JMffilf THE Flume xii. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. ii mwimmt,. S"g "il hglllfHf 4.(i.HMtK4MM.aimi!iiia r NO. 264'. CMMITTED I MURDER : IN ALASKA WOULD NOT ?- mi rv i l.aun UDUJj DEMOCRAT FROM COLORADO WILL FIGHT TALK JOURNAJL. i m it; mi HU P"i""wwwi For you. HOLIDAY QQQPQ Dolls, Books, , ; Games, Fancy Stationery, iToilet Cases, Work Boxes, Albums. Collar and Cuff Boxes, hoto Cases, Shaving Sets, Perfumery, Embroidery Squares Stamped Linens, Table Linens, Ribbons, Lace Curtains, Fancy Shawls, Stand Covers d all kinds of fancy trinkets suitable for presents. Venezuelan President Raising Army Garrison at Caracas Has Been . Reinforced British Disclaim Responsiblity For Sinking: Vessels La Ouayra, Doc. 11. Reports from Caracas say that Castro Is gathering nn army to roslBt the aggressions of, tho nllios. Two thousand mon and 18 T guns havo boon sent from Caracas to 1 reinforce tho garrison hero. Tho mon nro now oncanvpod four miles from jtown. Fort Lnvlga Is holng stocked. I with provisions and ammunition, and ( grcnt preparations arc holng holng ( mado for roslstanco. Cnstro's position seems vory popular, as volunteers nro , offering thomsolves In largo numhors, nearly 1000 havo boon armed hero. 2' 5 Egr extremely low prices apply to Holiday Goods as S wen as 10 an regular lines. IEW YORK RACKET 0 DONT FORGET the practical presents SSjge your friend a new overcoat, a pair of Shoes, a new Suit j?hey will appreciate the spirit of the ! and will find the article useful, Everything in the. store marked at Bea rock cash prices. if Germans Sunk the Ships. London, Doc. 11. Tho Central News assorts that tho nllles In Vonetzuoln are nttomptlng to enpturo President Castro himself. Ornnborno, In tho Ilouno of Commons, today took special forms mo ho has roloasod all Germans not tho nrltlsh, sank tho Vonozuo. Ian ships. Fighting at La Guayra. London, Doc. 11. Private Informa tion recotvod horo says tho Anglo-Qor-man allies havo landed a forco of blue jackets and marlnoa at La Ouayra, and fighting has commonrod on tho streets. Prisoners Released. Washington, Doc. 11. Under yester day's dato a cablegram was received from Mlnlstor Bowon. at Caracas, this morning, which save: "Castrn in. ' forniH mo ho has roloasod all Gornmns and Drltlsh who woro nrrostod." Em's Cheapest One Price Cash Store, E. T. BARNES, Proprietor." Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Bowen at Caracas. Washington, Dec. 11. Secretary of Stato Hay has received more confirm atory dispatches from Dowon regard ing tho landing of tho allied forces at LaOuayra. Ho personally scoured tho roloaso of tho British consul-general, who was arrested at Caracas. 5TymiaaHstait8ia -! VfwIvlOlO'l1 ttH HOLIDAY GOODS CHRISTMAS JEWELRY Is a necosslty in making your list of purchasos for gifts. Horo you will find tho largost variety, tho highest quality, tho lowest prices. Wo havo watohos with rellablo movements, in tho latest stylo of casos, $2.G0 to $30, chatolalns, rings, earrings, brooches, nil kinds of fine owolry. C.T, Pomeroy 288 Com. 8t., Watchmaker and Optician San Francisco. Doc. 11. Stoamor advices from tho volcano district at Guatemala say that tho Santa Maria continues In eruption. Captain Russell, of tho stoamor Acapulco, says tho holo sldo of tho mountain Is aflamo from throo distinct orators. Devasta tion of tho coffoo plantations for 30 miles around contlnuos. Isaac Banta, Formerly fflf Linn County Shofcfs His Stepson While 1 Prospecting Committed the Deed During Fit of Anger Independent Operator Refuses to Testify As to Price of Coal Before the Commission Wants to Assert Monroe Doctrine Reports Coming Fast. Washington, Doc. 11. Tho atnto de partment Is receiving numerous re ports from Mlnlstor Howon, at Cara cas, but none were mado public. ' iS3& 5mDb5 mmzu wma "wot" lino assuredly add to ral rejoicing. What would was dinner bo without a bale ties of chainpagno, clarets ndy preceoded by cocktails whiskey, topped off with cordial Oh, w'll njakeDiir estlvitloa long to be ro- f you give us an order 0GERS, Ifll"111 Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. ... siver's Sale. 8 aaBfc UPDDV 9 CHRISTMAS We will readjust all flassts touibtofus for Christmas Presents. Bancroft Optical Co.i 259 Commercial Street- .A.M.DANCnOFT Bye Specialist, 1 Albnriy, Dec. 11. A dlspatoh from Scatty Bays: Fredoriok Morrison was shot and killed at Valdos on tho night of November 24th, by Isaac Dnnta, his fostor father. Tho two mon woro Hv Ing together. Banta had bson on a protracted spree, and Morrison was trying to sobftr him tip. Ho had to uso force to prevent him from obtain ing liquor. This nngored Banta, and ho Bhot tho young man. Morrison's dead body wns found on tho lloor of tho- cabin tho next day. Ilanta was sleoplng peacefully on n cot a fow foot away, v Banta met with nn ncoldont sevoral years ago and had a part of his, skull removed, a silver pinto holng Insortcd. His brain wns nffectod bv tlm nonl. dent, ei) that ho wns not regarded as altogether responsible by tho mon who Itnow him. Banta is C5 years old, and Morrison wns about 25. Bantn, practically raised tho young man, nnd they had prospected In tho Copper rlvor country for sevoral years. Both lived in Oregon boforo going to Alns ka. ' Banta Is In Jail at Valdos, tho' coroner's Jury finding thnt ho mur dowel hlH partner. Tho nows was brought hero on the steamer Uortlul. which ntrlved today. Banta f.-rmoily lived In this county boforo going to Alaska, nnd Is woll known by all tho old-tlmors. Ho enmo to Oregon about 20 yonrs ago. and Bat tled on Cedar Plat, about a tiozon mllos from Lebanon. Whllo hero ho owned n shlnglo mill, nnd wnB mar ried to a Miss Williams, daughter of Alfred Williams. Ho was divorced from her ubout 10 years ago, aftor two ehlldron hnd boon bom. tho husband holng given tho sort nnd tho wlfo taking chnrgo of tho ilaughtor. Banta removed to Albnny several years ngo, anil workod for Stowart & 8ox, and Fromnn Bros., as gunsmith. Ho invnted tho Bantu wink gold Having mnchlno, nnd worked along tho coast for sevoral years, milt ing for flour gold In tho bench sands. Ho wont to Alaska about four years ago. and was accompanied by IiIb son, Guy. Ho was In Albany about a year ago, but wont bnok and soomod to bo prospering. Ho hnd n very oxcltn'blo disposition, nnd several years ago, while in n quarro! with his father-In-law. Mr. Williams, shot nt him with a rifle. Tho young man, Fiocl Morrison, who wns murdored. was not known here, but it Is thought that ho was from Coos Bay. horo Ilanta wns said to havo married a socond time. Breaker Boy Tells Hardships of His Congress to Empower Presi dent Arbitrate Soranton, Par, Duo. 11. Darrow sprung n surprise this morning by calling John Crawford, an indopondont operator to the stand us a wltnoss. Ha attomptod to compol Crawford to glvo a statement of the prlcos recotvod for coal during, tho strike. Orawford ob' Jectod, and Jmlgo Gray sustained him, saying thnt tho prlcoa undor such ex traordinary conditions could "not bo mado a criterion for fixing tho minors' wngo scalo. A 12-year-old boy was put on tho stand, who said that ho lost a log In tho minus, -but got no pay whllo recovering. Ho rolumed to work, but got no monoy, his wages be ing hold by tho compnny on nccount of n debt Incurred by his fathor. Coal Commission to Be Well Provided For Washington, Doc. 11. In congress Sohbfroth, of Colorado, offered a Joint rosolutlon that whoreaa Vonozttoln l in. a dlsputV llnblo to Involvo Infringe mont of tho Monroe dootrlno, wltU possibilities of sorlouH complication with tho United Status, tho President bo authorized to propose to Groat Brit ain and Gormany that tholr olnlmii b submitted to, nrbltrntlon, nnd to gro't with tho United Stntos to gunrnntou paymunts of nny awards nicdu agalnBt Vono.uola. Opposo Uniting Territories Washington, Dee. 11. Bonntor Qtiny (Contlnuod on olgth pngu.) TRY THESE DAINTIES. Angel Creams. Fig Creams. Peanut Patties. Danana Creams. Pineapple Creams. Chocolate Chews. These are the latest dainties lr Chocolate, and can be found only at 2anris 154 State St. Phone 287-1. FRESH TODAY. Log Cablp Creams. Peppermint Chews. Cocoanut Taffy. Peanut Taffy. Stand Caramels. Penotla. Finn's 154 Stato St. Phone 2874. r . t Change of Pastors riMwuu( IRFR 'nl. 'im9Dw mM"" pu i wwgwnwsTt-rww JC: , by the Albany. Dec. 11. Itor. H. I ileed wnl preach his farowoll sormon as pas tor of tho Prosbytorlan church of this city next Sunday, and on Tuosdny will lae for tho East, going to tho homn of hla fathor, Itov. Hood, of Maneho. Light Your House With Gas ;rr v,1:,hero h? wn,' r" nft8r , the holidays, whon ho will go to Au burn. N. V., to assumo his position In i l.rairwrw rmfmgttrJmmimgmmmmmmjmtmmmmmr ' m iHraVa'VJVJWjrrj'ii.iiv.Fi m --'Mm?Mmijm1zf w.m Unparalleled Sale of Dress Goods Every piece of dress goods in the stock will be on sa'e this week at lower prices than ever before. Space will not X permit us to mention all the L'ood thinirs but the follow- '' I ing will j.rive you an idea of what we are doing. : - Mlrlttinil fa WkMfl llrIv i ih llj-.1 jf -f Jk "' i uiiMiiay ui ouuw nanc ouiund in uiulk '.' and blue, regular 51.75 values, special Ciavenette Suitings in gray and green mixed ; colors, extra good values for 2.25 special Armurc Suitings in brown, red, tan and navy ' regular 51-25 values, sale price Chalkline Suitings in delf blue and red, reg- ular $1.35 values, special this week ; Prunella Waistings in pink, pray tan and red, :; regular 75c qualities, sale price :: French Flannels for waistings, in pink, blue, : : navy and red, worth 50c, special goods in the John C. Hertz Clolhinir Co. stock will at 20 per cent discount to close out the entire stock s new and complete in every department. P. W. DURBIN. RECEIVER. 'the theologlcar seminary. Ho has boon t pastor of the churoh hero for flrw't war, building up a splendid rputa tion as a proauhor, pastor and citizen. Hiul his departure will be with the re urou of everybody In Albany. Ilw. McJucWh; pw of Washington. Ohio, mi on tlmatjir tlie I'rtwbj'tort n church. ofigHHi,. has bean In Otwl to supply Uw pulpit for five iiionths. and it Is thought will! at- i pt. PurmanQiit arrange ments Imv ii u bn mado, I Supplied Salem Light Xfew Vurk. I)c. 11. Th steamer Oia-ak arrlvful thtii innrnltiir oftui- un Co. Its merits aro of th u tiaoa ,. blllty. and when once Installed there M ., (h WJpv f Is no more expense than for gas con- j ,, gkwJ Jn ,n ,umed. Our service is of the highest Curn(tfst9 an famy wer, aMO he effloloncy, and always llko our Hgbt,l1()MH11,( thoroughly reliable. In comparison ( with, other methods of lighting, th .,. Br,WRv1l,0 hHJ(H( ,, ( eoat of our system will be found much . lMkmiavaA bv MHir-lH- o,a more economical. SALEM GAS LIGHT COMPANY Phope 663, 4 Chcmckcta QI. ami JMWtng now dressing row. New 'chairs are to be provided. amJ tb building pt eu a new Mat e,f paint. $1.28 jj $1.68 ii Mr :: w.v :J $1.05 iE 58c 39c I We are better able to serve you with good values In this department than ever beiore. Our sales force is now at its best, several new, experienced clerks have been added for the holiday trade. CONCERT TO-NIGHT In Toy Department. -T? Edisonfs Grand Concert Phonograph i AH New Selections. ;: The phonograph will be handled by an expert and the :: concert will be the best ever given in the city of Salem. '.: jj Don't Fail' to Attend. Bring Thej: fjfif mi?n . I - ?. - ii HIIHIIIMItlllHIIIIHHIIII HHjIj f H,'J it 1 1 j n "f win.i ii win. ii W -rt.iiij'liww.jjp, fa JJ v ,hi-tfrHilJ...