The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 31, 1902, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    t 'sn
A BQtld Clock or Watch desorvos fair tt
..... ....
nso when Bomo Irroirnlnntv n i., . . ",liaa"' ls this the
timepiece. U8unl!y It I. ny s-ht ,nr V Ca"y WcH nctd
the skillful, wutoh-doctor. But I a t """
HkHhood that hi. c.ums.nosH wll L ,t 1' a thSr0 ,S Very
arrangement of some vital prt ,0rmftn0nt dMp-Bwlled -
It I. scarcely necessary to say, lo tIlMe who
that t employ, none but experience d conscientious w.
iz:jt' Mmy' mia sk,n ,n my rz.z:
Leaders In Low Prices State and Liberty St, Mm, Oregon.
nfkH nml M. m
genSr,, X enmo8' frora hlch
Kenulno fun was the product was fol
'od l,y the serving f ", ' 1" It
nml It. . " " -'"llllHJIlUl
SI f"U,8lral "'""bers by various
C ; , hose pre8ont We,o: "
Hwidrtck. and Carroll, of Eugene;
JUsDrent, of Washington; Misses
neyijolds. Swaffor.l. Mrn r.,
Co8how. Warfiold, Nolan and Mary'
Warfiold; Messrs T. L. wniin, f
Eugene; Condon Dean, Herbert Wins
low, 0. A. Warrield, John W. Roynolds,
frank Wlllnian, ISrnest Denn, W. H.
McCall, A. Kerr. Mosher and Skid'
We have today received another latge shipment '
of that good, fresh roasted coffee,
The flavor is always
the same.
Old government Mocha & Java, the real thing per lb 40c
Our State Mouse brand Mocha & Java 35c, 3 lbs for $1.00
Co Jama, Mocha & Java per lb 25c
Our Special Blend Brand, extra tine flavor per lb 25c
Our Pacific Blend Brand, an excellent colTee 3 lbs 50c
Wa. Wa. Coffee, a splendid coffee in strength and flavor
2 lbs for 25c.
Here is your chance. We have received another lot of those
fancy winter apples. They are just as choice as ever. They
still go at the old price, 40. 45, 50 and 60 cts per bushel.
Special: Guaranteed flour 80; pir sack. 10 bars good Laun
dry soap 25c. 8 lbs pink beans for 25c. 21 lbs good rice $1
124 State Street. Phone 511.
Informal Dancing Party.
On Tuesday evening In Tlogn hall,
Oeo.W. Gray gave an Informal -dancing
party to a few Invited friends. A
most enjoynbl evening was the result,
the occasion being enlivened by the
presence In the city of n number of
military academy students and col
lege attendants, who pre home for the
Frank LIghtner, who has been visits
Ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
LIghtner, In this city, has returned to
resume his sorvlco on tho United
States battloshlp Wisconsin.
Hon. John Mlntu has returned from
Portland and Astoria, 'flic trnln from
Astoria to Portland, loports Mr. Mlnto,
was delayed for a considerable tlmq
because of a large rock that lodged on
tho Hack from an adjoining cliff.
Nov nml Mrs. P. S. Knight, who
liavo for tho past yenr lived In one of
tho Strong cottages In South Snldm,
today moved to the Odell houso, cor
nor of Stato and 11th streets, whoro
they will mnko their future, homo.
H. H. Ragaif, II. M. Branson, H. S.
Ollc, W. T. Jonks, E. M. Hurd and N.
J. Damon havo returned from a trip
to their timber claims In Lincoln coun
ty. They report pleasant weather on
tho coast.
C. a. Murphy has gono to Portland,
whoro ho will locnto and open an of
fice for tho practice of his profession.
Thcf many friends of Mr. Murphy In
this city Wish for him n successful ca
reer. Sam Wlllson, of naise. Idaho, was
tho guost today of his brothor, J. W.
Wlllson, the real pstato dealer of tills
city, whom ho had not seen for 10
yenrs. Mr. Wlllson wont to UrownB-
vlilo today for a visit with Ills' mother,
who resides at that point.
D. A. Kurtz, of Portland, was In tho
city this weok on a visit to his slot or5;
Miss Hannah, who la recovering from
a serious Illness of typhoid lover. Mr.
Kurtz expects to return to Salem early
noxt month and tnlto chnrgo of tho
Kurtz box factory In this city. ,
II. G. Meyer has returned from Port
land, whoro ho attended a mooting ot
tho stnto barbers commission? ot
which ho ls secretary. Ho wan ac
companied homo by Mrs. Mayor and
daughter, Miss Allco, who havo boon
visiting with friends In that city far; a
fow days. ,Pg
r's Whiskey is the best
some Into your vest.
chrelber keeps It,
nd you know the rest.
153 State Street.
J. A. Rotan. Full line of furniture
carpets, rugs and door mats.
Protect your pocketbook and save
money by calling on us.
Ranges, Stoves, cte.
307 Commercial Street.
2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts.
Remember always that
Harriett Wnrllcld, Uratult, Bessie Sto
veil. Married In Albany.
Tho marrlago of Mr. Charlos Elgin,
of this city, and Miss Ida Froerkoreon,
of Albany, was performed at the homo
of the hrldo's parents In Albany at
high noon today. Mr. Elgin Is the son
of J. II. Elgin, of rtosednlc, and Is well
known In this city as a substantial
young man. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin ox
pact to rosldo In Salem.
will sell any patent medicine,
bottle, box or package, or
any drug sold by the lb . for
2 cents Less
than any cut rate price ad
vertised in this paper.
WIN Wed Tonight.
The marrlago of Miss Lonore Kay.
of this city, to Mr. Carl S. Itoherts, of
Portland, will tako place at 8 o'cloek
tonight at tho residence of tho hrldo's
mothor, Mrs. Thomas Kay, corner of
Stato and Twolfth streets.
December 26, 190. at Uie home oft
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Clark, Salem, Oregon, Miss Charlotte
E. Clark and Mr. Herbert White. Ilev.
T. F. Itoyal officiating, all of Marlon
Tho house was beautifully decorated
with evorgicens and flowers, tho
tables wore loaded with the richest
viands of tho season. Tho families of
both contracting parties, nnd many
relatives and frlonds, Including some
from Iloseburg, Orogon, and boiho
from California, honored the occasion
with tholr prosonco.
FltBEUKSKN-ELGlN. At the rosi
denco of the bride's parents, near
Albany, Oregon, at noon, Wednes
day, December .11, 1002, Miss Ida
Freerkson,.of Albany, and Mr. Chns.
F. Elgin, of this city.
The impressive ring ceremony was
performed In the pretence of relatives
and friends of the brltlo nnd groom.
Little Miss Seeley, of Albany, niece
of the bride-elect, was ring-bearer.
After congratulations a delicious
lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
will be at home to their friends after
January 1, 1903, at No. 897 High
New Year's Double Wedding.
A double wedding will be celebrated
In this city Thursday aftornoon at the
home of the two grooms-olect, Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Hamilton, on High street.
The parties to tho dual ovent are Mr.
Ira Hamilton and Miss Ivotte Smith;
Mr. Laud Hamilton and Miss Bether
? . .. H
j. ne JBanKing House 01
New Preparation Which Everyone
Will Need Sooner or Later.
Ladct & Bsh
and tomorrow, occasional
Entertained at Cards.
MIbsoh Florence and Dose Tlllson
ontortained vory pleasantly last night
about 60 of their frlonds at a card par
. . . .. . i i
uu. tv at hr home on uemur nirwi.
li-"! ho progressive game of cards Mrs. W.
uucni VAfMQI HPHill" Dnncy receiveu uw ri -.-.
Mr. and Mrs. Buren Entertain.
A vory onjoyauie w i''i "
Wn last evening by Mr. and Mrs. M.
O. Duron The houso was beautifully
decorated In ChrlPtmas greens. In
k mn nf hearts tno prn -
booby going to Miss Nettle Ileckner.
After cards an Informal program of
music. Including appreciable numbers
by Miss Houlat and Messrs Oeorgo
Snydor and W. H. Uurghardt, Jr., was
enjoyed. Refreshments were served.
Those receiving Invitations were:
Mr and Mrs. J. O. Oraham. Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. C. U
A. Jessup,
I iinVnn' rt nnd Mrs. A.
by Dr. Wilson McNary and Miss Mrg R R naker) Mr. nnd
... nUM' Mr. ' ..... T T- fllhrt fl- ntlll HfS. W.
Stutosman. Those pr.uv "- , .Mrs. v- " "' - -
M Mr.. ... ,. MM. .- ,5 "-.."?-'"? SSLfS
5m nnrrirn O. Drown, Mr. anu Mr.
Mrs. Willis
. nannn m miliar. Ul. HU
Smith, Mr.
Bdna Simon,
xi, n,i TLfrs. H. Wm. Tnisiesn, ir
im nnii niio. u&. .- --
Irs. George u. uw, -; - D T,Mnj Mr. nd Mrs.
'Ohn Grlfflth. Dr. and ww. ... Ur and Mrg w, B
1 linilTlllZLtlLUUt Mvvtpv .--...
O. S Hamilton. Mr. aud Mors. Dr. and Mrs.
nml Mrs. H. ami u.
lorao, Mr. ana i- - - " . . .,roo nr nnd Mrs. T. C,
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. iiammuii, ... i , nabwwk;
n. C I McNary, Mr. uuu --,-'.,,,
IdoIbc. Jr., Mlases Hteanatn ' '-; - ; . 011tnrt Dwtlm Kay,
j. Maudo McKay. Rutn uau"",u" I "rth Cochran. Qllbwt. Wwr,
Stosman. RInoman. George 01llnS 1 Thoyas. MeOee. Hurl
r ro.a n n J8MIH, " !"" . . ir.,Mi
JB UUtUU, iMtiooi". --
nt..,AM.n Hiirmi.
Thlels'on, L. Hooker. Wilson Mc ' "J-. WM
W1 Ooswr; M-m Harry Moir J. II.
t Adams Kd. TJi. ""
Z . nm IUM. P. K. LoM. L-
and Will Morrte.
"'. ..... VUltors.
In Honor or "." --
K. Lovoll, Joo Evans.
In Honor or mioa .
Mabel Robertson ontertalued
fahor of college girls ywUrtlay
an In honor of MJM uw
Portland. A gueslnB sann,
SJItfil of Curloa," occupied me w
Dt, togetnor wun music uu -
itlon. Miss Harriett wnrnem won
Srst prize Those- present. l
te guest of houor, worei MJsbob
ffi Morton, of Portiarra; war'
irthur Lee. Gertrud yray'
HTriclBon, Ieda uuron, ureua
Jlanche Lewis, Vlnnle wi-
jpter; Louise YanWaguer,
W. W. Hall Is homo from a trip to
Portland. - , -H.-., .-
Miss Nollie Thlclson has gone to
Eugene for a visit.
Miss Litchfield, of Portland, is vis
iting frlonds In Salem.
Miss Vinnlo Wildor, of Sumpter. Is
a guost of Miss Althea Loo.
Miss Margarot Hodgklns, of Port
land. Is visiting friends In Salem.
Miss Marie Stelwor, of Jefferson, Is
visiting with relatives In Uils city.
Mrs. It. R. Flomlng wont to Portland
this morning, to hear tho Dostonlans,
C. D. Hartman, a nop growor oi
Scotts Mills, was In tho city Tuesday.
Messrs. Karl and Fred Stolnor. of
Jefferson, are visiting relatlvos In the
Phil Blorson, who has boon visiting
relatives hore, left for Portland yes
terday. Miss Henrietta Finger, of Portland.
Is In the city, the guest of Miss Minna
Walter W. Mclliee. of Psorla, Linn
county. Is visiting with rolatlvos In
this city.
J. M. Chase Is visiting his family In
this city, bavins arrived from Arling
ton today.
Herbert Frank, of San Francisco, ls
visiting with bis slstor. Mrs. H. J. Ot
tohhoimor. Charles Scott and Fred Dose, bus!
noss mon of Woodburn, wore In tho
ftiv tndav.
Mrs. John Krobs and Miss Loulso J
Alderman am visiting with frlonds at
ML Angel.
Mrs. A D. Glesy and grandson,
Willie Hendricks, are vlsltlug with
relative at Aurora.
Mrs. O. II. Collins has returned to
Jted muff, California, after a visit with
her niece, Mrs. W. F. HKirr.
Miss Esther WIUIamB, or uregon
City Is visiting in oaiem. mo n"
of her sister. Mrs. O. D. Tlllson.
Carey W- Martin has gone w w
Angeles. California, on iai '"
He exnet to return auoui jnnuui
Th order of the Bastern iar gave
a public Installation of oeew last ev
ening, followed by a short musical
Um K. L. HlUWiru, OI roriiouu, u
rUirMd Uoe, having come to Salem
to attend the funeral of the late C;'W.
Trn m. A. Kene. a rorer rasiur
o tae etaU lr)lature from th'la ooun-
ty. U in Use eity from n njpaae ai
wm. W. A. iJiugJuad was In Albany
today o aUeiwi te PreerHfiW-Wgln J-
weWlsg- ri. Lasgsean n a jiwi
the groeja. . i- . .
xf c.mtm Rldders and daughtef.
Miss Adeline, of Albany, attended the.
Almost everybody's digestion Is dis
ordered moro or less, and tho com
monest thing thoy do for It Is to tako
some ono of tho many so-called blood
purlflors, which, In many ensos, aro
merely strong cathartics. Such things
are not needed. If tho organs are In a
clogged condition, they, need only a
little help, and thoy will right them
selves. Cathartics irrltato tho sensi
tive linings of the stomach and bowels,
and ofton do moro harm than good.
Purging Is not what Is needed. Tho
thing Is to put (the food In condition
to bo readily digested nnd assimilated.
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets do this per
fectly. Thoy partly digest what Is
entcn, and give tho stomach just tho
help It needs. Thoy stimulate tho se
cretion nnd excretion of tho dlgostlvo
fluids nnd rellovo tho congostlon con
dition of tho glands and mombraucos.
They put tho whole dlgostlvo Bystom
In condition to do Its work. When
that Is dono you newl tako no moro
tablets, unless you eat what doos nqt
ngree with you. Then tako ono or two
tnblets give thorn needed holp nnd
you will havo no trouble.
It's a common sonse medicine and
a comnion8on80 trontmont, and it will
cure ovory Itlme. Not only euro tho
disease but euro tho cnuso. Goes
about It In a perfectly scnslbln nnd
scientific way.
Wo havo testimonials enough to fill
a book, bub wo don't publish many of
thorn. Howovor, Mrs. 13. M. Faith, of
Iiyrd'8 Crook, Wis., Bays:
"I havo taken all tho Tablets I got
of you and thoy havo dono tholr work
well In my case, for I feel llko a differ
ent person altogether. I don't doubt
If I had not got them I should hnvo
boon at rost by this itlmo."
II. 13. Wlllard, Onslow, In., says:
Mr. White, of Canton, was tolling mo
of your Dyspopsla Tablets curing him
of Dyspopsla, from which ho sufforod
for eight years. As I am a sufforor
mysolf I wish you to Houd mo a pack
ago by return mall,"
Phil liroolcs, Dotrolt, Mich., saye:
"Your Dyspopsla Curo has workod
wondors In my case. I sufforod for
years from dyspopsla, but am now on
tlrcly curod, and enjoy llfo as I nover
havo hofore. I gladly rocommond
mora. '
It will coa,t CO contH to find out Just not havo been bottorod
how much Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablotfl
will holp you. Try them-thafa tho nk'li Attendants
best way to decide.
Saiein, Oregon,
was established in
till 1 1 IH t 1 1 1 1 8 HI 1 1 1 1 1 Ull 1 1 1 HI H-H-IHI mi I II 1 1 !
1 OOOms
They have the best ot vaults and safes and do
in all iis branches.
TDv$. Bpl linger f
SaK Salem, Oregon.
(ii i iici nmmiii niiiHi inn iiihuhihhihh
Knows about our wines and liquors,
becauso ench and all aro famous
brands. For tablo and medicinal uso,
chooso what lux conquorod populari
ty by Its quality. Wo carry only what
wo can pralso without rosorvo. Thin
fact Ib tho basis of our claim for your
confidence Every purchnso niado
from us Is a transaction that could
-" tTK. -
. .. day evening Ml Wan
u uv " - .,.flBid cave a Miss aobhuu, v
field and Miss Mary arfleld JMa
delightful "at torn. JJ tojj Head.'oltr 7wterd.y.
CamlUo Carroll and Miss ni
s Ituef In this
Glell Nash
29-31-2 oamw uumr i i
i-f iif fi- ! ciefe)afait
WM. WECHTER, President. J. N. DROWN, Attorney.
C MARSH, Vice-President.
206 Commercial Strett.
mil lHllflf Ii
C L. JOHNSON, Secretary.
WM. LANBINO, Treasurer.
(3olben 1Rule (Boneolibateb.
Mining and JMilling Company
C Marsh.
C L. Johnson.
Wm. Wechter.
Wm. Lansing
Z. M. Parvln.
D. Stelner.
A. F. Homeyr, Altavlsta. la.
Fred Wechter. Oerne, Ind.
Edwin Heller, Linn Grove, ind.
"Rome was not built in a day,"
and neither are fortunes made without tak
ing: advantage of opportunities as they present them
selves. "Feather your nest" at once by buying a block of
Golden Rule Consoidated Mining and MillingStock
at 1c pat share whie this block lasts.
Location of Mines
Bohemia, Oregon.
Salem, Oregon.
a-HMC I ! i I -H-i-4-H4H-i
frOjtt list alphabetically wotild be "I" hut we
Ate not inclined to say much in the first person.
Tomoow oat list will be T C X"V
- 1
1 1
' r
r A
: -'.rvj.
. Cu l-.?,0lm Cm. .iJi j.
-. . .