The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 27, 1902, Image 2

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    mgkfmmrmmy.', """'."ssBCt" ' m
Where the Great Sale-is
GoiEg On
1000 Pairs of Ladies Felt Slioes ,
: ...Worth $1.50 for 75c, a pair.
These shoes are made of the
finest felt and furs in Juliet or
Romeo fur top, red or black felt.
All sizes and all widths. 75c will
be the price tomorrow at
State & Comraerical
An "advance on flour
Buy-your flour now, as It as choap as It will bo thlH year Flour will be
higher within a few days, so don't delay. Itomemhor wo carry n complete
stcKik,and our prlcos are tho lowoat In the city.
Brewster & White
Feedmen and
19 Court Street.
CMoe Strawberry P
Call at Journal office and net new catalog of fifteen best varieties. Ex
tra choice hand-layered plants at $2.00 per hundred, 30 cents per dozen. A
very fine lot ot plants of Wilson, 8harpless, New Paris, Magoon, Defiance
all reliably tested varieties that will grow large quantities of berries at
$1X0 per hundred, 20 cents per dozen. E. HOFER, 8alem, Oregon.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii i-Hr i n i ii 1 1 n i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
:: Leaders in :;
Up-to-date Footwear I
: : Repairing while you wait- :
Phnn! nine 201.
i i M 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II I I 1 1 II I I
Library Tables MB,
Ever shown in Salem can
now be seen at our store.
No use to wait longer if
you need a book case.
They range from $11.00 up.
Salem Abstract and Land Co.
Only Complete Set of Books in the County.
Safe Deposit Vault in Connection.
Valuable may be securely dcpoelted with us at a
nominal cost.
First National Dank Building. Salem, Oregon.
' s
of Slioes
Salem, Oregon.
D4 State Street. Salem. Oregon. T
1 1 1 I I'l I 1 I I II I II M I I I I I II I I"
Cases and
a wcsiwiDkaT- "urns
IttfaSSa Ih&Sfett Jut?
Tho H-O S2!?I
The causo cxiata in tho Wood, in
what cauaoa inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is therefore impossible to cure
tho disease by local applications.
It is positively dangerous to neg.
lect it, becauso it always affects
tho stomaoh and deranges tho
general health, and is likoly to
develop into consumption.
Many bare ben radleAllr'afld ptrmanenllr
eurd br Hood'a Sariaparllla. It alean0i ths
blood and haa peculiar alteratire and tonle
effect. It. Inc, California Jonotlon, Iowa.
wrlUi: "I had catarrh three yeara, lott mr
appetite and eould not leep. My head pained
ne and 1 felt bad all oror. I took Hood's
SaraapftrMU and now havo a food appetite,
ileep well. and hay no iymptoma of entarrh."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to euro and keeps tho
promise. It is better not to put off
treatment buy Hood's today,
Members Northwest Afternoon News
paper League.
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance,
Daily Three Months, $1.00 In Advance
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year. $1.00 In Avance.
Tho present organ of tho Democratic
sheriff's oIJIpo Is said to charge four
times n imuli for prlntlnB Shorlff'H
sale notlros ns It doit for other legal
notices. This Is tho man who is ob
jecting to tho legitimate prices paid by
the county for other work. For cut
ting prices and general demoralization
of business methods he takes the
prize, but It Is a prize Hint no man
wants who desires to see that honest
labor gets its Just dues. Such meth
ods savor of piracy and blackmail, and
should, not be encournged by fair
minded people. Ono who Is always
whining about putting no personalities
In his paper, but there Is nothing too
small or low or mean for him to print
about any one In the newspaper or
prlntlnK business, that he Imagines
can build him up or tetir down anoth
er. Yet tins Is done by ono who Is
continually posing as the critic of
others In public or private affairs. A
decent community should' not contain
many such enterprises. Such an one
should reform and become decent If ho
expects to live among decent people.
There may have been enough mean
and small people In Oregon to support
that kind of a newspaper In the past,
but there mLouIiI not be always.
0 '
With our state entering upon n new
era of development there Is urgent
need of u better business progrnm be
ing put Into operation for our state
Washington Is developing inpldly
and In Governor Mellrlde the people
sem to have n leader who Is laying
the groundwork for greater things.
Ho will carry tho legislature with him
to make the corporations the servants
Instead of the masters of the people.
Oregon, with a state tux of over
twelve mills, needs a complete recon
struction of us state system of raising
1st. According to the Republican
platform, all state official should be
put on a lint tanlnry and save sru,iMHi
a year.
2d. The Inmirunee tax should be ex
leudd to all nntuxail frauuhlses. so ns
to yield about $160,000 a year leveuue.
3d. All Idle school funds should be
limned out gud made to yield at least
$25 (KM) revenue a ywtr.
Ith. Wllu the Initiative and Ref
erendum In full operation tlie leglslu
line would be held down about 2R,
iiihi a year on appropriations.
A progrsiu like this would make a
(linage of IMMi.iMiii a year to the good,
und that much money wtnld stay In
the pockets of the tax iwyers
Then It would be possible to reduce
the state taxes. These objects are
woith lighting for at the special ses
hIou and at toe retrilur swtslon.
The light for these changes must be
made. It was well staited at the con
tentions In the last cHinixiIgn, and was
glwn h great Impetus by Governor
t'haiiibHrlslu In his campaign of the
The people are being imIiu'iiUhL along
tlicHe Hues, and will demand these re
foims with greater earnestness until
tlitN get them.
Public iiiuii will he islsed up who
will ipilt trming and playlug personal
politics and who will strike telling
Mows for thMM reform.
If Governor Geer would uuiaUtr the
Hltimilou In Oron along Uimw lines
and place them nefure the pnulf he
won M strike a blow for urogrsis and
put Oregon to In front.
This tat Is titwn Washington
and California, and has a hard poiltlnu
In the race for development. The
people would Imck Governor Gear
Ih a light for any of these reforms as
they will back Governor Mellrlde In
Go ei nor Geer has been to Portland
several times tho past week, and has
been Interviewed by the jmiwrs down
there, apd it is now- more easy to ile
ttne his tusct relation to the special
For a lutwth his olllee, Ih various
ways, has given out iiuthlng but mi
sons why a special session could not
or should not be held. Instead of list
ening impartially fur expressions from
thtuMi favoring and those opposaug a
spwlsl session his olilce has apparent
ly taken ald again.
ins private werwary hh tn news
paper corrMpoudwU of ths Wwrs
fighting the special MucduH haw glveji
out auy gwouiit of itulT ajdlut the
" T W li mi i ai-j ii
Apparently to head off what wag un
ilortakan by the Taxpayers' League at
PnrtlnMit tl Ic avnntlntimr t n m .
special trip to Portland, and out of
to -Abundance of hla mouth his honrt
.bath spoken,
t ,he Sunday Oregonlan he Is rep-
; resented as callins on tho Taxpayors'
League, and proceeding to Inline.
on that body all sorts of roasonB why
a special session was not necessary.
He could not wait for them to call
upon him with thelr'petltloirfor a spe
cial session.
And here was the final utterance of
tho Governor at .Portland Saturday,
when asked llatly whether he would
call n special session or not
"Don't know. I am waiting for the ;
pcopic co express inemseives on the
subject They are doing It now, aren't
they?" and the governor smiled.
"When tho newspapers out through the
stato get to grinding, we'll hear some
more," and His Excellency smiled
again, "No, I'll not tell you what I
think about the question. Nobody
knows that. I don't tell. IT'8 FOR
The above sounds very strange
when the constitution makes It the
duty of the governor alone to call a
special session. It sounds very strange
when his olllco has done nothing but
furnish arguments to keep us many as
possible fiom asking for n special ses
sion. ,
Governor Geer himself stnrted the
movement for the special session. He
advised getting up petitions for It. He
wrote Senator Coriiett the strongest
letter that could ho framed In favor
of a special session.
Next It was given out that he would
listen to the people. Then he began to
direct nil the nrguments that could bo
got up against a special session,
through the newspnpers. Lastly he
voluntarily appeared bofore the Tax
payers' Leaguo to head off n petition.
It can he stated from the accumu
lation of facts before the people that
the governor has not for somo tlmu
been In a waiting attitude, but ap
parently has dechjed tho case In his
own mind, and, as there Is no one but
himself to act, It can be sot down
that his poHitlon since Saturday Is
that there shall be no special session.
Govornor Geer got groat crodlt
among the people for his stnnd against
tho Furnish machine. Hu got great
credit for allowing his nnme to go he
fore the people as a candldnte for
Senator. Ho got great discredit among
the machine politicians for his stnnd
for an extra session. Tho peoplo now
ask, has he gone over to the ma
chine? The machine politicians have
fought the special session Idea from
the stmt. They and their papers all
accused Geer of seeking to promote
tils own Interests thereby. Thoy
threatened him with nn Investigation
of his school land administration. It
looks as though they had won.
There may still be an extra session,
Sometimes n few dnys bring about
great changes In the political atmos
phere. Hut if there Is one called, and
any good comes from It, Governor
Gcer will get or deserve no crodlt. If
great losses and Injury conies for not
having one ho will get nnd deservo tho
blame for not protecting the people.
As Governor Geer expressed It some
months ngo, the people havo llttlo or
nothing good to expect from tho regu
lar session under any circumstances.
It will ho a session Hint all the most
thoughtful public men of tho stato
were glad to keep clear of.
If the regular session does any good
or promotes any reform It will be due
to the agitation of the needs of A spo
clal session. The politicians will he
ho scared that In moments of repent
ance they mny do a few decent things.
Hut they will not muke up for nil the
".xtravagances and evil that will be
An orderly special session, sitting
'or a week, with the measures to hi
.mwwul drafted and blucked out before
hand, would render the slnte a great
In the ruck and Jam of the regular
session, with all the great tasks before
It, nothing will be dene ordeily or de
eently. The people can view only the
regular session with tenor.
I'lom these evils the governor can
Kill save them. Hut It Is doubtful If
public mutters of Importance can get
any consideration fiee from politics
and personality.
$100 leward $100.
''he readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that theru Is nt least
one dreaded t. Heine that science has
been nun to cure In nil its stages and
that la cutUTh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive euro now known
to tho medical fratomlty. Catarrh be
ing n constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
c atari h Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood ami mu
cous Hiirfnoofl of to system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the ills
e'sa, nnd gtlug tlu puU .nt strength
by building up the constitution and as
sisting nnture In doing Its wurk. The
proprietors havo much faith In Its cur
ative (towers, that thoy offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case that It falls
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
AddiosH, l J. CIIHNHY & CO .
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family l'HIs are the best.
MultltmlM Hi' ulsplug Hi prsUM uf
Kwlul, itw ims ill4tvry whU'lt la tuaklsg
iumiix alt'k iteuitl wfl ami wvwk people
mruiix Ui illgmllMK wttMt limy Mt, by i-ltss-lug
1 yv viMiiug. lb utiMtacki awl by
iraualuruilug tlulr luotl lulu tb Wuil uf
pur, rli'b. rml blood that stskatt you f
moot! all Urr. lira I'muSII, of Troy, 1. I.,
ttillm I'm a Huwbar of )Mrs I wan trou
Ulsl ttllh luillgealluu hm! ilyauiaU which
srw Ihio lb worst form. Ilualh 1
million! to is Kotlwl suit aflw ualus four
iMtitlvs I am mlrli mml. I bwiriUy rw
.nuiUHtid RM to nil auffsrvrs from luttlg
lios Mail ilfmMl.t Tsk it ilo aTir
unaU It OMMla what you wu K il.
llaua. US MtaW St. tiraud Ouvrs lloua
I nig fetor.
Umbrellas recovered at Shlpp
Hauler's K3 Commerelal street.
The Willamette valley and all Its
tributary valley want a Ash ladder
put in ths felts at Oregon City, so that
saimoii hih cowe up Ut rivvr. him
then the statu autkorUI must m
that the river Ul clswreil of flak vheelg
at the tall and below.
Willamette University Ex
petiences Second Defeat
Superior weight, larger exporlenctf
and better team organization on tho
part of tho visiting team wore re
sponsible for the tiefeat or tno Willam
ette University football eleven Satur
day afternoon at the hands of the team
from the Albany College), tho game
was played on tho Unlvorslty campus,
within a board enclosure, and thoro
was a large attendance to wltnosB tho
home team take Its second dofcat of
the season to the tune of t to 0. The
gridiron wns In good condition and
admitted of fast playing, wltli prac
tically no fumbles. Tho Salem uni
versity boys were outclassed and could
do no more than thoy did.
The visitors mndo their first touch
down and the goal In Just 34 minutes
after the gamo started, and thoy then
rushed the homo team in good shape.
In the first half, Snyder, Albany's
speedy right half-back, waa compollod
to withdraw from the gamo on ac
count of a badly Injured leg. Near tho
close of tho gamo, Coatos, tho visitor's
quarter, also left tho gamo bocauso
of a sprained ankle. Not a mombor of
the Salem tenm received any lasting
Injuries. In the middle ot the last half
Lucas, who played ho woll on tho C C.
A A. C. team two years ago, was given
tho position of half to reliovo Young,
and, with tho Introduction oi this now
blood, the home team braced up, and
succeeded In keeping tho collegians
from making more than another score.
For the visitors, Templeton, of Tern
pleton Hros., fame: Jarvls, formorly
of the Salem team, Morrison and Sny
der were tho Htnrs. Ior tho homo
trnm. Miller, tho captain, distinguished
himself by somo clever work nt tack
ling behind the lino. Hidden, nt
(pun tor, and Marquhm, at ond, woro
usually In tholr places when needed.
Notwithstanding tho uneveiiness of
the score, the gamo was worth the
while, and tho spectators woro the
very best natured tho visitors bo-
auso they were scoring, npd tho Sa-
lemltes because they could not Help it.
Just before the gume was called
Cathey. who Is also a feood playor,
was substituted for Ormond Honn on
the Salem team.
On Saturday evening tho Girls' Stu
dent Association gave the memberH
of the visiting tenm and the defeated
Salem enthusiasts a teceptlon nt the
I'ntieislty. The nffalr was hirgoly at
tended, and a good time was the re
sult The Albany team was accom
panied to the depot by a large number
oi iin Mniem university huiiioiiib.
Dr. Darrin Going
To Woodburn
Dr. Oarrln will conclude his sojourn
In Salem at Willamette Hotel. Novem
ber 1st. and will visit Woodburn at
Hotel Woodburn, November 2d to De
cember 1st, where ho enn be consulted
For those who ennnot possibly placo
themselves under olllco trontmout, he
has formulated a method of "Home
Treatment." whereby the suffering
may be favored with his latest modos
of cure. Including battorlos and bolts,
when necessary, which In many cases
give InstnutuuootiB relief, and soon ef
fect a permanent restoration to health
which Includes hulldliig up nnd re
organising tl" whole constitution.
Consultation In all cases Is confiden
tial and free. Those unable to make
one visit to the doctor can write for
question blank nnd circular, and got
his opinion on such cases. vHoiuu
treatment will be sent to nny address
at the rate of $ft a week, or In that
proportion of time, as the case may
Would-be patients should preserve
this notice wiioro It will he avallnble
when wishing treatment of Dr. Dnr
riu. An unquestioned proof of Dr. Dar
rln's skill In the wonderful workings
of electricity, and his superior rem
edies he employs, wu cite a few of his
recent cures In Salem. While wo
might till this paper with testimonials
If space would permit
11. II. HI ago, Gervals, Or., discharg
ing ear cured, and his mother cured of
Jlrs, Georgia Miles, I'mtiim. Or.,
cancerous growth .n breast, cured.
John H. Smith, of Woodburn. Or..
discharging ear and deafness SA years,
Oliver Iteers, Salem, Or., pain In the
back, kidney, liver nnd stomach
trouble; restored to perfect health.
Mrs. 1 M. Mel'eek, I7d Winter St..
Salem. Or., rheumatic neuralgia In the
chest ami heart Indigestion, coustiim
tlou. ulceration and hardening pf the
womb and painful menstruation,
Mrs. C. A. Betel's girl. Jeffereou. Or..
dlecbftrgluc ears, 0rk browH rotor of
the skin front effects uf liver and kid
ney complaint, cured.
A. I- Fry ml re, Salem, Or., deafneee
ami ulcerated istarra go it had eaten
through the septum of the uoee. cured.
Mr. 11. J. Powell, SOI Thirteenth
9U. Salem, Or., dleeaeee peculiar to
her sexv, reeiored
OfcKJ. ItateMkL CIwiimiwh. Or., dla
vwtp. aMnswu, uitwmawu, ur., uia- , "i. , r' , .
WW1. . M. thMK .,,!"" ,r " ,'S TJ"' ,0r "M
No more of the
that is dough.
27, 1902.
MiMMMM ' RtT.V f
His Wile's
ti t. .inuular thing
that in
Sple ifdiKland it N Ueatcd as
If Here entirely separated from, ami
ndeoeiideiit of, every other organ.
TlE fallacy f thf. 0Pii0,,issh,?
bv the cures of heart "trouble," liver
Ltihle " kidney trouble 'and other
w-ca led "troubles,'' effected by the use
of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Diwov
OI '"'.. r' ii.. h.. nrovprv IS a
medicine" otle cure of diseases of the
stomach and blood. But it cures dis
So organs seemingly remote from
the stomach, because these diseases have
Id origin In a diseased condition of
the stomach and its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition.
I doctored with three different doctor for
wrote heart but they i Ul me no Reed," w"M
Mr? tiitia A Wilcox, of Cyitnet, Wood Co Ohio,
noli -I wii i? U ed aiS diaceutagrd Ifl lisd
had my choke to live or die I would have pre
irrrra tn die Mv liusliatid heard of OoWen
Medlca UlaSivery-and he bought a bottle. I
took that andtheW half wemed to help me.
I tw)V l U bottlw before I utomied I am per
fecuTwell. atul am cooklug for Mx boardera
It han been a C.od end to me "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. dyspepsia, liver and heart trouble,
Miss I Ashford, Woodburn, Or., dis
charging cars for years, restored.
Mr. and Mrs. Iteubon Lee, Turner.
Or., nro both cured, Mr. Lee of sciatic
ihetimatlsm nnd general breaking
down of tho Bystem; Mrs. Lee of ah
cess of tho lung and cough numbness,
bloating nnd groat pain In tho head.
Both came to the doctor flvo months
ago. walking with canes; now they are
both In perfect health.
Itchlne Piles nroduco moisture and
causo Itching, tills form, ns well as
Blind. B ceding or Protruding 1'llos
are cured by Dr. Bosan-ko's Pile Rem
edy, stops itching nud blooding. Ab
sorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at druggists,
or sont by mall. Treatise free. Write
mo about your case. Dr. Bosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For salo at Dr.
Stono's drug stores.
The Journal's bargain day Saturday
was taken advantage of by hundreds
of people. Tho regular prlcos for the
Dally Journal are again In effect.
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, tho next
mornlne I fool bright nnd my com
plexion Is hotter. My doctor says It
acts gently on tho stomacho, liver and
kldnoys, and is a pleasant laxative. It
Is mndo of horbs, and Is proparod as
easily as toa. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All drugglBts soil it at 25c ana
50 conts. I.nno'8 Family Mctllclnoa
moves tho bowels onch day. It you
cannot get It, send for free snmplos.
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
This thing of belug sick and looking
for a euro Is a mighty serious busi
ness. Peoplo aro not given to Joking
oven at the first symptom of tho ap
proach of tho grim dostroyer. They
do not want to be tho subjects of ex
periment, but want modlclne that has
Mut the test of years behind It. A
modlclno that has been mndo and used
for 20 yoars glvos assurance ot Its
worth, und can bo taken with a faith
that they havo tho very host euro tho
world affords. All this can bo said
ujout Dr. Gunn's Improved Llvor Pills
as u remedy for sick-headacho, dys
pepsia and Indigestion, it begins right
at tho source of tho trouble and re
moves tho cause. We will send a
sample box of these pills free, or a
full box on recolpt of 2Gc. Sold by all
druggists for 25c per box, or address
Dr. Gunu, Philadelphia. Pa. For sale
at Dr. Stone's Diug Stores. 2
Bryan has not lost his charm as an
orator, to Judge from the crowds he
draws in Idaho.
ine socialists aro completing a
noble but forlorn oducnUonul light In
most states ot tho Union. '
The newspaper that suhslsteth on
pagtM of timber-land notices. Eerily,
it hath no opinion to express.
Common sense Is not a brilliant
quality, but It throws out a clear,
steady radiance all the same.
A petition is being clroulatod In Me-
Mlunvlllo for an ordinance prohllritlng
oMieciorniing ou me sniewnlk.
All Mark Hanna asks of the people
lit the coming election rh Ohio is to
stand pat. He will do the rest.
The Salem Sentinel brings out Tom
my Davidson for mayor and K. H.
KlagK for recorder. Both of them are
fat. and neither one is reil-headetl.
The torredo do nothing hut de
stroy. It leaven no trail but th
empty bore through which It wormed
its way through what It consumed.
Under the immaculate Williams
regltwy In Portland the slut-tuachluu
'" "umul ,lw collected, but bueluws
Light Biscuit Light Pastry Light Cakes
Light Work Light Cost.-SURE and-
Quick-as-a-wink 1
Harry Guild, who loft Salem, sfowod
lln the stock department of a freight
(car. Is publishing tho Frosser lnlls
' Hulletln. and writing about sunrises,
! something he never saw In his life.
I His wife has to use a derrick to Bet
him up In time for iircnKiusi. "
ho and Gov. Fietcner rnu mi- du
Independent It was a question which
one of them grunted tho hardest whon
some one called, and they had to get
up and tnke tho man's money.
. o
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation nnd .Indigestion, makes you
i.nt. nlneo. work and happy. Satisfac
tion minrnnteod or money back. 25
cts. nnd GO ctB. Write to W. II.
HOOICKH & CO., Iluffalo, N. Y., for n
freo sample. D. J. FItY, Druggist.
Houser's 258 commercial street.
Umbrellas recovered at Shlpp
Roche Hnrbnr Lime. Heat brands
ongtb, All kinds oi building material,
Chop! Chop! Chop!
Tiresome, Isn't it, to get down the
chopping bowl and knife and prepare
something for the next meal ?
But the tiresome method is out of date.
You can do the work with Sargent's
Gem Food Choppe r and do it
better with but little labor. The
sired. Useful in the preparation of substantiate and
desserts. You need it- in your kitchen every day.
R. I'l. tAHE,f3L CO..
A Juicy Morsel fo
Or dinner you can enjoy from ono oi our
tendor and delicious meatB, steaks, lamb
or mutton chops, veal cutlets or tork,
Our moats aro nil cut from tbolfattoet
Ami tirimestoUtle, and we can supply
your table with fresh, nutritious nnd
Aholoeomo meals t bed rock prices.
I'l.on Ml
You Can't Beat Them
Is what everyone says that wears
the collars and cuffs laundered here.
Thoy are exquisite In tholr perfect
tlnlsh and faultless color, and look
fresh and clean when sultry weather
makes those of your less wise friends
wilt nnd wrinkle with perspiration.
Our fine laundry work Is beyond com
petition. Salem Steam Laundry
Coi. J. Olmsted, Prop.
Dorous D. Olmsted, Mgr.
Phone 411. 230 Liberty St.
a"- ec f v vim'm i
a nt BTSt- IHgRH, 'BB' ..
Greenbaum's Diy Goods and Aillinery Store Bargains for
this week:
Lace Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long, 50c pr.
Lace Curtains, 2 3-4 yards long, 75c pr.
Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 40 in. wide, $1.00 pr
Lace Curtains, 3 1-3 yds. long, 58 in. wd. $1.75 pr.
Bed Spreads, large size, 75c each.
Bed Spreads, Alarsailles, worth $2.75, for $1.85.
Lace Striped Hosiery, at 25c pair.
Corsets from 2 5c up. Shawls, Fascinators, 2 5c up.
millinery in all the latest styles, Buckres, Cabashone, Feath
.ts, Tips, Whirs, Birds, Pom-pons, Velvets, Felts, Ribbons,
Laces, etc. You'll find this department strictly up-to-date,
iiiai'ciuaa in cvciy icsijeci, uuu
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store
Door to the Postofflce
la the causo of more discomfort than
any other ailment. If you eat the
things that you you want, and that
aro good for you, you aro dlatressed.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will mako
your digestion perfect nnd prevent
Dyspopsla and Us attendant disagree
ablo symptoms. You can safely cat
anything, at ariy time, If you "tako ono
or these tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guaran
tee. 25 ctB. Monoy rcfundod If you
aro not satisfied. Send to us for a
freo sample. W. H. HOOKKIl & CO.,
Buffalo, N. Y
ltlllous mill liver disorders nt this iniuii
innv lie irovpnti,il by oU'iiuiInK the Byntciu
with IMvltt's Little Kurly ltlsiirs. TUesi
fiuimiH little tlll lo not prlpc. Tliey tnuvn
tho bowi'ls Rcntly, but copuiusly. nud by na
hou of tho Ionic properties, give tone uml
strength to the, bIiiihI. F. O. Hass, m
State Ht Orniul Opern Uo;ws Urni; Hture.
1'ort nnu ucmon . """.' " r
eand, g-nvel, lath, shingles, etc.
Phone 091 Main
Gem chops all kinds ot tood in
coarse, medium or fine pieces, as de
Shingles and Shakes
Tho roof la shingled host If you uus
tho kind of shingles and shakes w
sell, and wo ask you to noto tho good
wear and economy of tho roof for
which wo furnish tho shingles or
shakes. Wo carry a largo stock ot
shingles and shakos ot good quality,
carefully selected to mako a sound,
tight, durnblo roof, nnd wo nro al
wayB ready to glvo estimates.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Near S. P. Pas. Depot.
Phono 651.
If you wish to be healthy
Ami happy drink good beer, such as
ihc Saleiii brand, known for Its purity,
pnlatablllty nud general excellence.
Somo beers tnsto good, but arc not
good; somo beers aro good but don't
taste good. Salem beer tnstou good
nnd Is good yot our price Is not great
ly in oxcoss of Inferior makes. Have
you over tasted nnd tested Salem
WORKS, Mrs. M. Beck, Proprietor.
reubonaDie prices.
302 Commercial St.
O. C, T, Co's
Pomona and Mtona
I-eavea (or Portland Usily
exoept tiituday at 7 a. m.
Quick Time. Cheap Rates
Deck: Foot of Trade t