JOURNAL. Journal advertisers. bTs mmmt THE WEATHER. ggfmore than pleased with the re mind as a result are Increasing Tonight fair probably showers. BO ail Tounu. ri ... i i THE DAILY 3 TOLUME XII. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOliUlil iff. 1002. NO. 226 -' Rt;irri n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-i n llt Your Neighbors IN SHOES FIND IT SAVES THEM MONEY TO TRADE WITH A CASH STORE. DON'T YOU THINK IT WOULD PAY YOU. WE CAN FIT THE WHOLE FAMILY. Tho fact that our Shoo IIuhIhohh contlmiPH to biow Ih proof tlmt our Bhoes give satisfaction. Our prices nro from 10 to 20 per cont below "regular stores" for the namo qualities. Our nBHOttmont Is-vory complete. Wo boII more shoes than the most exclimlvo shoe Htores. NEW 3' 1 I I k ..?g& :: YORK RACKET;; SPECIAL SESSION . TALK Oregonian Claims Sen ator Could be Elected 5 The values we show in dTS will surprise you when we tell you a suit is J "all wool, there s no cotton nor snoaaym u i Don't you need In the Event That an Extra Assembly is Convened Republican Leaders are Get ting on Dangerous Ground for yourself and the boys? It won't cost:: you much to keep comfortable during the :: winter it vou fit out at the New Yotk Racket :: UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, NOTIONS. SHIRTS ;; I! Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store;: n T RAI?MPs Prnnriptnr. - 'm ffWriCorner of Commercial, and Chemeketa Streets. j i.- miiinnii num-M. HH-1 1 1 1'l I l l i i rii"i !'' . - m lime is precious And bo is a rellablo tlmcplceo. Watches and clocks purchased at C. T. l'omeroy's are always accurato time keepers, and require tho least repairs, with ordinary careful usage. Tlicy can always ho depended on. Wo arc Rolling a Waltham or Elgin movement In a 20-year gold filled case at J12.G0. Wo can furnish any style of case. C."T Pomeroy 288 Com. St., Watchmaker and Optician A good standby To havo In tho lfbuso Is our pure and finely flavored Overholt Whisky. It Is tho host that Is distilled, and has that rich and oily consistency only pro cured with high grade goods. Our stock of wlnos, whiskies, liquors, beers and brandies are the choicest that Is made. with them. In tho cnnipnlgn preced ing the June election nono dared open ly repudiate tho referendum. Now some openly sneer at It. All then promised Hot salaries for state of ficials. Some now openly miy tlmt ' promise kept four years hence will do us well. These men who promised flat salar ies and Direct legislation to get Into office now sneer nt these great popular vpformrt. 'They are laying the ground work for the annihilation of their par ty. If they have one. The Oregonlnn now claims to havo made the discovery that If there be a special session called of the Oregon J legislature that hod? will be required to ballot on Senator the second Tiles day after It assembles, and therefore, It says, all the motive for the extra session are removed, and the special session project Is dead, .lust why this Is a mortuary fact or argument con- elusive ugniiiRi a speeuu bctibiuii uiren To Judge what Is given out at fort- not appear, but It Is probably for the , n- .,. mirimse of cenfusing: the people nnd 1.....1 it.i iinitniiiinnii mil rim iihiii. iiih . - ' Uepubllcan party has fallen under the samo management that controlled Its disastrous 'campaign In the lnsj. .Tune election. Govornor Geer seems to bo follow ing the advice of' those who accom plished his humiliating defont before the Uepubllcan stato convention. Tho Republican bosses seem walk ing on tho dangerous nbysu of repudia ting the platform pledges they made tho people, and on which the legisla ture wns elected. Neither the petl Hmiu nf tlu common neoplo nor the petitions of tho largest Portland busl- 1 . . .... mntitltntml nn Vnnrtli Pneo.l iiprh men seem to navo any w eigne " - Expend. aires of Naval Supplies. Washington, Oct. 87.-Uear Admiral Cltarles O'Neill, chief of the bureau of i ordnance, In his report, estimates tli it tho necessary oxpondlturos for th fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1904. will be $13.01)0,000, of "which $10,000, 00O is for Increase in the navy armament. Rlotlntj French Strikers. Uoohofort. Prance, Oct. 27. Troops thin morning, with difficulty, dlsporsod rioting dock strlUors, who were pro mttliiK the unloading of ships". Later the strikers formed a column nnd sacked the residences of officials. NOTED SUFFRAGE LEADER Elizabeth Cady Stan ton Passed Away m"""'''V'MiBmmmaaaimtmmmKitmammM Ayers mvtmammam Sarsaparilla Doctor orders. Druggist sells. You take. Quickly, said. Quickly cured. VStiffiSk Sixteen Persons Drowned. Toulon. Oct. 27. Tho Itnllnn stonm er ISIfa was wrecked near Cotto. Tlio captain and six of the. crew escnpod In an open boat. Fifteen of tho othors were drowned. ARBITRATION BOARD RESUMES SESSION giving Its followers further excuse for railing a special session. Governor Geer. C. W. Fulton and It. W. Corbett seem to agree with the moral view that a senator could he voted on, nnd that seems to them apparently conclu sive that It would be dangerous to call the legislature together Hut the aspi rants for the Senntorshlp seom to place that matter above ovorythlng else of Importance to tho peoplo, and this gives some clue to the bltternosg with which that prise will be struggled for at the regulnr session- PROMINENT i CHICAGO MAN Committed Suicide by the Pistol Koute . CCNHICMT' ' Many arrows in our Quiver A J. P. ROGERS, 118 222 , Commcrcl.l Street. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . V -:-HUwj,uiHAmt.,Mi We have many arrows in our quiver, figuratively speaking. In other words, In any line we handle Watches, Diamonds, General Jewelry, Cut Glass, Sllvcrwear and so on we carry a wide range of variety. Here are no skimpy, unsatisfactory assortments In any departments of our stock. For instance, suppose you come here to buy a ring, you will find Diamonds- Opals, Sapphires, Pearls. Turquoise, Amesthysts, Moonstones, Almondlnes, Topaz, and other precious stones represented. You will find a nre'at number of different styles of setting. You will find many solitaire rings of many styles and sizes, you will find many handsome rings with combination settings a Diamond and two Rubles, an Opal surrounded by small Diamonds, and so on In almost Infinite variety. As to prices, you can pay from $1.50. to $825.00 and In every case be sure of getting your full money's worth. j t) o w a 8 (i 8 r, O 2 I) H Clilcngo, Oct. 27. N. Anderson, an fluent for the White Stnr lino, nnd one nf the best known steamship mon In ihe United States, committed suicide last night. The body was found on the Washington golf links this morning, Vlth n bullet hole In his head. BHBHBBaBBBBBBVBHIMIVaMV w K M t i MR$?$ n XL UtW H " I ' r wrnx". m. m. if tea fl .!. II I. I ll II II III..W 111 ' i-."Jsnu m Called First Woman's Rights Convention fn the Country First Claim To Suffrage Was Made on That Occasion New York, Oot. unuy Stanton, tho woll-known woman suff ragist, died Sunday at her home In vt. Ninety-fourth street, in this city. ' Old ago was given as the cause of duath. Sho was conscious almost to the last. About a week ago Mrs. Stanton hogan to fnll rapidly. This bocamo more notlconblo last week. and then It wns known to the family that hor death was only a question or days or hours. . F.llxaboth Cady Stanton was one of the foremost londors In tho inovoment ror soclnl reform In tho United Statos. She was active In tho nntl-Blavary cause as early as IS 10, and n lender in tho woman's suffrago movomont. She, In conjunction with Lucrotla Mott. en for a woman s Expert to Be Appointed to Take Statement of Wages-Corn-mission Will Inspect Anthracite District i- LyKf?T5?f' ?5 E $ a at-4 a i H BARR'S JEWELRY STORE ) Corner State and Liberty Sts." Leaders In Low Prices. at g TIIKrilHKMOMBTKR IS LOW M in the kllohen, ulwavs whnngnH Ib H uwd for cooking. Vnd you don't H have to worry over the rice In tho H price of wood. U is tho fuel p;u W oxcellenue in the wnrm weather, no bent no iishes, no dirt no duet. H hiHteml, lonifort, eiiivenlonce, 1 8 clpiuillnff4, lonomy. Una atovoe ami ratiRon oi every er.o aim eiyie siipplieil by the Htlein (iah Lijtht Coin pauy t low ent prices. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Dhnn. . Oemeketn BL . Wnslrtngton, Oct 27. The confer ence opened' in the rooms of the Inter state comintrei commission nt 2 o'clock. The operators and Mitchell seated tusmtelvM on opposite skies of the same tnbltj. Assistant Record er Moslsy shortly announced the gen tlemen of the commission. The opera tors, as well ns Mitchell and Fahey. arose and stood while tho commission entered the room. Rxdustlco Gray briefly oxplalucd tho sltuntton, and said he prot&red to regard the caso ns one, nnd as tin.' plaintiffs and defend ants were, lirosdnt ho would like to hour from each. Mitchell said, ns plaintiff, ho was ready to present his testimony next Monday morning. Gray Interrupted him by saying: "All o want Is a logical statomont of ono side and an nuewer by tho othor, thus ellnf hinting Irrelevant mattors; wo don't want any nrfiiimont." Mitchell then made a statomunt In a few hundred words; Ilnar fallowed. llaer suggoHtoit poreonal visits to tug with nil the parties, fixed Thurs day, when the Inspection nt tho mining fields Is to commence. Wilcox vblun- teered that a special train tnko all parties to Scranton, which will bo tho starting point It Is o)t6etQd that it will require n week to visit the-mlnes. Tho conlmlsslon adjourned nt o'clock to meet Thursday. Bear Won't Deal With the Un1ons.; Wnalilnvtrm Dot 9.7 At ifin' rnnt BtrlKo meoMng today Unor objected fo tho presence of Mitchell, ns president of tho United Mlno Workers, beforo the commission, and said ho would in no wise denl with that organization, but had no objections to Mitchell's prasencio ns a representative of tho minors In the nnthrncito region. Dacr announced that he would urco as a so- liltlon to tho labor problem tho adop tion of a readjustment of tho sliding scnlo, wnlch ho callod a profit-sharing syatom. nnd which gnvo nrnutlcnlly peace In th6 initios for many yenrB. nl.XWi.l till! Hl'Wl i , ... .,.,! I..I1 M'lllMl WIIH 1101(1 at .. .....I Il.nli1. fri..n.. nnrniul riKllltl tuinumiun, ..... -- HIV lllHliniUllU 1IUIUO. iuiiiiuo uitmu. .. . . ,..,.. m.on ifila i . . . .. . Senocn Finis, in. i., - ". "" . Truedalo wantod an opportunuy given . uiiii .t.,itrtM mtil Jn nnl. ! . . - .,. . . . a . nui Rho wns a nrdllflc wrltor, and .In col lahoratlon with Susnn U. Anthony, ed ited "Tho Rovolutlon," a woman's suf frage Journal. Her SOth btrthdny was celebrated In 1895 In Now York by 3000 delegates from nil women's socie ties uiulor tho nusplcos of tho National Council of Women. Slnco 1800, Mrs. Stanton has resided In New York with her children. ; t rn.nni s!M nnd LlbertV Sts." ucnucio .. ..--- r M fnono ouo. i vrinnu. -. Doers Won't. Come to United States. London, Oct. 27. it Is doclarod pos itively that (lonornls llothn, nnd l)o larey havo nbiindonod tholr proposed tour of tho United tiiitos, nnd will ro lurn to South Africa. o .liulgo .1. 11. I). Oiuy. one of the Ore gon plone r residents, died nt Astoria . i... t.ri,.. mi lllnn nu nf . '.i -..n.. r .. o,....ii... ininmi in the nmilatise and Intighter H0V"r"l,",m !;.. w i, h allowed tlmy. after consult x. the miners of certain mines to settlo their difficulties with their employers by a conference of committees. If no ngroemont was readied then he was willing It bo submitted to the arbitra tion commission. "It was agreed that the Inrgest Individual operator should nlso be called lafore tho oommlnlon. (Irny, on agreement neiween unur uu Mitchell, will apolnt nn expert to tnke statements of wages from both sides. rTuT men woro all In singularly good humor, When tho sngKegtlon was made that tfio commission bogln.llH lu snuetlon In tllo uniior regions of tho nnthrncito district. Rnor snld: "I don't know anything nbolit tho utU'or region. All I How have knowledge of Is- the lower rftgloil, ncconllng to gonernl be iii.r." livmr Mitchell nnd Knhey Indicted for Murder. t ' Now York, Oct 27. Tho grand Jury this morning returned nn lndlottncnt for murder In the first dogreo against Thomas Toliln, manager and Alexan der McKnenrney, bartender of tho Bm plre Hotel, where tho hoadloea body of Captain Craft was discovered Septom her 27th. NEW TODAY. 1 Oransre Fruit and Honey Chewing Chocolate ; !nt 154 State St.. Phone 2874. V t 4 i tiittiiwtttti wtoMa& wmetf& xoopvMnGMT Oregon's Famous Botanical Physician U . w uio piidh THAN ANY Man in SnSS ?OR TH6M AlioNO THME 18 A PROM.nVkT CU8.N.OS -WO. EHlA.rofr "hsem SrS" JShou. -u80osLurFD Burden1- ano AFTER THESE TERRIBUE A FUC. yeARS pEEL rHAT Sh"e r." 0 HER NAME WILL BB O.VBN SHALL ATTAIN WISE COUNSELS D0 tE OULy TO STUFF YOU FULL F " UT EE F J DRUGS ARE SAFE CURE IS. THE BOTANICAL SYSTEM. PO ARE SURE ONL TEMPORARY STIMULANT, WHILE THE RESULTS DEATH SOONER OR LATER. Dr, Cook Cures all Kinds of Diseases. W.THOUT THE A.D OF THE KN.FE OR PLASTERS OR POISONOUS RUG38i0 LIBERTY STREET. LEM, OREGON' 4 Corner HartSchaflncr & Marx Hand Tailored ms, mWW3 swA QrJfrviA u mmmmmw?' ujfflmMmmw c gn jej MtKin fWflflAft oi0immwknmSi s!kCTl .. . ' ' '"" -y r Jr HBv JBBBWanVfrrvrJt taMMQO&lW9, SPECIAL li PRICES Until November 1st to intiol j:? u up to-date methods. iBANCROFT OPTICAL C0. X A. M.BANCROFT, SpeoulUt & oin n.' Kt aauk.x IIB. kiiam. Or. MBMM CbMhw Johnson, an oW-time Colum bU river Hslierman. committed sulce by nasgiBg at Astoria Saturday. He Uv a wife n4 two sons. OREGON NEWS ITEMS. Snow has fallen In the Orande Rondo valley the past week. A woman beggar, named I'ederiHHi. l8 traversing Eastern Oregon town with five small chllitren iagiis heels. It has been learnefl mai a rank fraud. ii A. M. Clouoh, Undertaker, 107 State treet Phone Main 1351, Salem, Ore Oon, successor to D. E. Huntslnger. Residence Broadway and Mill, North Salem. Phono Main 221, jtX "SI y j(Bwwiww?x'Kly5Ws31k Ewji Court and Liberty j Streets, ; Salem, Oregon. Some Advertise: msnts Remind You ..... .i i. ... 'pi.- iiuhtnr ilia load, the greater I ,.. ; ,i Wo ll not snin..-r than our customers; w. oan't M you Horn t milmic; we nnt buy k-hIs cheaper than It cost, to umnufaoluro Ihuig Mr noiniin,. . in-,i marehnnU In tho ooiin- 4r ley. WHATEVER YUU atu inww. "- ? " n Just as surely as WrM f Hows Dav HAnT, BOMAFFNEn A MAHX. This Store ..4.- -ff'w.i Cttr nilM xffia5ir.s"-,vr.-js Iif-ve Ml u D. E. Huntslnoer, funeral director, 155 Court strict. Phone Main SOI. Residence 390 Court street, phone 2181 Black. OlMIIAMTEED OI.OTHINQ. H. & M sii't" f" ,u"1 '' fancy wi-rntcd. H-hiin f -Muck clay wcr-t.'dK chivl-t $10, $12.50, $15 n, i. & 4 u,u' ,,kl"i h""h rati iwwl. wir,or w'"'; matwhln. U ll M BHMWIIM VU HO utlu'r Hiai." fRcWrr. Uvf. MimI- ' ,h'; IhUmi tyvi. mi v'" ' doth. ,$16.50, $18, $22. 50 New Ties HIGH GRADE CLOTHING o.u Ai.triimlir hv 11Q In Sfllfltl. Wifn by all Salem's Best Dressed Men ;; Men's Overcoats ii wX Isrit it! Mpioolistij V JN io pay $500 I Ijr forahat when 1 5k you can buy I I TKft 1 I Gordon 1 I for so H 1 much less & j a v..f .wall imiw line luet re- ,,u,.,l. riuWs. indistinct Htile. etc $10, $12 50, $22 50 J Shoes The (? kiod for men. all th lie StyUtic New Shirts s?bo J Men's Underwear I . . .tub tad . . M islAAl Kl THE LOO AN. Thl. mmi ruoiplrie stoek ! """ miiit nifAjri uunu .s... uu vaammunw twm Kttrfoik a W " u..u una .if fmu-v ilrees shlrta md up of hlKh Jtrade . . MaarM With imported bosina, '; eum atmrkid, the iieasoijs beet. ; $2.50 each; pour-lrt'l-lancis. ," r PriMi vary Irm ' :, .'". S K f Uf ttor ti!m ronKlnK ' '. p(4e trow t 50cto $1.75 t I lag Uia anecla! offers In our COWJUueei wcuuun WEDNESDAY'S GREAT ; 7" Jw : HnlS , .ZDCDul . q0c:,t0$5.O.U, ,- $1,50 values fpr.s jg iiioca pair WednesdayUn 4 1 f !1 m I 4 I n Jr M Oj B weWMeiBB I