The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 21, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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' ,
Cherry Pectoral
I'or Hard colds, cnronic
coughs. Askyourdoctorlf he
has better advice. LiiVuZU:
Mernbsre Northwest Afternoon N
. paper League,
Dally One Year, (4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1X10 In Advance.
Daily by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 11.00 In Avance.
Lumber Men
Washington, Jan, 21 Legislative
measure anil other matter affecting
the Internet of the lumber trad nro
to he considered at lenjcth at the an-
niial convention of the National Lum
ber KxKrter association. The con
vention beaan lLa setffrions here to-
da)- with an attendance of member
Bill Now Before the Oregon
Legislature .
Analysis of the Present
Skin game Alethod
(T)f Mark Manna political syndicate
tuiYH rapidly acquiror uie nig news- " ,
WVet on th Pacific- coast. The two trom mBn' l1 of the country, the
Tarn. am man.! Iiy "" "" 'lllrllnl,a" we" ro"reH
ampere at Tacoma are managed hy
TNnrk's former prlTat secretary.
Thoy also own the Bait Lake Her
ald and run It for all there la In It.
They have h 1)1 dally paper at
sSeottl and ono at Han Francisco, and
1t In unld they have acaulred control
of a paper at Portland that was very
blttor against Hnnna and MeKlnloy,
"but now fawns on the Republican
"Wnrwlok with honied subHorvloncy.
In these dnys of rapid expansion of
tho country and all It Interest there
1a great need for having control of tho
mvonuM) for reaching the public ear.
Tha Sultan of Turkey has Just net
Hlftlo 100,000 for the purposo of hav
ing Information about his govern
ment plricod before the people.
V'hy should not our great promoters
of nubile k)IIc!m own a kennel of
Alleged newspapers?
ented. Krneet SI. Price of New York
Is the presiding olliccr and Elliott
Lang of SfpmphU the secretary of tho
Children Cry for
The Kings
Stockholm, Jan. 21. King Ocsar's
71th birthday today woh royally ob-
Uirvm Itl Cfrknblinlm tt.1.1, n !........
..v. .... ... w.vrvii.s,,i MliJl n UMIHJUUl 1IIK III.' VUIlUIUUllO U4 IfUllllUUI JUI IIUO
to the forelim mlnlklni-u Thr. Mtv nml nr. nnu frnali In Mm nnlillr. tnlrwla Tlin
harbor wore gaily decorated and tho procedure of our present nyatont Is as
The bill for Direct Primaries In now
before tho Oregon legislature, and was
recommended by tho govornor of this
state as a noedod mensurc of rform.
It Is to bo hoped that the bill may
be passed and become a law, so as to
normlt. the neonle to nominate, a can
didate for congross in this district by
that manner.
Out of tho worthy Republican aspi
rants thero Is no better wny to name
the best man, and a man who will be
acceptable to all Interests.
Following aro viewa of Frederick II.
Murray, a prominent Tacoma Republi
Tho meritfl and domorlts of our
present delegate system for nominat
ing the candidates of political parties
And what little you force yourself to
eat does not have tho light taste.
What's the trouble? The stomach Is
out of order, the llvor Is Inactive and
the bowels are constipated. You need
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters nt once.
It will tone up the stomach, restore
the appetite, perfect the digestion, and
open up the clogged bowels. Then
you'll feel better. Try a bottle today.
It will do you good.
A few more days we will continue our
Great Removal sale
308 Commercial St
Store at Salem and Albany.
ran wssr
"The Eyes of Man are of No Use
Without the Observing Power."
Fletcher'a Caitorla.
Henry Newbolt.
(DurgHl, Or Inker 20, 1H07 ) '
Wl(rg for ill OHtliwrtntl. who's for the
(Up)', ww tke Gordon to a tight..)
Tlif hrnmi of the bravo are at dead
lock them
.(UlHiiliiiulera! march! by the
Thar are bullet by the hundred hua
glilK In (he air.
There nr Uouny kids lyliiK an the hlll-
' Hide barer
Dill (lie (Ionian know wkat the (lor
.don liar
'UMin they hwr the plpere playing!
5 ;
El otaelo
Tli kHtiuleet IBngltsh liwrt today
(Oay mm llm Ounlou to a Unlit)
JIM th litnrt of (he colonel, hldw It a
li may;
(ljftdy there! ateHily on the
ll Im1iI ujiinntllieoe hie Hay.
Il j6mw kl.'lla mi tb word to
And IuVb (klnklHg of the tune that the
(lontotia plnr
Wlliti he M(a (he m HaylHg'
RUIilK. tVAriug, ntahliiR Ilk the tid.
((lay Htm th.Qonlon to a unlit)
Thy'j mi (lirtiiikh th umrllr. jt
tj ilwl
(RapHiif ami shars V Ik
Thirty hiIIu atralckl wkor tlte rt
ma writs
AkH thirty terift gr lying o tk baft
Uut taw WUHkHl In th- hour of Ik
QMtit'a ttriO.
Vi th MH of tke B4tr ptatit
follow The state nml county contial
committers of each pnrty apportion to
each precinct and county th ntiin
Imr of delegate to each rwpoctlve
WATERS, The Ggag Man
The further power Is removed from
the voter, the source of power, the
more likely It is to be changed, mis-
dlreetod or corrupted. ,
If, under our prosent systom, all the"
delegates wero etiunlly Interested or
disinterested, -the rosult would be
vastly better than at present, but this
can never bo tho case, and tho busi
ness man who merely goos to tho con
vention to fufllll his duty as a citizen
is not willing to stay un all nicht
trading and making combinations,
and he should not be required to, Tho
rosult Is the delegates who get Into
tho convention with a specific and sel
fish object In view do all tho business
and the large majority of the members
havo no effect on or part in tho result
Our present election law. "the Aus
tralian system," Including the feature
of registration, has been fully tested,
and In tho presont perfected state
election frauds and purchase of vote
are at a minimum nnd no longer con
trol an olectlon.
Why not adopt the samo system In
nominations? It has been tried, is
adapted to the purpose, is less cum
bersome, la of le trouble to the voter
and is absolutely correct In principle,
to-wlt: It gives the voter a direct
vote. If the will of the people Is the
supieniB law In such a matter nnd It
Is Intended to vet their will exnrPAnort
In nomination, what surer or better Or dfnner you can enjoy from one of onr
way than to have the people express wnuor wui aoucious meats, steaks, iamb
- i or iimtmn nfinnn. unit rnfinto v r.r,ir
i "irectiy? fv ,,: ;""7 ,-r" "n .": .".I""'?. "' .'71'-'
VUl IIIL'ALD Itin 1111 III1L irilTTl Till! nrmnT
and nnmootcattlo, and wo can supply
vuur mum vim irAaii nntr t Mi ntiH
. . ,.-- ..u uuuiMuua nuu
wuviBzamo mems at oou reefc prices.
The finishing toticncs ate being pat on
out new location at No. 269 Liberty St.
And so long as we remain in our present
location all prices in effect daring our
great and saccessf til Holiday sale will pre
A splendid opportunity to fit out a
The House Furnishing Co
Next to P. o
i -"" WIT Ef.W.Mlf ev V
i I
1 '""
4 ti
Christmas Yule Log
that 'welcomed Santa Claus In "y
olden timo" with its cheery blaze and
splutter was nlwnys tho best that
could bo found In tho forest Every
plank, board nnd lnth, overy Joist,
beam, shingles and shakes In our yard
aro mado from tho boat timber grown,
and nro of superior quality, well sea
soned and frco from knots. Our
prices make our flno building lumber
almost an Xmas gift
Goodale Lumber Co.
Near 8. P. Pas. Depot
Phono C51.
A Juicy Morsel for
usual salute were fired The whole
city ohMrved the day a a holiday.
Th king waa In kimhI health and ex
cellent spirits.
Ded Time
1 take a pleasant herb drink, the noxt
morning I feu! bright and my com
plexion Is batter. My doctor says It
acta gaudy on the s.onmche, liver and
kidneys, and la a pleasant laxative. It
In made of herbs, and Is prepared as
jnally as tea. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All drilKKlsts sell It nt 2Se nnd
ISO cent. Lime's Knmliy Medicine
move the bowels each day. If you
onnnot get It. send for free samp).
N. Y.
Orator Woodward.
and Labor.:::
ll iBtr lite iii(ti, (, whuh iIium i
c4l aiUHWt itovutiui aut lol) iCrht
H ttMMt uimi ltt u ittnuitkd
Omr Ik ivih rf
dfAHU tijht tbtv
U littl I'himv ,il
l' ctte. Tb uut.
hj of Mfwiy U
t" L'mV Umwc at
the bogliiMUg of
Oir utUiV
TkiM? wke fv
khuHiug wp.
iw ot lung 4it
m Uuula In
KUtl twvltt thr
w lr rietrf'
uUrii Mftik-al
IXrr It mil
nrr i(Mllr
'"iljjtlv tHiiachitU
! Mrrdiua of
be lunuk. It Wi
ir4MW the Biutri
tiuu til tV body.
aiMl m nttotm Ik
ruiat-Uttnl IcMtM
t fv2$-L, -, 1
iv i iAX
Detroit. Mich. Jan IM Owium of
liC bk craft ar gathering at the
UuasMll (ohm to? tke annual meeting
Of tke Uk Citrrier'a Aaeoelatiou.
which will be In aeaalon during tk
Hxt (w itaya. Tk wetiHg k tk
wot IWBortaut ever held by U asao
clatlon. Ihirsuaiit in pbtua recently
HMtdo public by tke executive commit
t th aMoclMloH 1 to Ik rorgau
iitMt and ttlaewl In a immHIou to mora
fiticleutly coiv wltk tk many umlt.
lMua ruHrruuiltur tk vwaaad awnnt.
Tk labor aiUutlun I m of tke Drat
mattera to rartdr attention Hrto
for tk aaawlaikm ha not taken u
kattd In tk labor dktHUUks aa an aao-
rlatloM. but hM Urft tk individual
wembora to dal wltk tke wag ackwt-
mi. ana out wUn tftwnUly. A
new plan la now to b imrud In tk
wpocUUo that tk ownora' lutrts
Will k iHMIOgatod. Tk ATMWlt NUt.
Iiib will appoint a Inkor rowwltto
ltk nutkortty tu deal wltk tabor In-
teroat and acre uuu ..mU w
convention; they nlo call nnd flx time
f(tr holding the precinct caucuses lite
precinct primariea and the county nnd
state conventions. Willi tills aa a
framework, tke electors of each party
lit each precinct form the caucuaa
which nominate the persons who are
to appear on the olllclal ticket aa del
egate to the count- convention. The
oitlclwl ticket muat have at least twice
the number of il elegit tea to be elettenl.
Tke voter, a few day later, vote for
delegata at th precinct primaries.
The delegate eletitetl then auend
about two days and one entire night
lolug the real business of tho eon-
nnUon. Till la done by steering
committee" of each product o dis
trict dlegatlo. They get together In
hotel Uvlible. heatlnuartera or on the
atret. and often by it process of "trad
ing." "smooth-boring" (aucleutly
known aa "lying"), "giving tk doulil
croaa." together with various mldlfloa
tkimi of tk above well recognkwd
mvtkoda. a "kxte." or combination of
trade, is finally mad un wkirh will
4t vry felkiw on tke "alate" and
"kln" every other fellow. The "alnt"
ntrols tk roHvntiou lu all iwrs.
taulara, appolnta all committees and
mi suck reeoiuikMu aa it pieasa.
Tll Hint. a,.....l. ... . ..V
Deafness Cannot De Cured
Hy local applications, as thov can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ear There la only one way to euro
deafness, and that Is by constitution
al remedies. Deafness is causod by
nn Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Uustnchian Tubo. When
this tube gets inflamed you havo a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing,
and when It is entirely closed deaf
ness Is the result, and. unless tho in
flammation enn bo taken out and this
tuhp restored to its normal condition,
heailng will be destroyed forevor:
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but nn In
flamed condition of the mucous sur
W will give On Hundred Dollars
fur any case of daofnsa fcntiaaii !
catarrh) that cannot ba cured by
Halt's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lar free. V. J. CHBNKY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio
Sold by druggists. 76c.
Hall'a Family Pills are the bt--o
Good Roads
For Arkansas
Phoo 291
in stat eouvtttitioa. hi- 4..ii.
HDrtkod. convene. rolve and diH.
lv. and Its mwuoer rtturu to tkeJr
km or Hot Snrliua. aa th -,
kjy b.
Tke vie of tke prevent system
rmimiame in in working out of
U "lau." Cnadlitetea as candl-
ela are oonaldorod
Uttle Hook. Ark. Jan. 21. Arkansas
propose to have roads that will com
pare favorably with the best public
iiioroughiRivs to be found In any jwirt
of th country and to this end a state
convention waa begun here today to
lay tk matter before the logielature
and to dined tke beet wave and
ineans for furtherinar the
County official from all parts of the
atate are lu attendance, together with
many representative of trad and
rowmerelal bodies. The aeaeiona of
tke convention are to continue tun
days and tke delegate will lUten to
practical talks from several govern
went good roads experts.
When Going' Out,
One's appearance should bo nn ob
ject for complimonts, and not of npol
ogios nnd explanation. Dross ia so
Inrgely a matter of linen thnt the laun
dry question is all Important. Disre
garding the rule of gplc and span tolls
severely against tho otTondor. Our
perfect work nil the time at short
prices hns won us the general favor ot
good dressers; we do all kinds of
laundry work, from a silk "handker-
chief to a rag enrpot.
Salem Steam Laundry
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop.
Dorous D. Olmsted, Mgr.
Phone 411. 230 Liberty St.
Is a good, wholosomo, delicious her
erage, like Salem boor. It's a luxury
to taste not to tho pockotbook, for
1U price Is extremely moderate, its
excollonce consldored. Tho euro u
to quality of ingredlonts, caro In mat
ing of this boor warrant a much bfgk
er price than others per case ot a
dozon bottlos; yet that's tho price of
our beer.
WORK8, Mr-- M. Beck, Proprietor.
only with vl.
to tbetr ability to "trail" 1
nr oOier candidate and not on ium. New Scientific n,... -...
VMMtg. Tke result tivu ih i.i I nA.-j. u.. . . .
k.i... -i. t. ... : . . I..L........ . . . - ' mto--i ..! ay a i-nysician.
. . . wTmmn HUI ,na l"r"',w owg no reed voice in tke Mary C. Crawford Oakadal
"tlnuued that blor. ro.ira.-t. for "'tloo. As a rule tk vol. J Wart.: Herpicide cured meTS!!t'
Wuir will b- mM. Ui. CerHera .11. pre,ie la counted .. . ., ly e dandruff StSZr
i vu. the tabor rwiliii.. trade w ,. ,triig ep. Dr. A J Beard.ley. CHimn III
lucrooraun M mt tke, will be I. clMUriwui guy bar Z "I used H.ra-uiJ , 1 ." ' " .
AH . .. s . - U . . - '" uewuruu ftQU
liar It
aVlaMll.l Ik.. ...
. wPfcWt 11BW
s eMr reepoatdblo for tkelr staid
by alga
)P iuirriM g the ' !' .MTKllesr hilr ,A r . ,.
I fct
at jli
ut MtLiZ3 5fir7k...". I
Some Titled
-TT tP"' rj ri. f vj
11 r.- ""M toa aw w
v-uauum, sm, JUjdkeJ
1&. &. . .
ti r a ooaBBKon lnterti t ..
ItouUMkll II JW.ii..-j
-- - i man many tlaegg
eompelled to vote for csndidatM
wi menMiras uy.are opposed to H
wer to secure tke vote of the -.utte'
fr tkelr inuilettiar eauadkUte
wnmmry sysient la direct Tk
delegate estec is indirt iB y
IUer tke VGlmr aaku tk. ........ ...
L. '.... .. . " "" wu. HO)
notable t-taea-u o tK- mul T..fZTr. im. " ri-nr UT
a. . ' - i www snaas i taeaeaiaBkJBBa ik.t -ii .
a r .!""'. " - iMSLTSsjrr
drai vuit tk Meor. bar ? JS1. TU iu to
.. . .. . . .emm ssj ..,....-.
-cn..w wsagfj IHBUAaaUkakC
York. Jen. Vl.- Among
em w vkk fke Hikwt tke Duea.
. Mr. Xtmntetmaa.
mr ketM. tka. " "r!lKSa?KriiT2.
-U reeak fc 'tilo7 ,wis-ttS
wv imm i ika Tr ,-oie dfr
rK far tke edtdte of ku ckoieir
wiia tae result."
Alf R. K.lly. im Dedero street
San Praaclsee: 'Herpiclde put a new
growtk of hair aa mr W.i irA.i.u.
doe more tksa U claimed."
Uenrteld. kilkJ the daodrug .ra.
yirft-ta hair and
anally baMneaa. At ail dragglu.
Por sale by Denial J. Frr. S- ta
eauti In sUams far ai.ku ..
Hacsielde Co.. Detrott Mich.
w;sn aahf m isV, w ,.Tt 0MterU.
u. uM. a. v4 aw OMieifo.
e s Sale
Clothincf and Men's Fiir'nr'nry r.Aa.
Prices reduced on every article in the store
Choice.' ;toolr in tU Pi.. r ' t
'a Aii iiiL natnr,ai'nt:
Ever-, boc .
Sam fldoiDiiTru
295 Commercial St,
PraTfthftfl aav.1 hu. .....
WrAfe i toe7nTOkiJS,fiS2i,i,,,'Iul,.of " to do. All this "o-l
biAxt4iVZrzl..Vff. "!J wPlMtBr the boilna cou,u. th.t , n tookroal4?
rfTeilJ feura,; "8"1 t,ttl raUo to M' usiwe edtfUoalSSpiied to ihe t
M W. . STALEV. Prlnoloal. Salem. Oron.