71 DAILY JOURNAL. Vite4 Watch the Fight for Flat 8alarles. Weather tonight and tomorrow, fair, colder. J- SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 28, 1902. NO.. 149. THE VOL. XII. "' "rztg;: :.. ;- 1 4lWwwwww traw Hats AN I)- rash Hats ftlir tiftrtrto it f l ill .. ornsl hi ts ks wid. " . K"' 'I. ver before. The 26c line of finer at EOc and 06c. u"r U' C0BrB0 lmva tho, SUMMER UNDERWEAR For men from 25c up. The 45o grade is extra good value. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves And all kinds of goods for harvest wear. Our $1.15 Horseliide Glove BoftnmlplBe.0n"m "inrk0t' Ti,ey nut tl,u ' 'd V Our !ll)c horseliido glovo in good but it pays to buy tho beet. SAVED BY COURTESY Of tlie Nicaraguan Gov ernment : ,. . ,.., ... ,. . .. f uuu wiiu nits uny iiiiurusL iiua ui-uu - consulted. It is for the benefit of tho Dally Orogonlan nnd tho Portland do purtment stores, but It cannot last. It Is an Injustice that should be pro tested against, nnd every patron of tho routes should petition to have the ser vice i hanged back to the old schedule. It Is nn outrage that should not be tol eiated. Dr. Wilson's Death Sentence Was Commuted Captain Wild Found Guilty in Manila BOYS WIN STRIKE The i New York Racket la thebeBtphcoiii S2"E3B"rf",toi"Er C2 tho city to buy K JE3I. JtlM s23s Our prices are lower than nt regular stores for the eaino quality. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASH STORE. E. T. BARNES, Prop'r. WHtWHWHM I I e I 1 I III l-Hj-m-f H I I I I I I I fH-M-f The House of Handsomeness llandRomenetBlsonedomineii feature of tho Bnrr Mock aoodness U ihc other, Diamonds, watches, Jeueby. Mlverwnre, vut glass, nil mo no beautiful as they are good, and as gr,l n they aro beautiful. There's a third magnet, too lower prices, I-or wo aro content with leas than usual jewelry profit. Barr's Jewelry Store Cor. Stale and LUeityS's. Upheld By All Sorts And conditions of men. A Ovirhhli'ri fineo'd rye whi ke.- is I eld in hii-h fi vor alike hy the mi'liona-re nnd the mo cluuilc. Has the lociitl chiirni cpri-H-ted by the "'mellow," as well as urily and moturity torrcotrmeud it li. valu able for medicinal tire llnst on I lie inurkot. Wo have tho ilnot b'raiiJf of " wincB and liquors at lowoit rices. Washington, July 28. United Stntes Consul McDonald, nt Managua. Nica ragua, cabled the state department that as a courtesy to the United States nnd sympathy for the mother, President Scclaya will commute the deuth sentence of Dr. Hussell Wilson, the young American doctor, who ac companied the filibustering expedition against Nlcnragua, and was captured. It Is not known whether Wilson will be sentenced to Imprisonment, but his llfo having been saved, efforts -will now be made to secure his release on the ground that ho accompanied the filibustering expedition merely In the capacity of a surgeon. Washington. July 28. Tho war de partment has received a record of the court-martial nt Manila of Captain Frederick Wild, on n charge or mis conduct to tho prejudice of good or der, through failure to prevent sol diers from firing their guns nt a cock pit In Lincnyan. Wild was found guil ty, anil sentenced to bo ronrlmnmled. General Chnffe, in reviewing the rec ord, hold thnt tho court was too len ient. - . ., D Lenders in Low J'rici'H. J. P. ROGERS, !$$"" How About Your Eyes NEW TIME CARD Messenger Boys Return to Work Rejoicing Chicago. July 28. Tho striking Western Union boys have returned to work this morning, tho terms agreed upon at Sunday's conference having been ratified. Hy tho sttloment the boys will receive increased wages and extra pay for over time. Chicago, July 28. Tho Postal mes sengers have struck this afternoon. They demand tho samo scale granted to the Western Union boys. RIOTS IN COAL ' DISTRICTS Strikers Parade the Streets Another terrific storm visited Can-' andalgua, N. Y Snturday night, doing groat damage to crops and proporty thnt had not already suffered. Edward Chamberlain was struck by lightning nnd Instantly killed. Cnnnndnlnim Lake has risen still higher. Tho dam- ago on hundreds of farms Is Irropar- able. From overy part of tho country comes reports that wheat Is sprouting In tho shock, nnd that a serious blight has struck tho apple trees. Attack Non-Union Men from 1 Ambush SET UPON BY Sheriif Is Helpless and Troops I Come to Relief 'iRt: No Truth Jn Report London. July 28. The St. James On zetto says that rumor Is busy predict ing another postponement of the coro nation. The paper adds: "Wo aro authorl.ed to wiy that there Is nbso- Pifttsvlllo, Pa., July 28. There was a serious outbreak among tho coal Btrllfors and non-union men nt Shen andoah early this morning, when two moa were shot nnd four bndly beaten by ptilko sympathizers. Excitement Ih at fever heat. The non-union men were fired upon from ambush, One man Is probably fatally shot. Addi tional guards have boon sent Into tut disturbed district. i yilkc8barro, Pa., July 28. A state of riot exists at Langford, where tho sympathizers have gathered In great force. The sheriff Is helpless, nnd an npneal for troops Is expected to be mnile at once. This morning the town was prnc tic illy in the hands of tho rioters. Ci iwds of them were parading the stif'ots anil prevented non-union men wnmmtmwnxttmmimtmnmtmmmmmmiMMmMMmmmmmmmtttmj e en i r a i . Beginning Aug. 1, IL F. D. Carriers Start atlQm, Change Will Solely BiMiefit Portland Newpapers Arcasrs ot a ations Get your eyes tested at C T. Pom- erovs so you can set perfectly. Gold filled suectae'es warranted 10 years, formerly 53.50 now 2.00. watches, jrold filled cases, Elgin or Waltham movement from $10 to $20. C. T. Pomeroy . . . Jew oler nnd Optician, 2b8 Coui'l. St. Have You Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? Ho absolutely curea .cancers, tu mors, gravel, kldnoy and bladder trou bles, bono diseases, asthma, skin dis insections. My Dear Friend: eases all without tho use of tho knife or poisonous minerals or mineral of any kind. Tlioy aro used to being humbugged. My medicines aro composed of na- You must boar In mind that this turo'a horbs whot tho human system medicine Is not a polsouous tonic, nor j requires. When tho animals get sick a stimulant, nor a temporary rollef, 'thoy will help thorasolves to those which you get from poisonous drugs, horbs, for they havo tho Instinct, and nhA.ii !. Hnn..l, A .....A Jnntt. annnJtllfl tlPOflln llAVA tlftf Rrt UFA lltlVn 11 'lvU 1MB ICDUllO IUU DU1U UCUU1 ouuu or or lator. Those poisons go In your bones and destroy the llfo of them and croato all kinds of diseases, can cerous tumors, consumption, dropsy, bono diseases, etc. Do not blame the modlclno when It takes an effect and stirs up tho poisons or disease Iff the system. You must not expect to be the people havo not, so wo havo to make a study of It It has boon a llfo study with me. Do noc get weary; this llfo Is too short and too sweei to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook cures all kinds of diseases. Dr. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty St., Sa- lem, Ore., Is the man you ought to cured In a fow days, for your sickness t consult. He Is a natural doctor. He la or disease has ' sen a long tlmo com descended from a line of German herb ing on, and it will take a long time,all6ts, the best physicians In the to get It out of your system. It will world. take months or a year to build up a ; This Is his fourth year In Salem, and new body from the bones up. This Is scores of patients and friends can tee what the people do not understand, tlfy to his skill In their cases Orders havo been received at .Mio Salem postofllce, directing that on Au gust 1st. nnd for tho following 00 days!. or until October 1st, tho rural mnil j; wmii-in omul Bwri on ineir ronton from tho Salem postofllce at 12 o'clock noon. Instead of S o'clock n. in., an at the present time. Postmnstor Hlrsch wns nsked tho reason for making tho change In tho rural mall delivery sor Vice lit thlu limn imil lui ul,l .... .. - ......, ...... ,v nt.il, ill, cu- i t sou for the change had nccompanled ft tho ordor. Personally, ho disclaimed any knowledge of any purposo thnt could bo behind tho move, and says it will work to tho dlsadvantngo of somo or tho cnrrlors, who, undor tho now schedule will be unablo to complete tholr routes boforo 0 o'clock In tho ovoiilng. Whon askod If the chnnge would not In all probability provo per nmnont, Mr. Hlrsch said ho did not understand that It would bo continued J for a longer period than Octobor 1st, as specified in the ordor. since It was not considered practical to maintain tho same schodule in tho wlntor mouths. To a man up a tree It would appear that the change can have but ono pur pose to servo, and that Is that the Port land Oregonlan muy be delivered to Its readers on the day it is published. So far ns can bo learned there has been no objection or complaint to tho system as It wns originally Installed, and tho change ut this time is not de manded, and, to hay the least, Is alto, gether uncalled for. It Is an Injustice that the free ruial delivery service from the Salem office must he adjust ed to suit the convenience and uelfteh whims of a single newspaper piblka tlon. Of couse. the patrons of the route nvw u in oeen consulted, m tact, no SCHOOLS READY TO COMPLY France Insists on Rigid En forcement of Law Paris, July 28. A soml-ofllclnl note regarding tho effect ot Premier Combes' decree ordeilng tho rigid en forcement of tho law of rdllglous asso ciations, wns Issued by the minister of the Interior this morning. It says thut In over B0 departments tho con gregational schools aro satisfied with the principal requirements of tho decree. Bragg Will Have to Go Washington, July 28. The papers In the case of Consul-Goucrnl Hrngg, at Havana, mo now before the presl dent, awaiting his action. Thero Is no doubt felt but thnt Uragg will bo relieved becnuso of his criticism of the Cubans. Jamaicans talk of annexation to the United States. The U. S. cruiser San Francisco has arrived at Havre. Volcanic disturbances are threatening In Costa Rica. French peasants protest against the closing of Catholic schools. Russia says It Is Justified In meeting America's advance In duties on sugar. An uprising of 100,000 agricultural laborers In East Gallcla Is In progress. Tornado-like storms occurred In Great Britain and on the Conti nent Snturday Belgium has obtained from China concession of 309 acres of land rorth of Tien T6ln. King Edward's condition continues to Improve. The wound is hoallng satisfactorily. China will send an Imperial commission to represent Its Interests at the St. Louis exposition. Germany has effected a resumption of diplomatic relations be tween Italy and Switzerland. A Fr&nch Inspector of police In the Congo has been assassinated by natives in near Libreville. Plans for the organization of a college In Manila for the training of Filipino teachers aro being perfected. Orders for nn imposing British naval review, to take place Au- gust 16th, of Splthead, have been issued. r.hniL-, is making terrible ravages among the Charabln, Ma.-cnu.-laj hundreds have died. The comm 'rcial treaty between Great Britain and China has ,Seen C0ndlt.on.-,MU accepted by the latter government. The Central Nevv today denles the rePort that JoseP Chamber- iSn nriHeh .P-.rU f colonies , , . .. f. who was wounded and captured $9S-TUi operation in . 1f9- X3j:tuttmtmtmmmrm:::m:ammmnm from going to work. In many IiiMtnuces Hvillng thorn. wr)lorHburg. W. Vn July U8. V Jftckson this morning released d JMro. one of the Htrllio load- "tag 00 days for contempt o C foint Ikh ' II"'" ulckniMMt nnd WJII-. i Boers, has undergone a sue traction of bullets rfom his wmmmnmunmmmmmmmnrm lutely no ports." foundation for these ic- TWO nrn a imi IHAIHJ Inhabitants of Is seriously Indisposed. by the London for the ex. , I i Jiids. IlHi'iin. frs. ser Unit of hU Wu Getting Ready to Leave Wushlngton, July 28. Minister Wu Is beginning to pack his household goods propuitory to yielding tho lega tion to his Hiiccussor. Ho Is receiving requests for souvenirs front muny nil mlrors nil over the country. KjULLWE FIftHT i " FOR TWO Unhappy Wives and Husbands An English paper Hcvornl years ago stated that In the your 18M there wore In London 1132 runaway wives, 2!II8 runaway IiuhIiuuiIh; 1175 murrled poo plo legally divorced, 17,2 lf living In open waif (ire; III, 270 living In private I misunderstandings; 5:i,:il0 living In mutual Indifference; while only :tl7f were regarded as happy; 127 nearly happy, nnd lit perfectly happy. An American philosopher, after studying the facts and clrcuuiMtauioM of the case, has come to the cnnclu hIoii that all this discord In families Is the offspilug of iIIkhiiso in Home form or another, nnd in a went majority of cases iIIhchko may lie entirely re moved and husbands, nnd wive made entirely happy. It has been done In luntimeiable liiMtaucoH, ami what has been done heretofore may he repeated hereafter. The following are a few rnmm where whole families have been made per , fectly happy by removal of the disease which produced discord. Namos that can bo referred to cured yearn ago by Dr. Darrln. C. V. Kowlor, Yakima, Wash., total deafness lii one year, cured In 10 mill- American Woman in France Torn to Pieces by Hungry Brutes Was In the Act of Feeding Them New York, Juno 28. Mine. Edmund Sempls, who, before her mnrrlngo, a year ago. was Miss Louise Uuthorford, of llrooklyn, N. Y has boon sot upon, says a Paris dispatch to tho World, by two huiigor-iuntldonod (Irent Dane dogs, which had boon secured to guard her husband's country houso nt Annec cylake. and so terribly injured thnt she died two hours nftor tho nccldont. M. Sempls Is a promlnont buslnoss man In Paris.. His homo is nt An ueccylake, an Isolated spot. Follow ing a recent attempt by burglars to enter the place, ho purchased two powerful Orcat Danes as gunrds. Tho dogs proved so foroclous that thoy wore confined In nn Iron Inelosuro dur ing the daytime for tho safety of tho family. M. Sempls whs advised to stnrve them, so, whon food wris glvoii to them, they would romomher kind ly their beuofnetors, So thoy had nothing to eat for two dnys. Mine. Sempls did not nccompnny hor husband nnd their guests, who started for a dilve. Sho notlcod the dogs while she was walking, In tho ynrd, knowing thnt thoy had boon without food, nnd determined to food them, as they were apparently quiet. The In stant Mine. Sempls entered tho Iron Inelosuro, the Oroat Dimes lonpcd up on her like hungry tlgois. Thoy boru her to thu ground, nnd, ns sho vainly sought to defend herself their teeth sank into hor nrms and body. Her struggles apparently maddened the animals thu more. Tho coachninii lienrd the scronms of Mine. Sompls. She begged the man to hiivo her. Ho ran to tho stable for a pitchfork. When ho returned the Orcat Danes had fearfully torn their victim. The coachmnn fought the brutus Into n corner, mid kept them there until the cook siiiuinuned neigh burs and cnrrled Mine. Humpls from the Inelosuro In a dying condition. A few mlmitoH nftor M. Humpls and his guestii returned she Hiicciimlied to her Injuries, after exchanging a few words with hor husband, who Is near ly crnzi'd by the terrible ncchlenL THEY HID IN A LIFEBOAT Youthful Stowaways Disappointed Are Now York, July 38. Four boy stow aways arrived here today from Liver pool on tho stonmor Civic Their ngos rnnge from 0 to 12 yonrs. Thoy hid tlioniBolvos In n lifeboat, but were forcod to' show thcmsolvos on tho fourth day out. Thoy will bo returned to Liverpool. Important MiningJJecision Snn.Frnnclsco, July 28. Judge Mor tow, In tho fedornl circuit court, this morning decided the enso of tho Penn sylvania Consolidated Mining Com pany vs. Grass Vnlloy Mining Company In favor of plaintiff. Tho controversy wns ovor mines In Orass Vnlloy vnlucd nt ?fi0O.O0O. T,0 verdict gives tho former rompnny tho right to tho mlno vein, which Is continuous from tho surface, and the Pennsylvania the claim undornoath tho surface of flrnsfl Valley, adjoining tho claim. Chief of Police Arrested .Minneapolis, Minn., July 28. Chief of Police Ames returned to this city this morning nftor a mysturlous ab sence of three weoks. Ho wns Inimo dlatoly arrosted on a charge of brib ery, and urrnlgned. Tho enso wns set for next woek. Ames has been ulrendy tried on one chnrge of brlbory nnd acquitted. Aakuma AT Zinn's 15-1 State St-. Phone 2874. '"I TTTTTTTTT'rTTTTTTTTTxrTTTTTTTT I ;' '03. jmecmn win imii iiHim n-M-t-Hi 1 1 n 1 1 1 i-m ;; 1 Every Day isjj ale uay. On Brooklyn's Elevated Rail road New York, July 28. In a collision on the llrooklyn elevated structure this morutug a number of pussengmw were Injured, tome seriously, The accident occurred on a curve; two train run nlng In opposite directions on different Hacks, colliding, due to uu excewive lean of the car. Kour tars almost fell oft the structure, o Read the Above Remarkable Cure, ji r BYE SPECIALIST X A. M. BANCROFT. Mrr. of the BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. 259 Com'l st, Salem, Orejon We do our own rtaJlBM Examlotttoa fri-e. a Miss Taylor's Suit. ig Chicago, July SS. Mies Rebecca g Taylor's suit for a writ of mandamus u against Secretary Root, to compel him g to restore her U her poiltion la the g war department, set for today, has a been continued until next week. HKitSaOBEEB!tial8SiaSEE8HHIBSa Navel Orangeade Schwab is Convalescing. Atlantic CUy. N. J.. y SS.-s,, Schwab passed a good Bight and ate a a . . .- klo III. good breakfast, 'ine reHn - nees ar greatly exaggerated. J&tj&S M mr -m u 4 J S 3' sin V a a r ii y. u I rfg.1? m IBS? Somethlne Good to Drink at tSXj- S0DA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. fed M H H a H M M s Tllh Tlir.RMoMfcTEK 1H1MW in ti.ft suclii-n, kikhvs Mhings8 ia uwd fur cj kii'K'- Ai'd yon don't H kiave to wrrry our i be nw in the u piuf of wood. I Is the f'lul pi M exielleme ie the nrui wesiher, g u lest no ijea. no dirt nndett. a iMtead. looafoft. i' Bveiiuioce, H Robert Latham, emptoyed at slash luif tinker o the farm of John McMa h. naar Ttiurto. Ore.. wa serious- lv lnJre4 wklto ftUing tree A mapl g clHihlm w, rccnomy G- stoves tj "'" ,,-v t aiham ob ' H snd ranee of every (ise and style m split In falltlif. and "icKitL" g Juw lied !". - t,a. LiKt the shouWer ami . w7 - m c Utitauy t li prw hie shottWw ana chuibb - " u SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Indenting bis skull over the lett eye. g phon8 Be3 4 chemekeU 8L " His recovery Is doubtful. aiaaSllBBKBEMBEllBBlEBlUI Telegraphic Briefs. The remains of Mary HogMii. who dlsappeareil from her home in Mis seula: Mont., May 8th. have been die covered lodged in u tree that stood out In the current of the St. Regis river by some fishermen. The girl left on a horse, and It la auupoaoil she at tempted to ford the stream, which was th-n Howled. Yip Hay, the Alaska Chlneas mur-d-rer. c-oiiimUtad suicide In the Port Towneend city Jail, using a shueetriBg with which to strangle himself. .N'oth ii'K u known of the crime which the Chinaman committed In tho North. Ht-ury Ifudaoa. oho of the beat known reldMU of the Dufur Hoigh iiorhood. died mtddONly at bw borne n-ar uurur naiuriMy. lie was a a-ti.t- of fCnsJaud. but bad lived In A media for many years. He was kimjui mi years w aajo, asm leaves a widow and avwa cblbirea. Proves Fatal to You TO Man in Portland filntf; also pterygium, or llesby giowth I ww i reinovud from the eye, which had sQIDI C mi"' turm him blluil. .IlXjLC, Bnmiml Jucktwin. Highland. l'nfnv W yeorsj cnroi, Mimie -lompKiiis, Or. I. Mi..: Or., dlsea A yuiiug idhii namwl Krank Hed to oar. Hue dead In the Mllwnukle, u peculiar to women mm "iifiuj In one month. YuJur street, I'orl PIT- SUMMER GOODS AE BEING SLAUGHTERED in etery ilepart . ... II.. u.... u.....u ,.,J). r.. r.ulnra.l ,ill-llllt. ktlMt OnB- X llirnt 01 IIIU DIK "Hill,, "..His K.UMr ..... ......v . -..- ..-.., -y --- j- third, snd other liiiui 'ih per csnt., which siurdna rreopjonunuy lor t T ravliiK money on dimmer goou. sleeiilesHneee f lifi t tu 1 1 II it it Jarlson, lanil. dlacliaiKing ear. "p ' mwgiie. fectly caiHMl. at I'ortlaml. the result of a dssl.' 8. I. Whltoliouse. Moihhuilh " i nAJiiAl fought with flMirse llaldwln at urdiy ,luufne and ringing noise l the r K(JlJLCU ' ! . A "y - Or. t M4444H44-l-H LINFN TUCKIKGS. LINI'N TUSSAR EMBROIDERY LINENS and PIIUPLD PONGEE Ladies' Shirtwaists! AND Wash Goods Alt this season's purrhftit. Wa know thy are gootl. Aro night. The fight was the outcoi ie ofh'i years: restored. a dispute over two girls, waitress) s In ' Mrs. 11. - Young, Huntington, i Si North Poitlund hotel. The m eloe Wash., kidney and liver complaint, was witnessed by the relatives 9nd d siwpsla and general debility; cured I friends of both contestants, when C ul-' Charles Christ ermaii. Portland. Or... sou receiveil a knock-out blow In t be h roftiksis catanh so Itad that deslruc-l stoHiarh fioni which he Instantly died, til m f the nose was thrsnteneW, " Baldwin surrendered himself to tho 'liJ d bwome so offensive thai it was oWcers. and is locked up )a tho city, st cksnlng liotb to himself ami memls, ja'l . 'ot I red. . The coroner's jury Inuulred Into tle To the IMItor Kor over fwo years! ias last HlhL Ko chunte. as vet. hisf'I have boon sorely nlllteled wllb " niws uishiiwi iwihwih uy me nis i Reduced 1-3 illiuiwb Nglitfor W." ayl. " ..., nxillJ. N 444l 1 1 I M4-H-TT iimimiiiiiii'i'ht , , Whiiih mins 75 cent vslues go t f.r 50c snd I6 vsiuei go lor iiw, tc. o.J.At-4-l-i'fH- Everything That's New in Men's Hats ;; J rAn thccc WADM iuvq :: r-jx-.v run iiiwt nmuu .w .. ..'-- trltt -attorney, who will carefully ro vlew the evidence before be will de cide what steps to take In the mat' ter. .iiu disease, a spooles of ecawniu. a Th t a'uhln somwtlon wns terrible w 'isnr. 'fterousw Hr. Ilurhni etat-incai medlial treaUoeut I aw restoied. Myt brother was also cursil of a skin db, i ms. Refer any ono to us at tt The nary department has decided U4 Inker street. Portland. Or. iMIOH MWUINllAKT. Wiulp the fighting system of the Ainer-; ichm hut j wh( h mymutm vi wireieei Mitecrapuy. I!i b-.lalt nutgnatf iiied in Mliwankee, Wis. after an illn. x ,f Hereral months. Tk"uti In ha l imt u--n eon floed to bis l r,tu thn h 'k apt. It was kmnwi .a his tiins nas fatal Miss KalheriHO Koieo-. wf itHtte. iltmt.. fell fniw a miI.ii. kiinJ ui i. ' sj ept Ntmltelae Matthew KlUiloa. the ll-kMvni dyr aftrxH aA uu itauii.v 14. afnesc tumors, lost manttoos an KiiuMi. iter neok belnsr ,f,. mmm wna HauHW mi nuiH, i'j .- -t- ' . , I " .. Tl.n,n iMwauia fw-i.i.-j uj- Mri?ui timnoesiflity. as well as all ehrenk dm-, .. Qrnri nr AlOffi 01 1 1 em. animal became frtgii4 8Hd br ' HattrU and belts twrtM f .LumWWI 1 1 1 M 1 1 M H-H HMH1HH ii Ma uait nn,i jr u rii w i auu.'a via u in saw - vmm m vj vavi"vi--v n " ,.-. frrtsw RjstsiHfi BWl ,Bf5fi mj " - i i "" rZUfl:'J:;Arr;'L,r !! call and Examine the Bargains. There Is She was 17 years obi. Kyes tested and glassea V i- 3SSH8L Linen Panamas, Straw and:: fiaa3!sarvjBw---- pelt panamasf etc. ". KHmmfHmirHmHWHrmHrHHW ;; TUB SALE WsiSsmiie Wesrej..tKdn,r!.:W'';'-i! .. M In.tcs.1. ..I .II..-" i "- . - "r-iua ,.H . .-.. -, -. , dsy if the week, we sre Dr. Damn can be consuiteo iwt ;; u t the Wlllmnetle HMtei. swiem. hhi " ' -" .-. .!,!& H ptenjtor lat Honrs W u a i . .. - , Ypry .uHive tc i - Jwndaya w to - me poor iree. i . , w, The cure of i-atarru. f.hrbrs. wait wr- """" ."V.J, i j.w lew nrkr ami inars ihb ..--- K ..., to fill waih tubs i . u.Btf auuujuiBi nn. ssi irvi -" "-- I : . V.:;,. kinds -h.b,e Krl.r:!; m .uunaer fabric.. .lung'- .' -Lll!w n lirs. . , coair, etc. StouiJ$Mb f Tho 2-yoar-old dmighter of William Ultihm, of Oregon City, was Bbvorely hurnod Sunday by falling In a tub ot I boiling water. Hor back and hips i nnd lowor limbs we nAvm-civ -i,i UUllS I Anny Cmiaart 0,1'1 Jonnlo and Jramlo w v v I Nelson, aged 10, 12 and 14 years, were; j much oy an engine on tho Seaboard Air-uno. at Charlotte, N. C. Thoy wero walking ncross a trestle. 4 m a s-IL ((SBir.l tuMM" --. a, , .... i .