The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 21, 1903, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Htfti 9 ! HMe-t4aa-tM6t-HM-HI
. .&
Stainless Black Hose
Five numbers of our best selling;, fast black cotton
: hose for women underpriced for Wednesday, Thursday
1 I E-'.Antt oc (V-illmifC
r No. 202 is pur best selling, high grade, full guage fast
t black stockings at 50c, with high, spliced heel and
double sole. Underpriced special tor Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday s selling at the pair 29c
j 620 is a fine, regular made hose, with high pliced heel
and aouoie soie, wnicn sens regular at 25c. under
priced Wednesday, Thuisday and Friday at the
pair 15c
624 is a splendid wearing hose, regular made, spliced
heel, stainless black. Others would call it cheap at
25c Here Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only,
at the pair 15c
No. 623 is an extra good value in a lady's 'fast black
hose at 15c. Here 3 Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day only at the pair 8 l'3c
No. 2-27 is an extra heavy ribbed hose for boys,.size 6
I o 10, worth regular 35 cents. Wednesday, Thurs
I day and Friday underpriced at the pair 22 r-2c
i One lot of gray walking skirts, tailored bottom, worth
regular 2.25. Here Wednesday, Thursdav and
Friday at $1 48
Another lot of medium light gray skirts, plain lined,
some straight and others beautifully flared bottoms,
worth from 6 to 8; each this week at $4.25
The ONE THIRD OFF proposition on all our cloaks and suits and
children's coats has been the cause of tie selling In these departments
tbe last two weeks, and will continue vet another week. When .vou
icin save $8 on a $24 suit or jacket, or $6 on an $18 one, It is worth
juur wnue iu anticipate your wants lor me iuiurc
Men's Goods
Heavy all wool ribbed underwear
ror men, worth $1 50, to close
at- - - - . 89c
75c heavy fleeced cotton under
shirts and drawers for - zc
18 cent cotton socks, regular
made - 8 l-3c
Good. heay. regular made sock.
worth regular 12 i2c. cut
price 6 1-4c
Extra heavy 10 4 wool
blanket, in gray, worth
Amoskeag apron check
gingham for 5c
Simpson's calico - 4 1-2 c
Good outing flannel - 5c
If you want a perfect fit (which means ease and comfort
in a Corset, try an American Lady or R. &G, Just received a large
shipment of these goods in a variety of styles. Try one.
The Leader
27 J Commercial Street
wwtefttMi-w m te-HK-
Treasurer of the Brooklyn East .nd Art Club.
lENSTRUAL irregu
larities ore. gener
ally tho beginning
of n woman's trou
bles. With tho vitality nt n
low ebb, tho blood weak
ened, the digestion disor
dered, she goes about pale-
faced, hollow-eyed audliac-
in a
ber former self. Hut over
n MltAAii a a ewA ft fr V A
blooming health of
1.000.000 women havo found
health again by taking Wine of Cordui.
As a regulator of tho menstrual periods
VTino of Cardui hai never been known
to fail It has seldom failed to restore
Snyder, of No. 535 Her-
tlyn, N. Y has used
Hlii Ida AT. Enudir.
perfect health, oven in tho most por
tent and aorirravuted case of weakn
- ,-,... -" -"- --. "v.
n into a now life. Health to Alias
tent and aggravated case of wea1
mm Kin ,u. anyuer, ot
Ben Street. Brooklvn. N.
Wine of Cardui and sho says it helped
8nyder is worth a trrcat deal. Sho is
an attractive young woman with intel
lectual attainments and sho occupies
the portion of Treasurer of tho Brook
lyn Ea Knd Art Club. This position
jaarks hpr ai n jterson of intellect, cul
ture andret.nijientand it speaks highly
ot the rcijxt and trust her fellow
"women have m her. Sho writes :
W vomta would pay more attention
to their health we would
have more happy wive,
mothers and daughters, ana
if thev would use more Intel
ligence in the matter of medi
cines, observing results, they
would find that the doctors'
oresctiptlons do not perform
the many cures they are given
credit tor.
"In consulting with my
drucpbt he advised McEhee
J Wine of Cardui and Thcd-
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it
and have every reason to thank htm for
a new life opened up to me with restored
health, and it only took three months to
cure me."
You may secure the same relief as
Miss Snyder, if you tako Wine of Cardui
as sho took it. Thodford's Black
Draught iB the companion medicine of
Wine of Cardui and it is a liver and
bowel regulator which assists greatly
in effecting a cure. If you take these
medicines according to directions, the
relief and cure is simple. Some cases
are cured quickly and others take longer
because the disease has run longer.
Hemember how Miss Snyder took Wine
of Cardui and has health. The same
modicines are offered you to-day.
Taxpayers Hear Report
the Directors
And Levy the Tax for
At the annual taxpnyor'B school
meting of School DIst. No. 24 hold in
tho city hall last evening there was an
attendance of about a score of citi
zens. The purpose of the meeting wns
to hear the annual report and levy a
tax for tho ensuing year.
After the meeting wns called to or
der by Chairman Chnmberlaln'the re
port was read as published in the
Journal Inst, week. Upon motion tho
report was ndopted as rend, and upon
motion tho tax levy was made at 8
mills as recommended.
Mr. D'Arcy called the attention of
tho board to tho present tlelapidated
condition of the Central school build
ing, and urging that at as early a per
iod ns possible the present tiimblc
down bufldingB bo roplncod with a
modern now building.
The very small nttendanco was
freely commented upon, and wns evi
dently brought about by tho fact that
tho report of tho directors hud boon
published. Tho tnxpnyors had evi
dently read tho same und wore satis
fied with tho roport and recommenda
tions. This Is certainly complimen
tary to the board, and must be appre
ciated by tho district.
The report as adopted differed from
that published In that the amount of
several hundred dollnrs originally
set aside for school library purposes
of several rooms In tho Park school,
Of the eight mill taxes levied sovon
are for school purposes and one to
pny off Indebtedness,
Changing This
Kciprcsentntjvo Miles, of Ynmhlll,
Is Interested in tho Introduction of a
measure providing for tho division of
the Judicial district which now em
braces Marlon, Linn, Polk nnd OlaVku
mas counties.
The wostorn division might be en
larged by tho nddltlon of nuothor
county, thereby" changing another dis
trict The prohablo Intention of the bill
Is to do away with ono of tho depart?
monts of judiciary In this district, but
It would also mako necessary tho elec
tion of nnothor district attomoy.
Tho bill Is consldqrod ono thnt will
arouse various opinions whon Intro
duced, but Mr. Miles oxpects support
on the grounds of tho practicability of
tlu ense.
In a Restaurant.
A physician puts the query: "Have-
you never noticed in any large restau
rant at lunch or dinner time tho large
humbor of hearty, vigorous old men at
tho tables; men whose ages run from
60 to 80 years; many of they bald
and all perhaps gray, but none of
them feeblo or senile?
Perhaps the spectacle Is so common
ns to have escaped your observation
or comment, but nevertheless It Is nn
object lesson which means something.
If you will notice what these hearty
old fellows aiocntlng you will observe
that they nro not mumhlng bran
crnckers nor gingerly picking their
way through a menu card of new
fnnglcd health foods; on the contrary
thoy seem to prefer a juicy roast of
beer, a properly turned loin of mutton,
and even the deadly boiled lobster Is
not altogether Ignored.
Tho point of all this Is that a vigo
rous old ago dop'onds upon good ill
gostlon and plenty of wholesome food
"and noi upon dieting nnd nn ondenvor
to live upon bran crackers.
Thoro Is a certain elnss of food
cranks who seem to-bollcvc thnt meat
coffee and many other good things are
rnnk poisons, nnd these cadaverous
sickly looking Individuals are a walk
ing condemnation of their own theo
ries. The matter In n nutshell Is that If
tho Btomnch necretes the natural ill
gostlvc Juices in sutllcient qunntlty
any wholesome food will bo promptly
digested; If the stomach does not do
so, nnd rertaln foods cnuso distress
ono or two of Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tab
lets nfter each monl will roniovo all
dlinoulty becnuse they supply Just
what every weak stomach lacks, pop-
sin, hydro-rhlorlc nold. dlstnse nnd
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not
not upon tho bowels nnd In fact are
not strictly a medicine, as they net
nlmost entlroly upon the food eaten,
digesting It thoroughly nnd thus gives
a man needed rest nnd giving nn appe
tite for the next menl.
Of people who travol nine out of ton
uso btuarts Dyspepsia Tablets
knowing them to be perfectly safo at
any time nnd also having found out
by experience that thoy nrq a safe
guard against Indigestion In any form,
aim eating ns thoy have to, at all
hours and all kinds of food, tho trav
eling public for years hnve pinned
their faith to Stuart's Tablets.
All druggists sell them nt SO cents
for full sized packages nnd nny drug
gist for Main to California, if his
opinion wore asked, will say that
Stuart's Dyspnpsla Tablets Is tho
most popular and successful roniedy
for nny stomach trouble. 19-21-23
An Appropriation Or Right to
There was a meeting held yester
day to consider legislative matters.
Prominent among those present were
Grand Commander T. A. Wood, J. L.
Sperry, of Portland; Cnpt. W. H. H.
Myers of Forest Grove; Stephen Moss
of Lake county; Itop. S. R. Claypool,
ot Linn county, and Jas. Miller of Sa
lem; Don Haydon and J. S. Cooper, of
They ask ati appropriation of tho
stato amounting to $300,000, in pay
ment of tholr claims as por tho
agreement under which they onllBted.
It is ostlmntcd that there are 2000 vet
erans, widows, nnd about G0Q children
of deceased veterans. Tho amount
asked of tho state will mean an aver
age payment to each of $118.
Whon the soldiers enlisted for the
Inijlnn war the torrltorlal legislature
In lSFJG, agred to pay them $2 per day.
This wns unpaid, but a number of
years later the government pnld them
Cfi conts por day for their services.
They now ask for tho remainder
due thmo, or for tho pnssago of an
enabling net. so they can sue the stato
to rocovor.
XMarkct Quotations Todays
T "Make Satem a Good Home Market" ?
million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
ig n i iim mnaaa
Bill forlthe
National Guard
Adjutunt-Genoral C. U. Gantenbeln
was In tho city yesterday from Port
land, and expressed gratification upon
tho news of tho rocont passao ot the
Dick military bill by congress. Mr.
Gantenboln takos great Intorest In the
status of the stato mllltla, which will
bo mlsod by tho enactment of this
bill It provides for th- calling out
of the mllltla for annual encampment
by the secretary of state nt Washing
ton. D. C, nnd the oxpeiiBos inhorent
to this nro paid by the government.
Instead of each separate state. This
clause may not bo mndo offoctlvo this
year, an fho appropriations to cover
this Item have not been made, on ac
count of the, late passago of tho Dick
Street Railway
Prominent nmong the Improve
ments being considered by tho new
manngomont of tho Saloni Light, Pow
er & Trnctlon Company. Is tho plac
ing of standard gauge cars on the Yew
Paik and Fair Grounds line.
This will mean a considerable ex
penditure in 'the laying of new track,
the lino bolng nearly three miles In
Children Cry fop
Fletcher's Castorla.
r Annual
If you are troubled with Impure
blood. Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, eta, we would recommend
Ackef'e Bood Elixir, which wo soJl
under a iioaltlvo cuarantec. It will al
ways guro Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood dlsoasos. CO
els and $1.00. D. J FRY, Druggist.
o- - '
Labor Exchange Checks.
All who have not reorted their La
bor Exchange checks to George Oris
wold, will, within the next 10 days, re
port to L. H. MeMnhnn. at his office
In tho Mjirphy block. M-3t
tfi V "ft
Clearance Sale
Began Thursday, February 15 and continues for 30 days.
20 Pet Cefit Discount.
Delayed Shipment of Jardiniers arrived and they are included int
the sale.
PNOONHnorn nion iiorp
ImrluK a wIdn ami terrlbl attack ot
noup jr lUtfe rtrl fa uhm.Iw from
trai7uTatlou, A. U SpaTurd, Ht
niatr, Chwtter. Mkli , ul H of One
Mlniita Cmeh l"ur- wu wlMlaiatMMl awl
-iatl yften. It Mdw! tUt Hwrillsx
uml tiillararoatlon. t tli wurua aU alwrt
iv th elillii wa rfftlt ' imy
raMiMtd. It cure C'uujcbs. lola..!.'
Crlpi. and all Throat swl Iwic trW
line Minute Cawgh Cure llmcr In tb und client and naiil tbe lung to
i.mrlbute ivur. Iiwtllli lliK "XH to
tl.- l.ltood. V ti. Ha l Htt Utt
I I . s '
Itching Plies produce moisture and
cause Itching, this form, as well as
mind. Bleedlne or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem
aAv. stons Uehlne and bleeding. Ab
sorbs i'umors. Wo ft Jar at druggists,
or senrby mall, Treatise free, wrue
me abolit your case. Dr. Bosanko,
Philadelphia. Pa. For isle at Dr.
Stone's drug stores
K.xJ"! iIm tt fh moarb tbut blta It
la usabln to do for Itwlf. htf, bt
Hum the wfk f tba Iwm. jdaitdi tb
hMl SCodal tUffta lmt jroa et and s
bl U rtottacli atxl ttixitre rjB to
ra(f.iSHI All f.ytl il.f.. t' h rC-il Lt4jJ F
IS Hs. 0 8(te hit
Poultry at Stelner's Market
Chickens 9Q10c.
Kggs Per doten, 22c.
Turkoys 12J)15a.
Ducks 10c.
Salem Market.
Chickens Sc.
Hop Market.
Hops 22 2C Vic.
Potatoes, Apples, Etc.
Potatoos 25(Q30c.
Onions CEc.
Dried Fruits.
Dried Apples 4 'A to C'c.
Italian prunos, -10s to COs Be
Petite Prunes 4c.
Wood, Fence Posts, Etc.
Big Fir $1.00.
Second Growth $4.00.
Ash $3.00 to $3.7G.
Body Oak $G.00.
Polo Oak $0.00.
Codar Posts 10c.
Hides, Pelts and Furs.
Oreon Hldos, No. 1 l(S7c.
Green Hldofl, No. 2 2B5.
Cnlf Skins 4 to 6c.
Sheep 70c.
Goat Skins 20c to $1.00.
Orny Fox 20 to 60c.
Coon 10 to 40c.
Mink 25c to $1.25.
Otter $1.00 to $5.00.
Skunk 10 lo 20c.
Muskrnt 1 to Oc.
Wildcat 10 to 20c
Grain and Flour.
"Wheat COc.
Oats 5I2c.
Barloy Brewing, 4fic bushel; feed,
$20 per ton.
FlourWholosnlo, $3.15.
Live Stock Market
Stoors 314 to 36c.
Cows 3 to 30.
Sheop $3.00 gross to $4.00.
Dressed Veal OVsC
Hogs, nllyo 0c.
Hogs, dressed Cc
Wool and Mohair.
Coarse Wool 14c.
Flno 16c.
Mohair 26c.
Hay, Feed, Etc.
Baled Cheat 809.
Clovor 89.
Bran $20.
Shorts 21.
Creamery a'nd Dairy Products.
Good dairy butter 20'33'o.
Creamery Butter 32c.
Cream, pan sklmmod, at creamery
26c, at faun 22 He.
Cream separator skimmed, at
creamery 27V&C at farm 25o.
Portland Market
Wheat Walla Walla. 73e.
Whoat Valley. 77.
Flour Portland, host grade$ S.40&
$3.06; graham. $3.26 $3.60.
Oats Cholco White, $1.15$1.174
Barley Feed, $23.60 por ton; rolled,
Mlllstuff Bran, $18fl$l!.
Hay Timothy, $11 to $12 per ton.
Onions 70c to $1 por cental.
Potatoes uC0e per cental.
Butter Best dairy, 20g 22'; fancy
creamery, sotjaivfc; store, I8sl8c.
Hggs Oregon ranch, 22V6ft'32i6c
per dozen.
PoultryChickens, mixed, lflllo
pound; hens, iMJUo; Uirkeya, live,
Mutton Gross, $4.00.
Hogs Gross, $0.26.
Beef Gro8s, $3.0 $3,75.
Veal IKQQc.
Hops 220284c
Wool Valley, 12,i16'c; Eastern
Oregon, HpUc; Mohair 2G28c.
llldes-dry, 10 pounds and upwards,
10 to 15Kc
Our LaCorona
Ten-cent cigar Is the kind that miltn
almost wwy smln Aik yetir deal
er for this special brand. Aug. Huek
esteln, Salem, Ore.
iDalymples j
; Scores of people arc flock-
; ; Ing every day. Looking
'.'. over tke remnants we
are selling at greatly re-
i dttced prices. Only a
I few daysf left so yoa had $
better htirrybefore they I
I are all picked over. . . .
Rub Dry
The new bath towel. '.
Something entirely jaeyfr jj
This is the bath towel
tey 'arc macinS those J
prerry waisxs oi.;. . . .
5oc each
A Queer Little Invention.
Verily, there are new things under
tho sun, tho old ndago to tho contrary,
notwithstanding. Many of tho bright
Inventions Just now nro In electrical
and scientific lines, but occasionally
there are little Innovations In the
practical lino thnt .eventually revolu
tionize trado and nrt, nnd ovorybndy ,
wondors why It wasn't thought of be
fore Such a eontrlvnnco Is a now
crown for a tooth, which enn bo put
onto any old root with tho lo'ast trou
ble. This new crown forms a perfect
Joint with tho old tooth and yot vir
tually seals Itsolf, nnd whon It Is In
place tho closost scrutiny cannot dis
tinguish It from a natural tooth. This
Is not Invented by a Salem man, but
It has been rightly nnniod tho "Perfec
tion" crown. Tho exclusive right for
this crown has been secured by Dr.
Bpley & Qllngor lii Salem and thostv
who havo Investigated Its morlts
claim that It Is sure In tlmo to dis
place nil of tho older nnd moro cum
bersome 'nvoutlons In this line.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently curod by using Mokl Tea.
A plonsnnt herb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Iudlgostlon, makes you
oat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion cunrnntood or monoy back. 26"
cts. nnd 00 cts. Wrlto to W. H.
IIOOKI5H ft CO., Buffalo. N. Y., for a
froo sample. D. J. FRY, Druggist.
OXi: III'.NIlli:) IIOt.l.AltK A HOX
Is tlit yhIu.1I A TIxiIhI''. Kiiimiittitiiii, K.
?., plufM nil Ib'WItl's Witch llmol Halve.
IIi won- "I lind llie pllwl for 20 ycnr.
I trll ninny ilm-lora nml iiihIIcIiiimi. luit
all fHllnl pieept nWltt'a Wllrli lluzct
Snlv;". It QUrcil nit'" It U n rninlilimtlnii
of I Iks liiHilTne propci'tlei nf Wltcli llnzol
hIIIi nntlxenlleN ftinl 'i'liwlllcilU : rcllcveti
anil iwrnintu'iitlv riin-H. Iillml. hlci'illiiir.
lU-lllllK HMll ll'trilllll)C plll-M, HOI'(M, flit x,
UniliM'M .n-xi'iiin milt rlifiim nml nil kli
(1Ih4. !' 0 IIiimh (Ml KlHtc Hlrct.
For a Rural
The Polk County Telephone Conf
pmjy. Ins filed articles of Incorporation
In the ultlce of County Clerk HolamL
A enpltal stock of $UOO Is possessed
Uy the coinpany, wjiosu liiooi'Dorators
hio Srtuuiel PhilllrM. J. It. Shepard and
W. II. HlllotL It Is the purpose of the
company to construct a rural tele
phono lino that will serve the patrons?
of the company In Polk county nnd
connect with Saloni.
The Sure Way
to prevent Pneumonia and Consume
tloh is to euro your cold whon It first
appears. Acker's English Remedy
will stop tho cough in a night, and
drive tho cold out of your system. Al
ways a quick and sure cure for Asth
ma, Bronohltls, and all throat and
lung troubles. If it doos not satisfy
you the druggist will refund your
money Wrlto to us for free sample.
W. II. IIOQKHK ft CO.. Buffalo, N.
Y. D. J. FRY, Druggist
n i
This thing of bolng sick and loeking:
for a cure Is a mighty serious busi
ness. People are not given to Joking
even at the first symptom of the ap
proach, of tho grim destroyer. Thoy
do Jiot want to be tho subjects of ex
periment, but want medicine that has
i. ill 0io teat of years behind It. A
medhjtne (bat has been made and used'
for 20 yoars glrce assurance of Its
worth, and can be taken with a faith
that they have the very host cure t he
world affords. All this can bo said
ajout Dr. Ounn's Improved Liver Pills -as
a remedy for sick-headache, dys
pepsia and Indigestion. It begins right
at tho source of the trouble and re-
moves the cause. We will send a
Iff & 5?tfS " IBNFA
druggists for 3fe per box. or address
Dr Iloeanko Co, Phlhult-pbla Pt
Por sale at Dr Htone's Drug 8toie ' '
Fine Coffees a Specialty.
Phone 2411 Black
Free Delivery.
"""'"" TrT'!I"TIir!l