&gm ryp iH , wmzm f-.Jj , ).t Ml, i 1.1 fit A. i. ST"' 14jfc the DAILV JOURNAL, 6AL6M, ORdadN. FRlbAY, NdVBMBSft 14, 1W2. ,rtWm.iwiKfclitfe em...i hi tiittiBMaitaawiiWi annul rMi . ;e9(t8ate9e9BStr 1 -h-m-h mm4tfi niniMiMMnm.ymi' IMPORTANT STAYTON SUIT REAL ESTATE MOVES AGAINST TOBACCO TRUST t 1 1 Just . Arrived! i - - - - Store. i Store i: AN. "Iflv $ News "TftS5-"" funtttn . mkjsss 402 i.uo.riiprL i j t- ' CORSETS. A lot of odds and ends of '-' Corsets, worth from 75c to $250r, ' '' Small sfces only. &.. J .5ci J HOSIERY. J Hose at Ladies Ribbed Worsted rpr.i !5ci; t LADIES' FINE CASHMERE HOSE: fast black and seamless - uu Dest hosiery values in Ihe city at pr.J f f: - Oc flHII.nRFN'S HOSE. Good heavv on wATf6Ttliese school days at pr. xJL'OO :: isiHiiiiiiia wi ii i in ' Dismissed In Favor of the Defendant in the Case Consent in Building a Dyke a Bar to Damages V ?l" L.t WMITO COq(eK HilHllli4fHitHlim-HII 111 II 111 1 I II mi in hi 3Efc 3C CSS- 3E3E T 3P 3Efc 3E O 3E2 J Our now tock of ralslna are now In, at prices lower than ever. ' ..ii'i i ' 10c for a full weight, 10-ounce 8eed .New Citron, ed Raisins. New Lemon Peel. New Orange Peel, ' vB ' Vf .3 for 25c for 12-oUnce Seeded Raisins 3 pounds for 26o for extra fancy loose Muscatels. .. NEW WALNUT8. ROTH GRABER, New Dolled Cider- New Heinz MlncolYleat. Wo offer the best line of the above mentioned goods at the most reason. able prices ever offered. Phono 51L 124 State Street. V 1 V Golf 01OPC0 MMHllKlVlMHIllBMHiaaaN H s 9& rv -.! . m There's a variety of colors to select from. Prettv, rich Scotch Plaids which are decidedly popular. The new line of Scotch mittens are made of tho finest yarns and keep the hands warm as toast. We have them in Ladies' and Misses' Sizes. 25, 35, SO, 60c pair. m Mrviile's ;;4 Hill Nil mi MM IN 11 S ARTIFICIAL EYES. .FEVER THERMOMETERS. FIELD QLA88E8. OPERA QLAS8E8. MAGNIFYING GLASSES. LINEN TESTERS. HOUR GLASSES. EYE, GLA88E8. SPECTACLE8. EYEGLA88 CHAIN8. CHATELAIN CASES. ALL RIGHT PRICES AT CHAS. H. HINGES PIONEER OPTICIAN. 88 Stnto StrooL Noxt door to Ladd & Dueli Dank. HIMMIIIWMllHMHIIMlff THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW Huh longer handles than othor makes, making It 'tho oaalost chilled plow on tho markot to handle. It has a longer, hlghormouldboard than oth era Tho sharp fs attachod by two holts, Inbtoadfof one, as In othor plows. Tho landflllHrlurnfl up nt tho hool, In stead of ending squarely as do othor chills, thus making It caay to draw backwards whon necessary, bo that v on a boy can liandlo tho plow under all Jltlons, Tho rear braco.tfotwccn j mouldboard jls aet far or adjusting parts, K or drawing lessoning the iommon fault Ml plOWB. Is, a atilctly with tho good fault a of none, froa prolltcil by ot others that Jn "lotting JudgoDolso today dismissed tho suit of Ilnel Cuatnr vs. Leo Drown & Sons. TIiIh was an action to recover dam ages, and aupprcsB n nulsnnco that wnH alleged to ho maintained by the defondnnt, In the fotm of a dylo Cits tar charged Hint on UiIb account, saw dust from the defendant's sawmill was distributed ovor plaintiff's land, do stroylng Its fertility. It was un ex pensive caHe, the suit occupying three duys, nnd costs amounting to not less than $200, nro assessed to Mr. Custar. In dismissing the suit. Judge Holso holds that when a person consents to tho building of a dyke ho cannot recov er for damagos that may result, nolth er Is tho builder of tho nlloged nul snnco or obstruction liable for such damages. It Is tho opinion of tho couit that tho sawdust complained of, was most ly distributed on tho promises of the plaintiff whon the dyke broke, and he, not having objected to the building of ,tho dyko. cannot recover damagos. Tlio second levee was built by tho de fendant to provont the Snntlnm river fiom changing Its course, and but for I this obstruction the river would have , changed Its chminel. and passed i through the land of the plaintiff, to his great damage Slnco the leveo Is moic likely a benefit than an Injury jto the plaintiff, tho coutt holds that the plaintiff Is not untitled to recover damages or to cause the discontinu ance of the loveo that Is being con structed, for tho reason that It Is something In which tho county nnd many cltlzons are Interested. Ilccnuse It secures tho propoity of tho plaintiff, and other persons, and serves tho In- , terests of tho public, Judgo Holso con- clinics mni n is noi ngnt ror tiio court to Intorfero with tho building of tho dyke, and finds for tho dofendant, (lis missing tho suit o Meyers Suit Settled. Tho suit of Henry W. Moyors. de manding a sottlomcnt nnd accounting 1 with tho Arm of Joseph Meyers & , Sons, has boon settled by tho forma i Hon of a stock company, In which all mo intorosta or nil tho partlos are amicably adjusted, nnd nil thieo sons become stockholders In tho business, upon a basis mutually agreed upon. Henry W. Moyors resumed his place In tho houso today, and the l(rm will go forward In unimpaired strongth na a cnmmerclnl ontorprlso nnd In tho full porBonnol of nil Its mombers. Joseph Moyors has proven hlmsolf one or tho uost mislnoHH men In this com munity, nnd his sons nro not surpassed among tho younger generation of tho Capital City. The fathor found thoy wore chips off tho old block whon ho got to doallng with them, and tho boys round that lie wns n match for them all. The lawyers In tho enso, S. T. Illchardson and Carson & Adams, also doaorvo credit for bringing about n settlement In n mnttor that might lmvo been drngged through a costly and do struotlvo lawsuit. All's well that ends well, and all will Join In rongratula tlous. o Football Notes. Tho Portland dontlBta mo to play a Salem toam Snturday. Tho Stato University toam plays at Albany Saturday, to close tho North west collogo championship. tiio Asniand Normal tenm plays tho laigeno nigh school team Saturday. FUNERAL HELDT0DAY Remains of the Late Orson P. Deards ley Given Interment. Funeral sorvlcos ovor the remains of tho late Orson P. IJenidsloy, of Eoln, woro conducted at the homo nt 10 o'clock this morning by Kev. P. H. Knight Tho pall bonrors woie: D. L. Qreono, C. I.. Wollor, Honry Urophy nnd T. Ilrunk. nurlal took plnco In tho I. O. O. F. ocmotoiy In thlB city Deuoaued hadJjeon seriously 111 only about two weeks, and during the latter days wns unconscious, hut mirrored lit tle. Ho was born In 18M.1, at MoDon- ough. In Chonungo county, Now York. whoro In his early manhood ho was manled to Miss Ophelia J. Smith, who aurvlvos him. Of four children, only ono Is living. Mrs J. J. Read, of Poit lnnd In IiIr younger days docoased wns a school teacher. In which profes sion ho won superior rank, and nftor coming to Oregon In 1873. ho pursued farming tho greater part of the time After living In Salem nbout seven years, tho family removed to the pros out lumittstend at Kola, wlioto they have since lostdud. Deceasud was a member of no lodgo or church orgnul- xnuon. nut gained much quiet enjoy, meat lu pursuing the study of elevnt- suiijects, in which he was lutoiout- tcl'Ie leaves many warm fi loads to VSi., II,,. .,-.,, ,1... ..!..!.... ,,v nuiiuti u iiiu niuvlVIIlK In Spite of a Week of Misty Moisty Weather Building Operations Proceed Preceed ing: Without Interruption It. II. Leabo & Co. nio remodelling their olllco In the Illheo block to make It moro convenient and to nccommo data their growing buslnoss. Oeo. C. Mouror nnd othor cltlzons of (ho Lincoln Park uolghboihood nro co operating to put down 1200 feet of three-foot sidewalk and crosswalks from Commercial and Lnfollo streets east. That is tho only walk loading across from Leslie church and tho Lincoln school to Yew Park and South Twolfth street. Tho nolKhbor- hood Is contributing ensh, labor and material, and will have a good walk, whethor thoy nre taken Into tho city or not Incessant lain doos not tend to stop the movomont of tool ostato In a corn, morclal way. During the past week a number of transfers havo neon made, tho nggregato or tho considerations be ing about $14,000, or considerably larg er than for tho proceeding week. Among the deeds recorded dining the week with County Kccordor Slegmund were the follewing: W. J. Udoll, et al to John Klutz, SO ncrcs, t 8 nnd 9 s, r 1 w, $1900. Anson S. Cone, ot ux to Fred Den tol, 80 acres, t 3 s( r 1 w, $2800. Win, A. Ituthorfoid, et ux., to Kdwnid Welk, 127.40 acres, t 9 s, r 2 w, $4200. A. O. Perkins, et nl to Gcorgo S. flicmun, is ncies, t u s, r 2 w, $800. Chorion P. Dlsbop, ot ux., to J. It. Linn, lots 1 nnd 2, Cnrtwilght's add to Salem, $4000. J. N. Davis, et ux.. to Fred Loose. lot 9. block 0, Frlekoy's add to Sn lorn. $1000. Honry Hnhn, et Ux., to Chnrles Pe ters, 31) acres, t 8 s, r 1 o, $300. Mary B. Smith, widow, to AiikIo Mc- A toe nnd llachaol Smith, ono lot of tho Chndwlck property on Center street, $150. S. H. Scott, unmarried, to Lydla Yoikes, about 101 acres, t C s, r 3 w, $2000. Isaac F. Amond, unmarried, to II F Amond, lots 1 and 2, block 3. nnd fraction lot 3, block 3. Tumor, $1000. A. Roiro. ot ux., to Walter O. Uelfe, lots 3, I, 13 and II, block 2, Jefferson, $100. A. C. Harold, ot ux., to It. D. Tetor, lot 10. Sunnysldo Fiult Farm No, 12, L. Ames, ot ux., to O. II. Ottowny, 30.70 acres, t 7 s, r 1 w, $920. Elevln Mllos, ot ux., to Hermnnn do Vilos. 12.11 acros, t 7 s, r 2 w, $100 Honry Heppner, ot ux., to Martin Fi. Smith, et ul 313 ncres, t 8 s, r 1 w, $8730. Edward Wolk, unman led. to William M. and Harry E. Robeits, 127.40 acios, t 9 s, r 2 w, subject to $800 mortgage, $4200. P. II. D'Arcy, unman led, to Gustav Mutznor, 93.70 acros, t 9 s, r 2 w, $950. O. L. Hnttoburg, ot ux.. to Fred Krug, 27 acres, t 7 s. r 1 w, $800. II. F. Smith, et ux.. to M. II. Stan ton, lot 7. Smith's Fruit Farms, $C50. Emilia Hurst nnd husbnud to R. P. HaiiBon, lot 1 block , Southwost add to Salem, $050. Jufforson Poolor, et ux., to Claudo Hurst, ot ux., about Vt ncios, t 7 s, r 2 and 3 w, $2800. C. It. Morkloy to Joseph P. Smith, 2 acres, t I s, r 2 w, $605. James Bonn, et ux., to J. II. .Fnrrnr, lot 7 and f met Ion lots 8 nnd 9, block 2, Bolso's fit st ndd to Snlom, $1000. Martha M. Adulr, widow, to Q. 8. Harris, 10 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w. $1B0Q. Stella Mlzo to R. H. Varley, at al., w hair lots 5 and 0. block 3. Southwost ndd to Sulem, $250. F. J. Wlrfs, et ux.. to J. S. Campbell, B0 acres, t 1 s. r 3 w. $1600. C. Miu tin llnllor, ot ux., to EiUvnrd E. Ilallor, lot 8,-3uunysldo Fruit Fnun No. 12. $375. B. B. Colbath, shorlff. to Johnr Mc Klnnoy. lots 9 and 10, block 2, Idtjt 1. 2 and 3 block 1. Filckey's add, Snlom. $1)00. Smokers Should Use Only Home-made Cigars Cigar-makers Urge Work' men Combine Against It Tho following circular, Issued by tho Clgnrmakors' Union, Is being exten sively circulated "nmong werklngmen: "To tho Retail and Wholesnlo Deal ors In Cigars and Tobacce: Whon your lntorests, llko our own, nro ns'sallod, and from tho same source, may wo not suggest a mutuality and unison of ac Hon, to tho ond that solf-prosorvatlon, tho first law of 'nature, can bo best sorved by so doing? It noems unnec essnry for us to say to you In tho light of past history that tho olgar tntst tho American Tobacco Company la a living fact, and that It Books to control tho entire cigar and tobacco buslnoss; nor to say that unless strenuous stops ara tnkon by thoao whoso Interests nro assailed, It will bo successful. Briefly, lot mo say, tho cigar trust employs nothing but cheap, unorganized, most ly fomalo child labor. It does not rec ognize tho union, iror does It pay union or fair wngos. It seeks by tho system of cheap labor to control tho manufac ture of cigars, nnd It will resort to tho most unscrupulous, unbuslncss-llko methods, such as temporarily cutting prices, bribery, and tho free and ques- JOURNAL BARGAIN DAY Fixed for Noy. 22 and Al ready Being Improved Upon Tho Journal bargain day last month, whon nil who paid a year In advance for tho Dally Journal got a reduction of ono dollar, Is being duplicated for November 22d, whon tho bnrgaln day will bo repeated. On October 25th about threo hun dred pcoplo ordered this pnper In ad vance, and showed their faith In the publication by raying n year In ad- vnnce. this monui wo nuiiu i uunmu that number, and wish to call atten tion to tho fact that this reduction In price takcB effect on that day and date only. The Journal by mall, or at tho postofllco or Journal delivery, Jb $ 1.00 a year, 35 cents a month, or $1.00 for threo montliB. By carrier $0.00 a year, or CO contB a month. On November 22d only tho mall rate Is $3.00 a year and carrier rato $5,000 a year. By pay ing at tho regular .rato to Novombor 22d you can order now, or any day bo foro November 22d, nt tho reduced rate. Wellington, N. J., Nov. 14. Another raft from tho Ill-fated steamer Ellnga mite, which wob wrecked on Threo Kings Islnnd November ""9th, waa picked up this morning by tho gunboat Penguin, with eight living and olght dend bodies on board. The survivors were In a pltlnblo condition. Four stenmei-s nro now senrchlng for tho otlicr rafts. Forty persons were on tho Ill-fated steamer when sho wns wrecked. , HATS ya MMI MIIMMIHMIMMttWW tebe wtbe patronage! We havo gained, and the expressions of satisfaction which come to us fro mcvery source has encouraged us to secure for our growing trade a great line of pictures at popular prices. You have never seen the like at the prices we ask. We'd like to have you call and take a look. PATTONS BOOK STORE! a es e Some swell lines at $3, oUr i values are unsurpassed and 1 mnriA frnm 1 aa a. ... 9 v .,w,,. TMVV l0 ?50q Men's iStiirts We've Jus received several llnei n Percales and Negligee at $1.00 to 1,50 our assortment is large and Includes I nil fttvlna. I Daijriaged Blankets ! Thirty-two pairs Just off the looms. The Imperfections are so slight you'll hardly know what's wrong with them until you are told. THEY'RE A 9NAP WHILE THEY LA8T. For the Ladies Woolen Mill Dress Goods, 56 Inches wide, suitable for Skirts and Jack ets. Colors Black, Navy Blue, Tan, Gray, light and dark Oxfords. Prices from $1.00 to $1.25 per yard. For the Boys A big line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits with and without vests. Ages 3 to 16. Prices $1.50 to $7.00. We are headquarters for Boy's Goods. Opposlto Capital National Bank. Salem Woolen Mill Store HEADQUARTERS FOR SALEM MADE BLANKET8, FLANNEL8 AND CLOTHING. Opposite Capital National Bank. 254-256 Commercial Street. ft Tc?ri"G? qat v"p i i mm 1 8 i un ii ii mm A NATURAL RESULT. It Is vory ronsonablo to suppose If tho foundation of a structuro was tomoved that tho building Itsolf s bound to c omo down. This samo principle can Lo nppllod to dlsoaso. Tako a modi clno Into tho systom that will retnovo tho causo of stckuoss, and tho Illness lonvos of Itself, Dyspepsia, Indigos tlon, slck-hoadache and biliousness havo their foundation In stomach- dis orders. Remove this weaknoss and the othor symptoms nro no jnoro. There Is one euro for nil this that all druggists sell for 2Cc por box, It Is called Dr. Outin's Improved Ltvor PIllB. Thoy got right at tho beginning of those dlseasos and make tho euro by taking away tho causo of it. Wo will sond a small box freo by mall, or a laigo box on rocolpt of 25c. Address Dr. Gunn. Philadelphia. Pa. For5 salo Nhinn'a I iimiiv Qtrtfia A WHEAT MARKETS. Sun FinnolBio. Nov H Wjioat. Jl2t(h$lJlVi tlonable use of money to control the mnnufactuicd product nnd tho salo theicof. Tho object of tho trust Is to compel you to hand ovor your cigar business to tho tiust, and to become Its hired man. To bo comploto master of tho situation It must ovcrcomo all forces that will not bow In submission to Its morclloss dictation. "Candidly wo say to you wo boo no hope In an effort to preserve the Undo nnd your Individuality and buslnoss In terests from tho merciless grnsp of this modorn octopus, except to main tain tho union, nnd wo earnestly ask you to refuso to liandlo trust-mado goods, nnd that you confluo your field of opmntlons In tho cigar lino to tho oxcluslvQ use of union labeled goods, and ns rapidly as your business Inter ests will pormlt. "Tho Indopondent manufacturers, viz., tho ones not In tho trust, nor pro tected by tho union, havo no hope, and will ho driven out of the buslnoss, Into tho trust or Into tho union for protec tion. Hence tho transfor of your pat ronngo to tho Indopondont non-union manufacturer Is simply postponing tho evil day. "Tho Clgnrmakors' International Union Is hero to stay; It Is grounded on n foundation as solid as tho rock adamant. It Is not an oxporlment. It has stood tho tost of 40 years, and Is strongor and moro poworful than over boforo. It ennnot be disrupted, it will romalu In this fight dud will bo suc cessful lu tho ond. You, howover, can holp us materially, nnd wo can help you, nnd weare going to do so ro gnrdloss of what your attttudo toward us may bo. Singly wo can aud will malutnln n bravo fight against tho trust; Jointly thoro Is no question but that wo will both bo ontlroly success ful In combatting tho unwnrrnnted, un scrupulous offort of a glgnntlo octopus, tho cigar trust, to solzo tho buslnoss and run It for Its own prlvato gain, re gardless of tho rights or buslnoss ln torests of thoso who havo brought tho business up to Its prosont high aud satisfactory standard. "Wo ask you In tho imnio of good, sound buslnoss policy, and tho namo of humanity, as woll, to carofully con sldor tho mnttor, to lond us your moral assistance, to purchnso aud handle nothing but union bluo Inbel cigars. In doing so you not only assist a worthy cnuso. but do what Is of Innnltoly moro vital lmportanco to yourfiolf protoct and prosorvo your own busl noss Interoets," XMarket Quotations TodayX jT "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Poultry at Stelner's Market. Chickens 8c. Kggs, per dozon 30c. Turkoys 12c. Ducks 8 to 10c. Hop Market. Ih'nvy eattujf in twually the flrt eaiwe of liulitftwtuiu (teiwattMl attacks lutlae- llnlnir i tne Mdof . i s &.. " -i i iiiiiTiit nsm i " r m ill ih JtMl' ' fjsWswyii iMjii. 1 -y , t mmri r '"svanMUM," ' l JWfflf"' T' ,isB v4.t 1 &rP '"CPKttAdBHHsBsVa . ' f "aw w."kX. ,2 mwrsaMmwx , : .s: wiLkt - v ,t-wztA'iamm ' .. -,l yL!&: rjii 'v' '.XlvAtLW' "- . ' f.-'v ' i ' 'vwy . a:wum. ' . ' .v & J . r. i ' i-jsupaim.,. " t t i i , i f-.': .. " w"i. &.j- . . jKr-" L mwm&i - W ': Ywi . HtVlW " 'JittMEH ; s-.2Ao-t:jrV 4 'j?wHS . .rn! tsMi.'W' '.i. mitj1 . 'wistim . - . .. rvJRs. ": JSTjsm " :?'rKWmtmi . & ; ;rwflfiW3 vsssssiBnHyi . r - At i -ii, .rxMX?mii . .vsam'iBag&r-!mm.b5ns. a ? 1J rMvt: : x - wibh& &wESsmK&mLs W . " . T-f .. J F " k -l41Mrl . I I in V) I'll PI' iSBIB iJi c- v-c-tjs .- y.r-::mimmmmmmM s . : - ftfinK .; .'V- .?". i.jr'fKw wmMmfflmmBBmKz.rMmu uuy' luui 0 t. i JWF5Et ' L 1. ' Jf ivf f M'-', . 'yiMW'AmBS&S!LWXKmKHM.ie.v power r.nMDAiuv t s 5T'Wi" a ' . S,s MlPr ".? T " W. 'IMTilW OKrW ISj.HPJPlll1 . llJ MlllMlillllMIIBjlBjW n - il IBi "" nieuinrHiieti z-u ., . m-r--i: ?mmm:mzmmmm3mmMmmmBmBamammBmmi ." iish-'', .w. v . ".. l . Miiyry.f.'.s.:1 -rMwm&wsimmmsiKmmm&iimmmmmmsmmsr . -.;. fj- -.-' . "i.t ,' .'. s.ii" -i Ti tt - ti mi tit it nil lFMMTTTirn nsMmTTirMT iTT sniTTTTiiissMrsisnssisssnssTissssr mi ; . -m-. v.. -t. . i i i i i i i n mi Hi i in ii mi i 'ii miu mh , ;w :m in i ' i iii i w "i "- t . .-'? , - .' m.'. . ' , .fX'-r .. i jj i-kjExmi . $mimmAMmmwmiajmMTMMWBmMKmw afllO- 3BsiB?ITMia W& .'.MUmlSz c,,,red by Acker's English Romedy WMSKmm iTiX S0UBh8 ftud Co1 ln a.day- 85 cont8 BWTfc - &Wr13?WNHm&WE8Bk &i.h t;rMr . r,A ? m :. ' -tm Write for free sample, w. h. HookJr wmms, v;.ffiiwwwi f ;'., :" rm ,. ?a-nuaR,-N-Y-D-j- WmBRMm' '-LSsMPr' TWi ST. . ,'JtLJ Mw!7-T iJ- .' , 9. - 2M. the -,invn, Bto .ach. tiro- (lil hetirtburn, nnHllv catarrah rfllertM the tu ba nvrrra anil curt l rurea Imllgfsllon, dys- i trouble ui rieanmnx Klamls o( the 8tamch e a i reft Hops 2225V4c Potatoes, Apples, Etc. Potatoes 25 to 30c. Onions GBc. Dried Fruits. Dried Apples 4Vi to 6&c. Itnlinn prunes, 40s to GOs (5c Petlto Prunes lc.. Wood, Fence Posts, Etc. Dig Fir $3.50 to,$3.7G. ' Second Growth $2.50 to '$2.75. Ash $3.00 to $3.75. Ilody Oak $4.50. Polo Oak $3.50. Cedar Posts 1J to 12c. Hides, Pelts and Furs. Qreon Hides, No. 1 7c. Clrcon Hides, No. 2 'ic. .Calf Skins 1 to 5c. Sheop 75c. Goat Skins 25c to $1.00. Gray Fox 25 to 50c. Coon 10 to -40c. Mink 25c to $1.25. Ottor $1.00 to $5.00. Skunk 10 to 25c. Muskrat 1 to Be. "Wildcat 10 to 25c. Grain and Flour. Wheat 59c. Oats 28c. Barley browing, 45c bu. food, $16 ton. Flour Whllosnlo. $3$3.25. Live Stock Market ' Steers 3V1 to 3&c Cows 3 to 3 He Sheop $3.50 gross to $4.00.' Dressed Veal Cc. Hoga, allvo Gc. Hogs, dressed Cc Wool and Mohair. Coarse Wool 14c. , Fine 15c. Mohair 25c. Hay, Feed, Etc. Ilalod Choat $7 to 7.50. Clover $G to $7. Bran $17.50. Shorts $20. . Creamery and Dairy Products. Good Dairy Buttor 30c. Croamory Buttor 32&c. Cream, pan Bklmmed, at creamery 24c, at farm 22c. Croam separator Bklmmed, at croamery 28c, at farm 25c. Portland Mark.lt. Wheat Walla Walla, G8G3c. Wheat Valloy, 70c. Flour Portland, host grudo, $3.20 $3.30; graham, $3.00$3.50. Oats Cholco Whlto, $1.12$1.15. Barley Food, $23 per ton; rolled $23.50. mtm Mlllstuff Bran $19 Q0. - " jimj --u.fimi,'i,rto $11 pec ton. Onions 75c to $1 per cental. Potatoos 5055c por cental. Butter Best dairy, 20822,4: fancy creamery 3032; store, 1518c. Kggs Oregon ranch 2530c por dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 to $4.25; hens, $4$4.50; turkeys, Hvo, 12H13c. Mutton gross, 3c. Hoga Gross, GCVio. Beof groosa 3 to 3c veai YttQpSttc. Hops 222Gc. Wool Valloy, 1315c: Eaatorn Oregon, 814fcc; Mohair 2G28& ,rI,d?frrdry' 1C Pnda and upwards, 15 to 15Hc A No. 1 stock ranch of 150 ncres, with 50,000 acres of out-rango Joining tho place; Iioubc, barn nnd orchard; 1G acroa In cultivatien: 40 acres slashed and seeded; l'4 miles to school, 3-miles to town. Prlco $900, $G00 ensh, balanco on four yonrs' time. I llvo two mtlos southwost of Sherldnn on my faun. It will not cost you a cent to seo my bargains. Wrlto for full circulars. O. O. BUItGKSS, 11 13-2w Agent, Sherldnn, Or. A. M. Clough, Undertaker, 107 State street. Phone Main 1351, Salem, Ore gon, successor to D. E. Huntslnger. Residence Broadway and Mill, North Salem. Phone Main 221. o Umbiellas recovered at Shlpp & Houser's 258 Commercial street. " All musical nennln nlinnM membor that wo have opened la tho Y. M. C. A. block with a rare lino of small musical Instru ments, Including violins, gu. tnrs, mandolins, auto-harps, zith ers, etc. Sheet Music will be carried In groat variety, and Btrlnglng, ium"t .mil lujiaiwiif, will US f mado a specialty. Wo under- i stand tho business, and will I give our iatrons the benefit of Jit. J. WENGER & CO. ; Hi I I I I I I I 18 I i H II'I-H4fW Take your umbrellas to 8hty I Housjr'a for repairs. rJHHaaaiHIBBIfiIHBanB3niHI3018L!JBKQBlBHBlHaBIEflBlHBBaaHU I TO 11 II II I! 9 il And all we have to say is jjthat We Retail at Wholesale j give us a trial, M m m u M H n H M M M H 3 H M SPEER BROS. X 143-147 State St. KLINQER-SCHREIBER BLOCK. SALEM, OREGON, g BnBaEEBESnCC2SnEnCffBiaEaBUPBHBlBlMIIlliaSIHEM If you uso Mapb Syrup, you ought to try tho original xocs-C3--::o3C33fir 3m: jsspx-b1 Tho host syrup canned Ask for a 2C-cent can for a trial. We alwsr havo tho host of everything In groceries. FULLER DOUGLAS, Grocers 142 8tate Street. 'Phone 22t 6SeeSXsV) RECOYERbUI UMBRELLAS REPAIRED! MUD GUARDS AND STEEL RIMS FITTED ON ALL ,MAKES OF BICYCLES SHIPP & HAUSER lf"E W3K$3)ffi3S QHIOAGO STORE PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOU8E. r' THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. If yon want to buy dry goods cheap don,t forgot the always busy st Kop It fpromost In your mind, and don't buy iinfll you got our prlfes " havo mountains of goods, and you may rly on tho Chicago Store to the same goods nt lose prices than you ean'llml elsowheTc. Tho Pioneer Bakery Has tho reputation of bains: tha bat wvkory lu the p4y. yhen you want gotw urea or gastry, Kivo them a call. Stacks of drees goods from Lawol Ion's stock from 12V4o to $1.00. 76c cord velvets, all the new shades, special prlci) 40c. 75c plain silk finished velvets, new shades, special price 10c. Stacks of outing Ilanuols, any kind you want, from -l4e to 10c. Silks, 1000 yds, all kinds, ranging In prlco from 29c to $1.00. 100 pieces calico, every kind nnd make, from 3c to 10c. 500 yards of table linens, from 10c to $1.00. PRICES JUST HALF. Muslins nnd all kinds of dom-, blankots nnd comforts going cbtf 1000 rolls ootton batting 8c. 500 pairs of corsets bought cne ...in -i i ii.i rorset- "r will lt) BMIU U1IUUII. f ' -- olal price 80e. .n .- ..,... ...... -11.1.131)0 " bu (ion. luuiuti aeruj "" , x lined underwear from I.t-we'lea only 19c. .... .r. d iuu (loz. man's uuu. ribbed, Ileooo IJned. good ana Wa. ..""".:": . . crnne. f YOU-WftNT RAE BARGIS VISIT? oun oi- McEVOY BHOt'fett- -nr-Srjw -i -,., , JW HsBsk v. . - "-mi s Mini iMnmwmmmwmWUMNMKtKMNNN