The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 10, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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An army of choice Silverware holds daily dress parade
in the Barr Store. So large, brave and well groorhed a
bilvciware Regiment is not to be found in any other
store in Salem. "Evervlhine in Silverware" IhU ex
presses the scope of the stock; Orange Spoon. Oyster S
Forks, Soup Ladles, Tomato Slicers, Salad l-orks, Sugar
Tongs, Knives. Forks, Tea Spoons, Table Spoons,
Dessert spoens: this forms only the briefest sort of ex-
tract from our list. The famous R. Wallace brand is S
four leader. We also have the greatly advertised Rog-
l .- . r m t?i l. !.il. ! I . .
ers tsros., iot ouverware. in ooin, our prices, irue to a
the Barr policy, are 'decidedly less than it is the" custom
tto charge for these fine wares in other stores.
Ba's Jewelry Stoe.
State and LlbertySts., salctr,
Leaders In Low Prices.
Tonight and Saturday, generally
Social Realm:
S Local
i Events
In the
NH I H 111 I II II tl 111 Mill! i
II. Henderson Is In Portlnnd.
N. Gilbert was In Portland
Niomns Holmnn Is visiting In Al-
KJ. 13. Frcelnnd of Portland, wns In
ro city today.
13 Geer, state land agent, was In
jrtland today.
T Wrlghtmnn has gone to his
rm near Millers.
Il T Urucc, of Portland, Is spending
Ifi diis in this city.
Dr W. A. CtiBlok was a visitor In
lodburu Inst evening.
Mrs. 0. C Strntton, of Poitland In
Siting Mrs. C H. Flail.
Mr and Mrs. Goo. W. Mellrlde wore
Jests at tho Glltnpr home yosterday.
!2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
lsellanvoatent medicine.
Softie, box or package, or
an?drug sold by the lb., for
2 cents Less
RHTn any cut rate price ad
vertised in this paper.
County Hocordor Slegmund was In
Gervnfs between trains Friday cvcn
Thomas Harpolo. of Brooks, was to
day brought to the Salem hospital for
Mrs, Phil Metschan, Jr., and daugh
ter, Dorotny, of Ilcppncr, aro guests
of Mrs. L. F. Grifllth.
Francis Feller, of DuttovlUc, treas
urer of tho bop growers' association,
was In the city Friday.
A. C. Jonnlngs, of Cottage Grove,
was In tho city Friday, going to Port
land on the afternoon train.
State Senator W. H. Hobson Is In
me cuy irom stnyion, ana will ro
main until after the Bosslon.
Miss Bthol Scovllle, of Madison,
Wisconsin, arrived In tho city today
for a visit with her mother, Mrs. G.
H. Gray.
Mrs. Frederick Stolwer returned
fiom Jefferson yesterday. She wns ac
companied . by her granddaughter.
Miss Mario Stolwor.
W. F. Hutchor, the Democintlo cam
dldato for congress In tho second con
gressional dlsttict last spring, wns In
the city this week from Baker City.
A. R. Slegmund roturnod to Gorvals
yesterday aftornoon. Ho was accom
panled by his mothor. Mrs. Mary
Slegmund, of Klumb, who will bo hltl
guest for a tlmo.
Mrs. John Brophy who Is recover
ing from nn illness of typhoid, wont to
Sllvorton today for a visit with rein,
tlvos. Sho was acrompanlod by her
mothor, Mrs. J. H. McCorklq, who haB
boon visiting her daughter In this city
for tho past month.
..Som'6 people have to spond, but If
hXputhavo no tlmo, possibly you might
jllW'fb havo ono of our flno 15-jowol
timekeepers, ns thoy do not require
muchjunoney for tho lnvestraont. Our
slocRf flno watches for ladles and
gentlemen la compioto, and ombracos
eryIilng iu Elgin and Walthnm
Matches. Prices lowor than ever.
SKf . Pomeroy
288.Com. St., Watchmaker and Optician
Young Lawyer, Elected Con
sul Commander
At a mooting of Camp No. 118,
Woodmen of the World, held Inst ov
cuing, tho following officers wero In
stalled: II. H. Tumor, consul com
mander; .1. D. Lee, adviser lieutenant;
L. W. Arhesuti- banker; W. A. Mooios,
clerk; .1. W. Loncor, oscoit; C. C,.
Bowen, watchman; N. J. Judah, socro-
tary; J. J. Loncor. mnnagor for 18
months; H. I). St. Helen, musician.
After Installation coromony tho ofll
cera nnd members of Silver Bell Clr
clo and of Uio W. 0. W. lodgo repaired
to tho banquot room, whoro a ca
pacious luncheon was sorved, after
which they enjoyed themselves at
games, music and dancing.
Tho writer having taken somo Inter
est In tho welfare of Mr. Turner, has
been watching IiIh progress from thfl
tlmo ho first enmo to Snlom, which
was about seven years ago, and there
fore take great pleasure in boing af
forded tho opportunity of saying a fow
words In his behnlf. Upon review of
tho history of Salem Camp, No. 118,
W. W., wo notlco that Mr. Turner In
tho youngest momber to occupy thu
position of Consul Commander, al
though being a young man he tins al
ready provon himself to bo most pro
ficient nnd reliable, and, from a busi
ness standpoint, enn say that the lodgo
nmdo no mistake In the selection of
this young lawyer to fill such nn 1m
portnnt position.
ftVe have today received another large shipment
or mat ooa, iresn roasted cottee,
The flavor is always
'- tne sanie-
S4&&overnment Mocha & Java, the real thing per lb 40c
u$State House brand Mocha & Java 35c, 3 lbs for $1.00
ama, Mocha & Java per lb 25c
Special Blend Brand, extra fine flavor per lb 25c
racmc oiena orana, an excellent conee 5 ids bUC
Va. Coffee, a splendid coffee in strength and flavor
lbs tor -25C.
your chance. We have received another lot of those
winter apples. Thev are iust as choice as ever. Thev
still gcTat the old price, 40. 45, 50 and 60 cts per bushel.
Special: Guaranteed flour 80c per sack. 10 bars good Laun
3y soap 25c. 8 lbs pink beans for 25c. 21 lbs good rice $1
324 State Street. Phone sn.
- - ,
Forgot Where
They Were
A very rare, but equally disgrace
fill, Incident happened last night dur
ing the performance nt tho opera
house. About 20 young men, and ev
ery one of them old onough to know
bottor, came down tho strcot shouting
nnd othorwlso creating n disturbance.
Thoy dntored tho corridors of tho op
era house. By chasing dp nnd down
the -stairs thoy gonornlly disturbed
tho nudlonce, and by removing slgnii
nnd othor portable things from tho
hallway, made themselvos qulto ol
noxious to tho management. Whllo
tho mnjorlty of tho party woro tin
caps nnd colors of Wlllamotto Unlvor
stty, tho management of tho Salem
play-houso cannot bellevo that the
young men are actually students oj
tho nnlvorslty, for thoy aro not con
sldorod guilty of conduct so unbe
coming young gontlomon. The Inci
dent last night will be overlooked, but
a ropotltlon will not be tolerated.
Was BurneT
Bythe Gas
M. McDonald, prosldont of tho Ore
gon Nursery Company, Is nursing a
burned hand and face, tho rosnlt of an
explosion of gas nt his homo tho first
part of tho presont weok. Ills faco
was qulto sovorely burned and his
moustache, eyo brows nnd oyo laslios
woro seriously dlsflgnrcd. No serious
consequoncos will attend tho ncoldont
but tho gonial nursoryman cannot re
member when his fnco hurt him as It
has tho past few days.
The Stnndlna Armr.
Old Lady Poor fellowl And 60 you
ii ro n soldier?
Corporal Cannon Ves, ma'am.
Old Lady I'm uwfully sorry for you.
My, my, to think they never allow you
to sit down!
Corporal Cannon Mn'om?
Old I.ndy I said I wns sorry for you,
and It Is henrtlenH anil crtiol for the
Korernuuuit to koop a standing army
all the time.
Corpovul Cttiiuon Mn'nm? Oh, yes.
ma'am, thank you. Loudon Chums.
Jiss Florence Allan. y
w3kgsz?rAm iijwimiiiiiictub
m. fjSyjiiyrr r iw tsm
' WWk g&r mtm --
J P??tawyi' NlCsrgif n m
:jcw m ,mmk i
j !Jj0& Blanche Myers '
'- -4 .
Worn Out And Nervous Regained
Their Health And Beauty
By Taking Perunat
Mlt Florence Allan, n beautiful Obi-
cngo girl, wrltos tho following to Dr. S.J
It. Iinrtmtin eonccrnlug his ratarrbnl
tonle, 1'eruna:
7S Walton Place. Chlcnso. 111.
"As a ionic for a worn-out system,!
Hcruna stands at tho head In my esti
mation. Its effects arc truly wondcr-
fuun rejiiYcnntlnx the entire system.
I keep It on hand all the time, and
never have that 'tired feeling,' as a
few doses always make me feel Ilka a ; ;
different woman. "Florence Allan.
Thousands of womon suffer from ays;;
tomlo catarrh. This is suro to producer!
such Bymptoms as cold foot and hands,
sick hoadaclic, palpitation of tho ho.irt
nnd heavy footings In tho stomaoh.
Then begins a series of oxporlmouta.
Thov tnko modicino for sick hoadaolio.
Thoy tako mcdloliio for nervous proatm-i !
tion, for pnlplttlon of tho hoart, for
dyspepsia. Nouo of those medlolnes do i '
any good booauso thoy do not roach tho
cailso of tho complaint.
Peruua at onco mitigates all thwo
symptoms by removing tho onuio.
Systomlo catarrh la tho troublo. Sys
tem lo catarrh pcrviulos tho whole sys
tem, doranges ovory organ, woalcons
ovory function. No permanent euro can
bo oxpoctod until tho lyatomlo catch
ts romoved.
This Is exactly what Peruua will do.
9Ilsi Cullcn AVat r.iliauiUd JTrom Orer
Miss Roso Oullcn, Prosldont of tho
Young Woman's Club, Butte, Montana,
021 Galena streot, But to, Mont.
Poruna Mcdtcluo Co,, Columbus, O.:
Gontlomon "I'oruna has many friends
in Butte. I cannot say too inuoh In prnteo
of It. Whllo finishing school I bocamo
vorynorvous and oxhaustod from ovor-
study. I was woak and nick, and could
nollhor oat, sloop nor onjoy llfo. A
couplo bottles of Poruna put uow llfo In
mo. I find by having It In tho houso and
taking a doso off and on It hoops mo In
lino health. A largo mnnbor of my
friends pluco Poruna nt tho hood of all;;
mouioinos." koo utiiion.
Perunn Is exp .-hilly adapted to pro
tecting against nnd curing nervous dla
oascs of run-down womon, as tho testi
monial of Mlns Oullon Indicates,
Miss Blanoho Myors, 31ft) Ponu stroot,
Kansas City, Mo., has tho following to
say of Poruna :
"During each of tho past four soasons
I have caught asovoro cold, whon sud-t
donly olilllcd alter an ovouiug party,
and catarrh for several weeks would bo
tho rosult. Ono bottlo of Poruna oured I
me, and I shall not dread colds any more I
as I did." Blanoho Myors.
An oxcollout llttlo treatlso on " Iloaltli
and Boauty," written ospeolally for wo
men, uy ur. iinrtmau, win oo sent iroo
to any nuuruss uy TJio i'oruna Aicuioino
Co,, of Columbus, Ohio,
cratlc cnndldato who ran for the of
flee of state printer agnlnBt Mr. Whit
ney, nnd for this reason the conipll
ment comos with doubly good grace
from tho stnto-prlnter elect. Ills rec
ognition of Mr. Godfrey, untlor tho clr
cumstnnces, will be doubly appreciat
ed by tho prlntors of the state. All
feel that In this Mr. Whitney has done
the linndsoino thing, nnd Join In con
gratulating Mr. Godfrey upon his moi
Ited promotion.
State Horti
cultural Society
12 H. Lake, secretary of tho Stutu
Horticultural Society, makes tho fol
lowing anneuncement:
"Tho regular annual meeting of thu J
State Horticultural Society will ' bi
hold in Workmen Hall, corner Second
and Taylor Btreets, Portland, Orogou,
January 13th and lltli, cominonolnn
nt 10 a. in. of tho 13th. Pnpors will be
presented by Dr. Cnrdwoll, H. L.
Smith, K. Hofer, W. K. Newell, A. II,
Cordloy, J. It. Shopnrd, L. T. Hoy.
nolilH, L. M. Oilbttrt, 0. II. Woluh, J. I.
PIlKlngtou nnd othors.
"Tho topics aro Ilva ones, tho treat
ment up-to-dnte. You should bo at tut
8 about our wlnea and liquors,
o each and all aro famous
For table and medicinal use,
what hw conquerod popular!-
Jta quality. We carry only what
TMh praise without reserve. This
fa the basis of our claim for your
nee Every purchase mado
s is a transaction that could
,vo been beUored.
Well Nash
a M.
N -
lltiicriirrjr of Iron.
Toucher-Johnny, win you till
how Iron wns (Irst dlacoverwl?
Johnny Ves, sic.
'WHi. Jufct tell the class what your
Information I vn that point"
"I hi-ard pu say yesterday that they
smlt It. "--Siarw Moments.
We kindly ask you to read this ad, save it, and use it as a
guide in your buying. If you will do this you will save money
Tomorrow our list alphabetically will be "N."
H (Attentats SAMPLE ROOM,
Godfrey Is
State Printer-elect J. II. Whitney
has appointed J. B. Godfrey, of this
city, foreman of the etate printing of.
rice, to fill Ui place caused by the
death of P. J. Beckett. By reason of
his many years' of continuous sen-Ice
in this important department, Mr.
Godfrey has become a valuablo man
and bis real worth Is more apparent
Matches, "Penny block," lc, 6 for 6c
Maecaroul, bulk, white or yellow, t
lbs IGo; 4 lbs for 26c.
Maaaaroul, boxen, 10 Swhlta or
yellow. 40o.
Mpstard, Folyer's mustard, bulk, 30e
a pound.
Mustard. I'alger'it. Wi-lb Uni, So.
Mustard, I'olger's. Vl-Ib Un, 10a.
MwMtnn), PolKra, M-rti Una, 15e.
Muatard Sktllinn'i. amall ska tins.
MuaUrd, SkhlllliMs'g, tors sJat tins,
Mwstnl, Coleman's, Vi-lb Una Ho.
Mae. Hplgtr'tt. 4-lb Una, He.
Mao. SchllllnVs, 30c.
Maulwi. axe, Oregon iwUern, ICo lb.
Mattocks, Hunt's, fl.lf.
"ML Hood" Men's slioes, high faw,
BiMtt 7 to 10, ?3--
Mlnee meaL "None Xuali," pkg. 109.
Uotumm. New Orleans, bulk. Ma
Malt breakfast food, Ho.
Malta V1U, lc, 2 for 26o.
Molasses, bulk, good sweet flavor,
at 30o galloa.
Molasses New Orleans, 5-Ib tins,
I at this, the opening of the legislative;
session. Mr. Godfrey was -the Demo
MolaseeB, New Orleans, 10-tb tins,
MatohoH, Pact tic Coast, parlor, G5 8,
, Co.
Matohes, Aooiti, purler, 1600 In pkg,
Mail Pouoh tobacco, 1 2-3 oz, C( G
for Mp,
Mali Pouch tobaeeo, 3 1-3 Qz, 10u, 3
for ai.
Mouie traim, liple, tin, 10, 3 fpr
Moum trsp, sprliiv, IJ3ard, lOe, 3
for 3ie.
Mlnelug knlven, sliiHle, (e.
Mlnoiiig knlvfto, double, 10.
Mouhls, butter, 2-lb, square, 3ft.
MQP liaudldN, Wlllanis' snrfiig. 10c.
JlQlH, oofTae, Iron, COo.
Manan'a Talcum -powder, ISo.
Marahall'B cubsbs,, 8o, 2 for lie.
Miles' Heart Cure, 1 bz lie.
Miles' Nervine, $1 shto, 76s,
Mullen's Food, 60a size, 0o.
Mexican Mustang Liniment. 2Cf size
Machine oil, 2oz, 6c.
Machine oil, 4-oa lOe.
Miles' AnU-Paln Pills, 20c.
Send us yovt mail otdets, we willfiifewitfiyoa on the foeigbt.