The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 24, 1902, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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the o mlV JQURtfAtrgAUEM, oVeoon.wednesday'.wdecemder 'isba
The Salem Indian Training School
u . departments of grammar school
has uv"
k extending through the ninth
r 9"de' , .
Agriculture, norncuiiurc, unirying.
Stockralslng Industrial Trades and
Domestic employments arc taught to
all pup"6
Manual ti amino and Industrial occu
oitlons arr emphasized as much as
Jhe class work, half the time being,
jpentat fa"" and shop labor.
Many of the students are profitably
employed under what Is known as the
industrial outmg system In the hornet
and Industries of Salem, and other Or.
on jnd Washington towns, and rur
al districts.
Correct statistics show that the stu
dents from this school do not return
to the conditions from which they
came. Over 70 per cent enter on use
ful careers among the white or Indian
The students from this school al
most uniformly become self-supporting
and useful, respected citizens in all
walks of life
to tEntte West! f04Sincf?LTsrai?XnnQ?vand,I?TdastriaI Education of Indian Boys and Girls
w tabLshed in tS80 and Has Grown to Have an Enrollment of 760.
a .
d (i 'JsHBh , '"'I. fiN
Mam Entrance to Grounds and Buildings at Chemawa Station, S. P. R. R.
Under the superlntendency of T. J.
Potter, the sanitary conditions of the
school have been improved so that it
has the best health record known any
The grounds contain about 30 build
ings, several being large, modern
brick structures. Work begins next
month on a large brick dormitory for
boys, costing $25,000.
A brick auditorium, with a seating
capacity of 1000, and a new brick hos-
pltal have been recommended, and
the Oregon delegation have promised
to secure the same.
There are 50 persons employed as
teachers and assistants In the school
and on the farm of 333 acres, and the
annual payroll amounts to about $25,
000. There Is expended annually for sup
port and Improvement at this institu
tion from $100,000 to $125,000.
All employes are under the civil
service. The morale of the pupils, of
ficials, faculty and employes Is of a
high order, and the entire school en
joys the good will and respect of the
people of Oregon.
MBES1 '" i GnraroflHKWnBPBfflfikBMx n!jHPB ton -hwbt t "IB
HE?. IttgMWBHlMr J'V$Hh m
& ' wrote tiBFir " ynH
ff!!!iM8ftT!ffStTBtMiMiririi W' iuBMf iBMroffwKi flfWBiBroBi
Cooking Class of Indian Girls at Work In the Department of Domestic Science.
Basket Ball Team That Has Won Games In Contests With Many Colleges.
New Salem" Postoffice.
I ". .. .
Mi th
nmrnt bn
anlDK m n
''iv of j, i,
TV doi
are of fi
,(1rea oak
ai'l the m.
lf. Tho
Ke and
mount t
. t ... ,!. .. tlU . ll
iwoik In th. .. "" ,,n" "u,raM' . "Z
,,, H l in M mi aium iiwi
mr at smew i- r.. ... ii.. m iN hux( m(ilm Ii(1 Brt,1M out lhl
i- aid Hauli hiuI d'H.i i.i' m( tt() an) Kind of a 'Utra"
tout of this fit. , Shoit notlw Mr. Stout U a !'
.. of Oiogou eedr ven ,kai umn and i lurnlrti .ilmut.
... Tho winder framos'to am on,- MriM to build that l
v I tho (a.l... of qu.r !no, onh -r h. pful but . I
ho floor- are of maple ble l
' -1KB and bane of ftr and rtruftr t. ';- "- "
t ,n.. . f nMn . one of tne u"'" '"'!""' ';. . i
- and coat about i the Kind . t.u uoMU.-tanM,.
Nearly 1000 Children Made
Tin Mi. tie til RtluTtUlllK HH fun I
tu ! nunmtiiUfil on State HtitH-t llilj
id. inniK IrvMit & rett. tlu- slim.
au r mail exilual annoiiii"
m nt tliioimh the columns of The
i mmal HiHi fv-rj ililM who iHlled at
i ti titon- iH-tvuK'ii 9 anil 1") oilock
Vidmtiila niornliiK would reteiu' n
chrmtmag nlft. In reooiie hundmla
npp.arwl l'erteatrlan weie oIjIIkmIJ
i use the walk on th upiMMlte uliloj
..f the atreet The aouvenlr ionUtel
,i mrnly can. to hUh was at
i, i . .1 a pretty l)lUir card The Im
m. ur. army of jo8jstt occasioned
th.- .u.i Where In th world did
tli I 'im fum"
Tin- Bii.ntioii . iii iiiimU'rB,
,i, ,i, ,, , i i,i .nil Mi Hooker
IM1 M -.. " 'I ' ,h"' '"''''
,,i, i it .ii' M' - having .I'.''-" "
at i .,d . f M-tnens.
-ll, 1 1, j.i . ' ai) ki'i'i ' xtieaae
w i,ii,. i - ii- tune rennin her
laHsBavr 42u
She Writes a Book that is
Now on Sale
Mia Mil KhIIok SlllllMin wlfeoftlie
elltoi' or the I'hcIIIc lliiptlat Hh.
Iinuk I. Sullivan, now of the llaptiat
WiitchuiHii Iihm wltteu h very Inter
itliiK book on Alimkit UtiiHtiHted
Mih Hiillhan Ik well known to SnUmi
p'0il. ami Im n chin miIiik wrltor. I lor
lioolc tlnow'H n Kioiit deal of llht on
tho dark placoo In AIuhIih, na Mix.
Sullivan "loiiKhed It" In houui of th
hnttoHt uiliiliiK (auipM for a iiuiiili'ir of
juM nil"
(ttl. I'M
ii a-
U Mott
H ill !l I i
HI 1
Has coudiiitcd a himsi I'litu hlitK
buKincKH In Snkin for muni mr mid
haa Milll up an IminpiiM IniaiiK s H
flU up lioimeM with i) thing iimi
wr for coinfoit and convenlinu and
aku huya aecond-hand lurultun- and
furnmliliiKi. and dotw a aeneial lu I
nh In hla lino. Pnimpt attention to
biiie4M. and common. ever du lion
ami hnvit lihtill IllHtrlllBeMtttl In inal
n Mr. Frolanil many frlendH and '
haldinx hie old-Uni cutointra Old j
Aruir) liulldlng. lift State atrcet
Tl a Is the time of yeiir when th
itan.i-ouie llliu none ior ihk iiiihiuii
laoil tha kindly reinemliiaute of the
. i. ... ... ... . ..
(l.lUtlBJtw i-aer mau Irilleui m ureHi it
I IsK 5?" ALa
aeamippi ifillH
The wUe merthant igstetli an
i to winnwaru
fmrn )'li"t'nrapliH takfii liv hum If It
huh in i ii iiiihliHli' d at lloHton and Im
now mi wad at I'atton hookatore foi
l .Vi
It la reuinrlmhle how liuinionloim
tho Inwyai-H can he when they aro not
IlKhtliiK over Kline client, or paid to
illume Home on' The hwmIoiim of (lie
.Muilon County Dar Aaaocliitlou ra
niliula one of a neat of puuliiK hltteiiH.
For the anke of our fellow country
men, let us do the IihihImouih liy the
.lumen Iio)m of old .MUwiiiiI, when
the) come to Salt-ill to play
anncv teRMyLuCnK JIBvSB
John Stout
.... ..... . . ,.. i. . annt hll.l I"" "
Stout's contract wllliouna .., . M al , ,L ,
bout ICOOO It will he datliiK man"' '" l,,MU .jm.v m m94W949 !
..... n. D. Olmsted. Manager
Colonel J. Olmsted, Proprietor
The Salem Ste
-IZ7T a . i-. c Acx vcmetal l&undt v Easiness.
, ,Tl LnAz line of new machinery. Lowest ates, satisfaction
Recently equipped with a compwte soficttei Phone 4 j j
V !