THBrfiiBAILY AL:;:. . v ui theeHer. Are more that pleased with the re sults, and as a result are Increasing space all 'round. Tonight and 3urtJay.c;foUdlnes, Posslb'fy followed by Showers. ,,.J 8ALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1fr, 1902. VOLUME XII. NO. 219. JOURNAU ADVERTISERS.. JOURN witii 111 i in mil i ii nun 111 1 1 hi iiiiigH-nn hi It's Always Bargain Day at the I NEW YORK RACKET . ' , ' .... You don't have to wait for any particular day to got what you J. want at a reasonable price when you trade with us. Our Spot Cash Plan ot Business Enables us lo Undersell Regular Stores Our object Is to soil you goods that will give satisfaction, so you'll I como again. . You've all heard of the - BROWN'S MAR lWW!i FV. mB i nBw Jd ABU! SHOES Most of you have worn them. If you hnvo. we are suro of your I shoe trade, because Uioy'rc the most reliable bIioch on the market, and ! X we sell them at "racltot prlcoH." Wo want to Show you our now lino of . . Men's Clothing, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Suits, Boys' Overcoats, Hosiery and Underwear. ' I Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store I c. i, dakincd, rropneior. Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Streets, H-WHHWH'II IDIIIIIHII IIMtmilHIIHIWIH SECURING GENER POPULAR n PPROVRL INSPECTED OURJtOADS Party of Gentlemen Interested In Good Roads Visit the Highways In This Vicinity. Hair f ajlfiig? Then you are starving it. You can stop hair-starvation with a hair-food. Ayer's Hair Vigor. J. O AftCa.t Special Session Has a Great Aceesi sion of Newspaper Support ' THE REFERENDUM AMEND MENT WOULD NOT BB SEL operative Without Legislation-Senator Fulton Does Not Want to Get the Oregdn Senatorship by Any Log-Roiling Schenje - i Tho loading dnllynowspapcrs of the . SPECIAL SES3ION. ; state aio taking up the Special Session (A-torla Dally X-V . , -,,,., , i... Oovomor Geer has A SUDDEN AC- Idea, and showing the meat ndviyit. popular APPROVAL age It would ho to. the state and the j for ,)h 8chon,0 to cnn a B,,cdal sis- I- -m ...mi' II , i f 'iW W ' KIH--V.-'. coiriHT Time is Precious And so Is a rcllahlo timepiece. Watches and cloels purchased at C. T. l'omeroy'a are always nccurnto time keepers, and require tho least repairs, with ordinary careful usage. They cau always ho depended on. Wo aro selling a Waltham or Elgin movement In a 20-year gold filled caso at $12.50. Wo can furnish any otylo of case. .C,"T Pomeroy 2S8Com.St., Watchmaker and Optician Whenoutof town . If only n day. don't tnkoj citai.rca with' lluors boughUnt lauilonu Pro vld J yourself with a flnskf l)6tflt ov demijohn of goods of which you know thoqunllty. You know quality la a prime factor with us If you don't lviidv It you will llrid IT you 'try our wines, whiskies and hrandles. JVP. ROGERS Jssr", Wholesale and Retail . Liquor Dealer. , . COPYRIGHT.' C, people, Two weoks ago tho Governor, tho stato olllclals. the legislature the newspapers, Portland, the politicians, Tom, Dick, Harry, tho Devil and all his pipers seemed to he against IL Another leading dally Republican paper at Astoria now swings Into lino for tho special session In tho following well-worded editerial: sion of tho legislature. It grows out bf tho fact that tho Lewis and Clark ap propriation will stand a bettor change to pass tit a special session than ( It would at tho regular session, where it would bo up ngalnst tho "log-rolling" game. Tho Orogonlnn hnH vcored on that line, and may Boon como squarely out for a special session. ' Others wish It in order TO GIVE ACQUIRED DELAG0A BAY England Takes Possession of ' Portugese South Africa Hrussols, Oct. 18. he Petit lllou announces today that tho sale of Por tugese South Africa to Ktiglnpd has been accomplished. To' avoid wound- ENGINEER MISTOOK ORDERS Resulting In a Fatal Collision Between Trains A party ot gentlemen, Interested In tho good ronds movement. Including sonator Martin Dodge and R. W. Rich- THE "FLAT SALARIES" BILL A ardson. of tho lluronu of Public Roads FAIR SHOW; so politicians ennnot Inrpdiles, arrived Jn Salem on tho dodgo It. Others, still, want It bo- morning train from Portland today, cause thoy wish to boo n law enacted nn,l spout the day Inspecting tho roads at once for enforcing tho new Initlntlvo m tho vicinity of this city. Thoy wore and referendum provision of tho con- ,nt nt tho station by County Judge stttutlon. Srott, piesldont of tho stato good At first glniico It would seem that loa('8 association, and John 11. Albert, this measure Is solf-oporatlvo. IN a promlnopt mombor of the Groator FACT, THOUGH, IT IS NOT. It does SnIon Commercial Club. Mayor not fix the exact per omit of voters "'shop, who Is nlso Intorostod In the necessary to start n law Tir a veto of K matm organization, was also a laws. It sayH "not loss than" a ccr- member of tho reception committee, tnln per cent. It doos not name nny nml oaeoiteil ono of tho throe loads, olllcor whoso duty It shall bo to re- T1'o visitors wore first dined, and, telve, ilio and promnlgnto tho petition carriages bolng procurod. tho party for a popular vote. , wn8 driven to tho Liberty road, south U tho socrotary of stato, for Instance of tllls oty- This road Is tho first should bo hostile to a vote, ho might l'loco of Practical road building that Jefuso to act and no mnndamun would nns boon made In this county, and, al- lie, SINCE IT IS NOT MADE HIS though not finished, County Judge DUTY. , Scott Is dosorvlng of tho credit In a This situation is likely lo securo n 'nrK measure, for ho has made tho call for a special session with general B"Jcct of road building, from a scion popular approval. t'flc standpoint, a Btudy, and ho Is de- So far as Sonator Fulton Is concorn- tormlned to Improve In a substantial ed, tho Dally News believed ho Is manner tho standard of tho Oregon warmly In favor of a liberal approprla-, roni1' na ll exists In tho vicinity of the tlon for the Lowls and Clark exposl-' Capital City. tlon and, furthormoro, DOES NOT 'r" liberty rond was thoroughly In NEED ANY LOG ROLLING TO 8E- fll)octcd, and tho visitors became ac CURE HIS ELECTION TO THE 'lualntcd with the conditions that oxlst UNITED STATES SENATE. His ,10r0 for ron,l building, and tho pro pathway to that high place Is without Br0BH t,mt ,inB been madp In that dl any serious obstruction. ( rectlon. When tho party loft the city, it wns tho purpose of the gontlemon who woro serving as nn escort to show Lake Crystal, Minn., Oct. 18. A pas acngcr nnd freight on tho Omaha umd collided early this morning, seriously Injuiing flvo people, and Bllghtly In- Inir tho Portuuoso Busdontlbllltles tho. Jurlng 11. The most Hoilously Injured bill of salo wns drawn In tho form of "'"o Mrs. 15. C. Hlglor. of Mnnknto, In- u UD yours lease,' The sale will necou- eltato tlij) making of new treaties cov- eilng Oormnn possessions as well. Tho I Katsor nnd tho King of Portugal will meet in England to discuss the matter. Oregon's famous Botanical Physician ATTRACTS WIDER ATTENTION BY HIS CURES THAN ANY MAN IN THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, AND THE AFFLICTED FROM ALL PARTS ARE EVER INTERESTED TO READ OF HI8 WORK. HE HAS CURED HUNDREDS AFTER ALL HOPE HAD BEEN ABANDONED, AND HAS SCORES OF TESTIMONIALS FROM RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE. MANY AMONG THE HAPPY THRONG WHOM HE HAS CURED ARE RELUCTANT TO HAVE THElR NAMES IN PRINT, BUT THEY ARE EVER READY TO TELL THE AFFFLICTED WHAT DR. COOK HAS DONE FOR THEM. AMONG THE8E IS A PROMINENT BUSINESS WO- MAN WHO HAS BEEN A PHYSICAL WRECK FOR 24 YEARS, BUT WAS . FULLY RESTORED BY DR. COOK AND HIS WONDERFUL HERB MEDI- CINE3. THIS GOOD WOMAN WA9 8UFFERING FROM BILLIOUS FE- VER WHEN SHE CALLED AN "OLD SCHOOL" PHYSICIAN. HE FILL. ED HER SYSTEM WITH P0I80N0US DRUG8 AND MINERA.L SUB. STANCES UNTIL LIFE BECAME AN AB80LUTE BURDEN, AND DEATH WOULD HAVE BEEN A RELIEF. IN THIS CONDITION THE LADY CAME TO DR. COOK, AND SHE IS PREPARED TO TELL ANY WHO WILL CALL UPON HER HOW WONDERFULLY HE CURED HER. FIRST HE RELIEVED HER OF MANY PUTRID FI8TULAR TUMORS. THEN TWO LARGE OVARIAN TUMORS WERE ENTIRELY REMOVED, AND TO CAP THE CLIMAX HE CURED AN ACUTE INTERNAL CAN- CER. THIS WOMAN BEGAN TO IMPROVE FROM THE START, AND AFTER .THESE TERRIBLE AFFLICTIONS WERE REMOVED SHE RE- COVERED HER HEALTH, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 24 YEARS FEEL- INO THAT SHE WAS A WELL PER80N. HER NAME WILL BE GIVEN TO ANY INTERESTED PARTY BY DR. COOK. WAKE UPI WAKE UPI YOU SIMPLETON. RECEIVE WISDOM AND KNOvLEDGE AND DISCRETION. A WISE MAN WILL HEAR AND WILL INCREASE LEARNING, AND A MAN OF UNPERSTANDING SHALL ATTAIN WISE COUN8EL8.. DO NOT ALLOW BLACKMAILERS TO STUFF YOU FULL OF LIES BUT SEE FOR YOURSELF. THE ONLY SAFE CURE IS THE BOTANICAL SYSTEM. POISONOUS DRUG8 ARE ONL TEMPORARY STIMULANT, WHILE THE RESULTS ARE SURE DEATH SOONER OR LATER. Dr, Cook Cures all Kinds of Diseases. WITHOUT THE AID OF THE KNIFE OR PLA8TER8 OR POISONOUS DRUGS. 310 LIBERTY STREET, 8ALEM, OREGON. Fatality On A Bridge Vienna, Oct. 18. Tho bridge over tho' Golden Horn, connecting Stnmboul 1 with Olrito collapsed today. It Ih esti mated thai 100 peoplo wore drowned. hut that numbor illllL.MIUI. 1IIIII1IJUI IMUJ Ifd UAl'UIMIUII. I Tho hrldgo wns thronged with specta tors at the boat docking whon It gnvo way. DHUSEBUMMHMMnailHllMHI k H ,?. ( 1 t jRiSs? 5 S :i ,SO&ws v rr g TIIETHBRMOMETER 19 LOW iu inn Kiiciitsii, aiwajo nuruttwa '" Dstvl for cookiiu. Anc you don't have to worry over iho riee in the price of wood. It Is tliu fuel pat excellence In the wirm weather, no boat no aalie. do dirt no doeU Inatad, rnmfort, uodvenlenM, cli4nllorM, eonomy. Gas atovee and ranges of every aiw and style supplied by the S1em Oa Llubt Company at lowest price. SALEM CAS LIGHT CO. Phone SOS. -t ChmkU 8L MNNffMMltM8MIH! i SPECIAL : m PRICES ; Until November 1st ; to intioduce our up ! to date methods IBANCROFT OPTICAL C0.J A, M. IAUKUK, Spsclalist I JR fc.tom.Or. -JPj llMMitllllHIMMMM9l To Improve Columbia Bar. Washington. I). C, Oct. 18. Recog nizing the demand for a deep channel at tho mouth of the Columbia rlvor, Secrotnry Hoot has authoilxod the chtof of englneeis to convert tho army transport Giant Into n sea dredge, and to commence operations on tho bar at the earllost possible dnto. This action wns taken on recommendation of the spoclal board of engineers that recent ly vlsltod tho mouth of tho river. It Is proposed to scour out a channel jnt about 30 foot depth to boKln with. Whon this Is accomplished the dredge will probably be used In maintaining and deepening the channel until the Jetty Is completed. ternnlly, and Ira Van. Pollen, of Sac City, Iowa, skull fractured. Mistaken orders wore the cause of the fntnllty. FRENCH MINERS CRISIS General Strike Throughout France Is Threatened PEACEFUL PICKETING LAWFUL Is the Decision of Supreme JusucefAndreys Syracuse. Oct k-$tfprPt?io Court Justlco Androw today docldcd tho question of the iMallty of imlon men picketing In fronC ot boMtod StoiH). no says merclinatf Kafo lite right to hlo Injunctions and restraining nny one from trespassing obslructlng or thre?Bteik vPn thUt I'remlses or Bl.lowWqne holtlgdiQWOvdi. Uiat licacbfuTjntltetlng U&aWCilC -,V e -..L, President v'MUt Exercise Prudence. Washington. Oct lBWTho an nouncement wob made today from tho Whlib.IlQ.nio that President Rooso volt was.cqraiiollcd to cancel his visit to the Inauguration df-President Wll son, of Prlnecfon ifnh'cpliy. as tho physicians Ray It would bo nnwlBo for him to attempt lo travel for-nt lonst two weeks. WAR ON BIRDDEALERS New Y6rk,"8oelety Eiites Uponlan Extensive Crusade CASTRO'S ARMY VICTORIOUS v Three Thousand Rebels Were Slain in a 7-Days Battle New Yclrk, Oct. 18.-JTho consul-geft-cral of VonezuolaHoda'rdcolvod the following, sont from Cnrncns: "Qeher al Oastro has gained a Hweoplng vic tory, aftor Bevon days' nf bloody bat tle. Thero were 3000 casualties In the rohcl camp. feaTof CRISIS REMOVED tho visitors. In nddltlon to the Llborty rond, tho Wnllnco road, and tho excel lent thoroughfaro thnt wax built a few years ago on the east oxtonslon or Stato Btroot by convict labor, Tho ,pnity Is obllgod to return to Portland iniH nrternoou, nnd necessarily had to abbreviate the scopo of Its observa tions In this locnllty. ' A visit from so distinguished a nnitv ff Vlullftfa Id ... .t.-l l.n..1n nf ll. ..! in. '....,. "WW, BIJe'IMiOnt DomttHita flit offorts to Improvo tho roads. It Is bo-. ","'" for X,'1'lnor' rnos and .llovcd thnt an oia of Konernl nml mil..1 What the4uio)idn I'Mplft PronOt 10 Kedeintlon threntons to call " (slantlnl load building on a pormnnent Do AuguUL" Wlllam Dutrhof. of 'the a, sim o inroiiRiuniL r rnnco ,, BI,roV0ll unH,H ,, nn.vo fop ,, ftlik. rnd a The -Tho aenoral Woik- Now York. Oct. 18. What promises to bo n lively campnfxnfon th hart of Audobon Bodoiy, -of NewAirit Siato agaltiRt the lllugal traulc In birds and their plumage ling been declared open at tho anntinl meeting of tho society In this city. At tire close of nn Illustrated Paris, Oct. 18. ers' Kouni .... .... . ... . . i niu mo suiKing minors. Momomoni oi 80otlon of tho WlllnmoUo vnlinv tlio American strike was rocolvod with commniilty shnros with County .ludge grent enthuslaHin, jirongly oncouriig- Scott tho honor of hhi being the nroeil-' l,,l,nHl lug the French strikers, who bollovn ,iont of iU nrfll fi00(! ,,, ,,,.. tho fcto stntetnont nd- ilreinwKlrtpa'loriMnilnlB nnd IhOlr vjMZr.. V . ' ,. "in 'wiiicii, aitnr rauenisiug MorQan Shifts Trade to Manchester. Liverpool, Oct. 18. It Is niinounowl that Morgan's shlpj)liiK trust will oj oiato the Loylaud llnom between Man chester and Boston, thus drawing traltic to tho east coast of England. Liverpool la aroused as this means death to her maritime supremacy. McscMWet WANT UNIFORM WAGE SCALE Chicago's Carrying: and Ship ping Force Ask $2 Day Chicago, Oct. 18. Six hundred fi eight handlers, shippers, packers and truckers, omployod In tho largest wholdsnlo grocery houses, struck this morning. They will be Joined by 2600 moro If tho gonornl demand for a uni form wngo scale of .00 por day Is refused. thnt on following the snine Hues they can win . 1 Inn klnTrinnil frtilnrnl Inwn mlnllm In , ..v...i . ,ua nisi mum runiiH orgnnizn- , wv'Jt-ssstiK .? " tlon that waH ever formed In this the protection of iion-gnme iilrds, the Admiral Schley , In Texas Oregon's Departure Delayed. San Francisco, Oct. 18. Tho battle jhlp Oregon, which was oxpected to sail October 15th, for the Asiatic coast, will not get away before October 26th, owing to the delay of nrrlval of ord nance. The ship will ilrst sail for Honolulu, nnd make a cruise of the Dallas, Toxas, Oct. 18. Fifty thou sand people witnessed tho pninde glv on In honor oi Admlrnl Scliloy'n visit to this city. Six thousand school children wore In line. Schloy'H enr rlago trnvorsod over a literal pathway of cut flowers. Gen. Roberts to Visit America. London, Oct. 18 Tho loport Ih cur rent thnt (lunorals Coiblu, Young and Wood hnvo tenderod Karl IlolortH a aordlal Invitation to visit the United S(at(n. and that the Hiltish command-or-ln-ohlof replied ut n Into hour Inwt ovonlng thnt lie Jiad practically do oldod to accopt tlin, Invitation In No vember. 1009, and that thero was a possibility of his crossing In time to witness tho International racos. Karl Roberts' desire Is that Oeneinls French and Kelly-Kenny hIiiiII accom pany him. r The Amei leans have been particu larly anxious that Karl Ilobarts shall stato, and through this ngoncy expects sc.cluly warned dealers of Its Intention a concertod action In all localities and to pi oBccutp n" vloluhirs of the law, Instlng.benoflts. Tho election of .Jiulico 'rhrotothuuid topics of this state Scott to tho presidency of the oignul- men, which Jls 8lc.uVt by Morris K xntlon could not bo Impioved upon. fiiiip,prcilloiiti Frank M. 'Chapman, Ho will provo a capable and ouorgetlc chnlrman or the ocdutlvo coramlttoo, executive bond, and will have the hoar- and William Dutchor. chairman of tho ty suppoit and endorsement of the committee pn.lawn, hnveb eon printed. people in nny step thnt has for Its nnd will he ilont f denlors. Audobon purpose the bottorlng of the roads nuiL'hiim- ncr isiiiiids. rrom wnonce sue i leavoe for Yokohama, where she will , vlult America. In order that thoy may tiniFi n t minnl iinltii nniMiili il n remnln for some Umo. Hor llnal dee. tlnatlon Is Manila. Capt. P. T. Ilrunell. U. 8. A., has recontly takon charge of tho voesol as her commanding ofllcor. o It is more than "Fifteen Decisive Dottles" which Kdltor Ilofer cluoiilclee in his strawberry catalogue. It Is that many decisive victories whloh he has won In year of labor and oxperlmeut In tho culture of tho luscious berry Newberg Giaphlo. Convicts are Charged With Murder. Leavenworth. Oct 18. The Federal grand Jury today returned indictments (against ton more couvlata who jmrU 'cIpatiKl In the prison mutiny last fall i which resulted In the murder of guard IjWaldrup. Tbl make flftaa renvlets j all charged with the murder of one lman. i The Circumference of a Finger Is a little matter In nieaaur but it is a Ida; matter, too. when youj think nf itf .Pc Jb.e-t,Yl fw people who do not circle one or more or their fingers with a ring (or parUatw two or three) by which they set great store. Dorr's wake a bueliu kt flUlnK rings to fingers the3 right rings to the right tlngeiv. at the right price. Paney set rings.; wedding tinge, seal rit. hi' rins, ladlee' rlHf, ehlldren's rings ImWes rlngH all il&mm at riiuW sum rtreentwl In ouf collection' We've gotten In a terjae tat at oikw this fall that we'd very muclij hke to have jmh Me. A twak imQiIu, yw "OVi'. BARB'S JEWELRY STORE, Corner State nd Liberty 6ta. Leaders In Low Prices. 9991399m9amm99999MB9mi9 havo an opportunity of repaying the ninny courtesies he has shown them during their stay In UiikIiukI. Female Thlof Adjudged Insane. New York. Oct. 18. Mrs Itnuhael Illchman. wife of a wealthy meiehaiit of this oily, who was urrested at Alox audita bay, In July, on Iho charge of a 186,000 diamond thoft from Walter De hi Harm, has been adjudged Insane. Large Tobacco Importation. Tampa, Pin.. Oct. 18. On Monday the largest tobacco Impoilatlon ever made will be landed here amounting to on even fl.000,000. GOLD DUST. "Lei tbe GOLD DUST twins do your work," Many Jurors Discharged Circuit Judgo Iluniett today dis charged fioni further nttemlniice at this toim of court all but olght of the 91 Jurymen. Those that nil- still sub ject to duty all reside In 8nlm. nnd will report for service ut 1 o'clock Mondny aftornoon. Thoy lire M. Uredomeler, A. T. Mofllt, A. Dane, J. M. Payne. David Btolnor, II. II. Vnn dorvert. F. A. Wiggins mid It. IJ. Dun can - i Hoclotlos ami iwrsons and orgnnUa tlous liilcrcstcd In orlutliology. i n ! I, T. U. President In Portland. Portland. Oet. 18. James M. Lynch, piesldout nf the Intornatlonnl Typo graphical Union, arrived In Portland yesterday frqip gait Francisco, and.wlll imiialn In tfio liaiuls of 'Multnomah Union, No. 88, till 8umjay jvnlflj. whin ho wliKO to Suattltf. Mr. Dfnrh is en his oMclal trip, and reports tjiat evorythlng on the Pacific cijiast Is pn greselng satlBfactiirtly to tho unions, except th ninatlor ofthe dlsngntiinyiiit wlth'lj:n,L).AnHfni Tlirtiis 'U owners of thnt paper will not reeognlie orgnnUed labor, and the Typo people are making things hot for them Financiers Praise Secretary Shaw's Action Washington, Oct 18. Tho action ot Secretary Shaw In offering to buy bonds for tho sinking fund to relievo the present stringency in tho money market is favorably commented on by financiers hero. It Is pointed out that the, $15,000,000 Pt Is which the secre- taryoxpe ts to obtain iindcr tho offer will result In putting Into circulation in principal nnd Interest 120,000.000, which nt tho late date In crop moving will. beond all reasonable- doubt, car ry tjid country safoly over tho crisis, whloh Is annually oxpeoted at this pe riod. Although the secretary's offer was not mnde public until noon Friday, the aasistnnl treasurer at 1 o'clock report ed to the department that 18,203,400 had nlrendy been deposited In jtho sub treasury there. Ot this nmouut !G. 000,000 was In 4s. tho noceptanco of which, the socretary haa had under consideration for several days. It Is oxpectod that by tonight at least $7. (KM) ,ooo additional will hnvo boon offered and aacepted. Tho Southern Pnolila Company bus purchnsed ton now locomotives, to ho used for pnssongor trains only. These engines nio the snmo compared to n ncal passenger engine as on ocean greyhound compared to a-tramp atonm or, .nro equipped with air-brakes and can be brought to n stop In a shorter distance than any of tho local engines', although running nt n higher rato of speed. Umbrellas recovered at Shipp Houser'a 298 commercial, street NEW TODAY. Orange Fruit and Honey Chewing Chocolate rati ; 2a nns 154 State SI., Phoni 2874. Doctors To Organize The physlolans of tills c It) and county will meet In the Patton block this evening for the purpose of orgnn l.lug n county inodloul nssoilat'o-i Dr. Audrow O. Biulth, slate senator of Multnomuh county, will be In attend mice and assist In tho organization or tho proposed society. P'S . Cholera Scourge In Egypt. Washington, Oct. 18. Consul Rmlih cables the state department fiom Oil ro tho follewing: "Since the nth of Inst mouth there hnvo been 7of, ns-s of cholera and CStl duuths in this part of Hgypt." Scotch University Honors American. Kdlnburgh. QcL 18. SL Andiews' university Unlay announced that It would confer the degree of doctor of laws nn Ministers Choate und Willi" and Andrew Carnegie and Alexander nrahnm Hall. DbSmTIUiWORLDI l?lMfi,- ? -inn Oerman Knitting, Dcutscho Slrlck-iVollc, Shetland flo, SpAiiUlt Yarn. Imported wrinniW. Saxony wooi, cii.., n ? ;j GIJEAT CLEANUP OF SPANISH" YARN "?r n Skein,., elation of his gallant service In tim t w a-,t' n2:SJaL. WII1 v. ,..... Ji Good grade of Wll-i5c Uho offloe ot the flalem Dajly Journal ' vani.SpeOlal (OCll $ ikeill Our Dattleshlp "The Oregon." Are wo proud of our nameeake and the splendid performance of Its brav. commander. Admiral QjarK. iUhl the battleship, "Thp Ofegou.'' T patri otlo cltlacoiia of Salem aje aijkojl to subscribe to a fuud for tho purpose-of presenting Admiral Clark a memorial sword as a testimonial of their appro. Snow wMu ciottita are IU r'jlt of utlr- QOLD DUST? Il nuke tbrht Um Ufcorf of wothlnr. Turu Willi i An SMa fir Ut. Fu totttr thta Sop and more econemlMt i CH, N.VmI. Boitea. tLoJ. J T,JK AUXILIARY COMMirrurM ' ' 8 " ' i Kakor (A OVAL fAIRY SOAP. . '" 500 Pairs of Blankets i: At 50C A Pair IJ i I Tan, white and grey. ; The largest and best ; blankets ever shown in Salem for the juice. ;; M IJ! I , . ,. 75c and 98c i KAM0NIS i; Exceptionally good, ; don't fail to get one ; THE :: Meyers Shoe;; Is being worn by most : of Salem's stylish dress- -er. It is manufactured '.' expressly for our valu- ' able trade, ' $3.50 a Pair!! Kvery mm should wear hm. : : , EB