RT-iauEiw, THtDAjLY JOURNAL, rtALtSfo, OREGON MONDAY, OCTODER 6, 1902,. m4oKmmmmimmmimmi i &! VssfiesatisssiiwaMssWs g Biscuitsi Light Cakes; Light Pastry; -.., , i c Skill iA itl lit I I W I.3JH ; -, . . ;.. uipii ana, f,4 A J rHBBr v HHHW TTjc H-0 llSSSflrl Company iu 1JWI I " 0.- J -j4- I T -? JL VjrrdUU wljcaci uwwavr JOHN F. CORDRAY, Margery WPI iNPSnAY. OGTOBbK b Farewell Tour of NEIL BURGESS Himself as Abigail Prue, j f In an Elnbornto Production of The County Fair With Its wealth of scenery, Mechanical and Electrical Effects. The Most Thrill- Ufnfca DlfO Ing and Realistic tlUibC KrtlW THE GREATEST TRIUMPH ' IN STAGE REALISM. Thnrounhhred race horses mount- aed by professional Jockeys running at terrific speed in full view of the audience. Prlrert: 81.00. 75c. 50c. 3Gc. Box seata $1.50. Seats on Bale at box office Wednesday at 9 a. m. WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVAL8. C. II. Pohlo, BoBton. O. C. Fox, San Francisco. A. W.. Mackenzie Portland. Emerson E. Ron, Medford. Wm. U Batchclor, city. It. D. Cooper, Independence. C.'G. Burknardt, Albany. 8." Kafka, Portland. M. Ashor, San Francisco. S. Jocltors, Snn Francisco. W. A". Maolfae, Portland. , J. D. Hamilton, Roseburg. Q. E. Kcrhnger, New York. J. h. Tucker, San Francisco. . Frank h. Hunter, San Francisco. O. E. Flowers, 8L Louis. Jerry Brouough, Portland. W. II. Doylcs, lone, Ore. Wm. D. Fonton, Portland. Joromo Garvin, Portland. Geo. R. Bunct, Portland. P. Woodwarth, Tacomn. - Bed Time I tako a pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I fool bright nnd ray com plexion la bolter. My doctor oayB It acte gently oa tho stomacho, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, nnd Ib prepared aB easily as tea. It is called Lane's med icine. All druggists soil it at 25c and GO cents. Lane's Family Medicines moves tho bowols onch day. If you cannot got It, soud 'for frco samples', Address. Orator Woodward, Loltoy, M V ' - r""""- " ' - EDUCATIONAL, I v VJ it -. M 1 . MM Jr7AfrtM n . . - - . i. !..... , . ....... ..t NORTHWEST NORMAL COLLEGE INCOUt'OKATBI) Kull Literary Otur. Inclallng Knrroal. Uuilnou, Bionography, Typewriting and School " iiUaiQ'-.piaiioNolce Cultiire, Singing, Violin brchetnil'aml Hand Inilruinents, llarinouy, Oimt.riolnt and Uonposlllpii. " , . , ABT-Ad mediums are tatf&ht. also drawing ailopied to School tork fjrpubllo icbool teach- " Olplomas and Degrees awanlixl. A successful whootl wtih large tMirnnage last rjf'', lit tcria begins Beptombaritf, ead fur circular. - AddtitS ' A.J OAnLAND.A.M, Prcs. Z.M PaRV1W.Mu$.Doc, MAMIB P. BROWN. Prio. of Art. g.so;wYr Saica Oraoo Capital Normal School Fall, term of twelve weeks opens Monday, September 22d, in tho First Natloual bank building. For lnformo. tlon addrosB ' Ji J. KRAPS, Prln.' 9-4-tf.dw Salem, Or. ARTSTUDIO Mrs. Marolo P. Drown will resurao her teaching September 22d. Arrango monta for lessons In art can bo made for classes or privato lescons. Studio hours 2 to 5 p. in., Murphy building. Residence 453 Front street Phono 2305 Rlack 9-22-lm. Ta Miicfr QtiirtPfltc I ? nil C,?i , I , a vom,s. MU BaF. Cot has beta taking a formal Cou this aumiiwr In "Miulo Kduo Oidr of Uwaon ThU alms abore all, to I lit awakening afW detelopment of thel stulent'4 wndcal natore. MM Co will i-J . catre pupil In Piano, Organ and fight Rtsdlng oaorirtsrBept. Wth atVr studio, IB Front j at 8lein Ore. Wim 'Hie mouuni uuiiuubv .imritu ikiivuwi wmhm.i."m . ..-.... -- ...--..w.. looks to t -o s-hool to supply his bojpr "Thereore, v young person now Iim but scsntppor lunlly orsiucetMl g In OuilnciuwUliout s thorough training tucli s bo rosy secure at ilia CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEQB. This soliiwl Im an established rcimtatlon for supplying competent belp to business men, This bet should uotbe overlooked by young people whon deoHIng which school toatteud. Wo bitur cheap llrlng, skillful tcachors; pleasant rooms; in fact all the advantages one could Willi.'" Beuil'fo'calaloguo. ' o.g W. I. &TALKY, Prlnolpat, Satom, Orogon. N E HR I V 4QO Decorated Lamps that we can and will sell from $t.oato $3.50 each. Lamps are cheaper this year; last year about same styo'e sold fiom 25 to 85 cents higher. The line this year is very pretty in decoration; no darklobes or shades, If you need a lamp, come arid see them, No need to purchase if not stfite & you will be surprised at the prices we ask, ' ' -4 I " ' ''' I Alsoasrftoee'thecJieap'CrockeryandGIassware:1 ' pattrnivln. ' f $-$ v s Nr ; . v - 7 Yokohama Tea Pho U 2411 Black. r ru iimiHiiniiiiimiiiiu L()Cfll A i I 7?fSOUUdl HCdllill Events, jl mine tl I mi I II 111 mi I Ml ill Neil as the Widow. Nell Uurgess, who, with his complete J original Now York Company, la now making his annual American tour, will appear at tho Grand Opera House Oc- tobor 8th, presenting tho-very- popular anil interesting play "Tho" Gdunty Fair," in which ho assumes tho fa miliar role of Abigail Pruo. Number less improvements havfi beon matlo Jh tlio staging of this famous play, whoso mounting now excels anything provl ously seen in thu domestic) drama. Tho great racing scono prcsonts a number of spirited animals, nil miming at full speed. Tho scenory Is painted from plcturosquo blto sketched in tho Green mountains of Vermont. Of Mr. Nell Burgess, as Abigail Prue it Is faint praise to say that ho 1h illimitable. It is Impossible) for nny character to ap peal moro strongly to one's humanity than tli at of this prim Now England spinster, whose peaceful home life, quaint 1 vo affairs and financial diffi culties form tho motlvo of tho play. Popular prices, 3Go td $1.00. Sales bport Wednesday nt 9 a. m. PERSONALS. R. O. Prittnn littft returnml from a fehort visit in Portland, Miss Adalcno Schllllcr spent Sunday with li or parents In Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hugglns left today for a trip to Puget Sound points. Miss Ella Shlpp returned Sunday from a short business trip to Portland, for tho Now York millinery parlors. Miss Babel L. Carter, professor of elocution In Willamette University, has returned from a short visit In Portland. Mibb Qcorgcno Hopf, of Portland, Bpent Sunday with hor parents In this city, returning to tho metropolis this morning. Ominty Assessor Lombcko has re turned from bis farm, near Bnttuvtllo, this county, whora has been managing the harvesting of bis hop crop. Chnrloa Forguson, tho young man who was charged with tho theft of Bomo clothing, tho property of a man named Ireland, pleaded -guilty to tho charge whon arraigned bororo Justlco Ilorgnn Saturday afternoon, and, In default of $30 fin) that was Imposed, ho wont to Jail, whoio.ho wllUrcmnln tho 15 days. man roqulra trained holp kii.lntai MniilMmantl Thu litlaltlAtta'mAn linup classes Practical subjects havo boen organ ized at tho Y. M. C. A. night school under thorough and compotent Instruc tors, If you nro working during tho day, and are ambitious enough ta study a f w nights a weok, you ought to onter somo of thoso cIbbsob. For Six Months' Course. Arithmetic $2.00 Bookeeplng , .0.00 Commercial Law 2.00 Qrammar . .. 2.00 Practical .Loiter Writing 2.00 Penmanship 2.00 Reading and Spelling 2.00 Rhcrtorlc . . . . ; 3.00 Vocal Music 3,00 Call on tho secretary for further in formation. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Streets. Wo nvo a larea 8UPP'y t School Ouppllep, at low prices. QIvo us a r call. Asaora , Wekb, Prop, The Variety Store 04 Court Strrtt. Roasters of Good Coffee. Night FOK HOUSE WAR. Giiwiin nf CliillUt- Tucliinir, Tutnl it'tisiirlt iinil .Mull. Pretty iinil Ine.ifiil-o-negligees nio made of whltp or peril lidlnt H'pflprlt til'titni'd wlfh point d'esprlt Itice or Hie bbftvrcr vnrlotled. Pale c6lorod cluil liis nro ill Itipxpctislvo, :8 tboy only reniilif u touch of litre nnd a Hash brought up cuiplru wlce from t)inetb the niniH, Nearly nil the pietly iiprIIxvihi are tniiilf oniplru Ktyle. nltbongli thrf. m'e ii few who try to revive the (Jreek dmpTlpa. One of tlio onfiiest ways of mnKIng uu empire Iiormo gowil is t nrrnnge u iirluceHs slip of tttchtd mn ter;i 1 run through with perpendicular bauds of Insertion. At the bottom slioi'ld lie two or three riilllttt of the mtitxrlnl. (Ither fulled or neeordion plalteil. Over tills comes n short bo- OP W1IITK IVUh Icro Jacket with elbow hIcbvoh. TIjIb Is of nil over lace. Then under It and roused over the front eonios a ush of pulu lined silk,' which Ih futdonod Into a soft knot with long ends behind. A dainty negllgeo Ih tbu one shown It Is mndo of Hue white mull. The colliirlcrts yoke Is laid in line tucks crOhHCil by beadlnH of lace run through with pale blue ribbon. The bertha Ib slashed here mid there nnd Ih trimmed with narrow lace and the bending. Tho sleeves nro tucked to tho elbow, and from there they puff Into n. tight wristband. The bottom of tbo gown Ih trimmed with n gath ered rutllo bonded by bending and rib bon, which Is caught nt Intervals with big bows. JUDIO OHOLLBT. Sick Headache absolutely, and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or monoy back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Write to W. II. HOOKER & CO., Buffalo. N. Y., for a froo sample. D. J. FRY, Druggist, o Eugene Man Dies. I. W. Pope, who was injured Thurs day by falling from u scaffold, dlod at his homo In Ijugung Saturday nftor noon, as a result of lntornnl Injuries and concussion of tho brain, dlo left a wlfo and five small children. Ho carried $500 life lnsurunco in tho Wood in on of the World and Modern Woodmen, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D i nests what you eat. Tli la nrnnnrnflnn rnntjllns all of tllQ digestants and digests all kinds of iooa. xt gives insuiuifciioi.uiiuiiuvur falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tho food you want. ThomostBonsltlve Uomacha can tako It. Hy itsusoinany mouHanda of dyspeptics havo boon nrn1 nf r nvrrvt,Tilnif filfiO failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles It canrt kelp but do you good! Prepared only by E. O. Dr.WlTT & fio.. Ohlftijo Tko U. bottle contalnaSVt tlmtr'nefcw. alxc. F, u. Haas, Druggist. Free Delivery Stora PECULIAR AND SERIOUS JNJURY Daniel Black Kicked By Horse Now Inflated With Air Eugene Qunrd, Oct 4th: Dr. J. W. Harris la attonding n peculiar case, eight miles north of ISugone. Daniel Black was at work ono day last week and a homo kicked him on tho left breast Tho contusion "Was severe, and tlio air was admitted direct to the lung. Tho Inflammation spread and bwbII ing increased, until tho man rosom bled a Iiuro nlr bag. Tho swelling ox tends from his neck to hlH-knoas, and his bony feels liko a partially inflated punching bag. Tho Injury Is serious Indeed, and may cause the death of Mr. Ulack. $100 Reward $100. Tlio readers of this paper will ho pleased to Icaru that thoro is at least ono dreaded c eoiso that sclonco has beon aun to euro In nil Us stages and tlint is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is the only posltlvo curo now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional discaso, requires n constitutional treatmont. Hall's catarrh Curo Is takon Intornally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of tu system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho dlB or.se, and giving tho patlont strength by building up tho constitution and as sisting naturo In doing Us work. Tho proprietors havo much faith in its cur allvo powors, that thoy offor Ono Hun drou Dollars for any enso that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drugglBts, 7C conts. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best Is Now a Unitarian Ilev. Kiank A. Powoll, form or pnstor of the l'li-Bt Christian church, of Mo Minnvtlle. but moro recently In charge or tho Unltarlnn church of Oakland. California, occupied tho pulpit of tho Salem , Unitarian church on Sunday morning. Tho mibjeot of tlio discourse was "The Growing Croed," and in the discussion or tho sumo thu speaker took occasion to crltlclso rollglous or ganlintloris for ndhorlng to n fixed croed or belief. An attractive featuro of tho service was a solo by Mrs. Hal lie Parrish-lllngos. New Uses For Electricity Electricity long used In the labora tory for experimental purposes only, Is fnst coming boforo the public as tin agent of grent value In tlio arts, nnd In tho affairs of overyday life. By elec tricity power to drive mochinory can bo utlllKod ut the distance of miles from its source, and by electricity thnnks to Mr. Edison's recent discov ery our st roots nnd houses are light ed moro brilliantly than by gas. While nil thoso 'results aro evidont to the public at largo, there Is still another Hold In which tho use ot oloctrlelty Ih rapidly working n profound reforma tion tho field of medical science. The following remarkable euros, performed by Dr. Barrio, show the now uso for oleclrlclty. Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption Cured. Bdltor Statagmnn; 1 will lend my namo to tho long list of cures per formed by Dr. Darrin. Fifteen years ago catarrh and bronchitis troubles commenced to annoy mo, and seven years later a complicated lung trouble showed ltseif. All efforts to cure were fruitless, until coming under Dr. Dar rln's electrical treatment eight years ago. I am happy to say that I am cured. I attribute my loug-contlnued health to the health Influence of elec tricity, which restored me to a perma nently sound condition. I am news agent on the Southern Pacific railway and paw Salem dally, and will gladly answer n,ny questions nt mv limne in Mount Tabor. Or. J. A. LIND8I,EY. Dr. Darrin ran bo consulted free at Willamette Hotel. Salem, from 10 tu 5 o'clock dally; eveniiiK, 7 to 8, Sun days, to to 3. The doctor makes a specialty of all diaeftsen of tlio eye. oar, nosa and throat catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe, heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases. He permanently euros all curable femalo troubles, ul ceration, displacements, painful men struation, Irregularities, ovarian tu mora and abscessee, or those who suff er from apathy and indlfferoncej also genlto-uriti&ry and akin diseases, in either sex. Bitch as blood taints, sem inal weakneee and lost vigor, varico cele and strleturo. All curable chronic male and feniaW diseaea treated at 6 a week. 1ft a month, or In that proportion of time, a the case may require. No cas pul HsUed, except by permission of the patient. All bwaJneH relations with Dr. DarriR strictly confidential. Loi ters of Inquiry answer). Cisco la rs and question blanks tout free. Isn teeted and glasses fitted- Pr Dsrrhi' onk-e are at the Willamette HaL Sa lem, Htll November 1st, only. I. .i . ii Mother Always Keeps It Handy, Mf mtU4ff SNRVrvd fl"W &' 6Ar.. jtaJ dir. tbhut iti Hiiiit. iWirSIa that sif UOn XjffwTt" fef yyr htV wfit t gM ?'.tTP IfaM H irftfftt V ews tewe, a f. li. fut . IWSW a Uw tlM trim wmv tMM fiHf, jfvuMai ji, a vmu iJS4.a"Kia,.! ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Will Be Opened This .Week to Supply a Long-Felt Want The "Albnny Grand. Albany's now opera house, will bo opened to tho public for the first tlmo tonjHJit. This will bo a grent ovont for Albany, as they havo haci no suitnblo placo for presenting any plays Blnco the old ono burned a few yoars ago. Sinco that tlmo Albnny has had very fow good theatrical performances, as tho only placo to present thorn was In tho Ar mory, which was llttlo better than nothing. II. It. Senility is tho principal own er of the now building, which was do signed by C. H. Durgrnff, tho nrchl tett, nnd built by John McChosncy, tho contractor and has leased It to John P. Cordrny, tho great thoator man, of. Portlnnd. thus Insuring for Albany tho best plays that como to tho coast. The now building is about 125 foet long and CO foot wldo. Una a stage 25 feet wldo. with about Uio samo depth, and two privato boxes, ono on either Bldo of tho stage. It is n flno building, such ns nny town should not bo without. 8URE CURE FOR PILES Itching Piles produce molsturo and cnuso Itching, this form, no well as Blind, Blooding or Protruding Pllos aro cured by Dr. Bonah-ko'a Pile Item ody, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab sorbs tumors. COo a Jar at druggists, or sent by mall. Trontlso froo. Write mo about your caso. Dr. Ilosanko, Philadelphia, Pa. For salo ut Dr. stono's drug stores. . o A tine tlno ot cutlory all guarantood goods at Manning & Forguaou's now haniwaro store. 7-21-tf-dw Salem Lady Marries. County Olork B. M. Payne nnd Mm Mailba P. Mcl.onnnn woro married at the homo of the bride's brother nt 'Do; trolt on Ootobqr IbL Tho wedding cer emony was porformod nt 5:30 n. m., In order to ennblo tho happy couple to iauo tlio truiu.ror Aiimny. INDIGESTION Is tho cnuso of moro discomfort than any alitor ailment If you cat the things that you you want, and that nro good for you, you aro dlstrcssod. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will mnko your digestion perfect nnd provont Dyspepsia and Its attendant disngroo able symptoms. You can safely oat anything, nt any tlmo, if you tako ono of thoso tablets nftorward. Sold by all drugglBts under a posltlvo guaran teo. 25 ots. Monoy refunded if you aro not satisfied. Send to us for a free sumplo. W. II. HOOKBIt & CO., Hutfalo, N. Y. o " Good Housekeepers Should know whora tho host and most wliolosamo brand and pastry can bo found. They all my tho Pioneer Dakory lu the place. O. H. MACK i2:e2:i&ra!? scjbw Successor to Dr. J. M. Keono. In Wblto Corner, Salem, Orogon. Partlos desiring superior operations at mod erate foo In any branch aro in ospcclat roquest THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street. OYSTERS Served In the best of style and with the most suitable acaomnaulments. E BCKERLEN, Proprietor Your Step Mother Is still hero busy as over, and wbei your clothes aro all out of order, worn with buttons off, tako them to her a the Salem Dyo Works, At this establishment you can get anything set to rights, from a pair o' gloves, to the most elaborate sill gown. A gentleman can got bis ha cleaned, bis trousors oroasod, or hi whole suit rejuvenated to suit bii taste, also four flulta a month for II Buttons sewed on, lips sowed up, sulti pressod on short notice. Now goodi shrunk tot dressmaking. MRS. C. H. WALKER 199 Commsrclal Atraat HOTEL BLK. Clk City. Lloceln County. E. M. MAYS, Prop. Pall season fur hunting and flshln now open. Fluent trout and big gam- iIb Oregon. An Ideal place for a weak I outing Trolling for salmon, sea troui salmon trout and atlli fishing sow a Its test. Good table, bvard and beds. , 83$-2ilid The flnneij.. FINE 4VINKH. LIQU0B8 Any UIUAKC J, ..W . kAT r 102 Court .Si 3. JP, JONES Attorney at Law Toledo, Oreoen. Was elerk of eireuit eautt tor i yearn and Jsaa as up-t-dtte ahstrat all property is LLueola cowaty.. . . . GuickasaWiitk CLASSIFIED ADS AUYcriucmcDij, nyc uses or test, id mis column Inserted three times for 25c. 5 oca Week.Sl 50 I a month. Alt over five lints at the same rate. I ' ' Jl ' l IB Jl U J'.U H'li'JW l 8 41 I.I, t'4IJI.iJH"iaitl IL 4'. WANTED. WAnlrl.Tnn tnntna tt tmiil .vent..! ut onco; can mnko $3 to $-t per day., lnqulro of R. Brunk. Kola. 10-4-3f Wanted. To borrow 41000 on good real ostato socurlty, from one to' flvo vcars. Adilrnna "J. 1 ." .Innr. . nni onico. 10-l-tf :. '.- ' . -" i Wanted. -A girl to do housowork; small family; good pay. Call at Cronlso Btudlo, ovor Now York Racket 0 22-tf Wanted Kvorybody to try Oregon Foot Ease for all foot allmonta. Onco trlod always UBod. Ask your druggist or Bend 25a. S. L. Hayes, Hnlsoy, Ore, G-27U I m4 A dIIiim. ..IihIh l...1n, r.l...lu h.wai. rw UIIYVi V1IUI1I U(li;UIUl. I. II1UUI will pleaso return to No. 183 Church Btroot nnd receive rownrd. 10-3-3t Found. A pair of spectacles. Corner of State nnd Llborty streets. Call nt Journal ofllco. 10-t-3t Lost. -Watch charm, shape of horso's hoof, and mountod with stiver plate. Return to Dill Andorson and gut reward. 10-St-tf FOfi RENT. For Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping roomu, 477 Commercial street. 10-4-Ot For Rent. Pine grain and Btoclt fnrm, 300 acres; modern bouso, with wntor ptpod Into samo; flno orchard and gardon, Also 175 acres of fluu cnttlo pnsturo, with plenty of water. Heavy team, good hack, new har ness, farm implements. Jersey cow for Balo. Address K. C. Ball, Tur ner, Oregon, It. P. D. No. 3. 9-12-tf FOR SALE. For 8ale or Trade. Hoiihs nnd lot in suburbs of Portland for Balom prop erty, or acrengo. Imiulro nt Journal ofllco. 10-4-tf Top Duggy and Catt For Sale. At a bargain. Call on J. h. Preoland, 15(i State stroot 10-2-lw A Real Estate Snap. Tho right ponton with only n llttlo monoy can got a good now I arm, SO acres cultivated, 40 aares pasture, fair Iioubo, good barn, near four good towns, A rare plok-up for. somebody. Mrs. U. O. I,ongsworth, Turner, Or. 8lm, For Sale. Sovon milch cows, ono iroan unu nvo 2-yearoiu uoiiors, an brod; alRO ono mare ami filly colt A. G. Smith, near Priuglo school Iioubo, O-SO-lw For Sale, Family residence, largo grounds, stnblo, etc., within two liiocltB from tho cnpllol. lnqulro at Journal ofllco. 8-20-tf For 8ale or Part Trade.--My 20 aero homo at Prultland, 3 Mi tnllos oast of asylum; good G-rooin frnmo houso, nowly pnporod and paiutcd; 12 acres in cultivation; good barn; 3 acres of orchard (vailoty); CO rodB to church, storo and school; good wntor, nlco location. Terms to Bult, or will tnko half In Satom Insido proporty. Prlco S1700; also havo 3 good mlloh cows for sale. Call or writo to W. II. II. Dunklo at Taylor's Market, on Court struct 0-22-lm Hop Cloth About 4000 yards at cost prlco to clouo out. Dot what you want at cost P. Levy, Salem. Ore gon. dw-9-22-lm For Sate 118 aorca of improved land, four milos southeast of Turner, Or. About 80 aorot In cultivation, rest good rasturo; good barn and small house Mrs. U. Q. Longsworth, Tur ner, Or. 0-8d MISCELLANEOUS. M'siaePsNssssajsSi - Silver Gloss Stove Polish Is tree from acids, dirt, dust and offensive smell It Is easily applied and easily re moved from bands, and the only suoooNsful polish for airtight heat ors and UiiBslan pape. Manufut lured by 1). J. Hawloy. of Portland, Oi gon. For salo by Pier Company, of that city, and It. M. Wade & Co. in all their stores. 9-1 Hm Vou will always find the cbctcest msats and groceries at tbo hwosl prices at Edward's & I.usclierV, 406 aud 410 State street 'Phone i-der given special attention. HOP DUVERB' DIRECTORY. wool, hop growerr' supplies. No M Coinmeralal street, Haleni, Ore gon. Phone 1301. 3. O. 6CHUCKING Hop buyer. Phone Main 1311. Ofllcos lu Ilayne blots State street. Haleni JQUIRE FARRAR. Hop taenhani and purchasing ugejit. No. 16H Commercial mrtut. upstairs, Halem Oregon. 'Phono 1061. ABER AND NEIS.Hop merchauts Offlca In ilimhliieyinflii llldg, also In Albany, Oregon. Tolepbone Mali 182J. r. A. LIVESLEY 4 CO. I)eaM Ir hops and hop uiJjdl 'Phone 1211 office rootu 18 obsrhslm bldg 8a lew, Orewon. i. CARMICHAEL. Hop buer olee u iiusn-tireyman owiiiing, Haiem Oregon, flampies of choice hops so iltltsl froto all growers. .ILIENTHAL 8R08Hp mefslianU H. J. Olteahelwer, maaagor. Qfllot N. It eornsr Oowtaerotal and State streets (upstairs); 'phose Mala HI. A nf lU -t.-.T ,. .i .. . t Coubl jjou can tqp H PAUL a' q. HOR3T & LACHMUND tSL2SS corner K sznJT Yftk,mft' sas ,ra "08a. Bacrftmento, Gal.: Puy- """ ftpnaroi managor. ?tectlonttaBertoT2rA Ttnii 7At.w "5. ,u, luv ."oiDjan j-witwTri'HSSSd; ""muor. FORE8TEn8 OF AMERICA -Court Sherwood Foresters No. 13. Moete Friday night in Turner block. Harry Watson.aHj A.Ulrown, See Hall In Udluiaa block, corner State -" i m i in... . mm m,. i uTofATHY. Dr. L. EWyekoft and Dr. Grace Ab bright. Twenty months graduates of tho lArneriean School of Ostoop ntby, KUksville, Mo. Dr. Wyckofi Is tho only twenty months' gontloman graduate , In Salem. Odd Fellows Tomplo. 'Phono Main 8721. Dr, M. T.- Bchosttle Graduate Ameri can Sqhpol of Osteonthy, Kirks vlllo, M6. Offlco In Tioga block, ovor the Spa. Offlco hours 8 30 to 11:30 and 1 to 4. Offlco phono No. 2423 Red roflldonco phone 2003 Hod TONBORIAL AND DATH8. Ryan's Shaving Farlort. Ssou 'flruh class barbers, enfajed, Finest bath rooms In cityl Wo" uso antlsopUo sterillter. J, Ryau, Prop. iTvarta' Barber Shopv-Only Brpt-claes shop on SUto stroct Every th'fng now and up-tc-dato.' PJnoet porcelain baths. Shave, lEo; hair-cut, 25o; baths, Jto, Two first-class boot blacks, a W. Evans, proprietor. ;' !! I I . I lM.S IH Steusloff Bros Dialers In Live Stock, WuoloBiilu sad. retail butchers and packers. All kinds of fresh and salt meats, Flno sausages hams, bacor and lard. 316 Commercial atrtet SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICB UITY HALL For wator service apply at office. Dills payable monthly In advance. Mako all complaints at tho offlco. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets afi anil and Dasseucer train nscimsa to all Darts of lb a citv prompt utrrlce. Tolophono No. 241, HUHY1UI iwpuiuit. SOULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS fuStUm asd vktotti tMt or4(rs st Ca WJM'i Muik Wars, PORTLAND OR Barr's German Salve Hauls quickly all cuts, or bruises. Dmirssueaesiodt ollitma back, and draws slivers ont ot flesh wbleh often break of! too short to pull. Bucks lik MlckinR plfttor. Try It sad yon wilt nevsr be without. liy mail 36o. Hor sale t BARRS JBVVELRV STORE 120 atato Strest 8alm( Ore. tS.C. STONE, MD. w-PHOPHIfiTOR Q-r STONED -DUO STORES SALEM. OREGON. The storasltwo In nutnberlaro located at No, 2J5 and 27 Oororuaroial at, and ara well atoolMd with a compleU line of drugs and modlclnss. toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, eta, Has had sprue bo ..v, .. tho practice of msdloiao and aow makes "ho chaw tot consultation, u amlnaUon or prworlptloa, IIUIE WING SANG CO, New line of Chinese anil Japanese aacy and dry sos. Hlths (ad up. Ine white underwear of H hinds, rappsrs. waists, sklfli, uU" d adles' furnlslilag good, gtevse, mat inif. etc tot salo very cheap. 140 State Street, Haiew, Or. 0, G T, Co's FASeHeB STEAMCI9 Pomona and Altona Ijv lor Portland dally ext pt Utility at 7 a. m. QuickTime, Cheap IRatei each week iiteffiwSi1. Claud I?l?W' '5 ZPoKliBBS. K. 11.1 I .....1,Mm,..l, ll,..,M. ' ' PHYrClAN8. - ' nBrsvirvniylilS Office In Gray block. Rooms 7 and . Phan's 81. U'"iM JU.is ShojSwe u Union PAcinc tJKPART TOR TIMESCHEDUIBS fjtRrUVK Froia runltid, Or, I KROM OblOAgO Portland Bpoela) o.-oo, m vis Uunt lngtoa S?LfiJ-Pm..Ft i&&'' hnfy hi. Atltntie Express .6o p. ra. via Hunt ington .na'r fsst Us.ll Ids p. m. Bpoitno II.VH.,I,X SJOChr. 9H Lax. , rwwiTfi,. v Worth. OmsJis, Kbiinis CltT.Bt. tools, CldoiM sndKist. ' Walls'VsUa. KwlrfonT :' Hi Pnl, DnWthllwsnk CldciMro, sadt. 77 " hours ;, y) TLA tioCh. iat ot Cars OCEAN AND RIVER BCtlCDULB Frost IfftUna' All sslllnir dsles subject Sp. m. Forsa7aetio SsltererySdst P. at-"- DMIr exceiit SuiiUsy 8p. m, BAtnrdsj 10 p. m, CO.UMMA RJYKR ToAstorls.snl Wsy tB.li. Undlast es. sir. WILLAMETirB HIVE , Btonmer Ruth loaves Bslem for o landnnd wavlsmllsutiiAisiTuai.lAw Tb.. days andSatreys.erut7a. art'. Xt uorTBiiiu Bpu way lasniiMa.AetMsays Wrdnosdsya and Fridays at aeant 5 p. m. A. L, ORAIG, M. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Aet. Aat. O, K. A N. mk Portland, Ore. Batata, Or Through personally conducts toar 1st sleeping oars botwoeu Porilaad aad Chicago onco a "wooft. and batveon Oc don and Chicago thriie times a weak, via tho Scenic fine. Through Standard sleeping cars dally between Og'den and Chicago, via tho Scenic line. Tbrouch Standard sleeping ears) dally botwoon Colorado Sprlnes ot SL Louis, Through fJtandard and tourist slss-p-Ing cars dally between San FrHBoieco and Chicago Tift Los Angeles aaa Kl I'aso. Throiigh, Standard sleeping cars a& chair cars dally between 8L Paul ad Chicago. , Do suro that your ticket reads via tho Groat Hock Island Koutfl. Tho bcBl and most reasonable dla iiiK car service. hiB car service. For Information T. J. CLARK, Trnv. Pftsa. Anfc i u. oorman; Oon. Agt., 2S0 Alder St., Portland, Or. iUMMMMmmmmmmmmmtm Through Scenic Colorado Good war eastt Of oouraa It Is. It tahes you tlirouirk (salt I.aku ORy and Peavwr, past the grandest sueasry on tha contlBnt. Ai Denver you get aboard a HurllBEtun Flyer tbaj. lands you at Omaha, Chi catfp. Ksiaas City or U UtiUi, safely, quickly amt contfortably, ThffiURK sleeplBit eaca dalfy QdHeu'lo CMe. DlDlsy saw ft4 library cars east ot Denver. A. C, SHELDON, ' nMaral Aasnt. 100 Third St. Pertlare,, Or ConalllsiEasteraRiH Tlm Card Ne, . No, 8 For YailBa. Leave Albany . ...,.18t W " Leave OoryaHls ' ... 1;W f, ns Arrive Vsqulaa ..... ai l. a. No. 1 JlstatWnK: a Leaves Yaqulna lm Uaves CorvalHa ljW Arrives Albany lSsJii.HJ, No. 3 For Detroit. Lavee Albany Jw J Arrives Detroit . ..,.. ! No. 4 From Detreit: LeatM DatreU H t it Arrive Albaay ...,. ,'V5l:: Uo t,o eonsftflt Yfhk tae . . P. boynd tralB. a ttfiM & thre seura i ai?' w"sw - yartwro at . r. w f "TSsTTLT P. Ualn at-OtarajUrl 10K dlrwt Mv W WWrt s fiit f. m. 1 Kr iHrtMf J. TUHMT. AaWM, h t li vJHW w"H 1