to i JOURNAL ADVERTISERS. Are more than pleased with the re mits, and as a result are Increasing space all 'round. f.ifjA fta, --v4. DAIL J V vJ JlJl.Jla.JlJ JHEWEATHE Fair tonight and Sattfrda cooler to night, with frosts. tt: SALEM, OREGON. PftlDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1902., VOLUME XII. NO. 818. THE r I 7f 3 i im h sun 1 1 mi urn iiintiin 1 1 ii niinmn; It's Always Bargain Day at the YORK RACKET ion ikmt have to wait for nny Particular day to got what you I want at. n roaBonanie prico when you trado with us. Our Spot Gash Plan of Business Enables us to Undersell Regular Stores Our object Is to soil you goods Uiat will give satisfaction, ho you'll X como again. NEW You've all heard of I he BROWN'S MARK i?l liSi SHOES . Most of you have worn thoni. If you have wo aro sure of your t Bhoe trado, because they're the most reliable sIiooh on the market, and T j. we sen mom at "racuei prices.' wo want to snow you our new lino or Men's Clothing. Men's Overcoats, Boys' Hosiery and Underwear. Suits, Boys' Overcoats, X 1 Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store! E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Streets. iiimii 1 1 n n i mi i n mimti ai mm i i ii 1 1 n iiH- NE6ESSI TY FOR THE SPJE6ISL SESSION mouths. Throe separate flros ware started, the first In the warohouso, the second In tho now lavatories and the tilled In tho pumping station.. The last , named structure wns destroyed. The guards at tho post have beon doubled. Over 50 years ago. Doctors took right hold of it. Keep their hold yet. The oldest, best Sarsaparilla Ayer's. J,0.AjrrCa.. Portland Papers' Opposition Is Only From Force of Habit ! IT GENERALLY OPPOSES ALL REFORMS IT DON'T ORIGINATE And Originates None-A Program in Which the People are Deeply Interested Should Be Pushed By Everybody M9coeoos888Od8e8C90a,IcaMiMeeoe5 The Program Demanded by the People. wuuutHwtf. ft afiimkjl V, ' ii "" caomuHT Time is Precious And so Is a reliable timepiece. Watches and clocks purchased at C. T. Ponioroy'8 are always accurnto time keepers, and require the least repairs, with ordinary caroful usage. They can always bo depended on. Wo aro Boiling a Waltham or Elgin movemont In a 20-yuar gold filled case at $12.50. Wo can furnish any stylo of case. C."T Pomeroy 288 Com. St., Watchmaker and Optician THE INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM PUT INTO IMMEDIATE EFFECT AS A CHECK UPON EXTRAVAGANCES OF THE REGU LAR SESSION. A FLAT SALARY LAW WITH ALL FEES AND PERQUISITES ABOLISHED AND COVERED INTO THE STATE TREASURY. A REVENUE THAT WILL TAX THE GROSS EARNINGS OF ALL UNTAXED CORPORATIONS AND FRANCHISES $2.00 ON THE $100. NO APPROPRIATION FOR THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPO. UNLESS GRAFTS ARE CUT OFF AND RECEIPTS OF THE TREA8URY INCREASED CORRESPONDINGLY. The above Is a program all the people should unite for, and If the party In power will not keep Its pledges In these respects It should L be driven out and a party put in that will do something tor tne tax- payer, besld,es Increasing his burdens. eawstte9MS?6aftfeaefi9Mt)eoM909G9(to$eeec9Q3cr''e)'i Portland has beon noted ror zu years When out of town If only a dny. don't ta'ce '.nicoi with Hums boiiKlit at random. Pro vide yourself with a llask, bottle or di'inljohn of Roods of which you know the minllty. You know. quality Is a prlmo fat tor with us If you don't know It you will find If you try our wines, whiskies and brandies. J. P. ROGERS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . Oregon's COPYRIGHT.'. fe Botanical Physician ATTRACTS WIDER ATTENTION BY HIS CURES THAN ANY MAN IN THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, AND THE AFFLICTED FROM ALL PARTS ARE EVER INTERESTED TO READ 0F HIS WORK. HE HAS CURED HUNDREDS AFTER ALL HOPE HAD BEEN ABANDONED, AND HAS SCORES OF TESTIMONIALS FROM RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE. MANY AMONG THE HAPPY THRONG WHOM HE HAS CURED ARE RELUCTANT TO HAVE THEIR NAMES IN PRINT, BUT THEY ARE EVER READY TO TELL THE AFFFLICTED WHAT DR. COOK HAS DONE FOR THEM. AMONG THESE IS A PROMINENT DU3INESS WO MAN WHO HAS BEEN A PHYSICAL WRECK F5R 24 YEARS, BUT WAS FULLY RESTORED BY DR. COOK AND HIS WONDERFUL HERB MEDI CINES. THI8 GOOD WOMAN WAS SUFFERING FROM BILLIOU8 FE VER WHEN SHE CALLED AN "OLD SCHOOL" PHYSICIAN. HE FILL. ED HER SYSTEM WITH POI80NOU8 DRUGS AND MINERAL SUB STANCES UNTIL LIFE BECAME AN ABSOLUTE BURDEN, AND DEATH WOULD HAVE BEEN A RELIEF. IN THI8 CONDITION THE LADY CAME TO DR. COOK, AND SHE IS PREPARED TO TELL ANY WHO WILL CALL UPON HER HOW WONDERFULLY HE CURED HER. FIRST HE RELIEVED HER OF MANY PUTRID FISTULAR TUMORS. THEN TWO LARGE OVARIAN TUMORS WERE ENTIRELY REMOVED, AND TO CAP THE CLIMAX HE CURED AN ACUTE INTERNAL CANi CER. THIS WOMAN BEGAN TO IMPROVE FROM THE START, AND AFTER THESE TERRIBLE AFFLICTION3 WERE REMOVED SHE RE COVERED HER HEALTH, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 24 YEARS FEEL ING THAT SHE WAS A WELL PERSON. HER NAME WILL BE GIVEN TO ANY INTERESTED PARTY BY DR. COOK. WAKE UPI WAKE UP1 YOU SIMPLETON. RECEIVE WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE AND DISCRETION. A WISE MAN WILL HEAR AND WILL INCREASE LEARNING, AND A MAN OF .UNPERSTANDING SHALL ATTAIN WISE COUN8EL8. DO NOT ALLOW BLACKMAILERS TO STUFF YOU FULL OF LIES BUT SEE FOR YOURSELF. THE ONLY SAFE CURE IS THE BOTANICAL SYSTEM. POISONOUS DRUGS ARE ONL TEMPORARY STIMULANT, WHILE THE RE8ULT8 ARE SURE DEATH SOONER OR LATER. Dr Cook Cures all Kinds of Diseases. KNIFE OR PLASTERS OR POISONOUS for having Uroo publications tho Christian Advocate, tho .Mercucy and unothor. Until tho Portland Journal was es tablished last spring no opposition papor had ovor lived thoro long enough to produco any effect. Tho Advocato lookod after tho spir itual wolfaro of tho peoplo, tho Mer cury for tholr morals AND THE OTH ER fAPtK AhitK intin rm.Mii BOOKS AND POLITICS. If Oregon hnH bnd public systoms, if Oregon has lagged behind in de velopment. If tho Orogon Htnto gov ernment is the choicest nggiogntion or grafts In tho nntlon.WHAT NEWS PAPER IS TO BLAME7 If Oregon has half tho population It should liavo it Is not duo to tho fact that tho people have not shelled out tholr monoy llhorally for New Years' oditions and handbooks, nnd all kinds of oncyclnpodln schemes. What Is tho true character of this allogod nowupapor that has hung like n combination of a millstono nnd n nlghtmaro acpund the neck of this commonwealth? With tho permission of tho atnto pioss. lofna try TO ANALYZE ITS TRUE CHARACTER, nnd soe whether It is worthy to bo taken as guide, phi losopher and frlond for a peoplo da nerving of n hottor order of things. This Portland papor HAS CREATED THE PRESENT STATE OF AFFAIRS so far as any one political nowsnper enn crento anything. Its petty opposition to n special ses sion Is becoming Judicious. It seems to watch what position Tho Capital Journal takos. AND THEN TAKES THE OTHER SIDE. It keops Its Sa- lem leproBontatlve on the Jump to dig up new mattor and get up Interview with straw mon to counteract what It nsBtimes to be the position of this pa per. IT DARE NOT EDITORIALLY OP. P08E THE REFORMS The Journal Is contending for, hut' allows ltL news I commnu to ne useu to courusa tjr. peo ple and mako soutlmont against wliaj It has not tho anurnae or the ability . to successfully controvert This is' a narrow and Ignorant il-, l( y fur an alleged great paper, and will , The Journal would, not for a moi ment oppose anything advocated by other newspapers, if It weie a good thing. The Portland paper for many years, in a lame nnd feeble mnnnor, fought the toNt-liook trust. Tho Jour nal built up the public sontlmont for sweeping that trust out of business In Oiogon, nnd wns perfectly willing Jt should have nil the credit for doing I the woik. It In iucnpnble of taking a dispas sionate and broad-minded VIEW OF PUBLIC MEN OR PUBLIC AFFAIRS. IT NEVER ORIGINATES ANY. THING, and novor consistently and purslstently advocates nnythlng, un loss It be to destroy some man's stand lug In public llfo, and whon It ennnot do that It tuins around and truculently knuckles down to the samo Individu al. It prostituted Itself TO THE VERY WORST ELEMENT of tho Republican party, moroly for tho sako of being with tho winning crowd, nnd getting political powor and political plunder It nlwnys pratos nbout'opposltlon to groat corpmnttons. and about purer and hlgher-mlnded policies In public affairs, and then on the show-down TAKES ITS BOTH HAND8FUL OF THE PORK AND CRAWLS INTO IT8 HOLE. When tins It treated any public man fairly, or sought to build up the character and reputation nnd Influ once of nny man besides Its editor? Senator Mltcholl might bo a man of nntlonnl prominence hnd It ever front ed him decontly. until he whipped It In n fight, whore he never expected to win. In Washington and In Iowa the lead ing papers nllSPEAK IN THE HIGH EST TERMS OF ALL THEIR PUB- LIC MEN, and build up the Influence of their state by consistent eulogy nnd gonorous appreciation of the best qualities they poaseaa. And those states have great Influence In national affairs as a result. A different policy should prevail In Oregon affairs, and everybody knows It. THE PORTLAND PAPER OP POSES ANY CHANGE. Hverybody knows that toi much money Is being paid our state ofllclals foAir years term of our stnto officials linlpdreds of thousands of dollmn of loos will bo collected rrom tne peoplo. Wd, without warrant of constitution or Inw, put In the pockets of ofllclals. THE PORTLAND PAPER 0PP0SE8 ay CHANGE. jJSvoryboity knows thnt franchises linking hundreds of thousands of dol lars annually out of tho pockets of tho people escape taxation. THE PORT LAND PAPER OPPOSES TAXING TEM. Everybody knows that 98 por cent of nil tho taxes of this stato comes rtom real estate. THE PORTLAND PAPER OPPOSES ANY CHANGE. , Kverybody knows thnt In 1900 tho stnto tax was over ton mills, and thnt lr 1002 It was ovor twolve mills. ABOUT TWICE THE 8TATE TAX OF ANY STATE IN THE UNION. Tho Pprtlaml pnper has been most lnrgoly responsible for this condition of things .pnd opposes nil changes or any action, except tho regular session, which nil Well-informed men know bids fair to bd A CRACKERJACK, ROUND-UP OF JDQ8 AND COMBINATIONS. It Is admitted by intelligent mon that a sn.oclnl session alone can probably deal with the very serious situation con fronting tho stato of Orogon, nnd wbllo .other stntcs rely on special sosslons THE PORTLAND PAPER OPP08E8 T, BECAUSE THE SUGGESTION DID NOT ORIGINATE IN ITS OF PICE. The Speclnl Session was first sug Rested by a numbor of Republicans nt Salem n few davs after tho nnult nf 'tne state election wns known. It was suggested by both flovqrnnr floor nnd 'pinion Ford, ns neodod to put tho Refeiendiim nnd Pint Salary law Into effect. The Journnl believed It wns'u good thing, nnd circulated potlllous, for which thoro aro sovornl thousand signers, nnd not ()(), nt) hns been ro pentedly published by the Portland pn per The Portland Journnl dosorvcB the commendation nnd mippmt of the peo ple of Salem mid of tho wholo stnto for Its fair ami nblo rovlow of tho ur gflmentH fn favor of a special session. The people should tnko and circulate that papor, lf for no other reason thnn It. treats them fnlily. IT 18 THE ONLY PAPER IN PORTLAND THAT DOES TREAT THEM FAIRLY. SHOT HIS ACCUSERS Defaulting Treasurer Ccm mits Double Murder Now York, Oct. 17. Win. Tumor, treasurer of the Climax Mottling Works, shot nnd killed Alborl Hamil ton and William -Mailed, prominent business mon, thon himself, in tholr law office at No. 25 llroad streot, this morning. The mon nccusod Tumor of boing $r000 short In his accounts. Tho ofllco whoro tho shooting occurred is In the heart of tho llnnuclal district. It hns created great oxcltomont. Shaw's Big Deal. Washington, Oct. 17. Socrotnry Shaw to day announced tho purchnso of $G,()no,Onn of bonds, -is, nt $1.30 flat FELL INTO THE FIREPLACE Mrs. Marshman, of Wardton, Or , Burned to Death Rosobutg, Or., Oct. 17. Mrs. Win. Marshman, of Wardton, wns. fatally burned Wednesday ovenlng, by falling Into tho flroplnco at hor home. Tho uufoitunnte lady wns subject to spasms occasionally, and (loubtless one oeourrud during n momentary absence from tho house of tho other members of tho family. She had been about tho place In her usual health nil day, Just heforo dark tho other members of the family wont n short dlstaucn from the houso, and, upon returning In n few minutes, found tho lndy so terilhly burned thnt nho died In a few mlnulos. Sho was about 48 ycnis of age. He ildos her husband, sho loaves one son nt l.n Oruude, Oregon, ono In Washing ton, and n son nnd daughter who nro at the family liomo nonr Wardton. ELECTRICITY WITHOUT THE AID OF THE DRUGS. 310 LIBERTY STREET, SALEM, OREGON. BmainiMii a M MMMMMMMW ft I 1 &S2 B M I KM V s IIMIWII MMf 8t)t)l SPECIAL 4M m prices Until November 1s to intioduce our up to date methods JBANCR0FT OPTICAL C0.J A M. HANL'KUr I Bivcnlit - .. .- ,.. ' zm lAtn I nt , tralem, Or, THE THERMOMETER IS LOW. in the kitchen, always whengna Is need (or co-'klag. nd you don't have to worry over the rife in the priee of wool. It (s the (net par exceltaucw in tho warm wenther no timt no Aahe. no din no dnst. luitetd, comfort, coovenlooco, clrajilloeM, rceuomy. Q stoves sac! rsngea of every sice and style applied by the Bilew Gas Light Cunipany at lowest prices. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. PhAiu B63. - CHsmskaU St. mbh B9 i Will Move Soon. J A. RoUn la getting some furniture trade lu his temporary quarters under the llhee club. Ho will move soon Into the stora- now occupied by S. Priedmau. ' at Salem Bird Study Club meets Unity 'church tontghu Everybody at tena. for a merely clsrlcnl perfornmnce In deprive It of n groat deal of liifluenc.!ofl,eM t,,nt nn' WM' ounty ra'" even with parsons so Ignorant and un- ran "" ' nu 'UM ' UMNU Informed as to read nothing but that,OPP08E8 REF0RM- ,)a,,er j KverybiMly knows thnt In the nxt The Circumference of a Finger Is a Ilttl mattfir In meiwurs bat It Is a bl mttr, U. wIim yo, j taink of It. Kor ttir Rf fw pspto who do Hot rireto one or more, of their flngera with a rH (or jH'rttaps two or thrw) by which tht-yi set grwt ator. Han 'a make a busings of Attjug rings to flngars the& right lings to th right ngr, at Uw right prlcB. I'anry Mt rlngii, wwldlag rings. sal rings, men's ring. Kulls' rlnist. children's rlugs naW' rlHjfD all-elawii of ring rawwmiitI In or eelltftIon Wv've gotten In a targe tot of KW am LH1 fl) that wa rwr muoh Mk to bava ym A UH c4 VHhtmtt. you know. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, Corner atat and Liberty 8t- Leaders In Low Prices. f gaa4iag First Stop the Grafts. Tho Orogon pnpors nro snylng n good deal about the appropriation to ho asked for tho Lewis and Clnik ex position. Sotno of tho pnpors Jump widely In the dnrk. nnd. In n Bplrlt of loyalty to Oregon, ilemaiid that evory thing nskod bo granted The Demo crat Is In fnvor of tho exposition, nnd of making an appropriation, but be llovoa In thin, as In everything, to look hoforo omr leaps. Wo should appio prlato only spch sum ns Is consistent with our populntloii, wealth and pres ent situation. If n liberal appropria tion Ih made some of the grnfts thnt exlBt on tho books should bo dropped, ns much so thnt tho total appropriation shall not bo Increased materially. If this Ih not done the next legislature will hour from Tfio poopIo.Albnny Democrat. Avoid Dangers of Log. Rolling. (From the Astoria News, Hap.) It Is now given out as a straight tip thai Governor floor will cull a special session of the legislature. Tim date. It Is said. Is to bo some time In No vember. It Ik thought the Lewis nnd Clark fair appropriation will bo safer at a special swwlon. A Salem man Is reported to have said the object will ha lo rid It and the flat Mtlnry and di rect legislation law of "log-rolling." He: said that everything will he on the basis or a deal, and that times will be strenuous Indued. "For Instance." he said, "do :ou not preaumu that Mr. Fulton will demand suppoit in leturn for support for anything Portland may ask? Do you think for a moment that ho VIII stand by nnd permit anything to be dona that does not enliame his diancm to go to the United State senate? Will ha not'titlllao all of hU liull and Influent with members to bring vote to him? And there will ha other deala demanded. I believe that Union county will demand an ag rieulturnl college, with a big appropri ation for It. too." October 23 Merchants' Carnival. Democratic Wind Expensive Cars to De Transported 1440 Miles n Day by the Mysterious Fluid. Now Yoik, Oolobor 10. A now scheme of transportation Is to bo In troduced bntwoen Now York and Hus ton, whoroby, It Is snld, largo pack ages nnd cars containing passengers enn bo whisked from one place to tho other, 2.10 miles, In less thnn un hour. An uxporlment with thu machine wns hold In Hoston in the presence of ninny scientists, Including A. K. Dolhenr, of Tuft's collogu. Ho announced that liu wns thoroughly satlsflod with tho sys tem. It consists of n magnet car hanging fiom a single tall, which fol lows a current of electricity with ono horse power It Is said that one ton enn thus bo transported 1410 mllos n day at a cost of 30 cents. Tho application of electricity to ma chinery, ns mentioned nhove, Is not nil tho uses to which It can be appliod. It euros most obstlnuto chronic diseases with wonderful nnd startling rapidity. Dr. Darrln, tho electric physician, of Salem, employs tho remedy with won derful success, as Is proven by tho tes timonials thnt wo have heretofore pub llsfied of the remurkahle euros that he has made In this vicinity. Dr. Darrln enme to Salem to re main but u limited time, but eluce op uilng his nlllce lu this city hie prac tice has poured In on him so rapidly that he has concluded to extend hie visit to November 1st. Patients come to visit him fiom a wide nieu of terri tory. The other day a young man 'odo on horseback lo be treated for deafness. In ten minutes fiom the time the doctor commenced operations le could hear, nnd the nt dny In left for home. Siuh treatment hoi lem on the marvelous, nnj shows the vemlerfiil auras that can Je eff-!'"! y modern skill, when exepipllflpd by ueh men as Dr. Darrln. Or Dun In oHtinuw to treat all claaeea, IIih jmor 'r of charge, except medicine at Its office, at the Willamette Hotel roni.8 to 11 a. nt. dally. Tho will ing to pay fiom 1 a. m to k i m at Half hie former ehurga II k!vh r and confidential examination to ill at Ui qlHce r by letter. In moat rnaes only one visit Is neceeeary. !! reals all c-uruhle nervous, chronb unite and private disease of Hit eye tar. nose and throat; calnrrfi, deaf noes, bronchitis, la grippe, ttonsump Ho, heart, liver and kidney disease, tost vigor, orrors of youth, varlcocolo 4nd tumors, and will, under no elroum itaneea, take a tone that he cannot sure qi benefit. Curee of private ills- TAFT TO THE FILIPINOS Promises Them Self Gover- ment wnen Fitted For It. Washington, Oct. 17,-Governor Taft, In n recant speech nt Manila, copies or which" have just beon ro eclved by tho war dblTattment. has given tht) Filipinos' to nnteratanil that when tho proper tlmo comos they shnll have tho privilege of saying hethor or not thoy wlh to li Jpilopanilotit of the United Stales, and sny that it may requlro otto ojr two gohorntlohs hoforo they aro fitted for solf-govern-ment. TIiIh speech undoubtedly re fleets the views of tho administration. UNIONS . INSTRUCT DELEGATES Miners Almost Unanimous to Follow Mitchell Washington, Oct. 17.Prosltlent Mitchell's acceptnnco of tho- nrhltra Hon comm' dajea' the lfhli Inst., wns uuulo public this morning, and In 20(H) words oxhnustlvqly oxplnlns tho nilnoi-s' nttitudo. Ho anys tho district presidents accept the Arbitration com mission, and will ro 'recommend to the convention. He comments blttorly on tho conduct of the oporaturs nt the flrst Whlto Hoo conference, char acterising their attitude ns Insulting and unmanly, v lie, clgses by saying that he has the hope h'ml ballot thnt the lesulU of tho arliltvutlon will ha rnmpletely sutlMaoto'ry, and n pef'nin nent soluHon of the troubles, which from tline-Iunnnrlftl have voxmI tho an hincltn-fleii , i ' i " i ii Unions Instruct Delegate. Mt. Cnrmol, Dot. J7.-Eiyonty locnl unions today elected afhTPTistriirtad theii delegnlos to follow Mitchell's ad vice In the fnrtliciuulug convention. 3ome May Ftejectpperator's Proposals Tamnipiu, Oct. 17r-It Is now fearod hat many TaiUIJcf valloy dologntes will he Instructoil to reject tho opera tors' proportion, fiB tho minors want a guaruuo befffro going to work. The houso of Foreman Dnlhln wa dynnmlted Inst iilKhL while tho family mis absent, (lonernl Schnll announced this morning thnt the tioope will bo kept at Panther valley wo weeks longer after the strike Is off Struck By An Engine Ironton. O.. OcL 17.-C!ms. Davidson am' Henry (leswlno woro Instantly killed and Frank- Oaswlns fatally In jured this morning by a Norfolk West em pnssenger train. The men wero walking "n the tfack In n fog. BRITAIN " AND '. JAPAN Planing For Firmer Hold In the North Pacific London, OCL 17. Arrangements have been mndo by a ml ml) or of Jap anese oincors to visit tho British (look yards, while at tho samo tlmo HrlUsn officers will visit tho slilp yards In Japan. AfterwardB tho otllctira will mako reports to tholr rospccUto gov onunontB as tt tho boat means of reg ulating the balanco of power in tho North Pacific waters. Salem Dlrd Study Club meets at Unity church tonight, Everybody at tend. o TWO TRAINS COLLIDE Fatal Accident On the, Bur lington This Morning St. Joseph, Oct. 17. A collision oc curred betwoon a freight unit" passeng er train on tho Uurllngtun this morn ing, five miles north of hero. In which 20 pooplo woro Injured, five fatally. Physicians hnvo gono to tho scino on a spnclal train. The four persons most surlnusly In Jured woro Mnll Clerk I.eflllo Tltson. U Knchor, Henry Hurst and Solomon Capps. all rosldenta of tlilft city. Tho trains woro badly mashed, tho malt and baggage cars being reduced to kindling wood. Dig Diamond Haul, Duluth, OcL 17. Sevon' thousand dollais worth of diamonds woro stolen from the counter of tho FlrM National hank Inst ovoulug. Thoy had Jtiflt been taken from tho snfoty dopostt box by their owner, Mrs. Merrill. ' ' o Mexican War Hero Dead. Snu Antone, Oct. 17. S, JtDostlok. a Mextunn war veteran, ono" t tho three who captured Santa Ana,' tho Mexican dictator, died this morning, aged 83. o October 23 Merchants' Carnival. Umbrellas recovered at Shlpp Mauser's 258 Commercial street. October 23 Merchants' Carnival. & NEW TODAY. Orange Fruit and B; Honey Chewing Chocolate at! Zinns ISiSUteSt.Ptun) 2874. lS UiM-uln. Oct. 17. Oryan. In th Commoner, today den(e reeivlng ffc0O (or his cnmsalgu spnihes In JitlMtf. and soya he has contributed 18,000 to rarfoHt campaign eommltl are never published lu tho pa lem la the past Ax yoariB. I PftrM, Qfroulars and question blanks . " c !( ffty -AH eurnble uhrpiilc male . Inoemllarlee attempted tho destruc-laud femalg disease treated at $5' a Hon of Fort Stevens again Thursday. week, or in that proportion of time. tor the seeond time within three I as the case may require. .. "Whatever may be said to the) contrary! 0od clothing ln; j creases the world's respect for. . him who wears them." ? J 01' U:: Hrt Schaflncr? Tailor ZMade Clothe If you hawa worn au II. 8. & M iiveraMtoH do ot have to be toM they Bre me puew over nun HWMy n bur. ;; HART. 8QHAFFUER & MARX.J Overcoat are atyttefc, R dur-! '. HbU. eieNABt In gjwxln J roK; ', 1HK. rtaHIt Unm4 tlnliditil and; ; full of gaitefnetion. 'W lirieee. . atm faafloiiuble. ! '. HAnT. SQHAFFNERMARf awt tAIUSR'MADe cuoTqti. . tHHW M)T lUl wmmmmmmamamm . 4