THE DAILY JOURNAL. I --r VOLUME XII. SALEM, OREGON. 8ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. NO. 243. C: Hlllllllimillll I t WHHIHH I -mH4W I ill 1 1 IIW 9 ) N'T WITH TAKE YOUR CHANCES HEALTH! When you (nn iioUct youiself from tho rnlr. nnd mud with wyr WATERPROOF CLOTHllNG AND RU'BBER BOOTS AND SHOES I: We carry tho best known STANDARD BRAND? and sell them at '. '. "RACKET PRICES." When you buy an article at tho " ; NEW YORK RACKET KYou Know .t s reliable. Wo Jiellevo In, building up our trade by sell- ; ; ljlg Buuub ujui givo sausiacUOIl. HOBS SHOES The 5 brand has stood tho tost for ten yenrs In our shoe dopartmont. It's T the brand that lfelped us grow. OLOTn.r-iTNro t After iookiiir over tno other lines In the city, are surprised at the ox ftra values w show. Wo look after quality as well as price Wo havo tho now stylo Waterproof Rain Coats fortress wear at$11.65 M Just look at ours and then price them at "Regular Stores." KfHAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR WINTER UNDERWEAR? We have everything Tor Mon, Women and Children In great variety. It will pay you to trndo with us If you want to be economical. Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store i E. T. BARNES, Proprietor, i Corner of Commerclal'and Chemeketa Streets. J t-H-f -H-M-H Mil M-t-i I I II I I I i-fr -H-H-H-H-H-4 1 11 1 II I I 1 I H 1 1 Time is Precious And so Is a rollablo tlmepleco. Watches and clocks purchased nt C. T. l'omoroy's arc always accurate time . keepers, and requlro tho loast ropalrB, with ordinary caroful usage. Thoy can always bo depended on. Wo arc soiling a Walthain or Elgin movement In a 2fyonr gold filled caso at $12.50. Wo can furnish any stylo of case. C.T, Pomeroy 288 Com. St., Watchmaker and Optician pvery Tom Dick or Hnrry who lias a liquor to all claims It to be tho best over; but lit many cases the claim Is nut sub- inflated by tho facts. Put those soil- Bra of Inferior whlsklos, wines, bran- R'H., itc, tu tho tost. Than sample iRUsorlment and judge for ynurse f ie bitter Judge you, tho more curtain are of getting your ordars. 1 P. ROGERS, E5- Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . , GAY KING OF THE BELGIANS In Disfavor With His People Attempted Assass'nation Re cleved With Indifference King's Conduct to Late Queen Cause of Dissatisfaction '.. v c ' ' ' Eft' tp m t STATE NEWS ITEMS. Larue npplo shlpmonts are procod- F.n,ee Fuller , u,r. author of a "'" Mli "T S hlBloij of Oregon, died nt Poitland. i,,.na n.a inir tn Now York nml Chi ??it.i,iil,.. 1 t,l. Olnnii loim i. .. i JJ' in"" mi. OMIHJ iouw I1UI ilUIUU CagO, iib ui-i-ii in urKui I. in sniom unci in yprtland. For the Inst four years of nor lire biie lias mndo hoi i M. H. Hurton. a woll-to-do hop grow . ,. i.u .,i.i.i.nowi ihn n. W. Conner . ... I VI. Illin IIHMHHDVll ..w --. - --- UOlUU Willi .. ... t.i l ... nt 1io niimm-o n, i'.n-fi ci..." ...". resitionco ui niiiiiuiium:w, . - " -- lib vvwl kJUIIUUU DLLtlVl, Mrs, iiiu nuoui inreo years ago, since thon nk r.111 Ynlimlll Tin. Intn a n .i ' Lf Salem, was a brother of Mrs. Vic r Her (inlv fmrvlvlnir i-nlnflvn mi :fls Is John Wilson, of wailu nlln ii cniiBln Mr, viim l.i. ,i .... ...... .. ...n,, l, iiu illilron. pile Intei lor department has made ID following ruling: "That land In flJHJetion Is a portion of the former Si Jcjtz Indian reservation, and the man Jiar of disponing of tho samo In pro tgrbecl by the act Of August 16, 1804, UH Stat 32(i), which provides that When disposed of under tha provisions jjthe homestead low tho Ilnnl proof BhaU show three years' nctuol reel Opce on tho land us a perqulslto to patent " prastoria s city attorney complains mat finest In that city Tho Astoria Push Club, thiough Rep l-Bunntntlvi) Camnhan. will push for uninl minis letrlslntlotl. Mormons havo bought a sawmill west of llnlnler. and nre spending $100,000 putting It In shnpe for IiubI- noes. ( a shlbi'odo nml othei-s have In cornorated to build a street car line ror ltoeburg. . ., Ififfoi-ts nre boliiR made to make Mon- tavilla a part of tho city of Portland. There Is a prospect of extensfva coal mining In Morrow county. The Clark sword memorial fund still drags, but tho Poitland committee hopo to complete It by next Monday. Frank Kuann anil j. u. vuuiim, " n n. ii n u iinhtors from Wallowa conn he recedes but $70 a month. ty. have been nrrested at La Orande. jMMo8vsoaeiBee3ci93o8ceeag Favor your Hand Tis a good Servant, WJiy tire your hand and try your tamper by writing with a pen fiat 'goes dry" ovary six or seven words, runulriug thereby tutor- nlnable acqualntnnao with that dripping, slopping nuisance, the ink stand Hotter, far better, to have a fountain pen, and do your writing fplac idly and pleasantly. We call your apodal attention to our two lead ers tn fountain ies Loughlin and the Parker Lucky Curve, IJuth arc superlatively excellent makestruly good and practical In every point a fountain pen should excel In. Aak tl&lr users how thoy perform in everyday use. Then comi and learn our prlco Inducements on them. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, i I Corner State and Liberty Sts. Leaders in Low Prices. Brussells, Nov. 15. An Incldont, oc curring In the capital of tho Belgians louny, is indicative or tno revulsion or foellng on tho part of this people against King Leopold, whose lately ro- voaled scandalous conduct In his private llffl puts n blush of shamo on the cheek of his humblest peasant, when an attempt wnB made to assas sinate tho King after. tho closo of tho rollglous Borvlco-hold for the late Quten. King Leopold litis"'.- just ejnorged from the cathedral) when a man crept quite non'r to His 'Majesty, and fired a revolvor. The King sprnng back, unhurt, but kept cool. Before a second shot could bo fired, tho assas sin was .seized, disarmed and arrestod. A big crowd was gathered about tho cathedinl nt tlio time, but tho feeling against tho. King on account of his treatment of tho Into Quoen anil the Prlneoea was plainly shown by tho utter Indlfforonco with which tho peo ple viewed thocittompt to kill him. In stead of calling out In greatest ox cltemont. thoro was but murmuring, and the remark, "It would servo him right had he boen hit," was ropeatedly heard. It was cdntondod that Uio shot wnB flrod with n blank cnrtrldgo by a crank, ns It soemed imposslblo that tho King could havo otherwlso oscaped, the men boliie but a fow feet dlstnnt. Nothing of nn ofllclnl nature regarding the mnltor has been given out. ijiier. upon investigation it was shown that tho cnrtrldgo was not a blank bullet, but that it crashed through tho canlago window, .narrow ly mlnelng Count Dollrompnt,. tho Kinnd marshnl of tho palace. Tho po lice used no tender device In getting the assassin away. Ho was dragged through tho streets, and at tho prison gavo his name as donoro. Ho Is an Italian, and apparently Inimno. Ho says that Mug Leopold Is n tyrant, and that ho wanted to nvuugo the King's Indifference and Insults to tho lato Queen. WJion ho tired tho shot ho ex claimed. "Tafco that, you roprobate." When furthor questioned ho said he shot nt the King hocnuso too many people nbout hlni wero coverad with gold. Ho snlil ho had heon without food or work for soveial days. His half-stnrved nppoornnce bears out the assertion. Tho police aro undecided whether he Is nn anarchist, or simply a crank. News of tho nttemntod as- insslnntlou were recolvod nt tho Cafo bciiesson with chooiB. but which wore quickly suppressed. Tho King retired to his pnlnco. and refuses to discuss the nffalr. Photographs of King Leopold and Prlnre Albort wore found cpncoaled tu the Clothing of Goiioro Kublno Dlru blnl. who llnnlly tnlkod freely, giving his full names. Ho says he Is -13 years old. and arrived November 1st from I-ondnn, and that he had appealed to the Itallnn ambassador for a return ticket to Italy, hut wnB refused. He rambles somewhat, and said his inn ters were C.olgoIsz, Luchlnl nml other aaaaMlns who, declared, wero heroes He begged to he allowed to go free, and said he was compelled by an oath to return to Italy and kill King Eman uel. King Leopold seems not per turbed, as he t(Hk an automobile rido this afternoon. PASTOR CHARGED WITH CRIME Norwetjlan Ship Abandoned. St. Michael. Azfirnn Mm- IK Tl.o Norwegian ship Telafon. Captain Thor sen. which left Norfolk. Va.. October 2j8t, for Cardiff. Wnlm. him Iioon abandoned. Thirteen of her crew were drowncjfj, Including all the officers. Tho survivors were picked up and landed hero bythe steamor Warflold, Captain Battle, from Savannah for Bremen. At tho time the Telafon was abandoned she was dismasted and in a water logged condition. FOR THE CAUSE OF THEMINER Mitchell Is Cross-Examined by the Strike Commission ScrauW Nov. 1G Mitchell waa again qross-examlncd today beforo the strlko commission, and said that he considered the minimum wage of $G00 a year a fair pay to tho minors, en abling them to give their children n common school education. Ho be lieved Mb child under 14 yenrs should bo allowed to work In the mlnos. Ho ndmlfiad that this might cuuso hard ships, w,here children much youngor nre new assisting to maintain tho fam ily. lit& said that did not alter his opinion, that each child should havo a common school education. Wlloix. in the course of tho exami nation Cf Mitchell. Isked If ho believed that aainlon minor had tho right, un der thjLorganlntlon, to jorti tho Na tional fflSuard. Mitchell replied that this wS a matter of purely Individual oplnloj&nnd that he believed that a man hay a right to Join th mllltln. If ho so glioose. o - Were Rejected The members of the county court and a commltto from the Salem city council this afternoon oponod bids for tho tiijlldlng of a Joint bridge across Mill Oreok. on North Cottngo street. Two propoealH wore received, as fol fel fol eows: Itoyal & Son, $121; McCoy, $447. .Since tho bids wore greatly In oxe'ostHpf the amount for which It wnB represented the bridge could be built, tho offers woio rejected. Taxltoif - Recieved Th Marlon county court this nfter noon received from Sheriff Collmth tho dollnquent tax roll for tho year 1001. Tho report shows that of tho grand total on the roll or $21'J.K82.78. there remains unpaid and delinquent but $ The roll wns accepted by tho court ami turned over to Clerk Roland to be chocked over. IN FAVOR OF THE CANTEEN The Inspector General Urges Readoption Soldiers Philippines Demor alised by Native-Drinks Canteen Furnishes Necessary Amusements of Seduction and Sued $10,000 Damages for Pnyneevllle, O., Nov. 16. Jtev. Prank Hungate. until a few days auo liastor of tho First Baptist church, was ar retted at noon, charged with producing a criminal onorntlon nn 17-year-old Phoebe McKeewen. A elvfl suit for $10,000 damages for seduction has btlen instituted at the same tlmo br the girl's mother. t tMM Found Stockraislng Profitable. Many farmers In all parts of the county are changing from grain to stockraislng. and many have found It profitable to run or supply dnlrios. Large quantities of graes seed arc be ing town in all directions, and a varie ty of reots will be planted to umdpbe stoclt feed. Much land that Is pQW ban- ren can tie anu ought ? beilirned into pasture. The aiterprfco wm rajh Idly "ring profitable eJmnwe. Dalfas , The visit of the German Emperor to the King of Knglnnd is nonrliur tho Biid. and a secret agreement Is snld to have been umcliod about annexing n largo portion of Eastern Afrlcn. Bolivia is to Issue $1,000,000 paper money to carry on a war expedition of 1000 men to Acre. American marines nro being driven out of Pannnm by tho yellow fever. Alves, the new president of Bnull. will be Installed today. Rodriguez, a robot general, has offered to surrender to the govern ment of Vonesueln. The IroiiB have been taken off other leaders, and nil Is 23 5 O Commercial St. i fBancroft Optical Co.! iei?" ra A.M.DAWCnOFT Pye Specialist e8ecetest03seaft Light Your House WithGas Supplied by the Salem Out Light Co. Its merits are of the utmost sta bility, and when onco Installed thoro Is no more oxponso thai) for gas con- wiiiunI Our service Is of the highest eltlcieney, and always like our light, thoroughly- rollablo. In comparison with other methods of lighting, the otwt of gtyr. gyjSlauLWjfl bo found much more egonouijaal. SALEM GAS LIGHT COMPANY Phone 563. 4 Chemeketa St. Washington. Nov. 15.-rTho reports of tho Phlllpplno staff officers wero mndo public to day, and In which thoy unanimously advocate tho restoration of tho canteen system. Qouornl Snn gor, tho Inspector-general, has mndo a special study of the effects of tho nrosont system. Ho sums tho mat- tor up by saying thnt tho life of tho soldiers in the Philippines Is without attraction, nnd. aB a result they consort more or less witn tlie .natives, who soon adopt tholr habits, without boneflt to either. Tho post oxcllnnBo, with tho canteen, furnishes nn amusement place nnd exorcises a wholesome Influence. Statistics show that In 130 compnnies 00 per cent of the men used stimulnnts at tho time of enlistment, nnd deduces that the sale of beor would not Initiate habits of Intemperance, nnd post ox changofl can't bo maintained without tho canteen. The mon drink tho vllo native concoction called vino, and 25 per cont of the men aro Bolnj lnsnno who are addicted to Its use. The boor sold In ttio dives near the encamp ment Is Impure. The enntoon protects Against Intemperance nnd debauchery. RULES TO GOVERN STRIKES Important Recommendations Made by the F. of L. . New Orleans, Nov. 15. The most important toport rondure! nt the Fed oration of LabQr session today waJjy the committee oil local trade nntflfotf' oral unions. It wns recommended thnt no strlko in the future be considered legnl unions It was recognized by the prosldont of tho-locol unlonconcornod. and approved by tho exocntlve council of such unions, and nlso approved by tho president of tho executlvo commit tee of the Federation. It also roqulrcw a majority voto to doclaro tho strike off. After the first four weokB strikers aro to get $1 per weok per man from the defense fund. This recommuniin tlon will be subject to great discus sion. The following resolutions of chief Interest wore submitted: "Thnt the Unltvd Slatou government be nsked to return to Porto Ulco those people who wero Inducod to lonvo tho Island for Hnwali 'under promlsos of better Industrial conditions.' "That nny man who shall havo reached the ago of CO years, and who is a nnturnlixed citt.ou. mid who has lived 21 'years in this country, and whose nvornge nuuual Income has been less than $1000 pur annum, bo given n life pension of $1.2 per month. "That tho national hendipiaiters be emovod from wnehlnutoii iiunver, "For tho re-onnctmont of mining la'WB for tho Indian Territory, particu larly for tlto licensing of mining en glneers. .... "That a protest be mndo against tlio ship subsidy bill, 'as Is calculated to extend over tho sea tho samo monopo ly held by the rnllroaos oA land, and that tho Federation encourngo tho de partment of n naturalized body of American seamon. "That. protest bo mado against tho forcible return of deserting seamen from private vessels. No nlluslgn Is mndo to ships of war. "That tho Federation protest ngalnst tho construction of cither the Panama or Nlcaragunn canals, 'as tho country must olthor acquire moro territory, or encroach upon tho llbortlos of tho Lntln-Ainorican states. "That tho Fodoratlon protost ngalnst the harsh treatment given labor organ izations In Porto Ulco under tho old Spanish laws of tho Island. "Thnt efforts bo mndo to defeat the nntl-scalplng bill now boforo congress, nnd all city ordinances against ticket brokers. "That the 3000 employes of tho. Na tional Bureau of -Printing nnd Hngrav Ing bo unlonlcod. "That aid should be extended to tho-Iottor-cnrflors In their efforts to seoufo higher wages. "For a declaration by the American Federation of Labor thnt a building devoted to tho uso of union Inbor should bo orecled In ovory town of 15, ooo or moro inhabitants. "That all demands far increase In wnges or change In conditions must bo rtrst mndo to the Ceutrnl Labor bodies. "For recognition of tho prlnclploa of International Socialism, and to oncour ago tho study of economic eubjacts In all organizations." ARMOUR ' , WHEAT CORNER Puts the Cereal Under Con trol of a Large Holder Chicago. Nov. 15. Tho May whpot doal bolng engineered by Armour promises to be tho grontost corner slnco Loltor. Armour now has full control. Ho holds 10.OOO.O0O IhibIioIb. December wheat Is 724T7ayi. The movement was startod Friday, and resulted In wide purchases of De cember wheat, but It was not until to day that the nlan matured.-nnd rtn ad- kvnnce of half a rent wn mnrkefl. Sentenced to the Gallowe. Snn Francisco, ' Nov. IB. Jftank Woods, one of the burglars who mur nred Pollaomau HOblnton last Janu ary, has been flVntontftid to hang, by Judge Cook. He was convicted on tlio ovldeiico of Henderson, an accomplice, who Js the son of n wealthy man In Montreal. Tllmon Ford has returned from at tending court at liugeno. Ho still thinks n special susslou would ho tlio thing, nnd hopes tho govarnor will rq-. consider the matter, aiid cull oncu On the senatorial question ho tsnld ho nilght sell a farm or two and. bscoiiio a caudldnto. NEW TODAY. HOT WAFFLES at Zinns 3? 154 State St.. Phone 2874 iimw rl iiWTT In J I. A NPW WALKING i? SKIRT RECEIVED TQ-D4Yf4" $2e50 $3.00 $400 t t sS5 Tlie ontis you have been waiting for. t Call And see them, they are exceedingly cood values, tn fact, the best I wa havc.eyer had. NEW. Dn' ' OOOS i i i 4- t J We have just " ' id X HUM lMV IIIIU un, mi m imiiM I S1& OUlrkPfiEW J Qr ihe M . -,fcr brought to.m in our C & 4 r; s,y' mm. U.,BV' Bh. n M2Phk -vi'' HSW"f? T 1 9 If r av d&L H,., rftl EZ3 '?TjmgZr - lrSBsei m i SkVUV - - -tw-f m-i V 4. -1 ' i. J .' y. 'i1 9