The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 19, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Consumption can certainly be cured.
Not all cases, but very many. Ayer s
Cherry Pectoral is the medicine
Members Northwest Afternoon N
paper League.
n.Tltf' One Year. $4.00 In Advance,
Dally Three Monthi, $1X0 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
wwiv One Year. $1.00 In Avance.
jBaflflonah county has a floating
debt of $Mo,nou In warrant, which
bear per cent tntereat, which aw
?M,000 annually to the already mam
moth Interest chars against that
county It la now nroposed to Issue
howls' "at lowsf Interest, nail' 'par o
this floating debt The; tmr of' the
bond proposed by the"- couhly court
are dan fined, as to rate of Interest,
terms of Issue. lc- nnl to ca,"al
reader II Is not clear whether there Is
r genuine rtan to reduce Indebted
noes or Just a scheme to enable spute
one to secure control of the whole
loan at poeelbly a little reduction of
Interest One feature of the bonds
would appeal to the good sense of an
ordinary financial mind, and that Is to
make them payable on or before five
yearB. This Is the onl condition re
vealed by the published report con
rernlHi the. proposed Issue, and unless
It la a subterfuge to corral the whole
nasi nans for some preferred Interest,
It is all right.
The question natnrally arises why
this is not made a genuine popular
home loan, similar to the ones madi
at Salem and other towns of late
years. That Is the rational, honest
way to transact this kind of business
It penults evsry person In the county
or state with an Idle dollar to And a
sale InvsaOwsm, and tires the great
est amount of public Interest In the
conditions oX local 6venysit. Tim
popular loan prevent! a clutch name
and Is. In short an American method
of doing things. Make all bond lssu"s
open and above board through the
neonh) and in the Interest of the peo
ple, and everybody. especially the. cor
porate borrower, will be beat served.
The old pWtM of making loans. In the
Interest of the moulvd class. U only
one of the oldest phases of class leg
IslaUon. and of placing the public In
bondage to the trusts. The financial
trust Is no better than any other form
of trust or combination to oppress the
borrower or consumer, yet It has
panted without observation or being
thus clasnlied for a longer period than
any other form uf organised power.
At the name time It can ee more easl
ly thwarted than attf iHhsr form of
truat, h the people wW simply assert
their rights, and the popular home
Iohh is one of the beet methods of
going about It.
It Is to be bffttd that the new Port
land bond ave will b nude nam
the true bNtlg of serrlug the true la
teratU of ika. ueofUa, 1'alkr ten show
sand a year nan be saved by making
this a tHMMikir loan, and the Interest
that Is mm ont atp for the comM
nily In Us IwafetK.
4 ted upon a partisan basis, and poal
Illy by a very narrow lactfoa of parj
tftaasbla. and the awe swenw to
rwotu- the sanction of a large ma
jority Of cottgee our people believe
in the will of ifo majority, and to long
as that majasfir does not stamp this
protean wtth disapproval It Is accept
i bv the masses. At the name time
iii-Lt.. .. .amjl mr rastt san KM1T thlt
Zv Z the onhHc act. so snnctlooeddW.on to the responsible and honor
hav no other virta no omwnrw,
them. Only the otar day this fetter heard
a old rocfc-Hbhea. thick amlthln
Democrat who drinks his whiskey
straight, remark that even though his
party Dominated so good a Democrat
asOtoveTCHrvemad or Itvld D.HI1I,
he proposed to vote for Teddy Kooan
vdt If that man of Action and of the
people was In the field. This was no
more surprising than to hear a few
days later from the lips of a stalwart
Abraham Lincoln Republican, a vet
eran of the Union army, and a man
who has never voted anything but the
Republican ticket, that the beet mes
sage that had ever beon put out by an
Oregon governor was that of tho pres
ent Democratic executive ot our state.
Such statements aa these show that
the better class of men In all parties
JcSks Hnslgnlficont "enough
T BL. . .
Ida that of Kaiesr wnneim, ""
i ah uivn n train nuee. u
Theodore Roosevelt Is written there- AnA what little you force yourself to
and this In lUmlf Is great t does not have uic ngiu "
What's the tiouble? The stomaui is
ont of ord-r. the liver Is Inactive nnd
SPEAKER HARRIS. . hnwels are constipated. You need
in Ooha-glory
Editor Klncald. of the Eugene State ...g stomach DItters at once
Journal, has the following compii- .. tQne u the 8tomach, restore
ment for Speaker Harris, and must oe aDBetite. perfect the digestion, and
duly appreciated coming from an op- open up cogged bowels. Then
position paper: 'youW feel better. Try a bottle today.
Hon. Lawrence T. Harris is a very u ww Ag good
bright young man. and haa many ArTpTTrn)C
friends and admirers In Lane county. HOolfclltK
as was shown by the large Vote he re-1 niTTCDO
ceived In VM and again In 1902. His STOMACH BITTfcltb
.. t. .A. 1 "" - -
If ble poslUon of speaher of the house
of representatives shows that he is es
teemed nnd trusted by the representa
tives from other countlee, as wVll as
by the people of the county where he
has been raised and educated. His
papld advancement In' public station
Ib an honor to Lane county. The fact
that he succeeded ovor the opposition
of two other older and more experi
enced politicians, Kddy and Davey.
makes the triumph all the more con
spicuous. Frank Davey la a bright
man, active, experienced and long and
favorably known throughout the state.
He made a vigorous fight, as did Mr.
Eddy also, for the position. A victory
ealned In Uie face of such opposition.
over two able and worthy candidates.
Is a brilliant once. Elevation Is ex
posure, and all that glitters Is not
gold, but with care and patience and
A few more days we will continue our
Iln.nlnn. TnU Ve T I"Ie HxcrcUe
What exercise Russians take Is hbii
allv more of n gentle promenade tlmn
tinythltig else. They will stroll tip
and down the principal street In tho
town or In some small public square
or garden for hours quite contentedly.
Thus, In spite of the unique opportu
nity for skating which their long win
ter gives them, It lsrnro to find any
Russian who can sknte well. If you do
find two or three good skitters, you
will probably lonrn on Inquiry that
they are Englishmen or Onuans. I
was. however, surpnseu to mm most
of tho Englishmen who uro In the
country on duty (as I was, for the pur
pose of learning the language) any
thing but pleased or contented with
tho life they are obliged to lead.
Cornblll Magazine.
Tfie finishing touches are being pat flJ
out new location at No. 269 Liberty St,
And so long as we remain m out prcseni
location all prices in effect dwing on
great and successful Holiday sale will p
A splendid opportunity to fit out
308 Commercial St. NexttoP.f
Store at Salem and Albany.
Tie Eouse FurnisMng
Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?
It Is a pteaour to note at tnUunea
son of nsatted polltl) -nteat that
the tkralldoni of partisanship la wett
ing with frequent rebuke A senator
is to be let tod ami uf i-mirse wilt be
mt mm
l WATERS, The Qgag Man j
The Worm In the C limtmit.
A physician explains how tho worm
Ht Into the chestnut. When tho nut
li still green, nti luwcct coiiipb nloug
and. hunting a warm place In which
to have Its eggs hatched, lights upon
the green chestnut nnd .stings It. At
the name time It di-polts some of its
egg In the opening thus made. The
chestnut begins to rliwn, and at the
same time the eggs are hutching. The
Insect M'levtM chestnut hs a place for
depositing Hi egg h being the best
adapted place by Instinct. The llotirj
matter iu the nut turns to sugar, nnd
sugar contains carbon, which prmluce
Our Mcnlnl 'l'rnlt".
To our jwrents. mys nn expert, we
are Indebted for ball' our mental traits:
to our grnndiMireiit, one-fourth; to our
grcat-grnudparciits, one-eighth, and u
I hBH flnm 5 JM'J 'f tuSi
Christmas Yule Log
that wolcomod Santa Claus la "Jj
omeu umo wim iia encory blaze I
spiuttor .was always tho best tk
could bo found In tho forest. Etr
plank, board and lath, every jofc
beam, shingles nnd shakos In ourji-
nro mauo irom tno best timber gum
and nro of suporior quality, well is
sonea ana frco from knots.
prlcos mako our fino building lumi,
almost an Xmas gift.
Goodale Lumber Co. I
Near 8. P. Pai. De
Phone 651.
are open to conrlctlon. ami anxious to cl'm attention to business the newly
get tho best mon to th front Hut It -Ut.-d apcakfr lll be able to hold
men are honest and where there is the auitualt. In check.
ro with enough courttgu to express
his convictions, there are probably a
aoxen who think the same, but fear to
express their beliefs. Some are
swayed by self-interest, others by the
party Uwh, and Uu greater ma)ority
by Ignoranco nnd prejudice. While
Ummm are conditions of mind that only
time ran efface, it is gratifying and a
hopeful sign to hear candid expivs-
of approval frost the political
y as It were. Tie hope of the
Uttf and nation rests In these Inde
nmuleat. thinking hum, who are not
araid to express their honest convictions.
Arc the Ikul ' un . 4t n rite bey
that' Mewl Hi am thing u gviterallv
pngnet-totw I if' j hriltln sainul,
W the iMMliit) aitnttsi will kUays fight
fr hW rhfUi.
Vflmn a bey thans the rough sfxMU el
Ms canp4nHHi he i
and U b cwUMivms
ol the fact.
A ureal mtiv
m4lif litv teetf
ttrtl to thi wiMMierful
curtug mU tiTUK'i
vniiin )Kwrr of I'.
J'it.'e'(; MV,
ti a! Deivc w
triitrUi i.iiii, fi.i'i
(K.I Hrl il lu V. it
rilvllt tl 'tr.l
ull.l 4M.ili! .Ic.l IU
ktunnrh and i i. .
vMjIAU. l .lg(lll
Hiit) imiihioii, i.l
ii iMkl lu. .
-t viitftltf ilir jhI
tret Uoitfiliutriit .!
thv (Hkly, Uuh U
thus bjuR at it. i!u
"tl vy 4 bod cm
te buik -b fiKI
There is iw aUvihol m
ad it MaUvIv tr fru.u ouum ..ii,i
nti all9iet urvs.Ks.
'? OS'S U ku vm dt s
Bhbt vBw. I j
iBBI ssW iXL
Qotha I a joint rapiUi of ihe Oer-
dnchy of Saxe-Coourv-OoUta. It
ig Ihwous for M duke and Itfe sausa
fMh but more than alt else (or IU Al-
maaach , Of all the historic alinan-1
ache, gone Is more Horlti-fsmd tha.
the Atntannch do Ooths. Its trat Issit
aupvarod in t7S. With it WC issue
no pnhilshed. kt celebrates its une
hundred a4 f ortWth anniversary.
Although "made In Germany" and
orig4iky published Ig terms osHy.
luce the accession of Napoleon I, the
AlvaMch da Ootha. haa been pub
lished in rreneh and Oerrnan,
Preach being the eoamonoHtan Irb.
guage .if Buropeu society. The
change m bwgnage was ejected
only alter much mMUer on Napo
leon's part. lie apparently found the
Metary of all tfturope easier than eon
trol of the Abjunarh de Ootha. For
years after the rVMrh revolution, this
arrogant publication continued
l.rlnt -IuJa XVU, rgahu wonni
ot KincH" After Nnholdn ha! been
duly cmwned. however, his fjUy
r.'und a place among the Umanach's
.mite. I ILt iil royal fajnllle but Au
i.alt still t.k prec.-dencc of Vapoleoa
for (totlta nntW Its-lf ,. kiu
H"'t! alphabetical. At this, hev
e.r NeMeoo aetaed Um etwire Uan
ned the outgt to rVla. printed g
edlthw. in which N gpneara an
Worry is the father of Insomnttu-'
Worry Is forethought gone to seed.
Worry is discounting itoeetble future
sorrows ' so that the Individual may
have a present misery.
Worry Is not one large Individual
sorrow; it Is a eolony of petty, vague.
Insignificant restless imps of fear,
that become Important only from their
combination, their constancy, their
Worry Is the traitor in our tamp
that dampens our poder, weakens
aim; under the guise of helping us to
bear the present and to bo ready for
the future, worry multiplies enemlos
within our mind to sap our strength.
Worry must not be confused with
anxiety, though both words agree In
meaning originally, a "chohtng" or a
strangling," referring, of course, to
the throttling effect upon indlrttdlal
(activity. Anxiety faces large Issues of
Jlfe calmly, with dignity. Anxiety al-
Uava INnMU hnnaful twiaailtllliv- it
m active In being ready and devising
methods to meet the outcome.
Worry Is the dominance of the mind
by a single, ague restless, unsatls
lied, fearing and fearful idea. The
menial energy and force that shouftt
be concentrated on the successive du
ties uf the ) Is onnstantly attd-Biir-reptiously
abstracted and absorbed by
this ou & tse.-Mtuhurc .life,
Baptiam In Ilnnsarr,
In Hungary the legal ngc of nn Indi
vidual dates only from Imptlsm.
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner you can enjoy from ens ol our
tender nnd delicious meats, etettks, lamb
or mutton chops, voal cutlets or pork,
Our meats are nil' cut from the fatteet
and nrimeatcnttle, nnd we can Bnpply
your table with fresh, nutritions and
wholesome meats at bed rock prices.
Phon 291
( (n-- Stntna,
If curtee Hlaiuti do not yield to tho
treatment uf having boiling water 1
I xwmcA ott tliuin, try wing the yolk ot
en egg in me miiiiu wity us mp uen
washing theiu.
.Mnr .-Ioiik Crimtb,
It has Lecu found by oxperlmont
that u turnip seetl will under favora
ble eondltlotw lucriHe its own weight
tifteeii tluies In h niliiiitc. Turnips
growing In wut grouml hsvo boon
foiiiwl to Im-rense mote tlutn lu.000
tbnea the weight of their Ht'dw In a
.llnLltiK I'nutry.
Make imstry with clean, cold lmudj.
Wnh the lunula In hot water In which
there l u little lliiilid nihiuouIm, cute
fully reniovfiiK every stain, then
plunge the hands luto cold water.
torn Him.
The rtsou h corn uualsc) never
rows uueeiil m supiHHtetl to bo be
esuse of Its Innliiu opposite radlnU of
growth from the tub enter.
Whes h mtt. we gave aei CHierta,
ki" - w i " '"aLiiapi nm aar airia.
r')Mte4 tfik, tSHtsiascMCMtoilasi
Hm a s4 callasw. me : i-Wll1
JuniiiUft ivm IW la.
'Suh kt fcruSil
a. i ms:. ' "it. r?-a" . r ' v ejsn ajsjsrB
-- aevesaaaNavaS vtMaJK tRkr aamuwiM -
TV Jftarse's Oeintnon
VUiaen hi HfHffMvjHVj
.vtpt oj It oWtttSB
ixuw: wmaiwujp iMn ,1
. the flrjst letter of th aJphab.t
Although the AlmaAaki. d Ooths
mtalna all the Information to be
(ggd in any wtll reguUted abjDaascaV
it is o( course most tamed for Its ge
.logical annual, sr ronrt guide. &
fashion and prece4ecv Ootha us sj.
wsm be,n the ultimate gnasnj. To
n niftuionet la Uoths Is the bme
tade of dUtlocOon. Its stcresiv-
ucsa aid tetere '.s t "-.:n ma hs
known shea such fttt. as thai ofi
th.- Kiluh ToclU U excluded. Bof
)" ",v ' '' martjut. sad
U..-I.-1 uuJe. a ,luk geU into 0,Hha
(li. thi i.n..t,.n howler it is m '
i -m i.jc t.. nt that PisMUMr
'-'t I fav r,-J lAut aJmtti'
Aer ArfthtHrtt.
Teacher-Usw mmMf auke
Johnny BuMit-Aboui one m
i gusss. BM-aiu.- Judge.
'I'hr irrnttfiil Trcp.
Iu liullii iiii.I .South Amerh-u there U
said tu le n aiiiitll tree known a. the
"sorrowful tree" which boars weet
Mauled dower that "Iihmmii tuily iu the
nighttime ami full off ul the break of
I'rldit Hit it-ii I iiacH.
Ou (''runty SlutkeoptNtre, Wsehiiigtou
uwl Napoleon were borm Queen Victo
'rtu was uiMi-rltHl, the battles of Hunker
Hill and New itrleaus were fought.
Auitriea ws discovered, Moscovy was
bttraetl. Itiehutotid was evacuated, the
itastllle was destroyed, the May (lower
arried uud tn-Useutrntiou of hide-
IWIldl'IKV M M slglMHl.
"When Going Out
One's appearance should be an ob
ject for compliments, and not of apol
ogies nnd explanation. Dress is so
largely a matter of linen that the laun
dry question Is all Important. Disre
garding the rule of sptc and span tells
severely against the offender. Our
perfect work all the time at short
prices has won us the general favor of
good dressers; we do all kinds of
laundry work, from a silk handker
chief to a rag carpet.
Salem Steam Laundry
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop.
Dorous D. Olmsted, Mgr.
Phone 411. 230 Liberty St.
Kurt) limit.
In esrl tlmtruia gun were made by
baud ami with front rare from one
rtriu bstit ruuud a mandril ami edge
w allied.
Hani; Mm,.
A rojl folio has u utxe iu bv i
ItJe- . u roiHi mwrto, 12H by 10; a
1 ULtfl w"w. H', u a8; a 12 mo., 7 by
)MMM lt4IH.
nmucl hnosdeAge ef lu ...
ass mJa,
. - l l,es, MSB i est.
U tii la a nuptial t
-sew Twa Tiwa.
A KAHMjNt fault.
-Tv s oal asm witlo
Wbju Is thatr
"it bmt no vJ."-Cycag Post.
ui I wiuW
, 4-a IU u..i a by '.'k, ; a JU
4uHx.a u a.
4 b)
. swst th head sf -irstors.- MW ...
aj shh? ak Jwt vua,
men are Mj tse Mem. that kk
r lis taa cusl; "T
i truu k &.,k. .k .... .t
Sen . nil . r m ttfe dhhVt. T1
cukos meoorskUriiJ,
l'Hlir Pleitun.
A fMJ" bsatsrr.
SMHBb. tsamMgsmi eW ammml i
UJJM sas sf UUfc sadtoN. aw ssrai
Itwitrlu t'tttsea Vrum Mnrli,
Upstriu la wHhinf but rousted starch.
aiul auy uue with a atotc that has an
tan uttsvhiaotil .i make his Owl
ieittaui abeuever he ueeds It by roaat
Ihg starch to a light bro a, Its U
hatatu use I to make th fginoos u.
eilafs. used on Urn bach of th po-
lK Um chios trsiu ttJL ' . .
JKft BllChsrs ta th- aZ!T. . 7Wf'-,
r rno
Is a good, wholesome, dcllclouik
erage, llko Salem boor. It's & Inr
to tastenot to tho pocketbooMi
Its prlco Is extremely modenUi,
excellenco consldored, Tho cw
to tiuallty of IngroUIents, caroto
Ing of thia boor warrant a mud
er prlco than others per ol
dozen bottles; yot that's theA1
our beer:
WORK8, Mr- M. Deck, Prep
Trustee's Sale
Clothing and Men's Furnishinc Goods,
Prices reduced on every article in the st
Phrttrr fr1r i iU nil. r i
ww-. jvwvft in me tuy( Dargduw
. Tatot
bfar o
"ww nice it W..11I4 he " mn-wi k.
.tuueh-UtUuwi iZ . I. . "w J
a : . T -r
fj. .v-, .-rs,
r?e .,.
295 Commercial St.
Are not held by
the result of ability to Co. A
. ti -' n iri .: A
There ta au InareailDK demaOJ '"
barthantl eennwi at the
W. I. STALEY, Prlnoloal, Snlam. 0f