck 1J7C XV, II. Wos-cott . . ISM w! W. IJasSy '.... 16.00 H. Lamar 15.00 C. h. Roger j. 9.00 J. D. Conn G.00 V. W. Msoy 12.00 .Mllo Mee 1.50 J. I'. Irvln ..... US CJias. Weit i... 7.0 C. K. ISIgln 18."S Want Street Lights Changed. A petition was presented by Yew Park people asking that cortaln elec tric street light In that section of the Walker anil, city be changed. After sorao discus sion the matter wns referred to the commltteo on streets and public prop erty, although it appeared to be the Honso of tho council thnt any change In tlio location of the streot lights by tho council will result In endless with a balance on hand of $171.72. There Is a balance on hnnd of about $1500 In tho different street funds. The report wa referred to tho com mittee on ways and menus for exam. Inotlou and report nt tho next regular tneetlng of tho council. Mr. Molr sub- the year of $6000 Interest on the city's Indebtedness The receipt for the trouble for that body, since tho result year amounted to $17,806.63, with .Is sure to bo a domatid for changes In disbursements aggregating $17,033.81, ovory section of tho city. To Improve City Jail. Chief of Pollco Gibson appeared be-i foro the council and nrgued for an Im provement of tho Interior of the city Jail. He desires that the city bnstlle be ctpiipped with partitions, so as to make possible th detontlon of wo- tnon and wayward girls. Ho asks that ment to succeed L. IL Murphy, retired. I further recommend that themat- City Recorder Judah ,'waa directed ter of crosswalks nnd sidewalk inv to purchase, In tho name of tho city, provements bo pushed forward during two volumes of the new code, at a the coming year, cost of $12 I wish 1 thank those mombors of The proposition of E. Downs to fur- tho council who havo o faithfully nlsh bids for tho Indigent poor of the rvcd the city during the post for city at 1!U cents por night, was ad- their uniform courtesy, and to the verscly reported upon by the commit- new members, I extend a cordial toe reported upon by the committee greeting. Praying for your co-opera- on police and fire. l," u,c "l,ut,u" " , ' " affairs during the coming year, I am, Mayor Olshop's Message. .tc." Mayor Hilltop, at the meeting of the" X,A i mtlin council last night, delivered his an- AQTPfllP A FMli nual message to that body. Including vvj 1 JUVI r S LB.IXJ a numuer or recommennauons wun reference to the conduct of municipal affairs for the ensuing year. In ad dressing the council, Mayor Dlshop said as follews: In assuming the responsibility of the management of tho municipal af fairs of the city, wo are each and all pledged to conduct and manage Its af fairs within Its Income. In the matter of bonds, wo ltnve A COMMON ERROR. OFFICE CHANGES Dr. Schoettle Takes Dr. Grace Albright's Practice Dr. .f. T. Schoettle. Salem's woll sewer bonds, Issued December 1. 1889. ,nown ogteopath,Bti wlll succee(, to and take no substltutca The Same Mistake Is Made by tl . Majority o People. It's n common error To plnator tho aohlng back, To rub with llnlmon.ts, rhoumatli joints, When the trouble comos from tl kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure nil kldin ills. Hero is positive proof." A. Ammann, ' shoomakor, of in1 Santa Fo Avonue, Denver, Colo., savi "WJion Donn's Kidney Pills stopp( an nggravnted enso of kldnoy cot plaint In the summer of 899, I tnnd that fact known to tho residents ( Denver, so that others who had kli ney troubles In any of Its varlou forms might know what cottrso to pm sue to get relief. Tho opinion I tho expressed Is tho samo today as it wn when Doan's Kldnoy Pills wero fin brought to my notice. I have had n occasion to use any medicine for m kidneys since When Donn's KIdne' Pills affected a- cure In my enso tha euro wns pormnnent." For snle by nil dealers. Price ft cents. Foster-MIlbttrn Co., Buffalo, N Y., solo ngcius for tho United States ltememoor ttto natno DOAN'S- for 20 years at 6 per cent, $19,000; bridge bonds, Issued October 1, 1880, for 15 years at 5 por cent, $30,000; the practice of Dr. Graco Albright, or ratltor tlio firm of Wyckoff & Albright, In Odd Fellows' Temple. Dr. Schoet bridge bonds. Issued October 8. 1890 Uo w ,)0 ;oun(J Qt tho ,aUcr ofncog an years m t por coin, i;,uuu; mini C&unted for. TIiIb amount was do- mlttod his bond In the sum of $3000, posited with tho commltteo, artd when with tho United States Fidelity and tho necessary partitions bo provided Applied to Uto proper accounts, tho .Guaranty Company, of Haltlmoro no In the Jail, or that speclnl qunrtors bo cfty'a books waro found to balanco to Httroty. On motion of Stolz, tho bond i fitted In some of tho vacant rrfoms In was referred to committee on ways .the city hall building. As tho Jail Is ft cont. Will Condemn Chinatown, A comprehensive report wns sub mfUd by Chief of Police Gibson nnd Alderman Stolx, relating to tha sani tary conditions In Hlock 21, Malem's Chinatown. The special commute rxportml that the west one half of the littMJk ! hi a filthy cDtulltlim. The rnnimltU reeommended Hint the council proceed to remove the ten nutty of tho block dMrlbd. nnd tlmt the iMilblluffi Ih cc-iidemned and or derd frmoyel. Altached to the re port of the rntfliiiltlee whs a itate ment frowi Jim. Ilrimrdl, h pliimhlnc expert, wbo arrontpHMleil the mtn liMrs of the city government In their topr of Inspection. The itntement con tlrmiHl flit report of the coin mil tee. and ctiorw"il the revoinmendHtlom of that iHwly UiKiii iiiggMtluu of Itecuiil er JudHh, the innlter wns referred Id the rommltte un hoalth ami potlce with power to art, nnd with Instruc tion to Ink steps tit weurit the ton demnntUtii of the pruiwly reported upon. Th commit t is aittharlBed to mil ploy kNml advice. If deemed UM-es-snry Ilonds Are Approved, The bnitd of City Hccorder JiiiIhIi. Im th mm irf $ftnoo, with C. Msrah. Otto IIhnkhi. J. J llrymple. D. J. I.. (1 Uossoiier ... lry NH1 J. P. KrtxxHI hi uretloe. WHHUiirn IIhidIUoii appmrwd. HlmllHr adieu whh takrnl8Niu. U.'l.l with retHrt'me to tli ImuuI or o OrlsWoW. an str)i ronimlMMloiin Wie MIH or $hhi. with H Pohle. P J J , Slmpum Uomwi nnd a. u Grey u sureties. D j. i.'ry . . . nnd means. Salaries Are' Raited. The ordlnnnco granting n slight In crease In the snlnrles of the police, fire and street departments of tin Sa lem city government was it rend n third time nnd passed nt the meeting of the. council last night. The read justed nlnrles date rrom the first of the present mouth. An Ordinance Tabled. An ordlimuco requiring tlmt lie re after all fruits, vegetables nnd cereals offered for snle In the Salem mnrkekt be sold by weight Instead of measure ment wu tabled. Te Improve WJIIien Avenue. Stoli nud Sims were constituted h special committee to confer with Su lierrlilng Arch I tent Cramer, of the Sa lem iKHtlce. nnd procure pliuis nnd peclflcntlom for the permanent hu nt present arranged, tho pollco offi cer cannot nrrost n woman nnd re tain her In custody', becnuso of the luck of a suitable place to koep her. Tho matter was finally referred t the committee on health nnd police, with instructions to Investigate ns to the changes needed, and report '"the ap proximate coat of the same. Miscellaneous. The matter of mnklng fuithor In vestigation as to the street improve menu petitioned for on Church. High nnd Perry street wns referred to the committee on streets and publlo piop- erty. A communication from Plro Chief Johnson culling the attention of the council to the need of a new holler for the SlUby fire engine, was referred to the commltte on flro nnd wnter. Upon the recomniendntlon of Fire Ing bonds, Issued Novombcr 2, 1892. for 20 years at C per cent, $20,000; funding bonds, Issued January 1, 1891, 20 years at C per cent, $00,000; fund- horeaftor, and after February 1st will bo assisted In tho work by her broth er nnd sister, Frank and Anna Hnrr. Dr. Albright will remain until their arrival from the East, when sho will Ing bonds, issued October S I. 1899. for (lemU fop ,cr nDW fleM , CnIlfop 10 years, at 4 por cent. $66,000; streot nln. Dr. Schoettle Is to be congintu- Improvement bonds. Issued January 1. aU,(, h-or ,,rjRht fllturo ftm, thc laini. inr m years ni u pur ceni $0181.60. making n" total bonded In debtedness of $220,081.60. Tho bridge Salem public Is eo.tinlly fortunate In securing tho sorvlces of threo such conscientious workers as tho new bonds of October 1. 1880. became due ,., M(U Schoo(0.. 1)roUlor ftJ)(I 8g( White Bronze. "I can seo no good reason nby Uieso monuments should not last as long as tho pyramids of Egypt." JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, Professor of Chemistry nnd Geology, State Normal School, Frcdonla. Jf, Y. Seo add. d-w n The crowim! hi-nils or every nntlon. Tlio rich men. noor men nnrl m!sir Ml loin In paying tribute to PeWltt's I.lttlo Knrly Jtlsi-v. II. Williams. Sun Antonio, Tex., wrltw pmvement of WIIImh nvinite. The Chief Johnson. George Hurkhnrt was commitiee is initruoteil to rupoit nt elected honemnn In the fire depart wie nwi inntMjiig or ttie council. Ills Paid. Pntton Hnn. s.TB Selem Water 0 118.110 O W Putiwm . W. . Alott. M. I), !. StatM T. A T. CO. Williams & aneaer ... 1.60 1.60 1.00 .5(1 60 6.17 It SO I.lttlo Knrly Itltier Pills nre the lirxt ( over until In mv fumlly. I unliosltntlnRly rw ommi'tiil them to everybody. Thoy curt ronRtlimtlon. IlllllmiNnnM. MpV Hnn.ini,. October 1. 1901, and arrangements ,.. .... .,..,.. , .,. ... , . r.'JrD"1.. ,,,v'r- Jpunillff. raalnrln nnd tfl ,,.,,,,.. "' '" b'iho" i me iiiiieiicuii i uiucr iivit irouuiiti i-. u. iinm, on Stni were mnue wun a local naiiK m carry ,.,,,,, . o,..n.i... e. Htrect them for the city until the present n time, and n bill should be provided ( Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen. anil presented to the legislature, now Ladles, try tho fnsomassoee vork:lt I In mnmIoii. giving the city the nuthoii- I no fake, but one of the most beau ty to fund them, and I would suggest tlful treatments n face can have; re the popular loan plan as the most sat- moves wrinkles. Gentlemen, try the (factory. From $80,000 to $100,000 of Dnndrufflne for dandruff head and those bonds have been Issued to take bnld heads. Sirs. W. A. Dunce. State up deficits In years past, which Is now street. Solem, Or. T)ox 1. Upstairs In Mil Interest- burden on the taxpayers IJnyne building. l-17-0t making not less than $B000 a year In--,' terest thnt this generation of taxpnv- . Smith has brought an action ers Is receiving but little of any bene- "' Henry Frank nnd J. N. linker fit. I sincerely trust that In the future '" lvo"ver nbout $70, nlleged to be the no new bonds wlll will be issued, ox- "amnp " o" n promissory nolo for cept to provide for those above men- """ I!row "d Wrfghtmnn are the tloned ns they become due. nnd It Is """ for the plnlntlff, my opinion Catarrh thnt some special levy should be mnde to apply only on the ! payment of a small portion of them each year, thereby gradually reducing the olty's obligations. Referring to (military affairs. I think a vigorous campaign should be H comtltntlonnl illMsia, It original! In iiTofulom condition ot Ue blowl and deHnl ihi thnt condition. T ... ..... ... .v im-m inuiri iHiauamA Mill (llulliei.1. m(i .. (ho.,, ii,.-, ... , wnllll .-, tmpnlM the (sale, Finrll nnd liesiiiiir - ' ' ' wo1"" ""' tcil the viM'al orvnn. itutnrli ii.n (... ..i. It It nlwy radlielly nd iHirmaneiiHy eurrd tiy tin- blood-purirylug. .nttentlve lid tonii- a.tioii of naMRi!iKiiiBiaBBiaaaBisiiaflaiaai8iiBiMiaRBiii it gest that our charter be so amended n to permit us to have a sanitary com mission to serve as do members of the leoundl. without nay. ami that thev have full nnu-.i- In nstmtml u..t..w ..... 'Mil. up.., .1 , j ..... ,-.-.... ... .....,.-, n. -win , uir " :.'-'?. '"'""" nuNwrougiii uienitfrt .lni.i r...,nla.in nr .Q.. i. iriyiiisriii mi wau i.r an , ...... . .. -- --.-.... i(m ii r nniri i inn- i Oil ; . """' 'i uiwi'i uerH-niiiiii; i I , on scrofula or th . r.ifiiioiiD habit ietx and all matters pertaining there ' l.wi Soot)-, I'ilu m u un MUurno. ' tu " n u.i rr , , . . i H v a. wiggiiu ir iiooa s j arsapanua HI II M tVHIie At I II .13 To Sleep Well get your stomach and liver acting right. The easiest, quickest and safest way to do it is to use Beecham's Pills Sal Kfirwlitrt In Ioim U. bJ 'JU. SIGNS OF DECAY, Invisible to all but the experienced DENTIST Are on many teeth. Thoy enn bo felt unloss the warning Is heoded much Buffering and tho ultimate loss of somo teeth Is the result. The removal of ulcornted pnrts and FILLING Of cnvltles wlll ntrost tho decny. Our j filling Is the most perfect yet Invent mi. It Is very lasting. Drs. EPLY & OLINGER, Rooms 27.29 l etctllco Block, Salem, Or BMBaB.BaaBBBBJBMBBMBBaBaBB Jmm' BBW IHi V fJP It doesn't soM reasonable doe5 it? Bt it's so, nevertheless. In our north window you may see a lot of them dressy shapes in black, brown and other shades. They were ' ' $2.00 and $3.00 MS NOW REDUCED TO $1 So Om- s,l salt i, t, ta ,acl iMa to d b Period. How do we accost for it? WcII, to yotf thc scwct, lJJZ Sh as we are now giving. It isn't every day that yoe can get A $J2.50 SUIT FOR $8.00. A 15 00 QTTrr . ' A $20.00 SUIT FOR $t4So FOR. $.00 Ts- onw samp(es of the many Mas througaoBt oM s(ocfe ako Vf . JitJ 7 JL JZiFC fi Hi 1. ON OVERCOATS, EXTRA PANTS swpattc. 4J . m 1. .. u.. nro c.Ke w ut colettl um. ilih " " VJLF SHIRTS USS?& DifiS'SctMiJSf SUM! W0UK, iMTS AT 1ULF MHCC -, . . J ' ' CA V 1-W W W W - "" 0I U'11"S' &" ' C""" " "" "" " S" a CO-SWrtl. COAT 10 a H B m H M a M B STORE riPDOCTTr? r a nrhi -- . . HeadQuarters for Salem-Aiado Kit.f. ci . I 1NATIONAL BANK mmXZJSlL Flannels '"dian Robes. Men's and Boy's ClotHin, ,ri , , c I 11 H a r i K ! uama; I