The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 02, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 6

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6000 Tim6PI6C6
A godd Clock or Watch deserves fair trentracnt. Especially Is this the
case when some Irregularity or mishap sends It to the repairers. It 13
seldom that there Is any organic disease abuit a really wall constructed
timepiece. Usually It 1b only a slight local dlstompor, oaslly corrected by
the skillful watch-doctor. But If It Is ont'rustod to a bungler thoro Is every
llkllhood that his clumsiness will result In somo permanent, doop-soatod dis
arrangement of some vital part.
It Is scarcoly neoessary to say, to those who know THE BARR STORE,
that It employs nono but experienced and conscientious ropalrers. We
promlso promptness, fidelity, and skill In any Wa,tch or Jewelry repairing
entrusted to us.
Leaders In Low Prices Stato and Liberty St, Salem, Oregon.
We have today received another large shipment
of that good, fresh roasted coffee,
The flavor is always
the same.
Old government Mocha & Java, the real thing per lb 40c
Our State House brand Mocha & Java 35c, 3 lbs for $1.00
Co Jama, Mocha & Java per lb 25c
Our Special Blend Brand, extra tine flavor per lb 25c
Our Pacific Blend Brand, an excellent coffee 3 lbs 50c
Wa. Wa. Coffee, a splendid coffee in strength and flavor
2 lbs for 25c.
Here is your chance. We have received another lot of those
fancy winter apples. They are just as choice as ever. They
still go at the old price, 40. 45, 50 and 60 cts per bushel.
Special. Guaranteed flour 80c per sack. 10 bars good Laun
dry soap 25c. 8 lbs pink beans tor 25c. 21 lbs good rice $
124 State Street. Phone 511.
Harper's Whiskey Is the best
Get some Into your vest.
Gus. Schrelbcr keeps It,
And you know the rest.
153 State Street.
J. A. Rotan. Full line of furniture
carpets, rugs and door mats.
Protect your pocketbook and save
money by calling on us.
Ranges, Stoves, etc.
k307 Commercial Street.
2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
Portland, after a visit with Mrs. 13. C.
Miss Ollvo IIowo visited with Mrs.
J. II. Itoland, In Gorvals, yoetordny aftornoon-.
Moso Titus, tho stock man o Kings
Station, Linn county, was In tho city
Miss Corn Rotan hns returned to
Portland, aftor u visit with her paronta
In this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Hoborts went to
Portland Thursday afternoon, and will
reside In thnt city.
Miss Nellie Gllfrey. of Portland, Is
the New Year's guest of Mrs. M. J.
Cielghton and family.
W. 12. Miller, cigar maker. In tho
Will Sell nnV Catent medicine. I Mrs. Wade has roturned to her homo
bottle, box or package, or
any drug sold by the lb . for
2 cents Less
than any cut rate price ad
vertised in this paper.
Tonight and tomorrow, occasional
in iii h iii inn mniiiii
i&Social Realm!
In the
i I I I I I I 8 l I u
S. G. Rundlet was In Sclo today.
Miss Walllo Dlosen has returned
from Portland.
II. II. DIrr, of Moharaa, was In the
fsity yesterday,
L"Wni. Slegmund, of Gervals. was a
Palom visitor today.
Mrs. S. G. Rundlett Is visiting with
Mrlends at Harrlsburg.
.Mr and Mrs. It. D. Flemlngi snant
New Years In Portland.
Miss Mabel Crelghton has returned
from a visit In PorUand.
Earl Cross has returned tqJeffer
j.on, after a visit In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. McNary have re
turned from a visit in Portland.
C H. Burggraf, the Albany archi
tect, was In the city Thursday.
B. Johnson, of Pendleton, is visit-
,lng at the boms of J. A. Bishop.
Attorney-General Blackburn is at
Albany to romaln over Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Schmidt, of Albany, vis-
; ited with relatives In this olty today.
Miss Merle Davey has returned from
visit with friends at Forest Grove.
II. B. Lounsbury, of the Southern
Pacific Company, was in the ojtj to-
Frank Myers, of the Spa, has gone
at Toledo, aftor a holiday visit with
her brothor, W. It. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins havo
returned to Albany, nftor a visit In
this city with Mrs. G. J. Poarco.
Miss Slmonton, who has boon the
guest of the Misses TUIson, has ro
turned to her homo In Portland.
Miss Margaret ITodgkln, who has
been tho guost of Salem frlonds. ban
returned to hor homo In Portland.
Frank S. Flolds, county clerk for
Multnomah county, has roturned aftor
a short holiday visit with frlonds In
this city.
J. P. Galhraith and daughtor. Miss
Hattlo, of Albany, attended the Kay
Roborts wedding In this city Wednes
day ovenlng.
A. W. Prescott has roturned from
Portland, and will romaln hore, aftor
bolng employed for some time on the
Orogonlan's staff In Portland.
A. L. Ayora, of Heppner. Is visiting
in this city, tho guost of his cousin,
A. J. Basoy. Mr. Ayros Is lntorosted
in the olectrio light and wator com
pany of Heppner.
Presldont P. L. Campbell. of tho
State Unlvorslty. of Eugene, was In
the olty today, being en route homo
from Bblse. Idaho, where he attended
a meeting of educators.
Many Young People Will Try
It Double
Several Happy Marriages this
Week .
Cupid has been busy during the' past
week In this locality and as a rosult
of his services, an unusually large
number of weddings are chronicled for
tho boglnnlng of the year.
Kay Roberts.
On Wednesday evonlng at 8 o'clock
December 31, 1902, Miss Lenoro Kay,
of. this city, was united In niarrlago
to Mr. Carletou T. Roberts, of Port
land. The ceremony was performed
at the homo of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Thomas Kay, corner of Stato and
Twelfth streets, by Rev F. W. Cllffo,
pastor of tho First Baptist church.
Tho scrvlco was witnessed by about
seventy of the relatives and Immed
iate friends of tho principal, many
coming from out-of-town points. The
brldo was attended by Miss Stella
Bishop, or Portland, ns brldosmald,
while her slstor, Miss Bertha Kay, of
this city, served as maid of honor.
Tho groom was attended by Mr. W. D.
Carlisle, of Portlnnd, as best man.
The brldo Is well known In this city
where sho has resided tho greater
pnit of her life and Is esteemed for
her many splondld oualltlos. Mr.
Roberts Is a former Salem boy and is
munag,er of tle Salem Woolen Mills
Store In Portland. He Ik a most es
timable young man. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert went to Portland Thursday
aftornoon nnd will reside In thnt city.
Damon Haberly
Theso young pooplo gave their many
friends a surprise on Wednesday aftor
noon when they wore quietly married
at the homo of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Damon, on North
Commercial stroet. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. E. D. Horn-
schuch at 3:30 o'clock In tho proHonco
of only tho immediate rejatlvos of the
panics, tiio urrao Is tho daughter of
tho ploneor Commerclnl-stroet gro
or while tho groom Is engaged in tho
drug buslnoss on Stato stroot. Mr.
and Mrs.- Hnborly wont to Portland
Wodnosdny aftornoon, and after a
short visit will return to this city to
A very pretty home weddln was cel
ebrated In South Salem when at high
noon on New Yoar's dny Miss Dora It.
Mason was unltod In marriage with
Mr. Adolph E. Aufrance, both of this
city. The ceromony wns performed
by Rov. P. S. Knight, nt tho homo of
tho brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Mason, and was wltnossod by only a
fow lnvltod guosts, bosldes tho imme
diate relative. Tho brldo is an estl
mablo young woman, while tho groom
Is an Industrious and honored farmer
of this county. They will reside on
the Aufrance farm, oast of this city.
Mrs. S. A. Loslio bocame the wife
of George M. Ellis on Thursday after
noon, January 1, 1003, nt 2 o'olook, the
ooromony boing performed by City
Recordor N. J. Judah.
Danced the New Year In.
The second dancing party of the sea
pen given by the Forty-Four Club In
Tioga Hall Wednesday evening was a
delightful event. An enjoyable pro
gram of 21 numbers occupied the ev
onlng until after midnight, and tha
advent of the new year was signalled
by a combined chorus of voices and
the exchange of the season's greet
Ings. These parties are probably the
roost enjoyable over engineered by
isaiem-s young people. It Is the pur
pose of the club to arrange for the
giving of possibly two parties during
the session of the state legislature.
A small blase at the Pawners' fg$d
yard, on High street Thursday mean
ing, resulted from tha hanging of a
Ixni a. Visit with Tils mTnlliraa nam. T oK. hlnnlrat tnn lca tn ft alnva Th'a Am
kaon. I was extinguished before any damage I
Mrs. A, S. Braafleld has returned to was done.
A Double Wedding.
Ono of the happiest double weddings
that was ovor colebratod in Salem was
that which took placo Thursday aftor
noon wnen the two sons of Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Hamilton of this city, were1
unltod In marlage with two of Salom'H
fair daughtors. Tho parties to this
dual ovont woro Mr. Ira P. Hamilton
and Miss Ivotte Smith; Mr. J. Lowery
Hamilton and Miss Dorothy Esther
iioiouu. uev. w. u. Kantner pep
formed tho ceremony In the presence
of only the immediate families of the
principals who took the afternoon
train for Portland, where they will
spond a few days and return to this
city and reside In the Hamilton home,
on High and Trade streets. These
young people are well known here.
The former Miss Nelson was for some
time employed In the local telephone
office, while Mrs. Smith-Hamilton will
be 'remembered as a saleswoman In
the Fleur de Lis confectionery house.
The young men are very favorably
known to Salem ' people, where they
have resided all of their Uvea. Ira
Hamilton holds o good position with
the Arm of Speer Bros., while Lowery
is employed as condyinalter In the
wholesale and retail confectionery
house of W. W. Zlnn. The many
friends of the young couples wish for
them at the beginning of tke New
Year a most happy and prosperous
wedded Hfe.
The Rlckroall basket ball team yes
terday afternoon defeated the Salem
Y M C A. boys by a score of U to 13
A New Preparation Which Everyone
Will Need Sooner or Later.
Almost everybody's digestion Is dis
ordered more or loss, and tho com
monest thing they do for It Is to tako
some ono of tho ninny so-called blood
purifiers, which, In many cases, are
merely strong cathartics. Such things
are not needed. If tho organs nre in a
clogged condition, they need only a
little help, and they will right them
solves. Cathnrtlcs Irrltato tho sensi
tive linings of the stomach and bowels,
nnd often do more harm than good.
Purging Is not what Is needed. Tho
thing Is to put ithe food In condition
to be readily digested and nsslmllated.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do this per
fectly. They partly digest what Is
eaten, and give tho stomnch just the
help It needs. They stimulate tho se
cretion and excretion of tho dtgestlvo
fluids nnd relievo tho congestion con
dition of tho glands nnd membrnnces.
They put tho whole digestive system
in condition to do Its work. Whon
that Is done you need tako no more
tablets, unless you ent what does nqt
agreo with you. Then take ono or two
tablets glvo thorn needed help nnd
you will havo no trouble
It's a common sense medlclno and
a common sonse, trontmont, nnd It will
euro every itlmo. Not only cure tho
disease, but cure tho causo. Goos
about it In a porfoctly sensible and
scientific way.
Wo havo tostlmonlnls enough to fill
a hook, but wo don't publish many of
thorn. Howovor. Mrs. E. M. Fnlth. of
Byrd's Creole, Wis., says:
"I have taken all the Tablets I gut
of you and thoy hnve done their work
well In my case, for I feel llko a differ
ont person altogether. I don't doubt
If I hnd not got them I should bnvo
been at rost by this itlme."
H. E. Wlllard, Onslow, la.", says:
Mr. White, of Canton, was tolling mo
of your Dyspopsla Tablets curing him
of Dyspepsia, from which he sufforod
for eight years. As I am a sufforor
myself I wish you to scud mo a pack
ago by return mall."
Phil Brooks, Detroit, Mich., says:
"Your Dyspopsla Cure has worked
wondors In my case. J sufforod for
years from dyspepsia, but am' now cn
tlrely cured, nnd enjoy life as I never
havo boforc. I gladly recommend
It will cos,t GO conts to find out Just
how much Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets
will holp you. Try them that's tho
best way to decide. 29-31-2
Another Surprise Party.
A very pleasant surprlso party was
given Mrs. C. H. Walker on New Yoors
evo by tho Endoavorors of tho First
Presbyterian church, tho occasion bo
lng hor 48th birthday nnnlvorsnry.-Tho
young pooplo. completely took her by
storm. After n light rofreshmont that
was highly onjoyod by all, and staying
to see tho old year out and tho nown,
tho crowd dispersed wishing her many
happy returns of the eventful day.
Fifty flshornien woro drowned In a
torrlflo storm, which swept tho gulf at
Riga, Russia, today.
Crown Prlnco Wlllnm, of Prussia,
will visit St. Petersburg tho middle of
Januaryt In answer to nn Invitation
tho Czar sent several weeks ago.
An Eastern company has purchased
tho placor claims owned by E. B.
Moysnor, In the Starveout district, ol
Josopulna county, .paying $12,000
-h h h 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1; iiiHinnniiiii
I: IDre. Bpl&tincjev jj
Postofflce Mock! kfllCItl, UrCgOfl.
i u n n 1 1 n i n i n sn ; m-Min 1 1 n h 1 1 h c ma i nn h
Knows about our winos and liquors,
because onch and all aro famous
brands. For tablo and medicinal use,
chooso what lur conquorod populari
ty by Its quality. Wo enrry only what
wo can praise without roBorvo. This
fact Is the basis of our claim for your
confldonco. Every purchnso mado
from us Is a transaction that could
not liavo boon botterod.
JaSoS I Attendants '
zoo commercial siren.
We kindly ask you to read this ad, save it, and use it as a
guide in your buying. If you will do this you will savenioney,
Tomorrow out list alphabetically will be "L."
.y. .
if .
Jumbo Mush, made from finest So
nora whoat, 2 pkgs for 15c, 4 for 36c.
"Jones" Men's shoes, vie! kid, lace,
sizes C to 10, $2.45 pair.
Jersey Croam soap, 5c bar, 0 for 25o.
J. T. Chewing. 15c plug.
Jugs, earthen, gnllon, Inc.
Jugs, earthen, 1 gallon, 30c,
Jars, earthen, 1 gallon, lie.
Jars, earthen, 2 gallons and over,
12 Vic per gallon.
Jnp Bowls, 3 for 10c.
Jaynes' Sanative Pills, SOc.
Kltohon knives, No. 1081. lOo Willi.
Kitchen, knives, 0-ln. 25 c eaoh.
' Knlvos and forks, wooden handle,
No. 900 and 1878, 00c soL
Knives and forks, wooden handles,
No. 1878 1-3, 11.00 sot.
Knlvos and forks, wooden handles,
No. 18.781-C, $1.20 set.
Knives and forks, wooden handles.
No. 430, $1.30 set
Knives and forks, wooden handles,
No. 220. $1.01 89L
Knives and forks, wooden handles.
No. 29.001. $1.48 ti.
Knives and forks, bone handle. No.
29. $1.08 set
Knives, pocket, boys' No. 1400, 5e.-
Knives. poekct, boys', No. WO, Wa.
Knives, pocket, boys' Harlow, No,
Hit, wood handle, lOe.
Knives. iKMjkst, boys' Barlow, No.
141, wood hand's, lie.
Knives, poekot, hoys' UrUw, I
bMss. No. ITJIfl, 15c.
gNjTM, pookot, gHbj Bsrlflw, Ko.
1 It. Mc.
Knlres, pocket, geata' Barter. t$
blades, Ho. 9491, tie.
GMts' 3 blades. Ne: 1101, 3fc.
GMts'. 9 blades. No. 9T.UI. 9S. .
Oonts', two blades. No. 14 1. 90c.
Gaits', S blades. No. 240, 98c.
Genu. I blades. No. 914. 35,
Gents', 2 blades, No. 9108. itc.
Gents', two blades, No. 3901, 80c
Gents'. 1 blndo, No. 145, 50c.
Gouts', 2 blnde, No. 2110, COc.
Gents' 2 blndo, No. 9:180, BOo
Knlvos, pocket, gouts', 2 bludes, No,
2020, stag handles, SOc.
Kidvos, pockot, gents', 2 Iliads, N;jl
2121, ebony handle. ORo. ,
Knives, pocket, gouts', 2 blndesi Nfi.
2019, obony handle, 08c.
Knives, pockot, ladles', 2 blades, NiJ,
0695, pearl haudlo, 08c.
Knlvos, poakot, gouts', 2 blades. No.
9086, stag handle, 70c.
Gents', 2 blades, No; 901, 70c.
. GaiiU', 2 bludes, Nc. 2037, 70i.
'Gents'. 2 blades, No. 2124, 76o.
Hunts'. 2 blndos, No. 3038, 76o.
GontsY 2 blados, No. 2C32, 75o.
Gents', 2 blades, No. 2735, 75o.
001118', 3' blados, No. 3422, 850. '
Gents', 3 blados, No. 3C24, 90o.
Gents', 2 blados, No. 2975, 90o.
Gents', 2 blades, No. 2088. 90o.
Gents', No. 3972, $1.00.
Gents', 2 bludes, No. 205, $1.00'.'
Gents', 3 bludes, No. 3018, $1.00.
No. 3007, $1.00.
Oent', 3 blades. No. 303(1, $1.00.
V,i 4 blades, No. 4098. $1.34.
Gents', 3 blades. No. 9070. $1.80.
asnts'. No. 3087, $1.00.
"King" meji'8 shoes, linng, ealf,
. lose, sixes 7 to 9, $9.00.
"K-O." baking powder, 18o slse 19o.
UK. C." hakJH powder, Uo slss 90&
Kendall's Spavin Cure, small site,
Kendall's ipavln Cure, tarns is,
Kdy's ittttMimaUo Uiilinsnt. 46c.
Kftly'a Medical Disco wy, IU6.
Itsmork W oarry th Hurt Out
my Company's "Ituxor'SJtseT pooket
knives, and we guarantss every knife
from 98c up to give satisfaction. If
tney do not we will pay you your mon
ey back at any time.
REMARKS! We are. showing a line of Crockery and Glassy
ware that for all practicable purposes is not excelled in tihs
city at prices.very, very reasonable