The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 13, 1902, Image 5

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Oregon's Stato Fair for 1002 will ex
cel all previous efforts.
Fair Saturday night and Sunday.
NO. 191.
t mini nmimininmH
We've Got
Hod Pickers' Gloves!!
Leather and
eCan Fit
Shoes. Clothlne. Flats. Shirts. Hosiery, Underwear,
Notions. Ladles' and Men's Furnishings,
ITheNew York Racket!
Salem' Cheapest One -
h-h-hi m n 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ii 1 1 in
When time is in dispute
Tho watch from C. T. Pomoroy's al
ways docldos. A watch from there Is
reliable. The namo Itself Is a guaran
tee. Kvory watch sent out of this
atoro Is accurately regulated and can
always bo dopondod upon. That's tho
only kind of a watch to carry. A big
stock to select from. Prices, silver
watches, $2.60 to $10; 20 year gold
filled $10 to $20.
C.T, Pomeroy
288 Com. St., Watchmakcrand Optician
You'll Find What You Want
You'll Want What You Find,
This Is tho oxporlenco of woll nig h ovory ono who visits horo In search
of Jowolry, Watchos, Diamonds, SUvo rwnro or anything In any othor lino
wo handlo. Our stock Is a Judlclouflly solectcd ono It Is right up-to-date
and tho prices aro way down below ot hers.
Bail's Jewelry Store
Corner State and Liberty Sts.
Harrisburg, Sopt 13. Tho confor
onco botwoon Qovornor Stono and
President Mitchell lasted all night,
tho govornor retiring nt 5 o'clock this
morning tyul Mitchell and Fahey tak
ing the train for Wllkesbarro. Tho
govornor, It is bolloved, gavo Mitchell
and tho district Isadora tho tonus
on which J. Piorpont Morgan would
Bottlo tho strike What thoy aro Is a
conjecture, but that somo offer was
mado seems certain. After tho moot
ing broko up tho conforors docllned to
say a word. Thoy gavo the waiting re
porters tho following stntemenL how
ever 'Messrs. Mitchell, Fahey, Duf
fy, Sonator Flynn, Col. Richardson
and Govornor Stono have been In con
ference; all differences have been dis
cussed with tho host qt fooling."
Wllkesbarro, Pa., Sopt. 13. Tho ro
glon Is ngain In a furor this morning,
owing to the violonco of the strikers.
Fifteen union bricklayers, en routo
for work at Parsons, were mistakon
for non-unionists, and attacked by a
mob of 75 strikers, mostly foreigners.
The men stood their ground, and a
fight ensued. Frank Stanlel, a striker,
was seriously wounded, and sevoral
others were injured. Tho arrival of
deputies provonted possible loss of
life. Provlous to this the utrlkera dis
abled a trolley line, stoned tho cars
and drove tho passengors away. At
midnight tho telephone wires to the
Henry colliery were out Rearing an
attack ,n big forco of police and sher
iff's deputies hurried to tho scene, and
are now guarding the colliery.
Mitchell Will Make Statement.
Wllkesbarre, Pa.. Sept 13. Mitch
oil. before retiring, after his arrival
here this morning, said that Governor
Stone made no proposition for a set
tlement of the strike. MltehelL it la
understood, will Issue a statement to
Bight detailing the conference.
n ii minimum tim
Them Again.
You Now:;
Price Cash Store
ii i ii nn 1 1 ii i in i nnn
Cheer up
Old rann and take a drink of thq
"goou ow stuff." Tho commonest
mlatako of thoso who do imblbo la to
bo Inveigled Into drinking counter
felts. Wo soil tho gcnulno ryo and
bourbon whiskey, and nt no excessive
prlco at that. Try a samplo bottle.
Wlnps and cordials horo, too,
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer. . . .
Leaders In Low Prices.
Vienna, Sept. 13. At an antl-So-ml
tic uprising yesterday, at Czensto
pau, Hungary, 14 Jows and ono officer
woro killed, Forty-throo were reportod
wounded. Troops nro being hurried
to tho scene.
m 1 1 iiiimmiii miiim-nmi
f vj
I $
fBring in the boys
And soo how well we can sup
ply their Clothing wants.
We never have been In better
shape to please nover had a
variety so large never hail
better values.
Solect what you may, you aro
certain to havo a oonegtly
dressed boy and Clothing that
will bo satisfactory.
;d0nN C. nLivTZ. S!z
W-H-H IIHillllll IHHtHHHWrHi Hl M H M-M-Hr
Many Logging Camps Haye Been Wiped Out
-Settlers Fleeing for Their Liyes-Steam-ers
on the Riyer Are Guided By the Com
pass Only and One Reported to Be Lost On
the Columbia-Wind Has Gone Into the
South and Rain is Hoped for
(Special Service to the Dally Capital Journal.)
Portland, Sept. 13. Fires on the lower Columbia havo extended so that
for many miles the river Is practically ablaze on b'oth sides, and the smoke
Is so dense that river steamers are guided by the compass only. Most of the
logging camps are wiped out, Including such targe ones as Benson's and Oak
Point, where hundreds of men are employed. The homes of many settlers
have been burned, and poBslbly lives are lost. The upper Columbia, from
the Cascade locks to Bridal Veil falls, Is aflame. All trains are running with
the greatest difficulty and considerable danger. Late reports from the towns
of Lents, Harmony and, Gresham, In this county, show hard fire fighting,
and people are struggling desperately to save their belongings. Many who
are not burned out have their effects loaded on wagons, , and are ready to
flee at any moment.
Strong West Wind.
A strong west wind blow nil night at
Salem, driving nway the smoko from
tho forest fires that had settled over
tho valley. Tho usual autumn hnzo
hung over tho landscape. Friday af
ernoon qulto a breeze had sprung up
from tho south, but tho wind shifted
Into tho weBt for fair wenther. This
increases tho danger of forest flros
spreading ovor groator areas, and, as
the burning timber mnkos Its own
wind, tliero will ho great damago dono.
O. R. & N. Wires Down.
Tho telegraph wires on tho Orogon
Railway & Navigation Company lino,
out of Portland and up tho Columbia,
woro down this morning so badly thnt
all tolographtc communication by that
routo was cut off. It Is known thnt
sonio Important brldgos havo baon
burned by tho forost flros.
Salem Man In Danger.
Prof. Dakcr, principal of tho Lin
coln school, South Salem, who has
been with his family in tho mountains
on tho coast all summor Is duo nt Sa
lem Monday. Ho started to drive
over, It Is thought, and as most of tho
way lies through tho forests, ho may
havo crossed some of the burnings,
and may havo had sonio troublo in
avoiding flros. Ho dilvos n pnlr of
valuablo horses, and Is a good woods
man, and will doubtloss get through
all right.
Fires Up the McKenzle.
(Capital Journal Special).
Eugene, SopL 13. Chester D, Ed
wards arrived down from his niuu
River ranch, and reports small flros at
numerous points along tho McKenzle
road, most of them being In tho opon,
und not destroying much timber. Rut
thoro Is ono flro just this side of Hon
(1 ricks' ferry that Is causing consldor
ablo damago. It burned a log chuto,
and qulto a numbor of logs for Mr.
Dodson, and hns destroyed over $500
worth of timber for O. Nettlo, tho log
ging contractor.
Everything Is so dry thnt tho flros
spread vory rapidly, and tho only thing
that will stop tho biggest ones Is a
good soaking rain.
Webster Kincald wrttos tho Stato
Journal from MaKonzIo Urldge, under
date of Septombor 8th, that a moun-
m ill nil n ii ii MH-t
No Old Stock
to Work Off
Everything we carry Is j.
smart and right up-to-date. J
You ncVQr found anything olse
In this store.
.The stylish and nobblost goods I
find their way to this store and T
tho prices will pleaso any slzo I
Wo aro showing now Fall Suits
at 10', 12, 15, 18, 20, 22.50 and
every Suit guaranteed.
Commercial St,
v A 7 Xp 'i
tain flro Is raging two miles above that
placo on tho north sldo of tho river,
Bovoral miles In extent. Thoro Is u
largo flro on tho upper pnrt of tho
South Fork, also above Uolknnp
Damage Large In Lincoln County.
(Capital Journal Special.) ,
Newport, Sept. in. All dangor from
forost flros In this section Is ovor. lie
portB from tho country nro coming In
slow. It Is Imposslblo nt this tlmo to
ostlmnto tho amount of damage,
which will undoubtedly bo largo, as
tho rango of flro covors much terri
tory, oxtomllng Trom Ynqulna up the
coast to near tho Sllotz river. It Is not
known how far Inland It oxtonded. In
this Immediate vicinity tho dnmngo Is
light. Tho atmosphoro Is cool, but
still donso with smoko.
Damage Done In Douglas Small,
(Special to Capital Journal.)
Roseburg, Sept. 13. For three days
Roseburg has had n Pittsburg appear,
anco. Sevornl small flros aro reported
In tho southern portion of tho county.
No grent loss or danger Is fenred.
Lane County Fires.
(Capital Journal Speolal.)
Eugene, Sopt. 13. Tho Dooth-Kolly
Company has tho flro near Wondllng
undor control. Tho loss Is probably
$8000. Flros up tho McKenzIo and
Quartz crook aro burning much timber
and foncos. It Is impossible to ofltl
mnto tho damago. Chapman's saw
mill, at Codar Flat, barely oscapod de
struction. Great Flreo on McKenzle.
(Special to Capital Journal.)
Eugene, Sopt. 13. Tho following Is
from a lottor written by Wobstor Kin
cald, at McKonzIe:
"It might bo of Interoat to Eugene
pooplo to know thnt tho wholo McKon
zlo country Is on flro. Two miles nbovo
tho Log Houbo Hotel, on tho north
sldo of tho river, a mountain of flro Is
raging soveral in 1 1 oh In length. On tho
uppor part of tho South Fork of tho
McKonzIo a largo flio has boon raging
for ovor two weoks. Also abovo tho
Uolknnp Springs on tho McKonzIo Is
another largo flro. Prooably tho dam
ago win nguro into tno minions or
more. Thoso flros nil probably could
havo boon easily oxtlngulshed wliun
thoy first appoarod, hail somo person
engaged for such a purpose boon In tho
vicinity. Thnt tho government made
a mlstako when thoy discontinued tho
forest rangers hero will soon be" an ac
knowledged fnct.
"Right whoro tho flro Is on tho Up
por Rivor Is somo of tho finest tlmbor
I have ovor soon, and If a rain does
not oomo soon tho wholo country will
bo n fire. Frlzzoll's ynrd Is oven now
scorohod by tho hot broozos which
blow from tho mammoth conflagra
tion." Forest Reserve Burning.
(Spoclal to Capital Journal.)
Albnny. Sept. 13. Tho forost Is on
fire In sovon or olght plaoes botweon
Swoqt Home and Fish Lake; In ono
placo only In the forest reserve. Elev
en people were driven out of Rig not-
torn. Two families, exeopt tholr hus
bands, are yet In there, nnd are noarly
surrounded by fire.
Coos County Escapes.
(Special to Capital Journal.)
Marshflold. Sent. 13. Coos county
so far as known, escaped serious tlm
ber flreo, though slight fires havo oc
curred. Thj county is enveloped In
dense smoke, hut the largest timber
owners report no loss.
(8pecal to The Journal.)
Astoria, Sept 13, The stoamer Co
lumbia left hora Friday morning for
Portland, and, owing to the dense
smoke on the lower rivor. soon lost
her hearings, and at last accounts was
fast In the rnud somo distance above
her starting point
Portland In Darkness.
Portland. Sent 13. Flros all nvar
I the state are spreading, with the
that many live will be
it The
sUuatlon in the Gresham
and Tioutdalo districts Is desperate,
as It Is also at Orogon City. Most of
tho logging enmps of tho lower Co
lumbia rlvor aro burned." The wholo
country Is a soa of flames. Farmers
aro spending slooploss nights fighting
flro. Smoko Is donso and ashes are
falling. Tho darknoss In tho city ne
cessitates the iibo of lights.
Timber Burning on Sides of
Corvnllls, Sopt. 13. A wldo oxptmwj
of tlmbor on tho south Sldo of Mary's
Peak and on Grass Mountain, In tho
snmo vicinity. Is burning, somo of
which Is reported to bo tracts recent
ly taken by tlmbor claimants.
Another section, about 10 miles
south of Corvnllls, Is also on fire, and
Is reported spreading.
Fires that threatened Summit, a sta
tion on tho Corvnllls & Eastern rail
way, havo been driven back by tho
efforts of Uio Inhabitants, and tho sit
uation there Is better. It Is not bo
lloved that any ranchers havo suffered
seriously, and the loss Is confined to
tho tlmbor only, for which estlmntos
cannot bo made.
$100,000 In Clatsop County.
(Special to Capital Journal.)
Astoria, Sopt. 13. Whllo sovernl
small flros aro burning nt various
places on the south sldo of tho Colum
bia in the vicinity of ABtorla, thoy are
all undor control, thanks to tho shift
ing of tho wind to tho wost, and tho
damago has not boon hoavy. On tho
north shore, noar Oak Point, and
Sknmokawa, tho flros aro still burn
ing, nnd tho loss will ptobably nggro
gato $100,000.
Enormous Loss In Clackamas.
Orogon City, Sopt. 13. The loss by
flros In Clackamas county cannot bo
OBtlmntod nt thld tlmo. Tho dnmngo
Is onormous, nnd will loach Into the
thousnndB. Mon loft tho city thin
morning to nBcortaln tho extent of tho
loss. Lnto loports Bny that tho entire
Sprlngwator country Is gono, nnd thnt
tho cook houso, bunk houso nnd tents
nt tho now powor station of tho Ore
gon Wntor Powor & Railway Co. aio
Attornoy Drnpor enmo In this morn
ing from tho Englo Crook districts.
Ho says that thoro are fires on each
sldo of tho Sprlngwntor rldgo, nnd aro
traveling nt tho rate of two miles nn
hour, nnd nothing can save thnt sec
tion from destruction. Green timber
Is burnod olonn. Tho flro wns so bril
liant thnt flno print could bo rend two
miles uway. Tho wholo countryside
hns united to fight tho flro. Many
brldgoB nro burnod out. This after
noon tho nlr Ib damp. Thoro aro
signs of tho atmosphoro cloarlng. Tho
pooplo nro moro hopeful, nnd think
tho end Is in sight
Miles of Forests Ablaze Bridges and
Trestles Burned Lives Lost.
Tncomn, Sopt 13. Flros contlnuo
throughout Eastern Washington, with
no possibility of abatement until rains
como. Six llvos nro roported lost
All tho Northern Pacific brldgos and
trostlos near Elma aro burnod. Tho
forosts In Cowlitz nnd Clark counties,
along tho Columbia, nro ablaze.
Tho towns of Rayvillo und London,
In ChohallB county, aro dostroyod.
Thirty Bquaro miles of Mason coun
ty Is ablazo.
It Is Impossible to get details from
Grays Harbor.
Mrs. W. M. Stewart, Wife of the 811
ver 8enator of Nevada,
San Franolsco, Sopt 13. Mrs. Wil
liam M. Stowart, wife of tho Unltud
States sonator fiom Nevada, was
killod Friday in an automobile acci
dent Mrs. Stownrt, with hor nephew,
Honry Foote, nnd H. II. Taylor, wore
ndlng ulong Santa Clara avenue, In
Alnmodo, Tuylor guiding tho muehlne
and sanding It along at high speed. A
vehicle approached, and Taylor
swerved the automobile In ordor to
avoid a collision. At that inomont he
either lost controj of the steoring ap
paratus or made a miscalculation. The
automobile ran Into a telograph pole,
and tho occupants were thrown out.
Mrs. Stowart struck on her head, and
was carried in an unconscious condi
tion to a sanitarium iu the vicinity,
where she soon died. Footo and Tay
lor escaped with minor bruises
Taylor is a cousin of Frederick
Uenodlet, who was recently crush wl
to death under his automobile In Now
York. Mrs. Stewart resided at Wash
ington, I). O. She was visiting her sis
ter, Mrs, Louis Aldrloli, who lives hi
(his olty.
(Mn. Stewart bfor her marriage
was a Miss Foote, a daughter of llaury
Stewart Foote, governor and United
B tat os senator from Mississippi be
fore the Oivll War, and who during the
'50s spent some years In California.
Senator and Mrs. Stewart have sever
daughters, oae of whom Uvea la
New York City.)
fm 1 1 wJm
A, M4 rB
A Circuit Court Decision That, Unless Reviewed By the
Supreme Court, Will Hamper Board of Trade Op
erations By the Most Extensive Speculators.
Chicago, Sopt 13. Judgo Chytrus,
of tho circuit couit, today dealt n tol
ling blow to tho formntlon of cornors,
when he made pormanout 40 injunc
tions restraining tho board of trade
from paying out margins put up by
tracers In tho Pntton oats doat. Ho
hold that, whllo no law prcvonts cor
ners, und tho establishment of profits
and fictitious prices, tho law can, nnd
will, prevent payment of margins be
yond fair prices. In addition to prac
tically prohibiting tho formation of
Three of Train Crew Killed
Many Injured
Donvor, Sopt 13. A Santa Fo enst-
bound paBBongor train collided with n
freight train running at terrific speed,
10 mllcB west of Denver this morning.
Engineer Ucmhnrt, Fireman Edward
Pettlnglll and Unggngomnn John Rog
ers woro killed. A. Stownrt was so
rlously Injured. Mnny pnsBongors
woro moro or loss Injured, but In tho
confusion tholr nnmoa nro not yet as
coi tallied.
Spilngflold, Mo., Sopt 13. A St
Louis nnd San Frnnolsco passongor
train collided with u fast freight near
Republic this morning, killing Fire
man Hebo, and fatally Injuring En
glncor White, and seriously Injuring tho
othor englneor nnd fireman.
Releases Large Holdings to Relieve
the Financial Situation Stocks Had
a Hard Time to Maintain Values.
Washington, Sopt. 13. Secrotary
of tho Treasury Shaw announced UiIh
morning that ho had made arrange
ments to roleaso $4,000,000 of treasury
holdings, by dopoBltlng It with nation
al banks which possoss free or un
pledged bonds. Ho has also decided
to antlclpnto tho October Intorost for
$4,250,000. Ho declnros thoro Is no
ronoon for alarm over tho prcflont con
ditions. Thoro was a squcozo on call monoy
In tho Now York market Friday, and
tho tronsury lu coming to tho relief of
tho situation vory vigorously.
AbUIu from tho squeeze In call
money, tho monetary outlook general
ly was dlsqulotlng. A forecast showed
further heavy losses of cash by the
banks, the greater part of It to tho
subtreasury, which paid out ovor
$440,000 for pensions, nnd almost $2,
000,000 for gold, also transferring
$160,000 to Now Orlonns for crop pur
poses, but thoso operations will not
show In tomorrow's bank statomont.
It was understood that tho heavy loss
In tho surplus rusorvo had boon mot
by n cnlling lu of loans. Roports of
approaching Imports of $0,000,000 to
this contor and Iloston wore not confirmed.
Our State
We are now preparing for the
greatest fall season's trade we have
ever had In the history of our 23 years
of merchandising In the olty of Salem.
Ffmr 1irrnr
fe Your gray hair shows yu
F should use it unless you
like to look old I
corners, tho decision takes nway much
power that has always been vested by
boards of trado In tho committee ad
judicating margins. Tho court says ad
judicating upon tho rights of property
botwoon man nnd man Is a sovereign
governmental powor In this country
Inhoront In tho people. Only Individ
unls deeming thomsolves agrlovod In
regard to their property havo a right
to apply for rollof to establishing
courts of justice. Tho decision, In re
ality, If uphold by tho supremo court,
forever nbollshcs corners.
New York. Reps. Plan Campaign.
Now York, Sept. 13. Senator
Piatt's leaders and prominent Itopubll
cans nro this afternoon holding i
meeting In tho Fifth Avenue Hotel to
nrraugo tho dotalln of tho coming
stato convention. Tho chief Interest
nnd point of discussion centers on
whether tho plank endorsing Itooso
volt for president In 1004 shall bo put
Into tho platform.
Hanna Takes a Holiday.
Now York, Sept 13. Mark Hanna
this morning began a two-days' holl
day, as tho guost of Clement Grlscom,
who Is toT)o tho president of tho Mor
gan ship combine, on tho lattor'r.
yacht Affairs of Importnnco nro ex
pected to bo discussed, especially leg
islation bearing on tho ship subsidy
nnd tho Pnnnnia canal.
Oil Fires Dying Out.
Iloaumont, Tox., Sopt 13. Tho oil
fire enmo to a standstill nt noon. Ono
naro nt Splnglatop Heights Ib a mass
of flames. Forty derricks woro do
stroyod. Oil being withdrawn from
tho bottom of Hlgglnson's 37,000-bar-rol
tank will In tlmo starvo tho flames.
Tho Texas Flora gusher Is still ablazo,
throwing the flames 80 foot high.
Schley Is, Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
Iloston, Sopt 13. Admiral Schley
has arrived homo from his summer's
vacation In tho Whlto Mountains, and
said, whon Interviewed: "I hoar not,
and soo not, my lips nro soaled, To
mo tho navy Is a thing ot tho past. Af.
tor n life of sorvlco I am out of It, and
don't know It"
F. X. Matthlou, of Duttcvlllo, was In
Salem today, and says ho romembors
only ono darkor time In 1840 whon
Mt St Helens was In oruptlon. For
threo weeks pooplo could not soo tho
width of the road In daytlmo, and the
Cowlitz rlvor ran red, as though tinged
with blood. Thoso who nro living and
romembor tho condition sny this for
est flro smoko Is not a circumstance
to tho obscurity thon, nlthough all day
Sunday tho sun resembled a ball of
fire, and nt night tho moon was not
vIbIIiIo. At mnny places Friday In Ma
rlon county n quarter of an inch of
ashes foil.
Pop Corn Crisps
154 State St., Fflone 2874.
Fair Opening.
Of the latest styles lu Silk Waists,
Bilk Skirt. Walking Skirts. Jackets
and Cope, Misses' and Children's
Dresses, Suits and Wraps.
Next weak, will be one qt usuul
Stnt Fair fljiUiijsIoam,
The Big Store
Every day will ho an oponlng day.
New Goods
are Coming
Every Day.