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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1902)
w THE DAILY JOURNAL Bioderr even known. Oregon's 8tate Fair for 1902 will ex. eel all previous efforts. THE WEATHER Tonlnht and tomorrow, falrr VOL. XII. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902 NO. 195. BAsTVfasI JttUklitiiHHtHlMUiitH E IS STATE PI m You've been waiting for It a long time. It affords you the opportunity of seeing the great resources of Oregon on display. Thero's another advan tane that visitors to the State Fair have. Salem Is recognized as the best trading point In the valley. You can find unlimited variety In all lines of merchandise. THENEWYOR Is One of the Leading Stores. The high quality of goods carrlod by them, together with extrsmsly LOW PRICES. Is what has made the store so popular. Their spot cash plan of business en ables them to undersell regular stores In tho most popular styles and fab rics nt 10 to 20 per cent below rogular clothing prices. Hosiery and Underwear Our now linen of woolon underwear are remarkably choap. You'll pay as much for mixed goods at "rogular stores" as we charge for the all wool. We carry everything in ' Ladies' and Men's Furoistiinas Cfaiid One Price Cash Store Salem's Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa KEKlKSEBBBEHEfKlElllMUUI THKTHERMOMETEIt is LOW in the kitchen, slwave whtnj:aa i HHd for conking,, lud ou dou'l havo to worry over the riso io the price of wood. It Is tho f'lel par excellence iu tlta warm weather, nobst uoMbes, nodirt nodast. Instead, comfort, convenience, deanllnew, eoonomy. Gus stoves and ranges of every eite and style supplied by the SIem Gas Light laipaur at leweet prices. SAI PM r.ic t ir.n-r m K. - VA.J LIUHI fU. ?" B. Chtmaketa L K RACKET Shoes We sell the kind that giyes satisfaction. That's why our shoe department keeps growing. Streets. E. T. BARNES, PROP. Repairing a Watch Of tho flnost workmanship Is a branch of our business Uiat wo glvo special attontlon to. Our re pairing department Is conducted with tho utmost caro and skill, diamonds aro rosot, and Jowolry of all kinds Is repaired In tho most ' perfect manner, besldos optical work of all kinds. C.T, Pomeroy 283 Com. St., Watchmakerand Optician The Connoisseur In "oroaturo comforts" will toll you that our liquors, both spirituous and vinous, aro tho hlghost standard of excellence. Make "high balls," gin rlokoys and other mixed drinks to suit tho most fastidious taste. Our flno old Ovorholt ryo whlsko" is a noted brand. Has purity and maturity -and mellowness that gives the social charm. $1.25 a bottle. All tho choicest wines, brandies, gins, etc. J. P. ROGERS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . . SPECIAL Until October 1st To Introduce Our Up- to-Date Melliods BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. A. M. BANCROFT, Kpecialiat 250 Com'l Ht , tf fralem, Or. jQr MHiiitiiwmnMiiiim CI FRENCH and TURKISH NUGET - -At the- - "FLEUR DELIS" ICE CREAM PARLORS Hamilton Bros. 1 State St Will MA 'i'tlli 71 jt'liilt nf 1 81 ml Pa Iff I H ml PRICES afc Chips I WtMMIMIWt 1M WKOlWl&R MNUKtU Made Criminal Assault on Mrs Den- nis, Wife of a Miner BRUTAL OUTRAGE COM MITTED Brute Escapes From Made by Constable izens, When Prisoner Jumped Under Wharf Special Service to the Capital Journal. Finding tho back door guarded, ho Marshflold. Sent. 18. Mrs. BonJa- mln Dennis, wife of a Libby coal min er,' was waylaid hero Wednesday, by Alonzo Tuclcar, colored, whllo return ing from this city, and dragged Into tho brush and crlmlnnlly assaulted. Tucker seized Mrs. Dennis by tho throat whon ho caught her, and threat ened to kill her If alio mndo a noise. Whon released sho went straight to liar house and told what had hap pened. Tho minors, whon Informed of tho crimo, wore frenzied with rngc, and at dusk Inst ovonlng a crowd of about 100 armed thomsolvos with rlllos and marched to tho Jail for tho purpose of lynching tho negro. On arriving thoro, the jail was found to be empty. City Marshal Cat tor and Constable Sunderland say thoy woro taking the negro to n. boat to get him away from tho mob, whon ho sprang awav from thorn. Jumned to tho mud .. . ' . . . . r nai ami mnuo nis escape. At an early hour this morning ho was still at large, although pursuod by a largo poaso. Tho outraged woman hns a husband and three small children. Negro Was Hanged Dead. Marshflold, Sopt. IS. The body of tho negro who committed the criminal assault on Mrs. Donnls yostordny now hnngs from a brldgo In tho outskirts of tho town. Tho minors nt the Llb by coal mlnoB gathered nt railroad do pot oarly In the ovonlng, and just at flunk marched into town about 100 strong, armed with rlflos, shotguns nnd pistols. They proceeded qulotly and swiftly to tho county Jail. A mes senger warned tho marshal and con stahlo on guard, and thoy ran tho no gro out to a boat-slip, intondlng to tako him away by wator. From tho boat tho nogro Jumped to tho mud flnt undor tho wharf, and dlsnppoarod In tho gathering darknoss, with tho min ors Just behind. Soarch was institut ed along tho wator front. Guards woro hurried to nil points of posslblo oscnpo, but tho nogro wns not found. At 10 o'clock a boat floating In tho bay was riddled with bullots, but I proved empty. Strict guard was kopt until morning, whon tho qearch rosult ed at 0 o'clock in two small boys, Sliorloy Prontls and Madock aulovson,ho wa8 promot(Ml t0 commander. His discovering tho nogro undor Doan & i Horvlco8 CV onglneor aro needed, Compnny's storo on tho water rronu Tlmv reo.rn ! nlnrtn Tlin flAirm' Thoy gavo tho alarm. Tho nogro mado a run for it. nnd whllo crossing Front streot n bullet passed through his log, sovorlng a largo nrtory, thon ho ran Into Dean & Company's storo. HAWES Hats ' Alpines or Derbies are three dollars all over the United States: every hat is fully guaranteed by the makers and we invite you to inspect the latest shapes just in! W 11 telr (gcMil JOHN C. HERTZ. 295 Commercial Street. , Salem, Oregon. WHJi Precious Beyond Price Is one's eyesight. It is folly to take liberties with it, to strain the eyes Beyond the limit of safety when glasses will banish the need of straining. Our Optical Department, fitted up with as fine an array of eye-testing and fitting instruments as there is in Salem, is at your service, HERMANN W. BARR SCIENTIFIC State and Liberty Streets, Salem. AT MARSHFIELD Officers - Attempt was to Evade Enraged Cit started up stairs. A man called to him to halt, but ho kept on, and, as ho reached tho head of tho stairs a bullet from a revolver brought jhim down. Ho was dragged out still living, placed on n storo truck, and tho crowd started for the scone of the crime, a mile out of town. Uoforo It was reached tho nogro was dead, but the ropo which had boon placed around! his neck was tied to a railing of a high bridge, and tho body thrown ovorjjtho sldo, nnd loft dangling. Tho men who did tho work woro minors from Llbby, Tho crowd was very qulot) and ordorly, mndc no unnecessary demonstrations, proceeding with thoir work with dotully determination to nvengo tho awful crime of tho negro. Public son tlmont Is almost universally In ap proval. There Is strong tallfot run ning tho rest of tho lieCrapopulatlon out. A coroner's Inquest commenced nt p. in. LIEUT. PEARY RETURNS Beat His Previous Record and flado Many Valuable Surveys Noith Sldnoy, N. S., Sopt. IS. Tho Windward arrlvod from the North at 8 o'clock this morning with Lieutenant Ponry and Dr. Dlodricks on board. Peary says, although tho polo was not roachod, ho has mado some Important sclontlflc discoveries. In an intorvlow with waiting news papor mon, Lieutenant Peary said: "My last dash to tho polo was vory successful. I was much farther north than latltudo 80:27, my provlous rec ord. All our party aro In oxcollont honlth, oxcopt Mrs. Peary, who has boon ill for a fortnight, but Is now ru covorlng." Whon Peary roporta to tho navy de partment ho will bo assigned for duty in tho United States. Ho has been on leave since May. 1897. In which tlmo thero boliiK only 21 In tho navy now. ... . .. . ... -I..1 Lloutouant Poary reports olllclally that ho roachod latltudo 81.17, tho highest point yet attalnod on tho con tinent. Tho dash was mado undor groat odds, opldomlcs among tho Es quimaux almost depopulating tho vil lages. Ho ostabllshod a food supply depot CO miles north of Sabln In Feb ruary. In April ho first started tho six sledges. Old floes and yxzllll dash northward for tho Polar soa, with Hanson, four Esquimaux and young leo woro found almost from the start. Aftor six days open loads of (loos In motion woro oncountorod. Two Esquimaux woro sunt back. Each day tho march bocamo moro perilous, as the general course dollected west on account of the open spaces, and they woro finally compelled to retreat. The return was even moro difficult. Thoy reached Sabln May 16th. The Windward having been rogalned, the vessel narrowly escaped being again oaught In the loe. Thoy mado many surveys. Th outllt abandoned by tho Greoly expedition was brought back, with valuable records and specimens, Kateer Values American Criticism. Herlln. Sept. 16. It is stated that the Kaiser requested l.ord Roberts and Humeral Corbln, before they left Germany, to write him confidential comments on the recent manouvers. 'OPTICIAN. At Barr's Jewelry Store. AND HUNG Colorado Fires Spreading. Donvor, Sept. 18 All hopo of ex tinguishing tho forest flroa 1ms boon practically abandoned. Tho fires aro bprendlng rapidly, nml now ones aro roportod dally. Florida's Orange Crop. Taltthasao, Fla., Sopt. 18. Tho Stato Agricultural Socloty cstlmatoa the orango crop at 700,000 boxes. Tho fruit Is splitting badly on account of wet weathor. The Duke Leaves for Home. Now York, Sopt. 18. Grand Quito Uorls sailed today on tho Lorraine for Europe. CANADIAN PACIFIC STOCK Jumped up Seven Dollars Per Share Sensational Changes in New York Market the (Special to the Journal.) New York, 8ept. 18. There were several sensational changea on the New York stock market today. Rock Island opened at 200 and closed at 204. Canadian Pacific opened at 141 and closed at 147. Deldlng Asks for New Trial. Portland, Sept. 18.--A. L. Holding, tho convicted murdoror, wns to have boon sontonced Tuosdny to Buffer donth on the scaffold, but Holding's at torneys tiled a motion for a new trial, and tho passing of Bcntonco was do forrod until this motion Is disposed of. This will bo dono within a fow days. Tho motion for a now trial is based upon numerous grounds, tho principal onos of which ure that tho court orrod in refusing defendnnt a preliminary examination; also In allowing wit nesses to tostlfy whoso names did not nppcar on tho Information. Furthor, that tho court orrod In charging tho Jury that tho burden of proof wnB on thatdofondnnt to oHtnbllsh Insanity. and in refusing to instruot tho Jury that there was no ovidonro to warrant conviction. Came to America for Repairs. Newport News, Sopt. 18. Tho oruls or Vlnetn, the flagship of tho German South Atlantic squadron, tho first for eign man of war that ovor camo to America for ropnlrs, sallod this morn ing for Venoziteln, aftor a romploto overhauling. o Died Very Suddenly Mrs, Mngglo Iovorldgo, of Wood burn, died vory suddenly tills morn ing at tho nomo of her sister, Mrs. John F. Stoolhnmmer, in thin city. Mrs. Iovorldgo sufforou a stroko of ap oplaxy at the breakfast table this morning, and died shortly hofore noon, from a hemorrhage of tho brain, that followed. The duconsod was about 46 yoars of ago, and tho body will be taken to Woodbum Friday for burial. The White Corner Millinery Department If you want Slyle You will come to ue for It. If you want Ouality You will come to us for it. If you want Yarlety You will come to uie for It, If you want Value You will come to us for It. Hverythlug In millinery la boro. Tito new street bats for fall and winter are beautiful. Hats Made and Trimmed to Order. MINNIE EVANS Proprietor. - Over SO years ago. Doctors took right hold of it. Keep their hold yet. The oldest, best Sarsaparilla Ayer's. is&ssz FUNERAL OF MURDERED ' NEW YORK BANKER' Is Laid Beside His Father, Hamilton Fish-Many Distia-i guished Men Attend the Obsequies Now York, Sopt. IS. Tho funoral of NlcholuB Fish, bnukor nnd diplomat, whoso death resulted in n quari ol with Thos. J. Sharkoy, Monday night, won hold thin morning from St Marks' church, whero ho was Vestryman. Tho body was tnkon to tho vault nt Garri son nnd laid to rost bostdo his fath er, Hamilton Fish. Prominent mon, Including LouIb Lorillard and Charlos Peabody, woro tho pall bearor. A largo delegation of various secret so cieties also nttondod. Kx-Dlstrlct Attorney Jcromo thlni morning Issued a statement on thoSmntlc Borvlco ho entered tho banking lines of prosecution. Ho says that ho wants It understood that thoro was not romance, nnd no woman back of tho case. Just n common, low binwl, botweon drunken men. saloon In nn SOLDIER HEROES WILL BE Bones of America's Valient Land Washington, 8opt. 18. Tho bodlos of all tho Amorlcnn soldiers, sailors and marluos who dlod In tho Philip pines will bo brought home, and for wnrdod to relatives and friends for burial, at tho government's oxponso. A MARINES GUARD . TRAINS American Bluejackets Do Ef 1 fectlve Work at Panama Washington, Sopt. 18. Commnndor MoLonu, of tho cruiser Cincinnati, tlila morning cabled tho navy depart mont tho follewing: "A train to Pana ma went through gunrded with ma rines and a mnchlno gun. A frolght train was stopped by the insurgents, and whon tho passenger train camo on tho menace wns removed. Wo will Ktrlvo to maintain unobstructed tran sit vigorously." BFIYAN BADLY 8HAKEN. Two Engines Smashed Ion, In a Colli Ipdlanapolls, Sopt. 18, The train bearing W. J. Uryan ran Into n switch ' onglno entering tho city this after noon, llryan nnd othar passengors woro badly shaken up. Uoth engines woro sinaHliod. llryan decllnod to dis cuss Hendorson's defection on tho tar iff. A (k$kBetf$m ! f-V J 111 i iW K Latest Style Boas, Scarfs, Rlgas Collarettes, '' '' -Ptr., EtC.-, . Prices tills Season wW ' , .,' nauKC iiuiij 98c to $2,5 Long Pur Capes gt1.50 and 514.50. Also a line f Genuine Monkey Skin Capes. KtlVf'jVPWfMVmVfWS VWVVVVi! altercation ovor tho cashing of a chock, Fish called Sharkoy a vilo nnmo, which any decent man would re sent. Sharkoy struck, too hard, but,', pay tho ponnlty. Dankor Fish, who was C3 years of ngo, was tho descendant or ono of tho 6ldost nml most distinguished of Amorlcnn families. His grandfather, . Colonel Nicholas Fish, fought with dls- tinctl on In tho battlo of Hnrlomi HelghtB, Saratoga and Yorktown, and his father. Hamilton Fish, wns that first Booretary of stnto under PrcaldcnU Grant. After several years of dlnlo-3 'I '.business In this city In 1S87. Of Ills'! brothers, Hamilton Is ox-Itcpnbllcanu speaker of tho Now York assembly, and Stuy vcsnnt Is president of tho II II- ' nols Central Railroad Company. BROUGHT; HOME Dead Will Rest in Their Native uotauhinont of a United Stales. burial corps loft last iight to prepare that uouios ror sinpmont. Tiioy win gol first to Honolulu, Guam ntidnfioPiin' Ipptiios. MORGAN ' ! ' AT HIS i OLD TRiCri r Is Now Morganlzing a Steam ship Combine Now York, Sept. 18.Thq steamship and flnnnolal Interests confidently ex.' poet tho announcement of tho porfocHS od organization of a steamship com.' blno boforo tho end of tho week, Tliqi deposits of stock by shnroholdors with" Morgan nro praotlcally complotod Notwithstanding Manager Inhiay, ' oft tho White Star lino's doninl, li fa utuf dorstood In Wall street that Morgan already has the controlling Btock li$ tho company. Fresh to Day Pnotia w 4 T .1 '. at Zinn's! 154 State St., Phone 2874. it FUR'S For tho Season of 1902-3... ,fl floe Mftrttnoiit juit received, coo. BlstiDg of Vox, Hear, JllnkOoue, O Marten, Uanver, Klectrle nd Wool '', Seal, Sablo, Op'pouom, Btone Martea, nt?., tc , mvl up in the i i , . h if' !- VJ 1 B t