SMSjMSjsgaiSjsajfcJSaaayJ,iMj-Ssy;,,)frSijssssssssssssjsas TibmiTTi '"lHW lilrMi HKjKSB5p9sSHswa r & , i THE DAILY JOURNAL, &ALEM, OREflON, hi i .. i i ' i ' f. 'i ' 6AYURDAY, JULY 2d, Wo. 3SC ' - UW ! . 0&2&& . s2? . in nsbsjt -tssp- -aBissssjw Pr . r -i F2: "" f .aLLLMP rrz " x. a - uMi AORij li WHire ooBfea, The Right Kind of Summer Goods at Less Prices S3 Than You Expectea to ray. - TO GUARD AGAINST FIRES Alley in Business District to Be Renovated Construction of Sidewalks and Curblngs to Be Regulated 'church Btrcct on State, Court,nln otrootn. to thC GOBI and line of Twelfth street; south of the soiun line of Stato street on commerce, street, to the south lino of Trade Htrect. shall be constructed of cement concrete, and shall not be less than five feet In wldtn, and wider If the common council of said city shall so direct." . . The balance of the ordinance relates i .., niii-iia. Tim measure has boon vu nwwi. .i.". referred for purpose of amenu... , but It will probably be enacted with out any material changes in us ind ent form. o White Waists At Almost naif Price Htyllsb ones too na last season's stylas her. Iba entlra Una at Clearance Prices Girl's Overalls 50 cents Just th tbltiK 'or outlni wt ar. Summer Vests and 19 cents The bait ralua In Saturn, in the regular way 26 cent. Pants Worth Half Price Bar gains Special bargain talilas In avery de partment. Odd Unas of HOSIERY UNDERWEAR CORSETS DRESS GOODS SILKS RIBBONS LACES EMBROIDERIES ETC. AT One-Half Price Sale of ..Men's ShirtS Extraordinary $1 60 Negligee Hhlrtt for $1.00 each All Ilia new wrlnklaa the licit selling styles and all rixai. They're juit ai good as they ever ware, but hii't" too many of 'tn that's tha reason you can boy them to cheap. See Window Display mM? 40 g Ttie Busy Branch... M Golf UmMMmiimmmi Ol our ImiliiMa la the M99mo99wZ optical IIIIO. nis yriirn constant satisfaction has given us a place on tl a top round W hnvo just completed Blocking upol tha larg ft line In gold, gold illlnit. ullviir nu (ramus that over corno to this city. Our louses aro tho line it that can bo had, and we carry alt tho complicated combinations and oan grind thorn on short order . CHAS, H. HINGES Optician, 88 Btato Street. Nt !" t0 Uuh ,,tt,,k mttttttmwtttttt:tttwttu:mwwKKKMWwjiwwMMMM :; dome anb See TFb Heforu you start on your aiimmor outing. Wo have Just what you rant and aro now making a specialty ol your wants. Kvury thing carefully packoil ready (or shipment whim desired. : : Fuller & Douglas, Grocers H2 Stato Ht.. D'Arcy Uldg. '" Mln ",,, LmtmmtimmmimttmMrommmMmwnmmmmmtwmmmmmmnmm NOW FOR THE COAST OR MOUNTAINS Before buying your auppllos lor your outing you should call at our Bloro and and Inspect mo moai compmio mm w iM'i"n h..... .. HTAU IIAMH. STAR HAGON. UTAH HAM HAUHAOK. HTAUBUMMBKHAUBAOK. STAR DU IK I) !' HTRAMK!) OOOKKI) HAM. Tho' most comploto lluu ol canned meats shown. Our KihI Uiliboii canned uooiIh aro propur gnodii to tako with vou. THK ItldllT KIND OIMJOFl'KK. KTATK 1 1 DUSK (H)KKKK. KIN 1IKK (X)KI'KK. UltKlUlH COIM'ICK. Tut up In air tight caua. Juat tho tiling (or you In single and double breasted. While and Black. Red and Green. .Navy and White. Red and Black, and solid colors, all the girls are buying them. This is the finest lot we've shown and the prices are considerably lower than before. v !24tSUtt Strut. ROTH &. GRABBR Tcltchooe 511 Celebrated Wolff -American Bicycles Aro tho moat perfectly constructed bloyolo nimlit. Tho honrlngs aro diist prool, aoll-olllng and will run a thousand mlliw without requiring additional o 1902 Model 55 f-JO 1902 Model 55, Superb Ruty Plnlsh $45 1901 Models ' fJ5 1902 Special Model ....S 25 Wo (It any coaster hrako, $5 oxtra. Bwi uur vlagant lino ol hlgh-grado II cycles at 160 Btato btrwit. Merritt Davis, Agent. We are sole agents for the Iron King Hop Stoye $2.00 and up DALRYMPLE'S ee000oi " - L r ttHHLjLk.laV l 'JsL. flBHBBBfauaBPnVENawVHHl BsBfetSifif'''lBwB - RINEMAN'8 DARQAINS. B9tWW9t9 I Something I Nu) I have juit rrvalved a now stock ol high-quality shoes, l'rires ur ntaad the lowest. They are good wearers. II you ploaio eall and tea my ttook. KapaUlug neatly done. Jacob Yogt 26S Com'!. St. D. . Huntsinger. tuntral Oireatar, 155 Court struat Phone Main S6I. Raaldanco 990 Court street, pttant 2181 Qltck. Shoulders, Per tb 10c Deviled Ham rmall) per can Bs 6 for ate. Deviled Ham (large) per oan 10 3 cans aCa, Sardines, per box So 0 boxes afie. Salmon, 3 cans 3e Smoked Herring, Per box, 2c Catsup, per pt bottle ISo 2 bottles 2fic Qood Soda (16 or pkg ) 6c o pkgs 36c. Corn Staroh, per pkg 6c Washing Powder.per pkg 5c HrliiK ua your butter and ofnta. Wo IMty hlwhaat warkat prlca. raah or uierahaudlso. The largest, heaviest and cheapest stove on the market We also furnish grates for all kinds of hop stoves, also sul- pnur uowis. uou umi iruu drier pipe a specialty. Steiner & Berger 130 State St. Salem Or. GOLD DUST FLOUR Made tav ,lw wrtst-Uasa, Htria, MU THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY ' " . "Tir." L , .,- Ma,to forldra?nUy0uT aak ytwr AM Nmvmh rl, 0Ioh Vln Made ror ranuiy uaa. bbk jtwr . . . . luulllu,r riUli1M., 1 Variety Store Th Variety Skvra. 91 Owrt trwt. M. T. 1W State St. R1NEMAN Telephane umour for IL ltraH ahorta always on baud. and A. T. WALN Affent 0h!I Say, Cudihee lint lea OriMm at the "FMtTR 1K US" ami yu ami tha N)io nil! cap tMnv. :: tt ' A. M. Clough, Undertaker, W State i street. Phone Main 131, Salem, Ore. gan, suaeessor to u. E. huntsinger. Realdenae Broadway and Mill, North Salem. Phone Main 31. NEW TODAY. "FLEUR DE LIS ft llawtltON BfOi. HISaaMSimt. PtHHtd. A door kaj. Owswrr fan rail for atnti at Tti Journal otto. 1H- A in MM of MiUaW all gnawilaiMNl nato-at Majllll . IJaaQai'i v kardwar aterax T-tl-tlVlw Probably tho most Important IiuhI iiuhr transacted by the city council on Friday ovcnlng, when that bouy waH convoncd In spcclul soBfllon. was the adoption of a resolution providing for tin. thoroiiKh renovation of the alleys In tho business districts of the city of nil rubbish. The resolution on the sub ject wns framed In tho following terms: "Hesolvod, Uy tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, that- the public safety demands the thorough and Immediate inspection of the busi ness premises of the city, with a view of minimizing the danger or lire inci dent to the accumulation of trash and combustible materials In the back ynrds of the stores and In the alleys, and, to the end that such monace shnll be removed. It Is liereliy orucrcu iy tho council that tho city mnrshal and chief of me lire department of this rltv. as fire warden, proceed, without delay to Inspect the premises nnd nl- leys In tho business part of the city, nnd direct the romovnl of nil materials likely to cnuse, or contribute to. fire. mid to report fully In this relation at the next meeting of this council." Bills Paid. Knox & Murphy -3-!,r" Ciluwold & Chase "-30 (lilswold & Chnso .' . . . llC II. M. Wade Co 1-63 John Hughes 2-"c Cap. Co 2-2" Huieii & Hamilton --88 Cronk & Iluchtol r Ilrewster & While M.80 T K. Woolen Mills fi-'-'5 15. S. Lamport 1-1 SU'Kinund & I'tigh l-'-G Salem I... I. & T. CO 222.25 w. ii. nyiu-s i-00 Slatesinnn Pub Co I-00 Salem Water Co 118.30 Salem Gaslight Co G.rii) Cap. Co ! Cap. Co 33.10 llnfi.p IlriiH I.0U The action of the commlltoo on lire and water In purchasing fiOO feet of II u hose, ut u cost "t $G27. wns intl fled. The (pmrteiiy report of Street Com missioner Frlxzoll for tile period end ing June 30th, wns adopted. It con tained tho following data: Days worked with team, 31; dnys work without team. 138; cash on hand at beginning of qiinrtar, .$77.(15; receipts during qunrtnr. $103.72; illsiiurse ments. $118.95; balance on hand at close of qunrtor $02. 33. Council ordered the hand stand In UMiiium'a uvumie wired, linon the re quest of tho Salem Military band, which intends to give n series of con certs during the summer months. The Siilein Light. Power & Traction Com pany has offerad to furnish the band boys with electric lights In the band stand. The plans mid specillcntlous of the iiropoattri sewer In block 88. the cost of which la oatlmated at $50, were appioved. The city recorder was In structed to make the propor personal entiles, and adveitlse for bids for the Hrfoiinanee of the woik. 15. 1'. MeCornnck. who Is erecting a building on Liberty street, was giv en the use of a part of the street for building purpoaen. An ordinance regulating the con st ruction of sidewalks, the materials to be used, the dimensions of the walk, etc.. also providing for estab lishing and 'maintaining uniform curb Hues, requiring that a written permit Ue aH-ured from the city street com missioner for the making of any such Improvements, public or private, was rend twice and referred to the com mittee ou otilltmuce. Tha ordinance under consideration provides that walks wilhlH the following described limits shall be constructed of woed: North of the mirth line of Center street, east of the east Hue of Church street (save and except upon State, Court and CbeweketM streets, between the west line of Krtxit street and the east Hue of Twelfth street), south of the south line of State street tsave aud except upou Commercial street to the south line of Trade street), aud south of the south lie of Trade stiet ou Commercial street. These wooden walks "shall be not lea Umu elx feet lu width, or wider if the common rouHcil of said city shall so direct, and shall be built upon mu les thau three IS) stringers, each of said etriugers to be not less than three inches by four inches in site the two outer stringers to be laid uot more than four larhes from the outer edge of the planking covering the same and aaid planking shall uot be less than two inches in thickness. Pro!d hI. That nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the laing of cemeut walks within the foregoing "Ail new sidewalks built within the to be Improve) shall so select " Section of the ordinance provides as tallews: district. If the owner of the property city of SalejH, Oron, within the fol low lag dnserlbad Hntiia. namely: South of the north line of Center etret; wst of the xit Was of Chunk street; east of tho west Has of Front treat; oorth f tn iHMtth Nae of State street: aaet of the east line of RETAIL CLERKS ORGANIZE Salem Counter Attendants Form a Stronr Union The retail clerks of Salem perfected local union. .-,"'," i.v.laws. Swe adored fast night, are as follews: Mimnonsntlon jsrs. .'!: from the long nay " """';,, ;,..... chasers to come to the stores in h llKht ; dlLemlnate useful Information, "ecuro favorable laws; demand com o table seats behind sab rm.n c r for lady.cU.rlcs; secure and rem employ hS oppression; the enforcement Sunday laws, and the one ment of them where none exist; reform tne cn"i.t labor system; , aho lal. d. id labor, and have cihh.- "' Fnnk Pavey addressed the clerks when the business of the n.eeting had received attention, ine mnun ... -managed by the following olllcers. President. I). A. Dlnsmoor; vice-presi dent O. C. Locke; secretary, jum..... I'urvlne; treasurer, .i. u. r.wiun. . leant at arms. 1). It. Yamis; tins ees. W. C. Walling. S. Adolph unci Al. t. Ilopf; deleKates to central co.n.nUtee. I). A. Dlnsmoor, A. C. Ilopf and O. C. Locke. pSYSfOTCCATARRH Qummer Pe-ru-na Gives Peculiar to bummer Prompt and Permanent Relief. .. r..,.rmt of Crawfordsvlllo, Ga., -writes Clem G. Moore, Editor of the Tr" the Poruna Medicine Company as follow . ,fcrf cauted by ayttemh 16 Parana Mcdieino Company . sufferlg, caused by tyttcn Gentlemen After four ers of lnf my pBper ; ft- ,tarrh, which I contracted Ucjdlting, k durlttg these yea relief came from the use of Fenina. , q( penina made m(j m c.MMnmow- aterlhadUsed the first bottle. been greatly relieved by the useoi eTU dociorSf but all the permanent of torture, tried various "m'd'Y iyttuble was called Indigestion, but It ...tmn,p from the use of Fcruna. s ...... , p.ina made me feel Us catarrh all through my system, a"" Uherpcnon, notag tne. mpver mmpQxmdedt...CLm ffl Peruna Is undouoieuiy m . MOORE. T.lco Win. T. Zenor, of Washington, Jnl from 2.3 '. Capital Street, gj, vsf " PAYING BY THE ACRE Mr. Bosse Adopts New Plans for Harvesting Flax m.. n,my.i the lla expert, has adopted a new plan In having his 223 acres of mix nnrvesieu. ne nu measure dispensed with the day labor sc heme, nml will now pay his help by the acre. He now pays $ti per acre for tho pulling of the llax. and when the straw Is bound into bundles the Hum of $7."n per acie is allowed. This plan Is in operation on the SvnrU ,.i.... mIidhi fniir mtleH east of Salem Quite u large number of the men. wo men nml children oi me i-ouiimiiiiij are working hard In the llax (lelds. At the price being paid fair wages can be earned. A widow woman, with a fiimiiv of four, was successful In gath ering an acre of the straw betweei noon one day and the sntne nour mo icillowing day. The young lads who ur wiirklns: In the same llelds claim they can earn $1.5u or a HttU- more a day. . . ..... Tl I- cheerfully recommend the useof Pornna . a a omedy for catarrhal trouble and a most excellent tonle for general condl-llon."-Win. T. Zenor. Sri. Amanda Merrill, 136 Held street, Elizabeth, N. J-. writes: ..I hove been Rick over two years with nervouH prostration and general dobiltj, and heart trouble Have had four doc tors; all said that I could not got woll. I had not walked a stop in nlno months. Buffering with partial paralysis and palpitation of the heart every other day, and had become so reduced In flesh as to bo n mere skeleton weigh ing only 85 pounds. "Up to this date I havo taken Parana f.,r -ovon months. It 1ms -avod my life as I can safety testify. I have not Mt . .,. In five years, having walked over one mile without III result, and hmve also sained thirty pounds since commencing to take Peruna. In faot, I cannot pralso it too nigniywin. Amanda Merrill. . T...n ,mvi.r falls to provontuystoniio catarrh or nervous prostration If takon in time. Peruna is tho most prompt and permanent euro for all casos or nervous prostration caused by systomlc catarrh known to tho medical profession. If you do not dcrivo prompt nnd satis factory results from tho uso of l'oruna, yrrlto at onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full Btatoment of your caso and ho will bo pleased to glvo you hU valuablo wl vlco gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of Tho Hurtman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. isBMasnaHaMeaMrMHBsBMBeBnaBBiBa VERY FEW PEOPLE Have Seen the New Combination llev. K. S. Uolllnger, of Oregon City, was in tho city on Friday, llev. llol llnger was formerly superintendent of the stnto blind school at' Salem, and afterwards jmstor of the Kvangellcal church hero. He Is now pastor of the First Congregational church of Oregon City. lfr"F-" ' assj i Wi mil Jll " """""! Rsaik. I SaW Household Treasure One of the most convenient things ever put into a kitchen. The bottom part comprises table, two bread boards, two drawers for utensels, and two tlour bins, each holding a fiftv pound sack of Hour. The top contain blklves for dishes etc. $6.00. MARRIED. -o- Another Useful Thing 131 CHKHK I1I.ACK. In the Murphy building, at 9 30 n. m.. Saturday, July 2ii, 1DD2. Miss Uertha Grebe to 11. Ulack. both of St. Paul, this coun ty. Justice of the Peace K. D. Hor- gnu olllcintltiK. This was Justice Kurgan's Initial marriage ceremony, and the service were no outside aiiectators In attend was no outside spectators In attend ance, anil me jiuige is saiu to nave . . . done well. The absence of spectators. ' PTICeS are riL'llt. other than the Immec.ate friends of1-;,.).! ,.,, , -,,. i,-1 the young couple, finds explanation ln1r,hm "e arc sure' OCCatbe the fact that It has been learned that Constable l.ewih. the rlaht hand bow er of the court, was stationed at the! entrance to the court room In which the ceremony was performed, and only the Interested parties were allowed to iwss the sentinel. Is a box couch Tluy are especially nice for bedrooms, They open like a trunk and are just the place to put skirts- and other clothes when a closet is not available. ..HAMMOCKS.. Still leave our store at a rapid rate. Guess it is because the The jualitv is WHEAT MARKET. Sail Ptnuclrt'o, l.UHiifll.lS. July SS.-Wheat. PALMER'S ARAVYANA HAMMOCKS . . . Are the best in the wot Id have a good one for 60c. We CUT NO 2 W.U. The most essential part of a printing plant is the press. No matter how well the type may be composed, a poor Inh nf nrpwwnrk Hactrnirc what little artistic beauty! I me jod migni omerwise pos-l sess. Our printing press is the best machine made. It is built to do the highest class of printing. We believe we are obtain ing the best results from this machine. WE DELIYER WHEN PROMISED. ((Mutlontvi ";aaaaKJiB M BsW 1 arB!i julum ee3icm7?x (Nii&0r0 i S 8 UICYCLES $40 Schaefer Pr" en- Roams 3, 4, tad Moori Uk Phaae, W14. Red. CUSHION Fhamp ioao CHA1NLESS CUSHION FRAME sso Call and see ilia iivio u Mm ,-.........,.. ........ ,. . '.-.ileu ahu.lf.ii -"H.r.K uuamiin rK..iir. r IV J.G CRANK "ANGER does ...... i ..Itiintf .-w WI1111V Ilm.MH 11 rUO AH. n. al.l. .l.n llnF Oil! 1IMM.V nrinn r.... .., Biro, mill HID - - -f.H. LAL ANn CVIuiur .- .. ; " -AHeiint: u, TUU WILL L1KC IT. . """ FAMINE IT. YOU WILL LIKE IT. s Kirvr a Cii1: ..n.i. ..., ,... ,id m w 1-mvjviv 1.3 11 II I lrX w,a" uwiurmiionB av priceo v . i BICYCLP wu-o anywhere, and wehavo juat what you w i at8llurakilh1U.We.Haveacoa,P,ote ull'yclo repair shop Jj I M a eatl V?u to lea U'8 repalr a11 '"ake9 ' ',lcyt,e' I OHIPP & UATTQP.R issasS!lSIBBlerC,a, Street 0ccos,te CacJtal National Bank J HK Ws. iJaaBMMnBBBBtg--.