V- SS ri hU a PAGED TWO. I " Ayer's Ma mo Jlifa awtanaww wwwyyf Cherru Pectoral Get well before you have to think of weak lungs, bron chitis, pleurisy. .& THE o AILV JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OnEQON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1903. WEIGHT THE DAILY JOURNAL Member Northwest Afternoon N paper League. DY HOPER BROTHERS. Dally One Year, H00 In Advance. Dally Three Month, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, tl.00 In Avance. THE ONLY AMERICAN CAUCUS. There are sereral raurus proposi tlona before the Oregon legislature, but they are not American. There ) but one American caucus and that In where a dimple, plain un conditional majority derides within the part?. Mr. Pulton's proposition to.hold a raiicm of 40 IlopuhllcatiH would leave tho salaotlan of a naimtor to a bnro majority of U IUpuhllcanH. The plan ndoptotl In closing tho minutes of the Marion county Repub lican, convention of enforcing the three-fourths majority rule In wrong. That Is the old Democratic conven tion rale that required threo-fourthu at the mmribens of a convention to make Its deliberations binding. That was an Invention In the Inter est of the slave-holders, and was en forcing; party slavery, and making It poselhl for a small minority to dic tate. The Ile)Hil)ll'Rns or Oregon should Insist thai every member of the lagls latiir elected as a IteiHiltllcan go Into a Hepuhllcau caucus. They should Insist that they go In to caucus without signing up any can didate's scheme, or agreeing to any qualllled caucus. Where a condition other thau ma jority rule la Imposed that condition may be broken, and what right has one limn to impose a condition on another. Majority nil Is good enough for any decent American oJUsw. If we can ho longer abide by the decision of a majority, simply because there is a great deal at stake. It it be known to the world Utat deliberate barter and sal of votes and signed, sealed and delivered deals In politics! futures are made lu a plain. American raticu on man counts fur as much as another. All are equals, axcenl as (7d has en duwed one man with more brains than aiwUier. and that Is more h theory than a Thol fume men have leas principle than others. Soma are wore uoarrupuloua tbag other The state and party nd protection agnlast tgegi. Ik the plain American majority rain raaana then. Is less ckanea for barter and sale of vote, and leas onortuul ty for deals than In auy otbr. .Mr. lotion's plan may work all right. The Marion count) plan of a tarae-fourth majority may work all rlgiiL Hut we know Ikat majority raucua Is all rtgjtt Hi the ng rua. It ia the eualotti front Urn Jmmoniorlsl. n is now generally mwd. It glrwa wtber statea good atHuttor Way not cut the gurdlM knot, sad - wonaa ia rtgftt p-wtntont iu this inaUer? Why thall Oregon Kepubll.ans i. mala among the political pariah lu UtW rMpeott It b Anmrirana and adogi a dment custom WOMAN'S Wt'iGfi Owe w ei4y kerpsa with whimm WlU Thir ruvqpuc bonis-Iovium women who b r - of il v legrUMlr.ittK. mi.1 uuc Hut MimKth el sill hiii ukt the put, trregt i ul l-f Hut iivu'i Rrj a aft) , srB3Ka ajfed iin K. jrt lo will be many of them In any ago. Thy arc the salt of the body politic. . One such leader 1h worth a million mere "Caterpillars of the common wealth." as Shakespeare dubs them. 0 ' New York News Letter. New York, Jan. 17. If Tammany Hall, which sems to be growing eo nniiiiv in nower that It Is very likely to come out winner at the polls next fall, returns to power, It will have an unpleasant thorn In It side, according to present Republican plana. The re port that the latter will, during the present term of the legislature past a bill Increasing the term of the police commissioner's office to four or five years, meet not only with credence I but with approval, even from man; uemocrau. uenerai ureen maKes a MEN OF NATIONAL LEADERSHIP. The leadership of the nation Is pan.lng Into the hands of a newer generation men of Ideas and convic tions. Thar have been none too plentiful for the past ten years. President Roosevelt la setUng a nacre that in some reaoectt is devel oping character and positive qualities In others. Rnosevek declares that If this con- ares does not nans an anti-trust law. , utrenuoua (mail or dm rino an i.vi and adopt some measure of reclprocl-j much praise cannot bo given him for ty with Cuba, he will call a special the work accomplished already. ON HER HEAD Airs. Fggleston Feared Her Reason Would Give Way Solicitude of Her Neighbors Resulted in the Relief of the Unfortunate Woman. Airs Eggleston Interviewed A few more days we will continue our session to enact those measures The present congress dies by expi ration March I, 1903. It Is about as devoid of character as tiny similar body that over assembled. It has been subservient to the trusts and tho corporations aw never wns any body of men called nn American congrestf. Ita hands have been palsied, It voice hns been itHled for Uie protec tion of the grentost frauds and rob beries. Roosevelt will get nothing out of it. He wilt be forced to call an extra, ses sion of tho new congress, that would ordinarily not assemble until Decern- ber, 1908. That body may be more represen tative to Ui popular will and honent leadership. While Itooserelt has made Home mistake), he is right In demanding those two Important measures. He has tiie courage to reach a con viction lu advance of his party. He has the brains and tenacity of pur- kmw to adhere to his program. There is not a good reason why the Republican party should not have men of Ideas at the front, men who think and mean something to the peo ple. In Iowa Oovernor Cummins has tak en the stand for a reasonable revision o( the tartir. He baa definite Ideas and nonactions. The Iowa governor It not satisfied with maudlin generalities, such as fa vors tariff revision in some Indefinite way, and at soma unknowh time. He la a man with allennlta program of procedure, and he makes specific propositions that the common people can understand. Without such men to lead oft a par ty becomes a mere aggravation of jkH wrestling politicians. Incapable of pro gress, a bin den of nothingness. The forthcoming celebration of the 250th anniversary of tho oatnMlnlu ment of the municipal government of New York City promises to be n note worthy event. Although It was not until 10CG thnt Now York's first mayor Thomns Do Lavnllo was choson, it was In 1C53 that tho concosHlon of local government was given the vil lages and towns lu New Netherlands. Up until the present year Now York has had nlnety-throo mayors and lots In the vicinity of Hanover Square and Broad street which sold In 1C53 for $50 and ?70 each now bring hundrods of thousand. A subject which Is attracting much attention nnd causing equal comment among steamship men nnd society folks as well Is MarconlH reported intention to establish a dally news paper service on ocean liners by means of wireless telegraphy. Kn- tlrely aside from any practicability of the plan, the argument is advanced that passengers do not want to hear news from the outer world while they are on the ocean and that the one great incentive to ocean travel Is that It gives tired men and woman abso lute rest and enables them to regain nerve force lost seeking to digest too much uewH o JAPANESE THEATRE CUSTOMS Peculiarities Tint Vary But LitMe From M'ddlc Ages The report that the Japanese are noon to see Shakespeare In their then- 5 Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Tiling? n There seemed to be a heavy weight crushing down on the top of my head" said Mrs. Kate Uggleston, of No. 126 Ohio street, Indianapolis, 'ml., "and for days and days at a time t was obliged to stay In bed. Every ''nek of this trottblo would loavo me weak and worn out. So many excel 'out doctors troatmod mo without suc cess that I Just resigned myself to mv fate I lost none, iliero woro many times whon I feared my reason would give way. A. norvous affliction doveloped which affected my muscles, and I could not control thorn. I could not sleep soundly, I lost flesh and appetite and waii miserable. "A neighbor called one day and told me of some of tho euros that had been made by Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, and I promised her to try them. Relief came with the flnit Imjx, and I improved steadily un til, by the time four boxes were tak en. I was iwrfectly cured, and I have had no return of the trouble since. Mix. Kxg teuton took a medicine that attacked her troubles at the root the blood and nerves. Poor blood and dis ordered nerves are at the seat of near ly all the ailments which aflllct mnn- kind, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have been proven to be a certain lemedy for all diseases arising from this cause. They have cured lo comotor ataxia, partlnl paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu matism, nervou headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions aud all forms of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by nil dc-alew, or will be sent postpaid on re ceipt ol sn cents a box; six boxos for $2.50. by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. HFUr (iicUirtty -f-nffrflQ att U&4irv ,J out new location at No. 269 Liberty S And so long as we remain in out psen fnralffifl all OWCCS in CtlCCt duvnc . -.....i. . . A rjincc-44t MnUMIvr ris-tl.- 'H great ciiiu aywaiii wxAwy acuewillpfy vail. A splendid opportunity to fit out nome. Tie onse FurnisMn 398 Commercial St Store at Salem and Albany. Next to P J ni tW -5 r.&rwrtj, II BIFjE i WW SL: rMA&5- V sWl"" t J Christmas Yule Log that welcomed Santa nim.. i. oldon timo" with Us cheory bhu,, spluttor wns always th i.. ., could bo found In tho forest. Et3 Piaiih, ooard nnd lath, every J beam, shlngloB and slinkon In .. nro rnndo from tho host timber mi nnd nro of nimnrim. m.. ,.i Bonod and free from i,n. i Trices make our fino building' lunlJ iiimom nn jimns gift. Goodale Lumber Cil Near 8. P. paj. Qt Phone 651. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner yon can enjoy Irom cue o( our tender raid delicious moats. 8tonk"8, lamb Or lnllttnil I'linne. ronl Milloto nr r.nrlr Our meat are all cut from the fattoet ami nrimeatrrtttlo, nnd we can mipply VOtir tdlltn U-IKl frnall I.nlrlllnMB nnrl vholefomo meats at bad rock prieiw. C, GROSS SVLEtvi;,ORE Pbon 201 'w; zcr r . , W XfiSt ers women sit demurely or chattor among thmoaelrea; the men yawn nnd Btroteh mightily and the children run up and down along the narrow parti tions and oven on the "flowery way" reserved for the actors. If the nlav fela i a g s zz " IS JlLI fdilo $ ."t H 4. . CI.FAK IIAVANV CIGAR i WATERS, The Cit Man SOLE AGENT M M H H When Going Out, One's apponranco should he nn ob ject for compliments, nnd not of nnol- ofilee and explanation. Drosa is so largely a matter of linen that the laun. dry question Is all Important Dlsre- Hard I lie thn ruin nf atilo .l a..n.. in becomes pathetic, the ladles of thesevorely against the offender. Our perfect work all the time at short pricee has won us the general favor of good, dressers; wo do nil kinds of laundry work, from a silk handker chief to a rag enrpet. Salem Steam Laundry Col. J, Olmsted, Pron. Dorous D. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone 411. 230 Liberty St. iwrty disappear Into their long sleeves or even retire from the audience to weep unrestrained. Acker's Blood Hllxlr positively Cures Chronic Wood Poisoning and all Scrofulous affections. At all tlmoa a matchless system tonic and purifier. Monoy refunded If you aro not satis fied. 50c. and 11.00. D. J. Fry, Drug-gist HHIBHa8aHHBHnBH-BgaB-aBM 8tHfo for party preferment become tr make a deserlntlmi r h ...... A l-l'O faft il1ill4..- Wta-i ..vv...- f . W !"; ... ,.,.. i vvny IVIUItM' aat upstart. iaraltea and suckers. PB ??-m Wm&1 KaWW'HMlK &Tkbkf -OH "'TV-v av a wngt. HIim lb wvtglit brgtM to fa twin, ii, I ixinoal It U tiM ( '' ga-eml ill ' ilia in wiifa ' h tr.-l . . w i . - , . . . , l thr Mitugth igi Ulldi 'illiitt th MUlllv 1I 1 .-,,.. I jvorilc Jt c r i p t i o n tncrutrbl- t l ' K - -a i"l v,ra. S , -7 - '- i- Vr----K -"' ' a ' vl w amiu to tw tlH-xMAgh tad praiaaai Mcti h . 7" !" All houor to men like tJovernor Cuwmlns, of Iowa, for iujectlua uew life Into the sltuatloa. lie cowm a a tiaialy aad providential aid to Presi dent Rooaevelt la forcing a dilatory i-oagreas Into actioa. A aother auut oa whoaa ta oaoola at the Weat aara a aonaftil eve is o. graaawaa Peter Hoybvra. ol Iowa, who agau for a caaal Mora A a MOO faa of ta older gMeraUoa of lowu public me, his raraar ia without a moral blemlgg. his political -uth. eoa Is stalafeaa Not a move or utiin-A .it ki. . far aa ran be g!aa4 froa the moat crtUcnl praag ol ai tau or the ua- iioa iu bM callH In qoaaUoa. He aa uaaaad one rai bin ,.-k lb.. House. Ha aaa acted la eun.it. H ha mad reports aad iwh. hrnue iu that count r- for Interest to Knallsh speaking folk An account of the Japanese taa- iu iirtiu.r.,uu Japan" Juat ubllhed. explain that the play la that country used to begin at daybreak aud last until mi.iif It U now legally restricted to eight hours, from to In t Morulnr t a i evaalag. Th ior nr ,, t.... U dirldad up by uartltion. t . u.-. .. " a--, vti . I TWENTY YEARS TRIAL. There are Iota of good things the doc tors know nothing nbout. We fre quently cure people of disease after the doctors have given them up. If in disease comes from over work, dissipation, of exposure, causing wank nnd watery blood, and loss of flesh and strength, we have the one sure reme dv In Dr. Ounn1 Blood and Nervo uihv. wiese tauieta taken- with SJULi1 turi the food ,nt0 rieh red OlOOd. makflie alrnnc atn,!,. n SdJSr,fhBf b.ulWln. ,. .... ,.vu (n ui rate oi l to 3ms per week. This means health. For nervous prostration, loss of memory, or a pale, sallow complexion, a better .-...-, , neYar OT8(9 Doctors tkh"flmffl Hlnf about thl8 remdy only the fact that ua nmiro ...... '' i.nv i , ", ".T""" "' we ...I i '" uu,u uu or twenty years W8 ktlOW Olir malhn.1 !.. it' ' 7 . . BVvDrHil,U, 8U Dr- On"-1- Blood and Nerve Ton c for 7k .,. i. i. -1 UfkYM r.. ..:-.- "' uu. or i !. ZT' .fnt oy mall on re- i i,.'H.l. flKcff liv-U-j Iheaith Sf m AN ECONOMICAL LUXUHV Is a good, wholesome, delicto eiage, llko Salem beor. It's i to tasto not to tho pockettat Its price Is oxtromoly modem excollonco consldorod. Toe to quality of ingrodlonts. care; lug of this beor warrant a a" er nrico thnn nthm nnrCtM dozen bottlos; yet that's tlrt I1 our boor. CAPITAL CITY BREWERY M WORKS, Mr- M. Beck, Prof - i- kii.. " ". . . ." "- i"u- ior z. " -w Hna ann 1H amrt- .-. -i. ' aa n n ..-j.. ... .. r -".. v . m ia . ft- ."i" T" " l"ure i T,J ."'., "c!;. "".? r a pam .. , B,r pt.-oa, Ti l'"I" ' 'ot thU great mad. !jMa U a on a pivot. ,nd rvo,ve, ieXh.aAdlJr,SvDr ? ct SS L TT t0 htt vaHa-aiDru'.orei; "'e at Dr '' acanaa. Oa thl rotatiaa DitfAn I AOtAM ti. .--1 W I Z. " --ir i No woMaa their gorgeous eustuiue. Daath fr K.lling PradM. Lanalmi irh i... a-i on tb Jauan.sc ia. . '.... - 7. ! "" " Presen Uklag the faatto p.lU M alii wntl.T L loa' ,nt Mlui. ... ,. -I! ' "J11 WII Ui Uie houae todar omviH.,,. , jf at on the Japan.se Uklag th fnal- ,..., iu m. ta j-; . 2 ?!!" iw ant. Puw aoooaat advtu--. n,r!T7,,"iM17 oy Uwutlon or life houae today providing the rtt pi,. vmai ,jz zZ'7rr - -! n ! IDMWlUHinMt mUc nlaii in .k- . "-'-wm. iae Jury mv h. HARRITT & LAWRE Sell more Groceries and better Groceries than ANYBODY "esn walnuts, Currants and Wis mP JAXTHING IN SEASON FOR HftllQc.r-n.roo .M THE I OLD P. O. GROCEr , v y. y. ?v olBri nceI 4V -aaHC aDiaei in tk i , r . r ... m- iUry mav rt. kllonr of th. Jgpane, .Zr S !2f ? P"B foB, of I rltr ana Taai ii taaaa tU l r ..." .5 cm Waa ae acts or iK- .1A. talMMtod. Ta -orld f-o. .... ,- T1t " Mi bla beart aad aal ha -. . ... .Wetor mr is veiy laD(.tlMI cm item him. ffl " x it voald ha a-r & ia. .r- rwtalkm bvy oC g Mara poHtlelM wltb a United ata- -.,ZuT tb oncy. Hw ta old loa a --.-- . - -- "- - au . u m easllr diverted " " ' - I", mm l. -!, . ,.!..., Ur br wltti tb. atorTiiJ ;.7. 17.,srw' tetouow. .-. r.fc"r:"-r m luUt, m b. er mot. en.rtlZ! lit m - . .. rv pbi amwnw arm Charge of Seduction wl!L2ll: 5-rL? ?. eauaa Itcbln. .h T 7,-"i"";.. dn. w. " . . w"" Ul """ Bttad. Ml-VT. Z. ilr " wwl Z ri-iea in this city Pridav ma auittarlng the urosldeat of the Ualtd iBKatea or n- mih.. . tUtag- atov tfca'.hlte ia ..;. " " C,WMt - -1 - veiy vlJi- r -Mitt- SURE CURE pod dm Co Iteblag Plias produca molstun. j . t teVct: i j,, jv im - ' -.-. wt Hltob !k . aa aga f ..lUM .j - IjwcUU grM . ..,.. .u . -"- ,w U -"- a ar Tatv ir ik -.!. -.;:"" top.iKkta, u: ri.o,.". woi ,?r - .r " TS TT.-'a.MiS r J." iT- " l " ",r "i" ia iui im aj "now your e aa. r. l Y ik-- - it w "a bb .,, .,, ..". lm , PMladali-ii. p- " . Bowko, "oagad tbe city tall .-,i . ... tba tmu ay and by tbfc I!r: k,ci "- mJZ .,n xok. .. . r- '"" - round, aad j , '-3 b.u n-xt door J t itu.. iror naT hri "."". "V J-. ad will be - .; ina.ug m ,irrtvl, ;'' fnm Poffl.. an o sutfc bim ia . . .."7" "-- uip i- . . winngiax la tn- . i.. .V,BU)- 0U. -. V. - - -, v, ,M:jlI, .lx -- vWMW)l)B, w,u ,t ,,eiVQ ,( tbaatar tirk-. 7 , ' pur,1 " i received a new .hin The waatar tlckata-aends la r. a,i ' irf-r,. a. ,,. new -Wient Resu..r. -, x. - - rHit.v.a . -- . .. .oi r... . "u,u '"geUbles safc J p II III . , The White House AM. I fill a rutt.t. . l. The PboBf u- jkt ord? Wablea each h.v "" Brow,nK l popularity artet if vuu ,,v ' W" U ,n the 8Wm vuu take your magi, there Every tu'ng tp to-date Traffic at the Lot The Portland Genera Eltn pony has fllod with C Mrf) harlaln l - ' nUlTt ' ing Daoamber 31st. Ia t bJ amount pf traffic at fro i", locks niirlno- fli thi.O D10B'R rll hv flia mnnrl Hi Tl " etgB? ' AK9 nrlll, UlUn nnec. nn-TS B ntl MU7 JWO' ' - ,) tripg Utrouglt the Iot- ,ajn" aro ions or rratgnr, '" ""-' pd eonatdarabiA numuet ui i--- large quantity of logf p'b8 wood. y Children Cry for Fletcher C