MfciSMS THE AL. EVERYBODY BUSY". " ' , . THE WEATHKR. XJlIJlJ '.' '!VfK ff '". Every Mechanic and Laboring Man In Tonight and tomorrow, (air; probably cooler, r Salem Is at work. ,l . i . lh L WnB8jaWW!MB!WKi B 'k JOURN jL VOL. XII. X. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNE5DAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1902 . -A.i.. nun iiiiiiiwwh4hhii"1 ECEIVED The largest shipment of Shoes ever received in Salem. 139 -CASES OF SHOES -139 There were Just 2899 pairs BROWN'S MARK SS N SHANK and we have more coming. They're all from the Brovn Shoe Co., and bear the famous Are YOU going to wear a pair of them? Your neighbors know what thev are. because they've i worn them. It's time you were trying a pair if t you're interested in reducing your sh e bills. Our I Shoe Business is Growing! i There's a reason for it. Our shoes give satisfaction and we sell them at the closest possible margin of profit. We can af ford to sell cheaper than "regular stores" because we do a strictly spot cash business. The same busi' Hess methods thatdiave made our shoe department a success are applied to every department in the store. j Clothing, Hats, Rhirts, Hosiery jj UNDERWEAR and all kinds of ladies' and mens' :: furnishings. ii The New York Racket i; , SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE . PIUCE CASH STORE. E. T. BARNES, Prop'r. ROOSEVELT A ffl T COLLISION jflO. 182. Has a Narrow Escape from Being Run Over by an Electric Car. I President and Party Were Hurled Into the Air and Fell Hard With Carriage on Top The President Had a Marvelous and Providential Escapes Car Was Facing to See the Distinguished Party Lennox, Mass., Sept. 3. An electric,runnlna30miles an hour, struck the landau, carrying the president, Secretary Cortelyou and Secret Service Officer Craig; thlsmornlng, Instantly killing the latter, and slightly Injurinu the president. Roosevelt was cut and brulced, but Instantly sprang to the assistance of Craig. Cortelyou was uninjured. -H-H-fr t I I I I I II i H I I H- II I I I I I 1 I II I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I l Make Assurance Doubly Sure ""j You may be a light sleeper and an accurate ,,waker." but analarm clock will render it doubly sure that you do not over sleep, Wc have just received 100 Parker's a'arm clocks, solid cut steel pinions, rotary alarms, which promote durability and docs away with the big slot in the case always so great a dust collector. Thev arc certainly the very best wc have ever' seen at iheir prices, $1.25. SI, 50 and S2.00. Wc shall be pleased to 6how them to you. Details of the Accident. Lenox, Sept. 3. Lntor dotnllH say tho report or Driver Pratt's death are untrue. Ho Is still nllvc, but uncon scious. In addition to those lira mimed In tho party was Congressman Lawrence, of Massachusetts, who was bruised. Tho ear struck the carriage from the roar. Tho paity.was hurled Into tho air, the wreck of tho carriage striding tho president after ho fell. Coitelyou became unconscious. His flint question when ho revived was. "How Is tho president?" aovurnor Crane, Is now In bed. A military guard of four mounted men first gave aid, and wore asslstod by Secrot Service Agont Taylor and l'ostolllco Inspector Meyers, who wore In a second car ringo. President Hoosovolt was at tended by Dr. Lung, who was In the third enrrlago. Crulg'B body was found under tho car horribly .man glod. Driver Pratt Baw tho car and tried to urge hlB four horses ncioss, and tho moformnu attempted to stop, hut tho Impetus was too groat. At Stockhrldgo, whoro tho party was to have takon lunch, tho president stepped out of tho carriage plainly under groat mental distress, and told tho silont, assembled throng of tho no cldent, and paid a ti Unite to Craig, saying, "my faithful friend Is klllod." , Carmen Held Responsible. I.onox, Sopt 3. Motorman Mnddan and Conductor Kolly havo boon nr- rosted, as the pu&songors claim that the car raced down the hill to Inter cept and review the panning Uoospvclt , party. Barr s Jewelry Store Corner State and Liberty 8t. Leaders In Low Prices. When time is in dispute Tho watch from C. T. Pomoroy's al ways detldos. A watch from there Is icllablo. The name Itself Is a guaran tee. Every watch sont out of this store Is necuiatoly regulated and ean always bo depended upon. That's tho only kind of a watch to carry. A big stock to Heleci from. Prices, sllvor watches. 52.50 to $10; 20 ear gold tilled 10 to ?20. G. T. Porneroy 8 On I St. W-itehmkr and Optician Driver Dies from Injuries. i Lonox, SepL ,3. Drlvor Pratt died from hla Injurious. Tho prosldqitt la greatly grjovad over Craig's denth, tho latter boing a personal friend, o Explotlon of Oil Works. Now York, Sopt. 3. A torrlblo ex plosion occurred in the oil works at Wlldanibburg this evening. A do.en people are reported killed Have Vou Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? He absolutely cures cancers, tu-i eases all without the use of tho knife mors, gravel, kidney and blarfder trou- orpolsonoua minerals or mineral of bles, bone diseases, asthma, skin dls-any kind. - ' - Instructions. My Dear Friend: You must bear in mind that this medicine Is not a poisonous tonic, nor a stimulant, nor a temporary relief, which you get from poisonous drugs, where the results are sure death soon er or later. .Those poisons go In your bones and destroy the life of them and create all kinds of dlsoases, can cerous tumors, consumption, dropay, bon.o diseases, etc. Do not blame the medicine when It takes an effect and stirs up the poisons or disease In the system. You must uot expect to be rurml In a few days, for your sickness or disease has een a long time com ing on. and It will take a long time to get It out of your system. It will take months or a year to build up a new body from the bones up. This Is what tho people do not understand. They are used to being humbugged. My medicines aro composed of na ture's herbs what the human 'system requires. When the animals get sick they "will help themselves to Uiose herbs, for they have the instinct, and, the people have not, so we have to make a study of IL It has been a life study with me. Do not get weary; this life Is too short and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook cures all kinds of diseases Dr. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty St, 8a lem, Ore., Is the man you ought to consulL He la a natural doctor. He la descended from a line of Oerman herb alists; the beat physlcjans In the world. Thla Is hla fourth year In Salem, and scorea of patients and frienda can tes tify to his skill In their cases. ...... Read the Above Remarkable Cure. New York. Sept. 8. Henry Hunter, the ueuro who shot a number of no Ucmnejii, and wsHlre to his house in Quen Iorowh Mofulay Uht, In an flert teaar ajTMt, bM Wat - JalL In the ght between IlHHtar and those who tried to arrest htm. eleven poUeemen. three citizens and fiunter wife Were wounded. Mrs. Hunter, who helped, her husband in his effort to escape, was taken to a hospital where It U Mid today that she ia In a iarkwi eadtUB. Hunter waa badlr heate ia the strugf le when he waa caught SPECIAL ...PRICES Until October 1st To Introduce Our Up- to-Date Methods BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. A. M. HANOKOFT, Specialist jRPpT ralom, Or. Navel Orangeade bomettilnir Good to Drink at SQDA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. inmBHBMHiiMiiairoiiM Stock "Exchange Affected. ( KW York. Sent. 3. Tho narrow! es capo of President Roosevelt has had a decided offect on tho stock market checking speculation In a great degree Lenox. Mass., Sopt. 3. Tho prosl dent passed laBt night as tho guest of Governor Crane, nnd tho party 'left this morning for a 20-mllo drive to Lonox. At Plttsilold, Secretary Cor telyou received on urgent request from tho people of Canaan, 1C mlls further on, to ask the prosldont-lo innko a speech, but was obllgod to to 11180. The accldont occurred one mllo from Plttsilold, near a country club house, at no obscure rond crossing. Immcdl ntely uftor tho accldont was known a fresh carrlnge from tho club conveyed the proshlont to Stockbi Idgo. whore a npcclnt train was waiting. A Bpoclul guard on horseback, at the president's request, raced ahead, spreading tin news of tho accident to the paoplo who hud assembled to greet him, nnd nuk ing them to refrain from clioorlng. Craig had boon tho presidents per sonol body guard evor since -llooso volt took the onth of olllco. IIo was a noted athleto and a champion brood- swordsmnii. Tho president saw that tho remains of Craig wore cared for on Ills arrival hero, after which he retired to his hotel. Sucrotnry Cortolyou says tho accldont mnkc-s all prosont plans Indefinite. The Shah Had a Purpose London, Sept, 3. As the result of tho Shah of Persia's visit to Hngland, rearrangements of tho Persian llnnn cos has been accomplished, whoroby Huglish Influence In Persia, on which Russia latoly encroached, Is fully re stored. Kngllsh capital has taken up nil Persian Indebtedness. a Democrats Laud Bryan. Sandusky. 0., Sopt. 3. Tho -Demo cratic state (onvoutlou today reaf firmed and endorsod the Kansas City platform, nnd lauded ilryun. 3 ( SUfCiff S Wtr !L at M 11 a M a g THETHEHMOMBliiU IS LOW g a in the kitcheji, always whunyaa ' M m nteo lor cooking. .nu you uon i n have to worry over the riio in the m prieeof wood. It ia the i'Ui iur M excellence in the warm wwiher, B no bt. no aihea, uo dirt no duet, g Instead, comfort. cavenienc, g elranliaM, economy. Claa siovei g and mna of every sim and Mle m aoplieI br'he Slem Ua Liyht M C- inpany stt lowest prieea S SALEM CAS LIGUT CO. H DUama KJUt at fkAn.Utitm At. fi tmsmmumijtmmmttmzmmnmmm MONEY THAT WAS LEFT SALEM'S FOURTH OF JULY COM. MITTEE HAS AN UNEXPENDED BALANCE ON HAND OF $396.50. The general committee on Salem's Kourth of July relehiatlon held n meeting Tuesday night, whim the re ports of the seeietary nnd treasurer wen received, showing an unexpend ed bnlauce of f300.Ro remaining In the hands of Treasurer Merilman. Secre taiy Oinham's roiwit on the retelpU and dlsliuraements of the cehdnatlon fund showed the following totals- Amount collected on Hiibsoiip tlon tMM RtM-elved on H( count of fiort de of Liberty contest ... WM Reeivel fiom II. D. Patton, chairman. "HattlflMhlp Ore gon fund" J)U Total rclpU IHHpJMI DisburMinentf) a nr warrants In V. Merrlwan'H (treawir er) hands IbMit Balance cash on hand 1 S80.6O The members of the committee then diacuaaetl various propositions that have been suggested, as the moat de sirable way of egpeudlng the money In the Interest of the general public The result or the committer's deliberation was the apiolntmnt of suli-eouimlt tees as follews: To confer with the Marion Square Improvement Commit lev H. D. Patton, a II. Hinge ud W Merriman; to inveatlgate VTinml Uon (or iirovldlng WilUon avenue with seam, Hermann W. Rarr, O. A. I Murphy and J. 0. Orabaiw. I The general eommittee mt tot hold another meeting lu ahout a w$k. whR the sub-MramntMNi may be abha to report DEMAND CONTROL OFWATER California Democrats Adopt a Strong Platform Sacramento, Sopt. 3. The morning session of tho Democratic state con vention wnB taken up In reading re ports of committees. Nominations will bo made this afternoon. The plat form contains a strong Irrigation plank, demanding tho public ownership and control of water waj'B, asking that water rights may not bo sold apart from land for lrrlgntlo.n; nn Incronsed assessment on corijpptlons Is de manded; especially taxation on nan chlses; an eight-hour day, and Isth mian canal Is favorod, and tho trusts denounced. Tho platform Is Bllont on tho cur rency, Tho Kansas City platform de mands tho samo measure of liberty to the Filipinos as cltlr.ons of territories, and endorses the Chinese exclusion laws. Tho following woro nominated for congress by acclamatien: Thos. S. Kord, of Nevada City, first district; T. A. Dell, of Napa, second; Gaston Ashe, of San Dcnlto, sixth, and Win. Smytho, of San Diego, olgth. Oeary lias wlthdiawn from tho gubernatorial contest In favor of Jns. V. Coleman, of San Francisco. Indica tions are that Lane will bo nominated. ANTI SERVIAN RIOTS Hungarian Town in a State of Siege T VOLCANIC DISASTER AT MARTINIQUE ACTION AT FORT WRIGHT. Navy Meets with Another Victory In the War Game. Fort Trumbull, Con., Sopt. 3. Tho Kenrsarge, Alabama, liujlnn and Mass achusetts attacked Fort Wright at sun rise this morning. Tho India and Kent-Barge woro put out of notion by Fort Mltchle. Tho big ships concen trated their fire on Foit Wright, re ducing It. The army headquarters and slgnnl station at Fisher's Hill woro figura tively destroyed, aftor which tho ships In single column passed eastward to Fisher Island. Tho bombarilmetit was so heavy that many windows In Now London woro shattered. Attacked, Fort Rodman. Now lied ford, Mass., Sopt. 3. Tho navy attacked Fort Rodman at S o'clock this morning. Tho fog was so heavy that It was Imposslblo to learn tho Identity of tho ships, hut lhay woro four in number. After sovornl hours' filing tho licet moved off to tint eastward . Physio-Medics Meet. Columbus, 0 Sept. 3. Tho Ohio Physlo-Modhnl Assaulatlon bogan Its annual convention nt tho Croat South ern hotel todny, with n largo attoud- auco of members from the leading cities and towns of tho Btato. Tho of llcors in uhafge of tho convention, which continues Its sessions for two days, aie: Oeorgo W. Flory, M. 1)., Dayton, piosldout; T. J. Lyle, M. )., Salem, secrotary, and (1. ft. Scott, Ham ilton, treasurer. '(). C. Mlllett, a piomlnont funnel uonr Junction City, gives as his opin ion that tho whoat yield In his section will fall 2G per emit short of nn aver- ago this season. Tho hnrley on Mr. Mllletl's land yielded M bushels to tho aero, of which ho shipped GOO sacks to Portlnml yesterday Ho has harvested lti.ODO pounds of ryo grass seed this season, which Is ready fur tho market. Vienna, Sopt. 3. Tho rolgn of ter ror caused by nn nntl-Sorvinn move ment nt Agram, Hungary, continued during tho night. Torrlblo rioting oc curred, houses were flrod nnd con stant shooting wns kopt up from the windows. More than hnlf of the po lice force and 1000 rioters woro wound ed, many fatally. Peasants nnd stu donts arc demolishing houses and erecting bnrrlcades lu the streets. The town is In a stnte of sloge. In n street battle tills morning the troops wore ovorpoworqjl and put to UlRht. Dr.Eggleston, Novelist, Dead Falls, N. Y., SepL 3 Dr. Udward ICggloston, tho famous novelist, who wroto "The Hoosler School Master" and "Tho Circuit Rider," died last night In his cottngo at Lake George of apoploxy, aged 04. Ho was at one time tho editor of tho National Suiulny School Tenchor. nlso of Huarth and Home. Wants Negroes to Vote. New Orleans, Sopt. 3. Proshlont Gompurs, lu nu address bote, strongly denounced tho disfranchisement of tho negroes In the South. OPERATORS AND MINERS. WKnht Thinks He Has Oot at the Root' of the Trouble. Washington, Sopt. .1. Commission' or Wright's report of the anthracite Htiilto situation wns made public: this afternoon. IIo says the chief cause Is tho lack of mutual conlldonco between oporatois and miners. Ho suggests that the opetators concede a nlno-hour day for six months. Ho bollous a remedy for tho troubles would lie found by tho organization of a Joint committee of conciliation composed of operators nnd union roprosontntlvos whoso decisions should always ho binding. ' Strikers Feel Assured. Tamnquu, Pa Sept. 3. Rumois thai tho strlko wns about to ho Bottled strengthened tho sttikeiH this morn ing, loss men applying for work. No violence of any kind has occurred, and but little attention lifpald to the men going to work. Northern Pacific In Earnest. Tacoma, Sopt. 3. Tho Northern Pa clllc inllway lias absorbed tho Wash tngtou & Oregon railroad and its 30 mllos of new load from Kalumu to Vancouver, whence the Columbia Is to bo bridged, when tho new entrance to Portland In secured. Congress will bo asked for authority to In Idgo the Wil lamette iiunr Portland. II. S. Hull and family and Messrs. Geo. Gray, Ashaal Hush, Fiank Ilanltt and ftlnudo Hull have returned from nn outing In tho coast mouiitnliut. licit Iiuwltt has gone to Portland to accept n position with the S. P. Com pany. cv Han KianclBco, Sopt. 3. -Wheat, $1,131. IIIHIHIIHIHIH HI Htt4-I HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHf . Affairs of all Nations. Antl-Servian riots are renewed In Hunnary. Great Britain will not treat officially with the Boer generals. The latest eruption of Mount Pelee claimed 1060 vlctlmi, with 1500 Injured. A Russian loan of $200,000,0 0 at 3'2 per cent will shortly be laaued In France, Belgium and Holland. Nance O'Neill, the American actress, haa captured London audi ences, by her clever Impersonation of "Madga." Robert Burke, formerly under secretary of British foreign affairs, and recently made Lord Connemarra, died tonight. Dr. O'Donovan, of Baltimore, denlea that Cardinal Glbbona la dangerously III. He saya there Is nothing to cause alarm. King Edward has created a new appointment In the army service corps in South Africa, that of colonel-ln-ehlef, to whloh he has nomi nated the Duke of Cannaught. The Emperor and Empress of Germany havo arrived In Posen. In view of Pollah antipathy, extraordinary meaeurea for the aafety of the royal pair have been taken. Official atatlatlca ahow that 954,000 forelgnera vlalted Rome from January to June of thla year. The total revenue from theae foreign vlaltora la estimated at $70,000,000. A atrong earthquake ahock waa felt at Capano. Venezuela. Saturday a,t 9 p. m. It waa accompanied by a nojae whloh waa heard along the whole ahore of the Caribbean 8ea. The Czarina of Ruaala haa given premature birth to a child. The Court bulletin this morning aaya that there are no compllcatione. Ur majesty'a pulae and temperature are normaj, Signed Ott, court ,e couoheurt Hirach, court aurgeon. The private aeoretary to Sir Thomaa Llpton la authority for the atatement that .Sir Thomaa will laaue a challenge for the Amerlca'a cup. The challenfle wJH be made through the Royal Ulater Vacht Club. Japanese vesaela of Inspection returning from tho Island of Tor lahmfa report that the volcanic eruption q August 10-15 utterly de vastated tfje Jalaodj and that, nobody "pi) It waa left alive, Ovr 150 Inhabitant perished. The Mgntag's Revue, a Vienna semi-official organ, declares that Ptlnz FtftiXf Joseph will vlalt the King of Italy In Rome, In defiance of the Vatican,. ,He will wrtye to the PRe explaining that hhT vlalt Is neeeaaarv to-Austria's Interests, hut if the Pope proves- hostile, he will disregard him Catholics are much pleased. H-4-W-frfrfrr-fr4-frM-4 I It tHHHfrW-t Hiifl IHHIIIIIIH- 1060 Persons Were Killed and 1500 Injured , During the. Eruption of Mt. Pelee Paris. September 8. Tho minister of prilnnlna . minlin.1 1.A rti...iM I - " ' .vvunwu llU 1IVIIUW1U& fiom Fort do Franco this afternoen: "Kniptlons of Mount Pelc'o havo re commenced with oxccssiyo Intensity, and tho volcano has oxtended Its no tlvlty toard the Interior,' broailonlng Its radius by the dostnictlbn or Momo Rouro, AJoupa, lloullton, Momo Uon den and the villages of Rnlnt ami Ca pet Ilellevuo, which woro totally de stroyed on the 30th and 31st of Au gust. Mora than 1Q0O victims havo al ready boon found, 800 of whom aro dead, ami tho list will increase." Ilasso Torro, Island of Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Sopt. 3. It has been learned from tho gendarmes of during the last .oriintldun, of Mount Pelee. , According to an official account, tho eruption of August Jftthjas ono of the most severe that huabeoti experi enced, and Morno Rougo and a great phrt-orMjoiipa. TJuliron'iWere destroyed. Tho ':$nno between,4 tljf Rjvor Capolo nnd the Valley of Champ Florro nnd Fonda Mario Reino has been devas tated. Mount Caplolo suffered severe ly, and tho hills around Rasao Polnte were burned. - Tho gdVernor of -tho Islands is ar ranging for tho evasttntion of the northern parishes and (ho removal of tho Injured. Tho tomparaturo of Mar Unique Is reported" to he almost un bonrnble. Point Plotrlo, Sopt. & The Prenclt crulsors Suchef.nnd Tako are brine na Hl,t lalifHd nt 1n l..l...... ,1.m, 1Afn ..w .umiiu ui mm iiuniuu null, juti; ii uiaui i) .im."icu,uiiu iiijffl mu ijiiiikihk I'uicvnnawi-iur.iuiiL-u.iUiiu iuy injured r mo nwuiimiiiiiH oi mo uorincrn pan .,.j.. .. .. .i... ..,. ,j . ...-.-in m " ,.. Jot tlfe island tO'KortWPjjthqe. Tho previous signs oi pomp are growing. SENATOR QUAFS POLITICAL BLUFF Seeks Cto JMell the Republican Mpt By An s $ Appeal to the Coal Miners , a hint that a special session of tho Pennsylvania legislature, would be called in cn'tjo of fatlfirclty do so, and pasi law's not pleasfhg to tho opera tors. Fears for the defeat of the He- must end within two weeks, and Is .publlrnn candidate for governor aro snld to hove coupled his ilejuajiij with J sold to be tho cause. tKsaewHiMMaeaB Now York, Sept. 3. According to report UjSifj) todny JfpilorQClny Ifair IsmieVah ultimatum & tho sWnll road' presidents that the anthracite strlko WATER RIGHT SUIT Oyer the, Power That Supplies -' " . Two Towns The suit q.f t,luj Ujihm Light & Pow er Co. ;,vsf JtaJ"y 'wns hoiirifjiufora Judge ftolsd tOTajortnJunctftu. pro ceedings. Covert & Stopleton and J. K. Kollock. of Poillandi and?".Oiirion &J AdnniH. of Soloiii, apponrlng for plain tirf and Adams, of Sllvoiton. and Ring ham, of Salem, for defendant. It ap peared that the plaintiff corporation had a wntbr power to furnish light and power for Woodblfrn'-'hmKML AngeL I.lchty liullt u llood'dant to hold logs, nnd in the month of July, when Bltvor cieek runs low. he shut off the water supply of the light company, and liept the towns Hfvttdi b It ln tho mirk. The iirlnclpiu (Tuestlort. wiiien uio court took imdor advlsiuiient, after hourlng the orgiiment o cjuuiiBelt,wiis u.i,aii.ur yiiniilni! nnftha water fol' so long a time was a reasonable use of the water, us Llchty operated iu mo stream above the water power of the light company. A decision will be rendered later. Jeney Cow tor Sale-Tliree years old. soon f,ieh "'i '" """ "'"'" er IS" State strwit. or (Jhrden Road 9 3tf An Elegant New Resort On Tuesday ovonlng, M. L, Hamll ton formoly tho public his now roso'it, "Tho Oourt at No. 101 State street. Throughout tho ovonlng tho hinco was crowded Vlth Mr Ham llton's mony frlomls, who drnnlt tq tho health or tho fionlnl iirOfrlotor itnd tho success of tho new resort "Tho Court'1 is ode. of tho-most elegantly furnlBliod nnd fliiolyoqiilppcd resorts In the city, and evory dotall of the ar rangv'inenls has boon made with a view to tho full entertainment of tho visitors. Mr. Hampton lino nlways merited and received n liberal pat roungo during his mapy years' busl ness career here, and in ills new and modorn nppolntod homo, he will, doubt lees, continue to enjoy a full measure "of eonslilorillon at tho hands or the public Mr, Hamilton will fonttnitfi htt Maniple room on Commercial street un der the management of Clot Nush Cliff Mullen, an experienced mlxoto gjst. has been placed In charge of "Tlie Court." T " "FRE8H TODAY." Fresh Apple Cider St Zinn's Made While you Wait 154 State St-. Jnone 2874. HOP PICKERS SUPPLIES The mosj cxansive Hue in the cItC 25c Gloves 19o 65c Blankets 50c Wc mn out of the 50c ktnd wH ieH our 65c fine at 50c during hop picking. Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts, Wash Petticoats, at HaltBrice US a snap for the hop pickers to get a 50c garment for 25c; v$l fewrint for 50c; $1-50 garment for 75c.- - " . wtmimzJ JT