"F r"fpTfJH HTVAI is; m w BFv! sna r. w- - H if m 1J M t .in "i V. ;H H. i' ji kt $ i w OB m fcS353E3j8SH ISWPBBBBHBMF r-? v TU Tppoma flKfl9BKHEEj33&J ill KBH Wifli China Closet com' bined are the latest thing for Dining Rooms, Sec what we are showing in this line, 2k J3C , il.i. nnM'f 'Wli "liJiill lii'l I H MP THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OflEQON, MONDAY, 6pYEM8Er S, 1963. HnMMMHHMWWWMMMffiinMM Regain Health. During the part (lily years hundreds p aickly people have been restored to helth by tbo use of Iloitottor's Stomach Bitter, nod will do the sims or you today. Try a Dottle It will be enough to convince you of its wonderful value ia cure for Dizziness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and General Weakness. Tii gei.umu has our pri vate Stamp orer the neck of (ho bottle. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTER'S THE DAILY JOURNAL f -8 I II i I II I i H i 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 H-4-1 !IHIImH Oregon Blue Ribbon 111 STATE FAR IBB i Salem, Sept. 15tn-20th, 1902 I Membera Northwest Afternoon Newa- paper League. BYHOFER BROTHERS. Dally One Year, S4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Montha, J1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Centa Per Month, weekly One Year, SLOP In Avance. Will Bo Bter and Better Than Ever. CASH PREMIUMS ON EVERYTHING Send for Pemlum List. ;;W, H.Weiiruiur, M. D. Wisdom, Prcs,, Hlllsboro, Or. Sec, Portland. -H-f -H-HrH-f-H HI I 1 1 1 Ml t IHH H I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I H H HI t M I Harvester sand Hoppickers Supplies Shoes that are serviceable and cheap 50c Ladies' Button Shoes, sizes 1 P2 to 3 12 inclusive. 75c Children's Button Shoes, sizes 13 to 2- good heavy goods. Gloves In great variety, from 17c to. $1 ,50a pair, Men's Shirts, worth 50c, for 39c. Ladies' Shirt Waists, only 25c each, Good Underwear, only 45c. ; Millinery Department just opened up witli all new Fall Stylel Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Noxt Door to the Postofllco. ELKS NOT WITHOUT LADIES The bnnd of Biles that took tho soats In tho body of tho Grand Opera House Saturday night would havo rnado a far flnor appearanqo If each ono had boon accompanied by a lady, or two or three ladles, Tho impression was given that thoy had no ladloa, or had parted from their Bocloty temporarily, and woro giving; a atag Uicatro party. Such was not tho caHo. 13vory Salem Elk has 'a lady or two. Ho has a wife, sUtor or Hweothoart, Just tho same as other porsonn of tho Jnalo nix. Many KlkB did not Bit In tho Beats reserved for tho drill team, and nil of Huch had their ladles with them. If ovory Klk In tho city had walked In with ono or two ladles, tho oncra houso would not havo hold tho crowd, and tho public would huvo aeon that thoy nro not only tho finest looklnp crowd In Orogon, but have tho hand BorneHt ladles In tho city among their wives, sisters and sweethearts. o ROOSEVELT AND THE TRUSTS. In a gonoral way I'reoldont Roobo volt 1b opening up tho trust question oh a polltlcnl Ibsuo, and, whllo he thakoH hlmsolf unavailable as a can. dldato, ho Is helping his party. Thoro Ih an Impression among tho pooplo thnt tho party Ih trying to dodgo dlBcusslon of the BiibJccL Tho prosl dont Ir not hurting hlmaolf Intention ally, and Ih pursuing a conservative courso. His proportion to havo nn amend ment to tho constitution of tho Uultod States is n safo ono, from a party standpoint It glvoo tho pooplo and the loglslnturo something to chow over. Tho Indications nro that tho prosl dont will not go far enough to' satisfy tho peoplu, and yet go too far to mnko himself nvallablo ns a candldnto with tho party managors. who do not wlnli to broak with tho trusts. I down AS 'an nltlnm fiiAl hnnlfn nrn mitvJ I to comdas Btorras In a molstureladon atmosphere. Tho waves of prosperity and depression have succeeded each other with pretty uniform regularity In periods of from seven to ten years each, but betted systems may make them less frequent Tbo greatest strength of tho com mercial situation In our qottntry. lies In tho fact of tho enormous, consum- Ing power of tho masses of tho Ameri can people their money-spending dis position making them the freest buy ors among themselves Jn tho world. The not greatest strength of otir Coun try In a business way lies In tho enor mous productiveness of American la bor, which accounts for tho successful extension of American manufacturing. The latest roports Bhow August ex ports fliirpassing nil previous records for that month, and for tho first seven montliB of tho year, compared with other years. It Beems hnrd to bollovo that disaster can overtake our couhtry In any form, tho Journal does not recommend spc'ctilatlvo InvoBtmonls In npy lino of Interests, but bolloves ft reasonable expansion of all legitimate linos of business Is safe, and to be commended. Tho country will grow rapidly in nil directions. Oregon will, In tho next 20 years, bo flllod with n now population. Manufacturing and banking, transportation and produc tion will bo doubled and quadrupled, and tlioso who carofully secure favor able locations In any lino of business are sure to renp a harvest. General Debility Day in find out there is that feeling of weakness that makes it burden of Itself. Food does not strengthen. Bleep does not refresh. It Is hard In do, iiard to bear, what should be easy, - vitality Is on the ebb,' and the whole system suffers. For this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes tho blood, (fives vigor and tone to all the organs and functions, and Is positively unoiiinl)(Hl for all run-down or debilitated runilltions. JloOti'i 11LDI ett'r cornUp.tloa. oobUT CHICAGO STORB 'W A -i. J. - pE0PLE.g BARGAIN !ldU9G. 19 the aakeu us cice THE PEOPLE'8 APPRECIATION. mv tire rower which drives onward the Cbleago Store, II j"rmeiX n KffCTerlb.,l Specials for Monday and Tuesday Only Auction To Close Business Will soli on Saturday, Soptombor Cth, furnishing goods, clothing, stationery, oullery and noUonn. Tuosday Boptatnbor Oth, will soil ohlldron's underwear, hoslory, lacea, notions, blankets, buttons, trim, mlngs, ota. On Thursday, tho 11th, dry goods, Ittdloa and gonta furnishing; goods. Saturday, 13 th, salo of clothing, blankets, notldns, etc,! nd thereafter during tho month on overy bualnoss day auction At 10 a.. in. nnd 1 p. ni. NotJoo will bo. glvon when wo aro to soil tho furnlturo. You can also got bnrgalnH at prlvato sa la until ovorythlng Is disposed of at 307 Commercial S, Friedman, Auctioneer, mi ft JrmJ ill VUwv !i Jarr ",liiiaM fVAATL Bbsbw f 1 JrmmWOr BasaBr Vagge R. M. WADE & CO. -mil r Win nan iiwm 1 111 THE COMMERCIAL 8ITUATION. With tho sottlemont of tho grent qan minora' Btrlko In Ponnsylvanln will bo Inaugurated an ora of compara tive commercial poaeo. with nn oncom ing hnrvoBt of unusual heaviness. Tho corn crop thnt was ovor ahllllon bush els short Inst year, will this year go to tho othor oxtromo as much, and check the advanco In tho prloos of meats. Hut It la not likely that tho supply of llvo stock will bo recuperated sum olontly In tho coming- year to lower prlcos very much to tho producer or consumor. Ho tho predictions of a cotmnorolal urlsls from Kuropoan polltlonl econo mists hnvo not boon ftiiniled, and It seams more llkoly thnt n llnanolal cri sis will prostrats Kuropoan countries beforo It reaches tho now world. In dustrlos havo withstood tho offeot of tho great strike, and nil tho sympa thotlo Btrlkos, and tho only danger thai etnrcB tho country In tho fnco might nrlBo from forolng business in arti ficial chnnnols nnd ovorcapltnllzatlon of seourltlos. In certain linos of flnan. olnl oporntjon tho country Is bolng flooded with unwarrantttd Issuos of watered atock. (lonornl Inflation Is taking placo. When ihoso corporation mtlntlonlsta attempt to force earnlnHa on these proportloa up to tho dlvldsud point they will com up nKnlnat factors Utnt cannot ho ullmluatud from tho prob lem. Competition has not yet boon en tirely dono away with. legislation la a power still to a oortaln extent In the hands of the pvopl. nnd to ho reck oned with. Tho Influenee 0f largo com merclnl organUntlons that buy trans- portation tends to koop down railroad earnlugB nnd stock-watering boyoud a aafo point Is bourn! to brood an unoor. tain and tbivatenlng financial ntmoa phero for tlioso engaged In It Here lies tho only possible Intlueuro to pr olpltate n "lllaok Krlduy." it la not to bo overlooked that th French ecouo mist of national reputation. Leror Doulleu, predicts a pnulo for th very reaaons Inside of 18 montha. The Kuumianoo of mony, tho onormoua production af now wealth by unnrooo- denteil crop and exploitations of the timber and mineral wealth of our eoua try. makes the mouny wipply morv plentiful than over before, and that teasons tho chance of a commercial oollnpso, although the Inflated pro cesses are alw&ya pt to be In ad vane of tho actual ruing tld of wealth in any country. It may bo set CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND ITS EN- EMIE8. An eminent lawyer of Haltlmorc. Maryland, John Henry Kccno, has re cently written nnd published a book let entitled "Christian Sclonco and Its Enemies,' 'In which ho condemns tho public attacks upon Rev. Mary Unkor O. Eddy and Christian Science. A representative of tho press called on Mrs. Uddy to Inquire as to her on dorsement of tho book. In reply she said: "Upon reading tho grand pre face of Mr. Keeno's hook, I laid It asldo from lack of tlmo Just thon, nnd sent .my compliments to tho nuthor wim an order for said books. After perusing his book thoroughly I changed my opinion, not of tho author's tal ents, scholarship and high Intont (al though I havo novor Boon him), but of tno advisability of publishing tho book, and Immediately rcquostod tbo parties to discontinue publishing It In Its prosont form of trentlng tho sub- Joct I did thlH, Bololy, booauso the author's vehomenco In denouncing tho pulpit's furious nttneks upon mo was not consonnnt with my Christian son tlmont. It Is wrltton or our great Mas tor, whoso life and teachings furnlsii my model, that 'When Ho was rovlled Ho rovlled not ngnln.' " Tho Metropolitan Museum has been In oxlstenco for many years, but Its period of most rapid growth has been In tho laBt deendc. The samo Is true of tho Institute of Natural History, and the two groat universities. The girls finally won out In Chicago. The messongor boys went on a strike and they woro roplacod with girls. The boys assaulted thorn on the streets, but the girls held their po sitions, nnd porformod as good servlco as the boys had porformod. Now tho boys have surrendered, and the vari ous companies have announced that thoy will retain the girls. It never pays to begin a war on the girls. There aro 1250 patients In the Ore gon asylum for the insano at Salem, of which number 881 aro males and 37C females, all of which Indicates that Oregon womon arc not half as crazy as are tho Orogon men. Eu gene Reglstor. What he meant to say was that only half as many women are crazy In Or egon as men. 10c hop gloves 4c. Ludles' 50c wash waists 2Ge. Ladles' $1.50 wash skirts 49c. Men's 3GC underwear 18c. Wrappers half price. Dig bed comforts 59a . Iilankots, good quality, 25c. Big blankets for big beds, 48c, CGc, 85c and $1.00, great values. Ladloa' $2.50 dress skirts $1.39. $2.50 rainy day skirts $1.50. Dig towels for 5c. rii-ess coods. outing flannels, cali coes, walstlngs and ginghams at ridic ulously low prides, All kinds of ladles', misses' and chil dren's hosiery nnd underwear at rock bottom prices. Wool opora shawls 4 Go, 7Gc, and $1.00, bargains. llest hair pins, package, lc. Bost beauty pins, each, lc. 10c poarl buttons, dozen, 4c. Best Son's silk, ball, 4c. Men's $1.00 felt hats 40c. SHOigrliNE amd union Pacific DKPAUt FOR The Store that Tells the Truth. McEVOY BROS., Proprietors. gSSin Umcftgo ItortUnd Special 9,-OOr. m Via Uunt-lngton JOURNAL X-RAY8. Baker county has stopped tho pay inont of bounties on coyote scalps. Tho Portland oxpo has finally boon located on Guild's Lnko, north of Port- land. Tho young men should rally to tho Salem PiibIi Club meeting Wednosday night. None of tho polltlcnl orators can hold a candle to Mount I'oleo for dead ly effects. Salem teachers nro In domnnd In tho educational, us well as tho matri monial, mnrkct Nobody Is complaining of tho out rage on child labor In tho hop yunls. nt 50 cents a box. Women's vicious gossip drove a 80 attlo woman to suicide. And now those gossips nro praying for her soul. If tho tlmbor Innd ring of OroKon! cannot switch Fnthor 8oholl-"dann nat os gftfioholir in Budwolser slung. Two now eolloges Incorporated at Salem tho past wook. All our oduca tlonnl Institutions prosperous without npproprlatlonH. Tho Smith family suom to be going Into n deollno. Only aOOO of thorn at. tended a family reunion In New Jer sey the othor day. Tho Newberg Graphic says tho proposition that Domocrats say that whllo they will continue to vote tho ticket by "Instinct," Is a hard baying, and leaves nothing to be said. It might bo added that a great many peo ple of other parties do tho same. A little thing like bolng run Into by nn electric car going 30 miles an hour, and having his carriage hurled Into tho nlr, and coming down on top of him, would not stop a stronuous mnn like Teddy Roosovolt from keeping his appointments. What did Tho Journal ever do to Dr. Darrln that ho Is having an artlclo of nbout a column crodltod to this pnpor prlntod In overy paper In .tho state? Well, it's a good ad for The Journal, anyhow. Dnllas will voto on Issuing $20,000 20-yonr wator bonds. Foolish proposi tions llko thnt should bo voted down, when the monoy can ho secured at home, nnd tho Intorost distributed among Oregon people. It will bo a llttlo out of tho usual order for Astoria nnd Portland to unite In making Scott or Fulton Bona ator. Still it would not bo too groat a stretah of courtosy. "Digging Up a Illblo City." In tho Soptombor Woman's Home Compan ion will bo of ospoelnl Intorost to Blblo students. It throws some new and startling light on tho creation. Thnt hoy In Linn county reported to bo turning Into stono,. reminds us that tho procos's with most people does not extend boyond tho cardiac organ. A subscriber writes that ho Is too poor to tnko any othor newspnpor, but ho cannot do without THE , woll you know what papor. Mokl Tea positively Cures Sick Headache, Indlgostlon and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of thn idn nm. dualug a perfoct complexion or money refunded. 25c. and GOc. Wrlto to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co. Buffalo, N. V. D. J. Fry. Drueelst. 0 Final figures on tho total British mil itary forces omployod In South Africa from tho beginning to tho ond of tho Into war shows 438,405 men. The final oasualtlos are: Killed. 6774; wounded, 23,029; dlod of wounds or dlsoaso. 1C-168. The New and the Old House will require Carpets and Wall Paper; In these things we excel in quantity, quality and price. Atlantlo Express 8:50 p. m. tI llnnt lngton fit. Psul " Fut Mali t:lSp. m,. via Spokane TIMB SCHEDULE! From Portland, Or, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. City, iu Lnuli, (jtucdgo anu east. gait Lake, Denver Ft; Worth. Omaha, Kanum City, Pt. touts, Chicago and Ei st. wlni Walla?Lewlston. Spokano. Wallace. rU man, Mlnneannlls tit. Paul, Dnluth, Milwaukee Chicago, and Eaei, AKRlVr FROM 4:30 p m 8:10a. 1 tm , 72 HOURS .; PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Cbacje of Cars 72 OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Prom Portland' Sp, m. excer 1 AJLB.J L1WU n n u 1 K III CD Dailr MPt Hundar 8 p. in. Paturdsy 10 p. m, All sailing dates subjoct to cnango For an Francisco Hall every 6 days COLUMBIA H'VKIl ToAstorla nn War Landing) p. ui p. m. 308 Commercial St ,Store at Salem and Albany. Next to P. 0. Brewster & mUbtte Feedmcn and Seedmen. Wholosalo and retail dealers In hay, grain, mill foed, Hour, seeds, etc. Highest prlco pnld for hay, straw and grain. Freo dollvory. Prompt servlco. Rollnblo goods. 91 Court St. Salem, Ore. A Lucky Find But It's hard tnjflnd nnythlnz hotter 'TlsncHBiof ho. lth and strength. Boar this In mind: there's nothing to equal Sulemhper as a tonic and mild stimu lant. Cooling, refreshing, r.ourishing, lvl ruins,lt isnporfect brow. 8trlct ly puro, of high grado and uniform in quality the beer par excollenco. Capital Brewery Co. Mn.M. Bock, Proprietor. WILLAMETTE RIVER Btoomor Ruth loaves Salem for Port lnndandwavIandins8 0uTiio(lav.Thitrn. days nnd Saturdays, nbout 7 n. m. For Corvallis vnd way landings, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at about 6 p. m. A. L. ORAIG, M. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. Act. O. It. & N. dock t'ortianu, un Jro. Palom. Or When time is in dispute Tho watch front C. T. Pomeroy's al ways decides. A watch from there is reliable. The name itself Is a guaran tee. Kvory watch sent out of this storo Is accurately regulated and can always bo dopendod upon. That's tho only kind of a watch to carry. A big stock to select from. Prices, silver wntches, $2.50 to $10; 20 year gold flllod. $10 to $20. C, T, Pomeroy Watchmaker sad Optician 9 Com'l9t Iv axge paterm elons A great many married men, nnd some young onw, find their wives In tho hop yards. That's whoro they con nnd a wife with monoy. Tho Journal seems to bo nbout the only papor In tho state that Is not full or timiier land department advertis ing. Draw your own Inference. The nam? of Dusty. Benton county, has been changed to Bell Fountain. From dry .o WW. always proper in the Willamette valley, says an exchange The popular fad aaema to be funer als from undertaking jmrlors. But tome people are so unreasonable that they would klok at being burled from any plae. It does mako you think we have different law for "paunar and ureal. dent," when ytiu see aft offller of the army resign Just because hU father criticised the president. e e The recent death, of Tlssot. the fa mous artiit. PttlU OllAlllInn .1.., ... -. tu .. ... 1. .. , IIWI IIIO IHWIl UriUllltttl Bill IlttAlllV nf Mill IbBt hfa n...ln.l cm .1 .-... anrl MiielmaUne KreSJSLffiSfe -"""'r "" "" - - t48IU -flUurIIUIUI 10 ad eured by Acktr'a EnflIh Rem.dv I ,,rooklu "" o( Art This fact .'iv. ,., I we Kins or all Cough Cures." Cure I ""w affoMs Illustration of the re- niliiude Supply CONSUMPTION Alwaya aeeka to fiml some expression for itself, and womaulv gratitude will not keep silence. Cynical ct)plc sometimes auy Why do women write these testimo nials to the value of Dr. 1'lerce'a Favorite Prescription? The answer can be put in one word, CmtHude. When, after years of agony a woman ia freed from pain, when the weak woman is made strong and the sick woman well, the natural im pulse ia to write a word of grateful thanks for the medicine which caused the cure. Dr. Pierce's Pa vorite Prescription cures diaeasea peculiar to wotHCH. It Mtahlidtea regu larity, atop weak ening drains, hoaU inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. HavtBj umJ Dr. ntret'a Avortte ITe oriptljo anJ 'Oetla Mtaieai uucoTcry' mSs Am ft jT, jm ii isi 'jnf.f I Mil A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast i'JiT'VW ) tnm ne of our ?.r..nnd el,coo meats, steaks, lamb or mutton chops, veal cut eta or pork Our meata are all cut from the fattest lWt,Je' Md wo can supply KuuUb,a w,th fre8h' nutritions and holewm meata at bed rock prices. B. C, CROSS SALEM ORB Phon 291 Remember, We Relaunder Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Bettor thnn now, our plant has heon onlargod, prices reduced, and wo nro doing 100 per cent bottor work thnn ever boforo. as can be attestod by our hundreds of woll pleased customers. A! woll dressed pooplo patronlzo tho Salem Steam Laundry, from Callfor nla to Portland. Our work Is second o none. Salem Steam Laundry Col- J. Olmsted. Pron. Dorous D. Olmsted, MQr. rnunc tM, oln , ,, . 01 --" iworiy oil Through personally conducted tou 1st slooplng cars between Portland and Chicago onco n weok, nnd botweon Og don and Chicago thrao times a wock, via tho Scenic lino. Through Standard slooplng cars dally botweon Ogdon and Chicago, via tho Scenic line. Through Standard slooplng cars dally between Colorado Springs and St Louis. Through Standard and tourist sleep ing cars dally between San Francisco and Chicago, via Los Angolos and Ei Paso. Through Standard slooplng cars and chair cars dally botwoon St. Paul and Chlcngo. Bo euro that your tlckot reads via tho Great Rock Island Route. Tho boat and most reasonable din ing car Borvico. For rates, folders and descrlptlvo lit oraturo wrlto to A. B. COOPER, Oonoral Agent, Portland, Or. BBlBlIIIIKIMMIIBHHailllB M 1139 n Solid the Year Round Tho Burlington's track was jg built for keeps. It la solid 8 the year 'round. Jj Burlington cars click over g Burlington rails ns smooth- B ly in April as In Soptornber. Q Burlington trains aro as sure to bo on time In May as H at In October. g S Soo for yoursolf. H Qo East via Salt Lake H M City, Donver and tho Bur S Hngton Route. It's the scon- B" lc lino. Lot mo tell you more M about It would bo glad to S3 3 do so. M 3 A. C. 3HELD0N, S General Arjent, H 100 Third SU Portland. Or. I aBiaialHIl!KlllllIIBH: ti iuiioirtbpttjrr, Leaj-, of f&Mta Vatlcy, Ittry thtUMjr rtcatuHKnd the ardf. vritlM Mn, Mattit 1. Ifualtu fr all lMt wrakacMra. I hair ucj Otf Prill ftifcUa HriiL- ---- 1 T'" f-" -r-- vhr anu uoius m a day.. 36 eenta. I aaarkab e growth of New York In this KfiujrKWVj:ttNf Th Brooklyn Institute la i. jnonjr Hrral twtu at Kavwft rntoripUeB' whkh I cmMr a gnl Utntug to weak wiwta t hom aa4 diUwiriJ tlut I karvUr kttr what ta do. Yww ktnd advk (or bom Mjawgset UllJ nte wgodttfuHy. Thank to Doctor lleroe'a Pleasant IVllets cure blKotniHesa, awl sick headache.- They mM hi ue4 i conaectloa with nPvorite Pra&artnttaa.a whonC-M- ih creation of that time. use of a Uunttiv it iudleated. ALL ABOUfYOUT nd for lnterlorrln.sK r,?0"0" faction of thtJSSI S'nr , U'e Sat,s Why not Ji!rr.V. nnd Wrons favor us with ,. r MmP'. nnd long NHtV"4 Uf 'y hus and aeaao! ," to Propor--t tint, yjf J- nrop ,n Ooodale Lumh- n- ' p. 0 Conrallls ft. EasteraR.R. NO 'Pnr Vme.Card NO'20' no. m For Yaqulna: rVoa ill)any 12HB p. m. Leaves CorTftinB ,!r J. Arrive v;,-.'"" f8?-" ' "' No. in7i.,A.ra 5!3Bp- m. rllGa Ja1una 7;00 a, m. testes?- "Mt-u Nc .3 For Detreit: "'" P m" Leaves Albany 1-00 d m Phono 651. WHOLESALE ANDRETATT RhIi. Harbor LJmo Bt ..j. t ., " - X J T.nnvAa n.i. 1. $5a 385 ::::::::,; ts hnntiJ .-T v fc w,ul " H. X. BOUth fed & " w? giving two or SSro or nQ befo TVaJn I8, BOrth bound tn. P- uSnar? co With the S. ins fi ! Oor,ma and A,,'any BIT- laceS!rbite,ca t0 Nwport and ad- otffin8,,!0,061'1' Breltenbush and at iyr1unia,n "wrts leaves Albany w&r? Fixy rrtdm t.Ti j uuu uounu train P. n ' reach,ne Detroit at r For further information apply to ns 61 Mali tHcWt; AlbtBy' Manager. tftfr. W B E memfmmm BeliaiaiWilW-AArt