PACE FOUR. THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1903. Initial senatorial BALLOT! east ha Poralar Vote for '' to Be Canvassed Both Houses Will Yote First, - TimeTBdSday ik. fca ! east aa ea dkm iOs bnarasl at ito boom by tae derk aeeratory of. or K eer toil to grew orb majority to aaj araa oa taj. tbe fact ahali b ealarad o jnwui At It o'clock f any fotJowiag tkt on W the rirf-r rtti4 to take u fbniaslT dh aa of th t senator ;nM awt m i r eaed at I M hate at , bly. aad tbe JoaraaJ of aknil than be nsad. aa4 tf tit anil I persoa has rec1 asajortty of a th rtrm ia aaeft boas. aaall t declared inly elected senator Boi a isbJaoft ku MM rc-ri of la 'rate ta ... .,. ri..iMiv if cither boas has failed to mi uiv mtmtw -- .. pjtinttnn e raaaire it iaat joial nbr stall tft 'KM tO Ca0. Or tTOt TO fir Jar bsataaa. f aari masher present a peraon rax ''T totttol aala tar CaMea afcatan aiaasar. a ta raaa rJf - ..- wui w n t aoaa TaaJ "a an taj rot tk jot ?-i ?" !rZJl.2ZZ'mmtT. a awtorltr of all tk m, V Bm banae U separately, . . , hriM b- , eembty win b kcN aad bot UdhM j sok oar mtll m rtortto Vote. Oarrvau fw Poootar Btrforo Mar of tk MioafMo oaoVit iw K &m, Uo kw ikHkr roto to otMtfoft kol Jm o umsfJ. M aad vottac. okaU be ferterod 4or krt4. If w porooo imH aack awjortty oa tk Irot oar. tae ai. -- .11 .m i IT flrkMV '"" -"'" fawrMtta of oeh aattawWag oar dot it tk naKoa tk logaowitaw. uoi tku , ' ""r ,w -.a -.f ' PWMVDT w . wr. Tatsl takat a Sok Headache attotetelr a4 r M apoWMr r aaaUr earai b aotap MoW Tea. ttaaUMt aoiaU4 tor tkat paroo. A lfwt horb drlnt Cnrw & .-. .. TTZ . .- 'lMHoa aa4 laaleostloa. aMkM yoa a 9 ao h. Maraa tk ot lOr , Qrt fc suirtac A acWaiapaeUJtotatOro,,. -Mtat4 or awar bark. cajtMsoratac thta faatare of ta eu. uri H tti. Writ to W. H. ia ki m Mbaws: I HOOKSK t co. Mam .. ijor a , if oaaaoM. u. j. xax, ts.iv - MORE MONEY RAISED University Debt is Bein? Reduced Coal From England. Btrtke. Baalaa. Jaa. W.-For KMaoi oallod turn ber thh atora tac wltb coal for Aaaarla- Foretfa MJnlstw Home. Cfcartootoa. Jaa. 1. Mlatetw Bow Mi laaood karo tkla aoarataa aad ! mwliatHr rtarted for Waaalagtoa. English President Coleman Gets! More Subscriptions Criticism Joba K. Cototaaa. araatiiat of raiTMaftr. utaiaod tkb) frooa Portbtad. whar bo eaa- aacw4 aorrfcea aaadaf at tbe ML Tabor M- K. cbareb rartcraar. aaa ro eaiT4 mbarrtpdaa ta tb aaooast of $1o towaraa parHat oa tb lm!mV tr'o talebtftaaea. AAar tbo opeataa; wrrk-at at tae ekardu a. CWoaoaa wm batrodarai by tbo partor of tbe coagraaattoa. H raartwtd bar aaaii-etastoa f tbo p oortaahr ara btat to aro&aat tbo coadtUoat aad -waats of tbe UafTrsi ty. aad a! tow tbe aeoato to contrtbal & tao ff abb to. RESCIND CLERKSHIP MOTION Senators Talk of Reconsider ing Resolution And Holding all Down Kuykendall Law to lxmdoo Jan. 1 The Engliah prose today blttorlr doaoaacas the American j Bao for parafttiaf tbe St LooU toj considerable teraat la manlfeoted oaiL Tboy aay Ortaco-a ? !orer & acUoa of tb ataate 1 voting iLTSJa clerkace, ,. oppo a. -nr mrt of law. tloa to the Kykedall law. It la re- pmsbarg. Jaa- It. PIto aiea wereiPOtUNl Uat tfc Irieoda of that law k badly burood la aa exploaloa at J win take ateps to reeciad the resola tbe Doaoeaoe ttoel plaat thli Bwralag J tloa, aad that aa platen of the attor that all will die Tber were working nay-general ba bee obUtaed declar anderaeath the faraace watch exptod- iy the action BcoatlMtUooal. If the ed aad were delated with a rata of i?at la reopened It will precipitate the molten aiatal. one of the hottest propoeiuons oi we I TV man vkn rvnmixl tills edge of law than to render 6ucj,,, fit for Uie place ho occupies aad ,! No aeaator could bo found at Zl IaJhw wrira Uriflct ant Ui 1 WU; "V rwwwiw BOJ iiiat ai a would be made to rescind the ru? Uon. and Senator Fulton renurt that he had made his figl vA ataUar was pasel, and tlat he! uinraS" uauwuft ". iup -TiPfJl ta cmeion aaeiiw u up mat, 'ho will reat where It la. and it j$ Miniaa iao some w uie m- njhert the houB. who are prarfraiiy (. out on clerks by the Kui , aim j, win enaearor 10 paas a 'ii . m latJja, bou&e. Committees Announced (Continued from first page HUM soeeloa. The men who paseeu uiis resolution maintain that they are Jus- BTlHll-WJB.BHBlH-BHa,IalBi aaw T Tb bv aatlar wbleh the vote wa takaa raaairos that tb rot bo carti lad to tb aasratarr atato by aaa iaf the aootral ccaav apUcate cerUtcaira oi tbe vote b ttaaatarrad by dto aae- iostHa rotary of otate to tbo two boaava. -Aad It boil bo tbe duty of tbo two JUST A WORD i" tn roaat tbo Oar LaOorooa Teat riamr U tb kaaa that tuiu or. Aafc yoar deal. tor thai apwlal brand. Aaa. Hurk- ftaJoai. Or. ACoUy""i" Tb biaboat priced ride ever tak tbe rotM aad a U. a mmi oat of for bar tb btaaaat eaaaber. aad theroaa- 4tml M . ktl A &a -- - VH HW tTKtmmm ibhi wm iw m aaltad hi iaot tatraday. Bageoe waa In- wbea a wo of tbe aarraratry jaaiped oa tbe janiB mam ranp saun itn in otiwa of a aeaator ta raaalaaf by a a, - - - i,. .n aat of eoaaapat aad baa i aaatK iitioa . u 1nm pointed out to blrn as being of tbe t 1 4atJ tb rotaa t hrmrtt nf o ordraaae prohibit in tM thai U ar-oaary to nake a h aaaaa b appeared before the taaaatrrat faaa tbe i4al t rft eona- Lvporder this aMtrahU- Tb recorder ty. mad add fhoao. tkat aWwla, tbe - B nUaleaajo at for the bflal far tb t . ttndant. abd tbe ride coat bia .fA 4j. Miak 4U Mid H Aih. . . . ,-v-. w -. -w ,Tif ic at tne rale f about i:so a aaaaead ta tb Joint eoareaUoa on mn.jj, HftiiaoMay, earopt that U alll be re-j ' tonad to by IW swatter of the bJ JDhnt nrp HlimnrK ? ? On out ownfmctliod of cavity prep- station. We have just received an OBTUNDENT for SENSITIVE DENTINE which, when applied to the cavity renders the excavating and drilling almost painless. We consider it the greatest discovery in dental science. wbo will nuaalnne Oeer (or si soaatorabl I r tr atorbM attM oouth -. PMU. ml (,ta, " 'etue Umu. Tbe prort-dure of election of ralte' y 1))1fl. tftrrfvl atato euaiar bt iniaiilbad by taj h .o umt nmiihm UmbimItm T lateral aUitnte aa rollowa. In nttny turw A ctiuutaoat ernpUoa, ocb alecaioa ahall be coa darted in H rbaua or ai. pimploa tnd bolli, tb faUowlna ntanrer Mack boaoe openly, by a vita tore vote of atoaher present umhf one x-r an fnr oennuir in n ngrr fr..m f tato. anil tbe ttnntf iff :- itfxt .p voted for a ie- a mn,' rr ia n M M 13 a n H H f m A ttial will con vmceyoti of the tftith of the above M M n a H f at B M S3 a H H H n a M e R Dr0.Bplci-ltncjet1 KK2."n: Salem, Oregon. and an woskaeM Unfur. reooral debility. Bow af tbey tpjll ' By Hood's Sarsaparilla whk klfci bnntU np tb jtem ibtt bai w.9wi trum tttam. 2 It u iu bat madirtne lor aU bttaert. 4g4-4-g4-ait44-aa-t-gBa4-ffiat3ag-fg-rHa-l-g-ra-l-g-l-H-)-i8B3 Branson & Ragan Have Jn received a newshlpaieat. ration hv the fact that of Preferred Stock caaaed vegetables. ooeration of the Kuykendall Gaarasteed the best on uae marhu faction In control names Urt Phone us your oruer. , for all the senators and thus virtually deprives the other senators of any dork service. They say that tinder that act the clerks are named by the bosses, and naturally they are apt to deprive nny other senator o I their aervlcos, not only to punish them i it... t. ..&.. .n UU..M.1 tlialf- nlfl.taM null 111" IjeiUOl l TO'O nicii ..... but became it Is oaeier to do nothing. And aa thes6 clerka need only to look to the liosaes for their employment th'?y are unconcerned about the cpn venlence of the other senators. One of the senators who bellied paaa the res olution says he has employed a pri vate stenographer thus far to do his work, and doesn't uronose to do so ,any more, while tb outer sena'ors ihave clerks at the expenae of the state. Ana her senator says that the claim that this resolution will uicreac the number of clerks thirty is not true, unless tbe senators who opposed It. and already hare clerka. Insist up on appointing additional clerks under its prorlslona. Still another sesator isays that If the opponents of tbe res olution are true to their own prten- l ilon they will not appoint clerks un der the resolution, and If they do l will be the best evidence that they are j not sincere In their advocacy of the I Kuykendall law, which, ha decl&ras. to the & sabetrtR and a daea for tbt j 1 few to control the whole clerkship 'business, tie insists taat tne senate I has the power to authorise clerks. Just )as much as It ever bad. and that the j passage of tbe Kuykendall law will not debar future action on the part of the senate on this subject. He con (I'.mi. r ! suggesting that if the new aTo::u' viwal has no more kuowl- .Manuiacrorors iiotitcn Shuu J.liirpay. Medicine Pharmacy H.nes Huntley. Banking and . Insurance e Hawkins, Galloway. nuruuuuuro lU-Ollett" OiMl UODU, Health and Public Mora!s-HJ inson, unon, uiaypooi. Rules and Joint Rules Gill, Rut j uaiiowny. Salaries and Mlloage NotUajiuI iiume. siinmotiB. Public Llbran' Malarkay rJ Bllyeu. FIsherios and Game Web&l Brt.h. Enimitt, Hahn. Teat. i.aoor ana indtistricv-ShtlkS Bailey. Hutchinson. renai iteiormatorj- and Charitttl Institutions Booth, Hlmes Simm! Capital Buildings and Ground Ileed, Carnahan, Adams StatlsUcs and ImmlKra'Ior.Adii Bailey, Bllyeu. imgauon-uinn, Emn.I IlurI wne&ldon, Judd. roou anu wairy Pirv'i fanil han, Kddy, Judd. omanes oi stau? anl CVjnty 01 floers Gault, Hansbrougb Trst benato Concurrent Resol'i'hn .Ml 4. commltteo to consult wl h ronaJ tee from Washington Hum'- Catl hah. Davey. J ;i Seven Die From Explosioi Washington. Jan. 19 tnspatcliJ ta. na-vy department ui.a mon from San Juan, says' Or moi the Injured on the Massar husetti ( in the hospital yesterday maklnn en dead, and one other js cxjwwl die For Sale. A residence in East Sat $ to buildl for J20M mU DERBY WILLKl thiC 0 W4aTraghraHfrr4Ttta ,. VP aaaaa HBSfl BHBb tansBanBl 1 1 LI W)d SU Goes mettHy on and wise byes a?e coming early to pick p the choicest bargains before the hzst patterns are taken and while the sies are jroodL $0i04C-MtTpTfteiiB44ateiiataia44&ia . . ',"'W","'IWW"Wttam X C -I r r A A m t s - - '-'--'Maaraato iu.uu or 5Bi. UU uit For aR7 OO .- Is not aa m oP(rintty for the man who desfres a good, servieable aU wool for every day wr. W)1 AN $18.00 OR S20.00 T rrr rn bua I b not to be fotfnd erary day either, hot these are actual samples of oar genuine reductions on a bte lot of suits W- wf . " I! House Coats Half Price. Sweaters ?x rw ,-f nOVERCOAT.. FVTRA PAMTC r-rr rr oTrm W VA of cost. Remember first comers et the fef i !! roaw tmift IDiH G raaratis,., !! W4W-avs r$ land Xx At ill W oolen Sflt? NATIONAL BANK Store Steitass......i..... NKETS, PLAJrS. iNOiAN BOBE5, UEK KM 0V' CLTHN6, LADIES' SU.TJNGS, ETC.