The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 25, 1902, Image 2

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Woman in an Unconscious Condi
tion Found on Sidewalk.
iinnn Examination at the
Upon CKailllliauwii
Discovered to oe uovei
by the Hypodermic Injection of Morphine
Facts Published as Warning to Other Women.
' The nbovo headlines rcotto tho
actual cxperlcnco of a poor wreck of
.woman who had onco hold an hon
orable and luoratlvo position In n
ilargo tncrcantllo house In New York.
Her health began to fall, and instead
of.taklng root nud proper incdloal
trcatroontUhe resorted to stimulants
, and morphine.
Tho hospital physician discovered
that her primary trouble was an
affection of tho -womb, which
could readily havo been cured In tho
first stages. If whon she had flnt
felt thoso severe pains In tho bade,
' the torrlblo hoadachoB, tho constant
aenso of fullnete, horcness and pain
n. tlie pclvlo roglon, she had hocdAl
tho warning that serious troubk(fvnB
in store, and eommenced a regular
treatment with tho Plnkham Iteme
dloo, as did Mrs. Kober of CTdongo,
' whose lotter follows, the polypus
In (ho womb would havo beon dls
tolvcd and passed away, and to-day
sho would havo beon a well woman.
AYhy will woinon lot thotnselvon
drift along Into torrlblo Buffering
ftidHlcknoss in this way, when there
Is monumental proof that Lydln
C-IMnklmin'M VcBotablo Coni
pound Is dally relieving thousnndt
of women from this very trouble?
. There Is no excuse for any woman
who suffers to go without help. Mrs.
- IMnkham Is very glad Indeed to glvo
. bor personal ad? Ico to any ono who
will write for It, nnd tho following
. letter simply goea to prove that tho
"Vegetable Compound will positively
A 'cure ffinaln His:
"ln the birth of my baby I
sUtliW -:iu womb trouble.buekaoho,
J. A. AUPPERLE, President.
tegon State Bank
Transacts a general hanking
qpunts bills nnd recolvo doposlts,
Heals in foreign nnd domestic oxchango.
Colhjctlons mad on favorable tortus.
. .Nefriea Public .Wo tender our Hurvtoofl
- A''qoiivWuneJng. Kwl oatnto loans ' uegotlatgd at low rates of
bur Prices, as the Quality of
I Our tuft drinks are a model of perfoc-
tt Inn.
' "
AH Our Candies are Made from
jWliIch Insures Both Purity aud
To get our candy means to got just
what you want; namely THE DKSf.
JNo One Regrets the Money
Wo use thu host of all raw uintarlal In
tho manufacture Of our onfecUous,
154 State Street.
Quality Quality
JRoeho Harlwr Lime. Best braudi Portland Qeuient. WOOD mwihI or Lur
aagUi7 All kinds of building material, sauU, gravol, lath, shlnglea, uio.
11-133 Coia'l
Hospital, Her Body was
. .,,iueMM o..
euwmi ouai o, uaUac
irregular menstruation, also intense
"After trvlnir different remedies
with no relief I was Induced to try '
Lydlu Jl. IMiiklimn'H Voffetulilo
Coinpound. To my surprlso and
delight 1 found after taking my Urst
bottto very great improvement. I
continued Its use-and It has made me
a well woman.
I am ho grateful to you for my
recovery that I wish to thank you,
nud If this testimonial will be of any
use to othor suffering women, you
have my full permission to publish
it." Mm). Maiiv IIoukk, G402 KUU
Ave., Chicago, lU.fSOOO faffltl original
of iitw Ittttr proving gcmlntntsi tannot b pro
butrt. it
Froo Medical Advice to Women.
'Women suffering from any form ol
female woakness aro Invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Plnkham, nt Lynn, Mass. All letters
are recolved, opened, read and an
swered by women only. A woman
can freely talk of her private Illness
to a woman; thus has been cstab-
llHhod the eternal confidence butweon
Mrs. Plnkham nnd the women of
America which has never been
broken. Out of the vast volumo of
vxpurlenee which Bho has to draw
fnmi It in more than possible thut she
has gained tho very knowledge that
will help your case. Sho asks floth
lug In return except your good will,
and her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor,
Is very foolish If she does not tako
advantage of this generous offer of
ausUtanco. -
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier.
business ;
ninkw loans, ftlu-
In all mattern of
our Goods, Suit Everybody.
Wo use Walter lJnkorfjninattiiB for till
our chocolates.
Confectioner's "A" Sugar,
All klndu of TltOHICAK and DOMES
TIC FUU1TB In season.
i 1 ' ""
They Have Spent When They
Wo oarry a full lino of oigara. tohao
otw, pipes and smokers' artlulos from
tlie oheupwt to the bust that money
can buy.
Salem's Popular
Phone 8874 Main.
1' wi Main
IS NOW ill rlill,
Force and Effect
The Amendment Needs No
Legislation to
Extended opinion to That
Effect by Attorney General
Atloiney-aeneial Hlaekbiiin has
rendered an opinion upholding the va-
ii.ihv fif tJi Initiative and lteferun-
jdiitn. and taking the ground that It Is
In full ftfrce and elfcct without waiting
for leglHlfttlon.
TIiIh will be received with Batlnfac.
tion hy tho people, hocaiiHO If that
theory Ih correct the people can "ref-
erendum" nny law puBsod at the spe-
dai or regular session, and win ho
able to defeat any appropriation for
Uie , owlH aml clnrk Bsp0ii ,f 1(!y H0(.
Under thin theory every npprdprla
tion and every law panned will haVC to
wait DO days before ItJ goes into offpct,
unlesH It has tho ""public peace and
j safety" emergency clauso, and In those
90 days petitions can ne prepureu iu
forc0 t to a voto of tho people at tho
next leguhir election, which will tie
up any appropriation or law on a peti
tion of r per oont of tho voters.
Governor (leer naked Atorney den
em! Hlackburn'H opinion n the fol
lowing statement of the case by tho
"At tho last state oloctinn the peo
ple adopted nn amendmont to tho state
constitution providing for what Is
known as the 'Initiative and Referen
dum.' The question has arisen wheth
er the people can avail thomBolvos of
Its privileges without nny spoclnl leg
islation authorizing or providing for
It. In other words, IF THE LEQI8LA
I8LATION7" The nttorney-geiieiul, after a long
review of the ninondmont, comes to
this Until conclusien:
PEOPLE. It Is said that In submit
ting them he shall he governed hy the
general laws, and tho net submitting
the amendinent, UNTIL ADDITIONAL
It seems to mo, innkos It mandatory
upon tho secretary of stato to submit
any mutter to the legal voters of the
state when he is petitioned, nnd or
dered so to do In the manner pre
scribed. "This rule seems to bo fairly de
diicllilo. from the autherities: That If
tho constitutional provision, either di
rectly or by Implication, imposes a du
ty upon nn ollieer or ollloers no legis
lation Is necossary to require the per
formance of such duty."
Law to Limit Their Employ
ment to Be Enforced
Senator Kuykeudull, author of the
law to limit the number ot clerks em
ployed by the legislature, was In the
city last night, and had an extended
onferenco with Senator Crolsan. He
said hu would renew the fight to en
force his law against the clerkship ex
"If the house had enforced It as woll
as the senate did, the law would have
henui all right at the last session. It is
ail iljtlu my,li 1 nlrit una llttt ro
ilvtMltip to. Tlio groai anuses qgnie
under the head of Joint committees to
lnvestlgat and to visit different parts
of the state. The law needs strength
ening at that point, and I shall try to
net an amendment to that affect. The
"Joints" are a fnree or worse. Last
session we went out and spent nbout
Ho minutes nt the asylum, selected -our
uleiks. aud than haw no more of them
until they filed a formal roMrt and
duw their pay-"
Sate of Hereford Cattle.
J. W. McKlnney. of "llocfcwell
Farm," near Turner, who Is gaining n
wide reputation as a breeder of the
whlto-fuced cattle, boa just mado sev
eral Important sales. David Horn, of
Hornbrook, Cat, has Just purchased
tire bead of hie best registered Here-
fonie,, four females and one maty, fori
his ranch lu California. W. Cochran.
of IlrowiUivUle, bus also purchased
from Mr. McKInaey II head of grades.
Tbta bind at Iiuaiiiataa miuaV-ki wall fur
I Marion eauntv. as there is no Indus-
,IV (llHt wm hting more money into
The Stimulus I
of Pure Blood
That Is what is required by
every organ of the body, for tho
proper performance of its functions.
It prevents biliousness, dyspep
sia, constipation, kidney comnlaint.
i '
h'euknesa, faintnesfl, pimples,
blotches, und all outaneous erup
tions. It perfects all the vital processes.
W. P. Keeton. Wooditock, Al.. took Hood's
8raprlll to make bis blood pure, lie
writes that bo had not felt well bat tired for
tome time. Before be had flnlihed th first
bottle of tbls ndlclno be felt better and
vrbea be bad take"., the aecond wai like
another man free from that tired feellnc
and able to do bit work.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps tho
promise. Accept no substitute,
but get Hood'a today.
the state than that of raising thor
oughbred stock. There should he ten
In the biiBluenn where thoro Is one,
and still there would not ho onough to
overdo tho matter.
Lodge Celebration Tonight.
Tonight, at their hall, Protection
lodge and the Degree of Honor, A. O.
U. W., will observe tho 34th nnnunl an
niversary of that order. Thoro will be
Impromptu speeches, singing, music
and othet forms of cutortnlmncnt
A. O. U. W. Anniversary.
Monday ovenlng, Octobor 27, 1902.
Vnlley lodge, No. 18, A. O. U. W.. and
Viola lodge. I). of II., will celebrate the
3 Ith anniversary of the A. O. U. W.,
at Ilolninn Hnll. Good prdgram. Ev
eiyhody invited. " ' 10-2B-2t
Grew Big
Sugar Beets
Sugar heels can be profitably grown
In tho valley where tho soil Is at all
suited for their cultivation. This fact
has been fully demonstintod by G. O.
Drossier, who lives on Mluto's Island,
n few mtles south of Salem. He this
yeur cultivated something less than
half an ncre of tills vegetable, ami will
harvest therefrom between six and
seven tons, Tho beets grow to a pio
dlglous slxt. and are valuable us fowl
stuff for stock. Tim beets reluti for
$5 a ton In the local mniket, which
ni'ts the glower $70 an aero.
Made Well By Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills For Pale People
Bedridden With Chronic In
flammatory Rheumatism,
Atiss Walton's Life Had
Been Despaired of by Her
Tlie doctor had made his last call at
the house of Miss Maggie Walton, No.
1330 Main street, Peoria, HI., and hnd
told bor sorrowing mother thut noth
ing more could he done. Maggie
might die nt any time. The situation
was critical enough to warrant tho
doctor's conclusion, for the tumble
was liillammatory rheumatism, and It
had nttnckod tho heart. Hut Miss Wal
ton Is n hoalthy, happy young Indy to
day. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People cured her, nnd she Is enthusi
astic in telling tho story. She nays:
'l wns ullllotod with cronlc Inflam
matory rheiimntism, nnd hnd suffered
with It from childhood. When I wus
' ' WIIH ,l n-'l,'eHH cripple, unable Jo
hiavo '' bwl aud with my amiB and
legs swollen to twice their natural
sue. i often rninteti away with the
puln, frequently several times during
tho day. Sometimes they thought I
was doad. The rheumatism hud af
fected my heatt, and thut was the
Icause of tlie fainting spells. It wns I in
possible for me to tuke any solid food
and there were duys and days when
not even a spoonful of liquid would
stay on my stomach.
"When the doctor had given me up
my father determined to have me try
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pal Peo
pie. So he got t.omu, und 1 could feel
nn improvement afUr the first few
doses. I.lttlo by llttln I began to get
bettor, and a faithful course with those
pills restored me to health. That was
nearly tlve years ago. Now I am 20
und In the bast of health. I am sure
thut Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my
HheumaUaiu Is a dUwase of the
ulood and Dr. Wtlllama' Huk Pill for
Pal lVtophj go dlrvctly to the sat o(
tho dlsunltr, lmrifjlng aud enriching
the blood hy eliminating poisonous
abiinanU and renewing lisalth gtvtng
fori ec They act both on the blood
and tiwYSti and liavw wrought hun
drwls of woudttrful cures In such dls
asi as locomotor ataxia, imrtlal lm
alU, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, ncu
ralgia. nervous heuilache, the after-
affects uf the grip, of fevers and ot
other acute disease, palpitation of
tlie heart, pale aud sallow complexions
and all forms of waktiiMU either Ih
male or female.
Dr. Williams' Pink
I Pills fur Pale People are sold by all
duelers or will be seat yotHltl oh
receipt of price, flft) ccttUi a box; six
boxes, two dollar and fty chU. hy
addreestNg Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Schenectady. N. Y. -
Y. M. C. A.
A niBfttltif Hiimlnv
noon at 3: JO. W. St Plorre will be
the speaker. All members are. Invited
to be nrweiiL
First Baptist.
P. V. Cllffo. pnstor. Morning sor
vlee at 10:30 n. m. Ulble School at 12
m. C. H. Bociety at 0:30 p. m. I3ven
Ing servire at 7:30 p. in.
Central Congregational.
Service for all at 11 a. m. and 'i: 30
p. in. 1. S. Knight In charge. Sun
day School at 10 a. m. All aro wel
come. Corner 19th and Kerry streets.
St. Paul's Episcopal.
Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity.
Holy communion nt 7:30 a. m. Matins
at 10:30 n. m. Sunday School nt 12
m. Evensong atJ:30 p m. Kvonsong I
Friday at 8 p. m.
Seventeenth nnd Chemeketa strets.
T. It. Hornschuch, pnstor. Servlcos at
11 h. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday School
at 12 a. m. V. P. A. at G:30 p. m. Our
revival meeting will begin Sunday ev
ening, tlia 26th. We deslco good at
tendance. Hev. 18. 1). Hornschuch will
assist us.
Christian Science.
Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
200 Liberty street Sorvicea at 10:30
a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Subject of lesson
sermen: "Everlasting PunlBhmenL"
Wednesday ovenlng exporlonco' meet
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Free reading room,
where all Chrlstlnn Science literature
may ho had, open each afternoon, ex
cept Sunday, upstairs in tho snme
building. The public In cordially in
vited to attend the services nnd rend
ing room.
First Christian.
George C. Itltchey, pastor. Sormon
nt 10:30 n. in. "Trusting Joans Con
stantly Is Strength." Ulble School at
12 in. Junior C. E. nt 3 p. in. Senior
r. 18. nt 0:30 p. in. Senium nt 7:30 p.
in. "The Hnrd-workitig Jesus." A
seimon for working people, both mus
cular and mental workers. Ah offering
will bo tnken nt this sorvlcn for the
sufforing families of the conl roglons
of Pennsylvania. Prayer meeting
Thursday nt 7:30 p. in.
Salem School Statistics.
The itttenilaiice in tho vailous edu
cational Institutions of the city, other
than the public schools. Is as follews:
Willamette University 2!5
Academy of Sacred Heait 9C
Capital I'lislness college 00
Northwest Normal College, liter-
aty department 75
Northwest Normal College, inuslo
and ait . r w 75
W. II. Medical and Law Colleges . . 38
Y. M. C. A. night school 3U
Capital Normal Collegu 25
Oregon Law School U
Total 070
From the foiegolng statistics, it In i viz: Salem Is iinquostlonnbly tho cd
apparuut that there Is in attendance ucntlnnnl center of the Willamette
In the public schools and other edti-' valley, and further the population of
rational Institutions of the city, alone,
pel suns In number to one-hnlf of tho
ni-ci edited population that Is given the
We have a new line of coats just
in which we bought at the most rea
sonable prices, and as usual, we give,
you the benefit of these bargains.
Children's Wraps
We have the noblest, cutest wraps
for children. Prices from i. to $10.
Dress Skirts
In the heavy skirts for street wear
we havo a great number of styles, as
well as different quality of goods.
The styles are extremely pleasing and
everyone the latest and best tailoring.
If you have not seen them we will take
pleasure In showing you our fine as
sortment. Prices, $1.75 to $3.25.
We are Justly proud of our large
line of black skirts for dressy wear,
which includes the unfinished Wort-
iteds, Morocco Cloth,
, Broadcloth,
other weaves.
Shark cloth and many
all nicely trimmed In taffeta or satin
sands, or in the latest braids We only
have a few cheap skirts, most of them
are very dressy skirts. Prices $1.50 to
If you want dainty, beautiful neck
wear, we can show the very latest cre
ations of the best artists. We have
the new Jauots with the delicate
shaded velvet inserted In the pleaded
chiffon trimming and finished with
imall silver buttons. Hundreds of
ethers to suit your requirements.
ii n
n i Fur tconofflv!
First United Brethren
Corner 12th and Mission streets. O.
O. Oliver, pastor. Sunday School at
10 a m. Preaching service at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. P. A. Mack,
presiding elder of this district, will
preach morning and evening.
Unitarian Church.
Comer of Cheroeketa nnd Cottage
streets. W. O. Eliot, Jr., minister.
Sunday School at D:30 a. in. Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. F. A.
Powell will preach morning nnd even
ing. All welcome.
First Congregational.
Rev. W. C. Knutner, I). D pastor.
Preaching nt 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p.
m. Morning subject: "On the
1 Heights." Evening subject: "Some
Tno,.,,lU A,,out i.ahor and Laborers.'
fltm.lnv School nt 12 ni. . F- . L. K.
nt fi:30 p. in.
United Evangelical.
C. A. HahliiR. pnstor. Cottage be
tween Center and Marion streets. Ser
vices: Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. in. Subject: "The
Priesthood of Christ." Y. P. S. C. 13.
praer meoting at 0:30 p. m. Gospel
service at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "Ten
derness." At this service nn offering
will he taken for the relief of the des-
itltule In the regions of the late coal
First Presbyterian.
II. A. Ketrhiim, pastor. Pionrhlng
at U):30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Sabbath
School nt 12 m. Young People's meet
ing nt C:30 p. in. Subject of morning
sermen: "Prison Reform." Tho na
tional conference of chnritics. at Its
annual meeting, ndopted tho following
resolutien: "Kosolved, That this con
fcrenco strongly urges upon the niln
Isters of the nation the Importance of
their foushleiatlon of prisons nud
prison reforms, and askK thorn to unite
In setting aside tho last Sunday In Oc
tober of each year as 'Prison Sunday,'
and preaching nn nppropilnte sermon
on the occasion." Evening seimon
will be In the Interest of th oiniuers
in l'6iins)lvanln. who. having been out
! of employment for five months, nie In
Kieat need of help.
city In the government census two
years ago. With the exception of the
Capital lluslness College und the
Northwest Normal College, tho nbove
statistics reptesent the actual enroll
ment In the several schools at this
time The ostlmato from the N. W. N.
C. Is based on the assured increase in
attendance that will take place hy the
first of the year. With the Capltnl
HiisIiipms college the stated attendance
Is now 01, nud the estlmute given Is
leckoued hy the same pioportlou of In
crease In tho attendance of last year.
wIikii. as a matter of fnct, the attend
ance so far this year has hoen greatly
Increased over last year Those stntis-
demonstrate two distinct facts.
the Willamette valley hns been grossly
misrepresented by the government
census enumerators,
When you want swell ruffs don't
forget that we have the swellest that
are made. Wo are always to the fore
front In styles as well as quality of
We have dozens of new belts and
hundreds are coming. We are cater
ing to thousands of the best dressed
people of any state In the Union. We
are proud of Oregon's people, and as
far as the most careful study In buy
ing will bring results, we Intend to
furnish these people with the latest
New tork creations. See our beltsl
We have the daintiest evening
shades, Just what you need to go with
your beautiful dresses. Our glove
are the best. We endeavor In these
as In all other things to buy the best
possible to be Obtained. That the peo-
pe are peaied (l ,hown by QUr UH
and daiy increasing trade.
Dress Goods
Oo you want a beautiful ZIBE
LINE at $z.25 or $1.50 a yard, we can
show you either.
I A lovely etamlne, sold elsewhere
a.&u, our price $2.25.
Black Silk Crepe de Chine
More beaut.. ul for a dress than
silk. We have some lovely pieces.
Remember is always a pleasure to
show you these goods.
For Style!
Men 'ho Mnnufocluro Misery.
ThedisKruntletl man, the man who is
suuS ancfd Utlsfied under all con J
SnYand elrcumstances, 1, o be fo nd
wuere. - V J.T .,.ailnn
liven ai- 'llt ov" " ..
one for resi miu ..""-".
wine at lie wuii "- r r-.-. ,
H accommodations, tlm '-ard, and
- ::...t.i.. i. m scowling, sune
eyerjiu.B -"- -v- f ,,t t
ung cist. "- f""Y
Isore checks tlie now w i-
M.ll,1rnn. NOW Olid Bgaill OIK g?.SSlp
S s r another "The old chaP's"llver
mill he out of order." Soiijebody else
savs. "Perhaps he's suffering from kid
m?v trouble." Ami a mnjority Incline to
2 opinion that It's just dyspeps a.
And a happens they are all of them
His liver Is sluggish. His kidneys
o disordered. His blood is necessarily
txiisoned. by accumulations
of effete
r .. . .
matter. And last ol an nis siumum
out of order." This Is another case in
which In the logical sequence of state
ment Tint LAST IS 1'IRST.
The liver is sluggish because the atom,
ach is diseased. The kidneys are dis
ordered because the stomach and its al
lied organs of digestion and nutntiou
are "weak" and caunot supply adequate
nutrition for the needs of the body.
How do we know this? Decause In so
many cases, persons who had suffered
with disease of heart, liver, lungs, kid
ueys, etc., have found these diseases en
tirely cured, when Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery has cured diseases of
the stomach and the other organs of di
gestion and nutrition.
"1 was afflicted with what tlie doctors
called nervous Indigestion. Took med
icine from my family physician to no
avail. In looking over one of Doctor
Pierce's Memorandum Books," writes
Mr. Tlios. G. Lever, of I.ever, Richland
Po p.. "I found mv case, described
exactly. I wrote to you and made n
statement. You sent me a descriptive
list of questions, also hygienic rules. I
carried these out as best I could, but
thought myself incurable as I suffered so
much with pain under my ribs nud an
empty feeling in my stomach. At night
would have cold or hot feet and hands
alternately. I was getting very nervous
and suffered n great deal mentally, think
ing that death would soon claim me. Al
ways expected something unusual to
take place; was irritable and impatient,
aud g'eatly reduced in flesh. I could
scarcely eat anything that would 'lo1
produce a bad feeling in my stomach.
After some hesitation, owing lo my
Srcjudlces against patent medicines, I
ecided to try a few bottles of Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery nd
Pellets.' After taking several bottles
of each, found I was Improving. I con
tinued for six months or more, off and
on. I have to be careful yet at times, of
lOYely Boadcloths
Several pretty colors In the best
quality, and prices to please you.
Lovely Shark cloth, Morrocos,
Herringbones, Venetian, Cheviot, Th.
bet cloth, very nice, at 75 cents, better
ones ranging in prices to $2.25.
Heavy Skirtings
We bought a large quantity direct
from the Woolen ..1 Ills. The quality Is
extra good and we can sell you for
$1.50 goods that are sold elsewhere
much higher. In oreso goods as in all
else the goods bought at Stockton's
must be tne best quality obtainable
for tho money.
Many a woman cares as much for
a nice lining Jn er dress as she does
for the material of her dress. We are
ready to supply the daintiest woman
with the neatest lining, and our prices
are wha please and surprise.
Men's Clothing
t. laye a dePartment nicely
lighted for our men's clothing, but
we realize that this department Is
net situated In the most desirable
plaee. We have the swell goods
just the same. People realize this
and the prises are said to please
the best of any.
viMiYlmm g
i&VWZsF NSlVjy- KVrtXCS'"
Wets. Blankets. Blanket '; ; KjNjJ'V
Inkets. Blankets. Blank. j ! NftlS
iflkct. Blanketi. Blankets, NtNu1?
Jkets. Blanket B nketo. ; V&
8'ets. Blanket. Blankets. , V?
"eIfcU. Blanket. Blankets. i V,
. Blankets. Blahketn.,
, Dlanketa. Dianj9s.
,lntanket. Bllnkotai,
is not
lanketc BldnktU.
nkets. Dlankets.
mixed in
would be ir
Docket wlilcE
such a heterogi
tcrlals? ThlsfiN
liuinaii ostrich at Iv
aniids of irood peoplc
the relation of the stotiuiw.
nrimiis of the Ixxly. The punJv.T
itur ( to orovlde nutrition for the
Tin. Imw ttiiinv nronle think of tlir'tiii,
tlve value of the fowl they eat? 1'or the
most part tlie cuolce of food It
made to please the palate. The
palate Is a creature of educatloa.
It may be taught to crave Uilrjj;!
bitter or things sweet; to desire
spicy or fiery condiments which
Irritate the stomach or daiut!
which distress it, and la which
the food value is reduced to the
minimum. As a rule the palate is
taught to desire- the most unde
strable things from the view
iioint of nutrition. The result d
that the stomach has to thresh a
great quantity of straw to obtain
one grain of nutrition.
The bodv is sustained by food
properly digested and assimilated
and converted into nutrition. Hut
when tlie food lacks nutritive
value the body and its orgam
must be starved, Kxactly the
same thing happens when the
food eaten is nutritious, but the
stomach and other organs of 1.
gcstlon and nutrition being veaV-
cneu oy uiscusc, inn 10 extract
the nutrition from the food pro
vided. Then the body is starved also.
is weakness. A starved man can't work.
A starved organ can't work ; or at thi
best it works partially and ineffectively.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
by curing diseases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition,
enables the cricct digestion nud assimi
lation of tlie fodil eaten, and this food
converted Into nutrition, builds up the
body and all its parts aud organs int
sound health and strength.
"After I had received the advice which
you gave me in regard to ray treatment,4
writes Geo. Dorner, Esq., ot 1915 Pulaski
Street, Baltimore, Md., "I used youi
Golden Medical Discovery' according
to directions. After using four bottles 1
considered myself cured as I have not
felt any symptoms since. Hnd tried l
most all remedies that I heard of that
were good for dyspepsia, but without re
lief. Finally I became discouraged raii
wrote to you for advice, with the aboTt
The closing paragraph of Mr. DorneM
letter: "Finally I became discouraged
and wrote to you for advice" would ex
press the feeling of thousands who have
written to Dr. Pierce. They huve ut
terly failed to find help. They have bees
growing steadily worse. As forlors
hope .they have written to Dr. lltrct
and have been cured.
Persons suffering from chronic
arc invited to consult Dr. Pierce I y let
izrfiee. All correspondence strictlr pri
vate aud confidential. Addrew Dr. I(.V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
VAt,UAUr.K BUT lttK.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is a valuable book. Yet
great work, containing 1,008 Urge pi
and over 700 illustrations, is sent Jm
on receipt of stamps to pay expeme
of mailing only. Send 31 one-ciat
6tamps for the cloth -bound volume or
only xi stamps for the book in paper
covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bui
fulo, N. Y.
The long loose overcoat, in the
latest weavoa. See our coats an
get our prlco before you buy.
Dressy men appreciate nice shoes.
We have a large line of these, re
member our shoe department l
as large as a regular shoe store
Wo handle vne famous Selz
Schwab shoe, Green, Wheeler,
and other manufacturer shoes,
who are all catering to hundredi
of thoucands of the best dressed
people In nmerica.
Either for ladles or gentlemen.
If you have seen samples of our
swell stock you have been plead
and we are sure when you need
one you will remember where tht
beautiful umbrellas are. Good
quality $1.00, better qualities In
prices ranging to $7.00. Several
have handsome gold with innd""
pearl handles.
Men's Neckwear
Wo have a big nice new lm '
handsome ties and the late
Best Quality Goods!
h anKflii. uia inEih ' i.V- 'ivw w
l5tA. I
ir ati I