The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 31, 1902, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"II ' -
Grand Opera Hodsc
f joHN P. OORDnAYj ManaffV.
;Vediiesday,Dcc. 3 f
' Anirlca'B Greatest Home Piny
Heautlful Comedy-Drama
Presented under tho direction of
Mrs. James A. Heme
-Jwlth Entire New Scenery.
If and Mechanical No
nlTO- 1!nunt-Vn,1 Hnnlo 1 rr... In
rniww. ..v .,-..,... MviHii, ft, put uuv
Gallery, 30e.
'lata ou sale nt Doxofflco Wednesday
at 9 n, in.
Heart Story Full of Pathos
and Human Interest
Play Made Famous by James
A. Heme
' 1! ITT T-T7 "
DECEMBER 31, 1002.
W U Unyniond, Portlnnd.
fjl. 13. LounBbury, Poitland.
;o. C. Hnll, Portland.
J 0. Thomas, Portlnnd.
ti. V UIrks, Durns.'
H A Whlto and wlfor California,
j'hns. Dooth, Sllvorton.
olin Dnnt, Philadelphia.
4pniy Sehroodor, Hnloin.
. D, Shaw, city.
has J. Martin, Portland,
C. Measly, Portlnnd.
J. T. Judd, Tumor.
Chjifl. Morztnler, city,.
A R. Mnftoon, Itlddlo.
J A Klngor, wlfo and child. San
Janios A Home's beautiful comedy,
dram, "Shore Acres" hlih c0m,
) tho Grand tonight, has won a sue
only equalled by that of "Thn
Old Homestead" Doth these plays
treat of Now England farm life, and
both nlm to treat In a dramatic way
tho dally hum-drum Incidents that go
to make up life's dally turmoil. Mr.
Home, unllko Jir. Thompson, aimed,
to conrtno his scenes to a slnglo lo
cnllty, and ho avoided Introducing any
variety features, thus lifting hlg
work to a far higher level. Many
very able critics claim that ':Shoro
Acres" Is an epoch-marking nlav and
that It Is tho finest pastoral drnma
yet glvon tho English-speaking stngo.
Tho story told In "Shore Acres'" Is
full of human Intorost, and one can
not holp holtig moved by the simplic
ity, naturalness and truthfulness of
It all. Anyono who can sit through
a poiformnnco of Mr. Home's master
pleco, nnd not bo pleased with It,
should avoid tho thentro for him or
her tho dm in a niul Its nioaanrnq will
Chicago, III.. Dec. 31. The ninnago- ovor a soaIo(1 book A com
f tho Illinois Central has do- nt0to new scenic production of "Shore
ncd to push completion ns rnpld-1 Acre" Is promised to bo nut on the
to noffisnil i. . c
U . ,:: -" UUM" '""i a com
"" 'resting story construct
around a plot which might have
Wnaled with tho adapter himself, so
ncMe ts that follow each other with
Perfect connection and continuity.
u luUBe l wnom Mr. Churchill's
Pflgcs arc familiar have brought be
fore their actual vision tho Various
prominent characters and scones that
havo Impressed their momory when
read about, In a manner that cannot
fall to add tO tho Intrroat n1,n.1 i.
m them as aenalntancos met twfnrn
Andrew Itobson. who for two seasons
has beca successfully Idontlflod with
the name part, supported by a largo
and capable company that has aided
so materially In gaining for play nnd
production Its widespread popularity
will be seen In "Richard Carrol" nt thn
Grand Opora House Thursday, Janu
ary 1st.
Ilox offlco open for reserved seats.
Thursday 9 n. m. Prices, tl 50. J1.00.
6c. 50c.
.Illinois Cental's New Short Line.
as posslblo tho extension south ofjsalcni stairo tonlirht. and a treat Is
o umq rivor, which will glvo tho
mpany a now Hliort through lino be-
con Chicago nnd Nashville. This
w louto Ib expected to be of great
lino to tho company nnd to tho see-
on tluough which It wll pan
ute will llo through a section wherol
eloped liio first conl fields or
r unio vnllcy. Tho ruturo or
nslon of tho Nashville lino to
Invent will Includo a connoc-
t tho Illinois Central's St.
to affording a now line to tho
s well ns the Great Tikos.
assured to nil tho patron who at
tend. Price $1.00. 75c, 60c. 35c.
Tho ."Richard
There arc pcoplo who will buy non
stock of any transient tramp
Ir who happens along nnd cry down
lltlmato enterprise that are being
rclopcd by homo nion and local
pltnl. Tho poor of Judgmont will al-
jjys uo numerous.
Carvel" In Its Dramatic
Form at the Grand
Fow novels havo nohlovod tho popu
larity accorded to Mr. Churchllls
mnsterpltice, "Illchard Carvel," nnd
none, It is claimed, oven In this day of
diainntlzed books, bos afforded the
plnymakor larger scopo for convert
ing Its Incidents to a form suitable
for roprosentatlon on the stago. "While
necosenrlly condensed sufficiently to
nnrmlt of Its nort royal within- thn
limits of nn ovonlng's ontortalnmont,
tho piny retains nil tho salient fea
tures of tho book. It Is said, troatcd In
such a masterly fashion by lWward E.
'Hoes, the dramatist, that tlioso who
It It Neceuary That the Dandruff
Germ Be Eradicated.
"Destroy the causo and )ou remove
the effect.' Kill the corm that musm
dandruff, falling liMr and bnldnoss,
you will have no uure dandruff, and
your hnlr will grov most luxuriantly.
Horplclde not only contains the dan
druff gorm dostroyor, but also Is a
most delightful hnlr dressing for reg
ular use. No other hair propnintlon Is
on this scientific basis of destroying
tho dandruff germ, and nono other
claims to be, for the slmplo reason
that It Is only recently that a destroy
er of tho germ has bteu discovered
Newhro's Horplclde, tho only hair pie
paiatlon thnt actually kills dandruff.
For solo by Daniel J. Fry. Sond 10
conts In stamp's for sample to The
Horplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich.
She Writes a Book that is
Now on Sale
Mrs. May Kellog SullUnn, wife of the
odltor of tho Pacific Dnptlst, Itov.
Frank L. Sullivan, now of tho Baptist
WnUhman. 1ms written a very Intor
opting book on Alaska, Illustrated
Just the Same,
Th New Year Is coming, and people
will swear
Just in the same old way.
That drink will be cut from their list
foe n year
Just In tho samo old way.
With moral Intentions our bosoms will
To good resolutions from soul-founts
will woll
Enough to pave every highway In
Just In the samo old way.
We'll glanco o'er tho year that Is dying
so fast
Just In the samo old way,
And vow tho no.xt will not bo ns tho
Just In tho samo old way.
We'll vow that we'll shed our trans-
grosslonB and sins
As snnkes In tho spring shed their
old winter skins,
And cntor tho New Yenr ns bright as
now pins,
Just In tho same old way.
In writing each manly "Resolved" wo
Just In tho samo old W
Wo'll road and roviso Uiom with stu
dious enro N
Just in tho samo old way.
Our souls will ospand with a fooling
most grnnd
Whon all of the lists wo have finally
And then wo will sign thorn with roso
Into band,
Just In tho snifle old wny.
We wish to thank our customers and
friends and the public generally for the liberal
patronage accorded us during the past year,
with the assurrance that every ttfort will be
exerted to merit a c mtinuance of your sup
port during the coming year.
Accept our kindest wishes for a most
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Yours truly, .
BM v.
lees than a month we'll be Allot!
with a yoarn
Just In tho snmo old wny;
Wo'll wish tho roform lnno would
show us a turn.
Just In tho snmo old way.
We'll view tho old tempter nt first
with alarm,
Then laugh at tho thought ho can
bifng us to harm,
And soon wo'll bo off with him, arm
linked In arm,
Just In tho snmo old wny.
Jos Barton Adams, In Donvor Post.
Were Pioneers of Lebanon.
Judgo I.eWB nnd wlfo, tho old
couplo who woro murdered In tholr
homo near Spokane about December
20th, woro rosldonts of Lebanon In
tho onrly days, and ho was principal
of Santiam Academy. Tho old couplo
llvml on a lonely road, nnd woro mur
Queer Place for Diamonds.
Now York. Dec. 30. In hor efforts
to select a hiding place whero her ?800
worth of dlnmonds would bo safe from
burglnrB, Mrs. Mary Iluroughs. of this
city, snyB a Horald dispatch from Phil
adelphia, forgot all about tho ash
man. Mrs, uurrougns, mo uny uojoru
. . . . e.,7 -II.
dored for tholr money. They wore l UiriBimas. wrnppcu nur aw wuim m
supposed to keep a largo amount of 'diamonds In u chamois and tuokod
monay In
tholr house ExprosB-Ad-
thorn away in tho too of a wall-worn
shoo, bolonglng to hor small son. She
then loft tho house,
tloforo sho returned tho nshmnn
called. Mrs. Utirroughs' slstor throw
Famous Jockey Must Walt.
Inmlnn llof. .It. CnrloS. Tod
"""" -'" - I . .....4......
Sloan's valot, was remanded In tho tho shoo away wltu tno omor niuuisn.
pollco court this morning. ohaigod.Mrs. Hurnnigha rotumod. and hur sifl-
with stealing ?G00 worth of Jowolryer Incidentally imlntlonod tho nshv
nnd clothing from Sloan. Tho latter man's visit.
protested, Baying ho could not -wait "I gavo him thoso old rfhoos of Wlb .
for tho trial, as hu had to Ball for llo's" sho snld.
Amorica. Tho court notified. him thnt Aftor a long search tho nshmnn was.
ho would bo compellod to romnln. .found nnd tho diamonds rocovolod
44 .
k gteax cyclone who pass
flLedovet The Fai Stote
"this week has scatteect
ittt toys anot holiday goods ove
i vast Tet'itoy reaching bom
an to Be sheba and making
iottsands of homes happy.
Ve thank all out patons and
lends fo theb liheual pati-on-
ge and tst all have had a
ey Chi-istmas anct wnuiS
all a happy and pospeos
W Yeat we ase
Yo ts Twiy
How's ThlsT
We Offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any case of Catarrh thnt can
not be curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned. Iiavo known F.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 yoars, and
bcllovo him porfectly honornblo In all
business transactions and financially
able to Carry out nny obligations mndo
by tholr firm. West & Truax. Whole
salo DrugglRts, Toledo. O. Welding,
Klnnnn & Mnrvln, Wholesale Drug
g its, Toledo, O.
Hnll's Catarrh Curo la taken Inter
nnlly, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free, Prlco 7fic per
bottle. Sold by nil druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
I i i iikd or rii,i:8AiTi;a o yrahs.
Mr. C. Hnnoy. of Qenorn, Olilo, liil the
pile for forty yean Doctors anil rtollnm
(oiilil do lilm no InxtltiK pood. DeWltt's
1 W it, li llnzol Salve curcil him permanently.
i Invaluable for cuts, hnrnii, brulsm, apralna.
InrtrntlonB, Mirma, tetter, inlt rhruia, nnd
nil otlifr skin dlscnscii. Iiok for the name
PcWItt on ttio imcknge nil others are
i lirap. worthier rountrrfrlt
I u 1 1 aim, uu niaie oirrei.
Hov does your umbrella stand the
weather? REMEMBER we, recover
una repair them.
r.rH of Thnnks. .Children Cry for
Tho undersigned wish to thank their
kind f i lends and nolghbors for tho
many klndnossoB Bhown during Iho ro-
Flctcher's Cnstorla-
cont lllnese. donth and burial of our Dealers-Repairers and 3Ut
tininvmi liusbtt'nd and father. Tholr ' .,.. .... .,..,.
bolovod liusbtt'nd and rather,
porsonnl sorvlces and sympathy havo
boon uppproclnted beyond oxprosslon.
and will novor be forgotten.
GEonais nuEF,
Forty-Four Club Dance.
Tho Forty-Four Club will glvd Its
second dancing pnrty In Tioga hall on
Wednesday ovonlng. Decombor 31st.
Mombora will ploaso tnko notloo.
Columbia River Smelt
Aro plontlful at Fitts & Doty's mnr
kot. nt 130 Court stroot. Phono. Main
1921. 12-30-tf
Oahney Stfrtt
from photographs takon by horself. It
has been published at Uoston, and Is
now on solo at Pntton'a book storo for
Mrs. Sullivan Is well known to Snlom
people, and Is a charming wrltor. Hor
book throws a groat deal of light on
tho dark placos In Alaska, as Mrs.
Sullivan "roughed It" In some of the
hottest raining camps for a number of
For sale at Pattons' uook storo.
How does your umbrella otand the
weather? REMEMBER we recover
and repair them.
Owing to tho hoavy rains of the pabt
week tho Ynmhlll river hna risen very
fast nnd tho wntor is now nbout flvo
feet ovor tho walls at tho locks at Lafayette.
Don't forget the SL Hlrao rostnu
rant when jou want a good meal.
Union help only. Open all night. 95
State street. 12-4-tf
Arthur C. Rhodes, m of a promi
nent rancher living on Upper McKay
Creek. wo seriously wounded Sun
day by the accidental discharge of a
J8-caHbre rvoiver. He was brought
to a Pesdleten hospital for treatment.
I you are troubled with" Impure
blood Indicated by sores, pimples.
bSa'ehe. etc., we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo sell
mill -l positive guarantee, twlllj
ways cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
rlBons and all blood diseases. 50
oTs and tlMJK
Freh eoQf and butter from our
.tore, at Aumtvllle and Mehame, , et
Speer Bros. 'Phone 2491. JMl-tf
""' ,wun III KS'RR
nam Ut WBy".t?it MtlsCi nesrtta".
W'ilSiL W rrtlevwi the If
f ts tlS'ti the nervpi nd esres
Bed Time
I take n pleasant herb drink, tho noxt
morning I feel bright nnd my com
plexion Is better. My doctor says It
acts gently on the stomache, liver and
kldnoys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It
is mado of herbs, and In propnred as
easily ns tea. It Is called Lnno's med
icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and
60 cents. Lane's Famhy Medicines
moves tho bowols each day. If you
cannot got it, send for free samples.
Address, Orator Woodward, Leltoy,
N. Y.
-i , in
Stockmen .from the Dig Ilutte In
Douglas county bring word that dur
Ing tho recent cold snap many cattu
have died iiK) that range.
Wh Ittbr w4 titk, we bt her C'MrU.
Wha be wii Child, the crkd for CiitorU.
Ottta ihe bfwino Mlw, iheclaDi toCutorU ,
Wben ibe hid Children, the give lhm Cuter)
John Fluke, an old soldier of tho
Union army, and a prominent rosl
dent of Indoponddneo for years, lies
at the point of doath at his homo thero
from a sevoro nttack of rheumatism
and (Amplications. No hope Is hold
out for even temporary ImprovoraenL
is ihe causa of more discomfort than
nriv other allmenL If you eat tho
things that you you want, nnd that
arn COOd for VOU. TOU UT6 distressed.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will roakoj
your digestion perfect ana prevent
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely oai
anything, at nny time, If you take one
of theso tablets afterward, 8old by
aP druggists under a positive guaran.
teb. 25 ots. Money refunded If you
am not satisfied. Send to us for n
free sample. - W. H. HQOKEIt CO.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Branson & Ranan
Havo Just rocolvod n largo supply of
Chnso & Sanborn's oolobrntod ooffoe.
Gunrauleed to b tho host on tho mar
ket. Bend In your ordors.
dry Buyers Take Notice.
Out fighting ammunition for 1308
Rambler bloyclos, $40,00 worth of
sundries, O. & J., Hnrtford nnd 'all
othor makoe of tiros, throe Unvoting'
man, and ovor" ?50,000 woith of Btoolc,
nil until for, and Htlll pnylng ensh for
KoodH purchnsod.
Kach yonr eomo of our compatltoiH
start now fnlsohoodB,. Biich ns "on
wheels," "bustod," "Boiling out," "lost
whool," and each yoar wo como out on.
top. Wo still lend In the running,
utid will crofls tho tnpo a winner, nsj
usual. Tako no stock In such Htorlos
clrculatod to "head us off."
Rend our Now Year nnnounoanlont.
Don't stock up for 1003 with whoa),
sundries, tiros or anything until you
boo what wo havo to offor.
If you havo mado money by dealing
with us In tho pnBt, wo will glvo you
a chnnoe to ninlto mnro In U19 future.
Wo will make you a profit on our ox
perlonco. Watch our smoko for 1003.
FItHD T. MHItniLI. OYCL13 CO., 1N0.
Portlnnd, 8poknno, Tacomn, Senttlo.
Good seasoned fir wood sawed and delivered
to any part of the city, at 54 per cord-
181-183 Commercial St.
Phone C91 Main.
Last Days at the
The balance of the stock of the Creditors Sale of Shoes
must positively be closed out within a fevdays at most any
price as-no goods will be removed from this city if they can
)e given away. This is how we are selling to get rid of them.
adies Patent Leather shoes worth 54 now 1.05
" French Kid Hand Turned Shoes worth 53.50. . .51.65
Patent Leather Ties worth 53 now 51.35
Kid Shoes up-to-date styles worth 51.50 now. . . -95c
" Slippers and Ties worth 5150 now 65c
Men's Patent Leather latest stvles worth 54 now 51 SS
Vici Hand Sewed Shoes worth 53,50 now 51j65
' ' Calf Shoes worth 52.50 now 1 .15
M Waterproof Working Shoes worth 53 now 51.35
Boys School shoes worth 51.50 now .75c
Now is the time to get shod at Creditors Sale of shoes
Corner State and Commercial Streets, Salem, Oregon.
Mail orders promptly attended to
j id
. ',.
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