THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. I ii I ;. ' :i R. IT- 1 jF Chicago Store PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE UNDBERl6lN0vLa; For Friday and Saturdtfy only our underpHc'lni; IntotwHKUaflo uu blast.2 wfcry ualo maes our storo raoro popular,' W tUrnJd'lnlBivInVBOOd'toodB at tho lowest posslblo'pric i Wo lonvo no, ull stono un UUi a f cos to eut: patrons, k Read Our Prices Over Carefully, 11.75 ladlea inercorlxod undershirts, ' 1-uflled nnd fluted, 8Gc. $2.60 olcctrlo Boal.neok; collars, fl.85 Full size bod blankets, 25c. 11.50 Angora blankota for the double bed, Boft nnd fluffy, 8Cc. 90c comforts, good Yalues, G5c. $2.00 double bed comforts, sllknllno covered on both sldos, flllod with will to cotton, soft and fluffy, price $1.2S. 9c huck towols, spoclal 4 for 25c. 2.2S umbrolla crochot knit shawls, special J 1.4 5. Beat Guubonnots, lCc. Men'u 75c work shirts, best on earth, price 48c. Men's 35c Ilalbrlggnu underwear, oloalng prlco, 18c. 50 c' Bhlrt wolata, special 25d. 1.50 flno stylish waists, thls sea son's goodH, Bpoclftl 05c Men's bats at any price. Children's sailor ha to at any prlco. 7.50bI11c taffotii underskirts, ru filed and plaited, prloo f 4.76. Dost 200-yard spool cotton, 2a. Dost hooks and uyos, card, lo. Host tubular shoo laaos, lc. 3-Inch wide llnon lacos, 4o. 20c Florodora aldo combs, 9c. Tinat nnonl . nlllc. if.. 8 1-3 corduroy-sklrl blrfdjhig yd', Jlc, yuiuitL UUIIH, DUNBAR .; GIVE'S REASONS For Disallowing Mrs. 'Wag goner's Claim for $1500 She Claims Entire Reward for "Capture and Return. tr Mrs. i, 50c 25o. '8- CoBrt Street, THE STORE THAT TELLS THE .TRUTH. McEVOY BRQS., Proprietors. Salem, Oregon A GOOD QLA88 OF WINE. Of boor with your dinner or lunch eon not only aids digestion, but Is healthful nnd appetizing. Doctors roo ommond good clarot for thoso with weak digestion, and ovon tho I'opo hlmsolf recommends good wlno at din nor, when not drank to oxcoss, Wo have n splendid stock of clarots and (able winds of all hinds, In olthor Im ported or domestic vintnga, as well aa whiskies and brandies. J. P. ROGERS, 83F Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . . . Love's Leading Strings May load a man to bliss and hnppU nono, but tho road to our laundry' will lead him to u plnco whoru ho will ro coivo full nntlsfactlon In tho beauty of his linen, porcntoa nnd woolons, when wo put tho stamp of our porfoct laun dry work on It. Our flno laundry work Is unsurpassed for beauty of color nnd finish. Salem Steam Laundry Col. J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous D. 6lmsted, Mar. Phone 411, 230 Liberty St. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast tOr dinner you can onjoy from ono of our 'Under ana delicious meals. Bleaks, Unib or mutton chops, voal cutlota or pork. Oar meat are all out from the fattest and nrimoBtcattlo, and wo can supply your table with fresh, nutritious and wholesome moats at bod rock pilcos. H. C, CROSS SALEM ORB Phon 201 ALL ABOUT YOU. Uutlduru aro uslwr our lumber for outside work, for heavy construction and for lutorlor finishing, to tho satis faction of thoniHolvos nud patroiiH Why not profit by their example, and favor us with n call. Wo select only tho bout varieties of lumber, and our long oxporluuoo onnblou us to proper ly housn and season thorn. Drop In iitxt tlimt you'ro this way. Qoodale Lumber Co. Near S. P. Pas. Depot. Phone 651. In disallowing tho claim of Mnry Waggoner fof tho 1600 reward money f&r tho "capture and return" of David Merrill, Seorotnry of State Dun oar huvo reasons, Aiiur huuiuh wi facta of tho finding of the body nnd x rerrlng to tho Ming of Mrm Wnggoner'l) claim, and tho affidavit that had beep inndn In Its support, Mr. Dunbar In mi opinion on the claim says: "It seems ptopor to nlso consider In connection with this claim the nows paper accounts of tho escape and pu suit of tho two convicts and the fitnt monls published from time to time said to hnvo boon tnado by Trncy, the ap complice of Merrill, to persons whom ho forced to aid bin (Tracy's oscnp; it appearing from said Htatemonts that Trncy shot and killed 1Mb companion' Merrill to aid his own oscnpe. ' "In considering tho claim, the laiv authorizing the offering of ruwnrds and tho proclamation should first bo con sidered. Section ,1870 Hill's Annotatod Laws of Oregon, Is tho superintend ent's authority for offering n reward. It provides; 'Tho superintendent shall have authoilty to offer rewards and to pay expenses for tho apprehension, tmfo-hcopliiK and return of all osraped prisoners.' "Tho offer was 'for tho capture nnd return, dead or nllvo, of Ilnrry Tracy and David Merrill, or $1500 for enoh one. "Tho definition or tho word' 'rownrd' (Hindi's Law Dlotlonary) Is 'a recom pense or proinluin offered by n govern ment or an individual In return for us pedal or uxtrnnrdlnnry services to be porformed.' "Tho offer of reward for tho return of nu escaped prisoner Is In the nature of a contract which only becomes bind ing upon tho stnto when Its tartm are nccoptod and noted upon by some per son or poisons, who, with a view to securing tho mine, put form some of fort to nppreluuid nud let urn the es caped prisoners, or, lu other words, who tnlto Into oustody, make prisoners or nrrest by lupnl authority and re turn tlm prisoners, and who thereby tnko tho lisle nnd nssumn tho respon sibility necessnrlly Involved In tho do lug of Bitch nu act, nnd who do actu ally apprehend and return the t-tieaped prisoner "Tho lives nud property of tho cltl zona of tho stnto aro plncod In Joop nrdy when nu outlaw Is at large and those who sojek to capture or appre hend nnd retnlu him, often do bo nt tho risk of life or limb. The offering of n rownrd Is for tho purpose of In ducing persons to tnko tuono risks whlrh tire greatly Increased who'll tho outlaw Is known to be n dospornte man, nud well armed, and tho amount INDIGESTION, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Constipation or any other aliment arihiug from a weak or disordered stomach can be quickly and permanently enred by the use of Hoitotter's Stomach Bitters. It has a record of Ally years of audi cures bark of It, and we thereforo urgo every sufferer to try it, It will cUro you. The genuine has our Private Stamp over the neck of bottle. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. "Rheumatism What Is tho use ot tolling the rheunistlo that ho fuels as If bl Joints ware being dis located r lie knows that hli suffering are very much like the tortures of the raek. H'Aic h vnntt to know Ii what will per manently cure his illnonno. Thnt, ncvordliiir to thouisudi of grstefal tegumental, Is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly iitutrallics tho srld In the IjIihwI on wldch tho iIIdau diriHl. com pletely vllmlimtos It, and ktrviiKttleni the yntoui oifaliut Its rvturu. Try Hood's- T06KT0N T'he Between Season is Now Here ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A WINTER WRAP? We have our line of Winter Coats and Fure now on display. A finer line has never been shown In Salem. We are especially prepared In thee goods. All colors and lengths. Modes, tans, blacks and reds In full, three-quarter and half lenoUis. Our fur are the best money can buy, and we have only marked them at a small margin of profit WE WANT YOU TO SEE THESE GOODS It la no trouble to show them. Now la the best time to mako your selection while the stook Is still unbroken. of tho rownrd Is governed largely by the character of the) prisoner, nnd the manner in which his escapo has boon effected; hence. In ascertaining wheth er n claimant has earned the rcward It must be shown conclusively thnt the claimant apprehended the prisoner In accordance with tho provisions of Jnw nnd offer of reward. "Tho object for thu rowaitl far the 'capture and return, dead or nllvo, of Tracy and Merrill' was to secure their capture and return, or any one of thorn, to the Oregon stnte penitentiary, and If, In securing their return, It be came necessary to take llfo, thepor-j sons assuming the risk and responsi bility of capture1 should not bs de prived of their rowanl, so the offer specified the Amount should be paid for the capture and return, 'dead or nllW "The 'capture and 'return,' or appre hension and return are both conditions precedent to the obtaining of tho re ward, nnd to say that a dead body Incapable of resistance, doubtlefi killed by another person, nnd which the claimant status she found tins been (nptured, would be unreasonable and unwarranted. "f do not think the compliance with one specification of the offer could be construed as a compliance with all, or -In view of the fact thnt tho ontlre Hiun .offered for tho capture and return of the prisoner Is claimed that I could consistently allow the claim in part; but If allowed, must be allowed for the entire sum claimed, "If It should bo argued thnt tho re turn of the body of Merrill by the claimant Implied a rapture, then It must bo said that a oJalin cannot be paid upon Implications, but only up on positive proof that It Is a valid one and that the service has been actually performed and the amount legally earned. "In the matter under consideration, It does not apppear that the claimant knew of the reward (trior to the find ing of the body of Merrill, or that she had accepted the terms of the? contract as tender! In the offer, or that sh acted upon them or did any act or In any manner attempted to capture or apprehend thef escaped prisoner, so m to entitle her to the reward she now seeks to have pnld to her, or does It appear that she assume! any respon sibility or took nny risk whatever, or performed any special or extraordinary service. The IlndliiK of the bodv In dia claimant appears to have bean a more accident, which occurred prob nbly while) she was In pursuit of other huslueas, and this finding of the body of the prisoner after life bad Iwn taken away by another person, can In no sense In construe! as a capture; neither iIosm It appear that tke claim ant complied with the provisions of the law or the offer of the rwurd. "In view of the foregoing, after due consideration the rial mis hsrvby dla nlkiwssl, for the reason that from the facta ami evidence uffertMl. It doj not sen Ice claimed, or bykw wt In flmb service claimed or by her act In nml- I Ing and returning tke body of Merrill, I compiled with the prortaloai of tb law or the offer irf rward and la, therefore, not entitle! to tke nMtOHNt claimed, or nny part tkewf." Who is Jolm Davis? Ywtftjiilay c A WluU-riuclei band ml down his decision lu the -mm of State vs. John Dab Hssault. sm)s the ItuRvne HegUter. The defendant was sentence! to pay a Ane of B. with the alternative of senitur. n days In jail In lieu of the required sum Ifcvls was Ineniwrwtt!. A brother of the prisoner arrived frmn Salmti oa the morning train, aud will pnx-ewl tu pay his brother's fine Aeco-dltt u tke testimony adduced In the case, the Ha muli H)M)H Watts waa eowaNly sad uuprtmtkml, aud Duvts deserved (Me limit cit is Not Too Late For Wash Goods,,. ( Wash Goods, Slilrt Waists and Children's Wash ' Suits at Your Own Price . . , Hop Pickers' Supplies Blankets, galore. qultte, gloves and shoes We'll tell you later about our beautiful lines of Dress Goods, r$ne None Clothing and Elcuant Shoes. nicer or better In the market. 2.9.8300 Com'l St. 8URE CURE FOR PILES Itehlnu Piles produce mitlatur Aud causa ItchliiB. this form, aa well M Illlnd. llleediHK or Pnttntdiaa: 11U aro cured by Dr. lki-ann-ko's ll itew edy. stops Itching aad b!HHllHg. Ab sorbs tumors. Mr a Jar at dniggttts or sent by mall. Treatls frM Writ mo about your case. Dr. iL,uim Philadelphia, l'a. Kor saU at I)r I Stone's drug stores o The concentrator of the MohIihm or l'urchuslK & Smelting Vokef wn diwtrQjed by r TtiwnulHy abjbt. and 1M0 will be thrown oat of work The kw hi estimate! at ? 1M.MM. cot erl by lifJ.MO iHMraueA It vim tak. Mutf maaUui ta ralr the dattUMK. c Estray Notlee. NtlelftrvkfKin tMl I U UWu u' aud UiieotUhM tb MiuvriM jMrrlWd hIum1 CoMatl moHlsz t Uiw vrltiilu Uw i m- s tu. lLVitl IjMMk 3rHat Koa wHImmiI rattU TU himk- itt 14 aim tutu Uv ike ntm bjr KtiNit vrijr w4 HlrtaC t WtMt itiiK ( wd eiiMMtMi uf Uktuc af vitl kHiai , h.I ia dtftalt lhrMf hr Ax tit. I wilt MM! W Mtt Ike uU bImm1 itMUtatadU WILL BE IN JAN. TO SMOKERS OF THE (7IJBAH0I- 1 ri emos Ife fiFn U P 17 oriiU)s i v IBiiBMJi ws? fito W eSS-rel U,vt G, JACI HOW MANY CIGAR will the United States collect Taxes on during the Month of December, 1902? (Clgir betting Jj.oo per thouivnd tax ) $112 tOO OO wl1' be given in January '903. to the persons whose estimates pi..eSe)UUUU are nearest to the number of cigars on which $3.00 tax per thousand is paid during the month of December, 1902, as shown by the total sales of stamps made by the United States Internal Revenue Department during December, 1902. Distribution will be mado as follows i To the. To the. To the. To the To the. To the To the eetieeea e t eeteee. eee eee 'HO eeeeteee $5,000.00 in cash S.OOO.OO S.OOO.OO " 6,000.00 ' 5.000.00 2.BOO.OO 2,500.00 " 2,500.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 .(!) proa eMlmstlog the clotctt ..,...... .. 3 persons whoto estimates are next clowtt ($2,500.00 each)... . j n.-noua wuose cjiimiici nre ooxi ciommi -. (ipi.uuu.uu eacJl). ..10 persons vrhote eitlmates arc next cloCcsU ($000.00 oacb). . 20 persons whose esltmates arc next cIokbI ((290.00 oaoh) 23 persons whose eitlmates are next oloscit (8100.00 each). . SO persons whose cetimttea aro next closest iMOOO ,-nfihv To the,... 100 persons whose estlmstes are next closest (S25.00 each). To the. .8.000 persons whose estimates are next closest (I0.00 eacb).' To the .8,000 persons whose estimates are next closest (J5.00 each). To tho 80,000 iwrsous whoso estimate sre next closest we will send - to esch one box of 50"'Cremo" Cigars (value 5.50 per box) 75 000.00 35,213 poraons $142,500.00 Every 100 bands from above named cigars will entitle you to four estimates. ton. &SfMS!i fty.K;T. no .. iZS&w Moi:0t V,Ue tUMg e,,lmttM!-,,,e numbr f C1" "w blK 13.00 Tax per thousand, for wblcti'SUmps In December, 1000, ' December, 1901, " January, 1003, February, 1W3, were 407,092,208 Cigars. 470.312,170 ' 400,083.717' 445.405.483 In March, 1902, " April, 1902, " May, 1002, 510,509,027 Cigars. 510,835,103 ' 623.035.P07 ' made I?t2S af.'ianSary'KUM "SXSWFYS f lhe RWardi wil1 Write your full name and Post Office AddresTplalnly on wckStSf cottaS " bfidS 0UeTD1ePttn?ent of thb UnJ Se for December must t fully prepaid, in order for your estimate to participate ptcK8gM containing bands. The Postage, or Express charges on your package All estimate, under this offer mu,t be forwarded before December LI, 1902. e lhe . . FLORODOKA TAG COMPANY, Jersey City, N J Sood tVenl' :' ! "nt yu '' yr '. these recelpu wUI be Just as mentioned InsiJ J " f100'" " "da from any of the other Cigar, Navy," .OM Pearf, and Honey IT ""ZuWr l?v .T hm "Star' "Morse Shoe'" SPear cad'" "Standard ..R.yxor... or ,P!aet" ToS; oon. iSSS" " J"y T"r'" "" " "" a,,vau,Mm..... ... - ... . Ilhuimt.xl N.!. !,... ' " ' "" '" "" w"i B maiiM upon appllu At Easter Time is when b Iwiklmt: Imslrme will fall iwli j. If yo haven't idven yur jrdrs for j'our lnwtw reulremeate it 111 pav yHi to Mi. Mtlmates Irow Uoddaja UwrnWr Oo., fer aHiy, aud aM xinds of bJHiUw fr out sir laiWi wrk. shlBglee, pasX dwrs, UHatU khJ svorytblug newlad In this lias. jdHslssssss9r I "flLsbk. NssssssHfli7 sssB j jfiaflBlslsHv HLIL A Lucky Find But it's bard tojflnd nnythluR better Tjjacassoi;heUhand streugth. Bear this in mind there's nothing to eq-al Salem beer aB a tonic and rnild stimu lant. Cooling, refreshing, nourishing, tvg raMnir.itiaaptiifect brew Strict .ly pure, of high grade and uniform in quality tho bear par excellence. Capital Brewery Co. Mrs. M Back, Proprietor. a rWYfc)! ki Mlluafe .. avrw ;. wuueiij. lHtaSluAvgiut)i . O.W,UIB40.', City UuU. Goodale Lumber Co. Near 8. P. Pasa'r. depot, VUm tall ( 1J- " ,-.P-tt . i (HWn "fr f - f