The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 30, 1902, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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pBBiMii;!itViww'w iimwn wnwyuwiwiiwwwM
.-. i' -ii riM.ti mini iiiiT
-"L Cherry Pectoral I
For hard colds, chronic
coughs. Askyourdoctorif he
has better advice.
J Cl. Aver Co.
ijjiMMmLi i
Members Nothwast Afternoon N
paper League.
Tho San Francisco Exnmlnor heads
an account of a wreck in Califernia:
"Southern "Pacific Carolessnoss Impor
iU llvofl of two htnulrocl Passengers."
Tho question arises Is tlint a fnlr
ntul honest headline? Is any rail
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance, rend wilfully nogllgont and dellbor.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance, ately cnroloss In tho management of
Dajly by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month, tralnn, elthor by officials or employes?
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. ,R u Mt tn,0 Um(. rthey ,mVo QVQiy
IHMnlble incontivo to oxorolso tho ut
most care' and diligence, nsldo from
The unttua of Uio
that lad to the
Chamberlain will have much to do
the chastisement of the press?
circumstances iu spite of their own interest In good
olectlou of Governor management wrecks occur.
The management of tiatus and tho
ziaoa tif fintua otMl rnnl;s ttMll nht'nvo
with solving the problems of ;M(lovoh.0 on hmilnI1 ,ian,i8 nml ,)mln8.
ministration thnt ho will have on his. . . . . . , . ,. .
go wrong in opito of tho moat scion-
tlflc supervision and wrecks will oc
cur on tho most carefully managed
hands for solution.
As all will recall, his election was
mado possible by a revolt of Repub
licans against machlno rulo in the
management of tho Republican State
convention, which dictated tho nomi
nation of a candldato for Qovornor
who was objectlonablo to thousands
of Republican voters.
Govornor Chamberlain's election
was also mado posBlblo by tho fact
that ho earnestly championed an un
derlying reform in stato government
Hat salaries for all stato officials and
putting all fees in tho treasury.
In making appointments Governor
Chamberlain will have to havo somo
regard for tho sacrifices and earnest
ness and convictions of thoso Indopon
dont Republicans who objoct to unlit
candidates being forced upon tho poo
plo by machine dictation of even their
own party.
Tho effrontery of a Hepitbliran fac
tion rallying tjie primaries at Port
land Iu alleged opposition to the Simon
machine, and thou attempting to sub
stitute n one-ninn-poncr dictation of
-an Inferior order, will not soou be
forgotten in Oregon politics.
But tlieie are men who hold tho
same mistaken ideas of party policy,
and who pursue the snmo obnoxious
practices within tho Democratic party,
that nro pursuod by tho Portland Re
publican politicians. From thoso Mr.
Chamborlnlu and tho people of Ore
gon should bo safely dollvored.
Whllo Govornor Chamberlain ncod
not necofisnilly glvo many of his ap
pointments to tho Independent Repub
licans, he will piobably bo Influenced
somowhnt by tholr nnti-machlno sontl
monts and prejudices.
Thoro nro plonty of good Demon atH
In tho stato who aro free from the
porntcloiiB inlluoncus of machlno poli
tics of any. sort, who have no natural
lndllnntlon to fly to tho ombrnclng
arms or Itopub'llonu corruptlonlsts.
Whoro such Domoorats havo tho
suppoit or tholr own party to a reason
able degroe and aro not obnoxious
to tho reform Republicans, and aro
qualified and Ifoiiaat citizens, thoy will
bo entitled to consideration at the
hands of the Chamberlain admliilstra
tlon nnd to tho respect of tho pooplo
of nil paitlos.
Governor Chamberlain's nttltudo to
ward tho reform he Is publicly
pledged to piomnto Is very well un
derstood, Ills sincerity will not easily
bo callod In quostlon. Ho will bo
found watchrul to promote a hotter
condition or affairs In stato flnnnco,
our state lovenuofl, our public lands
and our tnto Institutions. .Ami tho
pooplo will sustain him.
Tho itlme has boon reached in the
development of modern railroading
when it Is unfair to nllcgo wilful, de
liberate Intent to murder pcoplo on tho
part of any great corporation.
Of course, this theory Is not ex
actly consistent with the demands of
yellow journalism nor tho require
ments of political demagogs. Hut It
Is tho truth, nevertheless.
Tho Salcm Journal Says tho
legislature will ineet at Salem Mon
day. Janunry 12, but will be organ
ized at Portland, Sunday, tho 11th
Cottage Orovo Loador.
Young pooplo In tho habit of piom
Iscuous kissing should tako warning
It has boon discovered that It causes
the awful dlsoaso of facultative Boph
ropltytos, says tho Medford Enquirer.
Tho editor of tho Capital Journal
alludes to tho odltnr of tho Enquir
er as a savage, simply because we
callod, his wife's attontlon to his
iliitntloii with tho hired girl. Now
wo may bo a savage Col, but wo
have no uso for your sculp pdwn sIiq
gels through wltTi you. Modidi it Kn
Jlr. M. V. Leach has a big hog In his
butcher shop, and dressed, It weighs
G04 pounds. It was raised by Mr Dan
Goodspood. 'Wo road n good deal In
tho nowspapor about" corn and wheat
fed hogs, but Iiow'b this for Tillamook
skim milk fed hogs? Tho Tillamook
dairymen know how to ralso "pork
oi s" oven If thoy do not raise tho
grain to food them. Tillamook Head
It scorns thoro aro othors than tho
"Salem Hog."
Vohement Washington specials nnd
Insinuating odltorlal nro dally features
of the Portland papors. dining
frauds Iu tho administration of tlmbor
lands nnd school lands.
At the same tlmo for twenty yonrs
thoro has not boon u congressman or
United Statoa seuator from Orogon
who has not !m amenable to tho
Orogon newBpaptr trust and Its spec
ial roprenitntlve at Washington.
No man could go to congro or tho
ssnato without IU consent, nnd no
Quo could hold ofllee in state nffalrn
without doing iu bidding, aud being
BUhJact to the control of the Portland
nowspapor trust.
TJib iwopie of orogon uniformly, nnd
with rare exceptions, tltwt the oandl
dnte of tho Poitlnnd Trust and those
candidate do IU bidding, it never
. eJiniigw land rrntuli but to kill off
wm man It cannot gat rid of other
wig Map Who would honestly ami sax.
louijy propose to onforoe tho land
laws in the Interest of the peoplo
re fought by .the, trust. Tho Oro
gon uewspaper political trust has no
uso for meu.
The tlmo may oomo when men can
be oleeted to ofllee who will uso their
olllolnl positions to proteot tho bona
fills bomefieeker nnd home builder.
But It will uot bo whllo tho psoplo
bo.w down to tho trust.
Oregon's now incomlug Govornor
may bo that, kind of man.
Tho acceptance by tho Marconi
Wireless Tclograph Co., of messages
for transmission between passing
ocean steamers, on mid-ocean and
whllo undor full headway, and going
In opposite directions, Is the first
practical application of this great in
vention, Messages will nlso be sent from
points on land to Incoming steamers
and tho feo Is only ten cents a word,
while the cable companies charge 25
rents per word.
Marconi announces that he will send
messages across tho Atlantic for about
one-tonth the cable ratos when he onco
has hie system In full working ordoi
Message fnim frlonds transmitted
In mid-ocean will ndd greatly to ,tho
enjoymont of life. Tho natural result
will bo that the latost nows rrom
passing ships will bo printed on board
ship dally.
Every Invention nddH to the scopo
or human enjoymont, and Ih appro
priated ror tho gonoral good or humanity.
A fiafo is llko n man's head If lta
easily cracked It gonorally has but lit
tle In It.
Reader, Shaw, Oro. Tho loglslaturo
aBBomblos at Salem Jan. 12th. Thoro
Ib no telling whon It will quit.
If thcro Is to be any Lewis and
Clark Expo, at nll, lot us not havo
It cheap nnd nasty, whatovor we do.
That Is a slam on the Amoilcnn
dontal profession that a princess of n
roynl fnmlly of Euro'po would olopq
with one of thorn.
If Governor Geer does not feel fully
repaid yqt for going up to the Oro
gonlan ofneo to find out whethor ho
should cnll a special session or not,
he piobably will In courso of time.
Capital and labor may both form
unions, but a union In which they
both would unite tholr Interosts to
protect humanity would bo tho grand
est union of all.
Ry all moans oroato a tax commis
sion. Tho loglslaturo can't spond
half onough. Glvo jtho unemployed a
ohauce. Tho blounlal bosbIoii Is too
go without consulting house, bill No.
Ma i conl wireless messages nro to bo
sent nt the rat or 1000 words an
hour. Thnjt is fastor than some Salem
girls can wlroleee message their friend
nt the depot when they go through on
the cam.
The Proeldent wisely concluded he
didn't want to meddle with a thankless
task like helping some European shy
locks collect money from an Impov
erished Rngamuflln Sputh American
Better get soma wood pllud up In
handy reach of the kitchen if your
woodpile Is out of doors and baa no
roof over It. Our corns toll us wo
aro going ito have a cold snap and
some snow.
The Poitlnnd fair bill ought to have
sevoral tlders If Uio .peoplo nro to bo
protoctqd. When that 500,000 bill
passes l,t will appoar how sevoral
gontlemeu suddenly boeamo Interest
ed In calling off tho special sosslon,
His Ready Reply to Salem
Lawyer Recently
Tho address of that ploneor Juilbt,
Clicuit Judge Boise, nt the annual
meeting of the Historical Soclt u-
cently, woll Illustrntos tho Judge's ,
ready wit, says an oxchnnge. An nt '
tornoy of Snlem wns trying a case bt
fore tho Judge a few days ago, and In
the courso of his argument wns trjlng
to review the testimony in the iasc '
Several times ho was lntorupted by
the Judge, who corrected him In his
statements of facts. Both Judge nnd
lawyer wore getting out of pntlencp, t
and finally tho lattor straightened up j
wmi n sou-conimont son or. air, ami
"Woll,' Your Honor,' It may bo that I
don't understand tho facts In tho
case," to which tho Judge Instantly re
plied: "You can't hnvo any controversy
with tho court on that point, Mr.
for tho court will agreo with you that
you don't understand either tho facts
or tho law."
i i
Miles on Mif
Are walked ly the billiard player, an he
moves around the tubtc. That is the
only exercise ninny n city mail gets It
is this lack of exercise in the shut-iu-Ilfc
of the city, com
bined with irregu
lar eutitij; nnd fit
digestible dishes
which tend to make
the city man the
victim of "stomach
When there is
undue fullnoa af
ter etiting, w 1 1 h
belching, sour ns
lugsnml other dis
tressing symptoms,
n prompt use of Dr
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
will effect a speedy
cure. In the most
extreme cages ol
discuhe of the stom
ach nnd other or
gniin of digestion
mid nutrition, the
persistent live of
the "Discovery"
ill result iu a com
plete cure iu niue
tj -eight enses out
of every hundred.
"TlieprnUe I wniilil like to give your' Coliieu
Metticnt Dtormrry I cniuiot ullcr 111 word or
(It-scribe wilh pen," write Jamcd II Amlirocc,
1-H , of M5'4 Mlflliii Slrct, llinitluciloti. 1M
"I wns tnken down with wlial our phylclnin
will wn IikIIkcMIoii I tloctnml with (lie best
n roil nil liere ntul loiiitd no relief I wrote to yon
nnd you tent me n attention Miink to fill out anil
I did wi nnd Jim tltctt ndiincd me to me Dr
rleree'H Ooldeu Mcdlcnl Ulncovery I took threi
iKittlcintid I Kit no Reed Hint I ftoppnl -Iwlnif
n I think, cured I lmc no j nitiloins ofRin
trie trouble or ItidlRentlnn now "
Ur. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay excuse of niniliiig owr, J Send
at one-cent stamps for paper covered
book, or y stamps fo- cloth bound
Address Dr R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, In. Y,
muni nw,
il "i !M$m
1 ii AWj&Wm
m dk m&&$mfim
1 H -V 1 MSMKv jSbB
lll WIS BliJ V-UHtfJVTiiiiW ,KiiiiiBI
H Famous at Home for H
H Generations past; I
H Famous now all over
ffl he World. I
A For Sale by I
J 1G3 State St. I
A Few Mot
We will continue, our
The finishing touches are befog pat
our new location at No. 269 LibettyS
And(l'soJlong as we temam in out pese
location all pieces in : effect duting
gteat and successful Holiday sale will pt!
A splendid opportunity to fit oat
Tne House Fnrnisbiiig C
308 Commercial St
Store at Salem and Albany.
Next to P.
Bundle Upon Bundlo of Laundry Work
Pour In upon ub, but wo never fall
in promptness, or in tho same uniform
benuty of workmanship In oxqulaito
, finish jind color on your lltion, na In
I llnnnt with na nml Hint moniia tli
flnost that can bo dono auywhoro.
Satisfaction la always guarantood with
ovory bundlo when your work Is dono
Salem Steam Laundry
Cot. J. Olmsted, Prop.
Oorous D. Olmjd, Mgr.
Phono 411. v Iberty 8t
geat cyclone wfaich pass
ed ovei Tfie Fait Stote
this week fias scattered
out toys and holiday goods ve
a vast Teito.y teaching itom
Dan to Be sheha and making
thousands of homes happy
We thank all out patrons and
itiends iot theit liberal patron
age and t?tst all have had a
Wletty Christmas and wishing
yot all a happy and prosperous
New Year we are
Yours Truly
Km mmw
Christmas Yule Log
that wolcomod Santa ClauB la
olden tlmo" with lta chcory blazo u
Bpiuuor was always tho beat tfl
could bo found In tho forcBt. En
pianK, hoard and lath, ovory Jol
boam, Bliinglcs nnd shakes in our jm
aro mado from tho best tlmbor gro
and nro of suporlor quality, well
Bonod nnd freo from knots.
prices tnalco our nno building lun
almost an Xmas gift.
Goodalo Lumber
Near 8. P. Pas. Dei
Phono 651.
Dabney and Star
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner you can enjoy from ono of oar
tender and dollcIoiiB nionta. atoake, Iamb
or mutton chops, veal cutlets or pork,
Our meats nro all cut from tbo fattest
nnd nnmoBtcattlo, and we can supply
your table with fresh, nutritious and
wholeeomo meats at bed rock prices.
P G,
A Haoov New Year
And Alany of Then!
Ia euro to follow 4 resolution
mako Salem boor your standard be;
orago, for tho plain and clmplo xtm
that It Jb proporly agod and feree:
od, browod puro and kept pure firw
evory procoss.
WORKS, Mrs. M. Beck, Propriety
In choice pieces. New shipment In
toys and notions. Ten per cent dla.
count on the Havlland China.
The Variety Store
94 Conrt Street.
Annora M. Welch,
Our Advertisements are
Read them.
Barr'e Jewelry Store.
pi and TUNERS
v $ M
fjl MlWWIttW'f'klllBf?llfc '"vum in wtriT 'HH'SW S3fcifrtffilWililltfcHHlBHBff
' i.'