THE DAILY JOURNAL. 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1902. eaeBe(MMe(wae9etB0)Mji A """"'W,,M WMWWWWM WM ,IIM, jP A Symphony In Silver i i !. I i - i i i W HE BARR STORE'S Christmas gala show is, ft 1 "10r t,ian anything else, a symphony in silver. The keynote of the whole picture that the store presents in its Christmas garb is "Silver, Silver, Silver " Umbrellas with handles of SterlingSilver; Toilet Sets of Sterling Si'ver; Watches of Solid Silver; Candle sticks of Sterling Silver; Knives, Forks and Spoons of Sterling or Triple plate Silver; artistic Silver Tableware: these ate some of the silver fascinations this store offers. 'We ask and urge you earnestly, to see these things. Words cannot tell you what true beauty and choiceness and variety we show in not only these but many other good and acceptable Xmas gifts. No store in this whole town is more deserving of a visit from those who prefer to purchase gifts of true intrinsic worth rather than gim cracks that "fade like the flowers of a day." Goods We Sell Are Finely Engraved Freer i. ) tffl 3 arr's Jewelry Store State and liberty sts., salem. !BI MfMMtt0MatGeeeee9eacM6Ma0Qetteafi)oeeft&d9oe6aeeaeceace NEW TODAY. ft-t. Ltig Cabin Creams ftand Caramels and Penotia lKx ---- I..- m at inns 154 State St.. Phone. 2874. THE WEATHER. ght and showers, Friday. ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 h- mhlQ(rMUMm fttInthe JUV1U "VUIU" HUH li-i 1 1 1 1 1 IHI iminr 'oWm 8alem Musical Society. - vSucIos of incorporation of tho Sa- itOratorlcal Society woro Med Sat- uVSnyl Tho society will bo managed 1 oi1iuslnesa linos. Tho ntlro flnan- jL olalbVdon will bo borno by tho boV- f.onltfhcorporators, J. I). T. Tuthlll. C. , p.Hllnton, P. A. Wiggins, Francesco soiij. f iiuBn8 Teodor Roth anfflgjeptt Dozorth. Tho singers who fratiSoined tho chorus will havo slm plyiuppay tholr duos, buy thoir muslo aridUibs. Tho Sunday School room of thdFlrst Prosbytorlan church has Jjqo Secured for rehearsals, which , will j hold on Tuesday nights. Tho jwii$t oxpecte to study Gounod'a pWeibroptlon." Jensen's "Feast of , 4S&onfi&, and Mendelshon's "Blljnh." 4,3adoMho baton of Mr. Francesco Se- f?thwell-known, oratorio director. eauTofltho Willamette University col- rluslc. This la a guarantee that thsmeetlngs or the chorus will he .ullojSlSoreet and profit J" it, understood that this Is not the teorganfTatlon of the Salem Choral Society," but is an enUrely new socle- fJXbo Oratorio Society, of Salem. All singers In the elty are to membership, and present IIouso, on Tuesday .Docomlior 9th. As this attraction was ono of tho boat which playod horo last soasou, and was onjoyod by a lnrgo number of tho thoater-goors, It Is nocossary to stato thnt Dan and Chas. A. Mason nro two of the vory host Gorman dlnlect come dians on tho stage, and that thoir sup porting company was ono of tho vory best ever s.en In this style of outer talnmont, It mny be gratifying to know that the supporting company this season is largor and stronger than before, and that many new and elab orate specialties and largo musical numbers havo been Introduced, which are interpreted by a. lnrgo and partic ularly attractive fomalo chorus. Spe cial attention has been glvon to tho .costuming and sconlc production, which makes "Rudolph and Adolph" not only one of the best munlcnl come dies on the road, but one of the larg- os t and most olaborato. , Seats on salo at box office, Tuesday at 0 a, m. Prlcos 75c, COc, 36c. SALEM PRINTERS ELECT Officers of Capital Typo graphical Union No 210 At the annual oloctlon of officers of Capital Typhogrnphlcnl Union, held at the state printing ofllco yoStardny, the following named officers wore elected for tho ensuing year: President, Edward I. Lamb; vice-president, J. S. Want, secretary, J. "W. Raker; sergt. at arms, M. II. Flags; executive com mltteo, J. K. Godfrey, lloulware and Dud Hill. This union Is In a properpous condi tion, .and is made up of a Class of me chanics who aro a credit to tho oraft, Dy tholr conservative methods thoy havo boon ablo to servo thomselvoB and tholr employers In a buslnossllko nnd faithful mannor. As n result wngen aro bottor In Snlem than for ninny years post, and work Is more plentiful for good printers. g9i)S0sS99ficeM09esesaa89aaeaaeeaee89eesaeso9 LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. to Lebanon today, whoro he Is Install ing a lnrgo boiler plaut. A. W. Boworson, pt Albany, was among tho visitors to this city, nt- tondlng tho I. O. 0. F. Bomi-ccntonnlnl, Saturday ovonlng. Dr. F. S. Mnttlson, of Turner, was a Salem visitor today. The pioneer HE WORKED THE JUDGE An Albany Man's Fairy Story Ruse Kd. Lang, a man well nlotig In llfo, has been a frequent visitor nt tho po lice court In this city. Lang works In the country until ho saves a fow dollars, and thon comos to town and proceeds to paint It a bright, florid color. He arrived In tho city last Wodnesday and started on his usual reckless career. Ho had a good tlmo, Uut, ns Is his custom, Intldod in tho cooler When arraigned before Re corder Vnn Wlnklo he made a Btrong ploa for hlmsolf, and promlsod to re form If allowed to Yeturn to tho coun try. Knowing that the Judge was Bomcwhnt of a politician, ho sought to gain sympathy by making his defense nloug political linos. Ho said that ha was working out In tho Waldo Hills, In Marlon county, and his employer mndo him go to Salem to voto for Chief of Pollco Gibson. Ho started on his downward career, and continued to "lush" until ho was rounded up by tho Albany ofllcors. Tho rccordor could not exactly seo tho point of his profuse story, and, aftor duo dollborn Hon, ordered his conllnomont In tho city Jail for a poriod not exceeding 10 days. Ho will probably bo roloascd sooner If his good behavior wnrrants. PER80NAL8. Ions make It probable that tha of Salem's singers will be en tile chorus. GERMAN COMEDIANS. n and Adolph" in Their Inlm- le Dialect Comedy Farce. and Mason .will make their ippearanco aa co-stars in Ru. Kga Adolph," Qhas, JNgwraan's farco, at the Grand Opera Mrs. Jordan Purvlne Is visiting In Corvallls. Dr. J. W. Ransom, of Turner, was -In the city today. Stato Sonntor J. 13. Hunt, of Port land, Is In tho city. Jefferson Myers wns In the olty to day from Portland. Bishop II. L. Rarkley, of Portland, spont tho day in Salem. Judgo W. W. Cake, of Portland, was a Snlem visitor yesterday. II. Gard, of Marietta, Ohio. Is tha guest of his cousin, A. D. Palmer. 0. B. Updegraff, of Lawlston, Idaho, Is visiting wIUi relatives east of this city. McKlnley MItehel, of Garvals, was attending the Hlks' memorial services today. M. D. Wisdom, of Portland, seer tary of tha state fair board, was In the city today. Mr. and Mr. I G. Otartt, of Port land, were guests of Mrs. J. J. Mur phy yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Jmlth. of Port' land, formerly of Salem, are visiting friends in the city. Miss Mary Uowarman hat returned from a visit to her brother, Jay Dow erman, at Condon. T. S. Burroughs has returned from Rooeburg, where ha has bean working on a large contract Mrs. A. B. Griggs, of Albany, Is vis iting at the home of her father, A. D. Palmer, In this olty. Equipped for the holiday ru oh, and, with your tastes for daintiness In view, we have secured for th Is special occasion exquisite novelties In toilet and manicure articles, In Roman Horn and Old Ivory. Our prices tell the story. Every article we sell Is fully guaranteed. JPATTONS BOOK STORE $so9fKNc)eeflMBee9sj0sS Marion county physician roports that he Is nbout to romovo to Eastorn Ore gon. F. A. Schublngor, tho Salem Urn burgor cheeeo mnnufnoturor, and K. Hofor, tho strawborry growor, wont to Jefferson today, to nttond a farmers' Institute. Mrs. M. Brant and daughtor, Mrs. J. II. Warflold. who havo boon visiting with the son of tho latter, Prof. 0. A. Warflold, of this city, havo gono to Eugene to contlnuo tholr visit with other relatives. J. R. Mogglnson nnd son, II. W. Mog glnson, of Morgan county, Illinois. inava neen in Salem and visited Til J mon Ford, for whose father he worked in ima. wiieat wns o a bushel In those days, and harvaat hnnds ?6 a day. He Is now SO years old. Mrs. Charles Brlea, who In familiar ly known to tha muslo world as Mme. Lueelle D'Albartl, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. George McGregor, will ar rive in Salem this evening for a visit with her cousin, Mr. C. F. Patton. Mrs. Brlca la an accomplished singer, and was a soloist at tha St. Louis Im position In 1000. She Is also a soloist of Seymour's famous Regimental band. Reception for Mrs. Chas, McNary. "Mrs. Reuben UoJsa. Jr., this after noon received a large number of lady friends In honor or bar sister, Mrs Chas. L. McNary, who was attended by her two hrideemaids. Misses nor th Iiyrd and George Olltnar. The guests of honor received their friends under a oupld with bow and arrow, In flowers, and ajll the parlors c.f the real dense wero beautifully decorated for Harmon Snook, the oontraotor, went the accaalon, SALEM BIRD TALKS Good Program and Special Lecture This Week Tho Salem Bird Study Club moots In regular bobsIoii Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock In tho Wlllman studio, op incite N. Y. Rackot store. Program. Birds of Kastem Oregon Miss Smith. Pnpar on-Birds Chag. Cooper. Music Miss Hva Cox. Tha Chleadea Mlas Taylor. Reading Mis Maria Hofsr. General dlsousslon. Word has been racaivad that Mr. King Wilson, a Portland bird enthusl nU will give the club a talk at Uia same plaoo Thursday evening of this weak. This will be a treat, and all are luvlted to be present. August Sohrelber received hie many friend! on Saturday evening, the oc casion being the formal opening of hi new saloon, tha "Farmers' Home," at No. 163 State street. After an Inspec tion of tha pleasantly arranged and conveniently equipped apartments, a delteJoua lunch was served, nnd tho health and prosperity of the genial proprietor ware offered. The Sajam polleo court docket this morning was as follews: Win, Young, drunk, flnjgd 6, paid; Kd, Lang, drunk, fined $10, committed; O. MoGuire, beg. ging, fined f 10, committed. Catarrh Tho causo crista in the blood, tn what causes inflammation of the mucous membrane It is thereforo impossible to euro tho disoaso by local applications. It is positively dangerous to hog. lect it, becnuso it always affcota tho stomach and deranges tho gonornl health, and is likely to dovelop into consumption. Manr bsve boon rftdlcallrmd permwientlr cured br Reed' Sarstparllla. It oloanios tha blood and hns a peculiar ftlteratlvo and tonla effcot R. Loner. California Junction, Iowa, WTltett "I had catarrh three ioam, lout ray appttlt and could not sleep. Mr head pained me and 1 felt bad all over. I took Reed's Bariaparllla and now have a rood appetite, leep well, and have no irmptomi of oatarrh." Hood's Sarsaparilla Promisos to euro and keeps tho promise. It is bottor not to put oil troatmont buy Hood's today, NEW TODAY Fresh Cow For Sale, nlso two bowb with llttors of pigs. Call on A. Or Smith, R. F. D. No. G, near Alnglo school house 12-'G-3tt 11 " ui 1 1 Wanted. Girl to do gonornl house work. Apply nt 25G Forry street. Wanted. A young or mlddtc-agcd lady to do gonornl housework. Plain living, not a .dimcult .placo. AddroeB "W," box 297, 8alom. 12-8-3 Wanted. At onco, two good dining room girls. Apply at Cottago Hotel. 12-8-3t Wanted. Two dining room girls at ' tho Cottngo hotel.' 12-8'3t Excellent Coffee Tlioro Is nothing so rptroshlng aa a good cup of coffoo, and tho host that can bo had is Chaso and Sanborn's fa mous coffoo. Glvo It a trlnl and you will bo satisfied. BRANSON & RAGAN. mi milium mini infiimn i-m-m-i h h hi h; H)on't IReglect Those dark spots on your teeth, they are the first signs of decay and become large cavities I'very soon. We can saye them at yery little cost and no pain. jj)tBpiig(S)Xin0cr SSffiSu.d Salem, Oregon. H44IHIIMHHH 18 I H H' A IIIHIIfUHl I 111 Ml III 3ES(s(ee)S RECOVERED!! IREDII AlUD GUARDS AND STEEL RIMS FITTED ON ALL MAKES OF BICYCLES SHIPP & HAUSER UMBRELLAS TUG niCYCLB MEf Ba333Gttraa3 1 !i PicfUre Sal? ! PmEEt&frrmBt&K 9 iUHKv -'i?'T'u3-N15aBal. SHif israKJL'"tsBBB A handsome line of 0 pies trom famous paintings including many familiar sub jects such as Pha raoh's Horses, St. Cecilia, Souls Awak ening etc. Size of mat 19x19 with round openings. Don't fail to see those $1.00 booklets of ni) S; enery: Milium connjcrnol GVl:Tfnff SSXBSttX3 1 XTbese tain if you will paste this numbec up telephone it these you will and money boys will 6as by your and use rainy days save time and our do their best to please you. ' 'I I U 111 111 I' ll I ill BIJBJ.. ii ; SpeerJfcoe IWew Store Phone 24-91. State Street. 'ssf&sfs&se&wss