HuZra mmmmmmmmwmmm mmmmimT'nmm jujiii t"ff"a-B!"a"1""WejiBniejB"Taaaa ,"""'3SgMHKSiaaaw i il .fft . . y? "fly 7M?aWTWFnKeneawaBWBOa"a"aTsBaBHJJH iffinniiui.1. nii-TTiiiiinr "" le'd'e"eP " - "" B wwwwwww THE JOURNAL'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF CLUB NEWS. Items of Interest to Women. ui. oak... Aaaa. laannal flat immUrfe. wftl g eere 0C r lee on yMlHiiaiftry lev tatm ta IVrfjBlrtly en at ta I- Women alvar mfpotet tne there wm a mm m tft aeeoa tat tae Jeeree X Jtof fa rfgore of x ImiMMM wwmeo be It, Aw tgUHitteralRto. l We I" son Iwfctoc for. SeletR M a e a WO ? : fm Jaaialeg aa Mag aa a aa Mor ris eaaJr aai taat ate waH -rt M, aMeatftjr uamlWi: "flow caa I kart K, abates kae aa Mate.'' Tae PnaWaat 1 flat Paaytvaala State FcliiJiHf af Weenaa'a C. wwr )a ses at TlfiawWe. Pau, la tae wife of Ceo. P. Wr, the coal pretest, irk kw avavt lata late eon sefeeUy ft aeeeoat C kki aatiupratetfc ittnd agsJaet ta owl sheers' rtasm. a Tbe Salem Wowaa's Oak met met SatMfAay after tar ta Arat time tiixe tk an www vacation. The ment is waa Ih fa Use parlor oC Ike Ptrst M. K. dnwca, M parlr( a IjbjMw aatara, Ms. JmImII T. 0r $?. Tk aaattlow of r- aavMkav'vaT JW?aPaa aa mmw aa aia aaaaA f oatoK la ta Maall eoattaaeat at BMHalwws areaat. Mm AIJc H. Do4 1 aga4 Um aj la aa laiaroatlaK talk aa t ckaVa aaa. Sa aafat4Nl oat tk aMtt; f aaatalalag ta U faraat aaaartaiuaU. la oratr to o ijMak ta wade mmum1 la ta oat- Tk yniat 7ar wa a erttical laoa He airciai tarasly aa- Ik iwaiawwtT of tk orgaal- wavaa aaaa aana aaa aav afatwarai v wM laaOa tkia aa mats tk elak a Urn factor la Ma iM of asafal aM tor ta aiijwaajlow ot pabNc aad arhrata aooa tka laaal tor wklck th orgaalaartoH rtfiwat. Tk clak tkR a4 JeanMat to aiaat Oifiajkr t, whH Jaaxa F. X Mr la an a4r will mark ta cal faataiw. Har U tk aawaor In wklrk on Eajtara koaaawffo a, to a certain 4gttH, orvrooRMr Ik tmIrk m (ton ot ltntl- fce took tear cowmom hrick ami aiaead tkftffi In a Jmll Orar tb bricka ahe fxmtmi n, tmlUm ot kTo oil ami Iftt tkm tuad aatli the brlcka bad alwarkad all ( tk oil tky wohM taka J. Tkaa ak took okt two of thf kriSu aad akteaa tbaai la tk klU-kan rasa aa t Mr to tkam. Tby IwrH 4 ally two boar, aa tk flr tkat tkey aw4 wu oa by wblcb It waa poMMbl to o aajr Mad of eooklRK or other work raaairlMg coaaldarable faL Tk lady asya la tkla way It will k hoaalbUi la bar borne (u Ht ateBR with tk cooking. wablK hhi! IroninK wfUtoat raaort to gaa. Thar waa no aaalaaaaat odor or nay trouble whatever, tor tk oil ktat bkiaixl away like a store fall of aood woo4. No longer will the InufHMleat woman Ih eorats ature down from blgh plaeea and the HkeneM of tbe innu who rnlxw a blfib-ball will be banished from the blll'boarda If the Woman'a ChrlaUan TeajpriBc UrIoh ba IU way. Ile- Greenbaum's Dry Goods and Ail!inery Store Bargains for this week: Lace Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long, 50c pr. Lace Curtains, 2 3-4 yards long, 75c pr. Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 40 in. wide, $1.00 pr. Lace Curtains, 3 1-3 yds. long, 58 In. wd. $1.75 pr. Bed Spreads, large size, 75c each. Bed Spreads. MarsalUes, worth $2.75, for $1,85. Lace Striped Hosiery, at 25c pair. Corsets from 25c up. Shawls, Fascinators, 25c up. millinery in all the latest styles, Buckles, Cabashone, Feath ers, Tips, Wings, Birds, Fom-pons, Velvets, Felts, Ribbons, Laces, etc. You'll find this department strictly up-to-date, first'dass in every respect, and reasonable prices. Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Next Door to the Poitofflco a. . ."- .- - GMce Strawberry Plants Call at Journal office and get nw catalog of fifteen bet varieties. Ex Ira choice handdayercd plants at 12X0 per hundred, 30 oents per dozen. A Vtry fine lot of plants of Wilson, Sharplest, New Paris, Magoon, DefUnec all reliably tested varieties that will grow large quantities of berries at 91.00 per hundred, 20 cents per dozen. E. HOFER, Salem, Oregon, R. M. TMomatrV Mr wttk JMifr &. oT kto rated Mate awiun Obex, that plCfnWCS MM pHIMMPi 3C9"M0Mr fVHt 0t MSaMSNt MM 8w& OfC Wpf fnlt fta the Mtw cM. wk asaoy oik r pictorial ilTjittuwli hi ta per toxical, members e ta aafoa will bga a reform iianaee. TW om paaga la ta tk aaaaa f ta Depart of Warlc far"tfc ftaaiattwa ot Parity ta Litaratawa aad Art. Mr Mala D. Martta, of PkifcUilakla. la at Maaaaa, Tk taatpnlaa waa aptad at ft W. C T. V. yadaaal Ooaratka la Pordaaa. M aa Ortakwr 17 darlac a Crd tkat Oaaaiaia aad tk tagkv latarM C all MMm aad lrtiearlaa k ta taka aattra aieanaraa 3W w9wv9nK lWBliwTWa- 3kw mm" aratar. meceiaafr drtlac tk warfc apalaot adrertlaaaioat. MoK wotaja work almaiy kecaaa tky araaC la aatog tk tmi wrfc." I of coarse aMaa warktaa; for waa for oemaaUoa aad work fall at orery XtrTa IfK abaott kafar aae U oat of tk aarry. Tk kowaij talon to tk wootaa. tar k awaaM rcaaa aa- ara; bat. ale. tkr ar mwhm wkre tkr I a )hmh. aad tfca It la ao an trytac to akwt tk door oa to aR'i work. Tky are atarrtac In tkoaoawda wftk It; tkey woald tanr la t of tkowaaaa wit boat. Wkoe faak I tkki? Cartalaly not taair. It Is ao we to cry oat aaalaat aoatoa "lllllaa; mrt pert," "woan werftfag for taw waKo." "aaaklllad kv kor." aad all tk rant of It We ati ao kark fartkr tkaa tkat. aad dlaror r tk caaa. It la aot far to k. aad k. orfajaatax with men. Patkra most learn to arortd for tkalr daaaktora. kowvr inorloatly. aad tk tkla tirwaai of women aoeklaa aaiBloymeat wUkaat fraaNattH will to x kH. Io we aot all know tamtam In irry walk of lifer, large famine whew tke Htotkrrt health b iMpalred by tke eoaauat atraKKl Ui ka rhIUren tidy to make tbm bebav tbenwelve. to f4 tbeai, and kfjep them well? Poor wfirnotit mother. Iltorally srrowr od with thn alze of tlielr famlHea. Poor moth era who health h torn to ahrle Ih tke wadeavor to draic Mi their r-hll drea. Tb boya are educated aa well aa maaaa will allow the daHKhtera hare Htor or I to wo without. The father baa never realised hla reiarMtUMltty nntll too late. He hna not hn th acHBuilHtloH of xr)irMa aatberlnK ahead. He haa nat WeftHH little bank lfK arcoHnta for the ilnHHliter aa the) arrival, and only whan too kite he realise the altuatfon. He dice, mr bttM the mother dlea. too. There la aothlac left. The boy can ehirt for tbemaelvea; Uiore la alwaya -tblna for them to do; hut the Klrla what la to booome of theinT Olrb from 10 to 26 yearn of ana are left dally hIoh. UHbefrleiidad, lHWJtntMJtent. and abllaad to eek Heattlomi of HHaklllad labor. It I not the women'a fault that they are Htiakllled. The fault Ilea with tht father. It Ih not the nlrla' fault that they are lll-jmld; It hi thn euidoyer who trndett on their helpleiw poeltlon No, no, do not Hhuae women workers. alHie the men who leave them fit audi n ooeltlon. with neither money, bom nor wliicutlou. 302 Commercial 8t. There's Heat Wtiou you wnut It and just an you wanMt hi Cole's Original Air-Tight WoodStoves On a windy day particularly tht heat doesn't ro up Uio chimney. The patented draft and absolutely a!rttght waiBtruotlon of the utove explains (he heabproduflliiK and hit (iivlas nidnta. Wade & Co., , 80LE AQBNT8. USEFUL COSTUMES. Wkatt t VTrkT Wrm Atwkttlass. fy kr rtmmmna are kniag asadc for .iae ilia ' ejmr. Tk avaft a rl bat sUau tkat or tke gioaad r a-k-M(. Wka ta h aaar m-M k a anwawiely. aad ? rki kM V want a f two leap1 oat ob BBd wick ; tie a at Wr a iaed wttk frrtrcatde far. Ta purthLH baa for aaajambrk! rpr arr nak4r w gHt sflk. for tke aaowx tauob hxk. deet ran eaeMy be wlyd ff wltkeat iBjary to tale fa arte. . of tk Naarteet asodets are nude after tke faaktea of a yackttet: cap. wltk tk tad tylaar aader tk cfcJa. A eaoair or cblffoa veil la a aeemetty, as duet or wind are rain to tk eot pteikie. It is wen to iaenber tkat an cannot be loo warn on an aateato blb. and t fan of rankle; throne air eoanta i notblmc wken oar's teeth er rtiettrrlmc wttk eebi. Tk rnp boakL If ponelble. match the lone coat. Tk lllostratMi skowsa pretty Iwown UlkM- made. It l made with a doable Inverted Kton jacket and Is wirn orer a fall we let of lace. Tk kh-t bun a xraduated anauce. Tbe entire e4tim bi trimmed wlib etmnidnffii of a Ibjbler brown. Tbe bat hi liabt brown trim med wltb dark brown velvet aad eber rla. JUDIO CIIOI.LKT. MILLINERY NOTES. W'lillr llnlrr IVII All Hi jf. I'lonrr Hals, Unl of ronrb w bite felt are all tbe style. Tbwe baM are not ooly worn wltb tailor ruaoV l,ut nu a lib rery dreeey aowitn. 'I Ue fi-H l tin try. mid tbe kkapex are hmJit IIihd lt jeer ami tarn up a little all Mm ) rouinl ois or iiabiorHoi'is cujth. Tlif.i are triwmeil wltb wblle wIbka mihI wide ntinov ribbou wouud around 11m- mmu tarvJeeaty. Hate of roHgb white felt trimmed ultb ermiae will he amen tbe hIiiIih uovellU'H. Hula all UMMle, of iMble are trliuwed cr simpU Htb atrfv of roddtsh tax bii-w. Tbf eudH hmhk a littlo oxer the ttrini In iIih back Hair) linttn of alt dlateanloas. but lrlirlaall Hkie, are aMwrt. aa arc Uo bats of -o( idaak. WkH wklte ire ilMiiiiuiieK Mik gray mwI kbtek arv aUo Ikniuj warn In tbe felt hnta eatue of tbrw are trkuMtoil wltb nrfn of CendMU whh ran tkraaeb a Jew Ital bHfcbK Klower bata, iodilU' In reU ami HNlr tdui'S. are er nrelO and ukv far tbelr tab trlWHtliuai n knot of vttl vol liUbwU, The nWH In tbe ml U of teeiwtroiM clotlu Irliuwwl with wkite doth and braid. JUUIO I'UOI.I.BT. Umbiellaa recovered at Shlpp Houser's 298 Commercial street. The White House Iteetaurunt Is still in the flret-oluite ntttubi. The my up-to-date I eatlHK house In tbe rlty Open day' aud uleht W f II THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGOK, SATURDAY, department WINTER FASHION HINTS. f mart tMlint. la On Colvr Ortm ui mk CuaklMUau, Tk oed rfcioad aetlea f tk Uzltl la wk tke dark caet aad cftart U aaiy pitaUnjcalt fee aarety aroetleal ' Br.! . Ktc tkea k is ktr ta ' bar mbk sort f eaaetlB aetweta ' tk wbt aad tke stlrt. re kartaaca. X ya br a dark ktae Rowara kfe east aad fkkrt K Is better taste t war aadtr It a walot of wan ktae aat tarlal r waK aMtcrtal Bffwd la Ta eraa tats aataaaa m natiB Is t dieji earJrvty la aa frees headever dawra. Tfcls can be ear rferf Mtt pank-abifly wHI kt tk btam aad derk rnk Rd aar. red ekaawn aad red e tasar of all aarta are rery Allak raoot. more Goa'aa of red rellimr are mad a ver glne afik mm! liberty aatlua of a darker or llbtT aliaih) In order t xlre a rbanrable effeet. A touch of are la botb Mnart nad pretty on an all black coat am. One of ibe nM recent I'nrisuiu Iniportn tlomi hi a llk velvet prince area, a boae jet omauwuta are mingled wltb Kress gr-ii fnibroi4lery Tke ckKrf'c fn-fc to tbe illottrnlten Is ry nm fill for xbool aud everyday wear Tk- metrUI Ih HHiwk puode of an lil roae lMd. The waist is lab! In rtaalrr of tbrc toeka. ami tbe fall nee hi ronftowl Into a hand of white Ilk worked wltb black Kreacb knots. IteiHl. of thie ehm trim tbe kirt and tke wide roller of old rose tacked silk. JL'IHC CI10M.IST. VELVET POPULAR. The Ven llpfnllli' iirrllal of llininli Poll. All kinds of lace Mill retain tbelr popularity. (Mrtleuurly Irik toluts and xuipareet Velvets will b worn as much as last wanton. Tbe metallic vtlvetii are tbe neweet ami are iiertlcubirly effective Ih black and Bray. Velvet bats will be enmewbet supplanted by thotte of ronsb felt, Iwt tbene will be trimmed aud oven facetl wltb velvet. Hurut orange Is very smart, opeclally when com bined with white or erl ray. There Is a mot booomliiK shape In felt known CAHHUOK CUtK. ua tbe ilarle Stuart This has a low, broad crown, and tbe brim falls Into a round itolHt 1st front, sbowlac tbe balr porfeeUy. It then rise lulo very much urebeil iddee ami tils eluxe to Ike ntir lu tbe back. Many smart bats are made of sJUe llnu, ospoclally In tbe dull retl kbaden, aud the hat Is then trimmed wltb tti Aaa In all blutdw of telvet. The Illustration shows a carriage cloak of putty colored cloth. It baa the wide sltHMMi now so faakhwable and a V shaiKHl yolo ami high roller of fur. The smart bat la of tbe Kerne color ot felt, trimmed wltb orange velvet and a black fiwtber. JUUIO CHOLMST. 8URE CURE FOR PILES Itching Pilaa produce moisture and ' oause Itchloff, this form, an well as Ullnd. llle&dlnR or Protruding rile are cured by Dr. Uosanko's IMIe now- lead foredy, stops Itoolng and bleeding. Ab sorbs tumors. We a jar at druaaJeU, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write MtA at twtl t ft -( Aaait raa IIahkhIxi l Philadelphia. Pa. For sale at Or. Stone's drug store THE NEV MATERIALS. Plovvrre 9lka Far BtbJb Wrmr. FasblanaMe Rak Cfc. r0Baaowr aad towered sttfes f si ktnds are very Brora tke fas. Tkese benatifal "Mas aad kreeadea n andc op hmo ereatnc; peeras sad eat Tery siaialy Tby are aftea aatiaed arenail the aeefc wttk a kertka of rare lace wfclek aratoet bfcfes tke (eaaM slere ymttt The aewaied bcecadu are aka band Men far Hatac era Blag wraas, tke Ma oa aowadaya beta, asm tkaa twa H.,rds of tk aarnMaC rkrse qoarter ralacoats aasde of al aconal are rery aaasrt for relay day aod rwi weataer wear. Tkey are OlbXfl TAILOR MADE DRBM made wltb naif fitted backs or else wltb tbe fullness belted In wltb a abort strap. Tbe new tailor wades are very fancy In tbe way of tucks and strapplags. Many of tbe skirts are made habit baclc and flnlsbed simply aitb three loss strapping or one long and two short. Tbe long skirt nave fairly long trains, and tbe sides ami front are very long. Koagb good. zibHInes and camel's (is In are worn mi etwu drevty occa sions when a tailor nwde l required. The kuTm lelbM- made illmttnited Is of dark Moe cloth Tl- IdtHtM Jacket is Ijnl In tub; t-titcbod flat, tbe wide reirr are of LUiibrouJery and lite little t.l it of Uh xeme. The Kteirt uas n plain front brendth. and tbe side and latrk have three gored ttoonce .IUU1C C1IUI.I.KT. TAILOR MADE SUITS. ItiMhlnn Illiiuix- Siill Vrr ,u l.onitrr I'laln. Paablonebb rowtM are mvlng a tri-el deal of wro ami string colored biee on gowns for the autumn mmsoh. ami ir of tb heavj irulpure type this Is not ene-lie on brown. Inn ami tbe deeper bine tints of soft woolen ma trlal Tbe Cmadaii blouse or coatee hi mi longer of Ibe plain betted order. bat la varied In nmn wnjk Many of these blowog do not meet lu front, hut fnwtwi oter a plastron of cloth nnae or le- decorated or em broldered. or there hi a plain plastron of tbe material oir which is arranged fcaiQC2CiisC3 rum eriiKKT nHie a full caeeade of lace or caUfon or a pouebotl front of silk or veltei. Tnefe pbtstroHa art- m-iuilO removable and thus admit ut tnrlnthm A ldouie in W ibe detHtt green einirwhl hh made in tula manner was triuiuieil wltb jet nnd bad a tucked pbtairo of trnked khu de solo lnrwied wltb uatftr of ktiing coton-d htte. 'lhM uiotw'k nert m ontlliu-d wltb jet that tin- conk uhs al moot kbbb-u Tbv ideln Mrvet dees, in the picture Is of rouitb gra i-kab trlaiined with stmiHikM of gru lu The cIkhh leette to of ubiie luff eta and jeltow Imco. Jl'UIC CIIOI.l.RT. We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a pos itive guarantee. It will cure an chron ic aad other blood poisons. If you have eruptions or sore oa your body, or are pate, weak, ran down. It la just what you need. We refund money If oit are not satbined (0 cents and $1 to D. J Kry druggist &i&>e&&&T$ Uy OCTdSER Si, 1902. DAINTY ACCESSORIES. Seek RaSea 04 rtetu. Collars Tke flaffy aeet nsate er be kas ceaie t stay, aad Us are now being asade t aaittk eab gowa. Perk ps tke most fWBaJer are asede of tawny Roesiatr lee t aaatck aad karawoise wltk tbe eera aad browa gowas now to much In vagae. Tke eods are made quite kg aad sleader In contrast to tbe capetike faMee over tk jhoohlers. Maay of tbe new stxrks follow tke exsasatcof tfcis soajTieTs neckwear BO(.80 COST8UE. aad are made In deep pelats In the front. In others this seme effect Is gained by tbe addition of deep points ami tabs. One of tbe newest collars Is made of 4aiu black Mlk and fastens In a double pointed effect wltb a medallion buckle a little to tbe left of the front An other odd stock has an effect of two narrow silk ties, one fastened above the other. A belt and collar of folded silk both bate the same long pointed effect in front aad are finished off by a medallion of heavy lace In tbe back. Tbe bolero costume Illustrated Is of pale gray broadcloth. The little collar is enlarged b means of a frill of lace. The wide sleeves and the bottom of the bolero are trimmed wltb tiny black silk tsi-W. The skirt Is perfectly plain wltb the exception of a fitted yoke. JUDIC CIIOLLKT. WHAT WOMEN ARE WEAHINU Kovrltle In Lingerie A tunic Fur Coat. A pretty Idea for the trimming of a srtlk nightgown Is a collar finished with a deep here of a contrasting shade of silk. Pinks, blues, mauves aud el lows are all good colon to wash, but you must chooe a good shade If you 8UAKT PDK COAT wish a fast dye. Imitation valen cIwihm btee la. after all. tbe beet ami cheapest trimming for silk or linen underwear, ami It bs almost ltuoeible uon'adays to tell the Imitation from tbe reel. Nothing U better than twilled silk for nightgowns when something hand somer ami wanner than llneu U re qubeL It Is wle to Inveet in reallj Bkx1 twilled silk, which will outwear tbrve otIluary makes. lu tbe wluter an extra slip of not flannel, nun' veiling or cashmere U made to near under tbe thin night gown. Tbb) gives a better effect that the unwlotd) annuel nightgown, h uich, by the way. neter btuudtrs well Tbe three-querier fur coat in tbt J Illustration U particularly smart It can be made of either mink or sable, lined with white satin. Tbe fullness , of the back U bolted lu w Itb a fur strap fastened dowu with steel but ! tous. JUDIC CIIOLLKT. i If you desire a good eomplexlon u se Moki Tea, a pure kerb drink It aete on the liver and makes tke skin smooth and clear. Cares sick bead ache. 3 eeats and M cant. Money refunded If It data aot satisfy y. . Write to W. H. (leaker & C rWabv N. Y for free sample, D. J. Pry druggist ' irJrWm mT T i U lit ' jm WW4"W i U i i nun ' iiflManos, i&ewing Are you thinking of buying a piano, organ or a sewing machine, I 4 .. . .-- . .i- ...( .. cLorrtntr tnnrhlnn line? T or anyming eie m uu mi. "- IT Dave ft! Call at my store, 231 Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. 3eo. L TOlilt. I bare jaet reeelred a carload T machines, la tketr very tetest style. HIIIIIIII1IIIIHIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ttieo M. Barr SecceHor to Barr Petxel. "JCXISr S3" JE23E&- - AXD Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating a Specialty. SALEM, Salem Abstract and Land Co. FRANK W. WATERS, Mer- ESTABLISHED 1880 Only Complete Set of Books in ths County. Safe Deposit Yault in Connection. Valuables may be securely deposited with us at a nominal cost. First National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon. yjjr tf Quality Our Prices, as the Quality of Our hot drinks are a model of perfec t ion. All Our Candies are Made from Which Insures Both Purity and To gt-t our candy nuans to get Just what jou want namrlv THE BEST. No One Regrets the Money GET ZINN'S CANDY. We use. tbe best ot all raw material In the manufacture ot our ronfectious. I . W. MB Sffi 154 State Street. Burroughs TINNING IRON WORK PLUMBING Best Material, Best Workmen STATE STREET. IkUbbatmac Will give a 50-cent bottle ofO. K. Pina and White Cherry Expec torant, guaranteed to cure recent coughs and colds, hoaraness, tick ling of the throat and bronchitis, and all lung affections, for 40 cents. The bottle Is the targeet and best expectorant on tho market For sale by the 0. K. Pharmacy. O. C. COMPORT, PROP. 3CC Commercial St- NEXT TO DAMON'S GROCERY Salem. Oreeoa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - .wJfe'!!" HS ., U hTKU,lf Portland Cement. WOOD; sawed or fo"' eata, AH kinds ef buJIdintt matejial, jand, g-avel, lath, shingles, etc D. S. BBNTL3Y 1 l-in Owl 8L . W.WA i muimim-w roans anbi; ilbacbmes.;! each ef pianos, orgafis-and sewing I X OREGON our Goods, Suit Everybody. We use Walter Baker's coating for nil our chocolates. Confectioner's "A" Sugar, Quality. All kinds of TROPICAL and DOMES TIC FRUITS In season. They Have Spent When They We carry a full line ot cigars, tobac cos, pipes and smokers' articles from the cheapest to tho best that money cau buy. Phone 2874 Main. 6k Fraser and Promptness are our Motto SALEM, OREQON.J5J"fE .1