tiou. "Tho pcoplcl" Thoro It wns; Ignonuit, some of It, but hourly rising Into n despcruto Intelligence, which, undirected, would prove Its own nnrt tlio city'a destruction. "Tlio people," tolling, sweating, noting flgurcs in tho l, rent huiunn drunut tlmt were neither Huperuiimci'iit-les nor leading parts, hut so vital to the whole movement of tho tragedy thut It nil wns destined to sweep on to Its flnnl net, with thoin jib resultant cause! "Tho people," vngue, Lut certnln, full of unwritten histories, Lut milking all history possible, nnd lieatlug In face and nttitudo the weal or woe of republics! "Tho people," driven in herds ono day, loading tlio msnes tho next, while nil problems of 1 tc surged tip nnd down tho throng- ; highways, ontanglements caused 'ij tmirucrun greeu, uy uiiieriieu eus rtonw, b the- physlcnl passions thut lUnow no education of rellncmout duo to clvlllzitloul "Tlio people," born of tho ?oIl, but molded by the. city, eomo of jit to stnric nnd riot nnd drink and trow Indifferent to tho very wrongs that made It what it was, and he, John lordou, the son of Itufus Gordon, tho ! j,rcnt flnnnclcr, the man of "deals" and "combines " "nnd "operations" and he. John Gordon, was going to devoto his young tunnuoou to "tno peopic, to iho training and directing of this, mis directed' giant, becauso (ho smiled at its strange possibility), becauso ho had grown to lovo It, a lovo taught him by personal religious experience, so real, so profound, that ho knew It dug a gulf as deep ns spneo between bis father nud his sister and himself. Nothing but a similar cspcricnco on their part could ever fill tho gulf, nothing but a Mmilur miracle of regeneration could ever innke him understood by them. Mary had gone over to the plnno nud ..,11 humming the tunc she had been - :inlug when she Interrupted tho tall: erween father and brother. After a ument John Gordon went over and m his hit ml on his sister's shoulder. Ml through?" sho said, turning i it from tlio piano, fl re were tears In John Gordon's i cs ,s he looked down at her. Whon i .iul.0, It was very gently. H all ineuus, of course, that I am .jin, away. Do you understand that, arj v This will not be my homo any ei o.i it win not no powuuio tor uie i j . here and do" It all ery strnugo to me, John," 'i his slater. "You hnvo every no in the world and you prefer to i )W It away for for a lot of people I "i dun tare." fl.ej will care." "What good if they do, John?" Ills ii-trr suddenly turned toward him very Snucli us his father had, and laid her luii'-d mi his arm. "John, tho people rill tint care. What can you do? surely wo are not to blnmo for all tho Frong In the city, I hoard what you Bald to .rather. 11 is simply absurd to jink that we are responsible for the avny things go. And It Is uonsouso to link you can do anything. Think how ; ulll look In print! 'John Gordon, tho cformer! John Gordon, tho social ist!'" i "Don't. Mary! It will be hard enough : fitliout your sneer." ! I did not mean to sneer." . Sho fcfiiii'd honestly grieved, and ho In- cnntly h-anod over and kissed her jucL Mut even ns ho did to ho know ftio had turned nwny from him a little, md when ho raised his bond she did not look up or return his caross. He istiu Btoou ny nor siientijv-roniiziug ggach moment mora keenly tho chasm that Btrotched between thorn owing to 1? religious experience. gWlicro aro you golug to live? You ny you cannot llvo hero with us uuy jro?" his sister dually usked. R'1 don't know." Will you live with the poopleV" R'lt Is possible." 'It Is absurd. I don't understand." c'You cannot." IIo said It with n idness thut realized tho futility of cplnntitlons. Uid of course Luellu will go with lyoo! Sho Is such a lover of the peo- rw Buelhil" L"You have forgotten bor?" r'No!" And yot ho had at ltmst ho yskd absorbed all his thought for the 30 about his homo relations and had 3t reckoned on facing this question tho relation which would exist bc recn himself and tho woman who id promised to be his wife wheu ho asked her as John Gordon, son of ISmus Gordou. What would sho say to John Gordon, reformer? lEKe sat down and put his bands over Knee, whllo alary watched him cu- Irlaqsly. very much as tho father hud ame? "liueua is very proud. Still, sho light cujoy living In tho alums and Etndylng problems. Sho Is full of con- idlctlous." Chat Is true," John Gordon whls- to himself ns ho lifted np his liuclla thinks a good deal of you, a." Chat Is true, too," he whispered to serif again. Still, whon you think how Luellu been brought up you can't be aur- Bed If she should refuse to do soma Qgs, especially If they moan loss of ll standing. Love must be reason- Ind unreasonable," said John Gor- wltb a faint smile. "Love bear- all things." ry Gordon stared at br brother. rourso anything Is possible. Hut 'a'" Iho smiled to herself aad then stared i b"r tirniliM. ntul ttina -I 1 about and begnH te slug: the sadness that emwe wltb Use i tars." "i Gordon turned toward the other m. but before he Lad gone out Mary ana came quickly un to hlw. H !a Is not goodby. John?" t' He turned and looked at ber aestly )t COUlW - ahA hlteted "of c5ursc the reason I don't show more feeling Is becuuse I cannot believe you . aro really going to leavo us for good. You will try tho reforming business n ! Utile whllo, and after you have learned Hint you cannot do anything you will : coino back and let father work out his , ulnii tnv vim wlilitli. I miiut imv. in fnr i moro sensible than what you propose. So I don't lntond to pay goodby, John, nnd I hope Luclla will be as good to you ns I am." Sho Instantly went bnck to the piano, eat down nud began to sing nnd play gnyly. John Gordon looked nt hor for n moment, thou want into tlio other room nnd found his falhor still writing thoro. He went up to the desk und waited until his father laid down his pen. "Well?" he said as he lifted his head nud looked up nt his boh. "You hnvo eoniothlng more to Bay?" There was not n hlul In tho tone or manner to suggest to John Gordon any affection or feollng. lie was not sur prised. IIo had not expected anything. But ho put out his hnnd toward his father almost like ono who In sinking and sees some llouting object swept out Of rencli on n receding wnve. "You understand, father, that I do not ask anything of you. Grand mother's Bharo of tho Waller estate is duo mo next year. I will take care of myself until then." Itufus Gordou did not speak, nnd John Gordon centinued: "All this my action Is nud always will bo strange to you, father. The re ligious cxperlcnco through which I passed whllo abroad makes any other courso Impossible for me. As I said to you before, tho Hfo wo have been liv ing In this city scorns now to be n monstrous Hfo for civilized pcoplo to live. Tho term Christian has no moan ing nt all unless It menus service, sac rifice, shnrlng in somo real sense with tho world's needs. Tho civilization which meniiN nlmiriy getting all It can cut of the world Instead of putting ull It can Into It Is a civilization that can not bo called Christian. My soul Is un nb!o to rest, my Hfo enunot go ou with buch contradictions torturing It. That Is the reason, father, that our ways di vide. Would to God that we could seo nnd walk together!" Tho cry was wrung from him by n sharp nud sudden pain that took ac count of the fact of blood kinship. It wns tho cry of human fellowship, tho exclamation of a personality that hud always placed great stress on tho value of companionship. Hut there was no cry from tho man who sat coldly look ing u him, Itufus Gordon wns n father, but ho wns also that perHonlfleatlou of tho not product of our uu-Ohrlstlau methods ho was crystallized selfish 11083nono tho loss solftsh becauso civ ilized, nil tho moro selfish because it wns moro offectlvo in civilized form. Ignorant solf Is not so destructive as educated self. "Is thoro anything moro?" Itufus Gordou asked tho question ns u busi ness proposition to close nu Intervlow that was taking valuable tlmo needed for moro Important transactions. I "Nothing moro except that I hope 1 you will you will not boar nny hard feelings toward me. Oh, father!" John Gordon suddenly exclaimed, taking a step toward tho Impassive figure. "You said you loved mo. Cannot you bollevo In me nud the life I have choson?" For it luoiuout over the hard face thero swept n tremor. It wus gono In a moment and Itufus Gordon mistered slowly; "You hnvo chosen. When you change "your mind, yon .may eomo und see me about It." "I shall never change my mind." "That Is nil, then?' "Yes. oxcept tlutt'niy lovo for you und Mary Is still the same. Somo time, when you hnvb felt what I have, you will believe as I do." Itufus Gordou nindu no unswer, and John Gordon slowly turned to leave tho room. "I will arrange to have my things taken over to Marlon's. I am golug to stay with him until I iirrnugo for my pormuuont quarters." IIo left tho room nnd wont upstairs, where ho busied hlmsolf with packing tho fow possesions ho hud brought home with him from abroad. During It nil his highly Imaglnntlvo and even poetical natiiro took account of tho prosaic and matter of fact way in which ho was taking leave of the houso whero bo was born nud of the homo In which ho had boon reared. There hud beou no melodramatic dis inheritance of him by his father, al though ho know htm well enough to know that tho life ho hud choson, di rectly contrary to his father's lifelong wishes, practically swept him outside tho financial thought, so fnr ns Itufus Gordon was concerned. Tho Impossibil ity of staylug In a home, with ull Its acts of disobedience to the greatest ruin or life, was what imtde the removal of John Gordon absolutely Imperative. That this removal was taking place without the outward spoken words of tragedy made the rol notion no less teal or painful, vt nan no nmtfly came downstair he found no one In the house. At first ho felt strangely oppressed. Afterward he felt relieved. Ho had chosen his life, as ho had said, and his choice had seri ously begun. As ho laid his baud On the door to open It tho consciousness of his uncertainty rogardlng Luella Marsh swept out of his thouglTt even the sense that he was actually bidding' goodby to the home he had known for thirty years. Would this woman ho leved as uaver in all his life jora would sue choose the lire ue imu ehoioti? She was rich, or her fathr was. She was gifted, an aristocrat by birth and training, a woman of strong and original personality, with tusy Impulses not yet known even to John Gordon. lie was almost startled at tbe sudden realization that ha was la lgno ranee concerning ber actual character lo far as the preeent crisis was con THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1903. ccrucu. xcc no Knew tnnt according to her nnswtir now would depend tho shaping of his own future. Thoy had bceoino engaged while ho wns In his Inst year at tho uulvcrslty. Then ho had gono nbrond, nnd their correspond, once had evidently deepened their re spect and affection. He had written her of his religious experience not in detail, but her answers had apparently satisfied him. Ills choices, nmbltlous. longing for service, hud nil followed bo tumultuously on the event of his roll glons crisis that lie had not ventured to soy to her In letters what lip hnd begun to experience us a profound con viction. Krery moment now, there fore, ho felt with growing astonish mout, confronted him with an unknown problem, although tho woman In all the world to him was at tho heart of nil that was creol and possible. IIo opened the door nnd stopped out. J The roar of the city smote' his senses with new meaning ns ho wont down the steps nud entered the strenm of the city's life. He would go nt ouco to Luclla Mnrih. Whatover It wns to bo tor him, suspense wns not bonrnble. Hitherto he had emphasized his own love for her. Henceforth he must know to whnt extent she loved him, .for hu manity had now become a part of tho creed of hlo life, nud the womnn who wns to shnro nil with him must lovo humanity ns well ns himself. Tho people ho wns one of them now. Would sho lovo him ns such, or would she ding to tho traditional selfishness of her position? Thus John Gordon, ns ho turned his bnck on his father's house, faced his fuluro as the human current boro hhu on, Its destiny Irrevocably wflfen Into his own. ' ' ' (To bo Continued.) Deafness Cannot Be Cured Dy local applications, nB thoy can not reach, tho diseased portion of the enr. There Is only ono way to cure denfness, nnd thnt is by constitution al remedies. Doafnoss Is causod by nn lnllnmed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. Whon this tube gots Inflamed you hnvo n rumbling sound or Imperfect hoarlug, nnd when it is ontlroly closed deaf ness Is the result, and, unless the In flammation can bo tnkon out nnd this tube rostorod to its normal condition, hearing will bo dostroyed foravor; nine cases out of ton nro caused by cntnrrh, which is nothing hut nn In flnmod condition of the mucous sur faces. ' Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for nny enso of dsafnoss (causod by catarrh) thnt cannot be oured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, Send for circu lars free. F. J. CHI5NBY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7t!c. Hnll's Fnrally Pills nrc the best. TO STATE TREASURY Fair Balance, ' Licenses and Tax Money Stato Tronsuror Mooro on rocolvod eovoral remittances count of dlfforont funds. Friday on nc- George j Bboll, president of tho First Kastern Orogon District Agrlcult,uial Fair As sociation, remits JllG.GO, th unoxpend od balance of $1500 givon by the state for the support nnd malntonanco of tlio exposition. The sum of $3f.3.t0 was rocolvod from Master Fish War don Van Dusen, representing the amount of fuos collectod in that da- partmont for Ilcensos, fins, otc, for tho month of December. Tho further sum nt IfiO win rMnlvnrl from ihtt I ,i Old Soldiers Subject to Aohes and Pains. Have My Share Find Relief in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine. "I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Mile' Anti-1'ain Pills at tint-claw la every raapect Tbey have done wonders (or roe. I waa a oidier in tbe late war and am subject to and have my share of the aches and pains from the hardihip that usually fall to the lot of the soldiers who saw service. Anti-Pain PilU never fad to relieve the rheumatic twinge, headache or other pains. A number of old comrades In this vicinity who have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Tonic, Narvine and Nerve and Liver Pills speak highly oi their virtues in every respect. My health is greatly im proved, thanks to your Restorative Nervine, with the exception of an old wound which troubles rae somewhat" TIMOTHY J. Lynch, 4th Ret Maryland VoL Inft, The Dalles, Oregon. Rheumatic twinges, headache, and the pains of a disordered stomach are frcoueat reminders of tbe strain and hardships of an army campaign. In all such cases tsve nerves are affected too seriously to right thaiasclra, and ptomot treatment I neeaairr. The best treatment coauOtts of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nonrine, which restore vitality to tbe nerves and help tbasn to throw off various disorder which btiag about pain and aufferug. There hi nothiBg so good tor the stomach and bow. els as Dr. Mile' Nerve and Liver PilU. They act directly upon the nerves of the digestive orcaai, speedily rcstonng them to normal activity. AH drurgisu sell aad guarantee first hot tie Dr. MUea' KemeJiea. .Send lor free book IB Dr. vttki M4ieil Co, Elkbut lad. cured by a acr.iijQsvi 'DYSPEPSIA CORE Under all curableconditions Mr. D. Kauble of Nevada. 0.. was Mrs.W.W.Uy- lcr of Hllllard. Pa., was cured cured by Kodol oi stomach of Chronlo trouble which Dyspepsia by had effected the uss oi Kodol. his heart. F. G. Haas, 9G Stat Street. snme cfll .r. being tho amount of tho fln. Imposed on LoiiIh Solomon, of Tillamook, for buying, packing nnd Lpreserv Ing salmon without a llconso, as required by law. Ijine county sent JUS-1.-17 In full pnyment of tho bal ance diif on account of stnto tnxes from that county for the year 1901. The Excitement Not Over. The rush to the drug storo still con 1 1 nu os nnd daily scores of. people call for a bottle of Komp's Unlearn for tho Thront and Lungs for tho cure of Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Urbnchltls nnd Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the standard family remedy, Is sold on a guarantee and never falls to give on tire satisfactions Prleo 2Bc and COc. 2 Stockholders' Meeting. The legular annual mooting of tho stockholders of the Thomas Kay "Wooion Mill Co., for the election of di rectors, will bo hold nt tho ofllco of tho compnny, nt Salotn, Orogon, Tuos day, January 20th, nt 2 o'clock p. m M0-10t R. II. COSHOW, Sec, Cardinal Gibbous left UalUmore this morning for Wnturbury. Conn., where '1: will arbitrate tho trolley strike. m 'O i i.i- ... Vh a fUbr wal tick, w gav br CMtbHa. Win u fcfee wi a Child, the cried for CotUrfK. VUco th Woorae MIm, ike thing ttir.nnrla, WIhh be had Oblldran, the nvelhji Uuritrt When Choosing Cigars Why not select the best? The 'Tashmoo,r 12-cent cigar, boats them nil. All dealers. Made In Salem by Aug Huokeotsln. 1 1 n Attend tho taxpayers' nnnunl school mating at city hall, Tuesday. Jan juary 20th. at 8 p. m. At 9 o'clock this morning ex-Mayor ;"' - 'tt won resting oaslly. The phy- " ,v" " '"' i Musical Composer Dead. I Paris, Jan. 17. M. Cabot, author of ;th Hbaretto, "Chlmoe of Normandy." i illfd today, aged 83 years. ACKER'S DYSPEP CK TAB1 TS cure Dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indlgostlon. Endorsed by I physicians overywhoro. Sold by all 1 druggists. No euro, no pity. 26 cents. Trial naflkago free by writing to W. H, Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. Y. 0iBKiBaaEHHa I Electric Lighting I H SAFEST CIEANEST MOST CONVENIENT anrcoi pa IS No Matches. No Odor. M No Smoked Celling. A Good Strong, Clean, ft at Clear Light of, M S. 0 ' m H M ft ft 16 Candle Power costs ONE CENT PER HOUR. Power at Low Rates per Horsepower. SALEM LIGHT.POWER and TRACTION COMPANY. 3 slaHfIH4ll4fi P PliMtiVrhilYoiittt CLASSIFIED ADS .dvertlsements. five Hoes or less, la this column iserted three times for 25c. 5 Oca Week $150 month. All over five lines at the same rate. - -I l LlXi-t J WANTED. 200O head of Stock Cattle Wanted Cows and holfor calves, yearlings nnd 2-year-old holfors; flv. bulls to the hundred hoad, to ralso on shares by rollablo and porfectly ro Bponslblo Ufolong cattlo mon. FIno gross range in wostorn part of Lane county; half Increase for six yonrs. Address A. J. Thompson, Gardiner, Orogon. 12-lG-im gjsajjimag-1 L08T AND FOUND. LoLumolFol tlals "M. S" on case. Finder pleaao return to No. 43G Stnto stroot l-!C-3t Found. A key; owner can hnvo snmo by calling at Journal ofllco and pay ing for ad. l-!G-3t PER80NAL Ladles. Uso our harmless remody for dolayed or suppressed menstrua tion; it cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 12-27-snt-Ct FOR RENT. For Rent. To a lady, furnished room, with or without board; or rooms for light housekeeping. 618 North Commercial street. l-15-3t For Rent. Willamette University full scholarship. Knqulro Capital Na tional bank. l-lC-3t -i i.c.i. ui uibiuy-uciu iti. in, with about 50 acres cleared, balance tim ber. Good hop, grain or potato land, or will soil at a bargain. Cnll on Mrs. II. Crayton, ono block west of North Salem school. 1-13-tf ulte of Rooms for Rent. Inqulro at 311 Commorcln! stroot. 1-12-tf "or Rent, A sulto of Commerclnl street rooms nt 341 l-12-1wk FOR SALE. outfit and about CO cords of wood In tho timber. Chonp for ensh If nkon soon. Inquire of M. II. Uter or J. A. Colgnn, South Salem. 1-14-lw ows for Sale. A fow good full hloodod Jorsoys. Inqulro nt David son's, Mornlngslde. 1-13-tf ood. Kino body, flr and aah. Goo. F. Rodgers, 130 Court RtrooL 12-19-lm nap Bargains 297 acres In' Waldo Hills; 407 southeast of Gorviils; 200 adjoining city of Woodburn, for snlo choap, Inqulro of C. W. Corby, lawyer, 2C9 Commerclnl stroot, Sn- lm Oronnn I'-IIMrn MISCELLANEOUS. A O. U. W. Notice. All membors of the A. 0. U. W. nnd Dogree of Hon or aro hereby notified thnt to bo at the regular meeting, in tho Holm an hall next Snturdny evoulng. Janu ary 17th, when we expect to havo nu olllclal visit from our Grand Mas ter woiuman. jet us give him n fraternal welcome. Ladles of tho Degroe nro roquostod to bring n cake. I)y order of tho commltteo of tho four lodgos. l-15-3t Ten per cent Discount during Jnnunry Call and see now stook before buy ing. The Vnrloty Storo, 91 Court street, Annorn M. Wolch, Proprietor. Bjy the O. K. Grubber and Sttunp Puller.-Manufactured near Brooks, Or. Three state premiums; beet In the state; ono horse has power of 90. Send ordors oarly and grub an acre a day. Jas. Finney, It. F. D. No. 8. Salem. Or. 11-C-tf You will always find tho choicest meats and groceries at tho lowest prices at Edward's & Luschor's, 406 and 410 Stato street 'Phono ordors given special attention. HOP BUYERS' DIRECTORY; B?o7lH3Hu7naNQ Main 1311. Ofllces In Bayno block, Stato street, Salem. SQUIRE FARRAR. Hop morolwnt and purchasing agent. No. 21GVa Commercial etroct, upstairs, Salem, Orogon. 'Phono MM. T. A. LIVE8LEY & CO. Dealers in hops and hop supplies. 'Phone 1211, ofllco room 18 Oberhelm bldg., Sa lem. Oregon. CATLIN & LINN-IIop buyers. Boom 8, Bush-Breyroan blook, Salem, Ore gon. 'Phone 1131. PRODUCE BUYERS. JAMES M. rJYLE & CO. Highest cash ptiee for potatoes, onions and dried prunes. 175 Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. LODGES. Proteotlon LodaeNo. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, meets every iaUrday evening In the Holtnan Hall, corner of State and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren welcome, r. I West. M. W.; J. A. Bell wood. ItArortJer FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Sherwood Foresters No. 19. Meets Friday night In Turner block. Harry Watson.au.: A.L.Brown. Seo. Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P-Costle Hall in Holman Block, corner State and Liberty street. Tuesday of each c c ll'l- Fleolag K of IL and tt.1 wnair nr r'xn n m n mimmui PAGE 8EVEN; OSTEOPATHY. Dr. M. T. Ochoettle Graduate Ameri can School of Ostoorathy, Kirk, vlllo, Mo. Ofllco In Tioga block, ovor tho Spa. Ofllco hours 8:30 to 11:30. and 1 to 4. Ofllco phono No, 2423 Rod rosldonco phono 2603 Rod. Dr. H. H. 8covcll, 8ugnetlvo Thera poutlcs nnd. Osteopathy. Norvous, functional nnd mental diseases, nott rnlgla, headaches, norvous prostra tion, dyspopala, constipation, dlar rhoen, rhoumatlsm, asthma, etc. D'Aroy block, Stato stroot. Phono Main 2856. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Ryan'a Shaving Parlors. Soven first- olasa barbers engagod. Finest batli rooms In city. Wo ubo antlseptie oterlllior. J. Ryan, Prop. Evana' Barber Shop. Only flrst-class hop on Stato stroot Every thing now and up-to-dato. Flnost porcelala baths. Shave, 16o; hair-cut, Ko; baths, 26o. Two first-class bool blacks. 0. W. Evana, proprietor. VETERINARY. Dr. E. E. Jackson, Veterinary Surgeon and Dontist Ofllco, Rod Front Llvory. Phono Mntn 851. Real, onco Phono 2015 Red. 12-5-tf Fresh eggs and butter from our stores at Aumsvlllo and Mehama, ft Speer Bros. 'Phono 2491. 11-11-tf l it Jim urn luiumnianna CX H. MACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Koono, In whlto Corner, Salem, Orogon. Parties desiring Buporlor operations nt mod erato too tn any branch aro In ospocla) request THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street. OYSTERS Served In tho best of stylo and with tho most nultablo accompnnlmonta. E. HCKERLBN, Proprteto HUIE WING SANG CO. Chins ware, Japanese fancy and dry toods. All kinds of silk and wool coodi. Make uo fine line of ladles' white underwear of all kinds, wall's, wrappers, sklrtf. tent's and I tales' f urnlthlnc eoods. mattlnj. bandkercblefs for sale at cojt. 100 Court St. BLUE FRONT KaBHtiH-rn-rf s Residence 5 FOR SALE? M H 5 A rare bargain in res! dence property close in, 5 being a good house, two lots and tarn, J sightly place and de- sirable location, apply i at once, to , ft M H as f M ffF.--r: j A. F. Hofe, Jt.t Journal Office. 5 N ft 1MBB' HHH1MHBBiT L.D.HENRYK$$ Good Bargalns-FalrTrealmcnt. List Your Property with rae. 230 Commercial St. Two Jersey Bulls Best full-blooded Jersoya bulla for service. Terms cash. A. Rich, on D Btreot, Englewood. East of railroad, 12.2(Mm SALEM WATER C0A1PANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at offlce. Bills payable monthly In advanoe. Mnko all complaints at the offlce. SOULE BROS PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS PORTLAND OR. For Saitin and vicinity Itava orders at Qto Will's Music Store, CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger trains. Baggage to alt parts of tho olty. Prompt service. Telephone No. 241. HKCKMAN & HKDRIOIC. Ma CMICMCSTCR'S eNOtISM ITSj. i...r.r.ti.ki .l,UlUflt l i;t 4 VmM muui Uit. imi w -wiMkrtMit. irft tHtr tea ! abtU Hop f Vt lHlH mu . iu4 mm imH aUl fis-ujilA. attk(Ui.La.u(.ri!v thttiWtt bU4Sm flttart, KuZXTrS