The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 20, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ljsisfs raaws556Hjsa55a2?a
DIAMONDS sold by the BARR STORE are practically
' Insured apulnst deorclatlon. We azrcc to buy back.
after one year, any diamond bought here, cayinsr for It
ninety percent, of the purchase price. Do you know of
any other saleable commodity In which such an offer could
be made? Do you know of any store making big profits on
Its diamonds that would like to buy them back on such con
ditions? We mae this offer to show the good faith tnat
Is back of Barr diamond selling. We claim that no other
store in Salem sells diamonds at so modest a profit-margin.
This ninety per cent, repurchase offer would acem to be
good proof.
B$,'s Jewelry Stoue,
state and Liberty Sts., Salem, Leaders In Low Prices
omo ucoplo havo to spend, but It
havo no tlmo, possibly you might
to havo ono of our Qno 15-Jowel
hkecnors, as thoy do not roqulre
In monoy for tho Investment. Our
Ik of flno watches for ladles and
llemcn Is complete, and embraces
fythlng In Elgin and Wnlthnm
IfHchcB. Prices lowor than ever.
5om.8t., WatchmakerandOptlclan
When it's Pure m
It's Harmless J
ttltcrated "forty-rod" whiskey1 1 4
gh to "knock out" tho strongest
Jtutlon. Tho good, honest, prop-
ilsUlled ryo or bourbon artlclo,
as wo sell in bottles or bulk,
la moderation, don't hurt any
Pralhcr better you when oxhaust-
when tho appotlto falls.
'. ROGERS, gg
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer?. . .
'iRfci t
ronlght and Wednesday, fair; con-
mru ii-i i imniHui in
ii o:t nf
tvtnts.-Niu iii rrriiiiii
liaitip V Ww wan
iffrri 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1
-SCHROEDER. At the homo
Up brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
irTes Booth, at Downs Station,
county, at 1 o'clock Sunday af.
riioon, January ib, ivu.j, aba
Iftbol Booth, of Downs, to Mr.
snry Schroedor, of this city, Rov.
ijetenson, of Sllvorton, officiating,
fivo,' bride, who Is well and favor
By known In tho north end of this
IntyTIwas dressed In a costume of
fimmdcloth, beautifully trimmed.
lerwm satin ana apuquo lace, ana
JSJEoquet of orango blossoms. She
attended as bridesmaids by her
Miss Delia Booth, who was at-
yn navy bluo and apliquo lacri.
with palo silk. Sho carried
inet of lilies. Tho Eroora was sup-
las best man by Frank Burch.
Dotn.woro tno conventional umcK.
iRpfimvulnr linn llvnil In ffnlpfrtl nnlv
6hon?jJtlmo, having como hero re-
rrora uanor juy. tie is in tno
', of J, P, Rogers, and is an lion-
and industrious youhs,,man.
Mrs, Schroedor 'have iiegun
ping In Yew Park, apd hav
wishes of their many friends
of much happlnosa.
ewly-woddetl couplo was gen-
remembered with wedding
arUal list is hero given: Set
easpoonsj Delia Booth; cup
his services during tho Spanish-Amor-lean
war, when ho served with tho
First Washington volunteers, with tho
rank of sergeant. Tho gown worn by
tho brido was a dainty cream alba
tross. Tho company was served with
a lunch after tho ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Chonowth aro now vislllng in
Portland, butwlll bo at home In Walla
Walla after noxt week,
Married at Portland.
Mr. Gilbert McFaddon, formorly of city, and sou of Mr. and Mrs.
David McFaddon, of Salem, was unit
ed In marriage on Saturday, January
17, 1903, Miss Helon Wunsche, of
Portland. Tho ceremony was per
formed at tho furnished homo of the
brido and groom by Rov. Edgar P.
Hill, of tho First Presbyterian church,
In tho presence of a number of Inti
mate friends. The newly-married peo
ple wont to housekeeping at onco, and
the many frlonds of tho groom in this
city will join us lu heartiest congrat
ulations. Ho Is a sterling young man
who hns been employed for some
years as a machinist in tho shops of
tho City and Suburban railway. Tho
wedding day was a complimont to tho
groom's mother. It bolng her birth
day. AIIbs TobsIo Owens, of Portland, was
Uio mnld of honor.
Forty-Four Club Dance.
This popular social club gives an
other of Its parties In Tioga Hall Wed
nesday evening. January 21st. Mom
bore aro requosted to take notico.
A. N. Mooros was In Albany yoster.
saucer. Johnnie Boeth: Bet of riv
voffairaiforks; Chas. Booth, china-1 judge R. S. Dean is in Portland to
ro, MrWand Mrs, T. Bkalfo; tt$d- day.
up, Mraaana airs, t. BKairo; bd- day.
mr. i uuwijb; panor lamp,
and Mrs. Ben Heyorly; Bllver set
rMu&nd forks, Frank Burch; silver
J. J. Whitney, of Albany, Is In the
J). H. Ijvinav nt .Taffarnnn la in tlia
Uiid, Mr and Mrs. B. M Olson; 0y.
cushion. Miss Hi-n Olson; .Mr8, Charles Gray Is visiting Port,
or vase, uari auu uswom iand frjend
o pair linen towels. Mrs.. tr. W. T. WIMamgon R nn,Hn
ooth pair linen towels. Al. feW days In Portland.
o pair of lace curtains: Mr. Bx-Sonator Dawson oame down from
G Melson; set of silver Albany this mornlne n nHa,i th
Richard Churchill has returnod to
Albany, after a visit with friends in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Savage havo
goae ot Southern California to remain
for about six weeks.
W. F. Giletrap. editor of the BHgene
jns, Goldlo Booth.
iS-VANCE. At the cjty hall,
f; Oregon, at 3 p. m January
13, Besslo E. Stovens to Geo;
Hco, City Recorder, N. J. Ju-Iclating.
nowetr Smith Wedding.
dling of J. B. Chenowtb and . Register, is in the elty. to attend the
? Rn.nh. which took plaeo legislature for a few days.
fiav at ' home ox to? brine's. Mrs. lima u. nurn, oi t-orimno, is
Mr an .Ira, D,.,ISmlthVat,v4sltiBg la thi dty. the guest af her
ih uclw&s. an event mether. Mi. II. B. HollaBd.
)d by the few friends in-1 District AUoniey J. N Hart, of Dal-
D oflkiatliur iBiuleter. Rev las. waa in the city today, being m
fr , hu h is well known from ' route to his home from Portland
A. J. Richardson, of Staytoii Is in
tho city, visiting with his son, W. Y.
Richardson, Marlon county's treasur
er. C. B. Wilson, of Newberg. Is spend
ing a few dayB In town on buslnos,
and keeping coses on tho senatorial
Ro8cburg Revlew: Mrs. Holcomb
and son, Charles Williams, of Salem,
aro visiting here With their daughter
and Bister, Mrs. Wm. Carroll, Jr.
Mr and Mrs. U. N. Savage loft last
evening for a visit, to friends in Los
Angelos, Palo Alto, San Francisco and
other points In California and will bo
absent about a month or six wcoks.
A. L. Brown went to Portland Mon
day nftornoon, where today he attend
ed tho bedsldo of his daughter Blanche
who submitted to a surgical op
eration. Tho many friends of tho
young lady In this city wish for her
speedy recovery.
(Continued from first page.)
er and amendment to tho constitution.
No. 2, amendment to constitution in
regard to incorporating cities. No. 5,
amendment of tho constitution in re
gard to holding elections. No. 0,
amendment of constitution to locato
stnto institutions away from tho cap
ital. Senator Williamson withdrew from
committee on taxation, and Pierce
was appointed to All his place.
S. B. G9, called up by Sweek, tax
for public libraries; read third tlmo
and passed.
Message from tho secretary of state
In regard to canvassing tho voto cast
for senator last Juno. The voto waa
read, and tho presldont nnnounccd
that T. T. Geer had rcolvcd a major
ity of tho votos.
H. B. 101, Reed Portland charter;
advanced to third reading.
S. B. 82, Booth Rogardlng appoint
ment of examiner of public offices;
first reading.
S. B. 83, Smith of Yamhill To
amend code; first reading.
S. B. 81, McGinn To Incorporate
Mllwaukle; advanced to third roadlng
and passed.
Resolution No. 15, Williamson For
flvo newspapers for each senator;
S. B. 85, Crolsan For additional
jiulgo for third district; advanced to
third reading and passed.
Resolution 10, Moyors In regnrd
to enacting clause; adopted. -
. S. B. 8C. Mays To aid Historical
Society; first reading.
S. B. 87, Crolsan In regard to pro
bating wills; first roadlng.
Second Reading of Bills.
S. B. 7, Miller To loan school
funds; roferred to nssoflsniont and
S. B. 2, Smith In regard to roads
and highways; roforred.
HoU6e Monday Afternoon.
Rosolved No. 1C That a' committee
of throo from tho house and two from
tho sonato to oxamlno nil accounts of
deaf mute school wub passed.
Resolution No. 17 To Btrlko delin
quent taxes off Uie roll was read,
showing tho amount of such taxes by
counties. Roferred.
Resolution No. 18 Referring to tho
water supply of Uio city was road.
Resolution No. 11 By Shelley, re
ferring to ruloa of tho houso" respect
ing bills. Adopted.
Tho rulos wore susponded and sen-
ato bill No. CI was road a. second time.
BUI was roforred to Douglas county
House resolution No. 10 was ro
celved and road. Rules susponded
nnd Immediate action takon on said
resolution. Resolution adopted.
"H. B. No. 99 To tax tolophono and
tolegraph companies. Assessment and
H. B. No. 100, Davey Amondlng
law relating to juries. Judiciary.
H. B. No; 101, Reed Portland
oharter bill. This bill was introduced
on Tuosday of last wook and was
placed on tho calendar as houso bill
No. 21, and was passed by both
houso. On account of a defect in the
onacting clause, however. It was
deemed advisable to amend it, and
have it repassedt and this was dono. It
was paeeed upto the third reading on
suspension of rulear and was passed.
H. B. No. 102. Hahn To proteot
boat pullers, fishermen and laborors.
II. B. No. 108, Hahn To afford pro
tection to hotels and boarding housee.
II. B. No. 101, Hale To regulate
election of proseoutlng attorneys,
omrolttoe. on counties.
H. B. No. 105, Halo To reimburse
W. II. Hampton for purchase of school
land. Claims.
II. II. No. lo. Hale To amend
oole. Judiciary.
If. B. No. 1T. Bellinger To regu
late collection of taxes.
H. N. No. 18. 01)1 To provld for
Mtabttfthmeai, raalnUaaiiee and mp
tart of n&raris. Bdaeatkm.
' II. B. No. 1W. 'Both To locate
routity seat of oClumbla To special
commlttoo of Columbia county delega
yH. B. No. 110, Simmons To amend
code. Education. '
H. B. No. Ill, Judd To provide for
convict labor. Roads and highways.
H. B. No.. 112, Olwoll To protect
hotel keepers. Judiciary.
II. B. No. 113, Jones To ostabllsh
normal school nt Newport. Educa
tion. H. B. No. Ill, Hutchinson To regu
late the barber profession. Health.
H. B. No. 115, Banks To rogulnte
practice in courts. Judiciary.
H. B. No. 11C, Burlolgh To er'oato
district assessor. Assessment and tax
H. B. No. 117. Burlolgh To provide
salaries for officers of Wnllbwa. Salaries.
H. B. No. 118. Burlolgh To provldo
for recorder of Wallowa. Salaries.
H. B. No. 119, Bailey To provldo
for ferry across tho Wlllamctto at
Sellwood. Special committee ot mute.
H. B. No. 120, Orton To reguiato
Port of Portland. To Multnomah del
H. B. No. 121, Wubstcr To build
and regulnto powder houses and maga
zines. Judiciary.
II. B. No. 122, Bilyou To- amend
code. Judiciary.
H. B. No. 123, Eddy To reguiato
salo of school lands. Education.
H. B. No. 124, Eddy To fix salaries
of officers. File.
II. B. No. 125. Eddy To amend
code. Judiciary.
11. B. No. 120, Eddy To fix tlmo for
making school appointment. Educa
tion. II. B. fo. 127, Eddy For rocovory
of real nnd personnl property. Judi
ciary. HB. No. 128. Sholloy To protect
labor In timber camps. Labor and In
dustry. H. B. No. 129, Himos To commit
Inebriates to asylum. Penal and char
itable Institutions.
(Monday Aftornoon.)
Called to ordor at 2 p. m. After
roll call, Rev. Kctchum of tho Pros
byterlan church offored prnyor.
Tho President nnnounccd tho stand
ing committees as follews:
Agriculture and Forestry Crolsan,
Dlmmlck, Wehrung.
Assessment and Taxation Booth.
Williamson, Mulkoy, Holmnn, Mlllor.
Claims Myors, Daly, Mlllor.
Coinmoreo and Navigation Holman
Howo, Sweek.
Count'tPS'Kuykondh'll, Booth, Mars
tors. Education Daly, Kuykondnll, Mars
ters. Elections and Privilege Stoiwer,
Mnys, Marstcrs.
Engrossed Bills Hunt, Farrar,
Enrolled Bills Marstors, McGinn,
Federal Relations Wndo. C. J.
Smith. Hunt.
Fishing- Industries Johnson. Dlm
mlck, Williamson.
Game Carter, Howe. A, C, Smith.
Horticulture . Wehrung, Myors,
Printing Mulkey, Marstors, Farrar,
Irrigation Williamson, Hobson,
Smith or Yamhill.
Judiciary Rand, Fulton, Mays, Mc
Ginn, Pierce.
Medlcino, Pharmacy and Dentistry
A. C Smith, W. Tylor Smith, C. J.
Military Affairs Myors, Hunt. Cart
or. Municipal Corporations McGinn,
Dlmmlck, Swook.
Mining Booth, A. 0. Smitn, Rand.
Ponal Institutions Hobsou, Daly,
Public Buildings and Institutions--Hobbon.
Myors, C. J. Smith.
Public Lnnds-iStolwor. Mays. Mul
Railroads W. Tylor Smith. Holman
Crolsan, Johnston, Wade.
Roads and Highways Dlmmlck.
MarBters. Fulton, Howo. Mays.
Revision of Laws Mays, McGinn,
Williamson, Wehrung, Hweek.
Ways and Means Howe, Carter,
Stelwer Farrar, Williamson.
The commlttoo on clerks mad a
supplementary report of the following
clerks For ohlof olerk of the Ways
and Meann, Arthur L. Denny, of Yam
hill; expert stenographer, Blanche
Gulliford of Umatilla; committee
clerks, S J. Buford of Clackamas. Ida
19. McFadden of Mulnomah; Joint
comraltteee, II. J. Bigger of Marlon
Resolution, Mulkoy Memorial to
Cengress: odoptod.
S. B. 68. Daly To amend rod,
oharter of Corvallls, advanced U third
reading and passed.
S. B. 89. Sw9k Publl Library .
advanced to second reading and order
ed printed.
I. B. 70 Hunt To call epeclal -W
ion and Uwte and Otaric fair, let read
S. B. 71. JohMo Inragard to
catching trotU,; mad neeond time and
ordered printed.
M. R. 72. I'lere iVwwwmwtf and
collection of taxes, read first tlsse.
e B 78 Mays Amend code, read
flretlmqjggt&f. W . " . '
S. B. 74, Wehrung By request to
regulate nnd llccnso veterinary sur
gconflj first reading.
S. B. 75, Daly Salo of fertilizers;
first reading.
8. B. 40, Carter To Incorporate
Ashland; read second and third time
and passed.
S. B. 7C, Smith of Umatilla To in
corporate Adams; advnncod to third
reading nnd passed.
S. I). 77. Plcrco To lovy school tax;
read first time.
S. II. 78, Djily In regard to months
of school to be taught, read first tlmo.
S. B. 79, Ilpbson convict labor;
first reading.
S. B. 80, Smith of Umatilla To
amend codo; first reading,
S. B. 81, Plorco Eastorn Oregon ex
periment station; first roadlng.
Message from Secretary of Stato In
regard to S. B. 20C of last Bosston,
with veto of governor was laid on
S. B. 46,called up by Wehrung
Cornelius charter; rend second and
third tlmo and passed. I
Adjourned at 3:10 until 10 a. m.
Tuesday. I
More Seriate Bills. I
S. B. 3, Mastors In relation to ex
ecution of death sentence. I
S. B. 4, Pierce To lovy school tax;
referred to education.
S. B. 5, Moyors For ferry at Soll Sell Soll
eood: referred to Multnomah delega
tion. S. B. G, Mlllor Health officer.
S. B. 7, Sweek Supplementary ar
ticles of Incorporation; Judiciary.
S. B. 8, Marstors Chan go tlmo for
holding elections; to election commit
too. S. B. 9, Wohrm Boundry lino of
Washington; commlttoo on counties.
S. B. 10. Stoiwer To reguiato tho
carriage of sheep by express.
S. B. 11, Johson Railway portago,
nt tho dallos; agriculture.
S. B. 12 Crolsan Salem charter; ro
forred to Marlon. county delegation.
S. B. 13, Mastors Withdrawn.
For your kitchen will mako you
laugh at tho high prices of
wood. After you havo uood it a:
short tlmo you will wonder why,
you Bwoltercd over a hot w.ood
rnngo during tho heated torm,
or was worried ovor starting n
firo on a Wlntor'a morning,
when a touch of a match makes
a bright blazo, sonfined to your
cooking utensils, and not boat
ing your houso for tho wholo
day. Try cooking by gas. '
J Phone 563. 4 Chemeketa 6t J
1 1 1 1 1 nil 1 1 1 a mi H-HW
(Continued on clgth page.)
will serve you iti this city
Be sure to come and sec
the original and only
"Aunt Jemima" before she
leaves us.
Cash Market
In Btoiner'a Fish Mnrkot, Stato Street
Froah meats of all kinds, hams, should
dors, bacon, lard, etc. Prompt Serviced
Phone, Main 1401-.
lllchest nurkct price itli for poultry
and veal.
Finest meats and poultry delivered at
lowest market price.
140 State Street
Phone 2853 Main.
salcm, Oregon.
2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
Fuiiet & Douglas,
rcnfocc l-i2 State St.
irrecers: phooe226i.
will sell any patent medicine,
bottle, box or package, or
any drug sold by the lb., for
2 cents Less A
than any cut rate price ad
vertised in this paper.
A Free Round Trip SofIT.8.
Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes.
Buy a pair of Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes and get a
guesa In the LaPrelle Shoe Company's Guessing Contest,
A Coupon with evory pair. Be sure to asK for it.
Speer Jkos
'iiV 1 w( l&JjctiL 9ntt WkF
tvrumtmm mi,. .,
iFLmm ii
In cold and smarmy weajhsr that
Is the "oiuim of prevention" ngedsd,
Is our suiirjfc and high grade ,whU-
c key. Abwlute purity and flno dlitUl-
lation makes it bnefleJat to thordfgoa-
Wu 1 1 in ami In ft an 1 1 ft tA n a ia lit A A
.. . ,.
:w ureruniuiiYB anu euro lor auiuff. ktii
JtP$'a'nm r
ffiSlL Attendants The SENATE
AUIUU i iauvu.u j (
ItfO State Street.
- , .