THE JOURNAl .-J - ft t VOLUME XII. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY DECEMBER 2, 1902. NO. 25K. 1-J jtjL A JLi JL 7fgiMgl ! w s WW I II Mil f-JUULJ If you want shirts that are full size and well made thats the brand to look for. We have all kinds in a great variety of patterns. Our 50c lines will surprise you for quality. Finer grades at 75c, 95c, $1.15. Haye You Tried Our Shoes? It Means Economy For You If you buy your footwear at the NEW YORK We look after quality and style, at reasonable prices keeps our business growing. We sell the famous "BOSTON" Rubber Boots and Shoes. OVERCOATS AND CLOTHING. It doesn't cost much to dress well. If you buy your clothing of us. Our ove rents are cut In the newest styles, and the prices are 15 to 20 per cent below the "regular stores." You'll find a great variety of suits to select from, ranging from $3.95 to $16.50, for men. Our Boys' and Children's Suits are made of cloth to stand tho roughest usage. Get the right kind and let the boys play. Hosiery, Underwear. And all kinds of ladles' and men's furnishings. i Salem's Cheapest iw E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa .4ee-re-re-HH-e9-teG-ia-Mc-i4-Mo-HHgH&-reo WWl'lI' . CUH MliaHTf' LWHEN TURKEY IS KING. OnjThnnksglvIng day you can toast him Ui tho rosy glow of our raro old Burgundy or claret, or In tho goldon EBparklo of our O. H. Mumm & Co. fchnmpagno, in Rhine wines that aro ns bowltohlng ns tho Lorolol's song, or In i tho rich amber of our choice Hormlt- Inge whiskey, till you enn "sing In wild delight, I will. I will bo mnd tonight." j.t us furnish your Thanksgiving Cable. D. P. ROGERS, 218.222 CommercUl Street. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . . fiBaoeeaeo9eooa Commercial St. IBancroft Optical Co.! m A.M.BANCROFT U if a kmAila1lcf Hrw iinwmiiJti ' teeeaaao flight Your House Witli Gas Sij$jied by the Salem Gas Light Co Its merits are of tho utmost sta bility, and when once Installed there a no more expense than for gas con turned. Our service is of the highest jfflcTenay, and always like our light, horoughly reliable. In comparison tIUu, other methods of lighting, the our system will be found much pereTeconoinlcal. SALEM GAS LIGHT COMPANY 563. 4 Chemeketa St. FOREIGN ITEMS. Mufoxploelon of gas occurred in the palace at Lisbon today, In thu leading to the departments of e Don Fernando. Considerable y i )i h ( s - i ehMpHMtfHHHMHMHMMb , jattWjMi lrftfcjjifffiisjfl cM-f-t--Hfe--0f 11 in M as well as price. Reliable goods X One - Price Cash Store Time is Precious And so Is a reliable timepiece. Wntchos and clocks purchased nt C. T. Pomeroy's nro alwnys accurnto time keepers, and require tho lenst repairs, with ordinary careful usage. They can always bo doponded on. We aro selling a Waltliam or Elgin niovomont In a 20-year gold filled case at $12 CO. We enn furnish any stylo of rase. C.T, Pomeroy 288 Com. St., Watchmakerand Optician sW&Vv iyi fiA2t rfS is & rY ;; hi v" ima Wt dnmugo was done to the Interior. No one was Injured, although the Queen bi-cnme proetrntod by tho shock. Tho sailors' and stokers' strike at Mnrsallles. has become so serious that 2uiKi more gendarmes woru ordered to the scene today. Government ofliclals aro endenuirlng to nrrango a meeting hitween tho strikers and the employ ers Accident on Rio Crande Ry. , Salt liko Dec. 2. No 1 Rio Grande & Western passenger train, west bound struck a rock at 3 o'clock, this morning near Westwater, Utah, when near the Colorado "line, where the train was ditched. C. C. IJIddle, the fire man was killed: Engineer Cummlngs had hlR legs broken, and . Benson, a mall 'l-rk Was Imdv hurt Boys Steal Gold Watch Complaint was made at the )kIIih sUtlou this morning that two lads had stolen a watch belonging to J S. Mar tin Tho jiartiee In the case reside In Simpson's addition. In the eastern dis trict of the city. Chief Gibson Is In vestigating the alleged theft, which is said to have been perpetrated Monday. The Germans of Salem know a good thing when they see It They voted the NoB-Hartisaa ticket, solidly. The Douglas County Poultry Asso elatlen'wlll hekl its annual exhibit at Reseburs December 1?40, Iwlesjve, OUffffl Mao RACKET JWS fifiT .rciYwite B ilS BBwsy fimWin ? Sw ViK u PifliiJMv W:i HORRIBLE ATROCITIES BY TURKS MacedonianChristains Are Massacreed Priests Made to Suffer Un mentionable Tortures Fleeing: Inhabitants Perish From Cold and Hunger Vienna, Dec. 2 The Evening Post today prints accounts of further hor rible ntrocltles Inillcted on tho Mace donian Christians by tho Turks. Among other things they placo rcdhot Iron caps on the heads of tho Chris tians and pour burning petroleum on their feet. In somo places they bind (JO to 70 prisoners together and leavo them In Isolated places In n helpless condition to slowly starve to death. A priest, named Stofnnn, of the vlllago of Padesh. was forced to drink filth from a chalice. Three sisters of mercy expired ns tho result of unmentionable tortures. Elder NlekolaC of tho vll lage of I.oshko, after being forced to witness the torturing and degrodatlon of both his daughters, young women, was himself roasted to death. A priest, of tho vlllago of Sethla, who was com pelled to oversee tho murder of a score of Infants, wont mad. Tho In habitants of three lnrgo vlllagos, who have Hod to tho mountains to avoid the Turks, are now dying with cold and hunger. ALBANY POST OFFICE CHANGES Old Building Will Be Enlarged to Accomodate Facilities Albany, Dec. 2. Formal notice was received yesterday thnt the present lo cation of the postolllce will bo con tinued on a ton-year lease. An addi tion of 20 foot will ho orectod of brick on tho renr. The vault will he takon out entirely and a safe used, thus giv ing more spaco In tho center. Tho boxes will be used ns nt present, but will run back on tho west side nt light angles with tho front, thus giving more spneo on tho wost sldo for pnt rons. Tho front door will ho plncod nt tho west corner, Instond of at tho center. Thus ronrrnngod thero will be nil tho room desired under tho oar- rlor system. TRAGEDY OFF THE BOARDS Actor Murders Actress Attempts Suicide and Philadelphia, Dec. 2. Mrs. K. Has sett, aged 28 years, loading lndy In Keith's I-Tlghth-street theater stock company, was shot and killed last night by Harry Johnstone, a well- known actor, formerly a momber of the Richard Mansfield company. After the murder Johnstone attempted sui cide. The tragedy occurred at Darlen and Wood streets. In the Philadelphia ten del loin Jchnstoue fired at his victim five times Two of the bullets took ef - ! feet, one In the left breast and the oilier In the left arm. Johnstone then shot himself through the breast, and Is I not expected to live 1 At 2:20 a. in. Johnstone was reeling ensy In the hospital. The doctors are as yet unable to say whether he will . live. He Is In a seml-eomatose state, and frequently reiats the words, "Siie was false to me." San Francisco, Dec. 2. Mrs Cam pegllo. of Cincinnati, wires the chief of police to investigate Into the sui cide of her daughter, the mistress or Robert Hemingway. The mother claims htat the girl was murdered. The giri leaves letters Indicating eulolde. a .. . The present council Is the strong- set body of men ever elect!, and will hardly be worked to deliver gpods promiseti Wr bosses whe were turned down, MRS. JTINGLEY WON OUT Sargent Considers Her Fit Custodian Of the Orphan Children Brought From Cuba Point Loma School AH That Can Be Desired Washington. Dee. 2. Tho treasury department olllclals will probably al low Mrs. Tlngley to rotnln possession of tho Cuban Children thnt she Im ported to this country. Commissioner of Immigration Snrgeant will this af- tornoon make a report, and will rec ommond that the chlldron. who aro now held in New York, bo turned over to tho school. He says Mrs. Tlngley Is abundantly supplied with means, and has u large establishment at Point Ixmin, and that there has novor boon n breath of criticism In her neighbor hood, aimed at the school, on moral grounds. The tiensury dopartmont considers that It cannot go Into tho re ligious merits of tho caso. 0LSEN MUST ACCOUNT Tontine Savings Association Receiver Files an Answer Portl. i ! t 2 In the ense or II. B. Stemlor against tho Tontine Snv lugs Association, an action brought to requlro John P. Olson to leave such funds ns he had collected from policy holders In this state for distribution umonn .those who pnld In tho money, G. P. Plnnders. of Minneapolis, hns llled his answer as receiver of tho company. He asseits that not only did John P Olson collect tho J 11)00, which Is now In the hands of Ralph W. Hoyt. named by tho court, hut that there Is $6000 more which Mr. Olson hns not accounted for. After denying tho allegation In tho complaint tho defendant sets up that hotween February 2d and March 21. 1902, John F. Olsen collected mom than $0000. Mr. Flnnnery assorts that tho policy holders In Oregon will re ceive their share of the property If the money Is sent to tho recolvor In Min neapolis, nnd the court Is asked to compol Mr. Olson to produce tho books of the Tontine Havings Association, which ho hns not given up, nnd,- nfter examination In tho court, thnt they may be turned over to tho receiver of the Tontine Association. At the time the association c;ol lapsed nbout 200 Salem people wore subscribers, who had put up nil the way from $20 to $200 each. It Is not likely that the people can recover on their Investments, ns Olson hns shown no disposition to settle the matter, and Is said to be insolvent U. S. WILL NOT SPONSOR VENEZUELA Seligman's Financial Proposi' tion Discussed In Cabinet 1 Washington. !' - At a Mliuit ' nutting today tin- hW-f topic of ills cusslmi was the propcMilloti of Hank r fteligmaii. of New Sork. to finance I Venezuela's obligations It Is the mi aulinous opinion of tue government ithat It cannot gun'siiiee payment JieligwiaH wants 16 i-r cent interest from Venxul. Secretary Hay Udd the cabinet that he hoped that under Minister Herraus regime of Ooowblsn affairs satlsfac otry negotiations will be concluded looking toward Uto construction of the Panama canal. STATE NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. Wm. Stewart died at Eugene yesterday, aged kit years. Mrs. Stew art came to Lane county In 1862 Itaker City stands In uede of a dour will. PeadletoN Inaugurated a free mall delivery Deeenteer 1st. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Occupied Attention of Senate Today Lowered Tariff Introduced for the Philippines Virginia Election Case to Be Taken Up Next Congress Washington. Dec. 2. The galleries wore sparsely filled today when order was called In tho House. Many mem bers were nbsont from their seats. Tho speaker announced committee ap pointments, among them Hall, of Con necticut, to succeed tho lato ellpreson ntlve Hussell on tho ways and means nnd Pltmor. Republican, of Pennsylva nia, on tho Judiciary. At 12:10 tho President's message had not yet been received. After a short recess tho House resumed, 'when tho messngu was submitted, and reading began Im mediately. Attorney-General Knox Reports. The committee on nppropratlons or dered n favorable report on Cannon's bill for $50,000 ror nn anthracite com mission. Attorney-Oenoral Knox sub mitted to congress his nnuunl report, which shows that during tho last yenr his department had disposed of 75 out of the 311 cases now pending. Ho asks congress to piovldo for tho erec tion of suitable buildings for his de partment, which nro now in rented qumtors. He nlso recommends nn In crease In the snlnrles of Judicial olll cors. Tho House committee on Judiciary decided to refer nil bills dealing with trusts to n subcommittee, of which Llttlelleld, of .Maine, Is chahmnn. ' His anti-tiust bill Is ponding, and Is one of tho most ImpoitnnL Glass Case Is Dropped. The House elections committee has detdded to drop the case ugnlust (llnss, of Virginia, deeming It more propor 'for tho next congress to discuss this mutter, because nil Virginia memboiH of tho next congress have been elected under tho now constitution, which dis franchises colored voters. Tho Virgin Inns iccclvVd the news enthuslustlcal ly. Hnhnm. of Texas, offeied icsolutlous INCORPORATION SALE I Our Ineorpofatlon Hah- Pi lies were noer equaled In the history of any firm In Hnlem We arc making these immense reductions In older to close out entirely nil our Fall and Winter Coeds hi ample time to begin another season with our usual ch-nii stock. Tomorrow We Will Sell Leggins For ladies' and Children The II noet nssortmeiit of leggins ever shouii In Salem Is on display In our Court street window nnd will be sold tomorrow itt Exceptionally Low Prices DON'T FAIL TO COME TO THE 8ALE. t BIG SHIPMENT OP TRUNKS RECEIVED TODAY, t Especially For Our It Is a little late In the season to be receiving trunks but ohi kuIhh- 4 tere running ahead of our expectations and we were obliged m T T order some more In Order To Sell Them Before We Invoice We Marked. Them At Extremely Low Prices. t I.IHJJJLLU.MJJ.UJ M.i I J K I U. of respect paying tribute to tho mem ory of tho Into reprosontatlvcs Graf ferncld and Sheppard. As a mark ol" further respect the llouso adjourncdt nt 1:40. In tho 8enate. Tho Senato hod today lost part of Its; holiday appearance, though upon titer desks of Simon, of Oregon, nnd Algor,. of Michigan, reposed beautiful flowers,, as remembrances. Whon tho gavol foil thero woro but few spectators. At gor's credentials woro presented, anil he reported to the desk, where ho wn sworn. Ho took his sent between Dcv orldgo and Dryden, nnd wns given at Informal recoptlon until tho Presi dent's messngo was rocolvod. Lodge Introduces Dlngley Tariff. In the Senate today Lodgo Intro duced a hill making tho tariff botweon tho Philippines and the United States 26 per cent Dlngley r.ito, Instond of 7C, ns at present. He expects to s euro paBsngo without discussion. BIGGEST AWARD ON RECORD- New York Central Must Pay $100,000 In Damage Suit New York, Dec 2. Tho Jury in tho enso of Mrs. Jennie Leys ngnlnst the) New oYrk Central IlnllroHd Compnny thin morning returned n verdict allow ing thu plaintiff $100,000 dumngos, with Interest from Jnnuniy 8th, lust, being the largest award yet recordod In tho tunnel suits arising out or tho explo sion of last winter. A quiit'tor of n million had boon nuked for. Leys wn.i tho manager of n big Jewelry storu, and It was proven thnt his Income) amounted to $30.00 a year. Marines Called Into Service. Paris. Dec. 2. Owjhg to tho dookuro' and sutlers' strike nt Mnrsntlles, tho government will establish n stsnmor service from Algerln Into China, with their vessels mnnnged by French bluq Jackets. NEW TODAY. Chocolate Dainties at Zinns 154 State St.. Phone. 2874 Holiday Trade. - H II II 1.1 UAUJLU LI MJ.I MM