DAILY JOURNAL. ipLUME XII. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902. NO. 253. -fri 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 4-n 1 1 in 1 1 ii 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi- BRITISH DIVINE DEAD THE ONE DAY'S RECORD Of Death and Injury On the Rail ENGLAND AND GERMANY lave You Seen our New Line Of I STAMPED LINENS LINEN SQUARES f Dr. Parker of .Lon don's City Temple Unite in Policy To ward Venezuela t BUREAU SCARFS EMBROIDERY SQUARES? THE I MIGHTY HAVEJ-ALLEN Champion John L. Is a Bankrupt Has Filed Petition of Insolvency-Liabilities $2600 Has Nolliing Left But a Suit of Clothes jf CUSHION TOPS dtfowc-ught to buy thorn oarly whllo the assortment 1b good. Wo have- uomo of the neatest patterns on the market at "Racket Prices." TABLE LINENS-NAPKINS 5. AVo can save you money on these linos, for tho Thanksgiving dinner? NEW YO Don't you need a now set 1 RACKET Dooa a strictly spot cash business. JL for high quality goods. That explains their low prices ft A'.;im SHOES and CLOTHING 11 kinds of Ladles' and Men's Furnishings. feSalem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Streets. HIIIIHIIIIMII I I I I I I II I f-M-H-H I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I H" mmmmumHBBmMKmmmmgmmmmamBnmmKVKmwi arm Ti "f . . l- - - Yk. curi hiuht' Time is Precious And so Is a rcllablo timepiece Watches and clocks purchased at C..T. Pomoroy'B aro always accurato time keopors, and require- tho least ropalrs, with ordinary careful ucngo. They can nlwnys bo dopondod on. Wo aro selling a Waltham or Elgin movoraont In a 20-year gold ulled caso at J12.G0. Wo can furnish any stylo of case. C.T", Pomeroy 288Cotn.St.. Watchmaker and Optician HEN TURKEY IS KING. ' OnnThankBglvIng day yoir can toast lilm In the rosy glow of our raro old urgundy or claret, or In tho golden parklo of our O. II. Miinnn &, Co. champagne. In Rhine wlnos that nre ns bewitching as tho I.orolel's song, or In tho ri$h amber of our cholco Hermit agQiWhlskey, till you can "sing In wild dobght, I will, I will bo mnd tonight.' JuHus furnish your Thanksgiving tauTS 218.222 Commerclii Street. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . . J. P. ROGERS, V. .4 -v- . Xjt'-4" Was a Favorite With Americans Abroad And Mentioned to Succeed Henry Ward Beecher V tMWMraaQeeeesecefliaeaBatc k iCommercial St. IBancroft Optical Co.j mX.n. BANCROFT B- hye hceclallst, kfifcv C (NMM8MtMSMMeMMMl Sfftt Your House WitliGas f ... ,55: IMj Supplied by tho Salem Gad Light IS menis aro oi inu uuuuui hiu- arid when once Installed, there more expense than for gas con- Our service Is of tho hlghost JJeTgwcy and always like our light. ughly reliable. In comparison thcr methods of lighting, the f our K) stem will be found much ct-norakal EM GAS LIGHT COMPANY S63. 4 Chemeketa St. Market low Uncertain Hubbard, the veteran bop buy today for California. He re port Uint tlie hop market is quite un satisfactory and uncortaln. "Ono- thlrd of the year's crop was contract ed." wild Mr. Hubbard, "and thero will be littlo doing In tho markot until that part of tho crop which has boon placed on tho market at lower prices than other hops can bo purchased, Is dis posed of, and Uio demand raised for tho balauco of tho crop, which Is bolng held for a higher flguro. December Is a holiday month, and tlioro Is usually very littlo activity In hop circles for that period. It Is impossible to predict itho future of the hop market" Mr. Hubbard may return to Salem nnd re main for a few weoks longer, should the weather become more pleasant. Ezra Durand WasPardoned Governor Geer haa granted a pardon to ICtra Durand who has served about six years of a 12 years' sentence for the crime of forgery committed In Portland. Tho pardon was granted on tho petition of tho prosecuting attor ney who secured tho conviction of Du rand, and also at the solicitation of many persons who were defrauded by the operations of Durand. Who are of the opinion that the man has been suf ficiently punished. Htera M. Durand was convicted In Multnomah county on a charge of forger)-, having Issued a kit of notes to which the name of hi friends woro forged. o Beresford Is Unpopular. Ixmdou, Nov. S8. Rear Admiral Itereeford will be relieved frotn tho command of the Mediterranean squad ron and will We aagigned to another eommand. He Is wld to be unpopular with tk admiralty board. This Is giv en as the rtasH for bl transfer. London, Nov. 28. Dr. Joseph Park er, tho famous pastor of Uio City Tem ple, who has been 111 for sevoral weeks, died this morning. Hev. Dr. Joseph Parker, better known as "Dr. Parker of Uio City Tern plo," was Uio leading Congregational minister In England, and has ever boon a prlmo favorite with Americans abroad. Dr. Parker established Uio City Temple In 18G9, and during tho years that have passed slnco thon ho has daveloped nn Important work among tho poor of Uio grent city. Few pulpit orators woro moro outspoken or moro fearless Uian tho celebrated British divine. Ho bos several times attracted attention by his bold erIU clsms of King Edward whon ho was Prince of Walos, and since he has as cdnded Uio Uirono. Dr. Parker mado a tour of tho United States In 1887. nnd nt thnt time was frequently montlonod ns a suc cessor to Henry Ward Ueechor, of whom ho was a deop admirer. Dr. Parker had i cached Uio ago of 72 years, and was possessed of a stal wart physique that until recontly has kopt him In oxcollont health, despite his arduous duties. In 1900 ho edited tho Ixnidon Sun for n week. Dr. Park er received his dogreo of Doctor of Divinity from tho Unlvorslty of Chica go. FIRST LIE IS NAILED Northern Pacific Freight Trains Collide New York. Nov. 28. John L. Sulli van, tho formor champion pugilist, tiled n petition for bankruptcy today In tho United States district court. In his poUUon ho says ho Is not at present engaged In nn business. The liabili ties aro $2000 and his assets consist of personal clothing vnlued at $G0. MATTHEWS AN OFFENSIVE PARTISAN i i Portland Journal Files Chap ges Against Him Wreck on the Big Four jures Twelve People In- Mayor Bishop Will Not Re move from City Mayor Dlshop was soon today In re gard to Uio statomont published this morning that ho would romovo from Uio city soon aftor election. Ho gives this signed HUitemeut: "It has como to mo that my name Is on the Cltlzons' tlckot for mayor to give It strength, nnd thnt ns soon as tho election was over I Intondod to re sign nnd go to Portland. I wish to say Uiat I have no plan contemplating a movo, and, so far as I now know, I shall continue to loeldo in Salem, and my InterosUi In tho coming campaign nre solely ldentlcnl with the proporty owners nnd taxpayers of Snlom, who doelre tho policy of tho government of the city, ns It has prevailed the pnst four years, to bo continued. "C. P. I1ISHOP." San Francisco. Nov. 28. The Port land Journal Is preferring charges with Utu depatment of justice nt Washington against U. S. Marshal W. F. Mathows, of the district of Orogon, bocnuso of offensive partisanship. It holds that his oltlco ns chnlrmnn of the Ropubllcnn state committee was con trary to the order or Attorney-General Knox. expelled" FROM RUSSIA Fifty Thousand Armenians Driven to the Frontier Vienna, Nov. 28. A Vienna dally re ports that tho Czar recently expelled 50,000 ArmonlaiiH from Hussln. They woro driven to tho frontier by Cos sacks, but Turkish olllcors re-fused, them admittance, nnd drove them back across Uio lino. Zen) weather prevails, and tho mortality list Is heavy. The Armenians aro entirely unsheltered. llutto, Mont., Nov. 28. Two frolght trains on the NorUiom Pacific collid ed two mllos west of Missoula this morning, killing nn unknown tramp, and sorlously Injuring fivo trainmen. Wreck on the Bin Four. Indianapolis, Nov. 28. A Dig Four paBsongor was wrecked near West Danville UiIh morning. No one was killed, but 12 persons woro Injured, nono fatally. o Fireman Is Killed. Desplalnes, Ills., Nov. 28. A Wis consin Central fast freight Jumped tho track near hero early this morning, killing t4io llreman nnd dangerously scalding tho ongluoor and brakoman. n Head-End Collision. Wasatch, Utah, Nov. 28. In a head ond collision on tho Union Pacific's main lino between n work train and u frolght train 10 men woro Injurod sorl ously. Fireman Smith and Conductor Ilhenburg had their legs crushed, and received severe scalp wounds. Emperor William Sends Two More Warships Our Government Will Offer no Serious Interference Washington, Nov. 28. Tho nntloiial capital Is allvo with gossip regard Ing Uio reported concerted notion of Great Ilrltaln nnd Clonnnny against VonoBUola. Advices recolvod hero say that Qermany Is preparing to rush two more warships, making sovon powerful engines of war In Voiiozuolun wntersS and landing n forco of 2000 men. Bng land has sent two strong cruisers, thu, third, Uio Chnrybdlfl, sailed hurried from Halifax last utght under secret (Continued on olghth page.) -i- ' v ' NEW TODAY. Chocolate Dainties at Zirins 154 State St., Phone. 2874 1 1 jamaMfrnffli n KING ALFONSO A DEGENERATE So Says Distinguished Span ish Anthropologist. Madrid, Nov. 28. Senor Macho, the dlsUngulshed anthropologist, has been threatened with suit and Uie suppres sion of tho publlcaUon of his maga zlno containing an article relating to King Alfonso. Macho, In his analysis of Uio King's character, along physio nomlcnl lines, conclude with the In ference Uiat the monarch presents a veritable tyj of degeneracy -v. Negroes Indorse Roosevelt Russlann Demand Reforms. St Petersburg, Nov. 28. Tromond ous offeot has been produced In Itus sla by thu unanimous demand of tho agricultural Inquiry commission for constitutional reforms and political liberty ns tho foundation of economic well being. In spite of Minister Witt's eucotiragement to speak boldly "be cause thu 'Emperor wants to know the exact truth." tho minister of tho Inte rior, Von Plowo, has begun orrostlng tho membors of Uie commission, In cluding among them n physician named Mnrtlncy. for tho authorship of Uie resolutions presented to tho lo cal committed of Voronzho. demnndlng a national congress, and two other members of tho agricultural commis sion nnmed Mlchaelovlk and Nlkovlv, of Tula, for ndvocntlng a remission of the peasant land payment Mnrtlncy's collaborator, a school teacher nnmed Honlvok. Is now awaiting sentence. .. Mrs. Gibson Secures Divorce INCORPORATION SALE illiUU" Bargains 3 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THE STORE. Kvery day brines now Ideas Into our minds; oory day we think of to-mothing now to throw out upon our sale cruutoro. t .'.WHERE ARE 6 NEW ITEMS.V.Y 1 Norfolk. Nov. 8.- The American Negro Method 1st conference, In ses sion here today adopted strong resolu tion uHtkHwiitK President ItooMvelt and thanking him for Uie considera tion shewn to negroee. a expresftil by kit letters wrltUin to South, aare-.'vofv protjcdug that he haa "". hm uUtti to pet" upon. .Indue , Ilolio this morning granted Mrs Mary P. OIIuhmi a divorce from Thome OtlHMHi, mi the grounds of in decent treatment and drunkenness JTliH woman is gin $2&o alimony, and ( it U thu dtttrv of (he (ouit that tin- defendant Olbsctn, contribute Uie further sum of $ihu txi Uie support and Mlucatlon of the minor sou, Uie cus tody of whloh Is awarded to the plain tiff In giving bis decision in tho case, wlil h was rlgoioimly fought by I Kith side In the court early this week, JuiliiH ItolHK statu! that lit. thmmlit th woman bad good and sufficient causal for aeking for a dlvon. Judge Uolse, furUier retuarkcsl tbat the case wxceedyd In vulifariLy any other dl-1 Item No. 1 A splendid line ol fancy flannel waist ing worth $1 00 and $1 25 per yard. Sale Prico 89c yd, Item No. 4 A line of lakfns' black lustral petti cohIs ttlmmed with 0 rtifllee, worth 'l 60. Salo Price $1.68 Item No. 2 A complete linn of Mies ami colors in ladlei)' llnnnel waltn worth 11.00. )2, 13.26. Sale Prjco $1.68 Item No. 5 A lino of men's tan shoes that we want to clone nut, all sIzob worth $0.60 a pair. Sale Price $2.65 Pair Item No. 3 Au Axtra good line of men's fanny color ed uliiriH, all good neat patterns worth 91 00 each Sale Price 83c - Item No. 6 a lino of ladles' cath mere hose, good grade fart colors, full fsih Innetl, extra weight, worth S5c pair. Sale Price 23cpair A Twi W2.4I jtfcwt - 1 fit GREATER REDUCTIONS THAN E ER In Ladies' Wraps As tho lino grows smaller (ha price grows smaller alto. Today tho red pencil will b applied to every gar ment In (hi stock. If you have sny Idea of buying a wrap you should ttll and tie our line, ever NEW "1WALKING SKIRTS JUST RECEIVED A largo uhlpujunt of J.itdlek' Walking Skirts retched in yeterday and will be placed on tale today. Prices rang, ing from $2.25 to $13.50 3L DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. HIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIII "H II 1 1 1 II M 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) I .. i rBOKES .-.