o THfe D AILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTODER 17, 1902. !Bfea:3BaaHCRBHanERaBnUBKUaBaeiaiBIHBVRIBBBHHBBIBH9UaHM K Invite Friends f od? Tho BUIltl present Is a Bplendl'd time to. fur your Eastern friends anil. showfhom the Northwost. Tho-rates via the Hurlhngton Ilouto aro wondar fully low, nntl the thro' train service excellent. ' If you oaro tci Bend mo tho names and ' nddrossoB of your ' friends who might bo Indueed to visit tho North' wtst, I will', tell them ' tho rates ar rango their trip and chock their -bag-liage. ,. A. C. SHELDON, General Agent. IOO THIRD STRISHW, PORTLAND.' BSHBlHBBBBBBHBBHHHBBBBHBBBaHBBHBIBRHBBBBBHHmBBBlJMIttlBHf mijtttttt:mtmmmttttttamtmjm:tttttmmtiittttttr Worth of 80-pound steel rails, 50 new H locomotives, and 55 new coaohes, chair JVVV)VVw cars, dining and cafe cars Is the record $3,000,000 Wabash R.R. During tho past year, 'making it tho moat modern and up-to-date rullroad In tho country. Travel over it and enjoy tho finest equip- . ment on earth. C. S. Crane, Gon. Pass. Agt., St. LouIb, Mo. Ross C. I Cline, Pacific Coast Pas. Act, Los Angeles, Cal. mu:::ummumu:tttttunutmttmutu:tunttttmmtmtttmtnmnntntttttnttt:m Hs nRVNaBBBarflFBBuvvlVB To ro t o r e vluor lO'ihe-syF lent nil a diuiu mi flt'uii solid llt-sli vi n can- ot lBKf a bet ter lit ed icine Il-Bll tllU Kit lei, lly rurii u Indigestion, Oyspcpsln, Constipation. DiilousnoiO. Insomnia and Malaria, Fever and Ague, , , got d health u assured, Irv Jt WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. A. H. Whltmor, Portland. Kugone P. Snniuol, Portlnnd. .Toll Thompson, Portland. P. A. Monzios, Portland. Max Prledonthnl, Portland, Geo. H. Fltzglbbon and w'lfd, Pdrt' lnnd. , H. M. Grants Portland. W. D. Cram, Portland. - U. W. Wall, Portlnnd. W. T. Wallace, Portland. W. H. Dronner, Portlnnd. Aug. Knab, Cincinnati. T. T. Hawthorne, San Frnnclsdo. IJ. T. Van Allen, Chicago. P. M. Shelloy, wlfa and family, Rome, N. Y. H. A. Brewer, Portland. I. L. Pattorson, city. T. O. Kyle, St.4'. J T -. Mi, and Mrs. G, 'ICvelm RrookR I. Frond, San -Francisco.- , 6, G. HruHh, Chidngo." - ' Sylvia Simmons, Coburg, Or.' Chns. K. Garoy, Troy, N. Y. C. C. Chocny, Znncsvllle, Ohio, EDUCATIONAL. JoliMrieAJ men require trnlnod holp Tho modern binlnosn colluue Is a lomnt of buMnrsx requirements. Tho business in mi now looki to the school to stipply Ms heir. Therofire, a young person now lias but scnut oppor tunity of sncceeJIns In business without a thorough Induing auch as ho may secure at tint CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thla school hiti an citabllilii'd reputation for supplying competent help In btialne-n men. This fact should not bo overlooked by young people when deriding which school 'to altond. Wo offer cheap living, skillful teachers; pleasant mom j In fact all the advantages one eonM wish, Bend for catalogue. 9-8 W. I. STALEY, Principal, Snlom, Orogon. To Music Students Miss lira 1'. Cox has bioa taking a Normal Cum so this summer In "Mim'o Kduca Hon" the system us d by Mr Calvin II. tlrtily of Iloston This alms abovo all, tu the awakening and devnlopment of tho tu1enlM niusiotl nature. Miss Cox will re-L'-lvo pupils In Plane, Organ and .sight nestling mi nr utter Sept. 'i'JIn at nor studio, asa I' rout HtS-ilem Oio. , liwim CAPITAL CITY Express and. Transfer Meets all mall and passenger trains. Baggngo to all parts of tho city Prompt lorvico. Telopbono No. 241. HOMYBR & HEDRIGK. ARTSTUDIO Mrs. Mamlo P. Drown will resumo her teachlnc September 22d. Arrango- nients for lessons In art can bn madoj for classes or prlvato lessons. Studio hours 2 to 5 p. in., Murphy building. Ilosldonco 153 Front streot. Phono 2305 Black. 9-22-lm. S0ULE BROS PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g 1 1 1 i-i 1 1 mi Local Events. X Inthc in mi mi nun mi i in Social Realm Night classes Practical subjects havo been organ ized at tho Y. M. C. A. night school under thorough and compotont Instruc tors. If you are working during tho day, nud aro ambitious enough to study a f w nights a wcok, you ought to enter some of thoso classes. For Six Months' Course. Arithmetic .'....$2.00 Bookeeplnn 5.00 Commercial Law 2.00 Grammar 2.00 Practical Letter Writing 2.00 Penmanship 2.00 Reading and Spelling 2.00 Rhertorlc ..,'.'. ,.,.. 3.00 Vocal Music 3.00 Call on thd secretary for ftiither'ln-foriiiiitlon. PORTLAND On. m S. C. STONE, M. D. PROPRIETOR OF STONE'S DRUG 8ALEM, OREGON. ' j December Tho storesftwo In numberlaro locatod i lodgo Na Mrs. Catlln Entertains. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Itussoll Catlln ontortalnod a company of ac quaintances In honor of her mother, Mrs. King, of Durlington, Kansas, who has been visiting hor for several months. Tho Catlln homo, at tho cor ner of Court and Twelfth stroots, was tho scone of tho function. Through this ngoucy Mrs. King wns able to meet In n social way a largo' number of tho ladlofl of tho community boforo returning to hor Eastern homo, as she oxpects to In a fow wooks. In Honor of Mrs. King. Mrs. S. L. Haytlon played the part of hostoss Wodnosday afternoon when, at hor homo at tho cornor of Cottngo ami Ferry Btroots, sho entertained a fow frlonds In honor of Mrs. King, of Dur llugton, Kansas, who is visiting In this city, tho guost of hor daughtor, Mrs. It, Catlln. A delightful afternoon Is roportcd, Mrs. Hnydou proving n suc cessful hostoss. I. O, O. F. Anniversary. Tho golden anniversary of Oddfol- lowshlp in Oregon, tho half contury STORES i nHU'k will bo colobratod In Snlom on fith, noxt by Chomokota 1, which was founded Do- Rev. D. J. Hoadloy, D. D., who held ths chair ot philosophy In Willamette University, and who .recontly recolved n loavo or absence for a yoar, left to day for Myrtle Point, to tako charge1 of the pnstornte Of tho Methodist churf.li at that pofnt, having rocdlvoil tho npiMllntmont nt tho rocont Grants ' coiifdlonco. Mrs. I. W. Starr, of Brownsville, is' in the city, the guest of hor brother. I Mayor O. P. lllshop. Mrs. Starr goos to Portland on Saturday, to contlnuo h9r visit with frlonds. John Orth, county clork of Jnckson county, spent Thursday In tho vicinity of Snlom In a hunt for Chinese phone unts. Mrs. K. J. Peebles, recently from Weston, will Bpond the winter with hor sister, Mrs. L. J. Shlrloy, in this city. Mrs, L. .1. Shlrloy has xoturned from Colton, Washington, whoro sho has boon visiting her son, O. J. Shirley. Dr. I. W. Starr and .1. -N. Coshow re turned to Drownsvlllo today, after a short visit In this city. W, H, Lnwler, tho woll-known min ing man, wont o Albany this morn ing. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, wnB In the city today. M Ama 4nHiiMMsWijiS LL rs. L&.ura S. Webb, Vice-President of Women's Democratic Qubi ol Northern Ohio. If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea, u. j)uro horb drink. It acts on tho llvor and makes the skin smooth nrul clear. Cures sick head aches. 25 cents and' B0 cents. Monoy rofunded If It does not sntlBfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y for free sample. D. J. Fry, druggist o Take your umbrellas to Shlpp & Houser's for repairs. LAID TO HIS REST Impressive Services Attend the Burial of the Late RobertReld, the Active Sunday School Worker. HK1IU AUK MAT sickly women bo tweon tho niei of 40 and 66, but thoro aro very fow Invalids over 66 and CO ycurj of ago. Tho ohango ot llfo coming to a womnnlicar liur forty- fourth year, olthor makes hor an invalid or trlves her a now looso on llfo. Those who meet this ohango in 111 health sel dom livo ten years of forward, whllo tv woman who lays nsido tho aotiva duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to livo on in happiness, years nfter sho luu pas9od GO. This It truly a orltioal time Mrs. Laura S, Wobb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes tho oimngo of lifo a a dnngirous period and sho also has faith in Wlno of Cnrditl. Sho writes : "As I had always txen troubled more or less at the menstrual psrlod, I dreaded WMWW 111 Wl II II fsi. p .Vr. Lnur S. H6fc. the change o( life which was fast approaching. While vis iting with a friend I noticed that she was taking your Wine of Cardul, and the was so enthusiastic about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced some reuei tne nrst month, to I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take It olf and on now until I have passed the climax. I do not dread it now, as I am sure that your Wine of Cardul will be of great benefit at this lime." Wlno of Cardul is tho remedy to ro-inforco a woman against tho shock that comos with tho oimngo of "llfo. It ro-ostabllnhos houlthy functions alter yoars ol suffering. In doing this it lias saved thousands ot suf ferers just in tlmo. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparation? should bo luado in advance Begin tho Wino of Cardul treatment today. FABER AND NEIfU-it Ol co in Hush.fi7.. . " V'orcJmnts. in Albany, OregSh y tS? ?ldfir- 1al8 1821. ' ureEon' Telephone Main T. A. UVE8LEY & rn t,7 hops and hon iiii C0'Vealara 'n WINE of CARD VI A million gufTcring women havo found relief in Winpof Cordui. Walter Dreunnn, who will bo re membered ns the former fireman on the Salem local, is visiting old frlonds In this city. Bed Time I tnko a pleasant herb drink, tho noxt morning I feel bright tmd my com plexion Is bettor. My doctor snya It acta gently on tho stomachc, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative It s made of herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med icine. All druggists sell it at 26c and 50 cents. Lane's Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot got It, send for frco samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LoRoy, N. Y. Tho committee representing tho la bor organizations of tho city thnt ImB In charge tho arrangements for tho ball to bo glvon for, tho bonoflt of tho striking coal minora of tho Fast, hold a meeting Thursday ovonlng, and do olded to glvo tho danco In tho armory on Friday ovonlng, October Jlth. Tho committee having In charge tho dnnco conslstH of E, H. Flogg, O. A. Bort, 0. 15. Cox, 0. L. Lock and Frank Will-man. For Salem and vlclolll leave order at Geo WIT i Music Store. at No, 23G and 297 Commercial St., combor G, 1SC2. At tho session of tho and aro woll Btockod with a completo , RtntQ Krnntl ,0(lK0 ,n8t Mny nt Now, nun u uiufia uuu muun-iuvjo, lunut articles, uerfumory. brushes, etc., Has had Home 25 years experlonce In tho practice ot medicine and now makes no charge for connultatlon, ex amination or prescription. , Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Corner of. Commercial and'Chemeketa ' Streets. I1UIE WING SANG CO. Now lino ot Chinese nud Japanese fancy and dry goods. Silks mndo up. Pine white underwear ot all hinds. Wrappers, waists, skirts, gents' and ladles' furnishing goods, gloves, mat. ting, etc, for salo very cheap, 140 Stato Street, Salem, Or. HOTBL BLK. Elk City. Lincoln County. E. M. MAYS, Prop. Fall season for hunting and fishing now open. Finest trout and big gamo I In Orogon. Anldeal'pldco for aweeks outing. Trolling for salmon, sea trout, salmon trout and still fishing now at Its best. Good table, board and beds. 8-2G-2md Woven Wire Fencing Tho fence thnt fences. Onco up, stays up. Special prlco during Octob er. Car will arrivo about Octobor -2Gth. Place your order at onco, nud save money. WALTER MORLEY Salem Fence Works. ' BOOKS REDUCED, All hooks on our shelves reduced. Please see our window. weo,. The Variety Store 94 Court Street. 1J. JP. JONES Attorney at Law - Toledo, Oregon. Was clerk of circuit court for six years and has an up-to-date abstract ot all property. In Lincoln county liteusloff Bros Dealer In Live 8tock, Wholesale and retail butchers' and packers. All kinds ot fresh and salt meats. Fine sausages, hams, bucor and'lani. 310 Commercial street SALEM SWATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office. Bills payablo monthly in advance. Makf all rotnplalnta at the office. THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street. port, Past Grand Masters Williamson, Burnett and Catch wore appointed a special commltteo to mako arrange ments for tills colobrntlon. A banquet for GOO guests at city hall armory will follow tho colobrntlon by the grnnd lodgo nt Its special session on that oc casion. Gives Luncheon. Mrs, T. B. Kay. gavo a lunoheoii this nftpmoon nt her homo, cornor of Clio moketa and Thirteenth stroota, when sho vory plonsnntly entorlalnod n com- pnny of lady frlondH. PERSONALS. Chestor O. Murphy is vliltiiiK In Portland. Mrs. ChnrloB A. Murphy has rot in nod from a visit In Portland. State Sonutor R M. Crolsan has re turned from a trip tip tho valloy. Mrs. A. H. Williams, of Chamawa, spout Thursday nftornoon In this cltyi Attorney J. RubboII Wyatt, of Al bany, was a Snlom visitor Thursday nf. toruoon. Mrs. W. W. Hall has returned to her home nt Woqdburn, after u short' visit In this city. In tho death of tho lntd Robert Held tho Sunday School Interosts of tho Willamette valley suffered a groat loss. For years tho demised was prominent ly Identified with thnt work, and his namo waa known to ulmost ovory Sab bath School nttondnnt in those parts. Funeral aorvlccs were conducted over tho romnlns of Mr. Hold at tho homo of his son George P. Rold, No 380 Summer stroot. nt 2 o'clock Thurs day afternoon. Tho services wore lm jiroBslvo nntl woro condtictod by Rov. H. A. Ketchum, of tho First Presbyte rian church, to which rollglous organi zation tho docensod bolonged. Uov. Ketchum road Bovornl versos from the Bible, and bnsod his romnrltB on tho scriptural text: "To livo Is Christ; to die is Hnln." Tho speaker said the deceasod was a Christian man. nnd paid a tribute to his moniory for his faithful labors In tho Intorost of the Sunday School work of tho county. Two selections, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," nnd "Somo Sweet Dny" wore glvon during tho services by n quartet from tho Prosbytorlnn church, consist ing of Mrs. F. A. Wiggins nnd Mrs. J. Purvlno and Messrs. F. A. Wiggins and P. H. Rnymond. Tho pnllbonrers were selected from nmong tho olllcers of tho First 'Prosbytorlnn church, the deceased being an older of thnt church at tho time of his donth. They wore T. O. Albert. N. J. Damon, A. O. Condlt. P. H. Raymond. John Molr and 0. M. Howe. Tho funoral Borvlcos wore at tonded by a lnrgo representation of the rollglous workers of all denominations, ninl tho floral offorlngH woro many anil beautiful. Burial was hnd in the I. 0 O. F. cemetery. Italian Desperado Dying. Rome, Oct. 17. -Musollno, tho most notorious bandit of tho ago, who wob itontoncod to llfo Imprisonment on the Island of lOlbn, Is dying. For Bomo days he has been a nianlnc. , $100 toward $100. The renders of thla pnpor will bo pleased to learn that thoro Is at loast ono dreaded c soise that science has boon nun to cure In nil its atagos and that Is cata ill. Hall's Catarrh Ctiru Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to tho medical fratoinlty. Catarrh bo ing a constitutional dlnuaso, requires n constitutional trontmont. Hall's catarrh Cure Is taken Intornnlly, act ing directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfneos of U. system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho dls or.se, and gulng tho patient strength by building up tho constitution nnd as sisting nnturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo much fnlth In Its cur ntlvo powers, that they offer Ono Mine dreu Dollnrs for any enso that it fnlls to euro. Bend for list of testimonials. Addross, F. J. CHKNEY & CO,, Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 7C cents. Hull's Family Pills aro tho host. o Take your umbrellas to Shlpp & Houser's for repairs. . We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under n pos ltlvo guarantee It will euro all chron ic and othor blood poisons. If you havo oruptlons or aoroB on your body, or aro pnlo, weak, run down, It is just what you need. Wo refund monoy if yon nro not satisfied. CO cents and 11.011. I). J. Fry, druggist. o KOUTY HAItH' TOItTl'ltU. I'd lio ii'lli'Viil frmn n turlrniMK iIIhinihi' lift pi- 10 yoiilV tnrltirit mlRlit woll niliNe the Ki'utltutle nf Hiiy nii Tliiit In wlmi lio W'llt'i Wllrh IliUfl Hnlvi' iliil fur ('. Uiuicy, (Irlieyn, U. lie miyx ; "lleWltt's WHi-li lliizt'l Hnlv I'liri-il inn nf plli nfter I lutil HiiiTi'ifil -lo i-i-nrs." Ciiivh ciiiH, Iiui-iim UltlltHlH, Nklll lIlHI'lllll. lll'WIllH lir IMIIIIlllT- WtM. P. (I. IIiink. llil.Hinli' 8f (Iriinil Opern ltiiu Driiic Hliirc. Take your umbrellas Houuer'a for repairs. o to Shlpp & ,, , NATUItAt. AXXIIiTV MfilliHrM ri'Binl uppr.Hii-liliiK wlnli-r with iiiii'IIhIiicnm. I'lillilrcu hike roll! kii ihihII)'. Nii llllM'MlH' CI.HlM ,ll,ll llltll IIVIHt lllllll crollll. N II 'm nltilrk In h Hiulili'ii that Hit' hihTitit I Iclil rnplilly to Dili' Umbrellas recovered at Shlpp Houner's 258 Commercial street. The Whlto House Hofitnurant Is still in tho lend for flrat-clalis meals. Tho only up-to-dnto outing housu, In tho city. Open dny nnd night. OYSTERS Served in the best of stylo and with thn most suitable accompaniments. WHAT IS THE USE Of Buffeting from Indigestion if you oat what you want, or of starving your self to avoid such dlstross? Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets takou after eatlfig will digest your food porfectly, and froo you from all tho disagreeable symptoms ot Indigestion and dyspep sia. Kat what you like at any time, and take an Acker tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed. Your money will always bo rofundod If you aro not at Bad Bread. There Is nothing so annoying as to have poor baking. If you buy your bread "nnd pastry at the Pioneer Bnk iryh'on are sura to be satisfied. i o New Pupils At Chemawa Superintendent T. W. Potter, of the Indian Training school, has returned from Puyallup, Washington. He was accompanied by 10 new pupils, who have been enrollwl In .the school. Su iierlntandsut Potter reports that ns many more new pupils will arrive at UV IVIUIK4UU II JTUU UIU JIMb Bat'l E ECKERLEN. Proorletor ,sflod- Wr,t0 to us for a free sample, the school from the same section of w. II. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N T I the Iflvergrtwi I weeks. stato In about two DINNER BT S T Six New Patterns just Arrived. We think Them Pretty, Rill Cme See, and judjje AJUL for yourselves. Sold by single piece or set. Sets made up to juit purchaser. Our Word jsi if the ware willcraz. or check MTo see our 57-pi ce Dinner Sets at $475. $6.00, $7.00, 58 00 and 510.00 plain or decorated. Have you tried the new Coffee called Porto 0cp 25ytidj3$Q'$b, BOTTLE BABIES rimi lieyniii! Inimim nlil hpfnn th ilutilur i yield rummy in out l.lmillli iIih iiuifiH, hi srrivm. niu'Ii ohhw .MIiiiiio Ciiiil-Ii I'm-,,. laM liiMiiNiinnlliill I'Hliliii'wi iliinvur Aim,. Iiitfly mif. Arts ImuiHllHlfly t'nrt imiuuIin rolih. Klip. hr.in.liliU. nil thriml nml Iiiiik ironlilii. I'. S. ...i-MhIiuii. llHiniilmi. (In.. A Iwil iNihl ii-nilfri'il inn vilrt'lnM Jul lit ("I mi oi-iiforlral cuiilwit. I IliU'iidtd In wlilulniw bin iiMik one .Mlmitn CoukIi Cum. It rwunrt-il my vein. In tlmi in win tin ninliil. I'. II. 1 1 mm, lm KIhIh Ht., Ilraml il-rH llmiiw Iiriisr Hlnr Hansen & Lnndon, who havo been employod on a arg goverumotit oou trnot nt MoOougal, Wash., returned to this city last night. It's Just a Cough Thnt gets your lungs aoro nnd woak and pavos tho way for pneumonia or consumption, or both. Acker's English Remedy will stop tho cough In a day and lion I your lungs. It will euro con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and nil throat and lung troublos. Positively guaranteed, and money rofundod If you aro not .satisfied. Write us for fro samplo. W. H. Honkor & Co., Iluffalo. N. Y. D. J. Pry. druggist. SURE CURE FOR PILES Itching Pllos produco moisture and cause Itching, this form, ns woll as Blind, Blooding or Protruding Plies nro cured by Dr. Bo sankn'a Pllo Horn ody, stops Itching nnd blooding. Ab sorbs tumors. COo a jar at druggists, or Bent by mall, 'reatiflo frco. Write mo about your caso. Dr. Bosnuko, Plillndolphlu, Pa. For salo at Dr Stone's drug stores J. CARMIcmaci .t-.. : , In BushBreyrnan h.finiUyerj ofnc0 Orrgon. Scs Sng', Sae 1 Melted ij'te '0P8 bo- "nTMLJ?l mssSzB PAUL R. 0. Honnr a . :: Lachmund. LrL'' l,)U8 - Q-..W..1 uiuimgpr v r.knUNN-iwri 8. BuBh-Broyraan block Hninm gon. 'Phono 1431 8alcm' Iloom Ore- lodqebT" " " b ma ki. - - y E&iwais Hal.,' coVr'onjod SSSlS n " I081' W' W'' J' A Sellwood. Rnncc-rrrif. rtr. ... o, i ERICAs-Court omuwouu foresters No4 10. MC0ta Friday night In Turner llouk. Harry Wntson.CIl.; A,UDrown, Set Hall in Holman bloekcorner State end Llborty streets, .Tu'esday ot oach week at 7:30 p. tu, caroy T Martin, C. C; Zado, J. niB88) IC' ot It. and a , isr-'T-T.mre SnoHTlmc r union pacific DKI'AIIT FOR Utllttlgo IHirtlsna PpccUl .00 a. m AtUntlo Kxprw ) am. tU Hunt lngton Ht. VmY' rsstMsJI Jiiop. m. Tl Bpakaae H PHYSICIANS. "w'K'Tnyil '"""i Hirsician and luraeon uiMce in uray block. Reams 7 and 0. Phono 01, OSTEOPATHY. Dr. L. E. Wyckpff and" Dr. Gracu Al bright. Twenty months graduates of tho Amortcau School of Osteop athy, KirksvllU, Mo. Dr. Wyckoff It tho only twenty mouths' gentleman grndunto In Salem. Odd Fellows' Tomplo, 'Phono Malrf 2721. Dr. M. T. Schoettle Qrntluato Ameri can School of Ontooiilhy, Klrkn vllio, Mo. omce In Tioga blook, over the Spa. Office hours 8:30 to 11:30 nnd 1 td 4. Oalco phono No. 2123 Red ro&ldenre phono 2C03 Rod. CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements, five lines or less. In this column Inserted three limes for 25c. 50ceWeck.Sl.SO tnonih All over five Maes at the seme rate. WANTED. Wanted. To botiow 1C00 on good real estate Hoourlty, from ono to live yaai'H. AddrosH "J. P.," Jour unl ollleo. 13-lG-tf Wanted Uvorybody to try Oregon Foot Iauo for all foot -nllraonts. Oncotrlcd always used. Ask youi druggist or send 25c. S. L. Hayes Halsey, Ore. 5-37B LOST AND FOUND. s Taken Up. A Biunll brown mnre, with three whlto foot and white face. Owner call on I C. Mntthos, It. V. I). No. 9. 1016-tf TON80RIAL AND DATH8. Ryan's Shaving Parlors.Soven flrat clnHs liurbers engaged. Finest bath rooms In city. We use antlioptle sterilizer. J. Itjau, Prop. JIMD 8CHC0ULBS From I'oninuu, or. AnniVR FROM SIt lie. Dontor. FL UTn,U n.t... r'u ..vi.ii. vuiniin, flftiiaiui and K. 8!t Uko. Dctner FL Worth, OmshR, Kanuu VT. Bt. LOUIS, UIlICt) Wslta WallsTTevlston,' Bpokno. WMlaco, J'all nidn. MlnnenDotls fiL l'ul, Duluth,Mllwauke mii, Taut. Ohlraeo, anil Kt. 4:i0 p m. 8:10a. m. 'iOiia. m' 72 HOURS w PORTUtlD TO CHICAGO no vni Ho chsnie of Cars 72, OCEAN AMD RIVER OCIIBDULQ Proa Portliaa l)i. m. Dili sew BUDllSJ excel r Sn. m. SttunUy! 10 p.m. I All sailing otto subject id oonngv ForsnFrsnoUco tinll ererj 0 il&ji COLUMBIA R17RR To A i torts and Wj IauiIIuss 4 p. m ,4 p.'m. ex. Bnn'sr WILLAMHTTU RIYER Stoamor Ruth loaves Salem for Port land and way landings on Tuoday,Thurs dsjs nnd Saturdays, about 7 a. m. For Oorvallla snd way landings, Mondays. Wrdnccdaya nnd Fridays at about 6 p. m, A. L. OBAIO, M. P. BALDWIN. Gon, Pass. Aot. ArL O. It. k N. dock Portland, Ore. Palom, Or Evana' Darbar Shop. Only flrst-clasa shop on State street. Every thing now aud up-to-dato. Flnoat porcelain baths. Bbavo, 16o; hnlr-cut, 26c; batbB, 25o. Two flrat-claaa boot' blacks. 0. Wt Btaus, proprietor. FOR SALE. For Sale. A good Bocond-hand wagon at n bargain. Mitchell, l.owls ft Btavor Co. 10-lR-tf .. . TIIH WillCHT 1'nlt.M JlVUllliiilfH H rw NliifflHK Him nf Kinlftl, the mnv illwiivt-ry wlilih U imikliiK praliMNi In mill wtnk jplr m imny lfk imm.iiIh wvfl hiii! hin.ui: ru- OlgMitliik wImi ili wMt, ly rtwiii ins; hiiii nn'Hiiviiiiiir ' III Klnmnrli anil lit- iraiufiiniiliiK llmlr tn lum Hik kind nf liur, run, rnl IiIimmI Uihi niiikm you f. i mi ovit. Jim iTHiinn, i,r Troy, I wriiHi 'ur iiiiHilr,nf yvars I won i Mml Willi ltiillRfttlli ami ilyiHiiU whir rw uuu uiv ttri nirm. riimily I whm iililurwt It, iuh- KinIiiI nml tttrt imIiiu f"W IhiiiIh I siii4Hiilnly rl. I hwoiiiy tu lumviiit Ktidol ii nil iiiiflrr fruiii Iwlluwt llmi anil ,Iiiih-wIh Tnko h iIihm- Rfiw lll.-HlH. It llli!-lM wlml yiMl ml. I'. II. IIhhm. IMI Hlnie Hi. (Irm (Imth .,m liniK Hli Woman Gets The Horses Hop Cloth About, 4000 yards at cost price to closo out. Dot what you want nt cosL V. Levy, Snlom, Oro gon, dw-9-22-lm For Sale At a bargain, the Pennsyl vania lostnurant, a profitable busi ness, tho proprietor wishing to retire from-huHlueiM. Mrs. Jennie Hedrlck, prop. 10-14-flt For Sale or Trade. Housu and lot in suburbs of Portland for Halein prop erty, or acrougu. Inqulro nt Journal ollleo. 10-4-tf For 8ale. Family residence, large grounds, within two IiIocIih of the cnpltol; also Clileliuriiig sauare pi auo for rent. IimjuIio at Journal of II co. 8-a6-tf Yokohama Tea; S& Phtne24t1 Black. Roasters of Goad Coffee. Mrs, Ollt M. II)ra waa surcwifiil In both actions to ri-over prmjnul propttrty Uiut hav Just bii (IImww1 of la Ui Marion eouuty circuit court. Ih tht first suit. whkirwiH it. K. Itdrr was lit defendant, the Jury wltldn an hour's dallborttlion. rturHMl a vcrdlet for Uim plaltttiff for XMHMrwtOH or a bay ntare known as "Dolly livers," of Ilia rains of flH). ami fl-00 damasjaa. Tita nacond aetlon was aaalnst Marlon Putnam fur thn ikhmmssIoh of a buy pacing guiding. "(Han," and an open buggy. Tills cane want Jo the jury at P (retook Thursday afternoon, and at P jt, in. a sealed vnrJtt woa rstupned. , Tiie vanlltit was for the ulalntlff fori iiie VQMittUfon Ot Dim tironurtv. nr fnr) ann It... u.A. .. rn t ,ii . ' ,,.,. w .i,.wv mr inrs, ami For Sale' or 'Part Trade. My 30'acro homo at Frultlaud, 3'j miles east of asylum; good 5. room frame house, nuwly papered and pain tod; 12 acre in cultivation; good barn; 3 acres of orchard (variety); CO roda to t-huich, store and uehool; good water, ulee loeatlon. Tonus to suit, or will take half In Salem Inside property. Prloe 91700; also have 3 good milch cows for sale. Call or writ to W. H. II. Dunkle at Taylor's Market, on Court street. 9-28-lin MI8CELLANEOU0. Freti 'Delivery Bottle babies are so likely to get thin. What can be done ? More milk, condensed milk, watered milk, household mixtures try thorn all. Then try a little Scott's Emulsion in the bottle. It does for babies what it dote for aid folks gives new, firm flesh and gtroiifr -life. Vqu'J! bo nlcfMad with" the re sult It takes only a-IIttle inw tor u. ,. i0Wii,, wi,i, 4m.f B:il0ml"-$ilff $ Jjjonji .... . It. - . I WW III IMV H, III 1. I1IIIIMBUI X, Sir. I BLUlti HlrAdf Hi am ' nillJS tQ maHS pnby lat. . 0b aMrd far fhe Plaintiff and Hw'auulRG FAiipm ',..: r a tr , . I V ...., r..,. iiuji You will always find lh bi teeat meats and frrueerlvs at tho li west price at Kd ward's & I.uber'c, -IOC aud 410 State street. 'Phone e-dern Blvon special attontlpu. Market Quotations Todays T "Make S4lemiCoolll9meMirket" T Hop Market. Hops -1002-20 to 22c. Potatoes, Applea, Etc, Potnloos 30"to ilic. Onions H. Dried Fruits. Dried Apples 1'4 to Oc. : Italian Prunes, 40s to GOh 3Vj to -it I'etito rrunofl same. Wood, Fence Posts, Etc. lllK Fir 13.00 to 13,26. Second Clrowtht2.rj0 to 12.75. Ash $3.00 to 13,25. Ilody Oak 1 1.00. Polo Ook-$3.50. Cedar Posts 10 to lie. Hides, Pelts and Furs, (keen Hiuoa. No. iw-7c Oreen Hides, No. 2 6a Cair Skins 1 to Co. Sheep 76o. Goat Bkliis-fSGa to flXd. Orny Fox M to 60 Coon 10 to 40c. Mlnk-26o to 11.26. Olt6r-1.00 to JG.OO. Skunk 10 to 25c, Muskrat 1 tp 6a, i. Wildcat 10 to 26 Grain and Flour. Wheat-do, Oats 28o. Parley brewing, 450 hit. food, MO (on. Flour Wholesale, 12.88. LJve 'Stock-Market. Steera-niUff 30. Cows-310 314C, 8liBep-$3.M Kross ti LOO. Dressed Veal OH c Hos, allve-iS4 Hoks, dresaedwCU". Wool and Mohair. Coarse Wool Ho. -Fine lfift MohaliKo ' Hay, Feed, Etc , Ilall Cheat-jyu to $7.00. Clover $0JW. iran-$17.60. HhurtH $10)0. Creamery and Dairy Produote, (liMxl Dairy llutter U(Se. Cruamery IliittBr 8714 Cimiii), pan skimmed, at erauiery 20i .. nt farm, 180. craain uMiaratar aklminsd, creamery, 26o, ot farm, 3c. Poultry at Stelner'a MarkeL Chlokens 8 s. Kkm. Pr Aotr-Me. Turkeys 10a Ducks 8o, Through personally conducted tour. 1st sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago onco a weok, and between Og den and Chicago throo tlroos a week, via tho Scenlo lino. Through Standard sloopinc cata dally botwoon Ondon and Chicago, via tho Sconlo lino. Through Standard sleeping cam dally botwoou Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Through Standard nnd tourist stoop ing earn dally botwoou 'Ban Francisco and Chicago, via Los Angoles and VA Paso, , Through Standard sleeping cars nnd chair cars daily between St. Paul and Chicago. Do sura Uiat your; ticket roods' via tho Great Rock Island Route. Tho host and most reasonable din ing car service, Ing car service For Information T. J. CLARK, Trav. Pass. Agent. l. ii. nonitAM, (Ion. Agt.. SCO Alder St.. Portland, Or. O. G T, CoV PASailNGBR STL'AMDVQ Pomona and Ajtona Loaves (or Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. Quick Time, Cheap Hates Dock! Foot of Trails at. M. f, BALDWtrl, ML: tal lis Mastered R m. m, ro. Time Card No. 20. No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany '. 12:45 Loaves Corvallls 1:60 Acrlvos Yaqulua C:3G No, 1 Jtetumlug: Leaves YaqUtun 7:00 a, m. Leaves Corvallls U:30 a.' m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m. No, 3 For Detroit! Leaws Albany 1:00 P. nt. Arrives Detroit 6:46 p. m. No, 4 From Detreit: Loavoa Detroit- 0:30 a. m, Arrives Albany Ili05 a. m. Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in tlmo to oouneot with tho S. P. south bound train, afl woll as giving two or three hours In Albany before de parture of 8. P. north bound train, Trulu No. 2 connects with the 8. p, trains at Corvallls aud Albany giv ing direct sorvieo to Newport and ad Innanr. huaahes. , Train 3 for Detroit, Ilreltenbush and othor wpumam resorts iunvt iuuy u,'at 1:00 p. mM after the arrival of "tho .Southern Pacific eoutn bolind tralu from Portland, reaching uoirou at 6:46 p. m. . For further Information apply to EDWJN STONE. J. Turner. Agent, Albany. Manager. IT If CrnnlsA. A runt. Corvallls Portland Market. la Walla, Wheat Watl Wheat Valley, 0t. Flour Portland, 1, to $3.80: KTaham $. C3o. t Krade. to WH. fOS Your Step Mother hop auvEna' DinecToa. mrffibwt a coA'Uop:"iCttir: wool. Hon srowers sunniloii. n 290 CommercJaXStreet. Halem. riu! Phone 1301. Is (till here busy aa ever, and when your olethea are all out of order, worn, :....i. i...,,n... r.tt lib. ihant In hor at E' .- -.1. :. . .- A. am..- WIIU MltkWttS VM. v ...v w "-. - .... ..... a. ....... ... m 1.1. mm. . - . uais uiiujmm Tuna. f in .. -j (ne naam uye wonts. Parley ?) per toji. i At this establishment you can get MIllMtufT Hran $18.W. lauythlng sat to rights, from a pair el Hay-Timothy, $10 to $11 per ton. gloves, to the most elaborate all onions 7Sc toll per oantaL I gown. A gentleman can get Wa hat potatoes OSo par cental, 'aleaued. bis trousera oreaaad, or hla Hiittar Heat dairy, 17 to 30e.; fancy wnoio suit rejuvanated to ault Bit frunmarv ift in 27oi store. 12 VI to Mate, alio four suits a month for IV J6c. Outtona aowed on, rlna aewed up, suite Kites Orexou ranch 2SV4 to 27-. pre-isod on abort notice. New goods nor .i shruDK for (ireaamBBiHg. Ioultrv Chlokens. mixed. 3J0 to niArlidn HteMjyMkSMUuitiT.iiKHiM.. r tiejmiM apparei for the de- Lnu Purchasing acent. No aini scurr ft bowat, , r.i mi.. Nw yt faodanla In both eases. ummert lal street, upstairs. Bau uregoa. I'Aeae 16I I LJNB; hens $1.76; turkey, live, 14 to 16c. Mutton great, 3d. Ifoga gross 7e. , Uoef grooss 3 to VASk Veal grose. 7 to ?4ft Hops 30 to 21o. Wool Vntlav 12 In 14.: Mastiifn Oregon, 8 to Ue Mohair. to 3Cf Ulden -dry, 10 pounda and upwards, MRS. C. H, WALKER 1SS Cornivifrelal tMt. Hid Ute Th? flnne.. w 102 Co(M 51 PIKK WINBH. L1QUOR8 AND OIO Alia ise. .! rir