V PAOE EIGHT. - wHiiwH-t'"''''" - - v-mv a c ! . ! -20 ggggggBB - . er.l r - yHtTT? e&V aiaaer" " i ilOur Clearance ! ! W,'ir, it. hundreds of reduced ! t rl.. malrea Salem's Best Store disc, makes Salem s ucsi store more uy - ; Shopping Center of Salem. In our desire to close c goods in season everything is marked at what u judgment it will bring. Everything is whittled cto W., ...- : .4Mm. . hrinv. fcvcrvtmn& is wimuca uoww ! he littlest ooint possible, a ; ; giving can be had when they ; ; iundca ior any aissausiatuvui. . mtt.A- J i:... 1C DiaCK 1 ailCW, pooo quality, j Every piece of silk included p 'ilrAf .1. - - - , ,.--- u i-j-i ! ! much as possible before mven ! ! tery time wc will sell Famous ! ! Black Cat Stockings reg. 25z ! ! values for 19c, We have them ! ! coarse ribbed far the boys and !! finer ribbed for the girls. ! ! Triple knee, heel and toe, a ! ! stocking that is guaranteed to ! resist wear and tear as bravely ! ! as eood material and work' ! ! SCHOOL 5 TUUUNIj& ! I In order to reduce this stock as ; ; manship can, An or partunity to buy good stockings at a ; ; great saving, Notice our Ccurt street display, i ! The Most Wonderful Bargains in Salem. ! Will be found in our oids and ends window, everything ! cut to onchalf oricc. In our large show window on ! Court street you will find a display of the articles. Look them over, Eyes Tested Free, Consult Us before Going Elsewhere, it costs you no more to have your glasses titled correctly than by some inexperi enced in this particular business. We have the best and latest instruments for testinir your eyes and in case you need glasses we will sell them to ones are so d eisewnere. uur not equalled outside of the larger cities. CHAS, H. HINGES, ?S ywars practical exMrhitee sa State Street. Next Door to Bush's Dank. Business Mens' Lunch Flrxt-olaM lustbM tt1 at the now Noble lutttn tMBtr at all hauri, day r night We will waVe a alal ty f MmlA'tchiM, Hr kraut, aHU wUnwuntt, ikw c)r,; and In fait all that 8hm to make up a Anit elaw iHMh. We tilie u oall es pcoial attentkM to the tMetatM wen'i luneh that will be terred (aUy (rttw tl a. to. until 2 p. m. , ALEX. 00RN0YKR Prop. Ftesh Chocolate Chips fitcivt die til Edward Elll. 144 State St "WHEAT tfARTCETSr Chicago Ja 19, -Vwit. Tl GOLD DUST FLOUR irfade by TNB IDNBY POWUR COMPANY .f , ,Wney, Oreaoiu Mt4 for family ua ik yoar Tocer fer It 13ran aad " ooj Winayp VU AefeJBd v HtJ a. r. mm teen$ mwm aiwaya on aaad. $n ;' ' .1 . :' V.aLoiaiaial-Ht J A LEIVJL -? o (I BEST STORE j - - k prices on reliable merchant more truly than ever the ,.! !. .. -ill in our oesire to ciw&t wm in our .J A -- ia Sale,. better idea of ihc values wc arc seen. Your money re - These Silks at these prices will surely be closed out quickly. Good Colored Taffeta 68c A better value, best quality 81c Best Wash Taffeta, all colors 72c Ext r.i aualitv Peau de Scie. 36 inch full Slfev Fj Better values 5112 to SZCO f !..U UM t um ". w.- in our ckaraocc saie paces. J ou at a price lower than interior lacumes anu experience are ENGLISHMAN AND TURK. How lit" I'ormer OMnlnrU Soiiik Cl 0nl Uy l lie I.ntler. Am KugUtiliHMit Iwh JuM h(l a very mrteun Mprlwic', myu tlw Immlon T4Krrit. He ImiI lent a Turk Mime MOhr. ut the man wmn uimttli to iwy awl oh hi tlMthiHNl lahl a wr rlrnlar eharjte an hk wife awl cUII ilreit to weot tlw iltt Tli llt koii w UMkln- wrrHttKeMH'tttit aitontlnc ty, but alM dlwl. awl U, lou, Iwgxetl ble fatnlty to my tbe mny n mhih I tlM? fOMbl. Ou day tlM UnnlUUwaii rf..4t'tJ a lait fruui a iutuilxr f tho fuiutl.v. who aaU that thrrv w-r uom fuiu HM'ttilx-m of It left, a ltd thev io efedj Io Hi), 1U fin- nf tbe dniiglitera rpru ti MiiMtriu urr aoare, Hiswr Im that Ik uhmmj- waa vtt mittjr Wwl 1tu MImvh, however, wlatunl to Mtth' tli aiitlKH'. and If tbe KiurlUU mmii wnM t-ouw to lfcH haweii It would tw aireuawd. "Hut," lUe THt added. "If you hpo tUr la any 4tltklt jaet .i ttutt j ou liHtvt It ! t ofitkil In h. ii. t wofWr' Aistmlluilj Hi KiitlilitUttii wt'iit to llu' kouee i i lir riiHHtinted tliuc and uut the faiuH) In llu imvwiuv of a mollob, Ia iuUM bflUK ImIUimI a ettwii. Tbe nulla h Ivumi li Hklnv if Im bad truly lent the wot', how aiu'h It aod If Iw nuuhl take my leva, ( of that WUMMNI IwMpI kottt aliiirlriMllarmtMl T tuftfeov hikm Hwm lnhtr4 that h hd leeil tto itiaui v . that In had Hot eafcwl for H. iliat iw)t hd toltl uiM to tM uud . t It inui If ibejr illd mn uiit to uay u ! vnlt Wil the iiutttfr io ho mt 1 11 I l 1 1 IKXt UWl.l Thv e Mia ed aHouvo tor m fvw uh iiuhiIk, and tlt4i Ik wuueN calle! ib.-ir ttroiUrr, uud ' paid her aoarr iihfirt a word It m the wHieiH of tueHsi the (other iu the other wll Atthout havlog eorried om( bla wlelit too twrfcMja g thtaja; to favw. IN.MI.1, niet Mat I d.t te why Ut. a 4 Vuug Km 'MajM- It-lUel tm i tM u ikerlaauiulilaiiUkiiMlre? iK-t uv lb ik iui . iy a, n j i in- ,4tl geiitiMMia) Qhjfe!rn Cry iw FUtcher't CattOfta. 1lP yr.l ptJiE n I IfJeSgfASCTiTlk.. IN O I lEftAriKlaSJrtJ -t3l ki fa lu-vo't He 1" a OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, 7 EDITOR GONZALES IS DEAD Tillman 'Has Nothing to Say Matter May Assume Serious Proportions Talk of Lynching Renewed and Mob Violence Imminent Columbia. &. C Jan. 19. Editor GonzaleB, of tho Columbia State, died at 1:10 today, as a renuu 01 noma bot on Thursday by Lieutenant-Governor Tillman, nephew ot United States Senator Tillman. YUKON REGION BYilWIRE Connection Will Be Completed By Spring Taroma. Jan. 10.- Lieutenant Glbba leporta from rtanijmrt that 300 mllos of government telegraph lias uoon completed up the Tanana river. He will complete the connection to Val itc, In the aptiiiK, placing the ontlie Yukon In telegraphic communication with th" world. ANOTHER EXECUTIVE J3FF1CE Commerce and Labor Depart unent Waalilnaton, Jan. 19. After n pro longed atriiKKle tho Houho pnssed a tulmtltivte to the Senate bill to ostab Huh ft deiwitmeiit nt commerce nnc labor. -"w. The vote stood 1ST to 40. all the fie pubUcaiia and SO Democrats favorlni Uie bill. The aubatitute, aa paaael b) the Hoiiee, place the life aavltiK er vice, iiiKrine hoapital aervlee, ateam ahlp Inauectlou aorvice, bureau of nnv IgaUon aud ililpplng commlaelone under tho control of the treuury de iwrtment, but auUiorlxe the Ureal dent, In hie dlecretlon. to tranafer the other bureatie for tho collection ot state) and Interstate commerce com tnloslon to the new department. It plarea under romrol of the new detwrtment the national bureau of staudnnU, coaot aud gomletlc survey aud bureau of atatiatlra, cenaua, bu reau, bureau of foreign nmiiqerce, bureau if inimlKration. Includiitg Jur ladli'tloii over Chiuexe Immigration and alao nvatea a bureau of niunufar turv Hud torpoiHtion In Memory Of Gen. Lee KUhwond Va . Jan 19 The birth ttay of Oenerai Kobeit K. le wa eel Itnited In all tho leading cltioa of the SooUi today by the xeloties of the Army and Navy of tho Coufederate Stt and Daughters of th Coated my In this city U auttlveraari waa otoorvod bi a eloalng of the auto aad city public oc. a parade of tho local rompaaie of militia, and tho Iriag of a military salute by tho Klchmood Howitaera. AUaut. O., Jan. xorcit-M wero hold 1 J. Appropriate this morning la tko ball of Uie Of lPretltH Urea in tfefwrvagao m k blrtiiway of XoiMMt L f voolM VtrttUa fceletr koMi Iu cwtogMry coMirMioav wlMai tgo o alvorwry aUdreoa win Im oXIrered by ThowM Noltaw Pge SYttNk. fja., Jaa l. aokert R Uo'a WrUiiiay wag ceWbratiMl today by a paraaW of all to white military of tko eHy. aHa--aaoaia-j-ai .a-4lk. TttrSH H. l.-BtiaiiMoa lango)) tMHilHlij la NaaiiHo to ay U eoMsrsrttm of k WrtMay of Itobort al Ue V ovemlag Otoooral mtakuch l4 aellTor, M aWr us r Um ttuaplcoa of Uto local sodotloa 1 Cfw-uo Votowuig, fer too ben. Jt of ho fmi4 Utat ut Mag raised for ttw oflettaM of a NKMiuoet t ih Omrogoretto toMlara on (k trvauL VTUBeMHr bAiuu iiwii,,iiIii ... . CJwIdMn Ory for Fietther'g CUUrU, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, ,1903. i "THl SEWING" MACHINE. Cnnnccciiiifol InTPntloim Thnt Pre ceded Howc'i. I'ntcnt In 18. Tbe technical beKlnnlup of the sew ing machine Industry In this country was Sept. 10, 1840, when Kilns Howe, Jr., obtained a patent for what grew into tbq first really practical Hewing machine. Only three of the flrnt Howe machines were made, however, and one of the" wa deposited In tbe pat ent omre In Washington bb a model. It was not until nfter 1850 that a fac tory for the making of pewlng ma chines was built, so tbe enormous liusl licsfl of today has grown up In a hliort half century. While Howe's Invention marked the bepInnliiK of a successful Industry, he was by no means the pioneer In ef forts to substitute mechanical for band sewlnjr. As far back ns 1770 Thomas Alsop patented In Knplaml n machine for embroldtrliiK. Another machine for einbndderlnjr In a loom was Invent ed by John Duncan In 1WM, and twenty-five years later another Kmrllshmnn named Ilellman patented still another embroidering iniu-lilfie. The llrst reconbil nttempt nt me chnnlcnl sewing was th" Invention of Thomas Saint. lm took out a patent In Kngliind In 17110 for a machine which executed the old crochet stitch. It mm not n success, but some of th features of the Saint machine appear In the. perfected machine of today. niirthnleniy Thlmonnler patented In I'm nee In IBM the llrst sewing inn chine put to pmetlcal ue. Mighty of his machines were In nsu for dewing army clothing In 1HJ1. when a mob de stroyed them beeiiuo convinced they would dilve t-eamstreses out of cm ployment. Thlmonnler built new and better machine, but nil his work whc npaln destroyed by angry urticans In i.m. John J. Cni'iioiigli took out ibo tnt (latent Tor n miwIiik machlno Issued In the Unite il Slate's In IJH.. It was In tended to sew leather, but was of no practical use. Walter Hunt of New York built a aewlna- innchlne In 1S;W. but failed to Irt-otect It by a patent. After Howe's machine appeared Hunt declared It embodied the hlca of his machlno of ISJVI. but he was unable to establish bis cliilin. A small army of ln outers appetired sfter Howe's imtent had proved sue nful nnI their genius was devoted to pcrfectlntf every Hrt of the ma chine. How well they have succeeded Is pIuiwii in the $..'00 imtenls for hew ing machines and attHchments lsued by the United States since ISaO and In the fact that tbe American sewing ma chine leads nil others In every country In the world. -New York Herald. Cure In 'lniiiiliil (ilnr. A dealer In ojrtteiil Instruments de elarwl that It gave lilm rwil jmln to mite the erulH iiianner In which half tu.mrtrriK'lK. New orK wear Kias. pTl Is a wonder to me." he wild, "that they don't bring on blindness. In tbe ftWt ila. the frauiii hhiuld always bo fitted to ludlxldual fneen Itihtead of being lc.kcd up indlhcrimluately with out regiirel fm facial Mf Hilarities. The shut-of the leiiht-. la aimlher Important eonablemtloii. .Mont of the glasnes I see on the slii-et are loo small. They should Ii" ns large as the face of the wearer will itctinlt, for n lens of good stao not only iiifords better protection to the eje. but Is more lKs-ouiing than a smaller one. Amu her tilbulHtlou of the weak eyed la due to the ntfleetUMi from the educ of uiifrumeil glaakes. The oyeUhheti shmild be a I tended to III of dm- to get the best n itlis from a mlr of iM'ctHt'ief. .Muiiy lashiw are worn ao long that they Uriwu agalubt the) glaaa. This l dts-ldisfly Injurious. Now Yoik Times. A l.omiii In lluillnlll. ' A nirbms limtance of HivliieUtl hen ItlUilty Iu a Miwll Tuikhii town ia to conloel by I.ulgl Vlllari In "Italian Life th Town awl t'owutry." A lady of ery noble birth and of considerable wealth was giving a mu sical iwrty It was the tlrst tlmo she hud Invited friends to her house that aoaiMHi. The entertainment began at 2 p. m. aud lasteel till 7. No refresh ments were provided for the guests, but at half Mt 4 a servant appeared and selewHly rcsciited a cup of choco late to the hoteh uud one to her moth or. Thte. of course, would only be jmw-" slide In a verj HHivliiclal town. In the more civilised siotM excclleut ifjfreth monts arc always offered to the guests. A irlituriil Weiiiiun. ClilMreti tumble lulo strange mora,. ea when they grapple with theology. They trip over word. Por example, the other day a teacher at Stepney took for the Itlbie leaaoii the Mory of Sam on. At the end of the eon questions were iut to teat the uudemtaudiug of tjia Mbolar. "With what imhi did Saliwoii atay a thouaaud liillktlMr aa tho QtHMlon. Po, K mmmo tlwra was tatUiMO, Tlhm a Uttle &t poke uru, 'With tko ai of Um iwk," sue eabl.- ImhIon CkroMkJe. t'ouerlted. Phyltte- Harry Is tbe most eoueoiteU nan 1 ever met. Maud-What luakea you tbiek aof rhylUn-WUy. he Ann mru that I km the Hwt adorable woman lit tke world, the mmi Uwutiful, lutolwctMi and In overy rpoet a paMgow. ana then be waHta me to marry ktm' SeraT. Kedd-Hvery time I go on a mcnUoh I swear Pit never ukt anotliar. 'Iitp Why dou't you stick gttf X4d-Becau every tlmo I any .t hope l tow III uever do it a.gLi. BifWy Life. Nbdy Ukoa an eraio. tut burnt agm OMkwtn, hmtM ' 81! niay tiara WcaVM h te ,,. UaV AtehkHHi ;iole. FEMININE. CHAT. Mr. Ann Ellnbulh Wnlsli of Brook lyn has given nearly $800,000 to Cath olic charities. Austria's first fomnle wntclunnker, Miss (ilscln Klfrescbltz, lins JiiBt beeu n-lmltted to the Vienna Watchmakers' tfiilld. Mine. 1'altl has reappeared In Paris nter n long absence. She has chnnged from a brunette to u blond, and the re mit is said not to bo to her advnutngc. Her voice, howevcr.-is still excellent. Mary Van Dyck, a Boer woman who Is known us "Mary the Itlllewoman" nnd who states that she fought with the Boers, Is creating a sensation In the smaller towns of Austria by giving exhibitions of marksmniiBlilp. Mrs. Carter II. Harrison, wife of the mayor of Chicago, ban written a book nt fnlrv lnl.,3. It has been known for some time that she had some literary ( work in hanii, but sue ueprccmeu u suggestions that alio was "un autnor. Mrs. Krnest Thompson Seton, wife of the we known naiurnnsi aim iccuir- I devotee of big game hunting, .... . -..i... i... i..,ui....wl mi lila sue ni'coiiiuiit;n mi Hiinuiui.. . ...... trips Into tbe big gnme country nnd beltt hidk take photographs and study, the hablth ot animals. Mi Mareartft Ablnitt of Chicago has been tttknl "queeu of the golf." At the opening of the tournament nt La Houlle In Tarls Miss Abbott out played all competitor. Mls Abbott has won some little fame ns an lllus tratoV and Inventor of children's games. Lady Henry Somerset expects to Mill for New York on Sept. LU Unable to reiual.i long In this country, she has ulis L-ed hei-M'lf o few engagements . . .. .. . .... ... beyond the national convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union ut Portland. Me. She will visit Mont n.nl WiiMliliiirton ii ml Boston. In each of which cities) she will deliver uu ad dress. nullum of the Slntc. Who builds Uie state? Not he Kho ltootU In wrong. In rld Intreiul.fJ. Mahs hlni Oik regent of the heur: The eternal llsht cannot be nueiiotieil. This shall outlive his little ln: Shin ilorce upon eaah tainlwd scheme; Sliull show where shame biota an in plan. The treachery In the dsMlliiB dream. He builds the stale who builds on truth, Not he who. crushing toward his aim, Strikes conscience from the throne una ruth To win ii dark, unplteotia fume. Not he. though master anionic men Kmplre anil sues all his thought rl......l. II1U un ..o.?!.. li hid kn: uviH'i i.o .. n-- ---: .. Down io tlm grouml sliall all brought. c.. 1.M 1 t.i.t.l un.1 hlillll fur nvo. t Till liMtvtn wnUs denth, that they whe sow rial on two bleed ot UraUwra, they 8itl liarvH Mti and want and woe, rr-..- .... , rlli'u ilruiil nnonteB ' Wherto thy aitaeet mtliefr hour And all the unhmJed tears awl crle They caueed In lut of lawletw power. it.. 1...11.1.. ih alato whn la I hut task Ilrlngn atronir. clean hands and purpose pur. Who wi'ars not lrlu as a mask; IU builds the stale that shall ondure The state wherein each loyal son Hold, as a Ulrlhrlaht from huh Mres Treasurra ef honor nobly won And freedom's neer dlng fires. . -itlrhurd W NUon tllldDr. In tbe iiiipiiy ltuukN. Can't bf' iiia roamln" In Ihe valleys o' tho May: Any swn o' wwthvr. so wn'rs happy or. the way! Same sky bends above, ua, or whethei blue or gray Nlghi Is always drlflin' to the mornln'! Cn t ha always roUIn" in the wealth thAt will nut stay; Poverty what I It If we're happy on the way? Sweete.1 song for .Inula'. swlet wr4 to say. Night ia ulwii dtdftln' to the mornln'! 1'or all our little bleoaln's, n heart that thrllla with thanks. We're rroaaln' o'er the country in the hnlMula ranks An' alna-la' songs of happineen on Jor dan' stormy bank.; Night la always driftln' to the mornln'! -Prank I Stanton In Atlanta Constitu tion. (n alder. Consider well yaur actiens: What' done you ean't recall. No use io null the trigger. Then try to att the ball. -Oeoree Hyde In IJpplnoolt'e. It Mlrs tlw Weed In an old man's heart Airtt It RMkrw Ma puleea fly To catch ike thrill of a happy votee Aad the llpht of it pleaiWnt eye. -Willi. Friend after friend departs Who hath not lot a friend There is no union here of heart That finds not here an end. hicago Store PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. TRADE WINNERS rmufc wiNNtRS 8ALE FOR MONDAY ON1-" The Bargains we are offering are certainly Trade Wlnnera judging from tM eeawds that uielt mm n.. a ...,. ., . ..... w, .VU1V, monoays At 4Sc yd. volvot corduroy, all sha,l Thb biioat for walats. beautiful goods. regular price 75c. ; Mondays Sale ril c. At 49c Black Taffota Silk, fine qual ity. Iod voithu rslar price 75e; Monday's sale prto 9o At 45c IiMt Proach Dannol. all the latbtt atwdM. boauUful cloth, heavy wd thick, ovory thread good, regular WU T6c: Moaday'g sale price.. 45c. At 49c Imported Entliah (vvari ,.in. roa goods, beautiful cloth for spring -w. regwar price SHe yd; Monday s ' ' 49c. MCEVOY BROS.7Stlen..0r- BUBONIC PLAGUE QUESTION California and .Mexico Scene of. Disease Military Bill is Passed at Washington Postmaster General to Ac count for Affairs Washington, Jan. 19. Tho conv. . - ... , ;. ' "on of tho atnto board of hoalth clftlfl. cnllod bv tho mi ravin. .. . . o-"f,vutin to discuss the bubonic plague situ tlon In California and Mexico this inornlnL' In a secrot Hcqinn t .i. oilleo of tho mnrlno hospital servlct "i"w aiHiu mm 'ivrriiurini uoaro of heal'h are represented, includlnj California. Tho Callfornln ui,,nii.. ' ...... unuuuy In which tho marine hospital records t-j ui-uwiu m v)&, is Hcarcoiy less tt rlous thnn In Mexico, where, tho offl- cinl8 claim tho plaguo is spreadlnr Tho ,)0US0 tod d J nmondmpntB fft ,hA ,, J ... . """' i. ' which tinrnmnn n lmir which becomes a law ns soon at IlOOMOVClt Hlgns It. . LAW POINTS. A stipulation Iu n pnss releasing th carrier from Hnbillty for negllgeiit In juries to ono riding thereon Is held In Pnyuo. versus Tcrro Ilnuto nnd 1. tt,' company (Intl.), CO L. It. A. 472, to tV valid. I All liisnlt-nnf Kninninllnn I- I...1.1 t.. -- --..... .. .u.u.iu. ia UVIU IU, ...t.... I tit.. II iMiiiuiiui nan i-aper company vcrsui Coluiiibln Niitlouarbank (Neb.), 00 L A. It. 121. to have no rlglit to give pref erence io n eicm utio rrom it on which tho officers uud directors nro bound n sureties. J A niuntclpnl ordlnauco requiring V poratlons operntlng electric street cam within the limits of n city to water eiinlr IrneltB no n tn elTcetnnlW las the' ' dust Is held. In atute verua Canal and) .. It .. P.ll I . I A 7 IJ. It. company i-.i, ov, u. v. .. u,h to be a legal exercise of iV police pow-, r. V).,C. Aglor and Win. O'Malley, well known Southern Pacific conductor!. aro In tlm city, attending the legUU turo In Uiu IntorestB of their profe Ion. Mr. Aglor's place on the Albany local Is supplied by Chas. MlnMer. Win. 11. Clark, of Millwood, Dougte county. Is an nUendnnt at the leglslt tine. Lewis Her aged 17 years, of Butte vlllo, thl county, was today comali ted to the state Insane asylum . ii Vwo Furnished Rooms For rent, near state c-npltol. Apply nt r.3S State street 1 19-3t 1 o Labor Exchange Checks. All who havo not reported their U bor Kxuhauue checks to Gcoree Grit-i wold, will, within tho next 10 days, rej port to I II. McMahan, at his offlwl In the Murphy block. 119-Jt BORN. LEHMAN. To Mr. and Mrs. U I l.ohman, of this city, a boy on $ unlay, January 17, 1903. What Shall We Have for Dessert' Thl mipcttnn nrtcM In the & every day. Let us answer It texty"- Jell-0 n dpHplntia nnit ImnHtifiit cleMeft. :. P pared In two minutes. No botUnS I bakingl add boiling water and w cool. Flavers: Lemon, Orange, W berry nnd Strawberry. Get a && at your grocers today, io cts, -SALE FOR MONDAY ONI rnces biaugnterea. At4'2c yd. Deat standard prww " percales. COO yards to sf l1 IIW,I spring shades, regular price 76c. ,,.,. , tV At 49c. yd. All puteLlnvn sftUVv mask Table Linen, Belfast e thick and heavy, regular price l Mondays saio. prioo . ., ,.. it..-,. m-n.a frlM" m oc. union nuoK iuv lnnirtl, 3ft Innhon B0 dOZ tO ; from, boat towels made for 15f day's price t, rioo whlto Bed Spreads sal P"1 j 75j. Whlto Hemmoa uei 15c Pillow Oa&oB sale pr