The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 17, 1903, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Humanity to the Hcsouo.
If the news were flashed across the
sntineiit that on some desolate, inlios-
dtable shore a mother mid child were
up-wrecked, it would not be an hour
efore relief expeditions were ueini
Uanned and organized. Though the
st sliouid be millions, tliouph the
oyaze ohould be lone and perilous.
tough the woman enst-away were the
borest of her sex, unstinted treasure
rould be poured out and life cheerfully
siceu 10 onng ner oacic to nome ana
is in any worse for mother and babe
perish of disease and hunger on a
olate island than under a sheltering
n a civilized land? How manv
others' Uvea are wrecked by ill-health
ch year? How many infnntu die of
snutrition annually? Why sliouid not
ac story of such as these mnke appeal
H human svmnathv and stir men to
fganiaxd effort for their relief.
More and more with every month of
very year women are learning mat a
in tor ncip in ineir weakness and sick
ess will be promptly answered by Dr.
. V. Pierce, of Huffalo, N. Y. Of the
teragc of five thousand letters re
jtived by Dr. Pierce each week in the
ar a laree number are from weak and
ck women who ask for relief from pain,
tscue from the loneliness and desola-
Ion of a life which disease has robbed
If all its brightness. Every such letter
I regarded as a cry for help, and tuc
Bivalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of
luffalo, N. Y., of which Dr. Pierce is
ief consulting physician ami surgeon,
organized for the rescue of just such
Iweak and sick women. With his staff
of "nearly a score of physicians, each man
a. specialist. Dr. Pierce responds to the
appeal of suffering women as promptly
jfttajtlTe crew of a life-loat respond to the
Sfipeal of distressed mariners. Ily his
Medicines and advice hundreds of thou
Iwmds of sick women have been made
Hgl wish to add my testimony to hun
ieda of others as to the value of Dr.
Jfterce's medicines," writes Mrs. Ida M.
DelFord, of I.ntona, Hubbard Co., Minu.
LHye doctored with a great many phy
83 and some socialists; have twice
Ken in a hospital for treatment. My
Csc lias been regarded as a hopeless
me?and they knew not what the trouble
ySj Heart was bad; stomach all out
Buerger ; urnu uui, neverc pains in at'
parti of tlu body; sinking spells and
axly every Ailment a woman could
Material, Best Workmen
and Promptness are our Motto,
Successor to Iirr
Hot Air, Hot Water and
Steam Heating a Specialty.
rrrzx 1 . . 1 .
Out Annual
Began Thursday, February 15 and continues for 3P days.
20 Pet Cent Discount
Delayed Shipment of Jardiniers arrived and they are included in
the sale.
Phone. 2411 Black
have. I too rriany a bottle of different
'Patent medicines' without effect. I
began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, and ten months afterward I
gave birth to a ten-pound boy. All phy
sicians had stated as a fact that I never
Could bear a child. Both the baby and
myself were strong, and I got along
splendidly thanks to your medicine, I
do my own work And feel very much
encouraged. I wish all suffering women
would thoroughly try your 'Favorite
Prescription.' "
Upon. the answer to that question de
:nds the value of statements such n
those made by Mrs. De Ford. She
"doctored with many physicians'some
specialists' without benefit. She has
n twice been in hospital." Her "case teas
regamea as a hopeless one," She turned
to the use of "patent medicines without
effect." And after all this suffering and
the failures of the medicines ana doc
torn, she was cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Any woman who can
read such a statement
as Mrs. De Ford's and
doubt its truth casts a
doubt upon the truth
fulness of women at
large. For this testi
monial is only one of
thousands written by
women glad and grate
ful for healing by the
use of Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
But if Mrs. De Ford's
testimony be accepted
as true, what nn avenue
of hope it opens to the
suffering of her sex,
even to those who have
seemingly exhausted all
medical skill and medi
cinal means of cure.
" Over one year ago
I wrote to Dr. R. V.
Pierce for advice," says
Mrs. R. M. elites, of
1205 Williams Street,
Omaha, Nebr. Had
been doctoring with
two of my home phy
sicians for blood poison.
They did not do me
much good only for a
short time. Dr. Pierce
recommended his medi
cines and I took three
bottles of his Favorite Prescription ' and
two of Golden Medical Discovery,' and
now I feel better than for more than ten
years. I am so very thankful that I
heard of Dr. Pierce's medicines, I cannot
thank him too much for his kind advice
Every claim made for Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription has a cure right
behind it. And behind this cure are
thousands of other cures.
" Favorite Prescription " establishes
regularity, dries offensive and weakening
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness. It is
the best preparative for motherhood ;
trauquiliziug the nerves, encouraging
the appetite and inducing refreshing
sleep. It makes the baby's advent prac
tically painless and gives the mother
strength to give her child.
Sick women, especially those suffer
ing from chronic diseases are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Refuse nil substitutes for " Favorite Pre
scription." The' only motive for substi
tution is to enable the dealer (o make the
little more profit paid by the sale of leas
meritorious im.-ilidvns.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser deals with the important ques
tions in tuc lields oi biology, physiology
and hygiene, in plain English. Of
especial value to women are the chapter
treating on the care of the health, mar
riage and maternity. The work contains
over a thousand large pages and is sent
jree on receipt ot stamps to pay expense
ot mailing oniy, bend 31 one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound voluiue. or onlv 21
of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
stamps for the Ixwk in paper covers.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y
& Fraser
& Petrel.
c Illat cnusc I!llllnK " f) i
1 V and finally baldness. No 23 )
Tj 1 ft otner preparation but u
T W 1 T - IT - 71 11CIIII1.IUU JtlllB UIWUUII- I'
Clearance Sale
Fine Coffees a Specialty.
Discussion of Novelties for
Womens' We.r
Now York, Jan. 17. The fashion
able girl of Bpring will bo a composite
creature.- She will be severe, but fem
inine; Btmplo, but elegant; her gowns
will reveal the most delightful color
Bchomes, but at all tlmoB will they bo
harmonious. Her Individual tastes
will find oppression in hor gowns, and
everything that she wears will empha
size her originality.
The spring novelties which now oc
cupy the places of honor In tho shops,
having relegnted winter fabrics to tho
bargain counters, are not necessarily
expensive, though tlioro nro Instnncos
In which one might run tho limit of
extravagance. Happily, dress, which
for many years laleed a sharply ac
cenuatod dividing ' line betweon . tho
rich and the poor, has today leveled
all class lines, and some of tho most
beautiful matorinls are so cheap that
they aro easily within tho roach of tho
woman with a limited dross allowance.
For liiHtanpp, among tho smartest
fabrics In which the newest shirt
wntsts appear are morcorlzod cotton,
Madras, chambray. bntlsto, linon,
mull lawn and Nainsook Rayco,
which, by tho way. Is no more or less
than a llnen-flnlslied cotton fabric
with a high-sounding nnme.
The spring shirt wnlst, whilo It .sups
over the belt at tho front, shows a
square rather than the rounded out
lino of provious years. This Is a
French Idea, which will no doubt be
come very popular In America, es
pecially with slender, graceful wo
men. Tho shirt waist suit which appeals
principally to womon whoso mornings
nro dovotod to shopping Is diversified
tills season by a fow touchos of color.
An especially chic design Ib carrlod
out In gobelin blue foulard embroid
ered In old roso and Nile greon silk.
The blouse walstB closo with an In
verted box-plait, and hns two narrow
plaits at tho Bhouldors, which tutor
mingle gracefully with the folds of
the blouse-effect at tho and of the
stitching. The sleevos nro In bishop
pattorn, nnd hnvo an Invortod box
plait to tho olbow.
Still anothor Bhlrt waist frock 1b
mado of putty-colored pongoo, and
has tho skirt shlrrod around tho topi
in simulation of a hip-yoke. Tho waist
Is a distinctive nffalr, bolng ombroid
ered down tho front with tho Japaneso
alphabet in bright colored silks.
Tho now color schomos nro to be
recommended for their dalntinoss and
general becomtugness. Gray with
shades of sage green Is a favorite
combination, although it Is often com-
within n few months.
Nkwiiro's Hbkpicidk
kills the dandruff germs
that cnuse falling hair
and finally baldness. No
other preparation but
iernicitlc kills the dan
druff cerni. Destroy tho
cause, you remove the effect.
Herpicide is n delightful hair
dressing for regulnr toilet use.
LITIXOITOK, MOXT,, Bi-pt. 90, 99
1 hTeuedon-lilnotilo uf ll.rilKli-,
jtrnl 1117 hed t Im (rout (Undruit anil 1117
much rnt!iMd ow the reat,and bat"
rccouuiendedU to a namlierof in r frtemU.
lour iiuci noi u oui u lunumj. i m Terr
For Sale at all Fint-Clus Drug Stort. I
er.. .-1. 1 r--..ii I cr... QmA in
cents In stamps for sample to The
Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
I A within n few months. c
1 Nkwiiro's Hekpicidk 7 I
X) kills the dandruff germs m
Free Deliyey,
At this Season of the Year.
Any cough accompanied by expec
toration which lasts ovor three or
four days, requires attontlon and
treatment; this doea not mean a visit
to the hospital, nor to your physician
nor wholesalo drugging with patent
medicines; but It meanB that somo
simple, harmless effectlvo antlsoptlo
remedy like Stuart's Catarrh TabletB
should be used to ward off any possi
ble termination In Pneumonln, Chronic
Catarrh, Bronchitis or Consumption.
All of the formidable diseases start
from a common cold, neglected or al
lowed to run its course and it Is only
the exerciso of common evory day
caution to cure a cold as quickly as
possible, not so much for what It is
at the moment, but what it mny be
come If neglected.
Porhaps no romedy Is so snfo, re
liable and convonlont to Btop n cold
or obstinate cough as Stuart's Catarrh
The extract of blood root contained
In them combined with tho rod gum
of the KucnlyptviB treo Boom to put
tho mucous moinbinno of tho noso,
mouth and throat In a condition to
throw oft the germs of catarrh, bron
chitis and consumption, and ns thoy aro
taken Internally they scam to oqttnl
Izo the circulation andp lnce tho body
In that condition of health which re
sists, and throws off the germs of
A person In porfoct health rarely
catches cold and If he does, throws It
off in a day or two, but, whero tho
cold hangs on, stopping up tho nostrils
Irritating the thront or there Is per
sistant annoying cough It Is evident
that the system for some reason Is ufi
able to thiow off tho ilisoaso germs
which cnuse tho trouble; a little as
sistance Ih necossary, and this Is best
given by tho use of somo harmloss
gorra destroying antiseptic like Stunrts
Catanh Tablets which aro so palat
ablo and equally bo for chlldron and
Druggists soil theso tablets at GO
cents full slzod package, hlghor In
prlco than trochos nude hemp cough
syrups, hut Stuart's Catarrh Tablts
contain antiseptic properties which ac
tually euro colds, catarrh and throat
and lung troubles whilo It Is a no
torious fact thnt cough drop and
cough drops and cough syrups aro
iarn'iy ' composed of opium, cocalno
and similar drugs that have no cura
tive power.
It Is nlso truo that many populnr
liquid mudlclnos nnd tonics for catarrh
dopond upon the alcohol thoy contain
which give simply a tompornry stim
ulation of no real bonoflt for any
trouble catnrrhnl or othorwlse.
(Mwiikiar ,... . - .-..-...
liriieu 10 snnro nonors wmi uurm or
niiKo, minted with whlto cloth nnd
cru lace. Indeed thoro aro but fow
combinations which do not Includo tho
late. for. like tho touch of blnek, It
lends charactor to a kowii, whan othor
trimmings fail.
Drown nnd whlto. ono of the most
Fouidit schomos of winter will b n
li ritngo of spring fashions. A vory
fenurt streot wown is of brown nnd
wliltc mixed mnnU with iiIiiIhrh of
hrovsn silk. The jacket has bishop
sleevos and a looso plaited front, with
a doublo collar and a stole which are
nlpfd with silk.
Tho skirt has a habit back and Is
oinamentod with wide strnns of the
material piped with silk. Dark brown
riodioted ornamnnts form nn effective
do oration on both Jacket and skirt.
Tor something that Is roally smart
and Inexpensive nothing could bo
nu'iesatlsfylng than a gown In dark
grr-'-n volvet flecked with Fronch
gia Tho Mown Is on tho shlrt-walnt-
and skirt ordor, but made vory simply
and gracefully.
Accompanying such a tollotto Is a
smart totjuo of green volvet. Its only
trimming consists of a largo bluo and
green bird, which covers the left side
and droops, ovor the back of tho
toque. Desiring a touch of groy Inthe
hat a bird with wing feathers of this
shade might be selected, but tho blue
and xreon Is quite tho most chic nov-
eltv of tho day.
There are a thousand ways of em
ploying lucks on suits and bodices
and each is distinctive -and pretty.
Royal bluo zlbollne Is selected for a
dr-Hy street suit for street wear. The
the most areaaod and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all Lung Troubles are relieved at once
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
"the king of all Cough Cures," Curos
Coughs and Colds in a day- 25 cents.
Your rnoney- back If ..dissatisfied.
Write fSTfree sample. W. fl. IfooBer
& Cv, Ujsgato, tf. Y. D, J. Fry, Druggist.
gown Ib decorated with nnrrow corded
tucka and pipings of blue satin nnd
was designed especially for the Auto
mobile show which Is attracting con
siderable social attontlon.
Tho coat Is mado with a papllm nnd
boll sleevos. It has n rolling collar
and rovora of bluo satin apllqued with
white laco. Tho finishing touches nro
gained through an Imposing silk cord
and ornaments matching the suit In
Heaver hats will bo worn very lato
and becoming Inapropos by tho com
ing of spring wenthor will bo sup
planted by chiffon designs carrying
out the samo ideas In shnpo nnU trim
ming. One of the daintiest confec
tions of tho season Is a hat of groy
beaver trimmed with grey and whlto
panno which extends ncross tho front
nnd ovor tho upturned brim on tho left
side, with a long groy nnd whlto
A novelty thuC promises to be more
than a passing fancy Ib shown In tho
new gloves. They are mado of suodo
and wldoulng with something of n cir
cular flare abovo tho last button are
cuffs of tho suedo ombroldored In
silk In raised designs. This necessi
tates tho wearing of tho sleovo wrist
bands boneath tho glove, but as tho
ombroldorles shown on tho gloves are
In tho season's popular shades It Is an
easy matter to soloct tints that will
harmonize with Jho glovo.
Tnblo linon hns been impressed In
to sorvlco to produce a vagary of fash
Ion, Just as towolllng was employed
last season. A fotchlng wnlst Is de
signed of heavy satin damask, with a
yoke back and front and a large box
plait down the front, with lmmonso
ponrl buttons.
There Is a plethora of novelties In
tho shops, though tho majority nro
of the variety classed transients. Tho
varl-colorud silk buttons flnlshod
with cords nnd tnssols will remain,
bocnuso thoro Ib something of grace
In tho tassols as thoy swing to nnd fro
with enOh motion of tho body, and
grnco is an olomont toward which all
euorglos are concentrated.
A collaretto roally girlish In Its at
tractiveness Is of whlto satin and ac
cordion ploatod chiffon trimmed with
narrow black volvet ribbon, Flounces
of tho chiffon form a short capo below
tho stolo of satin. Accompanying tho
collaretto Is a hat of whlto chiffon,
finely whirred, with a cluster of vel
vet rosos beneath tho brim and closo
to tho hair In front.
Our Reduction Sale Now On,
Prices Reduced on every article except spool cotton
Shawl Fascinators were 50c now 39c
Laundry Bags were 50c now 39c
Laundry Bags were 35c now 9c
Ice wool was 16c ball now f Oc
Spool Silk was 10c spool now 8c
Ladies' v7ool Hose was 35c pair now 23c
Ladies' Wool Hose was 23c pair now X5c
Misses Wool Hose was 40c pair now 25c
2fj per cent reduction on all white goods, "Muslin Night
Gowns, Chemise, Drawers. Skirts and Infants Wear.
One Third reduction on millinery
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store
Next Door to tho Postofflce
Trustees sate
Clothing and Men's Furnishing Goods,
PHces reduced on every article in the- store
Choicest stock in the
295 Commercial St.
Sweet Peas
The finest stock of fancy selected sweet peas ever shown in
the city.
We have ail the different colors and also the extra fancy
mixed variety.
CUPID SWEET PEAS, a dwarf pea with a large blossom.
Something very choice. Sold'in bulk only.
Fecdmcn and Seedmen, 91 Court Street, Salem, Oregon,
KJ - .
Prnmntlnn nr1 r.rfrinllt In litulnft Ii the
MttpUce to obulu the knowledge of bow tn do There U n lnweuiug tletatud fer Birtijl.
Help. froni corapletlu the bwluwi anil shorthand, couri at the
can MXKiro euploriueal. Forlrwi yean but ob
tn department aiur tun pom pining im bquue. wwr
UJore readr to jrraduateu iteoetrbstmite toieeore
dtrirod. Bend for eatatojw
8- W. I- 8TALEY. Prlnnloal, Salem. Orojjon
Silk Waistings, etc, $
Harper's Whiskey Is tho beat
Get somo Into your vest. -
Gun. Schrelber keeps It,
And you know the rest.
163 State Street.
White Bronze Monuments
Never chip, crack, tar
nish, moss or corrode
The only kind that nev
er needs cleaning- For
the truth of the abovo
sec them In all the Sa
lem cemeteries; some
of them have been there
for 17 years. If you
want the verv best at
A hair the price of stone
il thnt will I net tun tlmi
st" as long, call on or ad
T"R "WATT 190-192 CommtrcUlSt
.13. YVvll, salera.Orcion.
302 Commercial 8t,
City Bargains for
Are not field by
remit of ability to do. All till iOllOol li'thf.
young mr ba
ig mr . bu a radualcd (rum war MrJ
ujr Wbrt ilecU,l gfi pocUlM.
iDU (tdscitlon tfhnfMfi tOThe It iieflHi
a uau