,,, i'- w aK-iWin W',;witf,,',"'' t "))v ', n " ! S fJVifU' THE DAILY JOURNAL, BAfcEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1002. tw 1 . j iiLJS!mmmiubmmiimiiitim!mummmiimmmmua. i i VBrJwWKPtajJ ' tw t k.. v V-1 ,. ' m it W t E- ' il r l E lwwMWNwwnimiiitimi(iiMtiiuinitimntitwti8ti M tfiWl&BB&2Qk4i A. 1 ATT "1I-MI out wwrn 4&evfeM to 4 ;.' Fashionable Jl 111 UM Thoy are. always Btyllah al ways look comfortable. Wo boII thoja, S. George fura, raado In Detroit, Mich, You'll find just whatu want boro.Ttt! just tho prieo you want to pay. Capes, ppllarettes, J.ioketfi, Sfiarfe, Boas, otq. f T3E?BMP5 smprn nrr "TTtiC! j'P' z. if r-i ! .i Z: VTaa at nfMts WHAT IS SIN? Probably tho greatest sin of tho ago Is to ruin the precious gifts given u by the Creator, Fonnost among W e&taMlt this ono Bin than almost any y''s:.rkn years their eyes loso their original strength; then they commit the W"" ttatsWbnablo offehse of neglecting thsm tent to lit glasses, Wo have tho unost scionuiic instruments mat are kMW8, nd can give out patrons tho bonoflt of all tho advantages known to jftodwii solonco. Soe all our wonderful appliances, and our magnificent (ocX ot goods to solect from. jkinges, Pioneer Optician, S3 6tto Street. Next Door to Bush's Dank. i$&$k R" " ' k r They have arrived our complete line of Umbrella Covers Some of eurpriccs: Fine twill Carek 140. '' tlnlon silk covora at Flvo-ploco dyed union taffeta oovorH at S3.G0 an' 52,75. Fine quality union ullk. cqveru at !2.00 and 12,50, fJllk sarge covora at,2.75 and f3,00, ' t A " )i We are also prepared To do all kinds of , ing, GUye us s trial. 1 Steel Rims and for Winter Riding eJiave .Uiem (o fit all makes of Bicycles. " W la tho meantime don't forget .w.o i ' have a complete bleyolo repair shgp. Repair all xnakw ot bleyclos, Tl'lroaof , " 'vary desarlptldn. A cpmploto line fit blaycle sundries. , j'coraploto Una of sweaters. s . A comploto Qne of IfJeeu ' Kutter , Kulvea aud Ilasorc SHIPP & HAUSBR 258 Ceaatfclal Street Opposite CaolUI Natlonil Bank. i3-fiw wmmmw!ij?t)M2 RINEMAN'8 JIAUQAIN8. Dsvllcd Ham rsmall) psr can 94 for 25c tHvllsd Haro (lrfl) psr can io-4 imns ae. Slardlnss, par box .6e- boxes He, r talmen, SI cans mkKJ Marrlnc Pen box, See. f CaUup, pr pt bottle 18c 2 bettlM ac. Qoa ierf (19hm pKg ) f 4. stkga Mc ,W!lrnj Pwrfr,pr pkg Be. JumWe Mush, Fur poekscts ?9 cants. IMh m jmr better and ex, 7 yi' blnbi sMiyket prlee, cash or t; hipmah, 1 ' Talaphene 131 Waf (Bpaj I sm Mi inn aw 'aM "" Wilted hiUB yr once-so -a,i Kir tli JrfM l 1M Qrfti mmry Compsny. i '" ' ' mi ii ! mm. i iMHLMLJi.1 'J'SjajaET Im p rfyJ nrf imiiwi n frjpwv w ibp ,?. rp n wi. BkASiMa isW ii- trit uhllin t Flannel Waists Ited, Navy, and Old Itoso waists mado of fine trecot flan nel front and buck nicely tucked, late Btyle collars and sloovcs, cacb $1.25 Pretty waists made of fine flannel In Llpbt Hluo, Navy, Red, Old Rose and Green. Tucked and trimmed In tho lot oat way, each $2.00 Mercerized &aieen i Petticoats j 90 cents each The best petticoat value we've Been lor many a uay. tuo ma terial la good and the finish bucIi M you Boldom boo In sklrta nt $1.25. Made with pretty ruffles. They are In tho cloak and suit dopartraonL See tHem, RSL.. . TfMI ld Wnnn6inc tnoao io the oyeslghL Yet more, poo- othor. Through caroloasnoss or ad or bolng duped by persons incompe covers afttLSCand- ?1.G0 and Jl.W.r' 5 umbrella repair We try to please. .. Mud "Guards AAAAAAAAAAA X.Urkct QtHXAtioM X "JbbWkA iiffH A IbLAa iMama p fYSBtaap 1089 aaj aaapm artw Mop Market. Ilopa1002 JO to 22o, Potato, Apples, Etc, Potatoes 30 to iOc. Onions $1. Dried Fruits. Dried App.e--4Vl to 6V9Q, Italtau Prunes, 40s to G0-3ft td 4c. Pottto Prunea-Hsamo. Wood, Fenuo Peats, Bto, , Mlg Flr1.00 to I3JS5. . . Second arowth fUH tO'fltJI. i Ash J3.00 to IS.S6. ' Uody Oak H00. Pole. QaJc13.1.0. Cedar Posts 10 ty Ha Hides, Pelts and Furs, ni&wm ,'n TiyA urwm uidea, No. l-7c llreen Hldos, No, S 60, Calf Skln4 to 5x 8U(1-75a. Ooat Skins S6c to l,00. U ray ts J5 to 80S Cooh-10 to 0o, MlnW-3So to 91.35. f J Otter 11,00 to $30. ' ' Skunk '10 to SSe Muakrat, 1 to 6c. Wlldoat 10 to MCf, . Qraln and Fliu'r, WhMt lis. ' "v Oata ?8a Barley bwwlng, 45c IfU, fed, 116 ton, F.ourWholate, 1)2,88. Llvo Stock Market. atr-3H to S'Hb. knUM cma t 44 v -faa4 Vl-V4c i BUSINESS PART OF -GERYAIS DESTROYED Fire Burns 'all But One Store add Harness Shop Conflagration Started Sunday Night In a Candy Store Postoffke and Star Office Burned, Southern Pacific Depot Was Saved by Hard Work Fire Saturday night practically destroyed the entire business dis trict of Qervalc, entailing a loss of about $40,000. There was 'only a small amount of Insurance. The fire was of Incendiary origin, and started In a confectionery store, The residence district had -a narrow escape. OorvnlB was visited by a dotructlvo ftro Sunday night. With tho oxooptlon of Pechnor'B gonoral morohandlflft storo and "W. Scott Taylor's harness shop, tho ontlro business district of tho city wan burned to tho ground. Tho total damage will approximate $40,000, with only a small amount of Insurance. Started at 10:30 o'clock. Tho fire started at tho rear of Thompson's confectionery shop, In tho McKlnioy Mitchell' building. It was discovered about 10:30 o'clock, but spread with amnzlng rapidity, and wns soon beyond tho corttrol of tho volun toor flro fighters. Tho buildings bolng of wood, with but ono exception, the blaze had splendid fuel. Tho flro first lurnrd to tho south, laying Jn ashos tho hard ware stores of B. A. Nathman and F. A. Mangold, NlblorB butcher shop, Wolss' furnlturo stow and othor build ings. A bnjozo from tho Houthonst kopt tho II run oh from crossing the street, nnd Plcknor'B storo escaped. Tho broozo drove tho llamos In tho op posite direction, and tho work or de struction contlnuod with oven groator fury. Tho voluntoor flro dopnrtmont worked most faithfully. But for tho sorvlcos of t'k'oso flghtors NIblorB ho tel would suroly havo been burned, nuu then tho rosldonco district of tho eastern part of, the city would havo gotLo also. A woodshed nnd other adjoining buildings but two foot dis tent, burned to tho ground, but, by hard fighting, tho hotel building, which was nflnma a dozon times, wns saved Water Tank Durned. Tho city water towor, which wns equipped with a tank of 12,000 gallon capacity, caught on flro within but a fow seconds after the blazo first started. It mmiod rapidly, nnd wan of no ass.stauco to tho lire flghtors, whoso only agency for fighting tho flames was an antiquated hand pump. This wns omployod for all It was worth, women and girls volunteering tholr services In Its oporatlon. Tho burning of the wator tower suggests tho question as to tho advisability of eroetlng thnt moaiiH of flro protection In closo prox imity to framo bulldlngB. When tho tower had buruod the only source for obtaining a water supply with which to fight tho lire1 wns from a half dozen c.y cletorns, and all but ono of those was so oloso to tho burning hulldlngti thnt thoy could not bo used. Tho city water supply finally bocamo exhaust ed, and a largo bucket brlgado wns formed, and water was carried from tho many wolls about tho city. Communication Cut Off. Among tho first buildings to bo burned was the drug storo of Dr. P. U. Fltzzgornld, In which was located tho tolphono exchange. Tho locnl tele graph wires were nlso burned nnd ren dered Insorvlcenble early In tho night, thus rutting off tho burning town from nil communication from neighboring towns. Thin dumngo hnd boon 11c eompllshcd before tho real serious ness of tho Hltuntlun was disclosed. An attempt to get communication with Ba loin's flro depnitment wan futllo, and tho OorvnlB pooplo wore practlcnlly Great Lines FOR Fall-Winter That waB to hnvo bean tho hoadlng of a G-uolumu, Cinch ad, that I In tended running In tho current weekly and lu this dally, but It proved uttorly Impossible for me to llnd time to wrlto the mutter In time. Wo will try to tell you more In detail next weok, menu while will merely montlon the linos to which wo refer. Hero thoy are1 DENECIA HANCOCK DISC PLOWS. SYRACUSE CHILLED QANQ PLOWS MONITOR DOUBLE DISC DRILLS. FAIRQANK8MORSE 0A80LINE EN GINES. HERO FANNING MILLS. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATORS. It used to b said that an Implement dealer lu the Willamette valley hadn't much to do In the ns Inter months but alt about the lire and wait for sprlug. That Isn't the case with us. Last winter- my first winter In the business, we had a aplwdld trade the Mason through, simply by virtue of pushing Reasonable goods. This year we propose to send out ntun goods thaw any tvo tiupleinout houses have ever snt out in the same length of time. We do thla by keening crer!ist!tsly n . Thee fall days we ara as busy as during the heayleat spring trade. Wagons, haoks, dlso plows, gasoline engine, and all the other good things wo cnriy. aro bring I iik the beat trade to our doors. Come and sou us when you want any thing In the line of Implements, 11 does one. good to make comparisons. If we ean't Bell the goods, wo will treat ou courteously, for maybe we ran sell you net time. Write ua for eutalogue of aaithlnK Ip our Hue. F. A. WIGGINS, Farm Machinery, Bicycles SewlnoiMachlnea and Supplies 6 .. nt tho mercy of tho flames, whloh did not dlo out until f o'clock this morn ing. Telephone and tologrnphlc com munication woro 1 re-established thla morning. Eatlmate of Damages. An cstlnmto of tho probable dam ago thnt has resulted from tho flro cannot bo mado with any accuracy at this time. It is consldorod a reason able estimate that the Ions will not bo less than $40,000. By reason, of the oxccsalvo Insuranco rato of C14 por cent, that attaches to flro Insurance at tho French Pralrlo metropolis, but llt tlo Insuranco Is carried, honco tho loss Is tho greater upon onch indi vidual that Ib concerned In tho con flagration. Tho following estimates aro given of tho losses and Insurance on destroyed buildings and stocks of goeds: 1 , A. Tanzlor & Co., gonoral mer chandise, $8000; Insured. Jas. Flnnoy and armors, grain, $7,. Jako TJlngmnri, saloon and building, B. A. Nathman, hnrdware, $3C00; In Buranco $2000. F. A. Mangold, hardware, $2G00; In suranco $1700. Masonic lodgo building, $2GQ0; In suranco $1000. W. J. Clarke, P. O. and printing piant, aioou; insurance $1000. August Nlblor, butchor, -$lfi00. P. II. Fltzgorald. drug" storo, $600. Jamofl Clurko, building, $400. W. Thompson, confectionery, $160. Mrs. Plnttnor, residence, $500; In Burod. M. Bockor, saloon, J1C00; Insurance $300. John Wolss, furnlturo storo, $1G00. Br. Karton, ot.lco. $200. Oliver Thlbodeau, building, $2000, James Flnnoy. bank building. $2G0O. Ilormnu Hnlxman, Jowoler. $1000, McKlnioy Mltcholl, bulldlngH, $2600; Insured. John Mlllor, 2G0 cords of wood, $100. LoulB Shafor, residence, $800. Hob Stevens, harbor, $100. W. L. Horrell, confoctlonory, $260. Farmers Aro Losers. Tho Flnnoy warohduso contained about 20,000 bushols of oatB nnd whont. nnd a quantity of baled hay. A con siderable amount of this grain Is re ported to havo boon on storngo, and be longod to tho farmers, who nro tho los ors, for tho reason that thoro woa not( u cent 01 insurnnco on tuo grnin. Most or tho policies nro hold lu tho Thiol son agency ut Haiom. Was a FreakV Fire. Within n fow minutes aftor the lire started, a residence bolonglng to Mr! Sharer, and Bltuatod somo COO yards distant, nnd In a northorly direction, waB discovered ablaze, and destroyed. The unusual thing about the Incident Is thut a nuinbor of othor building, sit lint ed between tho scono of tho tiro and tho rosldonco that burned, woro not oven scorched. Tho Southern Pa olflcfl Company's dopot had a very narrow esoapo. It was on flro no less thnu a dozen times, nnd was only saved by tho work of tho Japanese section bauds. Were Not Durned. Four largo warehouses situated on the west side of tho Southern Pacific Company's tracks, eecapod the tlnmes, and this was ono of the fortunate things about tho unfortunate fire. Two of tho store houses woro tilled with natfl. another with potatoes, while U10 fourth hold about $2300 worth c) hops. Tho roof of one of the buildings caught on lire a number ot times, but was promptly put out before it had gained any headway. Had one of the build ings burned, all would have gone for thoy aro situated close together Saloon In a Barrf. Tho thruo saloons of the city were all destroyed, but the proprietor of ono of theso huslnoAsoa showed enterprise by romorlng his bar Into a barn that escaped tho Harnett. Having Installed himself thus he was again dispensing tho drinks before the rulna of hl former place of buslnoss had ceased smouldering. City Hall Utilized. The elty hall, situated at the north end of the main street ot the town ban been transferred Itno a general head quart em for every Iwnly. Tho pofltofllo has been temporarily stationed there, while the majority 'of the goods that were rescued from the burning build ing! were also placed lu the town hall (or safe keening. Pllferere Arretted, Sneak thieves were numerous and the goods as they wore taken from the different bulldlngH er In as xreat danger as ever, except they were care fully watched. Two women u r seen to select from a pile of wenhandise three bulls of drew goods wu li, that seemed to suit their fancy, ami were in the act of carrying them off when they were Invited to deposit the gods. Several young lads were placed In the town cooler for petty stealing Will Oulld Again. Sunday ulghl's tire was a arieus and costly catastrophe for the enter prising little town or nervals, and the people of that burg keenly feei their low. But (t Is not wlthla the iwople af that progressive community to be come discouraged, by even so great a conflagration as they have just esne.'! rlenced. Thoy will inuuediateTy re-'. build nnd build better than barere ' ' Good, substantial busluesa blocks will '. '. 00 going up wuntn a row uays. to tan the place of the old frame struoturvs ' ' uikv ut Kr wwr ume. Y, J . . Clarke and koute ThtUo4w an aj ready pianwng ttKStart work at saaa mi a large builaww block The town DEATH OF ' CHARLES CLAGGETT Passed Away at the Age of 86 Years, Sunday Charles Claggott, a pioneer of 1852, died at Ills homo north of Salem, Sun day morning, October 5, 1902. Ho wns i aged 89 yours, Deceasod was born In Kontucky, Oo looor jj, 18U. Funeral services woro conducted nt'crooUon 0f a ,10w church building In tho late homo of deceased thla aftor-'our city. It Is to bo for tho Second tuinn iriu.mii nr Christ. Scientist, and He resided In Kontucky until about 1846, when- he romovod to Missouri and ongagod In farming In that Btate, In 1852 ho crossed tho plains to Oregon, nnd took tho donation land claim which was his homo at tho tlmo of his death From 1879 to 1901 Mr. Clog gett lived In Salem, but a year ngo ho Insisted upon returning to the scenes of his more actlvo Ilfo to spoml tho re mainder of his days. Whllo residing In Kontucky, Mr. Clnggett married MIbb Mary Irvine, who died some 1C years ago. Thlrteon children wero born to them, of whom but ono, W. D. Claggott, of Salem, Is still living. Tho decoased leaves 22 grandchildren, among them John II. McNnry, O. L. McNary, Miss Nina AIcNary. Mrs. T. IL.Bruco and Mrs. W T. Stolz, of this city. DIED. r MILLER. At tho family homo In this city, Sunday, Octobor G, 1902, Mary F wlfo or W. E. Mlllor, agod 36 years. Deceased was a nntlvo of Eastport, Mo, and came to Salem about two years ago from Boston. I07EM. PnSTPn nnntr nrivnnn - - uwwiti Vlrf f r . i,,f ? , r directly as a matter of convenience and economy. The largest and most complete line of books you will find here, Including all the latest copyrights aa published. Appreciative buyers have but to make comparisons to aee the two-fold advantage of buying their booka from us. This week We make some exceptional offers. Here iney are: Our famous Red Library, regular 35c, this week 19c. Our entire Line Lamp Leather, regular 75c, this week 5c. Doys' famous books, regular $1.00, this week 50c. Ollt Top Library, regular 50c, thla week 35c. 'Popular classics, regular 25c, this week 10c. This Is positively the greatest book offer ever made In Salem, enio to d" tltle8 no P,u08' but bo that you would really PATTONSBOOK STORR ...........v.......VVVWKVSVIVga1rawseOTMtt4M$eg Threw Up tlic Bponce. Ills Loving Spouse (who boa been talking for flvo minutes without a break) I'd llko to know, now, what you've got to sny for yourself. When you went dow u towu I told you exactly the kind of bath sponge I wanted, nud you wrote It down, nud now you bring mo this mlscrnble, pitiful, good for nothing. Whdl nro you throwing that s'Ningo up In the nlr for? Mr. Meeker My dear, U's tho only Iblex I can d Tii.to .i-iou'ia. Wlmt Wan Scare. Once u distinguished Itusslan grand duke round himself chnrged 20 f runes apiece for hothouse peaches at tbo old Care do. Pails, In tho French metropo lis, ""Aro hofhouso peaches so scarce, then, avon In midwinter?" be asked. "No," replied tho maltro d'botel, "but grund dukes tire." Another Burl. Beryl Was Juck much omlmrruss.'d when ho proposed to Miss Antique ClotroxV Sibyl Woll, I should sny so. Horyl I Hiiptioso ho blushed and Btanimoivd the wiy they nil do. Hlbyl-Not nt nil. His wni lluandal embiirrsment.- Itnltlmore Herald. Oyster Cocktai Is iiic $tcivide Hamilton Bros. 114 Stato St IIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII a a ji Men's Clothing i Coronation Cloth Never In the history or the clothing business has such a popular style been placed on the market Wo'ro Just receiving some now elothes for men, tho best Values over seen. Popular-priced clothes, from $5.00 to $15.00 a suit, mado as carefully and cut X In the sumo manner as the most r xtieHslve kinds. The qualities T win surprise yini uiiurr so T Sttd- ClotMI Boys $1.25 to S12.00 Suit. Delayed shipments are in Swell new suits of coronation cloth for boys and youths in Norfolk, round aud square sack, short or long pants. I fa no Idle boast when we tell you that a X saving of 16 per oent awaits you T la KuvlllflP flf'lti.ia ha.i MLRYMPLE'S ;i dU&i mrnmmm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH To Be Built Adjoining the City Hall Five Thiusand Dollars to Be Expended at Once -m.f-,-1 wa lot today for tho Mossrs. Mauror & Welch aro tho con- li-nntn-a t will llf. rnTtl Atll lift flXl UUU this organization purchased a lot last j wlntor on Chomekota street, Just at the rrmr nt thn nltv hall. It COSt thom $800, and they havo since been offered a neat advanco on their purchase price, but thoy havo scon lit to hold It, and work boglns today on their pro posed now church chnpo), as thoy pre fer to call It Tho contractors have until January to do their work, nnd whon completed It will represent nn Investment of about $5000. It Is to bo a modest building, In the classic style of architecture, with heavy columns In front, and It said by those who havo seen the plans that It will bo ono of tho most attractive buildings of Its kind In tho city. It Is the work of Architect W. C. Knigh ton, whoso plan proved moat accept able to thn building committee of the church. The n6w building will have a seating capacity of 200 in tlio main au ditorium, and will have a spacious chil dren's room, besides reading, consulta tion and toilet rooms, all to bo finished In nent style. It Is to havo a hot air heating plant, nnd will bo lighted by electricity, besides having all tho mod ern conveniences desired for nn up-to-dato building of tho kind. This now church will bo right In the buslnoss section of tho city, joining tho city hall, and within hnlf a block of the postofllce. bosldoa bolng on the mnln enr line, and only half a, block from tho narrow gauge lino. Tho Second Church has boon organ ized only about flvo ycara, and has a momborshlp of about 45. Tholr avor ago attendanco Sunday mornings Is from CO to 7G, and tho mombors of the church are of tho opinion that this will Increase- to over 100 by tho time tholr church fs ready for occupancy. It s also thought that tho building of a now church will matorlally Increase tho attendanco, as woll as Interest in their work generally. However this may bo, the now building will bo a organization that Is putting It up. A monibor of tho building com mittee says the Christian Science poo Pie aro opposed to doing buslnoss on credit and that thoy havo tho mono? IminT1 th1 (0 ,my for t,10lr church homo. Thoy pay as thoy go. and pro of dobt. d,Cat U,0lr now chur"11 Blstrlct Attornoy J N. Hart Is nn KSd '" e"m,nl"B witnossofl In crlm mont of tho Marion county circuit tod ,,nd,0lteJ0B" orereturn" ho conr?MC,,rlm,nn, tloP'niont of day will bo convened next Mon- nZh0 adJPun'e( Jly term of tho Ma- a--wssivwa 11- " ouiuhk uquor without a license, was dlsmlssod. o .. Polsonlnn the Svtam. Wwngt&ulnr tfe Sa.tttJi?,,"!p- e O Um, ruslt, A. M. Clough, Undertaker. 107 .,. street Phono Main 1351, Salem, Ore- an, .ucceaaor to D, E. Huntslnger. Residence Broadway and Mill, North aalem. Phone Main 221. NEW TODAY. hound Two onolosuroa of valuable minors of Vnuiiin,nn t... . h,: 7. n ". ," 'olu." ,0 insurance Co. - . journal omce, and pay tor ad, u-o-tr Wanted. Agent to sell one of the best household articles ever put out Only i. Vi" .,..tv r01"n'e need apply m ww-,-www'ww'fjiS0i I have the sole agency for the celebrated "RaddlfC Shoe for ladles at $5.50 per pair, sold tho world over, and are conceded to bo tho best value In America. They have tho style of a $4.00 Shoe nnd wear like Iron. My stock of Rubber Boote and Shoea Is complete and at prices second to none. In Men'a Fine Shoea I can show you some of tha most popular goods made. Come and sea for yourself. t J3C0b Vogt 16K Camt fit I wt, - vv -. ,The man who decldeTto wear uii uuuuui - '"""'" " c"y and on up to the mb severe weather of winter will And Xhat, while ha ha . . " ,. AtST,S"1i2Qrrnttllr-beon oxtravagant, In that ha has dam- ( JK i tnea 10 uo m;uu"'i " rf aged his hoalth. ,, If you really desire to be'oconomlcaj, try one of. our new, fall sultB. You can have up to-dateneas cembluea with servjee ata rafasenabla price. We Fit Out Boy's as well as Men From Head -to Foot Bring the Boys Along and Fit them Out For school xyitv I Jvulli Salem Woolen Mill Store 254-256 Commercial Street. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALEM MIL L8 BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND CLOTHING. We- Want You 1 ,1 - j LLJMf'rVrO I JtjT RUI'PI.HD CURTAINS P On all Lace Curtain Sales. Our line is the largest in the City. $ju)im m iK0stJffir,tj7I'l II pr vetbob Eats at Roth & Graber's be cause it costs nothing to learn something about a food-, en dorsed by U. S. chemists SB3EaJE33ES3EaL.30SS" at otb & (Braber 1R HAVE YOU TRIED THOSE NEWBISCUTTS? Cream Puffs Ileht as a feather, Fl Hewtonsand Cocoanut Macaroon3 Just the tulwr for Luncheon, Bents Hand Made Water Biscuits, Honey" Comb Sugar Wafers all Flavors. Peek-Frean Co. 'Thi. Rett" Fuller &. Douglas, Grocers, 42 btate 8iro.it -' ...... BORN. HAMP. To Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Ramp, at their homo In Roseburg. Satur day, October 4, 1902. a son. Weight 11 pounds. If you are troubled with Impure Woo!, Indicated by sores, plmplos, headache, etc.. wo would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo soil under a positive guarantee. It will al ways cure. Scrofulous or Syphilitic Poisons and 'all blood diseases. "S PIS fin? tf AA T - v " '" " J. tllY, Druggist " 4 Wiicaga Store -- People's' Bargain House. OUR GREAT SALE- SUH .oaMnvied at the Chicago atoro. Prices sI.uBhtqred on drea ods. etoaks. Jackets, dress'sklrts, rainy day skirts, furs, velvets. .Ilk., kid Sloves.ladlM.andm9nd9rwear.umbro;ias, underskirts, French flannel and 8lMC Wa,8U b1U- r,bban. eu. noUons, blanket's, comforts, flannel.. """' mS 'HWliWol .bawls,, fascinators and, domeatlcs Our stoek Is too We ph ? "" S. intQg eut tO the OUlok to leduoa It. Rni.nl.1 h.rralUS IB Frtni8Bt A rare chance to lWWf 1 T?- TBuy or Not to Buy That is The Question. .......AU ft!1 nil lllvnllMlt tliA ...I.. 4 To see Our Lace Cur tains. Beginning To day, We will Offer for Ten Days a SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF TEW PER CENT. "Come let us reason together." Free Foods Phone 1220 WHEAT MARKETS. San Franclaco, Oct G.--Wheat ?1.20H. Ohlongo. Oct C -Wheat, G9. GOOTDUSfF Made by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family use, ask your 6rocer for It Bran and shorts always on hand, A. T.'WALN Affont nmmammamimfmmmmaii WW buy flrst-clasa dry goods cheap. III mcETOT VX&tsfaL. u. K-36r Liberty Strati 8lm l--14" Will be rebuilt at oaee.