.wV fflmjftlf B9tMIMKamitinVtWXKfXfl9lBSfWiiJm) , n uuu ki.rrtaj3F-w A'C'T- ' f " Lf 1. J VH tVfti fi . Wc' r vvt I V 'aV . if B fc sT'1, iv' ' ,'"' f, Kf' . 'c r. M, i AWE. r w '? ,ri4 a: ,iV, t r'W n. S mSil IsJ .. faJbLJ. THlt 6AILV JOURNAL. 8ALEM, bfiE&Ofo, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1902. THURSDAY, OCTOBEftMW. Store Closed! -Saturday, Oct. n. V e SVre fey 8!lie balance of the Stock of the San Francisco Shoe Factory has just arrived and will be placed on Sale Monday, October 13th. to prevent Pneumonia and Consump tion ts to euro your cold when it first appears. Acker's English Remedy will atop the cough In a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Al ways a quick and sure cure for Asth ma, Bronchitis, and ail throat and long troubles. If It does not satisfy you the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for freo sample. W. H. HOOKHIt & CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. D J FRY. Druggist factory Sale of Si oes 0i4t P. rnnmAf;i1 O-fc Mall Orrfcrs Promptly Filled. oiaiv (X ummwufli uw. j.; MORRIS, Maniffcr. Greenbaum's Dry Goods and Millinery Store Bargains for. (his week: Lace Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long:, 50c pr. Lace Curtains, 2 3-4 yards long:, 75c pr. Lace Curtains, 3 yards Ions, 40 inwide, $1.00 pr. Lace Curtains. 3 1-3 yds. long, 58 in. wd. $1.75 pr. Bed Spreads, large size, 75c each. Bed Spreads, Aiarsailles, worth $2.75. for $1.85. Lace Striped Hosiery, at 25c pair. Corsets from 25c up. Shawls, Fasctoators, 25c up. millinery in all the latest styles, Buckles, Cabashone, Feath ers, Tips, Winjjs, Birds, Pom-pons, Velvets, Felts, Ribbons, Laces, etc. You'll find this department strictly up to date, 'first-class in every respect, and reasonable prices. Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store THE DAILY JOURNAL Members Northwest Afternoon News paper League. BY HOFER BROTHER8. Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. Next Door to the Postofflce 302 Commercial St. Never again Will you be able to get solid oak yellow poplar lined bedroom sets at the prices we are now selling them. Were it not that we wished to clean out our ware house ready for another car load the prices on these Suits- would be advanced rather than reduced YOU KNOW THE PLACE. tub I BUG-GO 308 Commercial St. -Store at Salem and Albany. Next to P. 0. LsbsbsSbWsIl 9 laenBBBBBBBnvaaW There's Heat When you want It and Just as you want It In Cole's Original Air-Tight Wood Stoves On a -windy day particularly the heat doesn't so up Uio chimney. The patented draft and absolutely airtight construction of the atovo explains the heat-producing and heat giving points. R. M. Wade & Co., SOLE AQENT8. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL. City Sunt. Traver has been Instru mental in organizing an athletic move ment among the boys of the Hast Sa lem High School, and a football team will be put to work thin week under Conch Moser. of Willamette Frank CnUorlln was elected captain and I'rof. Traver manager The new city superintendent to an entheelafltlc foot ball and baseball player, and his teams from the Itoseburg Men School downed nearly everything In the rest of the sate. except the State Univer sity trine. This to the first time that the Sa lem public schools hare participated In athletics, and their absence from this Held has been the main cause why this city had bo baseball or football team for the past few years. With the young portion of the strenuous manhood of the Capital City training on theso Jines. we may look for our city to coma ta the front la athletics. o MUNICIPAL STREET SPRINKLING. It seems to bet a soasonablq moment to presotit a proposition to the city aouiiclL,whereby tho city, might, in return for tho valuable water fran chise so freely given, have a system of ntreot sprinkling. The question of Inylng-tho-dust Is now as great nx the quostlon of laylng-tho-plpos a few yearn ago. It seems but Just that the city have hor principal thoroughfares sprinkled for the valuable franchisee donated to tho water company If the business man waters the Btreet In front of ills place of business he will ho requested to discontinue such watering It is permitted. however, that ho pay the sprinkling cart 35 cents per week for doing it. It Is not allowed that be should nee his own water as he sees AL He must conform to the rule laid down by the com pany. One of the rule is that he most not interfere with the revenue of the sprinkling cart The business man justly objects to all this. If he can't bare the prirftMte of keening the dust oil his store front after paying for the water he would use. It is time the city should tarnish him with the watr, and not compel him to pay for water sold by the sprlrfkllng wagon It looks like a combine between the sprinkling wagon and tha water com pany. In fact, this information "leaked' out the other flay, and raises the question as to whether the com pan) owns the wagon or not? The agitation of the question of seme sub stamlal return for the Individual fran chleoa given to the water compan will at lAst tend to remedy some of thee rather finely drawn rules gov erning the consumers' use of an ar ticle he pays well for. It to about time a man should be able to buy a few things without strings on them, and water is one of those tilings. It would appear that this question is disturbing the equanimity of our business men SUIT ON HOP CONTRACT Wisco'nsion Brewer Demands Delivery of Hops Silverton Grower Contracted 10,000 Pounds at 12 Cents The action of F. A. Dachaus against F W BHelto to recover 10.000 pounds of this year's hop crop, or their equiv alent in money, that was instituted In the Marion county circuit court Wed nesday afternoon, is in reality a suit to enforce the fulfilling of the terms of a hop contract. This Is the first suit or this kind that has been brought In this count', and the roeult will be watched with considerable Interest It has been expected that litigation would be required to secure the de liven of more or less of the haps that were contracted early In the sea son at 11 and 12 cents per pound. Mr Dachaus, who to represented by Carson & Adams, of this city, is a wealthy brewer of ..Wisconsin, lie contracted from Mr. RueJI. the defend ant, who is a farmer residing east of Silverton. 10,000 pounds of this year's hop crop, agreeing to pay therefor IS cents per pound. Plslntlff alleges In his complaint that defend ant has refused to make the delivery according to the terms of the con tract He asks that tho defendant be required io deliver to him the lu.OOti pounds of hops, or In lieu thereof, their value in the sum of $1200 and Slow damages. In which amount the plain tiff claims to havo bcon damaged by tno wrongful withholding of the hops Tho contract under which the plain tiff claims to bo entitled to the hops Involved tho payment at tho time of Its execution of $1 and the pajment at tho harvest time of C cents per pound advance, or not to exceed $600, the hops to be delivered between the 1st and 31st of October. Tho rontrart which Is on fllo .n the ofllco of County HARRITT & LAWRENCE, WILL BE RETURNED -3ELL- Mor c Tomatoes and Better Tomatoes than Anybody AND EVERYTHING IN SEA80N FOR JNQ SEASON. HOUSEKEEPERS IN THE COM. OLD P. O. QROCERY. iGrassSeeds Wo handle only tho host grado of seeds, nnd havo only fresh seeds Id stock. Our prices are tho lowest In the state. Call or write for them. Special prices on large orders. Brewster & Wlbtte Feedmen and Seedmen. 19 Court Street, sk mmmmm 8ajem, Oregon. Closing Sale at .Friedman's Esoaped Patient from Insane Asylum Was Captured at Pendleton Gave Indians Whiskey. Jack Oeiihart waa arrested here Sat urday waiting by the police, and will be taken back to Salem, where he was committed from Union county to the asylum, says the Pendleton HastOre Konlan. Oebhardt Is not apparently a very craay man, but Is said to be slightly off. Ho waa an inmate of the asylum, but escaped in September. and since that time has wanderod over the country aimlessly, making hla way the best he could. A few days ago he came to Pendleton, and since his advent has managed to keep well filled with liquor. The police became suspicious of him, and knowing that Indians were.beng furntehed with liquor again, Gebhart was thought to have a hand In the matter. Saturday ne waa seen with some Indians from the reservation, and the officers kept an eye on him until he waa taken red handed later in the evening. He went Into n saloon and purchased a bottle of whiskey, and was In the act of paaeing the bottle and Its contents to an Indian when be was nabbed. When arrested It was not known that he was an escaped patient from the asylum, but this came out after the arrest The superintendent of the aayram waa notified of the arrest, and asked If Oebhart was wanted there. The reply oamo to howl and return him. and thla will be done. He will not be nroeecnted for selling Honor to Indian. don r Morn Almoit everybody-remember the cele ttrated advice of the London Punih, ' To those about to many Don't." There is in that advice the expression of the feeling of many a mother wlto sa, "I Hope my daughter will never msrry and sutler aa I have." In nitH-t) eight cejicfl'fti etr hun dred there s no need Ar this suf fering. Doctor Pierce's favorite Prescription cures the women!) dis eases which lause wifely misery It dries enfecliling drains, heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It in vigorates the vtonianly organ Imh, trauquuWa the nerves ami gives the mother strength to give her children. Do not allow an unscrupulous dealer to sell vou something in dace of "Pa orite lTescnptHMi," claimed to be "just as good." There is nothing just .is good for women as " Favorite Prescription." I am to ptfWMd with your ItutrMtiotM. I hardly W now what thank to giw you far yenr' kind fawm.- write Mr. MUo Hrrant. of Lota, at Tboaaaa Co Ga. Yot can tMiblWt Hjy'ftw otatcmenu to the worW hopinc all nwaTeriatr wUI know and be fcmVrd I attircftd M i rtlstricL and Is U miles rom u- Corvallls & Eastern '"".j; The -ospectors expect to JWP WP iur irjwtiow ,,. ---- kads. crossing me """' -; :: -mouth of Cedar creek, each cnroinij some free gold. Doth veins are from eight tolC feet wide, and have boen tlced for im feet, and the rock as sSTfroni W cents at the surface , to J35M1 as depth Is obtained. The dis coverers of tne two lds feel confl dent that they have a i MM ' w" Lave filed claims covering the proper ty on which the discovery has been ...- tw. intern! to derekin the I1IHUV IHW ...-.- Itosorder Siegmand, provides that the hope secured by the contract shall be of the crop of 19A2, ami that thoy shall be of enolt-e quality, sound condition, bright, uniform color, fully matured, free from mold and from damage by vermin, cleanly picked, well dried and enred, and put up in good merchant able order and condition and In new 24 ounce bale cloth In bales of 186 to 200 pounds each, groee weight (tare 7 pounds per bale)." The contract fur ther provides that "If the quality of said hops shall be Inferior to the hops above called for the second party shall have the privilege of taking them and riaaTialai'laan ah fill Ik a tnetln tr ri4atA equal to the difference lit value be-proi-ity for all It to worth tween such hops and these above railed for." The terms of tha contract are such that in addition io being bound In this manner, the contracting grower gives a mortgage on the entire crop of hops grown on his farm as se curity for the payment of the ad vances, and for such damages as the contracyng buyer may suffer by rea son of an inferior quality of hops to that which was contracted. Hops Sell at 23 Cents. You may state that our firm, Hub burU & Crossan, on Wednesday paid 23 cents a pound for a lot of 300 bales of hope." said O. W. Hubbard, the veteran dealer, when asked this morn ing If there was anything new in local hop circles. "Growers are backward about selling, even at these figures." concluded Mr. Hubbard. This Is the largest price mat eae been reported for this year's crop. Much o. .ie hop crop of this vicini ty has been disposed of and the prob abilities are that Uie portion remaining unsold at this time will be allowed to go wtthln a short time, says the Cor ral Its Oasette. Growers are offered a good price, aad, although there are some Indications that the product will reach a much higher figure within the next 60 or Ml days, there is small dis position to gszibla on the turn of the market. The Lilly crop, and one or two others In the county, aro the only ones not sold. Last week Alex. Campbell and China Sam disposed of to a Me.Mlnnvillo buyer that portion of their hops not contracted. Mr J Six People Killed. New Drunswick. N 3., Oct 8 -In? rear-end collision between two Pull man trains on the main line of he Pennsylvania, near Menlo Park, at J o'clock this morning, six people were killed and a large number Injured. John Stltath. of Jersey City, was killed Twelve of the most erionsly Injured passengers wore ta. u to .he Newark hospital by special tain !A GERMAN CITIZEN Speaks Gratefully of His Relief by Dr. Darrin. To the Editer: For four years past my health has been impalred.from the effects of dyspepsia, heart and kidney disease, and pain In the stomach and back. I have tried many remedies and doctors to no use, I was troubled with diabetes getting up nights to re lieve my bladder. Have been under Dr. Darrin's treatment and pronounce myself restored to health. My wife bos been succesfully treated for liver and stomach trouble, and pain in the side. Tell all your readers to consult me at Chemawa, Oregon, and I will avtilaln hnv T vne nnrrful. T Am n fiftr. P.mnliall'a AVlAaa w.a ltk1.. m svr. I " ttan loo'o nound." AVh thEnf fw I man, and will gladly tell my country- 17,00V pounds. Twenty cents was the ' men of my cure price received for the excess. Thurs day Faber & Nols secured tho James Herron crop of S9 bales at 21 conts. Tho name parties on Monday received Mr. Whltaker's crop of 115 bales, 75 bales of which, however, had been con tracted. For tho remaining 40 bales Mr. Whltaker recolved a prico which was highly satisfactory to him. Tho Cooper crop, from the Elgin place, was shipped last week, but no information as to Its destination nor as to the price, if sold, has been received. Notwithstanding tho fact that much of the hops in this locality were con ti acted at 11 cents. In most Instances, the growers had sufficient excess to receive substantial benefits from the rise in price, so, altogether, It has been a good season for the grower. This state is becoming known as one of the ver beet hop producing sec tions in -ie world, and as the bop In dustry in other localities Is giving place to more profitable crops, there would seem to be a very encouraging prospect for the industry, more par ticularly In Oregon and Washington. CHAS ZIELBNSKI. Great Financier Recovering. New York. Oct 8 Russell Sage Is better this morning Two Hospitals Said Diabetes. Brlght's Disease nnd Diabetes Arc Positively Curable. iwcm mu neat pain la my back aad the tower jrt of my mtomach and paMtatlen of the hart. that at time t eowkt huHjIy Ik dawn, and could hiUy gtt up in the warning, tmt HVT MH HTf HM1M Of fBOTtrll I1.IHI Mo aad two vUU of lr tteree'a rWwnt rel. Ma. I feel like a mw woman ' Dr. Metre's Heatant Pellets cure sick headache. Watervllle Market. The last lssuo of the Watrville Ttmea contains tho follewing: Holders of ine largest nnd best lots will not take 30 cents for them. and. as thero are few hops anyway, not much business Is doing in conse quence, A few Bales of small Iota axe made at 23 to 3o cents Daniel Liver more sold -- baks at cents. We have heard of no sales above 30 cents. ANOTHER BIG STRIKE Prospectors Report Rich Strike on the Little North Fork of the Santlam River. i T. C. Culbertson. of Portland, and Dr K. II. Slater and Geo. 11. Irwin, of this city, report that a rich strike baa been made on the Little North Fork of the Snntiam river, at the month of the Rig Cedar creek. -The proper ty is located In the Cedar creek: mia nKmattmmmtttammmmamttttttmuis'satt Th? Journal's Special Raft 017 Daily u Only a uhori time left, and those who will take id vantage, of the olwluc sale wmfi&Ye monar In buying- aveiesBUltaj hats, blaukets. im apvv, tysH'"'"''-' "- J4f Utmnbe, of the United States yrtvi wu wy T f - " "" 1JXSif cirfJit eonrt. has Jnet handed down Cow U MjiCotnmwoIal atrL where gfle'a goods wants the sjeeistoa that a olltoeu of Purte to talk toyou, l&M wljliBOt go without thi'ittylu.Myu the arttoio ram Jrwrtu ejttoen of the United Fried! WMiU, rwv . standing, and as suck, an aNen within the meaning of the law Prominent Speakers te Be Heard. UMvngo, ill.. Oct St. FHwl mvHV raUotw have bee completed for the annual Ghkmau ay hannNet of the Marquette Club, at the Anditorium. to night The Met of speaker- embrace many uromlnent RetmnMcene. Secre tary Moody, of the navy, wiU apeak of ac-nievemeHta or the American nav). and the other seakere and their toaata will be aa follows "William MeKlnley." Col a 11 Woodmanee. of Ohio. "The Achievements of the RetmUieaH Party." Governor Robert M. l4tPo4leUe, of WUconstn. "Retwh- NraMtom In the WeeC" Senator Ilur ton. of Kanea; "The Iowa, Platform and the Tariff." Governor A II. Cum mliM, of Iowa, ' a People elisor eared r recereriig fri Ike ateie dleMa are taeTorj ward la Ibtieily. Mrt U CMateewaoStpreerletoret theCIUiea Hetet. US Pewoll atrwt, It et tbeai, aad makti ihti slatttceBtt SMI-even Et.. StarriaetMO Xt JI.IW far ta jttf I lotrerrd rreattr from dUletn riatlij I bid t i-o to ase at tte hiplla!a. eIic to a of lau olir ry let Ttrn pbjiletiBi inert tvttrofl nr mm u dlibet, tad rt Be ondn tmiaeat tad ttrKl iltt 0tUcr ao relief, I wect aaw I ret itridlii- worie and l to anotLtr f II kaawa etl boapllal, Ts pbiileUsi tbera abo mm dl.Urtrt and tuied tail xUj eouM proloot mj te. bai that t omM aeter be elt I left Ue boi plul after a ftar BMStkt eeBpktHr brake a deva, tbe rereeaute of tarar lelsf II per eeat. It wit at ttboearIteard ef ta rsltea Caaapeaai! and eat for It. The teeoad aad laird mttU I bero to Vep nolalerrnptedly, aad fsn4 taat tha awfal lalrit I had wStred wtlh far ertr two ytan hij left bm. I am bow aa aaUrt); dlSarrnt peraoa taaathiUH taktar lltotaaareperaaataer. I haya reeomaMBded It to a oumber all cttUac faTOrablt reaaiu Oaa wai a warn frlead aad aaetbir ta a Berkeler attarBeywho bad Brlxkt'i D(ae aad li now perfreti; rertered. I dl.Mko poMMly, bat feel ILtt tali tblit outbt to be ksovs. ilaa, C.G Uattbiwioi, Medleal worka arree- that Brlebt'i Dljsajo aad Dtabetea are Inearable, but 67 per eeat. are PMlHTe4y reeeverin; under tb Pulton Cos). PMBtft (Commoa forma of kidney complaint aad rheuaatltBi oSer bat abort reilitase. Prloe. It Jor the Drtght.i Diaeate and II M for the Diabetic Oospeaad. Jobn J Fulton Co, ffl MealKoaaery itreot, San Francisco, aolo com poeadara. rreo Uau made for patloou. Do. aartpMr pajopktot mailed froe, C, C. Comfort, Sole Agent 7tTlllt;il!l S1.00 saved on a year's subscription if ordered on our Bargain Day " Big interest on your money. URINQ OCTOBER THE JOURNAL PROPOSES TO MAKE A SPECIAL ajsaBeateaamamBBmJBnaaaWaBa OFFER FOR THE BENEFIT OF NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS, AND WANTS ALL TO FEEL FREE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. SHnfnv Here is the offer Capital Journal, by mail, one year, $3.00. This offer holds good on any day durl ng October. BUT IT TAKES EFFECT ONLY ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2TH 190C MAKE THE FOLLOWING GREAT REDUCTION ON A YEAR'S SUB. SCRIPTION; Daily, by mail, one year, $3.00. Daily, by carrier, one year, $5.00. HERE IS A CHANCE FOR OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO MAKE A BIG SAVING. THESE SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE BROUGHT IN ON THE ABOVE DATE, OCTOBER 25th, IN PERSON, OR THEY CAN BE SENT BY MAIL PREVIOUSLY WITH ORDERS TO HAVE THE AMOUNT APPLIED ON THAT DATE, OCTOBER 25th. This is the most liberal effer ever made. While some papers are offering tin mall boxes tree for vearlr subscribers. THE JOURNAL OFFERS A CASH REDUCTION of two or three times the price of a box. No chrotnoa, no fakes, but roid cash. OW and new sttbecribers take advantage of this offer. Title is not a "dull season" offer. ot when peonm are aU ordering papers, this gives them the benefit of a redecthw when most needed. Read the order blank below anal either come and subscribe or renew in person, or send yonr orator In Ue mall HOFBR BR0TH8RS, Publishers Fill out order below for the proposition you want, enclose the money order and put in the mall, (Mark with X which yen want) Enclosed find W.O0, for DAILY JOURNAL, by m.alL one year. (Good only October Mth. ISM.) Enolosed find $6.00 for DAILY JOURNAL, by oarrier, one year. (Goad only Oaieher MOl 1011 Name of subscriber H Poatoffioe or Street No. ... ..-..- . " t Amount enclosed, S Mail order blank "-WaK I m TirTTfanT'""'"""T"'TT,,TTT'rTTM"""TT1 ""i """ Slow Starvatio """RSI Jq the fate of sufferers from dyo If your foott remains unuinesteu it can't ,,,7iif bod v. In fact, It does actual damage by deca i stomach and poisoning tho Bystem. suingf8 H PLlJPUlef Ini What You Kodol Is Uio sensible remedy. BydlgcsUnrrwh.J rat ItfitrenKthcnstliobpdyandattho satno tim'n'i the Blomacn. xn s rest, noon restores perfect T Cathartl&J and stimulants only reach the VymS Kodol cures. It Is Nature's tonic "TO TTeTalrSroU.e.loot aearcely go. I ' ".' "if cribbed at KodoL 1 felt an imiirtiTcmcnt at JSS BflKaKS?.UndTeTl.gr Owiw. B. MAnsii, Attorncy-at.l.. .. BJL M-M.sl.aea ! ar a UAtfl avea . . " " Bt can'i; nuaw mui. uu juu yuun. . ..u-..i-.,iniiimtimeamucli(actuulmeanrt,mcnt)ttsthe trial 8liewiil... ,i Tbe It boM,econ,J,"rrd KciWVUt Sc Co., Qlilcago. told by all dcairrV"c1' WK DcWlirs Wl.cTliazel salve tvWg&lxSut Dust All Goes Hometo China A pnmineiit mining man, says the Raker City Dt-mocrat, stated uuu no was convinced of the truth of tho dis covery by Chinamen a few days ago In the Salmon trek placer diggings ,.r ti.u sir. nno iniKcet. When asked why no sign of a nugget had been seen . poisons nnd ; In Baker Clt h" replied' "China- cts. and JLOO, men. as n rule, do not brine ih,,, mining clean-ups Into town f change. They sotul thrm . ."' ns posHlblo direct to China, h, nnt 30 centfl mi nun,.. . .. l, - l,lU la n ,ii,. "".i "1 .ur "l ...... . .. ,.., fiuviu reason .I- ,t nif one tl... ,1,1.1 ; If UAII flA tlKf&J .. ,- -,w ..wuuiiu wni, I oiooa, inuicaica oy sores m.1 Acker's D bod Elixir. mA018 limine n eMi I i I r a a .... a K uuuui I'voiuiu (iuauiiupc. Itr- , Dcroraious or SnsaS ail blood dlnoe-rT' ways euro D-J.FRY,Dg.q SgsSS2252En: Shingles and Shake! The roof is shingled beat if tM tho kind of shingles and huNJ son, ami wo asic you to noteu,h wear nnd economy of the r, which wo furnish tho shlnrw snaKcs. wo carry a large i shingles and shakes of good uiciiiii; Dumtitu iu maK9 t I ueui, uuiuuiu ioui, anu ire iiJ ways ready to glvo estlmatet Goodale Lumber Ctj NearS. P. PatB rnone ooi. m Juicy Morsel Breakfast for Or dinner you can onjoy from oue ol our tender and deltcioiiB meats, etoase, lamb ar hi u I ton chops, veal cutlets or i-ork, )ur meat are all cut from the fattest ird nnoietottle, snd we can snpply our table wi h (resli, nutritions Mid rhole-omn ineHts At lei roik prices E. C. CROSS SA'.EM Phon 1 ORE T ' -: -&q A Lucky Find But it's hard to find anything Ul'4 'Tu a c8 3 of lioxifti and etrengtb. Eet thla In mind there's nothing to mi Salenf heeras a tonic ami mild tllon? latil. Cooling, relreehin, nonrlikiitTL liiv goratlnjj, it Is aperltct brew Etr ly pure. o( high grade andnul'wi quality the beer par ezrdl'nee Capital Brewery CM Mrs. M Boik Proprwur. Beauty leading a man by the nose May mislead him ometlmea, but the beauty that leads a man to our laun dry Is the faultless beauty of dfir art istic laundry work that he will never And a misleading one. Oar exquisite laundry work is the acme of high grade excellence In this line. We do up shirts, collars, cuffs and wpolsns and lace curtains In a manner that keep them In line condition, as well as looking as good as new at all times. Salem Steam Laundry Coi. J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous D. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone 411. 230 Liberty St. mmatmtannttattttatmttttttttutmnmmamtmttmttttttiwnuimmtmww Worth of 80-pound steel rails, 50.nej locomotives, and 55 new coaches, chiifj cars, dining and cafe cars Is the recori 11& $ ! $3,000,000 Wabash RR During the pat year, making it the moat modern and up trxlw j railroad in the country. Travel over It and onjoy tho finest equlf meat on earth. C. S. Crane, Gen. Pass. Agt. St, Louis, Mo Rom Cllne, Pacific Coast Pas. Aet I.n Anpolna PaI. ........MM. ...tttltt!3 ,...........w.....4,M..,M.iiwww,HwjjwjjjjwwwjjJWWWU4W.4.M.. (3, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Roche Harbor Limn 1U .,. ,1. Pn,H.n,l n.n,.nt WOOD! swedo'' e. ulh, All kinds o( butldini; mateiial, sand, g'avel, lath, shingles, etc. D. Q. BENTLBY St 1&3 Com'l St Phone 691 Steusloff Bros. Your Step Mother to ntiit I,.,. tnv an ever, w -. Dealers In Live Stock, yoUr clothea ara all out of order. Wholesale and retail butchar n with buttons off. um we- - packers. All kinds of fresh and salt tt s?iem "71, voa ca meats. PtBe sausages, hams, bacor ! .? eftb"f,,Mell,2 Pr 1 nd lard 316 Commercial tr.t anything set to rights, from & i gloves, to tho moat e,"OT.Vhi SALEM WATER COMPANY ;su urrilih LITY HAI I 'unto aim fflnr amlt a Biouw. - - ., For water service apply at office, ' Buttons sowed on, rips V . T-A ..nV.Mdi ,,V" lroBsoa on auorv uu"v-. her "' Pfyame monthly In advance. -ao mu oompuunta at the office. ;wmJtttomawammtmmmaam THE ELITE CAFE 288 Commercial Street. OYSTERS Served In the beat or i. -a .... shrunk for dressmaking. MRS. C. H. WALKER 188 Commercial Sir- ThrflDDei$.. FINE WINES, U" AND 0IGAK8 H ND OlUAtto a. 102 CouriS- & IK E, 3mS"' iv- yE, 'snV. u. R. T ...' rt the ntoet snitaWe accosapaalmonts. 1 E ECKERLEN, Proprietor! v A