The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 02, 1903, Image 1

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vi. -
NO. 1.
Levy made
60,000 To Be Raised By
pOUNT IS $ 1 60.000
won Cotinty Will Pay $46,588 As
Against $54,863.50 Last Year
Visits to the stores of the Independent
cigar dealers discloses the fact that
Uio familiar goods of the various firms
allied wjth the tnirts have been 're
moved from the show cases and win
dows, and signs advertising the trirtt
wares nro also conspicuous by their
absence. It has taken the Retail Ci
gar and Tobacco Dealers' Association
Beveral months to perfect their organ
ization, but now, with a membership
of nearly 1000 dealers, the association
seems to bo In a fair way to make the
combine feel Its claws. At a meeting
of the association tonight delegates
will be named to attend the convention
of the National ItotUll Cigar and To
bacco Dealers' Association, to be held
In Chicago two weols honce. At this
convention a working plan will ba
formulated to bring the Independent
dealers In Chicago, New York, Indian
apolis, Detroit, and other cities where
organizations have been formed Into
active cooperation -for the fight
against the trust.
computation nnd appoittomnent
e taxes for statu purposos for
Inr HlOU was today made by Gov
Oeor. Secretnry of State Dunbar
f'...... ......... tf. ...... 'PI... Int.. I
irvunmn .uisuit-. i lit- luuu
t of tnxoa to be lalsed Is $700,000
iiimt S'JBO.OOO for hut year. Of
iiuiount Marion county' portion
i.r.88, while for hint year tills
railed $1)1,888.50 In Uxo for
iiUI'hmoh. The avenisn amount
Uh nilsed by the vniloim conn-
:r tho last IB years was $0fit,000.
amount of revenue levied for
vns nt the late of 0 51-100 nilll.i.
dollar upon a total bmmie
,W of $111,308,513.00 for thoi
niiOl, which raised $020,000, and
vn a largor sum thnu that
for any provlous yoar In the
history, excepting that for'lS93.
the revonuo raised was $1,121,-
at the into of 7 mills, on $100,
The revenuo inlsod for 1903
in S10L.717 morn tlinii Hint
Nfar the yoar 1000, the previous
Ivmndlng peilod, the InmenHo
.w principally out of increased
ligations nmdo by tho luglalatlvo
lily ol 1901 for the University of
a, ritato Agricultural College,
111 schools, nutlonnl guard, aim
rs' homo, and additional appro-
ons for an oxporlmontnl station,
Imutitv enrn nf nrnhriW). aid Of
! home, now code, and the I'nn-
lean and Charleston expositions.
dor the provisions of the codo tuu
ntaiso of tho state taxes to bo
.1 by tho various cotintloe was do-
ned and apportioned In 1901 for
(s term of live years. The percentage
of the total tax that Is assessed to
.Marlon county Is .0013, which on the
total tax or $700,000 to bo rnlsod,
makes Marlon county's share WG.5SS.
The following comparative table
shows tho total amount of revenue
raised annually during the years 1397
to 1902, Inclusive:
1S07 '. .. ; $ -I41.42U.92
IMS ,! 343.573.71
1880 " 0O0.584.O4
1S90 , 496,433.52
ISA , . 7BS.500.00
1S92 , ;.. 1,121,845.51
1S83 722.7S2.20
ISO! 451,198.15
1805 003.33S.0l
1800 , .. 572,707.89
1S97 . 472.209.8C
1S98 '. 701,141.30
1890 ....' 787,782.13
1900 ..'. 071.487.78
1W1 020,000.00
The County Tax Levy.
The Marlon county commlbsloners
court will, nt its regular January meet
ing, this week, fix the tnx levy for this
county. Computing the state tax levy
on an oinnllil proporty vnluntlon for
the county, as fixed by tho county
board or equalization, nt $8,020,882. the
state levy for .Marlon county will be
5 4-10 mills. Any estlmnto at this time
as to the levy for the county would
be entirely problematical.
Right of Canal Construction
to United States
"Wipe Out tho Trusts."
New York, Jan. 2. Tho boginning
of the new yoar witnesses moro activo
steps In the warfare against the tobac
co trust than any heretofore taken.
Now it's time to think of i-
again. $
We want you to sec oat line of i
Thomson's Glove-Pitting Corsets
-Washington, Jan. 2. Tho subject
discussed nt the cabinet meeting to
day was the feasibility of procedure by
the United States with regard to the
construction of the Isthmian canal un
der tho rights dorlved from tho Pana
ma Company, whoso proposition Is that
this country go abend with tho work
when Columbia Is ready, by treaty, to
do so. This Is said to be a concession
on the part of the Panama Company,
and is nil that Amorlca desires at
present, and possession of It will force
the Colombian govornmeut Into all
accessions needful.
Tho session was the longest held
this winter. Spoonor and Lodge, of
the rorelgn relations commltteo of tho
St'iinte, wore called Into consultation
with the President beforo the meeting.
We have all the new shapes
and sell them at mi'ch lower
prices than "Regular Stcyes.H
habit. -
u a uy dciuiiK uic
;st known makes of
ods at lower prices
an you can find
sewhere. that we
ve constantly in
eased our business.
tve been worn by all your neighbors, ask them about the quality
d our prices.
3ur constant aim Is to give better value for the money than any
uiar store." can afford to give, we ao a sincuy spov cu uuo.-
That's why our prices are so low for rename mercnanoise.
cep"W5!l!!IX ii
I MARkSR- ji
Ladles' and Men's Furnishings.
Cheapest One Price Cash Store,
E T. BARNFS PrnnrLtnr
rner of Commercial and Chemeketa
Fire Destroys
Mine Hoist
Uutte. Mont., Jan. 2. Firo InRt night
nt 7:30 o'clock totally destroyed the
hoist and other buildings of the Lex
ington mine at Contorvlllo. with the
Qxcoptlou of tho mill. Tho cause of
tho fire Is unknown, and it Is believed
that It had its origin in the engine
room. Tho flnmus spread rapidly to
tho various buildings, and burned fin
rlously for throe hours. Tho mlno
was only worhod with a day shift, and
about 20 mou woro employed there.
Tho mine has boon opornted over 2ft
years. " Superintendent C. O. Rouger
could not glvo nn ostlmnte of the loss
last night, though it is said to be about
Southern Pacific
Train Wreck
Oakland. Jan. 2. A Llvorniore train
was wrecked this morning, Injuring
soveral passongors, some are prob
ably fatally hurt Krtfclneor Snlbaugh.
Fireman Swanson ami Mrs, Mary
maun, or ban nanciHco. nro among
tho Injurod. Tho accident was due to
the spreading of the rails.
170,000 to. Ask More Pay.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 2. That the
general movement or Western railroad
employes for a wage advance is rap
idly approaching a crisis is. evidenced
by the early arrival of many dologatos
to the national conference, to be held
here early In the coming week, at
wliU h committee reitort will be re
ceived and acted Uion. It Is declared
that the conference will represent fill
ly 175,000 railroad employs, and will
be participated In by the national
brotherhoods of the engineers, fire
men, trainmen ami conductors. It is
the culmination or efforts wltlch have
been making for more than five yearn
to Induce the four big organisations to
"get together" for Uielr mutual ben
efit. While It Is difficult to learn the
exact nature of the report to be sub
mitted by the committees, It Is said on
good authority Utat the wheedle which
will probably be fixed upon will eall
for an advance o 1J per rent. The
railroads are to be give one mouth
to meet the deHMUul.
Asiatic CiMtera "VUtlms.
Waahlngto. Jn 1 Ad Ice from
the Pkllipplft Uuu tbe amabei
of deaths from cholera have wathed
tl3(MMt aince tb Asaerltan orcupattoo
The Shopping
Center of the
I Willamette
The Shopping S
Center of the Z
I Our Clearance Sales 23d Anniversary
The opening days of 1903 will prove the red letter days to shoppers at
our store. Whether you are a judge of values or not, you can't help se
curing a bargain here because we carry only good first-class merchandise
and everything we have is reduced, except contract goods, such as Spool
Threads, Gordon rkts, Queen Quality Shoes, Butterick Patterns, etc.
Everything not regulated by the manufacturer can be bought at a decisive
reduction. ,
Come Early and Often to This Great Sale 3 X
I Our
;; Our
h Our
! i Oar
Suits, Wraps
and Skirts.
The very best garments
that s'ciiled labor can pro
duce are here, ou know
it and seem to appreciate
it and we are proud of if.
Read On
Our 4.68 Jackets reduc
ed'to 53.12
Our $6 Jackets reduced
to $4
$ 7.50 Jackets Reduced to
1000 Jackets Reduced to
12.00 Jackets Reduced
4500 Jackets Reduced
$ 5 00
Corded and
J tailor stitched. There is another splendid
J line in grays, greens and browns at 2.70.
2 There are other good ones for $4.50,
Very nice style, all black.
$6.75, $9.00, $0.80
i Ribbon Special.,..
J A new line of alliilk fancy
J ribbons just arrived.
J Regular No, 40 widths,
a i hi we unci iiiciu
J 9c Yard.
Big Handkerchief
We uesd them for disp'ays
and mussed them a little.
1 9c, 20c values reduced to
t i IE.
i 9 i Hi
' ' N
I V ' 111
1 n i
' i l lf
Men's Glofblnc. i
3 fffltfi 2
We are making some
liberal cuts in these
lines that you ought
to know about, but
we haven't the space
in this paper to tell
vou so what then?
Read On
2.00, $2.50 MEN'S HATS
3 00 ' " ,
We are going to give you a special
in Men's Shirts, too; what do you
of it? .... . . .
$1.00 FANCY SHIRTS for
Boys Suits
$2.50 SUITS FOR $2.12
! 2 50
2 55
2.00 "
4,50 "
Mens' Suifs and
$10.00 Values For $ 8.50
12 50 " " 10 65
15.00 " " 12.74
16.50 values for 14.05
17.50 values for 14.90
20.00 values for 17.00
22.50 values for 19.15
Men's Pants all reduced
$1.50 Values Reduced to
2.00 Values Reduced to
2.M) Values Reduced to
3 00 Values Reduced to
4.50 Values Reduced to
Offerings From All Over The House,
You see in a store like this you can't advertise everything you want to
because the newspaper man wants some room for news So better come
down and see the rest of items not mentioned here.
i Lace Curtains
There is a whole table full
$ of odds and ends, but all
good clean stock offered at
suiprisuigiy iuw pncco.
Tarn O'Shanters
i! A big line of 50c Tarns to
; j close out at half price 25c.
i; Shoe Dressing
All the leading brands of
J polishes are here at reduced
There is a big stock of those
new style fancy Comforts
worth $3.25 special
Dress Goods
You know what our mam
moth stock consists of Xht
best on earth for the price.
And Every Piece
Everything in this depart- I
raent is reduced way be-
low the former price.
Guaranteed TAFFETAS
Etc. Etc.
It's simply a matter of stock !
taking and cleaning up !
with us X a money-saving ;
proposition with you.
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