, vw vwnfie ffWf-r fW" THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, QRE00N.WEDNE8DAY, DECEMDER 31, 1002. i PAQEQ TWO. hu i v I'r if I . I. .11 ' if; .) 'it The children cross? No. It's your liver that's cross. Take awav liver tidiness I with a good liver pill imvigMftggvqoaa.vBfyj mgwui wa . miiimi mmmmMitmtttKmttBamimmMimMmmtmmam THE DAILY JIPRIUJ Members Northwest Afternoon N. paper League. ,BY HOFER DROTHER8. Dally One Year, 54.00 In Advance, s.lddwnlks to school houses, control Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance, of health, cemeteries, Improvomsnt of Dally by Carrier, BO Cento Per Month. atreetB, croMWnllw, fire protection, VYceKly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. elft SOMETHING FOR THE TAXPAYER.' 18e,raP nm Ariilnw lliould be liiuiuiou mr uie permanent improvO' can there bo to oxtendlng the city limits ovor the BUburbs? Can theN suburbs always expect to remain out- sldo or tho city? Should not tho city limits be ox tended ovor tho suburbs for sanitary i reasons, such as providing -sowerngo, ar$ syorn In ami orttor upon their tofms tf oiyao hniMlttlo or no Juris diction to fix salaries. They know that fnllure to enart tho referendum would not give the poople the ptotoctloh or Dlrcrt Lg lslatlon agaliiBt what Is bolleyod will be a very oxtravagant legislature Yot thoy dallboratoly, recklessly and artor fullost notice and warnlnr refused to take tho stop that would havo led to keeping their pledges t ' tho people nrnilo In tholr own plat form. Time will tall tho result. CORONATION FETE AT DELHI, pray-halrod votorans of tho Indian sorvloo deolaro that tlio prosont week will add to tholr stock or rocollec tlons the memory of the greatest scenes of popular onthuslasm they havo ovor known. Tho curtain was J0 f " eW. With Its present .:ft !:IZ:ZZZ ;:..: ,,mlu tho clt' : lPl to protect rung up to day on tho gorgeous fun uuu,uuu "" " , , "" " " iUolf In many respects, LEvfai s0 Wmr ' i NERVOUS ma If yl COULD i WW'sk m SJJ sieer , if ffrrhn inflniMi iii If"1 B 1 ... - . kSh IBUM'., I tMinn Hiiro la iIUwki! of tllft delicate female organism, It Is only a question of lime until the general health become imiWttiitii.fi NprvotiilieM. alconloMlieHS, loss of appetite and "sinking si"-'" produce suffering almost Indescribable. There, can be no restoration of the gen- ,.ml limUli until the local health ol the Its flro do- ctions which nro to bo hold in cele- womanly organism is re-established. ioi not one oi um "''" partment cannot gq outside tho pros-. oration' of King Kdwnrd'a coronation Ot. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription geniuses has arty plan to get anything mlU) tQ ch conflagration' and for a week to come tho ancient f '.llilti In return for tho taxpayor. '., . , i. .. . i .. ,, .,,..,... . . drains, heals inllunimntlon aim uicera- 111 """ "-i'j'. flint mlelit aivonn nnnn tin nttv 'pltv nf rinllit will lin ihn Hn.il.r rii. .. ... i- !....,. t. a-- . i.w .. ..vj. -- "- - w v.. ....1. .. ll0.. niia cjires leinaie wcimiiooo. i Streets should bo planned for tho n pngoant of unparallod mngnlflconee. encouruges the appetite, tmuquilizcs the twunty years I Yesterday's contribution to the . vcs am i mauccs rei.csn mg ccp. Probably most of thorn figure on , getting Somothing out of It ror thorn-'dt ng R wi, Yo8tordny.fi contrIbutIoll to tho nerves and induces reftcshlng alecn. Bo.vuB m u.u tu iv VuuWu, uu hnne0 Ag ha ,,,. w,g,y nnil0,i ,iurbar program was tho stnto entry ' -. T ne ! eu i. Mini k cii itakW r ritrc. 1if lt Iftvimunti fre kt no linaf .Ub ... lU,.,. .WV W. ... .M W- th0 c(ty forty yoars ng()i t) glyo )t lto Dolh, ()f th(J VC0r0y nml J,,,, ,.,. . , . mi ,,..,. ,nno w,t, streota nnd rK",ar squarqs, lng chiefs. Tho route or tho pngoant, 'ota. i hl o nn; ori ton doing politics arc .all optlnUats. ' 80 wo should plan now for tho future. ' oxtondod from the station a distance Wr J ni'ili'V Yot wo know tho legislature Is al-1 .. .., ,.:-. ... . i, .,, ,M .i . . .,..,' h spent lot or mon ,..., .. ., nml.inniio it t.f ' '" uuuu maiiuunj ovuiy mi- . " ' i.i.uh m I'whuii'ui . was not one Milne (Hut I toot Hint ui it" ways run on combinations. If Ioit- portant streotaff a residence. We thoroughfares of the capital to the r .f!Pj1Jvrt,a!!J,eri,eU XX i..k.i.. .......A -.---". -- r .; J Holland 'flolileii Metllctil I'Hcovery for thcmsclvos. Tho pumpkluvlno and squash brained Inwmakor who will vote that ' sldo of two jjk'wirs by lnrransed roven uou for the state Isn't fit to hulp fire at a rendering tnt'k In a slaughtor liouso. You can bet your sweet life the Portland Fair jolh will go througlii Tho fat place are all promised and ' tho taxpayer will get shadow soup. '0' AMERICAN RULE IN THE PHILIP. PINE3. It Is doubtful If the world at large -or tho American poople themselvou will over appreclato tho work of our . army In the rocfmstructlon and civil- latlon of tho Philippine Islands, KEEPING PARTY PLEDGES. When tho Republican manngers pre vailed on Governor Oeer not to call a special session tills fall to ennct the flat salary law and to not put tho referendum Into full and Immedlnto offset thoy took the first Rtep to do Hberatoly violate tholr platform pledges. It Is true that they had not promisod tho peoplo to cnll a spuclnl sosslon to enact those reforms promised in tholr platform. Hut Candldnto Cham berlain promisod It. and was olootod. Governor fluer nubllclv ami m-lv- boon ono of constant toly fnvor0l, cnlIlnR 8ocnl Ki8. slon. to enact thosa reforms but was ovor-perauadod by the Republican load urs who had turned him down, and by tho Orogonlan which was never sincerely for rofoini. Governor Geer and the Republican Tho army has practlcnllly put It- solf out of buslnoss In thoso Islands . have rlson abovo Utoso considerations -and brought to a close forcvor military Thoy havo had In mind the beautiful rulo In those regions wrested by tho Capital City of tho future. linnd of providence from the despot ism of, Spain. First tho army occuplod and opened Manila to the commerce of the world nnd that port will bo kept forever open u nil or tho Amorlcnn flag. Thou tho army reached out anil subdued nnd organized tho hostile, populations. Tho Amorlcnn soldier Is a mnster In tho nrt or conquering an enemy , on tho field of battl when ho must. Hut ho Is Immediately after victory converted Into a schoolmaster In tho art of government according to the American Ideals. Honco tho labor oT the army of oc cupation has training and preparation of the nn tlvufl for ultimately managing their own locftl a (Talis the Introduction of civil rulo. While the first shot In the war with tho Filipinos was probably fired by by tho Americans, It must not be over looked that tho Insurgont government was In Itself a dechuatlou of war against Amorlcnn sovereignty. Our constitution and tho consti tution of tho Filipino Itopubllo could not bo oo-exlstoiit. Rlvon the capture . of Agulnaldo, though accomplished by means of doubtful morality. Inspired respect and comnmuded cessation of hostility. Than the whole army was put to work on administrative reconstruction Local government by communities was organised. Law and order were estab lished. This work was done honestly. auoceeesfully and expeditiously. i n i REASONABLE CITY LIMITS. It Ib an Interesting question what properly constitute a reasonable ex pansion of the city limits? It was proposed to make such on expansion In the Republican city platform nnd tho ' Gillian's ticket 1ms also rcom mandtil it. The Oitisen's administration lias gono farther and five of Ita repre sentatives have partlolpated In tho do llbemtlnua of tho ' Creator Salem Charter Commission and have Uelpd (mine new boundaries. The only question remains, nro the proposed boundaries' reasonable? In Uia opinion of the ten men compos. lUfftlio ohartur commission the bound arias are ronsnnablo as reported and 'tltoie men investigated tho matter. Wjiat remains to bo decided T What will guide tho loglslativo dologation from this county la dotorminlng tho nmttor? Vhat reasonable objection lr? if .,, ci.iaI. ,.4h....m ...111 I.a ...aII... r.,1XM n ft .1 rw 1 1 . 4 .. l ., . rt ..1 ... .1 . m i,V, W ,UII DUU1 OVIUVIU 111 UU AUIIIIh UUIVII tlllll IIWIUIIIIH QIIUI11IUI. Tho vlcorognl party, tho turbanned chiefs, tho officials of stnto and mil llltary oUlcors of high degroo wore Included In tho lino, some on olophants some on horseback and othois in car riages. To an Amorlcnn tho procos slon would suggest nothing so much as n circus parade of tho good old- fashioned sort nnd It Is just possible beautiful city does not come by chancoj that tho comparison may have on but ns a result of deliberate doslgn terod the minds of some or tho Amor- on the part of Intelligent nnd public spirited citizens. If this Is to bo a benutlful Capital City, as it should bo, every private property owner cannot be permitted to dictate the proposed boundnrlen or lay off streets 'as he nlaasaci ami close street here or vacate alleys there. There must bo system nnd design, Intolllgent and deliberate. In stead of whim-nnd individual cranki ness. The question or boundaries cannot bo troatod rrom tho standpoint or torn, pornry or pursonnl-lntorostH. Wo bo llovo tho chartor commission, tho City Council and Commercial Club I in- or six mllos through tho principal !"rjL m -hleh has been estab , , , . ... A. , , ,ulnr street extensions ror tho future. llshed on tho plnln outsldo the city appear to a legislator with tho brain Cta, c, Tho ,o cp I .aUfl nnU whch , tQ bo tfco sceno power or a pussy ca hat ho could get tho greator wl hQ Qm dfflct,1Uo8 Lf Ul0 graml rcvlow anil othop ,oad a flat salary aw a bill or tax rranchls-1 Wh0 brok(m am, ntorru t0(, 8t t foaturea of thc cei0braUon. Tho pro- os, or something else that would set" ,,,, . .. nfntllWM,nllA , Jm,nn wna lru. m.i,ni i ,,u ,,,. ,.,ll .... !. ,.ll.ll l..n..l !. " " .-".i ....v ... u.. . w. w j v .. IT VII lilt IIIU IUIlVlU(li l...llll Ul L11U iiujrBUUIW v,.ueu.a. . f d . , , nvnmn.lv,. But nlnetonths of tho solons who. Thft r,tv UtnltB .,. . ... .,.., I ..... ,. ,,, r n ., .,! don't get boyond tho pussycat stago ' ,.. . , , , , . ... ... 7 as thoy may remain ror twonty years, of development can't soo anything In ..,, ,, . ..,..,, ,, , ., ...i.. V nntl n" 1'ioperty plntted should bo tin- such an opportunity but to grnb a ,,. ' ' . ,. , ,, , , , , oer some competent suporv isioii. mouso or a bird or a piece, or chooso onil. ,.,. ' 4. ""'""j luuuiuuuB, iiiu juuieuiiuu, and proper plnttjng nnd laying out of stroots should be factors In dotormln- . Inr- fll llmlfu tf nnn.aM Qnli.m A l.lr ...1111.... ... 41... Tl.t I .-,- I a '- "ka ". V..U.HO, kJUIUlll. il uuti uiiiiiuii iu ma i-uiuuuii mil and not get back every dollar of It In- medicine nml coulil nee mr now." write Mm Tunc IfnrrU. nT C.nvvlllf. Villlkloil Co.. SO ipeillt'i WH cjiiiinciviy oiiircIi trouble for year rotihl not lcei. We moneviliKtoiliiir. lint llicre ws not one tlilnc thut I took Hint .did me In three .lni- nflrr I cominenrcil laktnff hN medicine I could ee n clnntr! Tortile txtfer. mid from Hint time I have Htendlly been getllutt belter. Can walk or ride to any place I wnt to, nnd I reel like n new pernoti. rllnee InUltig Ilr. I'lerce't meillclne 1 can Hleep all nlRlit and never net up tired In Hie morning, can eat anything and It don't hurl me " Dr. Piercers I'lcaMtit Pellets cure bil iousiietis and sick huadachc. timperor of India. At tho stated hour Lord and Lady Cursson will cntor tho arena to a fanfaio of trutnpots nnd tnko their seats on tho golden thrones in tho canter of tho qrlmson dins. To tho light or tho Viceroy will bo seated the Duke- and Duchess or Connaught and to tho left tho lending princes In India, Including tho Nizam of Hyderbad. tho Gaukwar of Ilaroda, and the Maharujns of Jaipur, Mysore and Travancoro. Tho ceremonies will Includo tho reading of -tho proclnmn ttlon In Hlndustnueo announcing tho King's coronation and an address by the Viceroy assuring the princes nnd people of rndla that he will ovor up hold tholr rights and rulo thorn In Jus with people, occuplod I tlco,nml 'inIty.ho fostlvltlos-will cuiii-iuuu wiui a eranu military re view. lean women prosont perhaps or Lady Curon herself, tho centrnl figure In the groat show.- The lino of march lay bonenth soas of flags and bunting nnd wound undor maglflcont nrchos adorned with flow ers. Kvory housetop nnd window along the way was occupied and temporary stands, swnthod with bunt' lug nnd filled all the avallablo placos commanding a vlow of the procession. I.nrgo num bers mounted nnd unmountod troops drawn from ovory part of India pltJ ted tholr strength against, tho masses of spectators who struggled for posi tions In thc stroots. Tho peoplo havo onlered Into tho colobrntlon with nn onthuslasm af moSt foreign to tholr rnco.and spirit. Tholr mood Incrensod as tho ancient capital took on frosh accessions of rolor, nnd finally ovorybody appears to bo lending his voice nnd prosenco to tho popular rovolry. Tho city In Allied oarly and lato with tho crash and babble of voices. It Is like a groat circus, a hugo picnic nnd nn ondlosa succohbIou of street fairs. Whonovor Lord and Lndy Curon or the Duke nnd Duchoss of Connaught apponr ono soos tho roponted acts of the passlon'nto homngo which dis tinguishes tho wholo affair. Today Guraon will opon tho Indian Arts Exhibition with pomp nnd cere mony. For mouths tho bazars from Peshawar to Cape Comorlu havo boon ransacked, so that nothing worthy or a place In tho great exhibition should oscapo. Now Year's Day will be' tho groat day or all. At noon In tho nronn. ew More kJys We will continue our , . -I ' ( " i i i ' ' i ii i mm W.. t MmmimmhmJ l".-. i i,J i.nMl.r. nA t..i, ..l J. nv uui&umg iuuv,uM xkk, wtxu pm q our new location at No. 269 Liberty St' And, Wlong as wc femain in out ptesen 4 location all prices in'; effect dicing oi gteat and sttccessfwl Holiday sale will p vail. A splendid opportunity to fit out home. Tl 1 rowan 398 Commercial St t Store at Salem and Albany. The House loaders know that the lobular session which soate 8.000 people. Edward which moots after the state officials VII. of England will bo proclaimed : ' m , '. , JUST A BIT FOR NEW YEAR8, Itoforo New Year's day ovory hold or or tho common stock or tho United States stool corporation will rocoivo n substantial dividend on 'his holldlngs. Chocks ror tho nmounts duo wore mniled this week rrom the gonoral or flcos or the corporation nnd amounted in tho aggregate to ?C,000,000. Largo as this amount is. It is but a drop In tho buckot to tho groat dlvldonds to bo disbursed rrom Wnll slroot dining the coming month. It Is ostlmatod thnt tho aggregate dividend nnd intor ost paymonts or tho big railroads, traction companlos and Industrial cor, pointlous within tho next wook or so will roach tho figure or $200,000,000. m yo".,nr?b,."loU8 nnu" serins advisors, Take DeWltt's I.lttle Kurly illscrs Jiut before itolag to bed, J.mi will Unci on tho morrow, r...",..nro.r1,1.ot yom sorrow I hat s nil j Just enough unld. mi..,"f.p a,no;", Mi's do not gripe, but the Ivor. Tholr tonic elToct Rlvoa BtronctR f.orIierK Pvntlng a return of the V. O. 'lines, 00 State Street. o- 2 S It Is wortji noting that King Edward ilistrlbutlng a lot or medals to citizens or London who hnvo not mlssod tak lug a dally swim In tho 'lako at Hat torsoa Iark ror tho pnst yoar. Thoy took tholr bath publicly on Ch'ristmas day In splto or low temjiornturo. Jim Dumps resolres on New Year's Day That he'll not change last year's good way, But daily dine on Strength's sure source, The braln-and-brawn-producing; "Force." A brand new lease of life and limb All can foresee for " Sunny Jim." tf - ..ft orce Too Iteadjdo-ScrTe Crl Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt. will malle ALL the year hajlpy. The Arrival of The Now Year Will find us turning out hotter lnundry work than ovor before, and that monns thnt wo are doing tho finest work In this lino thnt has ovor beon achieved by anyono. Wo will mark tho Now Year on your llnon In unmistakable proofs or our skill In lnitmlorlng your shirts, collars cuffs, otc. Salem Steam Laundry Col. J. Olmsted, Prop. Qorous D. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone 411. 230 Liberty St. M n Next to P. 0 " conn',, r rm ma &$IK .,-c"ftv:'.-1 &P1 sasta '-fl-" - i&Ktv&a - -5aftwtPi - - f YMWMKASH . 1 :vjr a 7i? ftSST- W M'flEJffl T5&. wvta !S II k r, & ' 'Aa & t.JKP iimm Christmas Yule Lo that wolcomod Santa Clans In ''y oldon'tlmo" wltli Ita chcory blazo and spluttor wn8 always tho best that could bo found In tho foroBL Every plank, board nnd lath, every Joist, beam, shingles and shakos In our yard are mndo rrom tho host timber grown, and nro of superior quality, well sea sonod and froo from knots. Our prlcos niako our flno building lumber nlmost an Xmaa gift. Qoodale Lumber Co. Near 8. P. Pas. Depot Phone 651. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinnor you can onjoy from one oi onr tonder and dolicioua mnatB, etenke, lamb or mutton chopB. voal cutlets or pork, Our meats aro all cut from tho fattest and Drimnatcattlo, and we can supply your table with freah, nutritions and wholoaome meats at bed rock prices. P C, CROSS SALEM ORE Phon 291 "" ! k A Happy New Year j Ana many 01 mem C0PVKI9MT Is sure to follow ;. rcaolution to mako Salem bcor your standard bov orago, for tho plain and slmplo reasonj thnt It is properly aged and formen od, browed pure and kept pure throu? ovory pr.00988. CAPITAL CITY BREWERY AND Cs WORKS, Mrs. M. Beck, Proprietor 60 Will Be in Dmnd Hereiifter. I bar ot Uta been almoit reuiectd by tho ate of your 70a mto rigour (JMig. ''I am fonildtrably utrtncod tow&nli eight; jtut of age. 'J 1 1T monUi or two we all hto tt and new Ure of It. It nul be la demand hereafter. "B. OATTIRXOIJI, England." I hare ot Uta been almoet reluiec very excellent preparation whleh natod ae 'Force.' For the Uit mc IISlll CHINA HAVILAND KARLSBAD AUSTRIAN BOHEMIAN JAPANESE In choice pieces. New shipment In toys and notions. Ten per cent dls. count on the Havlland China. The Variety Store 94 Court Street. Annora M. Welch, Prop. Our Advertisements are ALWAY8 INTERE8TINQ. Read them. Parr's Jewelry 8tore. S0ULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS - AND REPAIRERS ForSaUaM $&5 a I 111 SVMkW v'. y 0HLm;i . Corfrl St:;silef 0? . tTilJliSi,, 4i V ftiftMMHIwyfir' ffl